• Summary of classes using health-saving technologies. Lesson summary using health-saving technologies Topic: An exciting journey. Health. Summaries of healthy lifestyle classes, health-preserving classes - Summary of classes in physical


    Abstract of the GCD on the topic: "It is good to be healthy!" (using health-saving technologies)

    Target: to form in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of observing hygiene procedures, physical exercises and daily regimen.


    - Continue to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main


    To generalize and expand children's knowledge about useful products, about the relationship

    health and nutrition;- To enrich and activate the speech of children on the topic;- Continue to teach to analyze, to draw conclusions.

    - Continue to develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, ingenuity;- To form the need for the observance of cultural and hygienic skills,

    daily routine;

    Develop expressiveness when reading poetry, the ability to guess riddles;

    Develop an interest in taking care of your health, the manifestation of independence,

    the ability to demonstrate knowledge in a game and speech form.

    - foster a responsible attitude to their health;

    To foster a sense of collectivism, the ability to be a team;

    Cultivate a habit of cleanliness and order.

    Methods and techniques:

    Surprise moment

    Cognitive activities with a health-improving orientation,

    Movement exercises

    The game

    Verbal methods

    Visual methods

    Preliminary work:

    Conversation with children about a healthy lifestyle;

    Spending days and weeks of health;

    Reading proverbs and sayings about the value of health;

    Learning the poem "Microbe";

    Role-playing game "Hospital"

    Reading fiction. health literature.

    Integration of educational areas :

    Reading fiction- Communication- Socialization- Cognition

    - emblems for the teams "Apples", "Carrots";- magnetic board, chalk;- a ball of medium diameter;- a book with riddles;- a basket of apples.

    Daily Routine Posters

    The course of the lesson.

    Do you guys want to go on a trip? Let's stand in a circle, join hands, that's how great! Did you know that the word "great" comes from the word "hello"? say this word out loud every day, do it as often as possible, and then you will have a good mood and be healthy.

    Children, we pronounce this word not only to greet another person, but also to wish him what, what do you think?

    That's right (we wish the person health).

    Right now we are standing in a circle and holding hands! Let's close our eyes, lower our hands, circle around us and go to the country of "Health"

    One two Three! We open our eyes. So we ended up in the country "Health" (children pass at the tables.),

    Children, the ancient Greeks said:"In a healthy body healthy mind".

    Have you ever thought that health has many loyal and good friends?

    Let's think about what helps a person to be healthy?

    (Charging, proper nutrition, cleanliness, fresh air, daily routine)

    That's right guys. To start a conversation about the first health assistant, let's play a game"My morning". Passing the ball in a circle, we will tell each other what we do in the morning.

    Well done! The first assistant to health is water. Cool clean water, with which we wash, brush our teeth, wash our hands, it hardens our body, drives away sleep, cleanses the skin, washing away germs from it.

    What are microbes? What do you know about them? (Answers of children).

    The microbe is a terribly harmful animal:

    Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.

    Such is the animal in the stomach

    He climbs in - and lives there quietly.

    Crawl in, you fool, and wherever you want

    He walks around the patient and tickles.

    He is proud to have so much trouble from him:

    And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

    Did you dolls wash your hands before dinner?

    Oh, brother Fox, you look like a cold.

    Wait a minute, you have a hot forehead:

    There must be a microbe in you!

    Sometimes germs get not only on the hands or face, but also in the nose, throat, and then we begin to sneeze and cough. How to protect yourself from such microbes?

    (be in a ventilated area, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief,

    observe cleanliness, order everywhere ...).

    Right. And now I suggest you perform a hardening nasal breathing complex.

      Stroke the nose (sides of the nose) from the tip to the bridge of the nose, inhale. As you exhale, tap on the wings of the nose with your index fingers.(5 - 6 times).

      Do8 – 10 inhalation and exhalation through the right nostril, then through the left,

    taking turns closing the resting one with the index finger.

      Inhale through your nose. Pull the sound at the exitMMM, simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with your fingers. Quickly draw in the abdominal muscles inside the abdomen, at the same time make a sharp exhalation through the nose(h - 4 times).

      During exhalation, open your mouth wide and, as far as possible, stick out

    tongue, trying to reach the chin with its tip. Say without a sound:

    ah-ah (5 - 6 times).

    Our second friend, as you rightly noted, is morning exercises.

    Think about how it benefits us? (She drives away sleep, gives us a cheerful, good mood, strengthens muscles, strengthens our health).

    Right. Not only people, but also animals clean themselves up after sleep. Let's remember our physical education "Hamster" and warm up a little.

    Physical education

    Homa, homa, hamster

    Wears a red jacket

    Homa gets up early

    Washes paws, cleans mouth.

    He puts everything in order

    And goes out to charge.

    One, two, three, four, five -

    Homa jumps again.

    Guys, what is the name of a certain daily routine that helps us stay healthy?

    (Daily regime).

    Right. If you always wake up at the same time, have breakfast, go for a walk, go to bed, then our body develops a certain rhythm that helps to maintain health and vigor.

    Surprising moment.

    A knock on the door, Doctor Aibolit enters.

    Hello children! Guys, I heard you talk about health and hygiene here. And I want to check you, do you know about what food is healthy, what is not? I offer you an unusual quiz game "Vitamin food always gives us strength".

    Two teams will participate in the competition: "Apples" and "Carrots".

    (Children are divided into 2 teams).

    So, the first competition"Warm-up" .

    I will ask questions, and for each correct answer, the team gets one point. (Written down on the board).


      What vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

      How do we taste different tastes? (Language).

      What are some very healthy berries that ripen under the snow? (Cranberry).

      What kind of porridge can be cooked from millet? (Millet).

      Bread slicer? (Knife).

      What is the name of dried grapes? (Raisin).

      When is it better to eat fatty foods - in winter or summer? (In winter).

      What vegetables should you eat in order not to catch a cold? (Garlic, onion).

      What else does a person need besides food? (Water).

      What is the best water to drink? (Boiled, peeled).

      Is watermelon a vegetable or a fruit? (Berry).

      What do dates grow on? (On a palm tree).

      What is called forest meat? (Mushrooms).

      What is the morning meal called? (Breakfast).

    Let's sum up the results of the first competition.

    (Points count).

    We continue our game.

    Second competition"Riddles".

    There are vegetables and fruits.How many of them are there?Also available in pill formTastes better than candy.For Mishan and PolinaWhat's useful? - ... (Vitamins)

    In this fancy storeYou will see in the windowNot toys, not products,And not grandma's shoes.Here is the medicine and the pillsOintments, drops and pipettes.In order not to get sickWhere should you go? - ... (To pharmacy)

    Round, ruddy,

    I grow on a branch.

    Adults love me

    Children love me. (Apple)

    Bright, sweet, poured,

    All covered in gold.

    Not from the candy factory -

    From distant Africa. (Orange)

    Himself scarlet, sugar,

    The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon)

    We took her clothes

    The tubs are no longer empty -

    They will ferment ... (cabbage)

    Families live underground

    We water them from a watering can.

    And Polina and Antoshka

    Let's call to dig ... (potatoes)

    Oh, we cry with him,

    If we want to clean it.

    But from a hundred ailments

    Bitter will heal us ... (onion)

    The head, and the mustache on top.

    No, it tastes not sweet.

    They came running with all their might

    We'll pick for dinner ... (garlic)

    Like a watermelon -

    Also thick-skinned.

    I'm used to the yellow dress,

    Basking in the sun ... (pumpkin)

    Climbing on a string

    Brothers from the hillside bed.

    These brothers are twins

    And their name is ... (cucumbers)

    In the summer, without fear of the heat,

    Ripe red balls.

    They ripened like a match.

    What kind of vegetable? (A tomato)

    The yellow ball has grown into the ground,

    Above there is only a green tail.

    Holds on to the garden bed tightly

    Round vegetable. This is ... (turnip)

    The old house fell apart:

    There was little room in it.

    All tenants are alarmed.

    Who are they? (Peas)

    (Points count).

    Well done! Now I suggest you take some rest before the last, most important competition. (Doctor Aibolit spends a physical minute with D. "Once to get up, stretch").

    Physical education

    Once to rise, to stretch,

    Two bend, unbend,

    Three - three claps in your hands,

    Three nods of my head,

    And four - arms are wider,

    Five - wave your hands,

    Well, six - you can sit down!

    The last competition"What we need for health."

    I will call you words and throw the ball. If you need it in order to be healthy, catch the ball, if not, push it away.

    Our quiz game is over. Well done boys! We coped with all the tasks. I see here I have nothing else to do. Health to you! (Doctor Aibolit leaves.)

    Educator: Guys, our acquaintance with health friends has come to an end. What new and interesting things have you learned? What did you like the most?

    Let's repeat with you what it takes to be healthy?

    (Answers of children).

    You were all great today. Thank you very much! And this is a delicious and vitamin gift from me. (The teacher gives the children a basket of apples).

    Tatiana Berezhnaya
    Cognitive integrated lesson using health-saving technologies "Journey to the fairy forest"

    Target: Create conditions for development cognitive initiatives of preschoolers in the process of getting to know the world around them.


    Learning tasks:

    continue to learn to name, recognize and distinguish geometric shapes, compare, find similarities and differences, learn to distinguish colors (red, blue, green, yellow), concepts (one, many, large, small,

    learn to determine the direction to the right, left, up, down.

    Developmental tasks:

    Develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects, reflect, generalize the results;

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

    Develop the ability to negotiate joint actions;

    Educational tasks:

    Promote the manifestation of positive emotions;

    Foster friendly peer relationships through collective decision making cognitive task, to form a joyful mood, a desire to help each other., to foster a desire to always come to the aid of the weak, to the little ones.

    Material: two Christmas trees (large and small, a hare, a large sun and several small suns, cardboard hedgehogs of different colors, clothespins in red, blue, yellow and green, small cardboard boots (by the number of children) with geometric shapes pasted on them (circle, square, triangle, soft modules, massage mat.

    The course of the lesson.

    Educator. Look how many guests have come to us! Let's go with them let's say hello(Greet.) Something cloudy today. Where is our sun? Let's call him!

    The call "Sun"

    The sun is bright, dress up! (Arms folded, slapped on the shoulders.)

    The sun is red, show yourself! (Clap their hands.)

    Put on a yellow dress (slap on the chest,

    Give us a clear day! (They clap overhead.)

    The teacher shows the big sun

    Educator. So the sun shone, shone, sparkled.

    The teacher shows a large sun.

    Educator Children, what is the largest sun?

    Children. Great.

    Educator. How many big suns?

    Children. One thing.

    The teacher shows several little suns.

    Educator. And what kind of suns are these?

    Children. Small.

    Educator. How many little suns?

    Children. Many.

    Educator. Do you want to be little suns, helpers of the big sun? Turn one, two, turn into suns. What is the sun doing? That's right, it shines, it warms. How can you, little suns, warm everyone? Probably, by their good deeds. Let's go with you to the forest, see if someone needs our help. I invite you to the carpet - the plane. Join hands.

    We fly on the carpet with you

    We stand firmly on our feet.

    The carpet lifts us up high (stand on their toes)

    And quietly lowers (spring with feet).

    Right - left tilted

    And lowered to the ground (squat).

    Educator. Children, we are no longer in a group - we are in the forest with you. It is beautiful and fresh here, the air is clean, it is easy to breathe.

    Breathing exercises "To the sun".

    Movements are performed according to the text.

    I raise my hands to the sun

    I breathe in and I breathe in

    Well, I put my hands down,

    I breathe out the air quietly.

    Educator. Who is that sitting under the tree?

    Children. Hedgehogs.


    Hedgehogs are very sad. Why do you think?

    Children. The hedgehogs have lost their thorns.

    Educator: Can you help the hedgehogs to attach the thorns?

    Didactic game "Hang on the thorns!"

    The task is carried out individually. Children are given cardboard hedgehogs of different colors (green, yellow, red, blue)... Thorns (clothespins) cling to the color of the hedgehog. What color is your hedgehog?

    Educator. Let's show what thorns a hedgehog has!

    Finger exercise "Hedgehog".

    The little hedgehog is frozen and curled up into a ball (hands locked, fingers pressed).

    The sun of the hedgehog warmed (slowly raise your fingers up)

    The hedgehog turned around (wiggle your raised fingers).

    Educator. The hedgehogs are saying thank you for your help.

    Top, top feet are striding down the path

    We walk through the forest, step over the stumps.

    See who is hiding behind the tree?

    Children. Bunny.

    Educator. Bunny why are you sad?

    Bunny. My throat hurts.

    I wet my legs in the stream,

    Because he lost his boots.

    Help me guys!

    Can you help the bunny to pick up the boots?

    Bunny. now I will give you one boot. We need to find a mate for him. A geometric figure is glued to each boot. We need to find boots with the same figure. But before we get down to work, let's remember. What are the shapes (Shows figures, children call them).

    Didactic game "Pick up your boots!"

    Children are given one boot with geometric shapes glued to them.

    Everyone should pick up the second boot according to the geometric shape. What geometric shape do you have on your boot?

    Educator. Show the bunny the boots, and he will see if you picked them up correctly. Let's give the bunny boots.

    Educator. Let's show the bunny what to do in order not to get sick!

    Massage "Nebolika". (movement along the text)

    So that your throat does not hurt

    We will stroke him boldly.

    So as not to cough, not to sneeze,

    You need to rub the nose.

    We will massage the ears,

    We'll even rub our forehead.

    We'll clap our hands

    Yes, and we will rub the legs.

    We know, we know - yes, yes, yes! -

    We don't need a cold!

    Bunny: Thank you guys for your help. I invite you to play.

    (Music game - "Bunny").

    Educator: Thank you bunny for a fun game. It's good in the woods, but it's time for us to get back. Goodbye bunny. We go to our carpet, the plane, stand in a circle, hold hands and rise on our toes!

    The carpet lifts us up high (stand on their toes)

    And quietly lowers (spring with feet).

    Right - left tilted (lean first to one side, then to the other)

    And lowered to the ground (squat).

    Educator. Suns, 1,2,3,4,5 became guys again. Did you like being little suns and helping animals in the forest?

    Educator. Which of the animals did you help in the forest?

    Children. The hedgehog and the bunny.

    Educator. What's your mood? In! (Shows his thumb raised up, the children repeat after the teacher.) Let's give a good mood to our guests!

    Children open their palms, blow off them "good mood" towards the guests and say goodbye to them.

    Related publications:

    Purpose: preservation and strengthening of physical and psychophysical health through health-saving technologies. Tasks: to work out.

    "A journey into the past of the watch." Integrated lesson using health-saving technologies Purpose: To acquaint children with different types of watches (solar, sand, water, wax, mechanical, electronic). Tasks: Teach children.

    Integrated physical culture and cognitive lesson "Travel around the world with the Magic Globe" Objectives: - to form the attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children; - to contribute to the broadening of horizons; - to form ideas about traditions.

    Integrated lesson in St. Petersburg studies "My favorite city" using ICT and health-saving technologies Organized educational activities with children of the middle group in the field of cognitive development: an integrated lesson “My beloved.

    Integrated lesson (cognitive development using non-traditional techniques of the artistic and aesthetic cycle) An integrated lesson (cognitive development using non-traditional techniques of the artistic and aesthetic cycle) for children.

    Integrated lesson in the first junior group. "Journey to the fairytale magic forest" Integrated lesson in the first junior group. "Journey to the fairytale magic forest" Objectives: 1. Fix the primary colors. Teach concepts.

    The use of health-preserving and play technologies in pedagogical practice The full preservation of the mental and physical health of preschool children is the primary task facing the modern day.

    The final integrated lesson in mathematics in the middle group "Journey to the fairy forest" Purpose: To form children's interest in mathematics through musical play activities. To improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal.

    Summary of the final lesson (cognitive and mathematics) "Travel to a fairy-tale city" Summary of the final lesson (cognitive and mathematics) "Travel to the fairytale city" 2nd junior group. Compiled by the teacher: Efremova.

    Integrated lesson "Journey to the fairy forest" Software content: To involve children in listening to classical music. Think creatively. Learn to imagine using associations.

    Image library:

    Target: Consolidate knowledge of the seven colors of the rainbow.

    Tasks: educational: to enrich the vocabulary, to promote the assimilation of the sound and grammatical structure of speech. Learn to combine movement with speech.

    Learn to correlate color with the object where it can be seen. To consolidate knowledge about the phenomenon of nature - rainbow, rain, wind. Form correct speech breathing. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Use phonopedic health exercises.

    Preliminary work: talking about the colors of the rainbow, drawing a rainbow, looking at pictures. Learning speech games, articulation and breathing exercises. Learning and performing wellness acupressure and play massage. Learning finger games.

    Guys, today is not an ordinary day for us. We will go to the Magic Land of Colors. And since we have a long road ahead of us, we must finally wake up. First, we'll wake up our fingers.

    Gymnastics with the ball "Hedgehog"

    We will take "Hedgehog" in our palms (take a massage ball)

    And rub it lightly, (in one handle we hold the ball, with the other we hold it over it)

    Let's see his needles, (change the handle, do the same)

    Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)

    I twist the "hedgehog" in my hands, (we twist the ball with our fingers)

    I want to play with him. (throw up the ball)

    I will make a house in my palms - (we hide the ball in our palms)

    The cat will not reach him. (we press our palms to ourselves)

    And now we will check if our eyes have woken up.

    Exercise "Butterfly"

    (ophthalmic exercises)

    Look at what a beautiful butterfly flew to us.

    Let's follow her flight with our eyes only

    The butterfly flew, flew

    And she sat down on a flower.

    Fingers woke up, eyes woke up, it remains only to check whether our legs and ears have woken up.

    We stand in a circle. When the tambourine sounds loud:

    We walk in circles and stamp our feet

    when the tambourine sounds quiet:

    We stand on our toes and walk very quietly in a circle.

    Quiet Loud Exercise

    Now we are definitely ready for our journey (music sounds)

    We get up one after another in the train (hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing).

    Have arrived! Exit the trailers. Let's get some fresh air.

    Let's take a deep breath through our nose, and as we exhale, say "Good." And once again we breathe in slowly, deeply, and as we exhale, we say joyfully, "How good."

    Breathing exercise "How good."

    (the teacher puts on a beret and takes a brush with a palette)

    Taking paper I paint

    And set off on a long journey

    In nature, above the landscape

    I'll work a little

    Only now is the trouble

    The whole palette is empty here!

    All of a sudden, the colors ran away!

    Not one is left here!

    Find your box game (children from the magic bag take out a colored circle and, at the command of the teacher, should go to the box of their own color).

    (Sound of thunder and rain.)

    Guys, it started to rain in the Magic Land of Colors. Let's play with him.

    Self-massage speech game "Rain"

    Drop-drop, we need to go home

    (Children stroke each other's backs.)

    Thunder-thunder like from cannons, today is a holiday for the frogs

    (fists knock on the back)

    Hail-hail, pouring hail,

    (fingers knock on the back)

    Everyone is sitting under the roofs.

    (make the "Roof" with your hands above your head).

    (sound of wind sounds)

    Guys, look what the wind did with our pictures. He mixed up their colors. (Pictures with blue leaves, red bananas, yellow eggplants, green clouds, blue tomatoes, purple sun, orange rain.)

    The game "This does not happen"

    Sorting pictures by color (which they should be)

    Guys, what colors did we get? What one drawing can we draw using all these colors? That's right, a rainbow.

    Let's try to reach for the rainbow.

    Exercise for the development of the muscles of the back "Puffs"

    Guys, did you like our trip to the magical land of fairy tales?

    (Children's answer.)

    Would you like to visit it again?

    (Children's answer.)

    We will definitely come back there, as there is something interesting happening every day. And now it's time for us to eat.

    Tatiana Matsupa
    Summary of the lesson with the use of health-saving technologies "Take care of your health!"

    Educational area: cognitive development

    Activity: directly educational

    Age group: senior group

    Topic: "Take care of your health!"

    Purpose: to maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

    Software content:

    Shape u de the idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; - to expand the idea that health depends on a person, health can and should be monitored, protected, preserved and maintained;

    Develop general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

    Develop attention, perception, speech;

    Foster a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

    Preliminary work: conversation "What is health", reading the works of K. Chukovsky, G. Oster, examining illustrations on the topic "Health".

    Materials and equipment: a bag with personal hygiene items.

    Activity progress

    Educator. Hello, having said hello, we wish each other good health. It is important in life that a person is healthy. People say "Everything is healthy for a healthy person." If a person is healthy, then he is in a good mood, everything in life turns out, just do not be lazy.

    Popular wisdom also says: "Health is more expensive than wealth, health cannot be bought." What does this mean, what do you think?

    Children. Health in the store is not for sale; money cannot buy it.

    Educator. That's right, health is more valuable than money, it must be protected from childhood.

    Guys, which of you will answer the question: How can a person take care of their health? What should he do?

    Children. You need to do physical education, observe the daily routine, monitor the purity of your body, eat right, temper, do exercises ...

    Educator. That's all right, every morning you need to start with exercises. If everything is okay with you,

    We start charging.

    Physical education (speech with movement)

    Every day in the morning

    Doing exercises Walking in place

    We like it very much

    To do in order Hands to shoulders to the sides

    Have fun walking Walking in place

    Raise your hands Hands up

    Lower your hands Hands down

    Squat and stand up (6 times)

    Jump and jump (6 times)

    Respiratory gymnastics "Magic ball"

    (children pronounce the words, then "inflate the balloon" inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the lips closed by a tube)

    I blew a magic ball

    He was bitten by a mosquito.

    It doesn't matter if the balloon burst

    I'll blow a new balloon.

    Educator. I have a wonderful bag on my table, it was handed over by Moidodyr. Do you know who Moidodyr is?

    Children. Wash Basins Chief and Washcloths Commander.

    Educator. And what lies in the bag, we learn from the riddles in a letter from Moidodyr.

    Warm-up "Riddle - answer"

    So as not to be dirty,

    You should be friends with me.

    Foamy, fragrant,

    Hands will be clean. (Soap)

    So that a smile is sown with whiteness

    Make friends - ka with me! (Toothpaste)

    I am a laughter

    Your girlfriend's teeth

    I like to clean everything

    Clean your teeth! (Brush)

    Do your hair right away

    If you take in your hand ... (Comb)

    I'm in charge in the bath

    I AM -… (Bath washcloth)

    Ah, I am velvety

    Wipe out the body - it will be clean. (Towel)

    The teacher takes out personal hygiene items from the bag and talks with the children about the purpose of each item and the need for hygiene procedures.

    Educator. Why do hygiene procedures?

    Children. Hygienic procedures wash away dirt, destroy germs so that people do not get sick.

    Finger gymnastics

    We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Clap their hands

    Where is the water hiding here? Make waves with your hands

    Come out, voditsa! They call her hands

    We have come to wash! Simulate washing with water

    Lay on your palm! Pour water from palm to palm

    Little by little ...

    No, not a little. Waving a finger

    Spray water on your face more boldly Simulate face washing

    Let's wash our face more fun!

    Educator. Yes, Moidodyr always reminds children:

    Long live fragrant soap, We must, we must wash

    And a fluffy towel, in the mornings and evenings,

    And tooth powder, And the unclean ones to the chimney sweeps,

    And a thick scallop! Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

    Educator. So what should you do to be healthy? I suggest you play the game "This must be done." I will name the actions, if you think that they need to be performed, clap your hands together, if not, stamp your feet.

    To be healthy, you need:

    Get hardened

    Do exercises,

    Brush your teeth,

    Wash my face

    Wash your hands more often

    Go without a hat,

    To eat snow,

    Dress for the weather

    Walk more in the fresh air,

    Move a little


    There are many sweet things.

    Educator. To stay healthy, everyone needs to eat right! Food can be healthy and unhealthy. Guys, let's tell you what foods are good for the body.

    Word game "Yes and no"


    Porridge is delicious food. (Yes)

    Is this useful to us?

    There is always a green onion

    Is it useful for you, children? (Yes)

    Are chips good for you? (No)

    The cabbage soup is a great food.

    Are cabbage soup useful for children? (Yes)

    Fruit is just beauty! (Yes)

    Is this useful to us?

    Dirty berries sometimes. (No)

    Is it healthy to eat, kids?

    A ridge of vegetables grows. (Yes)

    Are vegetables healthy?

    Juice, compotes for lunch. (Yes)

    Is drinking good for children?

    Eat a bag of big chocolates - (Yeah)

    It's bad kids

    Just healthy food (Yeah)

    On the table we always have!

    And since healthy food -

    Will we be healthy?

    Educator. Guys, I want to wish you all good health, so that each of you will cherish and appreciate it.

    Related publications:

    "I will help myself - I will save my health!" Lesson summary using ICT and health-saving technologies Organized educational activities with children of the middle group in the field of cognitive development: protection of life and health “To myself.

    Take care of your health. Objectives: - prevention of bad habits among pupils; - formation of personal hygiene skills. Stroke: Foster 1. Hello everyone.

    Purpose Creation of a positive emotional background, development of creative abilities of children. Tasks: Educational: To form.

    Physical culture leisure with the use of health-saving technologies "Path of health". Purpose: - formation of knowledge about strengthening and maintaining health; -to develop a respect for your health. Equipment: posters “Ya.

    Fun game in the senior group "Take care of your health" MBDOU Kindergarten № 110 Fun game in the senior group "Zvezdochka" "Take care of your health" Educator - Fedotova MS Purpose: To fix.

    Musical lesson with the use of health-saving technologies "In the magic forest" Abstract of a musical lesson with health-preserving technologies "In a magic forest" Program "Holiday every day" And Kaplunova, I.

    GCD summary for 1 younger group with the use of health-saving technologies Theme of GCD "Spring Adventures in the Forest" Educational area: cognitive development. Purpose: to develop intellectual abilities.

    Lesson summary (together with parents) using health-saving technologies "Our health is the most important thing" Course of the lesson: Organizational moment: Today I gathered friends: Parents and their children, Friendly guests from all regions and territories.

    GCD "Take care of yourself and your health" (based on cognitive research, play and communication activities) Purpose: the formation in children of a conscious attitude to issues of personal safety. Objectives: To help children in mastering the concept of "health".

    Scenario of entertainment with the use of health-saving technologies for children of the preparatory group "Visiting the Snowman". Purpose: creation of play situations that activate the creative manifestations of children; give the joy of communication with one of your favorite fairy-tale characters.

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    To form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle; to consolidate the ideas of children about ways to strengthen and maintain health; foster a desire to take care of your health, lead an active lifestyle, create a positive emotional background, observe the rules of personal hygiene and eat healthy foods. These are the goals and objectives of the lessons, the notes and scenarios of which are offered to your attention on the pages of this special section. In it you will find a lot of useful advice on the preparation and conduct of events, both general and specialized topics: about vitamins and healthy eating, about sports and valeological aspects of life. Use in your work the summaries of conversations presented here, physical education, hardening and play activities, parental meetings about healthy lifestyles and health preservation.

    We teach you to healthy lifestyle according to notes on MAAM!

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    Showing publications 1-10 of 6464.
    All sections | Health. Summaries of healthy lifestyle classes, health-preserving classes

    Summary of GCD in the preparatory group "In what foods are vitamins hidden?" Abstract GCD in the preparatory group "What foods are vitamins hidden in?". Goals: to systematize children's knowledge about vitamins Tasks: To tell children about the benefits and importance of vitamins for humans; replenish the idea of ​​vitamin-containing products. Educate value ...

    Summary of lessons with children of the younger group in modeling "Vitamins for animals" Description: This material is useful and interesting for both educators of younger groups and their parents; presupposes preliminary preparation. Goals: consolidation of children's knowledge about vitamins, their benefits; consolidation of knowledge about vegetables and fruits; acquaintance with the properties of plasticine; ...

    Health. Summaries of healthy lifestyle classes, health-preserving classes - OOD in the second junior group "Travel to the country of health"

    Publication "OOD in the second junior group" Travel to the country ... " Prepared by: educator Volmer Galina Nikolaevna MADOU "Combined type kindergarten No. 7 in Shebekino, Belgorod region" (November 2019) OOD in the second junior group "Travel to the country of health" Purpose: to form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle ....

    Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

    Abstract of the event "Journey to health wizards" with children of middle preschool age Journey to the Health Wizards. Purpose: creating conditions for generalizing the elementary knowledge of children about a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: to develop cognitive interest; imagination; thinking; help to comprehend the system of measures that contribute to the improvement of a person's health; bring up...

    Synopsis of the parent meeting in the preparatory group "Caring for health"(together with a physical education instructor) Purpose: formation of parents' stable motivation to preserve and strengthen the health of their children. Objectives: · To raise the level of knowledge of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children's health. Identify factors ...

    Abstract of a music lesson with health-saving technologies Abstract of a musical lesson with health-saving technologies. Musical director E.V. Abdyusheva MBDOU kindergarten "Sun" Morshansk district. Spring streams.  Repeat the exercise with children, teaches children to convey the smooth, calm nature of music, ...

    Health. Summaries of healthy lifestyle classes, health-saving classes - Summary of physical culture classes using health-saving technologies in the middle group

    OUTLINE of physical culture classes using health-saving technologies in the middle group was prepared by: physical culture instructor Marchenko I.A. Ivanovo 2019 Topic: Health-saving technologies in physical culture lessons Venue: Gym. Time...

    Speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech in children with OHP using health-saving technologies "This is Me" Subgroup speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech in children with OHP (level 3) (using health-saving technologies. "This is Me"

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