• Autumn activity for children 3 years old. Game lesson for children of the second year of life Topic: "Autumn" outline of the lesson (younger group) on the topic. Sensory-dynamic pause "Collect the leaves by color"


    Theologian E.P., speech therapist of the 1st category.

    • Development of attention to non-speech sounds.
    • The development of fine motor skills.
    • Development of imitation, general motor skills, coordination of movements.
    • The development of the imagination.
    • Education of the ability to listen to speech, to give response motor and sound reactions.

    Equipment: blanks for applique, glue, napkins, autumn leaves, musical accompaniment (Children's songs “We are going to play” and “Autumn in a golden scarf”), pictures for articulation gymnastics, sounding boxes.

    Course progress.

    1. Organizational moment.
    2. L: Hello guys! Today we will go on a trip to the autumn forest. We have a long road ahead, so we need to properly prepare. Let's do exercises for the tongue.

    3. Development of articulatory motor skills.
    • Exercise "Hippo"
    • Exercise "Frog"
    • Exercise "Elephant"
    • Exercise "Snake"
    • Exercise "Horse"
    • Exercise "Watch"
    • Exercise "Balls"
    1. Logarithmics.
    2. L: Now we are ready to go. Listen to music and repeat the movements after me.

      The audio recording “We are going to play” sounds.

      L: So we came to the forest. And in the forest leaves fly from the trees.

      Leaf fall, leaf fall -

      The path foams.

      And it roars like a waterfall

      Every donkey.

      The speech therapist scatters autumn leaves around the hall while reading a quatrain.

    3. Dynamic pause “Wind”.
    4. L: Guys, let's show how the wind sways the trees.

    5. Development of attention to non-speech sounds. "Noise Orchestra"
    6. L: Guys, let's show how the trees make noise in the forest. Now we will play music about fallen leaves on magic boxes.

      Children shake the boxes - “leaves tremble in the wind”; rhythmically strike the palm - "leaves fall off."

    7. The development of the imagination. "Autumn Leaves"
    8. L: Guys, do you want to become autumn leaves? Let's try.

      Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

      We are autumn leaves

      They sat on the branches

      The wind blew - they flew.

      We flew, we flew

      And they sat on the ground.

      The wind came up again

      And lifted all the leaves

      Turned them around, turned them around

      And dropped to the ground.

    9. The development of the ability to compare objects by color. "Pick up the leaves."
    10. Guys, look how many leaves fell off the trees. Let's collect them. Katya will collect red leaves. Like these ones ( speech therapist barks a red leaf in the hands of a child). Vova will collect yellow leaves. Like these ones ( speech therapist barks a yellow leaflet into the hands of a child). And Sasha will collect green leaves. Like these ones ( speech therapist barks a green leaf in the hands of a child).

      Children collect leaves to the music (An audio recording “Autumn in a golden scarf” sounds.).

    11. Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves".
    12. L: guys, you did a good job - that's how many leaves you collected! And now let's stretch our fingers. Repeat after me.

      The speech therapist pronounces the text and performs the movements, the children imitate him.

    13. The development of fine motor skills. "Autumn Leaves Path"
    14. L: And now we will lay out a path from autumn leaves.

      Children lay out a path from leaflets.

      L: This is how long the path turned out, it will lead us to our mothers. But first, we will make an application to remember our trip.

    15. Application "Autumn tree".
    16. Children perform the application - stick the leaves on the blanks of trees.

    17. Summary of the lesson.

    The speech therapist positively evaluates the activities of children.

    Summary of classes for children 3-4 years old

    "Autumn came to us with rustling leaves"

    Target: generalize children's knowledge about autumn.


    To develop knowledge about the signs of autumn, changes in nature;

    Clarify knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the fall;

    Develop emotionality, responsiveness;

    Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

    Develop the ability to listen to the instructions of the teacher;

    Dictionary: autumn, autumn, gloomy, overcast, rainy, gray sky, low, cold, drizzle, harvest, hibernation, flock, lair.

    Equipment: Plot pictures on the theme "Autumn", an old man-forester, dummies of vegetables and fruits, pieces of paper (oak, maple, birch), a basket, task cards, a simple pencil.

    Lesson progress:

    Q: - Guys, an old forest man came to us today. Let's say hello to him. He wants to invite us to visit his forest. But to go to this forest, you need to solve the riddle. Listen:

    Who comes with yellow paint

    Leaves paint everything.

    No needle and no thread

    Sew them a festive outfit.

    Q: Who guessed what it is?

    D: - autumn

    Q: - That's right, it's autumn. Today we will talk about autumn, and the old forest man will help us and play with us.

    Didactic game "Leaf fall"

    Q: Look, what is it? (leaves cut out of paper lie on the table: birch, maple, oak).

    D: - Leaves

    Q: Where did these leaves come from?

    D: -fell from trees in autumn

    Q: - What happens to trees in autumn?

    D: - Fall from the trees

    Q: What is the name of this phenomenon?

    D: - Falling leaves.

    Q: - Of course, leaf fall.

    Q: -Let's help the old forest man collect the leaves in a basket. Take them. What kind of leaf do you have, from what tree?

    D: - Birch, maple, oak

    V: Well done.

    Didactic game "Autumn walk»

    Q: - Well, now we are waiting for a walk in the autumn forest, in a clearing. Let's get together. What are we to wear? Maybe panama and sandals?

    Q: - Why?

    D: That's why it's cold

    Q: - Of course, it's cold outside in autumn. What else can you say about the weather in autumn?

    D: - Cold, cloudy, rainy, windy, gloomy

    Q: - And what signs of autumn do you still know?

    D: - It's raining, it's cold, the grass has withered and withered, the leaves have turned yellow, the wind is blowing ...

    And in such weather you need to dress warmly, in autumn.

    Q: - Let's choose the clothes that are needed for a walk in the fall.

    D: - (children choose cards with clothes)

    B: Well, here we are. Let `s have some rest.

    Physical education:

    We stomp our feet, we clap our hands.

    We raise our hands, we lower our hands.

    And then we circle.

    Sit on the chairs guys.

    Q: -Shh, let's listen to what is happening in the autumn forest. But guys, I can't hear the birds, where are they all, what do you think?

    D: - Gather in flocks and fly south.

    Q: Why are they leaving?

    D: - it is cold in winter, insects disappear and birds have nothing to eat.

    Q: - That's right, it's cold in winter, insects disappear and birds have nothing to eat.

    Q: - Oh, and who is the redhead among the trees:

    Red little animal

    Jump up and down the trees.

    He does not live on earth

    And on a tree in a hollow.

    D: - Squirrel

    B: - That's right, squirrel.

    Guys, what do animals do in the forest in autumn? How are you preparing for winter?

    D: - preparing for winter, making supplies

    V: Well done.

    Guys, do you know poems about autumn? Let's please the old forest man and tell him a poem.

    (children read poetry)

    Q: - Well, does anyone know proverbs about autumn? Which?

    Didactic game "Harvest"

    Q: - Guys, what else does autumn bring? What do people do in autumn?

    D: - Harvest

    Q: - What kind of harvest do people collect?

    D: - Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms

    Q: - Let's also collect the harvest in a basket, give the old man-forester.

    (Children collect vegetables and fruits in a basket)

    V: - Hold on, old woodman, this is a gift from us and the guys for you. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

    State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg


    "Autumn, please visit"

    Abdulaeva M.K.

    GBDOU teacher kindergarten No. 28

    Saint Petersburg


    The goals of the educator:

    Acquaintance with leaf fall and other signs of autumn;

    development of thinking and observation;

    education of an aesthetic attitude to nature;

    familiarity with the features of autumn changes in nature

    Types of children's activities:

    Game, communicative, cognitive research


    Natural material: autumn leaves (dry, clean, multi-colored).

    Leaves from colored paper for each child, illustrations on the theme of autumn (paintings, books, illustrations with wild animals).

    Doll in autumn outfit; cartoon song about autumn

    Lesson progress

    The group is pre-decorated on the theme of "Autumn".

    Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our group is today.

    Autumn! Nice time!

    Loves autumn kids:

    Plums, pears, grapes -

    Everything is ripe for the guys.

    And seeing an important watermelon,

    The kids will come to life -

    And everyone will happily say ...

    Hello autumn time!

    Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

    Children: rains are frequent, the leaves fall from the trees, it starts to get colder.

    Educator: That's right guys. You know many signs of autumn. I have autumn leaves for you. I will distribute them to you now and we can hear the autumn melody. (I distribute the leaves clean and dry).

    And now, let's crush them with our palms and rub them a little. Can you hear the leaves rustle? This autumn came to visit us (I take a doll-autumn) and brought them to us.

    Doll Autumn: Hello guys! I see you have leaves in your hands. Come on, put your hands up and wave the leaves.

    Didactic exercise "Large and small leaves"

    Here are the leaves for you. They are different. Here's a big sheet. And here's a little leaf. Show me a big sheet. Show me a small piece of paper. Put a large sheet on the table. Place a small sheet on top of a large one. Now put a small sheet on the table and cover it with a large sheet on top. A small leaf is hidden. The large sheet covered the small one so that the small sheet was not visible. Where is the little leaf? Here it is, under the big leaf.

    And autumn has a melody of rain

    The game "Droplet and palm"

    Rain, rain, little by little

    Drip-drip on your palm.

    (Children tap their fingers on their palms). I want to play the Sun and Rain game with you. The game is being played

    Educator: Autumn, and you know, our children know how to solve riddles about autumn. For example:

    leaves fall, birds fly away.

    The days became shorter, the nights became longer.

    Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

    Children: In autumn

    Educator: Well done boys! And now, let's go with you to the autumn forest and see what happens in the forest in autumn

    Children are built by a train and go to the forest. They see a squirrel.

    Educator: Children, and who is jumping from branch to branch. Fluffy tail, tassels on the ears, likes to gnaw nuts?

    Children: Squirrel. (examine the squirrel, talk about it, play a game)

    Collect nuts for the squirrel

    A squirrel jumps on branches.
    Gathering nuts for the kids.
    All squirrels have a sweet tooth
    They love to chew nuts.

    Let's help the squirrel collect nuts. Here is one nut. How many nuts do you have? Lots of nuts. I will take my one nut and put it in the hollow of the squirrel tree. Like this. Now you put the nuts in the hollow. You have a lot of nuts. Here the squirrel will be happy!

    Educator: Oh guys, who is this? Big and brown. Does he sleep and suck his paw in winter?

    Children: Bear! (Walking at a bear step).

    Educator: And here lives a little coward. Long ears, short tail, gray in autumn, white in winter

    Children: Hare! (jump like a bunny)

    Educator: What good fellows. But our walk has come to an end. We are now heading to our seats. Guys, now let's watch the cartoon "A song about autumn." If you know the words, you can sing along.

    Educator: Let's say thanks to the Autumn doll for an interesting trip and ask her to stay with us for a little longer.

    The teacher puts the doll on the closet from where she can clearly see us.

    Educator: Tell me, children, did you like being in the forest? And what did you like the most? (Summarizing).

    Autumn is not over yet, it has many surprises in store for us. But that's next time.


    Continue to introduce children to colors (red, yellow, green), the concepts of “big-small”, “one-many”, “top-bottom”.

    Teach children to repeat words and actions like an adult.

    Develop skills in working with plasticine.

    Develop fine and gross motor skills.

    Develop visual and auditory perception, a sense of rhythm.



    Game lesson for children of the second year of life

    Theme: "Autumn"


    Continue to introduce children to colors (red, yellow, green), the concepts of “big-small”, “one-many”, “top-bottom”.

    Teach children to repeat words and actions like an adult.

    Develop skills in working with plasticine.

    Develop fine and gross motor skills.

    Develop visual and auditory perception, a sense of rhythm.


    Autumn leaves are large and small.

    Leaves cut out of cardboard in yellow, red and green colors and the same colors of vases (trays, bags, etc.), blue droplets.

    Puddles carved from oilcloth.

    Nuts, a toy "squirrel", a plastic bottle with a carved "hollow".

    Plasticine of yellow, red and green colors, sheets of paper with a painted tree.

    Wooden spatulas with clothespins attached to them in red, yellow, green colors.

    Flowers and flower beds carved from an egg cage.

    Sheets of paper with a background "autumn, tree trunks without a crown.


    Audio recordings: "Waltz of the Flowers" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, song"Autumn, autumn has come, the leaves are crumbling."

    Lesson progress:

    Greeting "Hello"

    Hello hands - clap, clap, clap

    Hello legs - top, top, top.

    Hello cheeks - plop, plop, plop

    Hello sponges - smack, smack, smack

    Hello teeth - am, am, am.

    Hello nose - beep, beep, beep.

    Hello guys - hello!

    Guys! Today we are going to the autumn forest. Let's enjoy the beauty of autumn.

    Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"
    One two three four five,
    Let's collect the leaves.

    They clench and unclench their fists.
    birch leaves,

    Fingers are bent, starting with the big one.
    rowan leaves,
    poplar leaves,
    aspen leaves,
    We will collect oak leaves,
    Beautiful we will collect an autumn bouquet.

    Twirl the hands with outspread fingers.

    Didactic exercise "Large and small leaves"

    Here are the leaves for you. They are different. Here's a big sheet. And here's a little leaf. Show me a big sheet. Show me a small piece of paper. Put a large sheet on the table. Place a small sheet on top of a large one. Now put a small sheet on the table and cover it with a large sheet on top. A small leaf is hidden. The large sheet covered the small one so that the small sheet was not visible. Where is the little leaf? Here it is, under the big leaf.

    Fizminutka "Trees"

    We raised our hands and waved gently,

    The wind shakes the leaves.

    They lowered down, shook their hands,

    Dropping leaves to the ground.

    Clothespin game "The wind blows the leaves off the tree"

    Here comes the autumn wind. Blow like the wind. The wind blew all the leaves from the trees. Remove the clothespins from the stick.

    The game "Collect the leaves and arrange them by color"

    That's how many leaves we have of different colors. Let's collect them and put them in a bouquet.

    In this vase, carry leaves like this.(Show). What color are they? yellow. We collect yellow leaves in a yellow vase. What color is this vase? Red. We will collect red leaves in a red vase. What color is this vase? Green. Collect green leaves in a green vase.

    Dynamic pause "The wind blows, the wind blows"

    The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.

    Long breath.

    It plucks yellow leaves from the tree.

    Gently lower your raised arms.

    And the leaves fly over the forest path.

    Mahi hands.

    Leaves fall right under our feet.

    Sit down.

    Bas-relief modeling "Autumn leaves"

    See how sad the trees are without leaves. Let's make plasticine leaves for our painted trees. Tear off small pieces, apply to a branch and press on top with your finger.

    The game "Droplet and palm"

    Rain, rain, little by little

    Drip-drip on your palm.

    Fingers tapping on the palm like raindrops.

    Take a drop in your hand, lift it up, slowly lower it down, right on the palm of your other hand.

    "Rubber boots we put on the legs"

    D we make movements as if we are putting on real boots. Put on the "boots" - we recover to walk through the "puddles" (we try to walk in such a way that we only step on the "puddles", not step on the floor).

    Plant flowers in the flower bed

    Autumn brings us beautiful flowers. Let's plant flowers in the flower bed. Take the flowers (cut from the egg cage) and plant them - put them in the holes (sections from the egg cage). And in the middle of the flower, lower a piece of yellow plasticine and press it down with your finger. Here are some beautiful flowers grown in your flower bed.

    Listening to the music "Waltz of the Flowers" P. I. Tchaikovsky.

    Children listen to music, if desired, you can pick up artificial flowers and move around with them.

    Collect nuts for the squirrel

    Look who's jumping? Who came to visit us? This is a squirrel.

    A squirrel jumps on branches.
    Gathering nuts for the kids.
    All squirrels have a sweet tooth
    They love to chew nuts.

    Let's help the squirrel collect nuts. Here is one nut. How many nuts do you have? Lots of nuts. I will take my one nut and put it in the hollow of the squirrel tree. Like this. Now you put the nuts in the hollow. You have a lot of nuts. Here the squirrel will be happy!

    Musical-rhythmic exercise "Autumn, autumn has come"

    Children take sticks and beat the rhythm to the song on the metallophone.

    Autumn with children from 1.5 to 2 years old - educational games and ideas for activities. Because children between the ages of 1.5 and 2 years old can vary greatly in their development, each game from the list below will need to be “tuned” to your child’s level (complicate or simplify). Will kids from 1 to 2 years old be able to understand what "Autumn" is? Of course not. I smile. I think that even a child of 2 years old does not understand very well what it is ... Therefore, with children from 1 to 2 years old, they simply study the simplest autumn concepts: leaves, rain, puddles, trees, etc. Sensory box "Autumn". Surely your baby will be interested in the sensory box on the theme "Autumn". We got this, for example: Sensory box "Autumn" - we conduct a developmental lesson with kids. Games in the classroom with children 1.5 years old on the theme "Autumn". How to play with the box: The box can be used to “play” various “autumn” scenes: “Bunny collects leaves”, “Squirrel is looking for nuts”, “Leaves rustle underfoot”. It will be interesting for the kid to follow how the mother plays out different scenes (“mini-tales”) using this box, at the same time he will learn all the “autumn” words very quickly. In addition, many children will like to fumble around in such a box on their own. Autumn words and pictures. It would be quite useful to look at pictures on the theme “Autumn” with the child and study “autumn” words: leaves, rain, umbrella, puddles, fall, mushrooms, leaf fall, turned yellow, etc. Will help: - Colorful autumn presentations. - Autumn pictures that you can hang on the walls and periodically discuss them with your child. - A selection of autumn photos that can be viewed on a computer screen or printed out as cards. Autumn lesson with kids from 1.5 to 2 years. Just look at the illustrations with your child, name the objects that are depicted on them (a cloud, a leaf, a tree, a leaf fell, a wet puddle, etc.), ask them to find the objects in the picture (show with your finger where the tree is?), describe what what is drawn in the pictures in simple sentences (it is raining, there are puddles on the ground, the girl is dressed warmly, etc.). Game "Leaves big and small". Goal: learn the concepts of "big - small". For the game you will need leaves - large and small. Games with leaflets for children 1.5 years old, games on the theme "Autumn". You can use real autumn leaves or cut paper leaves. The essence of the game: We put the large leaves in a large box, and the small ones in a small one. Educational games with leaves. This task will be quite simple for children from 2 to 3 years old. But for babies from 1 to 2 years old, difficulties may arise (“you begin to introduce the baby to the task, and he smiles and runs away from you into another room” - a familiar picture, right?). In order for the baby to successfully complete the task, it is important to conduct a “ritual of acquaintance” with the task. For example: Consider a large piece of paper with your child. Say "here's a big big leaf." Highlight the word "big" in the appropriate voice. “Let's show how big this leaf is, so big” - we spread our arms wide to the side, showing the “big” sign, we encourage the child to repeat this gesture after you (if he finds it difficult, we spread his arms to the sides ourselves ). We take a small leaf. “And this leaflet is “small” (we pronounce the word “small” in a “thin” voice.) Let's show which leaflet is “small” (we bring our hands close to each other, showing the “small size” sign, we encourage the child to repeat this gesture after you help him to do it if he himself finds it difficult). This preliminary work - highlighting the words "big" and "small" in a special voice, showing the sizes "big", "small" with pens - is very important. With its help, the child will better understand the meaning of the task and it will be easier for him to complete it. 3. After you have worked with the concept of “big - small leaf”, you can proceed to the task. Show your child that large leaves should be placed in a large box, and small ones in a small one. Ask him to arrange all the leaves into boxes correctly. How can you help your child: - determine the size of the leaflet together (mother says what kind of leaflet it is - large or small). - direct the child's hand with a leaflet to the box of the right size if the baby is mistaken. - if the baby finds it difficult to choose the right box, you can simply put the right box under the baby’s hand and ask to “throw a big piece of paper into a big box”. It seems that with such “help”, the mother does almost everything for the child. But it's not! In the process of joint performance of the task, the baby actively learns. His eyes look and remember (he examines large and small leaves), his ears hear and assimilate (he constantly hears how his mother compares the leaves in size), his hands “do” (kids learn very well knowledge if they are fed through “movement” ). After your child completes this task several times with you and with your help, he will feel more confident, better learn all the necessary concepts and begin to cope with such tasks on his own. We learn colors. This activity will help your child learn the concept of red and yellow. Prepare leaves of two colors - red and yellow. Examine the leaves, focus the baby's attention on the fact that some leaves are yellow and others are red. Then offer to put the yellow leaves in a yellow box, and the red leaves in a red one. Games with leaflets in the lesson "Autumn". To help complete this task correctly, the same rules as for the previous lesson will help (we actively help the baby complete the task, work together with the child, at first it is very useful to literally substitute the desired “box” under the child’s arm, saying the name of the color aloud (“this is red”). a leaflet, we put it in a red box"). Modeling + color study. Consider with the child two leaflets printed on a sheet of paper. One of them is red and the other is yellow (You can download the picture with the leaves at this link). Only the mice ate holes in the leaves! We need to fix this urgently. To play, you will need pre-prepared lumps of soft plasticine - yellow and red. Playing with plasticine and learning color. Show the child that "we will put red lumps on a red leaf and press them with our fingers, and yellow lumps - on a yellow leaf, so we’ll close all the holes! ”Games for learning color and modeling in the autumn lesson. Most likely, at first, the child can get confused and put lumps of plasticine on a leaf of the wrong color. Therefore, actively help the baby cope with the task - pronounce the name of the color with which he is currently working, and tell which of the leaves to attach plasticine to. This game not only develops modeling skills, but also helps to memorize colors - in the process of work, the child will hear the words "red, yellow" from his mother many times and this will definitely affect how quickly the baby remembers the names of the primary colors. (When I give similar tasks in the early development group to children from 1 to 2 years old, then first (for several lessons) we must perform "preparatory" exercises - we attach yellow plasticine berries to yellow plates drawn on paper, and red "berries" - on red ones, or we attach yellow / red lumps (apples) into yellow and red baskets drawn on paper, etc. - i.e. first we learn to attach yellow plasticine separately from red in a more free form, and only then we complicate , asking to attach plasticine to a certain place). Rain - modeling. It often rains in autumn. Consider with the child a picture with a cloud and droplets, show together “how the rain is dripping” (“drip-drip-drip”) and tap your fingers on the table. Then invite the baby to make "droplets for the clouds" - let him stick plasticine "droplets" on a sheet of paper. Autumn games with kids 1.5 years old in class - we study rain. This task has three levels of difficulty (it is better to choose the one that best suits the level of the child): 1. Simple level (for children who are still poorly sculpted or sculpt for the first time (usually children under 1.5 years old) - mom puts on a piece of paper pre-prepared balls and asks the child to press them with his finger.Learning to sculpt - the easiest level.2. Intermediate level (for children who are already familiar with modeling techniques) - the kid himself takes lumps of plasticine, arranges them on paper and presses them himself 3. "Advanced" level (for children who already sculpt well) - the kid himself tears off a piece of plasticine from the "sausage" and attaches it to a sheet of paper (specially prepared droplets are not required, the kid "makes" them Learn to sculpt - children who have mastered the basic skills of sculpting can complete the task completely on their own Music of the rain Take percussion or noise children's musical instruments that you have at home (or use these “household” instruments that can easily replace musical ones). Take the child’s hands in yours, try to “tap” the rhythm together to the verses: Rain, rain, drip yes drip! You don't drip loudly! Don't knock on our window! Better get some weed! Drip-drip-drip-drip! Then turn on the music and invite the child to play the “melody” to the song on their own (we play along to the composition of Ekaterina Zheleznova “Rain”). The kid will do this with great pleasure if the mother also plays the rhythm on some musical instrument with the child. Lotto "Couples". Invite your child to lay out the autumn Lotto. Playing with the lotto, kids develop attention and logic, as well as expand their vocabulary (if the mother voices the objects drawn in the picture). Lotto on the theme "Autumn" for the little ones. (If you are interested in the loto, click on the picture to enlarge the image). Lotto on the theme of autumn. Memory - the game "Find". Stick the image of “autumn” objects (leaf, cloud, umbrella) on the details of the designer with adhesive tape. Look at the pictures with your child and say their names. Then turn the figures upside down and invite the child to find from memory: “where did the cloud hide? Show me!”, “Where did you hide the leaf? Show me! The child will try to remember where which picture "hid" and try to open them from memory. When the child remembers which picture is hidden under which of the objects (and stops making mistakes in finding objects), continue the game by swapping the figures. A game for the development of memory in children 1.5 tapes in the autumn lesson. Finger massage. You can massage your fingers not only with special balls, but also with bumps. The development of motor skills in babies 1.5 years old. Perform a finger massage with the child using a cone under the rhymes (while reading the rhymes, the cone rolls between the baby’s fingers, massaging them): The bear walked through the forest, found a lot of cones, found a lot of cones, and brought the guys! One, two, three, four five, We will play with a bump! We will play with the bump, Roll between the fingers. Massage can be done in several ways. Mom reads a poem and independently massages the child's fingers with a bump. The baby and mother perform a hand-in-hand massage. Mom, sitting in front of the baby, massages her fingers with a bump, thus showing the movements to the baby, and the child repeats. Puzzles - "Find a soul mate." Cut into two parts of the autumn pictures (we used the loto pictures that are posted above). Have your child put the pictures together. Games for the development of logic and attention in children 1.5 years old. If the child does not yet know how to assemble puzzles, then this exercise can be performed as follows: Mom takes one half of the picture and says: look, here is a piece of a cloud. Show me where another piece of the cloud is drawn? That's right, here he is! Let's put the picture together. Lacing - mushrooms Starting from 1.5 years with a child, you can learn to string beads on a string. To learn this skill, it is better to purchase a set of children's beads, which comes with a cord with a wooden needle. Since our lesson is autumn, you can string leaflets or mushrooms from paper pasted on cardboard onto a string. Lacing and development of fingers in the autumn lesson. You can download the file with mushrooms and leaves by clicking on the picture below. Each pair of mushrooms in this picture is "mirror", so if desired, mushrooms and leaves can be made double-sided (glued to each other). Game for the development of attention - "find all the leaves in the room." Spread the leaves around the room. Put some of them in prominent places, and hide some of them, but so that the child can still find them. Ask the child to find all the leaves and put them in a bucket. Games in the autumn lesson for kids 1.5 years old. Crafts. We draw leaves on the tree (with fingers). Crafts on the theme "Autumn" for the little ones. Modeling "Autumn leaves" (we apply pieces of dough or plasticine). Crafts on the theme "Autumn" with kids 1-3 years old. For creativity, this template may come in handy for you (click to enlarge): "Tree" - a template, the basis for crafts on the theme "Autumn". Moving breaks. Babies won't sit in one place for long. Therefore, if you have planned to spend several educational games from the above list with your child on the same day, do not forget to follow a simple rule - "one "sitting" task alternates with one moving one." As mobile tasks, you can use dances to autumn songs, fun physical education, etc. Have fun playing with your kids!

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