• To look good where to start. We learn to look beautiful every day. Time for your beloved


    1. Make your eyebrows

    Eyebrows of the correct shape, suitable for your face contour and eye shape, painted in the salon with permanent paint, will transform your face and will not require a pencil or mascara. Just brush them with a brush and you're done!

    2. Choose clothes in the right shade

    If you choose the color of your clothes wisely, you can easily make your face fresher, your skin tone healthy, and general form - rested. The rules are simple: if you are a white-skinned blonde, choose warm pastel shades. If you have been tired lately, do not get enough sleep and your face looks painfully pale, while your hair color is from light brown to dark blonde, choose cool shades of pink, yellow or red, shading them with contrasting white. If you are a dark brown-haired woman, pay attention to warm shades of gray, sea blue, wine and emerald green. And if your type is light skin and dark hair, then your a win-win - any combination of black and white.

    3. Watch your hair

    15. Wash your face properly

    Washing according to the Lazlo system will relieve your skin of acne and comedones, restore its healthy color, blush and delay the need to visit a beautician for a long time!

    Naturalness has always been in vogue. These days, girls spend a lot of time applying makeup, which should create the effect of no makeup. In fact, natural beauty is within the reach of everyone. Here are ten simple tips to make your face look attractive without foundation, lipstick and other cosmetics.

    Try to make your eyebrows look perfect

    On a face without makeup, eyebrows will inevitably be the center of attention. Shape them to match your face shape. If necessary, tint your eyebrows with paint or henna. When choosing a shade, make sure it matches your skin tone. If your eyebrows are sparse, try blending them. castor oil and vitamin A daily. In a few weeks, you will notice an amazing transformation in your eyebrows.

    Focus on the eyes

    To make your look more expressive, curl your eyelashes with special tongs, and then apply a clear gel to them. You can even get false eyelashes. Get rid of under eye circles. To do this, you will need to revise the diet: dark circles may be the result of a lack of iron or B vitamins in your body. Use eye creams with whitening or retinol content. Mint or green tea compresses will also help.

    Whiten your teeth

    A bright smile adds a hundred points to any appearance. You should try to make sure that nothing spoils your appearance. Use a whitening toothpaste especially after drinking coffee or wine. But do not use it constantly, because such a paste has a rather harsh effect on the enamel of the teeth. If your teeth are naturally gray or yellow, have them whitened by a professional.

    Don't forget your lips

    Nutrition and hydration of the skin, as well as regular exfoliation, is what not only the face, but also the lips need. Use lip balms, which can be replaced with olive oil or other natural oils if desired. Massage your lips once a week with a soft toothbrush or sugar.

    Take care of your hair

    Dull hair color and a long-haired haircut do not adorn your face without makeup. Go for simple hairstyles and natural hair tones, because more dramatic options will not match a natural look. Get rid of split ends with styling products that protect against high temperatures and don't put too much gel on your hair. You can use coconut oil to shine your hair, which can help with dandruff and dryness. Rinse your hair with herbal infusions, which also add shine to your hair.

    Use sunscreen

    Ultraviolet radiation greatly increases the likelihood of premature wrinkles and other unpleasant benefits of aging, and it can also lead to skin cancer, which is especially common among white people. Sunscreen products should be used not only for going to the beach but all year round.

    Focus on your skin

    Cosmetologists are sure that the face should be washed no more than twice a day. It is best to wash your face before bed, and in the morning just wipe your skin with lotion or an ice cube. It is especially important not to rub your skin too much to avoid damaging it. Make masks regularly, this is very helpful. If your skin is not overly sensitive, you can also use scrubs.

    Get enough sleep

    Adequate amount of sleep - at least seven to nine hours - is what is needed to keep your skin in top condition and good health generally. Go to bed at eleven in the evening, because after midnight, the body begins to produce one of the most important "beauty hormones" - melatonin. Try to sleep on your back to reduce the chances of premature wrinkles.

    Research has shown that there is a direct link between skin condition and food. Fatty marine fish, vegetable fats, seeds and nuts are among the most important foods. They are sources of fatty acids, vitamin E and carotene, which are important for fighting simple radicals. Dairy products should also be on your menu because they are key ingredients for a healthy microflora.

    Find your shades

    Choosing the right shade to match your appearance will make your skin appear smoother and smoother, and your face will appear more expressive. Skin without foundation seems paler, so don't exacerbate the situation with too dark or cold shades. White doesn't work well either. Best of all are pure and bright shades: blue, turquoise, emerald, peach. Define your color type and choose things according to some rules.

    Every woman wants others to see her only in the best light, when she looks great. Smart women understand that no matter what facial features or body proportions nature has awarded them, it is important to take care of themselves every day, look good and tidy. Do not forget about this even when you have been living with your husband for many years. Take care of how you look good every day.

    How to look good every day

    Trust me, as soon as all your friends start celebrating that you look great, you will get into a kind of excitement to look good every day. It is incredibly pleasant, it raises mood and self-esteem. You will begin to always love yourself and your reflection in the mirror! We repeat once again, no matter what is given to you by nature, it is important to LEARN to look good always.

    Let's walk through the exterior

    So, stick to the following rules.

    Hair. Hair condition can transform a person beyond recognition and also make him completely unattractive. Understand the main rule - keep your hair perfectly clean. Clean hair looks so beautiful on its own that you don't have to have a hairstyle. If your hair tends to be oily, read up on how to properly care for it. Find a mild detergent and wash your hair as needed.

    Leather. Her well-groomed appearance is a guarantee of beauty. If there are problems with the skin, this is a consequence of problems in the body, then you need to pay attention to it. The condition of the skin is often indicative of problems in the digestive system, which means it depends on your diet. Do not clog the body with toxins and toxins, drink plenty of clean water, eat foods with fiber, get tested. You should also take care of the skin of the face from the outside. Rinse off makeup at night, do not wash with soap, do not wipe your face with alcohol or lotions containing alcohol, never squeeze out pimples and blackheads, and never wash your face with hot water. You will have amazing skin if you follow the following guide: "How to properly care for your skin."

    Clothing. It's not about expensive clothes, but about the ability to combine them, to understand what exactly suits you, and not silly to follow fashion. You need to love yourself, but you shouldn't flatter yourself: do not cover your body with clothes, like a net of ham, so that your sides protrude from all sides. For a wide waist - a raised belt under the bust; for full arms - bolero; for large hips - a tulip or bell skirt. Choose feminine clothes, avoid hoodies. Keep your clothes clean and have a pleasant body scent.


    If you behave stiffly, stumble from scratch, are very worried about your appearance in public, then looking good can be difficult. Therefore, we will increase our self-esteem and learn to feel confident in any company. The best remedy developing confidence is doing what you fear. Excited in public? Try to be in different companies more often, overpower yourself and go out in front of the audience, for example, get up in a cafe and go to the restroom, get used to the unfamiliar looks of people sitting around. What becomes familiar to you ceases to make you worry.

    How to look better in the photo

    Well, if laziness has prevailed, at least make sure that your photos reflect only the most beautiful features. And remember - you can store only those photos in which you like yourself. Here are some things that will make you look good in the photo:

    1. Look at yourself in the mirror more often, take pictures of yourself to mark those angles in which you are great in the photo. Search the internet for photos and videos from professional photo shoots. So you will understand how to take pictures correctly and what poses look the most advantageous for any girl.
    2. Don't strain yourself. If you don't feel like smiling, don't use an artificial smile. It is better to remember something funny and funny if you need to smile in the photo.
    3. Don't photograph yourself close.
    4. A lot depends on the lighting. Extra shadows on the face age. Let the light sources be on different sides.

    Continually praise yourself in front of the mirror. You must remember that you are the most beautiful. Looking good every day will make it a habit.

    To bring beauty to the power of every woman, regardless of age, material capabilities and natural data. The main thing in this business is desire, willpower and striving for perfection. If you take as a rule daily procedures for face and body care, pay due attention to your own health and figure, the result will not keep you waiting long. And after a week or two, admiring glances are guaranteed to you.

    How to learn to look good always?

    It will not be difficult to put yourself in order if financial opportunities and time permit. To do this, it is enough to turn to professionals: the beautician will take care of the skin of the face, the make-up artist will do the perfect make-up, the hairdresser will do the hairstyle, and, finally, the stylist will help with choosing the right clothes. But, alas, not every woman can afford such a luxury. Therefore, most girls will have to master the skill of transformation on their own, following simple recommendations and rules.

    So what you need to do to look good:

    1. Let's start with the hair. The appearance of even the most beautiful girl by nature will be spoiled by dirty or split hair. Therefore, monitoring their frequency and health is the first rule on the path to excellence. Wash your hair as soon as it gets dirty, whether you are going out or about to do your homework. Also feed them regularly.
    2. The condition of the skin is a vivid reflection of the condition of the body as a whole. Therefore, the slightest problems, be it acne, pigmentation, and others, require a more thorough examination and certain measures. In addition, in order to look good every day, you need to properly care for your skin: choose the right means for cleansing and moisturizing, make masks as often as possible, and do not forget about peeling.
    3. Well-groomed hands and - an important part of a flawless appearance. This procedure does not take much time and effort, but it also significantly improves mood. So that your manicure is flawless and emphasizes attention - make baths for the skin of your hands and nails, shape and polish your nails, remove or push back the cuticle in a timely manner, apply a protective coating.
    4. Next - clothes. As a rule, a girl does not need to purchase expensive branded items to learn how to look good every day. Take a close look at your figure, decide what is better to hide, and what to show off. From these considerations, you should choose the style of clothing: an inflated belt for a protruding tummy, a trapeze skirt for wide hips. Never rely solely on fashion trends when choosing clothes. Body features are the main guideline for looking good and stylish. Also, do not forget that things should always be clean, with a pleasant light aroma.
    5. Remember that shoes, accessories, and other little things can radically change the style of the image or give a zest.
    Appearance and lifestyle

    Of course you can do beautiful make-up and hairstyle, paint on your nails and dress stylishly, but, you see, it will take a lot of time. In addition, the efforts made may be in vain if the skin and hair have an unhealthy appearance, the figure is far from ideal, and the reason for this condition is the wrong lifestyle, etc. After all, it has long been no secret that constant lack of sleep first of all affects the appearance - these are dark circles under the eyes, a tired look, swelling. Even the highest quality cosmetic products cannot disguise such a "bouquet".

    Errors in nutrition: the abuse of sweet, spicy and fatty foods will affect not only the waist and stomach, but also the skin. Acne and similar "delights" are also the result of disturbances in the digestive system, constant stress and anxiety.

    That is why, in order to always look good, you need to pay as much attention to your health as possible, give up bad habits, play sports, walk more and, of course, smile more often!

    Is there an important event or a holiday coming up? Do you want to look natural and really cool? Don't panic, because today we're going to give you some simple tips to help you look your best.

    1. Well-hydrated skin

    Remember, it's important to start preparing for the event a day or two days in advance. Skin is soft, firm and hydrated, making you look great. Makeup will also look better if your skin is well prepared, as there are fewer imperfections left to cover up so you can have a more natural and attractive look.

    So how do you do it? It's easy. Two days before important date prepare a special mixture and use it twice a day, morning and evening. You need four tablespoons of boiled and crushed pumpkin pulp.

    In a small bowl, combine the pumpkin with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil, half a tablespoon of milk, and a tablespoon of aloe gel. When you get a smooth paste, apply it all over your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water. Repeat this procedure twice a day and you will see how hydrated and fresh your skin looks.

    2. Shining eyes

    Bright eyes framed by long and full lashes are another accent really worth showing off. To get all this, you need to use a simple remedy for two days. It contains petroleum jelly and castor oil. At night, before going to bed, lubricate your eyelids with a little petroleum jelly with a drop of castor oil. Leave it on until morning and you will see how radiant your eyes have become.

    3. Full soft lips

    Women's lips are extremely attractive. But sometimes they get dry and cracked due to the dead skin that is visible when you apply lipstick. What should be done? Again, use a little petroleum jelly.
    Apply it to your lips and then add some sugar. This will exfoliate the lips. Apply a small amount of warm water with a cotton swab and massage your lips slowly, gently removing dead skin. Then apply some petroleum jelly and leave it overnight. You will wake up with soft and beautiful lips.

    4. Beautiful nails

    This easy recipe can be used two days in advance: add two drops lemon juice, a tablespoon of olive oil, a little crushed garlic, and a vitamin B capsule gel to your regular clear nail polish. Paint your nails as usual to make them healthier and stronger. When the time is right, choose an elegant color, nude or pastel - they are very attractive.

    5. Have a good rest the night before

    Try to go to bed early. When you wake up, you will feel relaxed and not have the classic bags or circles under your eyes. You can also place lavender under your pillow, its pleasant scent will help promote restful sleep.

    6. Remember that less is more

    Real beauty comes from within. By this we mean that it's best not to overdo it with makeup and makeup. Don't try to look flawless - just take advantage of your natural benefits, let your hair down, wear simple yet attractive clothing, and wear a neutral color makeup that highlights your eyes or lips (but not both). The most important thing is to feel comfortable and it will definitely improve your appearance.

    7. Soothing bath before a big event

    There is nothing better than this. If you want to come calm and relaxed, the best way - take a warm bath beforehand to calm the nerves, relieve muscle tension, relax the face and allow steam to remove toxins from the pores. We recommend soaking in a bath with salt and pleasant aromas for at least half an hour.

    Enjoy the opportunity and remember: behave naturally and always be yourself.

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