• To make the complexion beautiful. Healthy complexion: how to achieve it? Cinnamon and red pepper mask


    The main external and internal factors that change the complexion. Homemade beauty recipes, salon treatments and diet to improve skin tone.

    The content of the article:

    A healthy complexion is one of the main indicators of a person's external beauty. That is why every woman strives to make the skin matte, velvety, to bring it closer to a natural shade. Among the factors affecting the color of the skin are both external and internal. Moreover, not all decorative cosmetics, even in the hands of the most skilled makeup artist, can change the situation for the better. The most effective will always be a comprehensive solution that takes into account all the characteristics of the organism and circumstances. This article provides information on the possible causes of deterioration in complexion and the most effective ways to normalize it.

    Causes of an unhealthy complexion

    It is not only the summer sun in the form of a golden tan that leaves its mark on skin tone. There are many factors that can both improve the complexion and make it less attractive. This cosmetic effect is more worrisome for the female part of the population. At the same time, the use of decorative cosmetics should not be the main solution to the problem, because there are many serious reasons for an unhealthy complexion. Some of them require more thoughtful action.

    The main reasons for the loss of natural radiance and natural skin tone are as follows:

    • Health status... Pallor on the face appears with vegetative-vascular dystonia, low blood pressure, hypoxia and other problems with the cardiovascular system and blood circulation. In contrast, redness is the result of increased blood pressure. An earthy complexion is a consequence of not only dehydration, but also digestive disorders, when the intestines are not able to remove all decay products, therefore, the skin takes on part of these obligations and gradually loses its natural velvety and blush. Deterioration in skin tone can be a symptom of more serious pathologies, for example, blood poisoning, problems with the thyroid gland and immunity (including with immunodeficiency syndrome), a manifestation of cancer and general intoxication. The cause of a yellow complexion is problems with the adrenal glands, kidneys. The presence of brown spots - with the liver. White spots occur when metabolism deteriorates. In general, stress also negatively affects, which involves many body systems in the pathological process.
    • Improper nutrition... Insufficient consumption of healthy foods leads to a deficiency of important substances that are responsible for the functionality and appearance of the skin. The presence of an increased amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet slows down metabolic processes in cells, increases the secretion of sebum, impairs oxygen supply, and helps to clog pores. Coffee, strong tea, and sugary carbonated drinks lead to negative changes not only in color, but also worsen the relief, and can provoke the appearance of acne.
    • Bad habits... Red spots on the face and capillary nets on the nose and cheeks are evidence of alcohol use. A yellowish-gray color is often a distinctive feature of smokers.
    • The use of medicines... Medicines that worsen complexion include oral contraceptives, antibiotics, diuretics, etc.
    • Incorrect work and rest regime... Lack of healthy sleep depletes the body, which quickly affects the person's appearance. Bags under the eyes and dark circles appear, and premature aging develops. The skin becomes dull and dull. Increased physical activity and, oddly enough, a sedentary lifestyle also negatively affect. With a long stay in one position, vasospasm occurs, which is why they are not able to fully deliver the necessary nutrients.
    • Age changes... With age, collagen synthesis slows down in the body, which leads to a loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, and a change in shade. Menopause also leaves its mark, because during this period the hormonal background changes, the body adapts to the disturbed balance of hormones. Hot flushes contribute to facial redness.
    • The influence of the external environment... Such factors include large temperature fluctuations, exposure to sunlight, namely, the abuse of tanning both on the beach and in the solarium. At the same time, elasticity is lost, tissues are dehydrated, a grayish tint appears, as well as age spots. Overdried indoor air leads to oxygen starvation of epidermal cells and loss of moisture. Seasonal changes in weather conditions do not affect the skin for the better. lead to vitamin deficiency and, accordingly, cell depletion. Strong wind, dustiness and gas pollution of the atmosphere are also negative factors of the external environment.
    • Insufficient skin care... Improper cleansing of the skin, inadequate hydration and nutrition. This includes the low quality of the cosmetics used.

    Do not assume that only one reason can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin. More often than not, several factors are at fault. In this regard, it is very important to define them correctly.

    Normalizing the diet and giving up alcohol and cigarettes is the first comprehensive step that anyone should take, even those who do not have serious health problems. An elementary rejection of harmful foods and habits will bring great benefits to the body. Due to the large number of diseases leading to a deterioration in complexion, it is also worth visiting a doctor, undergoing diagnostic procedures and, if necessary, starting treatment for the root cause of the disorders. However, one should not forget about additional measures that can improve skin tone in a short time.

    What foods improve complexion

    We are what we eat. This truth may well be used in the context of reasoning about external beauty. For example, smoked sausages, canned food, alcohol, fried food, sugary carbonated drinks provoke negative changes in the protective skin of a person, acne, unsightly spots, peeling foci, red stars, etc. appear. Therefore, they should be abandoned.

    In general, many factors are the key to a beautiful complexion and health, but the very first thing to do is to establish a diet, include healthy dishes in it and exclude dangerous ones.

    You can improve your skin tone by consuming the following foods:

    • A fish... It is a healthy source of easily digestible acids and fats.
    • Lean meat... A lot of protein is found in beef, rabbit, turkey.
    • Offal... The liver is good for more than just blood. It supplies vitamin A.
    • Eggs... A valuable source of protein, but not overused. According to some reports, you should eat no more than 1 chicken egg every two days. You can replace it with several quail eggs.
    • Seafood... They also supply protein and minerals.
    • ... The inclusion of hard cheese, cottage cheese, butter, milk in the menu will help to improve the complexion.
    • Juices... Carrot juice has become very popular in terms of normalizing the tone of the skin. Beetroot, melon, watermelon and citrus juices are also beneficial for the skin.
    • Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs... Any yellow and orange fruits supply vitamin A. It is useful to eat fresh potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce and cabbage.
    • Cereals... Corn is rich in vitamin A. You can restore a healthy glow by eating sprouted wheat seeds.
    • Legumes... Fresh green peas provide vitamin E.
    • Dried fruits... An ideal dessert for health and beauty. They can be combined with cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.

    Replenishment of vitamins and minerals

    To restore the natural glow of the face and velvety skin, it is necessary to replenish the balance of vitamins and minerals, which perform important functions and affect the person's appearance.

    Consider which vitamins are useful for the skin:

    1. Vitamin C... A universal vitamin vital for a living organism. Its deficiency leads to laxity and dullness of the skin. To increase elasticity and accelerate the synthesis of collagen necessary for the beauty of the skin, you should take 1-2 g of this vitamin per day.
    2. Vitamin A... Due to its lack, the skin is exposed to the negative effects of the external environment, therefore it flakes, dehydrates, red spots and foci of inflammation appear on it. To increase the protective functions of the epidermis, and at the same time to even out the tone, take vitamin A.
    3. B vitamins... B2 improves cellular metabolism and respiration, helps in the treatment of dermatitis. B7 actively stimulates regeneration processes in the skin. B9 also restores the structure of cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    4. Vitamin E... Has incredible antioxidant properties. It is excellent at preventing premature aging. Actively protects against free radicals and negative external factors. With the systematic intake of this vitamin, the skin becomes softer and more attractive.
    5. Vitamin PP... Stimulates the synthesis of enzymes that ensure the normal course of cellular respiration.
    Micro and macronutrients can be obtained from food, mineral waters or used as food additives.

    Consider which minerals will help restore the natural glow and health of the epidermis:

    1. Selenium... Prevents the appearance of acne, produces an antioxidant effect, protecting cell membranes from free radical attack.
    2. Zinc... It takes part in all processes of cellular metabolism, is a unit of the genetic apparatus. Essential for both growth and cell division.
    3. Calcium... Restores skin elasticity and normalizes skin cell membrane permeability.
    4. Manganese... Increases the stability of structural elements of membranes, neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Normalizes muscle functionality, preventing the appearance of expression lines. Eliminates pigmentation and small scaly rash.
    5. Sulfur... It is part of melanin, which provides protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. By consuming a sufficient amount of this substance, you can slightly tighten the skin, eliminate itching and redness.
    6. Magnesium... Restores energy reserves in cells. Normalizes the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and fats, and also stimulates collagen synthesis. Adequate consumption prevents the development of wrinkles, relieves puffiness and helps to get rid of pallor on the face.
    7. Copper... It has a protective effect on collagen. Eliminates pale complexion.

    Daily care to improve complexion

    Beautiful skin is often the result of painstaking daily care. Her morning and evening cleansing cannot be ignored. This is, firstly, washing with clean cool water. Secondly, tonics, scrubs.

    It is known that the particles of decorative cosmetics only temporarily mask imperfections, and if the makeup is removed on time, they mix with dead cells, natural skin secretions, resulting in an earthy complexion. To avoid discoloration, you should use high-quality and safe cosmetic removers.

    Masks based on yeast and egg white, lemon, parsley, potatoes, natural coffee, carrots, tomato, cucumber and dairy products are very effective for restoring a healthy skin tone. For better results, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of the composition of the mask, select the ingredients most suitable for the type of skin integument to quickly level the tone.

    Folk recipes for home care products not only refresh the skin, but also enhance blood circulation, improve metabolism. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure, but for a lasting effect you need to do them 2-3 times a week.

    Before applying a product prepared with your own hands, you need to steam your face and / or treat with a scrub. Such preparation provides a deeper penetration of the healing components and, accordingly, great benefits.

    Consider the most popular options for face masks:
    • Egg mask... The main ingredient is the yolk. It is mixed with 15 ml of olive or almond oil. The mixture turns out to be quite liquid, so you need to apply it carefully so as not to stain your clothes. You can also use fabric pads that are soaked in the egg mass and applied to the face.
    • Orange mask... Tightens pores, removes shine, mattifies and restores skin radiance. At the same time, it is easy to prepare. The ingredients are: 1 tbsp. l. juice squeezed from an orange, 2 tbsp. l. natural low-fat yogurt or homemade yogurt, 1 egg white. First, whisk the protein into a thick foam, then gently stir in the juice and yogurt. The mass spreads easily over the skin. The exposure time is from 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool clean water.
    • Yeast mask to improve complexion... Live yeast in the amount of one teaspoon is diluted with warm milk until a homogeneous gruel is obtained, which is applied in an even layer for 15 minutes.
    • Strawberry mask... This option will charge the skin with energy, fill it with moisture, useful substances and provide an improvement in complexion. Very little strawberries are required - only 2-3 berries. The rest of the ingredients: oatmeal (1.5 tablespoons), glycerin (20 g), milk (150 ml). To prepare the mass, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder, fill them with hot milk and leave for 10 minutes. After that, stir in the grated strawberries and glycerin. The exposure time is about 30 minutes.
    Also, do not forget about using moisturizers and special protective products on days with increased solar activity, because ultraviolet radiation can lead not only to a bronze tan, but also to an unhealthy brown complexion.

    Avoid cosmetics that cause excess sebum production, clogged pores, and even mild irritation.

    Professional beauty treatments to improve skin tone

    Among the many salon procedures, there are those whose action is aimed at eliminating dull skin tone. They are quite expensive, but they are highly effective. Each technique has its own indications and limitations in conducting, therefore, before starting the course, it is urgently necessary to determine the form of violations, take into account all development factors and make a diagnosis.

    In general, beauty salons and private clinics offer the following measures to improve skin tone:

    1. Mesotherapy... Provides saturation of skin cells with various nutrients. The procedure involves the introduction of the drug by injection into problem areas at the points of stimulation of the skin regeneration mechanisms. The drug is selected depending on the type of violation.
    2. Chemical peeling... This is a very effective way to cleanse and correct the skin surface. After external application, special preparations have a multifaceted effect through chemical burns of varying degrees of intensity. Even superficial treatment gives excellent results in the form of a uniform shade, smooth surface, increased elasticity and toning of the skin. The procedure is quite dangerous in inept hands, so it must be carried out within the walls of a specialized salon.
    3. Laser peeling... It is carried out using a laser that acts with pinpoint precision. Easily removes age spots, dull and brown complexion.
    4. Facial massage... This is a safe and pleasant procedure performed by a professional massage therapist. Stimulates blood circulation, tissue regeneration, removes minor irregularities in the skin and significantly improves skin tone. Such procedures can be done independently at home, having familiarized yourself with the basic rules for carrying out.
    5. Other procedures... Biorevitalization, fractional photothermolysis, ozone therapy, photorejuvenation, plasmolifting and other salon procedures are also effective.
    How to improve complexion - watch the video:

    And don't forget about outdoor walks. They not only improve blood circulation and supply the body with oxygen, but also have a beneficial effect on mood, reduce the impact of stress factors, and therefore improve a person's appearance.

    The skin looks beautiful and fresh when the skin tissue is devoid of pores, smooth, normal oily and there is no sloughing. Good skin tone is also determined by its color.

    Milky-white color depends on whitish keratohialin grains in the epidermis, yellowish tint - from horny keratin grains in the integumentary layer of the epidermis, pinkish-red - on the blood supply to the skin. Skin pigment - melanin, defines the different nuances of more pigmented skin. The juiciness and freshness of the skin depends on an adequate blood supply to the skin and on the content of intercellular fluid. The slightly pronounced hairy moss gives the skin a fresh peach look.

    The skin of young children is soft pink, velvety, smooth, elastic, pleasantly shiny, juicy. At puberty, when the sebaceous glands begin to function vigorously, secreting large amounts of fat, the skin becomes oily and shiny. Selected fat, mixing with desquamated epidermal cells, dust, forms an unpleasant lubricant on the surface of the skin. Such skin has an unpleasant tint. The general appearance of the face deteriorates as the openings of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles expand - the skin becomes like orange bark. The skin becomes easily inflamed and reddened. The secreted sebum and depressed epidermal cells clog the openings of the sebaceous glands, forming black dots - the so-called. comedones. With such oily seborrheic skin, juvenile acne is also common. The skin takes on a greasy, unclean appearance, in places of a grayish-yellow or reddish hue due to its inflammatory irritation. While the girl had fresh, juicy, pale pink skin, at puberty her skin takes on a dirty, unclean appearance due to seborrhea. Very often, the unclean appearance of the skin results from improper hygienic and cosmetic care, the use of unsuitable creams, powders, etc. This is especially true for young girls.

    An unclean appearance of the skin also occurs in women at a later age. Due to insufficient blood circulation in the face, the skin thickens, coarsens, becomes covered with black dots and small whitish nubs under the skin. Such skin takes on a dirty gray color, an earthy hue, which gives the face a very unpleasant look. Ugly skin color is also observed in women with dry skin if the necessary hygiene and cosmetic measures are not taken in time. In this case, the skin of the face becomes more and more dry, scales and red spots appear and the skin takes on the appearance of parchment paper. Such skin is easily exposed to atmospheric and climatic changes, especially in cold weather.

    Some women have an unpleasant complexion due to stress or exhaustion of the nervous system: lack of sleep, overwork, unpleasant experiences. Many girls or young women, after one unwisely spent night, can acquire a grayish-yellowish complexion. Very often, after a strong mental stress, you cannot recognize a woman close to you due to a sharp change in the color of her face.

    Skin color varies by race and individual. It is no coincidence that, depending on the color of the skin, there are races: white, black, yellow, red. It is difficult to tell which race women have the most pleasing skin color.

    Without diminishing the beauty of other races, we are primarily interested in the skin color of women of the white race.

    Clean, good complexion can have a variety of nuances due to the individual characteristics of women, and regardless of this, it can be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Distinguish between pale white or pale pink complexion, which is most often found in blondes. An ugly complexion is more likely to have anemic girls, whose skin becomes whitish due to excessive pallor. Women with a more developed epidermis, but with tender, well-nourished skin, can have a beautiful yellowish-pink complexion. With a more pronounced skin pigment, especially in brunettes, with constant exposure to the sun and wind, the skin of the face darkens. Young women who are actively involved in agricultural work get a pleasant tan with fresh and ruddy skin. Mayakovsky rightfully writes that there is no more beautiful clothing made of bronze muscles and freshness of skin! Labor decorates and tones a woman if she knows how to observe the necessary hygiene and cosmetic rules.

    Holidays or vacations in the summer at the sea, and in the winter in the mountains with reasonably dosed exposure to the sun leads to the acquisition of a pleasant bronze complexion. The sun not only gives a bronze color to the skin, but refreshes it, tones it up and gives it a velvety look. At home, skin bronzing can be obtained by irradiation with a quartz lamp. To enhance the bronze color of the skin and protect it from burns, special cosmetic oils and creams are used. Despite this, it is not uncommon for inhomogeneous spots and marks to appear after irradiation instead of a uniform dark tan.

    A woman gets a delicate, velvety-pink complexion after swimming in the sea or in mineral waters. Some waters have a particularly tonic and refreshing effect, after which a woman's face becomes especially attractive.

    A person's face is a "visiting card" of the state of his body - the fewer problems, the healthier the skin color. A grayish tint or with a touch of yellowness, painful pallor - all these are deviations from the norm. And the reason should be sought within oneself.

    It will not be difficult to restore fresh color to the face. This requires the smallest thing - the desire to be beautiful, patience and self-love. But first, it is necessary to identify the cause, which became the "culprit" of the unhealthy skin tone.

    From what the skin on the face has lost its freshness

    The condition of the skin is influenced not only by the age factor - even in young people, the face can acquire an earthy hue. And most of the reasons leading to this are pretty trivial.

    1. The disease, of course, does not paint anyone. Therefore, before spending money on cosmetics, try first to eliminate the cause - get treated (and always under the supervision of a doctor).
    2. A person who has taken on a lot of problems sometimes “suffocates” under their weight. This will certainly affect your health, and chronic fatigue will leave a shadow on your face.
    3. There are also psychological reasons. And the expression "gray face" is most suitable for people who are in stressful situations or depressed.
    4. But often your own laziness can spoil the complexion. A person who is not able to establish his life regime will never be in good shape. Daily "felting" on the couch or sitting at the computer for many hours will not add health.
    5. Nutrition is the factor that shapes a person's well-being. There are a number of foods that are simply harmful to the human body. Only a balanced diet will help refresh the complexion, because it is based on only healthy products.
    6. Bad habits are the most "powerful" reason for which a person loses its attractiveness. Smoking, alcohol (and even more so drugs) will quickly "paint" your face in an unpresentable look.

    But sometimes the desire to be beautiful can play a cruel joke, spoiling the complexion. And this happens when a woman picks up the wrong creams, does not make up according to the rules. Or the opposite situation is complete indifference to your appearance (but this is already a neglected case).

    Principles to follow to improve complexion

    No one but yourself is capable of changing your appearance. Only daily work on yourself, on your health will give the desired result. You can improve your complexion even without the participation of beauty salons, if you follow a number of life principles.

    1. Plan your life in such a way that you have enough time for everything: for work, for your household, and for yourself. And for this you need to establish a daily routine, which will take into account such moments as walking in the fresh air, playing sports (at least morning exercises) and time for good sleep.
    2. In the same daily regimen, determine the specific hours of food intake - the body must work according to its biological clock. When you start eating at a certain time, while eating only wholesome food, your health will improve by itself. And it will help to return the fresh color his face.
    3. The skin quickly becomes decrepit, lacking moisture. Therefore, make it a rule to moisturize your body by drinking at least one and a half liters of pure (spring or filtered) water a day.
    4. Learn to take proper care of your body. Perform sanitary and hygienic procedures at least 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime. An important role in a healthy complexion is played by creams (daytime and evening), masks, tonics, etc. There should be enough of this on your dressing table.

    You should not be limited only by a number of rules - they work in combination. Taking care of your face daily with the help of cosmetic products, and at the same time specifically violating the diet, it will be difficult to achieve the effect.

    Proper nutrition will refresh your face

    In terms of chemical composition, a person is what he eats daily. And the more debris gets into the "furnace" of the body, the more it will appear on the face. Therefore, the choice of products that ensure your livelihood should be approached with all responsibility.

    1. The most important of the components necessary for the body are vitamins of all groups. Vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices, should be invariable on the dining table. Especially necessary are those that contain vitamins A and E - the condition of the skin depends on them most of all.
    2. Eggs, dairy derivatives, seafood, liver - these components slow down the aging process of the whole body, primarily due to the protein they contain.
    3. Oat flakes, soybeans, sprouted grains, nuts will help rejuvenate the body and refresh the skin of the face.
    4. But fatty meat, spicy and fried foods, pastries, canned food, fast food dishes should be completely excluded from the diet - they negatively affect metabolism. And this immediately affects the color of the skin.
    5. Lovers of natural coffee will have to make a choice: either a fragrant tonic drink, or beautiful and healthy skin. Oddly enough, coffee spoils the complexion.
    6. Sugar and salt should also be taboo. But they can be replaced by other products. An alternative to salt, for example, is soy sauce. And instead of sugar, use honey (it is very useful). And from time to time you can pamper yourself with pieces of chocolate (but only exclusively black).

    Poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract immediately affects the appearance of a person. In order to establish the process of digesting food, you need to make the body work like a clock. To do this, break her reception 4-5 times, and set a specific time for each.

    Some nutritionists even recommend taking separate meals as the principle. most products are not compatible with each other in terms of the time of their breakdown and absorption by the body. The easier the stomach is to cope with its work, the cleaner your face will be (this is such a paradox!).

    Much depends on the skillful care of the face

    If you do not pay daily attention to the skin, then the dirty gray complexion will become a familiar sign of your appearance. Then don't be surprised if mirrors will annoy you. Hygienic skin care requires a number of rules.

    1. Carry out the washing procedure 2 times a day (at least): refresh your face after sleep and in the evening remove the "traces" of the day lived from it. After all, the dust that surrounds us (and is quite invisible) settles on our bodies, clogging the pores on the skin, preventing it from "breathing".
    2. If you use makeup, you should also remove it at the end of the day using cosmetic milk (or at least soapy water).
    3. The skin needs to be moisturized, toned and nourished. Lotions, tonics, creams, at the same time, should be of the same series (or at least similar in composition), suitable for your skin type and age. Try to choose natural products.
    4. Peel your face at least once a week. Due to the regeneration process, some cells of the dermis die off, others arise, taking the place of the first. But by themselves, dead microscopic pieces of skin are almost not rejected - they must be removed. And for this, scrubs are used, the purpose of which is to refresh the skin.
    5. After peeling, you cannot do without nourishing masks, which enhance the regenerative processes in the dermis.

    Most facials can be made yourself and applied at home.

    Beauty recipes from our grandmothers

    Man is an integral part of nature. Therefore, all health and appearance problems are best eliminated with the help of her gifts. And our grandmothers' recipe books are full of tips to freshen up your skin tone (from a simple wash to nourishing night creams).

    1. Try to wash your face not with water, but with fresh milk, kefir or yogurt. These products have a whitening effect. And if the skin also flakes, then use a tincture of banana peel.
    2. You can tone your skin with ice cubes. And it is better if they are from a decoction of medicinal herbs. But for each type of skin, a specific composition must be selected. A decoction of lemon balm and mint is universal.
    3. Wipe the skin with your own whitening lotion: 2 tbsp. mix vodka with juice squeezed out of 0.5 lemon, add sea buckthorn oil 1 tsp. and egg yolk whipped with sour cream (0.5 cups).
    4. A scrub based on cottage cheese will help cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation, and therefore refresh the complexion. It is mixed with honey and sugar in equal proportions. Peel with massage movements for 10-15 minutes.
    5. The cucumber face mask is suitable for all skin types. Only for those who have it oily, to 1 tbsp. grated cucumber, add whipped protein. For dry skin, yolk is added. The mask is kept for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
    6. Add a little orange oil to the night cream you usually use. And the cream should be applied to the skin with the help of a silver teaspoon, passing light movements along the massage lines.

    And you can also offer a rather unusual means for refreshing the face - honey massage. First, honey is applied to the skin in a thin layer and left on the face for 10 minutes. Then begin to do patting jerky finger manipulation. This will help clear any dirt from the pores.

    You do not need to wash your face after the massage (wash only your hands). Let the skin dry on its own, then you can apply a day cream. This procedure is carried out immediately after waking. Carrying out a similar massage every other day for a month, you can achieve a permanent fresh blush on your face.

    Video: how to improve complexion and skin condition

    Complexion, shining eyes - all this is on the wish list of any woman. But desire alone is not always enough. After all, the face clearly demonstrates to those around us everything, including lack of sleep, improper diet, lack of care, etc. And if youth temporarily hides all the flaws, then with age, women are increasingly unhappy with their appearance.

    Healthy complexion requires investment and effort. And here are some simple tips to help you improve your skin tone and condition and give your face a healthy look.

    • To get started, get into the habit of drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. Only this water should be clean and non-carbonated. Tea, coffee, juices and other drinks cannot replace water for the body. If it is difficult for you, then in the morning pour liquid into a two-liter decanter - now you will know that you must drink all the contents in a day.
    • Switch to proper nutrition. Avoid unhealthy fried foods, fast food, spicy foods, canned food and smoked meats. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Let your diet only contain boiled or steamed dishes. Such a diet for the face will give you not only but also excellent health.
    • Give up bad habits. Smoking makes the skin gray and flabby, and regular alcohol consumption also leaves a mark - swelling, puffiness and flaking.
    • A healthy complexion will help you sleep well. After all, insomnia or constant lack of sleep first of all leave ugly bags or bruises under the eyes on the face.
    • Your skin needs calcium. Of course, ready-made preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy. But you can combine the useful with the pleasant. Include in your diet fish, milk, homemade cottage cheese, which contain a huge amount of this mineral. There is a lot of calcium in nuts and dried fruits.
    • Limit the amount of spices and salt in your body. Give up salty foods, spicy foods, canned food. The fact is that salt increases the amount of fluid accumulating in the body, which results in edema, not only on the face, but also throughout the body.
    • Don't forget about fresh air. Walk at least half an hour a day. And on weekends, organize a hike to the forest or mountains, where the air is especially clean. But do not go too far, especially in the summer, when the skin is constantly susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In sunny months, cover your face with a mild sunscreen before going outside.
    • Regular exercise will also give you a healthy complexion. Indeed, during training, blood circulation is significantly improved, which means that your skin will receive more oxygen and nutrients.
    • Try vitamins to improve your facial skin. What substances does she need? For starters, vitamin A, which gives elasticity, and which has a rejuvenating effect, and is also considered an excellent prevention of spider veins. But vitamin E perfectly protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. If you have problem skin, then the vitamin complex must necessarily include vitamin D, which quickly removes toxins and toxins. B vitamins are great for delicate, dry, irritating skin.
    • Do not forget about proper and regular maintenance. Remember that it is neither too early nor too late to care for your skin. The main thing is to correctly determine the care products. First, find out what type of skin you have, and then select lotions, creams, toners and masks that can cope with the problem.

    Pay attention to age - something that can be used at 40 is strictly prohibited for young girls. Remember to wash off your makeup before bed.

    And, most importantly, remember that you can look divine, it just takes a little more effort.

    A beautiful even tone of the face speaks of the absence of health problems, the ability to take care of oneself and relieves of internal complexes. Unfortunately, most people have to work hard to achieve a positive outcome. Consider the methods by which you can quickly improve your complexion at home.

    Facial care products

    One of the main conditions for a uniform complexion is good blood circulation, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to the skin cells. Ensure it is the right skin care. There are the following mandatory steps:

    1. Start by washing your face every morning. This will help the skin to wake up, close the pores and remove the oil that has been released overnight. It is very useful to prepare in advance cubes from a frozen decoction of herbs (chamomile, mint) or green tea and wipe the skin with them.
    2. Cleanse the skin with special cleansers to remove impurities and residues of oil. This can be a cosmetic soap, lotion, or wash gel.
    3. Wipe the skin with a tonic that will restore the natural acid-base balance, relieve inflammation, dryness, and eliminate skin redness.
    4. The final stage of daily facial skin care is its nutrition and hydration. In the cold season, cosmetologists recommend applying a nourishing cream in the morning and a moisturizing cream in the evening, and in a warm season - moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish it in the evening. Thus, the skin receives a sufficient amount of moisture every day, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

    Such care is necessary for the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. And cosmetics must be selected according to the age factor and skin type. For help, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist in order to accurately determine your type and choose the right cosmetics.

    In addition to your daily grooming, be sure to do it once or twice a week. To do this, use the peeling means. Such cleansing of the upper layer of the skin of the face will provide an even color of its entire surface. A scrub made from oatmeal, ground coffee, sugar or salt will do an excellent job with this task. Choose the most suitable peeling for yourself.

    How to improve your complexion: vitamins and nutrition

    An equally important factor that affects the complexion is a healthy diet. A pale color with a grayish tinge is a sign. The first step is to try to solve this problem with a balanced diet, and if you fail, drink a course of vitamins. There are some dietary rules that affect your complexion. Let's consider them in more detail.
    1. Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. These are salty, sweet, smoked, fried, spicy, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, soda, as well as snacks containing many preservatives and chemical additives.
    2. Eat foods that contain fiber, vitamins, and nutrients.For constant regeneration of skin cells, protein is needed - this is lean meat of birds and animals, legumes, all types of fish, dairy products, fiber (cereals, whole grain bread, vegetable food), as well as healthy unsaturated fats, which are rich in cold-pressed vegetable oils, salmon, mackerel, herring.

      Beauty vitamins and are simply irreplaceable for the skin. The first of them is found in liver, butter, sour cream, fatty fish, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, herbs, lettuce, apricots, melon, plums. Vitamin E is rich in seeds, nuts, cereals, peas, corn, soy, eggs, liver and vegetable oils. Regular use of all these products will not only provide the skin with beneficial trace elements, but will also bring undeniable benefits to the entire body.

    3. Skin hydration is extremely important for an even complexionto ensure that you are drinking enough fluids. To improve your complexion, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. For these purposes, spring, mineral or melt water without gases is best suited.

    Another effective and affordable method for everyone that affects skin color are masks that you can prepare yourself at home. The result will appear instantly, immediately after rinsing.
    • Fresh cucumber whitens the skin well. Use only a grated vegetable or add a tablespoon of honey to it.
    • Any citrus fruit (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) will do for masks. The secret lies in vitamin C, which has a whitening function. Just moisten a sponge with the juice and apply to your face.
    • Masks from any fermented milk product even out the complexion. For owners of dry and normal skin types, it is preferable to use sour cream or fatty cottage cheese, and for oily skin, a yoghurt mask is better.
    • In winter, when there are no fresh vegetables and fruits, you can use grated raw potatoes for a mask, adding a spoonful of flour and honey to it. This mask should eliminate pigmentation of the skin.

      Video tips on how to improve complexion and skin condition (Alginate masks):

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