• Foster a responsible attitude to work. Labor education of preschoolers. Formation of a positive attitude towards work. Analysis of the attitude of modern children to work



    Long before entering school, children get acquainted with the work of adults, try to participate in the life around them. Children from a young age need to develop positive attitudes towards work: willingness to work hard, the desire to be useful to loved ones, others in general, conscientiousness in performing daily duties and assignments of adults, the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the room, on the street. All this forms the basis of a positive attitude towards labor among children aged 5-6 years.

    Familiarization of children with the work of adults contributes to the formation of respect for workers, respect for the results of their work. Children have a desire to imitate the work activities of adults and their relationships. However, it is important that a child's positive attitude to work will be formed only if he directly performs various work, which makes it possible to comprehend the joy of work through his own experience.

    Usually, an adult without much difficulty manages to make a child of 5-7 years old want to work hard. This is due to the desire for active practical action, increased emotionality, imitation, sincere and boundless trust in an adult. Knowledge of these factors allows parents to use them as conditions for stimulating the labor activity of children. But the child will be able to work systematically, conscientiously and without being reminded to fulfill his labor duties only when the mother, father, clearly define assignments or responsibilities, control how they perform, and assess the quality of work.

    The attitude of children to work depends on what motives they are guided by when performing this or that task, for whom, i.e. what is the purpose. Here work skills and attitudes to the person who gives the order or for whose sake it should be performed, as well as the attitude to the event in connection with which this labor activity is undertaken (a national holiday, the return of a friend after an illness, a long-unattended kindergarten) ...

    Child labor should be meaningful and of great social importance. It should not be a game of work, but real work. The task of adults is to reveal to children the objective necessity of their work and thereby contribute to the development of consciousness and an initial sense of duty in them.

    To educate children of labor of a positive attitude to work, it is important to teach them to apply the learned labor skills on their own initiative, even when they are not asked to do something, to put them in front of the need to work on a daily basis.

    However, one should not forget that these are still small children. They do not have enough knowledge or skills, and volitional qualities are still being formed, so it is very important for a child to communicate with an adult in the process of joint activities. Easy communication of children with their mother, father in the process of joint work (making pies, washing dishes, gluing books, cleaning the apartment) creates a favorable environment for parents to solve many difficult issues. So an adult draws the child's attention to the most important thing, to the most successful methods of his work, to the good results of the child's work, as well as to the fact that it did not work out to shortcomings in work.

    The keen eye of an adult will promptly notice the diminishing efforts or efforts of the child and create an incentive for their recovery, help to bring the matter to an end. Those parents who strive to maintain a cheerful mood of children in the process of work are doing the right thing. Talking to him, expressing his feelings in remarks, remarks, an adult creates an atmosphere of joy of self-confidence. And there is no need for conversation experts or explanations about the need to work. The very atmosphere, elevated and joyful, activates the children.

    Parents are often upset that the child is reluctant to work, especially if it is a daily routine. It is necessary to accustom children of senior preschool age to systematic work in the household and self-service by increasing their interest, enthusiasm for work, using for this game forms of labor organization.

    You can see with what pleasure the children work in the "workshop" for the repair of books and boxes for board games, which is organized in the kindergarten group. However, the child likes it when a really necessary, serious matter is played up, when adults are serious about it, especially if they themselves take part in the child's work and play as performers or "customers".

    The tone of conversation with children aged 5-6 should be taken very seriously. They even get offended if adults begin to talk to them as if they were little ones, reduce the demands on them, emphasize the playful nature of work. Children quickly begin to feel that their work is not seen as necessary, serious, but as a means of distracting them from pranks.

    One cannot fail to note the great attention to the attitude of children to work, the organization of the material environment, working conditions, the selection of tools, the choice of a convenient place, etc.

    An indispensable condition for a positive attitude towards work is its feasibility. Both overload and underload form an equally negative attitude of children towards work.

    Fostering a positive attitude towards work

    In the system of social education of young children, feasible work associated with the life of a child in a preschool institution and at home, with his interests and needs, is one of the main activities and an important educational tool. The main task of labor education is the formation of a correct attitude to work. It can be successfully solved only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics of this activity in comparison with play, activities, based on taking into account the age characteristics of the child. The upbringing of a positive attitude towards work in children depends to a large extent on how this work is organized, and what methods of leadership are used in this case.

    A child of five to seven years old strives for active practical action, he is characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, imitation, sincere and boundless trust in an adult. At the same time, in children of this age, there is a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. After all, the guys still have weak body muscles, coordination of movements is imperfect, attention is unstable, there is no self-control, and will is undeveloped. Therefore, when organizing the work of older preschoolers, it is necessary to take into account the factors that make it possible to achieve success: the feasibility of the content of work, timely switching from one type of activity to another, changing the working position (this removes physical fatigue), the correct alternation of work and rest.

    In addition, an adult organizing the labor "activity of older preschoolers needs to take care of creating such conditions that will ensure the upbringing of the desire and ability to work constantly, the habits of constant labor effort. Various factors influence the upbringing of a positive attitude to work: the formation of ideas about the work of adults, children's awareness of the importance of actions performed, social motivation of work, its effectiveness, mastery of certain knowledge and skills, emotional coloring of work, physical activity In a family, in natural conditions, children observe different types of work and are often themselves involved in joint work with their parents.

    Modern conditions, especially in the city, have complicated labor education in the family. Technology is more and more penetrating into our life, and the range of household chores is significantly narrowing, however, in every family one can think about and offer children assignments that would not only introduce children to work, but also make them want to work. It is necessary to create such conditions that would put children in front of the need to work constantly, on a daily basis, to foster respect for the work of others, the desire to use their own powers and skills, without waiting for a request or demand.

    It is very important at first, when a job skill or a certain type of labor is being taught, to use specific labor tasks, assignments, for example, wash boots, water a garden bed, clean shoes for a younger brother or sister, and so on. These specific tasks are given until the children learn to do them on their own. In the future, an adult, taking into account the knowledge, skills and experience of children, encourages them to think and guess what needs to be done. Thus, children are trained to be observant, quick-witted, and persistent. The guys themselves realize their desire to work in practice.

    Children are constantly aware of the labor process, its significance, ways of overcoming difficulties. They develop a positive attitude towards business, towards loved ones, towards others.

    Children's work leadership should not be intrusive or stressed. This is necessary in order to maintain the ease of the child's behavior in the labor process. An adult shows an example of an attitude to work, to people, to things, and at the same time arouses a great disposition and confidence in the preschooler.

    For example, a mother teaches her daughter how to sew on buttons. First, she explained and showed how to do it. “Now we’ll work together,” says the mother. "I'll sew a button to my coat, and you to a pillowcase." While working, the mother monitors the girl's actions, helping her. My daughter is diligently pulling the thread, but it is tangled in a knot and does not go through the hole of the button. The girl was worried: "I can't do it." The mother calmly says, “Why worry so much? You do not need to pull the thread forcibly, it will break. I'll try to untie the knot now. You see, everything is in order, continue to work. " After a while, the mother again heard the joyful voice of her daughter: “Look, mom, it worked! I sewed on the button myself! I can!" The mother looks at her daughter's work and together with her rejoices at her success.

    Children have the greatest ability to rejoice and enjoy the work they do. For example, a child makes a turntable. At first, when he gets down to business, he only knows that the turntable should turn and that the guys make excellent turntables. He himself played like this more than once. But how to make cuts in paper, how to wrap a corner, how to attach a pinwheel to a stick to make it spin in the wind? A lot of paper was spent, a lot of nails were bent. Finally the turntable is done and it is spinning. How much joy from the achieved success! Success, causing a surge of energy, entails getting back to work. Anyone who constantly experiences the joy of success, strive for work in order to relive this feeling again and again.

    A child, overcoming one difficulty after another, passing from one success to another, at some stage of his development begins to feel the need for work. This is an important turning point in a person's life. Preschoolers usually do not reach this point yet. But, nevertheless, it is in preschool childhood that this foundation is laid, which will ensure the emergence of this need. She develops from the desire for work, the desire to work, out of love for him. Fostering a positive attitude to work requires flexible methods of stimulation from an adult, and above all such types of encouragement as approval, praise, showing examples of the child's work to relatives and comrades. Approval of work activity, its recognition, strengthen the child's confidence in himself, create a stable basis for a positive attitude towards work. It is necessary to support the child in every possible way, to give him the opportunity to experience a feeling of pleasure from the fact that he has achieved a good result, to arouse the desire to repeat such actions. And this support consists in encouragement, in reasonable help, in advice. If a child is trying, and the results of his work still do not satisfy an adult, the assessment of the work, without praise, should still be positive. It is important that the child's joy or success is noticed so that he can share his delight with those around him. Children's joy and pleasure from a completed work, assessment and self-esteem - all this creates the basis for the emergence of a desire to work. If the child gets pleasure from the fact that he got dressed quickly (this is his volitional effort), it is necessary to make sure that from this pleasure a bridge is thrown to another effort that has not been previously practiced - made the bed, washed well, combed his hair, etc. If the child helped his mother peel boiled potatoes for vinaigrette, changed the water in the vase with flowers and experienced genuine joy, then let this joy become the first link in the chain of other things that he can still do.

    Family environment; the established relationship between parents and children is also important for the formation of a positive attitude to work. This also applies to the requirements that family members make for the child's work, and the methodology for managing the work of a son or daughter, and personal parents for their productive work, for household duties. It happens that parents punish their children with labor: “Oh, you didn't wash the dishes? You will wash it, and as punishment you will sweep another floor. "

    Some parents punish the child by deprivation of the labor loved by the child. Both measures do not contribute to the development of the desire to work, and is an obstacle on the path of fostering a positive attitude to work.

    For the education of the correct attitude to work, the attitude of adults to their responsibilities at home, and especially to their main work, is of great importance. If the father and mother constantly express dissatisfaction with the organization of labor in production, talk about the difficulties associated with carrying out their daily work duties, then the children accumulate negative experience. They begin to be afraid of work, refuse to participate in it, because work, according to their parents, does not bring joy.

    It is important that parents show examples of a communist attitude towards work, put their whole soul into their work.

    To instill in children a lively emotional attitude to work, it is necessary to enrich their ideas about different types of adult work, about its social orientation, about the role of work in people's lives, about relationships that develop in the process of work, about the motives that drive people.

    In the process of familiarizing themselves with the work of adults, children are imbued with a sense of respect for people, strive to imitate them, to do their work carefully and conscientiously. They develop a positive attitude towards work.


    Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

        Psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of a positive attitude of schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

        Diagnostics of the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students

        Analysis of the practical experience of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

    Conclusions for chapter 1

    Chapter 2. Ways and means of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

    2.1. Teaching younger students self-service skills

    2.2. Developing interest in adult work through the use of games

    2.3. Organization of joint labor activities of junior schoolchildren

    Conclusions on chapter 2





    Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting objects of nature to meet their needs.

    Labor is the main source of material and spiritual wealth of society, the sacred duty of man, the foundation of personal development. Modern production requires extensive educational and technical training, the ability to quickly master new technology, the ability to rationalize and improve labor practices.

    Labor education at school occupies one of the leading places in the system of harmonious development of schoolchildren. It is necessary that the student's desire to engage in a certain activity be realized most fully, relying on the interests, psychophysiological capabilities of the students. To do this, it is necessary to begin work as early as possible on the formation of a positive attitude of schoolchildren to work. Therefore, the leading idea in fostering a positive attitude to work among schoolchildren, especially at primary school age, should be the idea of ​​interest in work. Work is not a duty, but a need, joy, happiness, a way of self-expression of an individual.

    The most favorable period for fostering a positive attitude to work is primary school age. It is at this age in the process of work that junior schoolchildren acquire work skills and abilities, many vital qualities of the individual develop in work, work activity with all its components is characteristic of children of primary school age, but it has its own characteristics. Therefore, primary school teachers need to systematically and purposefully, in alliance with parents, teach basic skills and skills of self-service, foster creativity and the ability to navigate the diversity of human labor activity.

    G. N. Godina, A. S. Makarenko, Ya. A. Rozhnev, I. S. Sinitsyn, V. A. and some other teachers were engaged in systematic in-depth studies of the problem of labor education.

    In the theory and practice of labor education of schoolchildren, the issues of the formation of hard work in schoolchildren, systemic knowledge of adult labor, labor skills, questions of the formation of industriousness, general labor skills are most fully elucidated. However, the questions of the formation of a positive attitude to work among younger schoolchildren have been least studied.

    One of the characteristic features of modern society is an ever-deepening contradiction: between a person's desire to engage in a certain work activity and the possibility of its realization. This situation determines the need for a new approach to labor training and education of schoolchildren, in particular, to the initial stages. Another contradiction consists in the need to carry out work to form a positive attitude of schoolchildren to work and the unwillingness to carry it out in schools due to the lack of time and poor methodological training of teachers.

    Fostering a positive attitude towards work and the world of professions must be carried out throughout the entire education and upbringing of children in preschool institutions, this work continues in primary school. Therefore, primary school teachers need to systematically and purposefully, in alliance with parents, prepare students for the choice of a profession, provide younger schoolchildren with a single picture of the world of work, professions, form professional interest, foster creativity and the ability to navigate the diversity of a person's labor activity.

    The urgency of the problem and the need for its practical development determined the TOPIC of the study: "Formation of a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions."

    PURPOSE of the study: to study and scientifically substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students.

    SUBJECT of research: the process of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions.

    SUBJECT of research: ways and means of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions.

    Research hypothesis: the formation of a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions will be effective if:

      there is a systematic training of children in self-service skills;

      the need of younger schoolchildren for work is formed by including them in games;

      the inclusion of younger schoolchildren in practical activities in the educational process is ensured.

    In the course of the study, we solved the following TASKS:

      Determine the psychological and pedagogical essence of the problem of forming a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to the world of work and professions.

      To study the means of diagnosing the level of formation of a positive attitude to the world of work and professions among younger students.

      Analyze the practical experience of forming a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students.

      To identify practical ways and means that contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students.

    RESEARCH METHODS: study of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the problem; analysis of practical experience on the problem; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; conversation, questioning; quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of experimental work.

    The experimental work was carried out on the basis of school No. 51 in Prokopyevsk.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

    1.1 Psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of a positive attitude of younger students to the world of work and professions

    We will begin to identify the psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to the world of work and professions by identifying the essence of the concepts that form the basis of the problem of our research.

    According to SP Baranov, "both public recognition and the material well-being of a person should be determined primarily by how he works." The economic side is important here, but the ideological and moral side is no less important. Indeed, in work, a person not only creates material values, but also develops his best abilities, strengthens his will, develops creative powers, and asserts himself as a citizen.

    Labor education is an indispensable and integral part of the general education system for schoolchildren. Labor education creates the most favorable preconditions for the inclusion of each of the mental properties in a multilateral part with other properties and their mutual influence. Comprehensive and harmonious development provides a general rise in a person's giftedness, dynamically and holistically expressing his creative nature. And the richer this creative endowment, the better the conditions for the flourishing of a person's special abilities.

    In the Encyclopedic Dictionary, the concept of "labor" is interpreted as "purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet their needs."

    According to the definition given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, labor is an expedient activity of a person, in the process of which he, with the help of tools of labor, influences nature and uses it in order to create use values ​​necessary to satisfy needs. Considered in such a general form, labor is, as K. Marx wrote, "an eternal natural condition of human life, and therefore it is not dependent on any form of this life, but, on the contrary, is equally common to all its social forms."

    Labor played a decisive role in the process of human formation. Analyzing the role of labor in the formation of a person, F. Engels emphasized that a person is obliged to labor in the division of functions between arms and legs, in the development of speech organs, in the gradual transformation of the animal's brain into a developed human brain, in improving its sense organs. In the process of labor, a person's range of perception and ideas expanded, his labor actions began to be conscious. The whole history, the classics of Marxism noted, is nothing more than the education of a person through labor.

    Before proceeding with the identification of the psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among schoolchildren, we will give some basic concepts related to the labor education of schoolchildren.

    The main concepts are: "labor education", "attitude", "the formation of a positive attitude to work." These terms are related, but each of them has its own specifics.

    Labor education is the process of organizing and stimulating various labor activities of students and the formation of a conscientious attitude towards the work performed, the manifestation of initiative, creativity in it, and the desire to achieve higher results.

    Labor education - the formation of the moral qualities of a person necessary for labor activity with the help of labor; in society - in a broad sense - the purposeful formation of an attitude to work as the basis of a new spiritual image of a person, the upbringing of a highly conscientious and comprehensively developed citizen; an organic component of harmonious education; in a narrower sense - a purposeful process of preparing children and adolescents for work, closely related to schooling.

    The attitude to work is formed in the process of fostering diligence, readiness and ability to perform useful work to society, consciousness of responsibility for the results of work, the ability to perceive the interests of the team as personal, conscientiously and creatively to deal with the solution of labor problems. The most important ways and forms of labor education are: preparing children and young people for work in the family and school, attracting them to direct and feasible participation in social production; the use of all means of moral encouragement for the foremost workers in production and the acquaintance of the broad masses with their experience; consistent implementation of the principle of material interest in the results of labor; creation of the necessary conditions for the growth of qualifications of workers and their participation in the organization and management of production; use of mass media and oral propaganda for labor education.

    Pedagogical science considers labor education as an organic part of the general process of educating the younger generation in the family and at school. In bourgeois pedagogy, following G. Kershenshteiner and J. Dewey, labor education is considered only as the main means of training disciplined, accurate and conscientious performers who strive exclusively to achieve personal success and material well-being. Objectively, such a definition of the goals of labor education in bourgeois pedagogy is aimed at obscuring class contradictions, at strengthening the foundations of an antagonistic state.

    Utopian socialists of the 16th and 18th centuries for the first time expressed the idea of ​​labor education as a means of forming a free, harmonious person who is ready to work for the benefit of all members of society. T. More in "Utopia" proclaimed the socialist ideal of a society without exploiters; all its members are engaged in labor, which they learn from childhood in schools, in the fields, in workshops. T. Campanella saw the main feature of upbringing in the combination of learning with labor. J. J. Rousseau proposed to involve children in agricultural work and various crafts, arguing that mastering a profession provides a person with material independence. Utopian socialists of the 19th century C. A. Saint-Simon and C. Fourier argued that the main task of upbringing is to prepare the young generation for successful labor activity, to ensure its all-round development. In particular, Fourier developed methods of attracting children to work. In schools organized by R. Owen, children from an early age were involved in collective work.

    The teacher K. D. Ushinsky (work "Labor in its mental and educational meaning", 1860) revealed the importance of free physical labor for the all-round development of a person and the maintenance of self-esteem in him.

    Education in students of readiness for work, hard work, vocational guidance is provided in Russia by the entire system of educational and extracurricular work of a secondary general education school (content of academic subjects, levels of work load, teaching methods that ensure high activity of the student, etc.).

    It is clear that the formation of a positive attitude towards work cannot be carried out without appropriate training in labor skills. In this sense, labor training acts as a specially organized pedagogical process aimed at mastering the practical techniques of a particular labor, at the formation and improvement of labor skills.

    Professional orientation, on the other hand, as a pedagogical category, denotes the process of familiarizing students with various professions and types of work and helping them in choosing a future profession and specialty in accordance with their inclinations and abilities.

    Comparing these three pedagogical categories, it should be noted that the concept of labor education is broader than labor training and vocational guidance.

    The latter act as its constituent parts. But, fulfilling their specific roles, all these three processes are interrelated and, if successfully implemented, contribute to the formation of hard work in schoolchildren. Industriousness is the result of labor education, training and vocational guidance and acts as a personal quality, which is characterized by a strong need-motivational sphere, a deep understanding of the great transformative and educational power of labor (knowledge and belief), the ability and desire to conscientiously perform any necessary work and show volitional efforts in overcoming those obstacles that are encountered in the process of work. As a personality trait, hard work thus includes the following structural components:

    a) the need for creative labor activity and its healthy social and personal motives;

    b) understanding the benefits of labor for society and for oneself and the conviction of its moral wholesomeness (consciousness);

    c) availability of labor skills and skills and their constant improvement;

    d) a sufficiently strong will of the individual. Knowledge of this structure is of decisive importance for understanding the methodological foundations of labor education.

    The goals of labor education in a modern school are as follows:

      instilling love for work;

      instilling respect for working people;

      familiarization of schoolchildren with the basics of modern production, construction, transport, service sector;

      the formation in the process of learning and socially useful work of labor skills and abilities;

      motivation to consciously choose a profession and receive initial vocational training.

    This reflects the objective needs of modern society, coincides with the interests of the development of the student's personality.

    Various researchers have proposed different formulations of the tasks of labor education of schoolchildren. On the basis of the classification of Yu. K. Babansky, V. I. Loginova, V. G. Nechaeva, two groups of tasks can be distinguished: helping a schoolchild in mastering labor activity (in mastering the structure of activity, acquiring labor skills, skills); development of the child's personality in labor (development of properties, personality traits, the formation of relationships and the acquisition of social experience of interaction). These tasks are solved by the teacher-practitioner.

    Yu.K. Babansky

    IN AND. Loginova

    V.G. Nechaeva

    Raising attitudes towards work;

    Fostering attitudes towards working people;

    the formation of the need to work;

    preparation for choosing a profession

    Formation of attitudes towards work;

    education of the need to work;

    mastering labor knowledge, skills, skills in basic types of work

    Formation of labor skills and abilities; fostering an attitude to work, laying the foundations for hard work; education of moral and volitional qualities of the individual; mastering the skills of work; fostering adult attitudes towards work

    So, one of the tasks of labor education of schoolchildren is called the task of forming an attitude to work by teachers.

    Since labor education is carried out in the process of including students in the labor activity corresponding to their age, it is necessary to consider what types of labor it is necessary to involve the students.

    First of all, the labor activity of students associated with educational activities is widely used in the school. Starting from the first grade, students are engaged in the manufacture of a variety of teaching aids: tables, pictures, diagrams, herbariums, collections, the simplest models. When studying natural history and natural history, students work in the school educational and experimental site, in greenhouses and gardens, grow flowers, create living corners, organize work on feeding birds and wild animals.

    Manual labor in primary grades occupies a significant place in labor education and training.

    Self-service labor plays an important role in labor training and education. It includes: taking care of your belongings, cleaning classrooms and classrooms, repairing teaching aids, books in the school library, furniture and equipment, etc.

    The next type of labor activity of students is socially useful work on the improvement of the school territory, on the collection of secondary raw materials, medicinal plants, landscaping of streets in settlements, roads, etc. Students from grade 1 are involved in this work.

    Finally, socially useful, productive labor is of great importance in labor education.

    The need for labor training and education in schools has led to the great importance of their scientific research. Many valuable ideas on this problem are contained in the works of the classics of pedagogy - Ya. A. Komensky, J. Locke, I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, KD Ushinsky.

    Various aspects of labor education have been investigated by P. R. Atutov, N. I. Boldyrev, N. K. Goncharov, I. S. Marienko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, A. A. Shibanov and others.

    In pedagogy, the functions of labor education in the development of the personality and its moral formation are revealed in detail. In particular, attention is paid to such issues.

      The work and practical activities of schoolchildren have a beneficial effect on their physical development.

      Labor develops the mental abilities of schoolchildren, his ingenuity, creative ingenuity.

      The importance of labor in the moral education of the individual is exceptionally great.

      An essential function of labor is to form students' companionship, collectivism and mutual exactingness.

      Labor as a factor in education contributes to life self-determination and the correct choice of profession.

    The habit of work, an understanding of its necessity, work skills and abilities are formed in younger schoolchildren in everyday practical affairs, in various types of socially useful activities.

    The tasks of labor education of primary school students can be viewed as a stage in the formation of their positive attitude to work. These tasks are defined by I.S. Maryenko in "The approximate content of the education of schoolchildren":

      assimilation of knowledge about the role of labor in people's lives, understanding the need for labor for the general benefit;

      conscientious attitude to work, the desire to do any work diligently, honestly, with desire and pleasure;

      manifestation of responsibility, diligence, initiative and creative attitude to work;

      the ability to work in a team together, to show comradely mutual assistance, interest in the course and results of collective work;

      respect for school property, tools and materials, educational supplies, flora and fauna;

      the ability to plan their work, coordinate actions, subordinate them to the general course of work, use rational methods of work, be accurate and accurate;

      the formation of general labor skills and abilities, the development of interest in technology and technical creativity;

      negative attitude towards dishonesty, laziness, damage to property and negligence in handling equipment, tools and materials.

    Labor activity, attitude to work is one of the main aspects of moral activity. In the process of work, moral and volitional qualities are formed, in which signs of a positive attitude towards work are manifested: hard work, a sense of duty, collectivism, discipline, honesty, frugality, a creative attitude to work, the desire to overcome difficulties and bring the work started to the end. It is important for younger schoolchildren to instill the belief that work is an honorable duty of every person, to foster interest in work, the desire to be hardworking and the desire to benefit people. The formation of a positive attitude to work among schoolchildren has its own age specificity, its own tasks, corresponding to the age psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren.

    The formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among schoolchildren has its own age-specificity, its own tasks, corresponding to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren.

    Having studied the theoretical essence of labor education of schoolchildren, we found out that labor education and the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students is due to their age characteristics. Mobility, physical activity, readiness for action, inherent in this age, requires a variety of activities, the use of different forms and methods.

    Self-care is the child's work aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The quality and awareness of actions in different primary schoolchildren are different, therefore, the task of developing self-service skills is relevant at all stages of primary school age.

    Household work is a type of work that a younger student is able to master. The content of this type of labor is labor of cleaning the premises, washing dishes, doing laundry, and so on. If self-service labor was originally intended for life support, for taking care of oneself, then household labor has a social orientation. The younger student learns to create and maintain his environment in an appropriate form. A junior schoolchild can use the skills of household work both in self-service and in work for the general benefit.

    Labor in nature is distinguished as a special type of labor in primary school age. The content of such work is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, and so on. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the upbringing of moral feelings, lays the foundations for environmental education.

    The work of primary schoolchildren in nature has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

    The result of this labor can be a material product (grown vegetables, planted trees, and so on). This brings child labor closer to productive adult labor.

    Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: they sowed seeds and only after a while they were able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits. This feature helps to cultivate endurance and patience.

    Taking care of animals, growing plants, a junior schoolchild always deals with living objects. Therefore, special care, respect and responsibility are needed. The absence of these factors can lead to the death of a living.

    Labor in nature makes it possible to simultaneously develop cognitive interests. Younger schoolchildren observe the growth and development of living objects, learn about the features of some plants and animals, experiment, learning about inanimate nature.

    This type of work gives younger students the opportunity to bring joy to other people (treat with grown fruits, give flowers).

    Thus, the work of primary schoolchildren in nature contributes not only to labor education, but also to moral, aesthetic, mental, and physical development.

    Manual and artistic labor by its purpose is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of handicrafts from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination, creativity; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the education of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end. With the results of their labor, junior schoolchildren delight other people, creating gifts for them.

    With regard to primary school age, we can also talk about mental work. Any work is characterized by an effort aimed at achieving a result. The result, however, can be materialized (an object made by a primary school student, a grown plant), it can be presented through quality improvement (a cleaned bird cage), or it can act as a logical solution to a problem (mathematical, everyday, one's own "discovery" obtained as a result of deliberation). The latter is the result of mental labor. The primary school teacher teaches junior schoolchildren to "think before doing", to explain to themselves and others the train of their thoughts, to draw conclusions and inferences and, finally, to get satisfaction from the independently found solution.

    In the overwhelming majority of junior schoolchildren willingly get involved in work, are easily carried away by work directly. But their desires are situational, their behavior is characterized by instability, a quick change of mood. They are ready to take on any business, strive to participate in many events, but this energy of irrepressible desire is often disproportionate to their capabilities. Therefore, they can cool down to classes, not bring the work started to the end, switch from one to another. Knowing this, the teacher must constantly update the content, forms and methods of classes, take care of the dosage of work time, maintain a readiness for action, a cheerful mood and a positive attitude towards work. In the emotional susceptibility and situational desires of the student, their positive aspects are hidden.

    As psychologists note, the behavior of a junior schoolchild is most often determined by motives of two types: first, motives that come from the activity itself, actions and experiences that are caused by specific circumstances. The path to the consciousness of a younger student goes through his experiences, emotional states. If work, the performance of work duties cause joy, bring pleasure, and gain a foothold in success, then the student develops an interest in work, a desire to actively participate in work in order to experience an inspired feeling of joy again and again. This is how his activity is manifested, the desire to do better. From this begins the formation of a positive attitude of the student to work. The teacher is faced with the task of ensuring that every work and every lesson of junior schoolchildren is exciting, interesting, useful and successful. Secondly, the behavior of junior schoolchildren is determined by the motives of duty, responsibility, understanding of the need for work, their responsibilities, decisions made. Awareness of the concepts available to them - the requirements "it is necessary", "it is required", "it is necessary for everyone", "you are obliged", an understanding of the need for work, a sense of responsibility for oneself and others - work at school and in the family. It should be borne in mind that among junior schoolchildren, personal motives for work often prevail - to fulfill their assignment better, do a thing for themselves, rejoice at their success, earn encouragement themselves, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to steadily expand the meaning of socially significant motives of work - to do for the collective, to take care of everyone, to work disinterestedly and honestly.

    In the formation of a positive attitude towards the work of primary schoolchildren, one should take into account their propensity to imitate. The need for imitation creates the prerequisites for the accelerated accumulation of experience of moral behavior, a conscious attitude to work. The younger student should be surrounded by an atmosphere of conscientious attitude to the work of all adults: father, mother, relatives, teacher. This is a fertile and life-giving environment against which the process of the formation of the student's personality, his moral character, beliefs and behavior habits unfolds. The creation of traditions of a kind attitude to work, reliance on living examples that affect the thoughts and feelings of a schoolchild is an important condition for the formation of a moral and labor attitude to work in younger schoolchildren.

    The formation of a positive attitude towards work at primary school age includes not only the participation of schoolchildren in certain activities, but also familiarization with people's work. At the same time, the main tasks of vocational guidance work with younger students are being solved.

    Career guidance is a scientific and practical system for preparing schoolchildren for a free, conscious, independent choice of a profession, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the individual and the labor market and carried out through professional information, professional diagnostics, professional advice, professional selection, and professional adaptation.

    Professional self-determination is not only an act of choice. It has a dynamic and conscious character and is carried out at all stages of a person's life. They can be conventionally designated as follows:

      Emotionally shaped, typical for older preschool children;

      propaedeutic - younger students;

      search and sounding (from 5 to 7 grades);

      development of professional identity (grades 8-10);

      the period of clarification of the social and professional status (grades 10-11);

      entry into professional activity;

      development of a professional in the process of work itself.

    The result of the process of professional self-determination at school age is the choice of a future profession. Helping students in the right choice of a profession presupposes the need for a special organization of their activities, including:

      gaining knowledge about yourself (the image of "I");

      gaining knowledge about the world of professional work (analysis of professional activity);

      correlation of knowledge about oneself and knowledge about professional activity (professional test).

    These components are the main components of the process of professional self-determination at the stage of choosing a profession.

    In reading lessons, Russian language, mathematics, and natural history, junior schoolchildren get acquainted with general ideas about professions. The knowledge gained is deepened in the lessons of labor training, which allow the student to master some provisions in specific labor practice.

    In the lessons of mathematics, natural history and labor education, schoolchildren acquire the skills and abilities necessary to perform some socially useful tasks. So, in mathematics lessons, they learn to recognize and depict the simplest geometric shapes, make geometric constructions and measurements, using the simplest measuring and drawing tools. These skills are necessary in the manufacture of products of various geometric shapes from paper, cardboard, fabric, wire.

    The knowledge and skills acquired by younger students in the classroom are deepened and consolidated by the teacher in their free time. Here the range of socially useful activities of students expands. It includes socially useful work activities for the needs of school and extracurricular institutions, self-service at school and at home, productive work, hobby activities, social work. By participating in various types of socially useful work, students acquire new knowledge and skills.

    Thus, organizing work at school to form a positive attitude of younger students to the world of work and professions, it is necessary to take into account their age characteristics, using not only the inclusion of younger students in various activities, but also systematically conducting career guidance work, which consists in familiarizing younger students with the most common professions.

    1.2 Diagnostics of the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students

    Assessment of the formation of personality traits that determine their working upbringing has its own specifics at each age stage. Experimentally A.Ya. Zhurkina and I.I. Zaretskaya identified those indicators that characterize the labor education of primary schoolchildren.

    At primary school age, when educating readiness for work, the attention of teachers should be focused, first of all, on such structural components as:


      hard work;


    Activity is the basis for the education of hard work, and a hardworking person is necessarily disciplined. Both of these qualities help shape activity and responsibility. It is difficult to imagine responsibility without discipline and hard work.

    For elementary school students, the most important indicators of discipline are their ability to:

      follow the rules of conduct in work;

      follow the necessary work rules;

      to bring the work started to the end.

    These skills characterize the labor discipline of students. At the same time, these are skills that help a child achieve success in work and experience joy from it.

    The indicators of the hard work of primary schoolchildren are as follows:

      attitude to work of people and people of work

      knowledge about work and about working people;

      understanding the meaning of labor;

      careful attitude to the results of people's labor (to things of personal use, to the public domain);

      attitude to work:

      knowledge and understanding of the work of students;

      activity and diligence in work;

      persistence in overcoming difficulties.

    The collectivism of younger schoolchildren should be judged by their desire to work in a team and help their comrades in their work.

    The desire to work in a team is manifested in a positive attitude towards work in a team and towards a team in work.

    The revealed qualities are the criteria for the labor education of primary schoolchildren. The level of labor education of both individual students and the class as a whole depends on the degree of their formation.

    We have identified 3 levels of formation of a positive attitude towards work of primary schoolchildren:

    Let's characterize each level.

    Low level.

    Students violate discipline, that is, they do not follow the rules of work and behavior in work, without the appropriate knowledge and skills, not being able or willing to control themselves, their behavior. They either know nothing or know little about the occupations and professions of adults, about the types of work of schoolchildren. The use of personal belongings and public property is often careless and careless. If they show accuracy (do not tear, do not break, do not stain), then only trying to avoid punishment or to receive encouragement. Activity, diligence, perseverance in work either do not show at all, or rarely.

    The reasons for this may be as follows: they do not have the necessary knowledge, skills, skills, they do not have enough patience, they are not confident in themselves.

    Such schoolchildren prefer to refuse to participate in collective work, because they either believe that they will do their job better, or they do not know how to cooperate with their comrades: they do not want to reckon with their opinion, are touchy, quick-tempered, and are often the culprits of quarrels.

    Average level

    Students show discipline, trying to avoid punishment or receive encouragement, assert themselves, showing themselves better than others. They know and can talk about various professions, about the organization of work of adults; about many types of student work, about such an organization that makes the work of schoolchildren effective (accuracy, collective distribution of affairs, combination of work and rest).

    With things of personal and public use, they handle carefully, show respect for them, but only under control.

    They are active, diligent and persistent in overcoming difficulties, trying to avoid punishment, to receive encouragement, and to assert themselves. They do not refuse to work in a team, they know how to cooperate, they take the opinion of their comrades into account, help them, but they do it either out of duty or as a foreman.

    High level

    Students bring the assigned task to the end, fulfill the necessary rules of work and behavior in work; they are active and diligent, persistent in overcoming difficulties.

    Characterized by enthusiasm for the process and the content of labor; understanding that discipline and hard work contribute to the success of the business. The desire to be useful through their work; to make others pleasant.

    In the use of personal belongings, public domain; they are careful and thrifty, they want to bring joy to their loved ones, they understand that by doing so they save the budget of the family, school, and the work of many people; are not alien to the desire to receive for this encouragement. They can reasonably prove which work organization is effective, which human qualities help in work and are worthy of great respect.

    They have a positive attitude towards work in a team and a team in work, they work willingly, help their comrades kindly and disinterestedly, but only if they are interested in the success of the common cause. At the same time, the brigades may not provide assistance to students from other groups in the class out of a sense of rivalry.

    To assess the level of formation of a positive attitude to work, we identified the following criteria: cognitive, motivational-need, activity-practical. The criteria and their indicators in a revised version will be entered in Table 1.

    Table 1.

    Criteria and indicators of the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students




      availability of knowledge about the work of students, about the rules of behavior in the process of performing educational and work activities;

      idea of ​​your own qualities and capabilities;

      the ability to produce self-esteem at a certain level.



      the presence of interest in the field of labor, educational and professional activities;

      the presence of a formed motivation for the successful implementation of educational and work activities;


    Observation, questionnaires


    manifestations of industriousness, discipline, collectivism in the performance of educational and work activities.

    Observation, analysis of products of activity

    Thus, the main criteria by which one can judge the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren are: cognitive, motivational-need-based; activity-practical.

    The assessment of the level of formation of indicators of the leading personality traits for each age can be carried out by the method of generalizing independent characteristics. In elementary school, the student is assessed by a teacher, educator, possibly involving parents.

    The manifestation of this or that quality, properties are characterized at each level by different motivation, from purely individualistic to socially valuable.

    Thus, the low level is characterized by motives associated with the fear of punishment, the desire to receive praise, encouragement;

    for the average - the desire for personal success, the satisfaction of their interests without taking into account the needs of the team;

    for the high - interest in a common cause, the desire to benefit the team, the school.

    It is possible to differentiate the assessment not only depending on the degree of manifestation of the quality and motives of the activity, but also taking into account the reasons for the insufficient level of development for this indicator. So, discipline as an indicator of the working upbringing of primary schoolchildren is manifested in the implementation of the rules of work, the rules of behavior, in the ability to bring the work started to the end. Let's say that there is a low level of discipline, but the reasons for this may be different:

      there are no corresponding skills, although he knows the rules;

      knows and knows how, but lacks persistence, patience.

    The sociometry method can be applied in practice. Pupils are asked to answer three questions, their meaning remains the same:

      with whom they are more willing to communicate in work, who is sociable to what extent;

      who feel uncomfortable in the team.

      Whom would you choose if the work assignment had to be done together?

      Who would you like to sit with at the same desk?

      Who would you trust your secret to?

    It is better to mark the answers to 1, 2, 3 questions in different colors, because these are different choices: leader, friend, employee.

    Below the matrix is ​​recorded how many choices each student received.

    It is possible to reveal the attitude of a younger student to work in the course of using the following methodology.

    Students are offered an assessment sheet, on which the characteristics of different levels of attitude to the labor process are indicated on the left. To the work collective, to comrades in labor, and on the right opposite each level, assessed by a score of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the names of the students are entered, whose attitude corresponds to this level.

    "5" - creative and proactive;

    "4" - close to him, performing;

    "3" - selective;

    "2" - undesirable and alarming;

    "1" is invalid.

    A questionnaire for assessing the attitude of students to work can be like this.

    The nature of the manifestation of relations Ball F.I. Pupil

    1. Attitude to the labor process.

      Works responsibly, conscientiously, takes initiative. 5

      Conscientious, organized, but does not show initiative. 4

      Not always responsible, works according to mood according to interest. 3

      Owns labor methods, but is disorganized, requires control. 2

      Poorly owns labor methods, the case almost never comes to an end. 1

      The attitude to the team in work.

      He actively contributes to the success of the team, offers rational ways of organizing work. 5

      He worries about the results of the case, there is responsibility for his affairs. 4

      With enthusiasm and conscientiousness, he works in a team when the task coincides with interest. 3

      Performs the task of the team without much desire, out of necessity. 2

      Performs a task only under control. 1

      Attitude towards work comrades.

      He willingly helps his comrades, he himself offers help. 5

      Willingly helps if asked. 4

      Helps, selectively, closest friends. 3

      Rarely enters into communication with comrades, irritably accepts help. 2

      It does not help anyone, because it cannot and does not seek to learn from experience, sometimes it interferes with work. 1

    So, we have identified the main criteria and means of diagnosing the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students. These are: cognitive (criterion of knowledge), motivational (criterion of attitude to work) and practical criterion. The means of diagnosing the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren for each of the above criteria are: questionnaires, conversations, observations.

    1 ascertaining experiment.

    Purpose: to study the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students.

    The experimental work was carried out in two classes - experimental and control.

    In the course of the experimental work, with the help of the methods described above for each junior schoolchild, we recorded the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions for each of the identified criteria. The results obtained were subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis and entered in tables 2, 3, 4. Let's get acquainted with the results of experimental work in more detail.

    In the control class:

      by cognitive criterion:

    high level of maturity - in 3 students (14.28%);

    a low level - among 12 schoolchildren (57.16%).

    high level - 4 students (19.05%);

    the average level is among 6 schoolchildren (28.56%);

    high level - 3 schoolchildren (14.28%);

    the average level is among 5 schoolchildren (23.8%);

    a low level - in 13 schoolchildren (61.92%).

    In an experimental class:

      by cognitive criterion:

    a low level - in 11 schoolchildren (52.39%).

      According to the motivational value criterion:

    high level - in 2 students (9.52%);

    the average level is among 8 schoolchildren (38.09%);

    a low level - in 11 schoolchildren (52.39%).

      According to the practical-activity criterion:

    high level - 2 students (9.52%);

    the average level is among 5 schoolchildren (23.81%);

    a low level - in 14 schoolchildren (66.67%).

    All data in percentage terms were entered in table 4.

    Table 4.

    Summary table of experimental work results (%)


    Levels of formation of a positive attitude to the world of work and professions


    Motivational value



    Thus, the results of the first ascertaining experiment indicate that the majority of schoolchildren in the control and experimental classes (50-60%) have a low level of formation of a positive attitude to work, some schoolchildren (about 35%) have an average level of formation of a positive attitude to work and very few younger schoolchildren (approximately 10-15%) have a high level of formation of a positive attitude to work.

    For a more visual representation of the data obtained, we will construct Diagram 1 and draw a conclusion about the level of formation of a positive attitude to work among younger schoolchildren.

    Chart 1.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren

    Summing up the results of the first ascertaining experiment, we note that the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren is extremely low, it requires development. In our opinion, the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger schoolchildren will significantly increase if the pedagogical conditions we have identified for the formation of a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to the world of work and professions are observed. These are: teaching elementary schoolchildren the simplest self-service skills; developing interest in adult work through the use of games; organization of joint labor activities of junior schoolchildren.

    1.3 Analysis of the practical experience of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

    We have analyzed the practical experience of teachers on the problem of forming a positive attitude of younger students to the world of work and professions. Let us dwell in more detail on the most interesting forms, methods and means.

    In the lessons of labor training in grades 1-3, the foundation of general labor training should be laid. This presupposes, first of all, the upbringing of industriousness in junior schoolchildren, the formation of a positive attitude towards work.

    The fulfillment of the assigned tasks is carried out in the process of instilling in younger schoolchildren an appropriate understanding and concept of the elements of technology, technology of material processing. Labor training in elementary school makes certain demands on the results of the upbringing of a primary school student. They, starting from the first grade, should develop a responsible attitude to their duties, to the result of their work. It is very important to educate the child to be industrious. To do this, in all types of work (working with paper, cardboard, combined work, working with a designer, growing plants and others), each child must always be provided with the appropriate materials and tools. Here, the skill for the rational distribution of all materials in the workplace is immediately developed. The habit of organizing your workplace guarantees mental organization in the performance of a work task, this is a condition for successful performance and education of hard work.

    In accordance with the nature of work and the psychological characteristics of primary school children, most of the time is devoted to practical work.

    The teaching material in primary school is divided into the following sections:

      technical labor;

      household labor;

      the basics of artistic processing of various materials;

      agricultural labor.

    The lessons of labor training in primary school provide for the development of the technical outlook of students, fostering interest in technical creativity.

    Working with paper, cardboard and combined work makes it possible to continue the formation of skills in organizing a workplace in younger schoolchildren, in the possession of materials such as paper, all kinds of fabrics in texture, plasticine, clay and natural materials. Fulfillment of labor assignments for the manufacture of products with correct geometric shapes requires the child to understand the need for precise performing activities, strict adherence to the set goal, which is the basis of labor. So, marking up parts using a template requires good performing skills. Working according to a template mobilizes the will of the child and his intellectual abilities. In this activity, the child can correlate the results of his efforts with the template and independently objectively evaluate his work.

    Construction has its own specific requirements. Constructive activity requires its own methods of action, its own methods of examination and construction of a structure.

    When constructing, the child begins to understand that certain constructive properties are behind certain phrases and the weight of parts. In this activity, the child must master all types of construction:

      according to the sample;

      by conditions;

      by design.

    All types of construction develop in the child the ability to imagine in advance what needs to be done, the ability to plan activities.

    At the lessons of service labor, it is envisaged to teach the student the elements of self-service (minor repairs and care of clothes, shoes), the formation of skills for safe work and personal hygiene when working with a needle and scissors. In these lessons, junior schoolchildren receive primary information about the types of fabrics (their texture, quality, color). All types of household work, in addition, are aimed at educating the general aesthetic needs of the child and his desire for personal neatness and attractiveness.

    Clay, wood, leather, fur, natural materials (cones, acorns, moss, pebbles, and others), metal and many other materials can and should be used at school in accordance with the natural resources and traditional crafts prevailing in a particular region.

    Working with various materials expands the child's labor skills, exercises his ability to plan the organization of his workplace and the most creative activity.

    Excursions to the places of primordial folk crafts, mastering the simplest ways and techniques of working with all kinds of materials of the native land in the classroom develop aesthetic feelings in the younger schoolchild, create conditions for the development of creative imagination and form that deep emotional position in relation to the nature of their land and the primordial craft of people of this an edge that truly defines the feeling of love for the Motherland.

    At the lessons of agricultural labor, junior schoolchildren are introduced to the cultivation of vegetable, berry and flower-ornamental plants.

    In order for younger schoolchildren to realize the importance of work, the lesson is structured in such a way that the end result of the activity is a useful object for others, made by the student himself.

    The main task of the labor education of younger schoolchildren is the formation of a correct, positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to work. It is successfully implemented by those teachers who take into account both the peculiarities of children's labor activity and the age capabilities of younger schoolchildren.

    The experience of elementary school teachers, covered in pedagogical collections, newspapers and magazines, confirms that with the correct organization of labor education of junior schoolchildren, considerable success can be achieved in their moral education, in the formation of their interest in work, a positive attitude towards it, the desire to accept participation in it, as well as the formation of skills and abilities necessary for various types of work.

    ML Makurochkina (Dubna) in primary school uses window mesh embroidery - one of the most favorite types of work with fabric by younger schoolchildren. The window mesh has many advantages: the fringe dissolves quickly and efficiently; lines for stitches are outlined, the length of the stitches is the same, since the counting is carried out in cells; the napkin does not shrink, since the mesh is denser than the fabric, almost everyone, including boys, gets excellent and good grades.

    The topics of the classes are as follows.

    Lesson 1. Unfastening the fringe. Seam "forward needle".

    Lesson 2. Seam "forward needle" with an inlaid.

    Lesson 3. Zigzag seam.

    Lesson 1. Unfastening the fringe. "Tambour" seam. Execution of napkins around the perimeter.

    Lesson 2. Seam "goat". Perimeter embroidery.

    Lesson 3 and 4. Back to the needle stitch. Embroidery along the contour of the pattern.

    Lesson 1. Unfastening the fringe. Sewing along the perimeter of the napkin with any of the studied patterns.

    Lesson 2 - 4. Embroidery of a pattern with a "cross" or "satin stitch" to choose from.

    LF Petrova (Moscow) proposes to acquaint younger schoolchildren with the types of labor that are most common in a given area. Therefore, in his work, the teacher pays great attention to familiarizing younger schoolchildren with the work of the workers of the dairy plant, since most of the parents of younger schoolchildren work at this plant. And the products manufactured by the plant are well known to younger schoolchildren: every family uses butter and milk every day, cottage cheese and sour cream are often used.

    L.F. Many people know who the father and mother work for (operator, laboratory assistant, packer), but few know what they do.

    The results of conversations with first-graders convincingly show the conduct of planned, systematic work to form in younger schoolchildren the correct ideas about the work of parents, its social significance.

    Using the example of familiarizing younger schoolchildren with the labor of milkmaids, we will show the work organized by L. F. Petrova. It is impossible to organize observation of milkmaids' activities in a city. Therefore, the teacher in her work decided to use fiction, paintings, photographs. The teacher selected children's fiction on this topic, illustrations, photographs depicting work on a livestock farm. In the photographs and illustrations, the students saw milking machines, and from the stories the teachers learned that they were invented by engineers and made by workers at the factory in order to facilitate the work of milkmaids, to help them increase milk yield.

    Younger schoolchildren learn a lot of interesting things about the work of livestock breeders from children's fiction. For example, from the book by N. Polyakova "For what they say thanks to mom." Listening to the stories, junior schoolchildren will learn that the work of livestock breeders is not easy, but very honorable and needed by everyone.

    When the younger schoolchildren had already formed some ideas about the work of milkmaids, the teacher conducted a conversation using the film "Milk Cup". The younger schoolchildren discussed the film animatedly. During the conversation, the teacher tried to focus on the attitude of milkmaids to work, on how they help each other.

    In the school where L. F. Petrova works, it is practiced to hold labor holidays, in which the parents of the students take an active part. Talking about their work, they give interesting examples, say that their work is honorable.

    Excursions, observations, stories of teachers and parents enriched the ideas of younger schoolchildren about the work of adults, and having these ideas, younger schoolchildren began to realize that their parents produce products that all people need, that their work is honorable.

    LF Petrova also noticed that the children develop an interest in the labor activity of adults. The younger students independently tried to learn more about the work of their parents and proudly talked about their success in the class. The statements of schoolchildren are becoming more interesting and conscious. They independently assess the attitude of people to their labor duties, notice the interconnection of labor processes, the social orientation of labor.


    Conclusions for chapter 1

    Having studied the theoretical foundations of the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren, we have drawn some conclusions.

    Primary school teachers use a variety of forms and methods in their work to form a positive attitude towards work in younger schoolchildren: excursions, organization of holidays, games, participation of younger schoolchildren in various types of work.

    Chapter 2. Ways and means of forming a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to the world of work and professions

    2.1 Teaching younger students self-service skills

    Teaching elementary schoolchildren in the simplest self-service skills takes place in the family of a junior schoolchild and in the process of academic and extracurricular work at school. Let us dwell on this area of ​​work in more detail.

    Proper upbringing is to gradually involve schoolchildren in a feasible and varied work activity. At first, this may be the simplest self-care job of caring for your toys, clothes and shoes. Then the child's sphere of work expands and includes watering the flowers in the house, participating in dry cleaning of the apartment, keeping the bathroom clean, and so on. In his lecture for parents "Education in work" A. S. Makarenko lists more than 20 types of child labor in the family.

    Participation in a feasible and systematic work activity allows younger students not only to get used to housework and acquire practical skills, but also gradually become aware of their work responsibilities, get used to frugality.

    However, the school needs to significantly expand the scope of work of students, to include them in such activities, the results of which are associated with the creation of material values. The complication of labor activity and the increase in its importance require the excitation of those specific internal contradictions, under the influence of which the need for work is formed and which stimulate the development of industriousness and frugality.

    One of these internal contradictions is that students experience a "discrepancy" between the nature of domestic work and the expansion of the scope of their work in school. When a student has to carry out various tasks for the production of textbooks, when the scope of his activities in the work of self-service and the improvement of the school, in providing assistance to nearby construction sites, industrial enterprises, agriculture becomes more complicated, his work inevitably acquires elements of novelty, it becomes interesting, which helps to stimulate his labor activity.

    Expanding the scope of work of students also contributes to the initiation of a contradiction between the volume of their skills and abilities and the need to master new labor processes, as well as improve their dexterity and accuracy in work. For this, in the process of teaching and upbringing, it is important to show students what new skills and abilities they can acquire and what aspects of work training they can improve.

    Great opportunities for arousing the need for work and respect for the material values ​​of society are provided by explanations to students of their work duties, as well as frugality as a moral quality. When a student is deeply aware of the social and personal significance of work, as well as his responsibilities, he develops a psychological attitude towards active labor activity, towards the performance of any work.

    The forms of organization of labor activity play an important role in the formation and development of the ideas of younger schoolchildren about work. The most important of them are the following:

    the creation of permanent or temporary apprenticeship links for a particular job. For example, there may be permanent fruit tree care units in the school garden, if there is one, to grow flowers. Temporary units are organized to perform occasional work, for example, to decorate the school building for the upcoming holiday, to work with the chefs, and so on;

    the accumulation and development of labor traditions at school, such as the traditional preparation and holding of a Labor Day or a Gift to School holiday at school, when pupils of all grades make textbooks, make models, and care for commemorative alleys. Exhibitions of technical creativity of schoolchildren and so on are a stimulating labor tradition;

    an effective form of stimulation of labor activity is individual labor assignments, which are given to students by teachers and student organizations. Often we ask this or that student to help clean the classroom, put in proper order the blackboard, furniture, teaching aids, and so on.

    In order for the labor activity of students to develop their ideas about work and contribute to the formation of the practical side of hard work as a personal quality, it must be methodically properly organized. The most significant, in our opinion, issues in this methodology are the following:

    in the process of upbringing, based on the need to include students in a variety of work activities, teachers not only take care of the selection of objects of work, but also carefully think over the system of its organization so that it is regular. From this point of view, in the formative experiment, work activities were planned in such a way that, along with more or less permanent work (participation in self-service, work at the school teaching and experimental site, and so on), the students systematically produced teaching aids for school classrooms and exhibitions, improvement of the territory adjacent to the school. In our opinion, the school ensured the regular participation of all students in various types of work and created conditions for normal labor education.

    When organizing work, the tasks that students should solve were clearly defined, and their social and moral significance was explained. For example, students in an experimental class were sent to assist the school library. On the eve of this, the work that must be performed by the students was determined and what specific tasks they face, they explained in detail the need for this help and its meaning. All this was done briefly and tactfully, without unnecessary appeals. Understanding the importance of work and the tasks associated with it helps to excite students' need to do a job well, creates a psychological attitude to overcome difficulties, and gives rise to a sense of responsibility and duty.

    For the formation of a conscientious attitude to work, it is of great importance to stimulate the labor activity of students, to form and strengthen their need-motivational sphere in this direction. Together with the needs and motives, the very form of work organization plays a significant role in stimulating the labor activity of younger schoolchildren. You can, for example, simply give an assignment to younger students to collect a certain amount of natural material and then monitor its implementation. But you can clothe this task in a bright and attractive form for younger students.

    So, we strove to ensure that new creative elements were continuously introduced into the organization of student labor, so that its forms were constantly renewed and acquired fresh, and sometimes romantic features. Much here is given by the use of collective creative deeds of students, their involvement in the search for objects of labor and giving it attractive forms of organization. Here the younger schoolchildren drew attention to the joy with which they are greeted by the kids from the neighboring kindergarten. We suggested to carry out the operation "PMD" ("Gift to younger friends"), during which they prepared toys, souvenirs, new games for children. In winter, junior schoolchildren are planning a new labor operation "Snow Tale" and, in secret from the kids, made various sculptures out of snow, built a snow fort.

    2.2 Developing interest in adult work through the use of games

    After analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, we found out that a high level of curiosity is characteristic of a younger student, he emotionally reacts to everything new, is easily influenced by external circumstances. The younger student willingly performs difficult assignments, strives for vigorous activity, if the classroom is colorfully decorated. Therefore, it is important to select those forms and methods of work that are most consistent with the psychological characteristics of students of primary school age, to introduce elements of play, romance, and creativity into them.

    Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing knowledge and impressions obtained from the world around them. Children's games are extremely diverse in nature, content, organization, so it is very difficult to classify them accurately. We will adhere to a classification in which children's games are divided into the following groups:

    1. Subject.

    2. Creative.



    Joke games


    3. Games with the rules.

    Movable (sports)

    Didactic (cognitive)

    Games with rules were first created by folk pedagogy. There are many similarities between games with rules and creative games: the presence of a game goal, the need for active independent activity. Many rule games have a storyline and role play. There are also rules for creative games, but the children set them themselves. The difference between games with rules and creative games is as follows: in creative play, the activity of children is aimed at fulfilling a plan, developing a plot, and in games with rules, the main thing is solving a problem, fulfilling the rules.

    A didactic game is a type of games with rules specially created by pedagogy in order to teach and educate children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of play activities is manifested in them.

    The essence of didactic games lies in the fact that children are invited to solve mental problems compiled by adults in a playful, entertaining way. Their goal is to contribute to the formation of the cognitive activity of the child. Didactic is used not only as a means of consolidating knowledge, but also as one of the forms of teaching. It promotes the expansion of ideas, consolidation and application of knowledge gained in the classroom, as well as in the direct experience of children.

    Didactic play makes the learning process easier and more entertaining: one or another mental task contained in the game is solved in the course of an activity that is accessible and attractive to children. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in the preschool period and at primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

    1. Play activity as a leading activity in preschool age has not yet lost its significance (it is no coincidence, therefore, many children bring toys to school). One can agree with L.S. Vygotsky, who wrote that "at school age, the game does not die, but penetrates into relations with reality." It has its own internal continuation in school education and work. (32. 357) It follows that reliance on play activity, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way of involving children in educational work.

    2. The mastery of educational activity, the inclusion of children in it is slow (many children do not know at all what "learning" is).

    3. There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and productivity of attention, mainly involuntary development of memory, the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking.

    4. Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation. The main difficulty in the initial period of education lies in the fact that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of the activity that he must perform at school. The motive and content of educational activities do not correspond to each other. The content that the child is taught at school should encourage learning. There are significant difficulties in adaptation when a child enters school (mastering a new role - the role of a student, establishing relationships with peers and teachers). The didactic game largely contributes to overcoming these difficulties.

    AV Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, emphasized: "We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the general development of the child." (12, 48)

    Thus, didactic play, on the one hand, is viewed as a means of the child's intellectual development, a means of developing cognitive mental processes, on the other hand, as a playful form of learning, which, as you know, is quite actively used at the initial stages of learning, that is, in the senior preschool age and primary school age.

    We have selected a series of didactic games in the lessons of labor education in elementary school. You can get acquainted with them in the Appendix.

    In the course of individual and collective conversations, it becomes clear what professions are generally familiar to the children (who builds new buildings? Who sews clothes? Who grows bread and vegetables?), The teacher contributes to the expansion and deepening of their knowledge. It is advisable to clarify what children know about labor processes, tools and various machines (how do people build a house? Who can work on a construction site, on a collective farm, in a garment factory? What tools are needed? What machines are used? Why do people need them?).

    Forming an active interest in the labor activity of adults, the teacher should pay attention to children's ideas about the moral side of work (what benefits parents bring with their work? What will you work when you grow up? Why do you like this profession? Why do all people work? Why a cook? is trying to cook delicious food, the seamstress is trying to sew beautiful clothes?)

    The task of the teacher is to make children want to learn as much as possible about the profession they are interested in. For example, after completing the construction of a house in labor education lessons, you can ask the children a number of questions that will make them think about some points: Why was there not enough material for the construction? Why are the windows different widths? Sometimes we were included in the game as a participant ("What job will you give me at a construction site? I want to be a roofer, but what should I do?"). Children begin to understand that their knowledge is insufficient and strive to replenish it. This creates a prerequisite for the active expansion of knowledge about various aspects of labor.

    The games tell the educator what excursions need to be organized to enrich the children's experience. For example, at a construction site, children will see how they dig a foundation pit, lay the foundation, erect walls; find out what profession people do this work, what tools are needed, what machines and materials are used; here younger students get acquainted with the work of master finishers: joiners, carpenters, glaziers, plasterers, painters,

    Interest in the work of builders can be supported by organizing stories from specialists (preferably parents). These stories, agreed with the teacher, should be accompanied by a demonstration of the tools and actions with them. As a rule, children immediately use the acquired knowledge effectively in the game.

    It is extremely important that the introduction to the labor in the course of the game takes place in a certain sequence. If excursions are not associated with the further active activity of children, then their role is negligible. The sight of a building where people work, without live communication with them, cannot instill in children a sense of respect and interest in their work. It is desirable that the excursion or observations be followed by a conversation that reinforces knowledge and allows you to form more general ideas and concepts. The teacher's conversation should encourage younger students to think and generalize, rather than simply listing facts. In this regard, some techniques are used: for example, offer the children to independently compose a story "By whom and how I would work at a construction site (post office, factory, etc.)" or to guess the riddle in the story: "Petya, waking up in the morning, every time I saw that dad was reading the newspaper, drinking milk at breakfast, eating fresh buns. Petya thought: “Who are the people who get up before everyone else and make sure that there are fresh newspapers, and bread, and milk. Who do you guys think these people are? "

    Knowledge becomes fuller and stronger if it is used in games, filling them with a certain content.

    The keen interest of younger schoolchildren in the work of pilots, cosmonauts, submariners, and firefighters is well known. However, one should not limit oneself to acquainting children only with works of art about people of heroic professions. Books showing how important the work of each person is (“Who lives in our house” by P. Babansky, “Who gets up before everyone else” by M. Moiseeva, “Tim at home” by A. Markushi, “You have lowered the letter” N Grigorieva, "The Blue Cog" by O. Donchenko). Under the influence of these books, children begin to see interesting things in the work of not only a pilot or a geologist, but also a postman, joiner, carpenter, they understand that there are no easy professions, they all require a lot of work. Often, younger students begin to play according to the plots of these books.

    In reading lessons, while walking around the city, an assignment for younger students could be used: tell me who works under each sign "School", "Bank", "Atelier", "Hospital", "Hairdresser" and so on. Younger schoolchildren not only name professions (teacher, banker, economist, seamstress, cutter, doctor, but also reveal professionally important qualities inherent in a particular profession: observation, sociability, ability to work with people, attentiveness, and so on.

    In reading lessons, younger students compile a list of literary characters with a certain profession. So, by younger schoolchildren, doctor Aibolit, organ-grinder Carlo, postman Pechkin from the village of Prostokvashino, policeman Uncle Styopa can be included in this list.

    In the course of the work on familiarization with the main professions of the labor market, it is possible to use works of fiction that organically fit into the topic of the reading lessons. Younger schoolchildren carry out the task: "Get to know the hero." So, you can use the following works of art:

      Master, master, help - the boots are worn out.

    Drive in your nails harder - we'll go visit today!

    (Shoemaker. B. Zakhoder)

      I sew all day today, I dressed the whole family.

    Wait a little, cat, - you will also have clothes.

    (Dressmaker. B. Zakhoder)

      White hair, eyebrows, eyelashes.

    In the morning he gets up earlier than the birds.

    (Baker. D. Rodari)

    It is interesting to organize and carry out the work on the end of the teacher's sentences "Different professions". Children supplement every line of the poem with a profession familiar to them from childhood.

    The train drives ... (driver)

    Plows in the field ... (tractor driver)

    The plane is ruled by ... (pilot)

    Glues books ... (binder)

    At school he teaches us ... (teacher)

    Builds buildings ... (builder)

    Paints the walls for us ... (painter)

    Tables are made ... (joiner)

    He sings songs for us ... (singer)

    Busy in trade ... (seller)

    Weaving fabrics on a loom ... (weaver)

    Heals diseases ... (doctor)

    Medicines will give us ... (pharmacist)

    Bread is baked in the bakery ... (baker)

    Will draw us ... (artist)

    He will sew boots ... (shoemaker)

    Glass will replace us ... (glazier)

    Working in the face ... (miner)

    He will fold the stove for you for the winter ... (stove-maker)

    Will serve you on the train ... (guide)

    Put out the fire in an instant ... (fireman)

    Works in the Far North ... (polar explorer)

    Will translate from another language ... (translator)

    Fix the tap ... (plumber)

    He will fix the watch ... (watchmaker)

    Loads with a crane ... (crane operator)

    What can you name?

    Younger schoolchildren themselves may try to compose sentences characterizing a particular profession. So, the following sentences can be made.

    A fisherman catches the fish. A chauffeur carries the load in the car. The bread is removed by the combine. The pigsty is working in the pigsty. The milkmaid milks the cows. Chief agronomist in the field. The astronomer knows the stars. A blacksmith works in a hot forge. A miner is working in the mine.

    After drawing up sentences in a conversation, the teacher learns what younger students know about a particular profession. Then younger students can be asked to complete the "Professiogram" task. The students compose a description of their favorite literary hero according to the following plan: what knowledge and qualities does he possess? What are his favorite activities? What can he do? What could he work with and what qualities would be useful in his profession? The completeness of the professiogram, the validity of the chosen profession for the hero is assessed.

    In labor training lessons, games are widely used: "Who did it?", "Pantomime", "Black box" and some others.

    When playing the game "Who did it?" children are divided into two teams of "riddles" and "guessers". The first show the products of labor of various industries (bread, clothing, books, watches, and so on). Guessers are the professions of people who are involved in the manufacture of these products.

    In the game "Pantomime" the guys are also divided into two teams. The participants take turns making pantomime to each other the names of some professions, depicting actions typical for workers in this profession. The task of the other team is to guess which profession is conceived.

    For the game "Black box" working tools are prepared, which are placed in a black box. Having lowered his hand into the box and taking one of the tools, but without taking it out, the teacher describes what they do with this tool (sew, plan, cut, hammer, and so on). The task of younger students is to name the instrument. If the younger student guessed the instrument correctly, then the teacher takes out this subject and asks to list the professions of those people who use this instrument in their work.

    In fine arts classes, junior schoolchildren draw workers, their jobs, professions they like and professions that schoolchildren learn about in class.

    So, the organization and conduct of games in primary school contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of younger students towards the world of work and professions.

    2.3 Organization of joint labor activities of primary schoolchildren

    The labor activity of younger students is one of the types of educational activities. Its purpose is to form the attitude of junior schoolchildren to work, creativity, science, books, learning.

    Labor activity requires intellectual effort, analysis, reflection. It develops the thinking abilities of younger schoolchildren, expands the circle of knowledge. Therefore, the important task of the teacher is the following - to captivate all children with work activity, filling it with interesting content.

    We have prepared and carried out events in which the joint labor work of primary schoolchildren became the main condition for holding. For example, we will describe the process of preparing and conducting a collective extracurricular event.

    As a rule, in the classroom at school, students perform the work suggested by the teacher individually, each with their own drawing, modeling, application. But in practice, we noticed that the creation of common pictures, compositions, where the images of all schoolchildren are combined, gives particular satisfaction to younger schoolchildren. This is a collective work, it is more significant for children in terms of the result, it causes admiration in them. Schoolchildren are pleased with the collective lesson of their joint activity to create one common drawing, application, design. They are especially satisfied with the overall result, which in this case is always richer in content, makes a more vivid impression on them than the individually performed work. They understand that all together can get a more significant image than either one individually. In the process of collective lessons, favorable conditions are created for children to communicate with each other and the teacher about what they are creating and how best to do it. And upon completion of the image, the younger students together rejoice at the results of joint activities. Joyful feelings unite them. However, in mass practice, such classes are carried out sporadically and only in the most light forms: when each student performs his part of the image as a separate, complete one, which is then combined into a common work.

    The collective activity of younger schoolchildren not only contributes to the development of labor activity, but also solves numerous educational and didactic tasks. The content of the depicted, carrying a charge of worldview, ethical, aesthetic ideas contributes not only to solving the problems of aesthetic and artistic education, but also actively influences the formation of the consciousness of the individual as a whole, and the collective form of organization makes it possible to form skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develops the habit to mutual assistance, creates the basis for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives.

    Leadership of the collective labor activity of younger schoolchildren requires more efforts from the teacher than just individual activity. Particularly difficult in this regard is a jointly - interacting form of organizing activities. All this requires careful thought, clear planning of all stages of work and approvals, rational placement of materials and equipment.

    It is desirable that the preparatory stage preceded the joint creative work of younger students. It allows students to deepen their own knowledge on the topic of future work, allows them to form vivid images in them that give rise to a desire to embody them in their own activities. For this, you can use excursions, conversations, discussion of books read, viewing reproductions, illustrations.

    The main stage is the stage of performing work, it includes planning, performing and evaluating teamwork. Its goal is not only to provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to embody the images of the world around them in composition, but also to create conditions for the creative interaction of children in the course of collective creativity, contributing not only to the aesthetic and artistic development of children, but also to the formation of their skills to work creatively in a team.

    The third, final stage can be conditionally distinguished. This period of interaction of younger schoolchildren with already completed work, in educational terms, it is no less significant than the previous stages. We left the composition performed by the younger students in the classroom for several days. She more than once attracted the attention of schoolchildren, became the object of a variety of conversations, discussions, games, gave birth to new creative ideas, proposals to complement an already created composition.

    Let us dwell in more detail on the organization of the collective activity of primary schoolchildren.

    Work is carried out at extracurricular activities. If the composition to be created for younger students is multidisciplinary, multidimensional, 2-3 lessons can be devoted to working on it.

    To create common compositions, junior schoolchildren can be combined into several subgroups, each of which prepares its own part of the overall composition. For example, at one of the extracurricular activities of labor training, junior schoolchildren were asked to create a picture of a corner of nature. At the same time, we organized work in subgroups: one - cuts and glues plants, the other - prepares the inhabitants of cells, an aquarium, another group can cut out pebbles from the aquarium, cages, twigs for birds and other items necessary for a corner.

    The choice of this or that form of organizing a collective lesson depends on the age of the children, the theme of the picture depicted, the number of children in the class.

    This is how a labor training lesson can be organized. Application of a picture of a blooming meadow. To begin with, the choice of the color of the paper is made, the whole composition is discussed with the younger students. In general, by consulting with younger students, the teacher contributes to the development of activity, creative independence of children. With this guidance, schoolchildren learn to collectively discuss the upcoming creative activity, plan it, distribute efforts among all participants, understand the participation of each in the overall composition, learn to listen to the opinions of others. Gradually the children “cover” the meadow with flowers. A round sheet of paper is suitable for a flower bed. So in front of the eyes of the children, their joint efforts create a bright picture that evokes an aesthetic sense of joy. The collective composition on the theme "Flowers" can be executed as "Basket of flowers", "Bouquet in a vase", "Garland of flowers". The basket or vase can be cut out in advance.

    Natural human activity is a joint activity. The individual is included in it, but proceeds according to other laws. The factor that unites children in joint activities is a common goal. At the same time, it is important how this goal becomes the property of each participant. The overall goal defines the specific actions to be taken by each member of the group. The ratio of goals and motives in joint activities is even more difficult than in individual ones. For example, the goal is common, but the motives are different. In conditions of joint activity, the motives of one of the participants may change.

    Joint activity provides great opportunities for analysis and synthesis of current information, the use of methods of mutual verification and evaluation of perceived signals, their transformation.

    Suggestion and emotional cross-contamination arising from joint activities affect its structure and dynamics. Cooperation (mutual assistance) and rivalry (competition) largely determine its effectiveness.

    Based on the psychological characteristics of younger students, it is important to remember about external effects: attributes, symbols, emblems.

    Collective affairs can be united by a common theme: "The City of Happy Masters", "Travel to the World of Professions", "Let's Help Feathered Friends" and others. It can also be competitions, labor role-playing games, collective applications.

    Collective affairs are a part of the common life of a childcare institution.

    It is known that the success of joint activities largely depends on the cohesion of groups, on the level of sympathy, both in business and in spirit. With the help of variants of sociometric and projective methods, the most important parameters of the group are measured. So, it is sometimes necessary to establish leaders, find out the social status of its members, determine the level of cohesion of the group, the level of fitness of an individual child. When determining mutual sympathies and antipathies, the possibilities of children for joint work are found out.

    Changing the experience of the organization and methods of socially useful activity seems to be relevant today, since with such an organization of labor affairs, all members of the team participate in planning, implementation, analysis. This activity brings satisfaction to each participant due to the spirit of collective co-creation, it is aimed at the benefit and joy of others.

    So, joint activity allows us to solve many problems. Among them: high value orientations, mastering the methods of organizing work, social security of each member of the group, the creation of a democratic system, and all this forms a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to work.

    Conclusions on chapter 2


    Labor education is an indispensable and integral part of the general education system for schoolchildren. Labor education creates the most favorable preconditions for the inclusion of each of the mental properties in a multilateral part with other properties and their mutual influence. Comprehensive and harmonious development provides a general rise in a person's giftedness, dynamically and holistically expressing his creative nature. The habit of work, an understanding of its necessity, work skills and abilities are formed in younger schoolchildren in everyday practical affairs, in various types of socially useful activities. When organizing work at school to form a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to work, it is necessary to take into account their age characteristics, using not only the inclusion of younger schoolchildren in various activities, but also systematically conducting career guidance work, which consists in familiarizing younger students with the most common professions.

    We have identified the main criteria and means for diagnosing the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger students. These are: cognitive (criterion of knowledge), motivational (criterion of attitude to work) and practical criterion. The means of diagnosing the level of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren for each of the above criteria are: questionnaires, conversations, observations. In the course of the first ascertaining experiment, the level of formation of the attitude of younger schoolchildren to the world of work and professions was recorded.

    Primary school teachers use a variety of forms and methods in their work to form a positive attitude towards work in younger schoolchildren: excursions, organization of holidays, games, participation of younger schoolchildren in various types of work.

    We have identified the main methodological approaches that form the simplest skills of self-service and stimulation of labor activity in the formation of a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to work.

    One of the important pedagogical conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions among younger schoolchildren is teaching younger schoolchildren self-service skills. Teaching elementary schoolchildren in the simplest self-service skills takes place in the family of a junior schoolchild and in the process of educational and extracurricular activities. The teacher gradually attracts schoolchildren to a feasible and varied work activity. At first, this may be the simplest self-care job of caring for your toys, clothes and shoes. Then the scope of the child's work expanded to include watering flowers, participating in cleaning, maintaining cleanliness, and so on. Participation in a feasible and systematic work activity allows younger students not only to get used to work and acquire practical skills, but also gradually become aware of their work duties, get used to frugality.

    One of the effective conditions for the formation of a positive attitude of junior schoolchildren to the world of work and professions is the use of play. Play in primary school age has not yet lost its significance. In connection with the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to use games in the formation of a positive attitude to work in younger schoolchildren. Including younger students in various games (didactic, plot, theatrical, intellectual and some others), the teacher contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of younger students to work.

    In the course of the inclusion of younger schoolchildren in play and joint work activities in the learning process and in extracurricular work, the formation of the attitude of younger schoolchildren to work and people of work takes place. Joint activity allows us to solve many problems. Among them: high value orientations, mastering the methods of organizing work, social security of each member of the group, the creation of a democratic system, and all this forms a positive attitude of primary schoolchildren to work.


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    Annex 1

    Table 2.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions of junior schoolchildren in the control class.

    F.I. student



    Motivational value

    Practical and activity

    Andrey G.

    Maxim K.

    Natasha L.

    Sergey L.

    Andrey N.

    Maxim O.

    Andrey Ya.

    Table 3.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions of junior schoolchildren in the experimental class.

    F.I. student



    Motivational value

    Practical and activity

    Oksana B.

    Nikita E.

    Alexey K.

    Sergey G.

    Stepan M.

    Appendix 2.

    Guess the job.

    Flowers, watering can (watering flowers).

    Floor, water, rag (floor cleaning).

    Carpet, broom (floor sweeping).

    Shovel, vegetable garden (digging a vegetable garden).

    Casserole, vegetables (cooking).


    Name the professions of people related to these subjects.

    Game "School"

    A teacher is assigned from among the students in the class. He asks the guys for the multiplication and division tables. The teacher offers students examples for consolidating the multiplication or division table. If a student in the role of a teacher does not notice the mistake or cannot correct the student's incorrect answer, he sits down at the desk and the next one takes his place.

    Game "Drivers"

    We introduce children to road signs. Some signs show the driver where to go and where not. All drivers must obey road signs. Preparing the playing field.

    Each playing field is a drawing of an extensive system of roads with road signs. The child is given a task: You need to take the bunny to the hospital and put the car in the parking lot. The child needs to complete the task in the correct order and not violate the traffic rules.

    Game "Inventor"

    To play, you will need 10 pictures with a clear image of objects: a hammer, pliers, a hanger, a knife, a fork, scissors, and so on. Pictures are carefully examined, the purpose of objects is analyzed.

    The child is offered to create one new one from two objects, but first it is necessary to draw it. New items received are discussed collectively, the best option is chosen and developed together. The finished object in the drawing is molded from plasticine.

    Then the children independently perform the same task.

    Labor lesson "Autumn bouquet".


      Expand students' ideas about the world around them, natural phenomena.

      Develop imaginative creative thinking, quick wits, curiosity and independence.

      Revive the received ideas in the memory of students, combine them and bring them to the concept of "Autumn".

      Develop aesthetic qualities.

      To contribute to the development of the student's personality, to educate his character.

      To form purposefulness, perseverance of the student in achieving the goal.


      Two samples "bouquet".

      Patterns of leaves, vases.

      Colored paper.

      Scrapbook sheet, squared notebook.

      Scissors, brush.

      Ruler, pencil.

      Oilcloth (lining).



    Purpose of the game: to develop the attention and visual memory of students.

    Material: figures - tasks - 6 pieces; student notebooks in a cage; pencils.

    Invite students to draw figures in two cells and place them sequentially one after another on one line (horizontally in a line).

    Show students the first task figure with the word "Attention". Remove it after a few seconds. He who is very attentive will have time to consider what is drawn there and remember what he saw, that is, the shape of the figure, the ratio of parts, the difference in the thickness of the lines, the number of different elements, the length of the lines and the angle between them.

    Students sketch the figure they see in a notebook.

    Prepare the next task for display.

    Thus, students sequentially sketch all the figures - tasks.

    When evaluating the work performed, it is necessary to take into account: clarity, length of lines, correctness of circles, angles, arrangement of drawings in a line.

    GAME "Glue the pitcher"

    Purpose of the game: to teach students to visually dismember the image of an object into parts, to compose a whole object from parts of an irregular shape.

    Material: Envelope with a jug made of "fragments" of various shapes, sample - a drawing of a jug

    Game progress:

    Introduce students to the picture of the jug. Draw their attention to the shape, color of the jug, its drawing.

    Invite students to glue the broken jug.

    Give students additional instructions: “Look carefully at the drawing. How do the parts join? Did you fold the jug correctly? "

    When completing the assignment, make sure that the students are more guided by the general view of the jug, and not repeatedly substituting one or the other part of the jug, finding the right one. In case of difficulty, show students the techniques of combining "fragments".

    The game ends when all students have folded the jug according to the pattern.

    CONVERSATION "What time of the year"

    I bring the harvest

    I sow the fields again

    I send birds to the south

    I undress the trees.

    But without touching the pines

    And Christmas trees. I AM….

    Ask students the question: "When does this happen?"

    What happens in nature in autumn?

    Why did the birds fly away?

    Where have butterflies, beetles, spiders disappeared?

    What is leaf fall?

    Mystery. Sits - turns green

    Flies - turns yellow

    If it falls, it will turn black.

    The leaves in the field turned yellow

    And spin and fly;

    Only in the forest did they eat

    Keep the gloomy greens.

    Question: "What trees do not turn yellow in autumn?"

    Autumn! Our entire poor garden is crumbling.

    Yellow leaves fly in the wind.

    Draw students' attention to dried leaf samples and Autumn Bouquets samples.

    Question: "What tree is this leaf from?"

    "How do you know?"


    Preparation for work

      Assign a classroom attendant.

      Expand the handouts (album sheet, leaf templates, vases)

      Check the availability of tools and materials required for the job.


      Demonstrate samples of autumn bouquets to students and communicate the topic of the lesson.

      Remind students to follow the rules of sanitation, hygiene when working with glue, using scissors and safety precautions.

      Choose bright colors of paper for the vase, leaves as you like and taste.

    Analyzing the sample "Autumn Bouquet" with the students, it is necessary to note and select beautiful color combinations.

      Place a sheet of colored paper face down on the table.

      Place the vase template over the edge of the sheet, reminding students to save material.

      Trace the outline of the vase using the template with a sharpened pencil.

      Take scissors and cut the vase strictly along the contour lines. Place the vase on the edge of the table to the left.

      Cut a strip of width A equal to the length of the sheet with an allowance.

      Bypassing the workplaces of students, to provide those in need with practical assistance.

      Fold a strip of paper like an accordion. Demonstrate a technique for work.

      Place the template on the folded strip and trace the outline of the sheet with a pencil.

      Take scissors and carefully cut the leaves along the marked lines, turning the folded strip. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the leaves are not torn, clear.

      Place ready-made leaves on the edge of the table to the left.

      During independent work, you should monitor the correctness of the work techniques by students, compliance with safety rules.

      When making mistakes and difficulties common to many students, stop the work and demonstrate the work techniques again.

      Take a sheet of colored paper of a dark color (brown, black) for the twig.

      Using a ruler, mark a strip 0.5 cm wide along the width of the sheet.

      Take scissors, cut a strip 0.5 cm wide and set aside on the edge of the table to the left.

      Clear paper cuts from the table, a set of colored paper.

      Remind proverbs:

    "What lies in place, runs into the hands of its own accord"

    "Order saves time"

      Place a landscape sheet of paper in the middle of the table.

      Place the scissors over the top edge of the sheet of paper, blades to the left.

      Place the oilcloth on the right side.

      Place a stand with a brush and glue in the upper right corner of the oilcloth.

      Place the napkin unfolded over the scissors.

      Place a vase, branches, leaves on the sheet so that the bouquet with the vase is located on the entire sheet.

      Put the vase on the oilcloth.

      Apply a thin layer of glue with a brush to the middle of the vase from the wrong side, without touching the edges.

      Gently place the glue-covered vase on the sheet and press down with a napkin, then iron.

      Then also gently apply a thin layer of glue to the branches, leaves and stick them one by one, observing the sequence, alternating them in shape, color, size.

      Press and iron the branches and leaves with a napkin.

    During the work, show the students the successful and unsuccessful "moments" in creating the "Autumn Bouquet" step by step.

    It is important that each student achieves the intended goal, and if it does not work out, why? It is necessary to eliminate the causes of failure.

    The attendant at the end of the lesson collects the templates and puts them in a certain place.

    Students submit their work "Autumn bouquets to assess the results and start cleaning the workplace.

    Summing up the results of the work.

    Place all the works at the blackboard and analyze them. It should be noted the quality of cutting, gluing parts.

    Now you can see who has got the most beautiful "bouquet", noting the well-chosen leaves with artistic taste, understanding of beauty.

    Involve students in evaluating their own work and the work of fellow students. They identify the best jobs and those that are of low quality.

    It is necessary to instill hope for success, to reassure students who have not yet achieved good results in their work.

    To especially encourage those students who completed the work faster and better, helped a friend.

    Also note the good behavior of the students and their compliance with safety rules.

    At the end of the lesson, give the students homework.

    "The program of education and training in kindergarten" provides for familiarizing children with the work of adults, fostering respect for the working person, training to work, fostering the desire to work for the common good. Gradually, preschoolers develop a certain attitude towards work, in it they show their character: readiness for work, the desire to be useful to loved ones, others, conscientiousness in performing daily duties and assignments of adults. All this forms the basis of a positive attitude towards work.

    When familiarizing with the work of adults (builders, grain growers, livestock breeders, doctors, etc.), children awaken a sense of respect for the working person, a respectful attitude to the results of his work, there is a desire to be like the best people, to imitate them in work and behavior. The fulfillment of these desires of children is possible only with their direct inclusion in labor activity.

    Labor contributes to the development of the mental and physical capabilities of children, their aesthetic and moral feelings. Participation in common work, in solving everyday affairs, the desire to work, the acquisition of personal work experience - all this psychologically prepares the child for creative work.

    The main types of labor activity of older preschoolers are self-service, household work (maintaining order in the group room, at home and on the site); manual labor associated with the manufacture of homemade toys from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, and the available labor of caring for animals and plants.

    Methods of leadership and how systematically it is organized are of great importance for the upbringing of a positive attitude to work in children.

    Usually, an adult quite easily manages to induce a desire to work in children 5-7 years old. This is explained by the desire of older preschoolers to take active practical action, to imitate adults, sincere trust in them, and their increased emotionality.

    At the same time, in children of this age, there is a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. Thus, the desire to work develops faster than the mastery of labor skills. Insufficient physical development compared to adults, unstable attention, lack of self-control, underdevelopment of willpower - all this leads to the fact that children, with a strong desire to work, are unable to do this and are excluded from the labor process ahead of time. As a result, their work often ends in failure and, therefore, does not bring them joy and satisfaction. And a person who does not feel the joy of success in work will never love work and will strive to get rid of it.

    When organizing the work of older preschool children, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the feasibility of work, timely switching to other types of work, a change in working posture (this removes physical fatigue and promotes concentration of attention), the correct alternation of work and rest of children.

    No less important is the nature of the work itself, its features. So, making paper toys, making cookies, picking vegetables and berries is a varied and episodic work. There is a lot of novelty and emotion in it. Self-service and household work, on the contrary, is monotonous, repeated from day to day. These types of work require more patience from children, constant labor efforts, and daily self-control. Naturally, children are much easier and more willing to engage in work of an episodic nature than in the daily work of self-service in kindergarten and at home. Putting things in order in their playroom at home, cleaning up the bed after themselves, putting shoes, clothes in proper shape, dusting furniture, etc., they must understand the need for this work.

    The task of teachers and parents is to instill in them a positive-emotional attitude towards any type of work and for this to create conditions that will ensure the formation of work habits and hard work in children.

    In this regard, it is of great importance to form in children at the same time work skills and abilities, motives for work and the correct attitude towards people around them. The last two points are most significant in raising the desire to work in children. First, because a child, having mastered the skills, can do the job only out of fear of punishment, under the influence of an adult's demands, or out of a desire to satisfy his momentary interest; the educational value of such labor is extremely low. And secondly, the attitude of children to work depends on the moral impulses by which they are guided. It is not so much labor skills and abilities that come to the fore, as the attitude towards the person who gives the order or for the sake of which it should be performed, as well as the attitude to the event for which he peer garden after illness, etc.). Thus, motives of a moral and social nature = work for the benefit of the people around them, a caring attitude towards relatives and strangers, adults and peers - are very important for fostering a positive-emotional attitude towards work in children. Therefore, children must first of all understand the purpose of work.

    NK Krupskaya and AS Makarenko have repeatedly noted that child labor should be of great social importance. It should not be a game of work, but real work. The task of adults is to reveal to children the objective necessity of their work and thereby contribute to instilling in them a sense of duty.

    There is a collective cleaning of the kindergarten area. The group is divided into two links, and the teacher invites them to compete: which link finishes the work faster, that one will be awarded a flag. It seems to the teacher that everything necessary has been done to actively involve the children in work. However, from a conversation with children, it turns out that the purpose of the activity for them is to finish their work faster and get the checkbox. Here the flag has turned from an incentive to intensify labor activity into an end in itself. As a result - the indifferent attitude of the children to this work, disputes over who finished the work faster, belongs to the flag.

    It seems that the children were doing a useful job, but the accumulation of moral experience of labor behavior did not happen, since the socially significant goal of labor was forgotten, and in the process of labor, and at the end of it, negative actions of children took place (quarrels, dishonesty in achieving a result).




    1. Explanatory note

    The developed materials are based on the Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs of basic general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral education and development, the program for the formation and development of universal educational actions. Continuity with the program of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of students at the initial stage of general education, as well as consistency with the program of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of students at the main level of general education is ensured.

    The subprogram of upbringing a positive attitude to work and vocational guidance of students takes into account the age characteristics of students and the main life tasks of the age, domestic educational traditions, basic Russian values, taking into account the modern socio-cultural conditions of childhood development in modern Russia. The possibility of successful implementation of the program to a large extent depends on how fully the conditions will be created for the development of such personal qualities of basic school students as readiness and ability for self-development, motivation for learning and cognition, value-semantic attitudes reflecting their individual and personal positions, social competences, the foundations of Russian civic identity.

    Goals and objectives of the subprogram:

    The goals of the subprogram of fostering a positive attitude to work and vocational guidance of students, based on the priority of the individual over the group and the team, are:

    Enrichment and improvement of the human essence of students through socio-pedagogical and socio-cultural support of their own efforts aimed at acquiring their personal, civic and socio-cultural identity;

    The acquisition by students of the ability to operateally possess a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of the current socio-cultural tradition and the prospects for its development, as well as their assimilation (internalization) of the knowledge, values ​​and norms that these traditions express;

    Description of the set of conditions that provide vocational guidance for schoolchildren at the level of basic general education.
    Tasks subprograms of fostering a positive attitude to work and vocational guidance of students are:

    Development of the ability to reconcile self-assessments and aspirations with the possibilities of their implementation in the existing social environment;

    Ability to create socially acceptable conditions for such implementation;

    Providing information about the world of professions and vocational guidance;

    Familiarization of students with the natural inclinations of a person and the conditions for their development in ability;

    Creation of conditions for the personal development of students;

    Revealing natural inclinations and their transformation into abilities;

    Acquaintance with the relevance of the needs of professions in the labor market;

    Together with students, identify the consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession;

    Creation of conditions for the development of skills of self-presentation as a guarantee of the beginning of a successful labor activity.

    Given the exceptional socio-cultural importance of this subprogram for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire educational institution, it is legitimate to consider the progress of students achieved in this area as a real achievement of the teachers involved in this activity. They acquire an undeniable (publicly confirmed) right to claim material incentives from the incentive part of the wage fund. And what is especially important - the reasons for this encouragement are transparent and understandable not only to the teaching staff, but to all students and their parents. In addition, teachers receive an additional convincing argument when passing certification for a higher category.

    If, however, such activities are successfully carried out by an educational institution successively, year after year, then this can and should become a strong position when it undergoes the state accreditation procedure.

    Addressee underprograms for fostering a positive attitude to work and vocational guidance of students

    At the level of basic general education, it is important to continue and expand activities aimed at introducing adolescents to the values ​​of the family, native and other significant ethnocultural and socio-cultural (including confessional) groups and communities, as well as to universal values ​​in the context of the formation of civic Russian identity in adolescents, education of they have a conscious and responsible love for the Motherland and respect for the cultural and historical heritage and heritage of its multinational people, a value attitude towards work and profession.

    The principles of state policy in the field of education set a general semantic and meaningful framework for determining the goals and objectives of socialization and vocational guidance of students:
    “… The priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of personality; education of citizenship, hard work, conscious choice of profession, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, homeland, family;

    ... protection and development by the educational system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

    ... the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils. "

    When carrying out socialization and vocational guidance of students, it is important to set goals and adhere to certain principles. It is important that the work of a teacher not only has a concrete and good result, but also be imbued with universal human values ​​and the joy of communicating with another person. Therefore, within the framework of the program, the following principles were determined: benevolence and willingness to help the one who turned to you; scientific character and reliability of information; the availability of the information offered; targeting; individual approach; modernity and relevance of materials; cooperation with other specialists (teachers, psychologists, etc.).

    The consistent and complete implementation of these principles by the education system means that all citizens who have received education become their bearers. However, this can only happen if the education system carries out this work in a strictly targeted manner, fully and comprehensively knowing the basic characterological characteristics of both its pupils and the space in which their socialization is carried out. This is extremely important, since this most complex and multidimensional process is ultimately centered on a teenager going through at this age (12-15 years) the deepest hormonal changes that affect all spheres of the body's life and significantly change the nature of its socio-psychological ties and relationships. with the external environment. As you know, it was at the beginning of this age period that there was a rapid increase in the rates of delinquency and crime (including those on ethnic grounds), the use of tobacco, alcohol, and, somewhat later, drugs. It is at this age that adolescents begin to create their subcultural communities, often of an antisocial and criminal nature. There is no doubt that the nature and intensity of such manifestations are directly related to the costs of their previous socialization, with the quality of the already assimilated spiritual and moral ideals and guidelines (and their distorted forms).

    The end of this period is marked for each student by the first social self-determination in his life: whether to continue receiving a complete general education at school or choose a different educational trajectory by entering an institution of primary or secondary vocational education. We are talking about a person's choice of his own future, about the choice of a profession, and a lot here also depends, among other things, on the quality of his socialization.

    Socialization as a category of social being can be defined as the process of an individual's operational mastery of a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of cultural traditions existing in his actual living space, as well as his assimilation (interiorization) of knowledge, values ​​and norms expressing these traditions (including number of professional), necessary for interaction and cooperation in society.

    It is important to understand that in the final segment of adolescence (14-15 years), an individual presents his qualities to society, which almost latently developed during more than ten years of socialization in the family, kindergarten, school and society. The adolescent needs public recognition of his life experience accumulated by this time and demandingly undertakes the first conscious attempt in his life for social self-affirmation. He feels the power and right to openly and fully demonstrate his attitude to the world - through actions, judgments and choice of behavioral strategies. The stage of basic general education, thus, accepts a maturing person at the dramatic moment of the transition of many for the time being hidden processes of his formation into explicit ones. It is at this stage that the moment of explosive “self-presentation” of the adolescent as a young adult falls.

    But not only teenagers, general education itself is today in a state of profound qualitative changes. As a living state-social organism, it, figuratively speaking, is also going through a kind of period of socialization. This process is due to many factors operating both in the most modern Russian educational space and outside it: the formation of a post-industrial information society is taking place in the world, and completely new socio-economic, sociocultural and other realities arise that require a new attitude to students from education, before everything, as subjects-carriers of human capital, capable of self-determination and self-development in conditions that do not exist in reality and which today can only be judged predictably.

    There is another corpus of objective factors that are extremely important for understanding the problem area of ​​socialization and vocational guidance of adolescents. This is the multidimensionality of the civilizational space of Russia itself, which in its various parts reacts differently to such objective challenges of the era as globalization, free circulation of information and migration flows, increasing the competitiveness of human capital, the clash of tradition and innovation in all areas of life and related intergenerational gaps in socio-cultural norms and value systems. And the education system is called upon to find and use such forms and methods of child and child-adult activities that would ensure the process of forming an individuality that is as adequate as possible to the tasks of self-actualization and self-realization of young people in these difficult, sometimes extremely contradictory circumstances. Therefore, it is extremely important to take into account as fully as possible the individual variations of personality types of adolescents in school, due to both the difference in innate psychological characteristics and inclinations, and the variety of specific-private reactions to real and possible social situations.

    From what has been said, it follows that the socialization and vocational guidance of students at the level of basic general education are not some isolated activities artificially introduced into the educational process. They are carried out everywhere - both in the development of academic disciplines, and in the development of universal competencies in students, and in their own behavior in all kinds of extracurricular activities. They are carried out simply in the life of the child. It is precisely in the degree of development of adolescents' ability to reflect on the foundations of their own activity and their own attitudes to reality that the critical point of both their socialization as a whole and the most important criteria for assessing its effectiveness are fixed. Many of them are determined precisely by the maturity of their social concepts and competencies embodied in behavior.

    When implementing the program of socialization and vocational guidance at the level of basic general education, it is necessary to constantly keep in mind such a factor as the trust of adolescents in teachers and other persons who communicate with them and participate in joint activities. The feeling of trust is based not only on the educator's sincere concern about the fate of adolescents, but also on the persuasiveness for them of his life experience, on his ability to put himself in the place of each of them and in a confidential dialogue to discuss all possible scenarios for the development of specific actual situations. It is important to take into account that adolescents' own social, professional and socio-cultural experience is limited, and often dramatically deformed, as a result of which they are often a priori sharply negative about “soul-saving conversations”. This means that, in addition to extensive erudition (including general cultural and psychological), an educator who claims to be a “significant adult” requires the highest pedagogical professionalism, including the entire range of means of verbal and non-verbal communication.

    It is necessary to note a group of principles that adolescents and young people are guided by when choosing a profession and a place in the social structure of society.

    Consciousness principle in the choice of a profession is expressed in the desire to satisfy with their choice not only personal needs in work, but also to bring as much benefit to society as possible.

    The principle of correspondence of the chosen profession to the interests, inclinations, abilities of the individual and at the same time, the needs of society in personnel of a certain profession expresses the connection between the personal and social aspects of choosing a profession. By analogy with the well-known thought - one cannot live in society and be free from society - one can also say: one cannot choose a profession proceeding only from one's own interests and not taking into account the interests of society. Violation of the principle of matching the needs of the individual and society leads to an imbalance in the professional structure of personnel.

    Activity principle in choosing a profession characterizes the type of activity of a person in the process of professional self-determination. You have to actively look for a profession yourself. In this, a large role is called upon to play: a practical test of the strength of the students themselves in the process of labor and vocational training, advice from parents and their professional experience, search and reading of literature, work during practice and much more.

    Development principle reflects the idea of ​​choosing a profession that would give the individual the opportunity to improve their qualifications, increase earnings with the growth of experience and professional skill, the opportunity to actively participate in social work, satisfy cultural needs, the need for housing, recreation, etc.

    It is on the basis of these principles that a career guidance program for adolescents should be built.

    Terms of implementation of the socialization and vocational guidance subprogram

    Terms of implementation of the subroutine:

    preparatory - 2013/2014 academic year;

    active - 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018 academic years.

    final - 2018/2019; 2019/2020 academic year

    The program of socialization and vocational guidance of students involves implementation in grades 6-11.

    Planned results n

    Socialization, being by its nature a comprehensive and universal process, can, if properly organized, lead to positive results in almost all areas of activity where a person interacts with another person, with a group of people, with a group of professionals, with a large team, society and, indirectly, humanity. (especially in the context of globalization, when the so-called global problems of mankind begin to affect every inhabitant of the Earth).

    With regard to adolescence, it is impossible to speak of the results of socialization and vocational guidance as something already finally established. The process continues, and in this respect, its intensity and the very fact that it has a positive vector of direction, with good reason can be considered as a very important result that has already taken place.

    Nevertheless, it is obvious that many aspects of this process are manifested so clearly and permanently that they can also be recorded as a kind of “planned and achieved result”. Here, however, a special reservation is absolutely necessary. It is connected with the fact that any person is endowed by nature (at the genetic level) with many peculiarities inherent only to him, which largely predetermine his inclinations, professional interests, type of reactions, character traits, etc. This factor is of exceptional importance in the process of socialization of professional choice. A sanguine teenager and a melancholic teenager can very differently show their attitude to the same circumstance, to the same profession, while the very attitude (i.e. position) of both will be the same. Such discrepancies in emotional and behavioral manifestations, especially when the educator sets on an active type of reaction, are fraught with an erroneous assessment of the "obtained result." Hence the fundamental requirement for assessing the results of socialization and vocational guidance: fixing not the external "activity" of the adolescent, the words he does not utter, but his real social position, his real professional choice, his stability and motivation. The social position of a person can manifest itself only in activity (or its absence), and it is in the forms, methods and content of these manifestations that those results of socialization are recorded, which, taking into account what has been said, can be interpreted as personal involvement of adolescents in real positive social and sociocultural practice. This is the most important general result of the socialization of the professionalization of adolescent students.

    When considering the planned results of socialization and vocational guidance of adolescents (personal participation of schoolchildren in different types of activities), it is advisable to distinguish several levels: personal, school, local society level (municipal level), regional (all-Russian, global) level.

    1. Personal level

    2. Ability development:
    - to preserve and maintain their own health and not have bad habits (i.e. harmful to the health of the physical, moral and mental, their own and those around them);

    Maintain and develop comradely business relationships with all senior and junior members of the current social circle;

    Critically perceive the information broadcast by print and electronic media; have a steady interest in materials of social and socio-cultural issues;

    Take a certain position in relation to the chosen profession;

    Understand your own characteristics, inclinations, inclinations for a certain professional type of activity;

    Take a socially responsible position in relation to socially negative events and phenomena of the surrounding life; to respond to them in accordance with their convictions within the framework of legal and moral norms;

    To be tolerant and empathic towards the carriers of other cultural traditions;

    Treat education as a universal human value of our century;

    To publicly express their opinion, skillfully using a rich arsenal of verbal and non-verbal communication means;

    To be able to carry out goal-setting, which allows, on the basis of an analysis of a situation of uncertainty or an underdetermined situation, to suggest the most probable options for the outcome of the situation and the most effective ways of acting.

    To be able to analyze objects of intangible and material culture, highlight essential and insignificant features of an object, build a model of an object, fix it in a symbolic form;

    Be able to design with the help of a tutor or a trained teacher of your own individual educational trajectory (route);

    Work with open sources of information (find information resources, select and analyze the necessary information) about professions, the labor market, trends in its development and the prospective needs of the economy of the region of residence of the student and the country as a whole in personnel of certain qualifications to make a decision on choosing an individual and professional route;

    Together with teachers, draw up an individual educational program in accordance with the requirements determined by the choice of a future profession;

    Choose an individual and professional route for the implementation of an individual educational program.

    School level

    Development and support of the humanistic way of school life and the system of school self-government;

    Maintaining the improvement of school and school space;

    Participation in the preparation and maintenance of the school website;

    Participation in the preparation and publication of the printed or electronic version of the school newspaper;

    Participation in a school-wide search, environmental, volunteer, etc. activities (school theater, KVN, discussion club, etc.);

    Participation in mass events related to career guidance issues;

    Conscious and responsible participation in the implementation of the school's educational program (for example, participation in the school theater, in the preparation of public presentations to introduce friends to the basics of different professions, etc.).

    Municipal level

    Personal participation in activities:

    Participation in the study and preservation of cultural and historical heritage and heritage and preparation of public presentations on this work;

    Participation in exhibitions of fine and photographic art, in competitions for young journalists, etc., dedicated to topical social problems of the native land;

    Participation in research projects (possibly with the participation and under the guidance of senior schoolchildren or adults) devoted to the study on local material of such phenomena as authorities and management (structure, functioning, communication with society, etc.), public organizations and creative unions, institutions of culture, health care, internal affairs, etc. and their role in organizing the life of society, etc .;

    problems of demanded and unclaimed professions, employment, wages;

    problems of the market of professions;

    problems of social health (crime, drug use, alcoholism and their social consequences);

    problems of the level and quality of life of the local population;

    ethnocultural communities (peoples) living in their native land (including migrants), their traditions and holidays; personal participation in the development of intercultural dialogue;

    environmental issues;

    problems of local youth subcultures and many others. dr.

    Regional, all-Russian and global level

    Personal participation in activities

    Disputes of different ages (including on the Internet), on topical social, career guidance issues determined by the participants themselves (youth movements, global problems of humanity, patriotism and nationalism, youth and the labor market, etc.);

    Participation in research projects related to the problems of multicultural communities (extremely important for Russia), professional elections, iconic professions in modern society, the mutual influence of cultural traditions, the value of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of native and close and distant peoples, cultures and civilizations; material, cultural and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Russia and their closest neighbors.

    II... The main content of none program of fostering a positive attitude to work and vocational guidance of students

    Principles and features of the organization of the content of education and socialization of students

    The principle of focusing on the ideal.

    Ideals are preserved in traditions and serve as the main guidelines for human life, spiritual, moral and social development of the individual. The content of the program should actualize certain ideals stored in the history of our country, in the cultures of the peoples of Russia, including religious cultures, in the cultural traditions of the peoples of the world.

    The principle of taking into account the personality traits and abilities of the student in the process of career guidance assumes reliance on gender, age, individual personality characteristics of the student when choosing a profession.

    Axiological principle. The principle of focusing on the ideal integrates the social and pedagogical space of an educational institution. The axiological principle makes it possible to differentiate it, to include various social subjects in it. Within the framework of the system of basic national values, public actors can assist the school in the formation of a particular group of social values ​​among students, including professional values.

    The principle of following a moral example. Following an example is the leading method of education and career guidance. An example is a possible model for the adolescent's relationship with other people and with himself, an example of value choices made by a significant other. The content of the educational process, extracurricular and extracurricular activities should be filled with examples of moral behavior. The examples demonstrate the aspiration of people to the heights of the spirit, personified, filled with specific life content ideals and values. The example of the teacher is of particular importance for the spiritual and moral development of the student.

    The principle of dialogical communication with significant others. In the formation of vocational guidance and values, an important role is played by the adolescent's dialogical communication with peers, parents, teachers and other significant adults. The presence of a significant other in the educational process makes it possible to organize it on a dialogical basis. The dialogue proceeds from the recognition and unconditional respect for the pupil's right to freely choose and consciously appropriate the value that he believes to be true. Dialogue does not allow the reduction of vocational guidance and moral education to moralizing and monologue preaching, but provides for its organization by means of equal intersubjective dialogue. The development by a person of his own system of values, the search for the meaning of life is impossible outside the dialogical communication of a teenager with a significant other.

    Identification principle. Identification is a stable identification of oneself with a conscientious other, the desire to be like him, to a person who is successful in the profession. In adolescence, identification is the leading mechanism for the development of the value-semantic sphere of the individual. Career guidance and socialization of the personality of a teenager are supported by examples. In this case, an identification mechanism is triggered, a projection of one's own capabilities onto the image of a significant other takes place, which allows the adolescent to see his best qualities, still hidden in himself, but already realized in the image of another. Identification in combination with following a professional and moral example strengthens the personality's reflection, morality - the adolescent's ability to formulate his own moral obligations, social responsibility - the person's readiness to act in accordance with morality and demand it from others, professional identity.

    The principle of the poly-subject nature of vocational guidance and socialization. In modern conditions, the process of vocational guidance and socialization of a person has a semi-subject, multidimensional-activity character. The adolescent is involved in various types of social, informational, communicative activity, the content of which contains different, often contradictory values ​​and ideological attitudes. The effective organization of career guidance and socialization of modern adolescents is possible subject to agreement (primarily on the basis of common spiritual and social ideals, values) of the socio-pedagogical activities of various social subjects: schools, families, institutions of additional education, culture and sports, traditional religious and public organizations and others. At the same time, the activities of the educational institution, the teaching staff of the school in the organization of social and pedagogical partnership should be leading, determining the values, content, forms and methods of education and socialization of students in educational, extracurricular, extracurricular, socially significant activities. Socio-pedagogical interaction between the school and other social subjects is carried out within the framework of the Program for the education and socialization of students.

    The principle of joint solution of personally and socially significant problems. Personal and social problems are the main drivers of human development. Their solution requires not only external activity, but also a significant restructuring of the inner mental, spiritual world of the individual, changing the relationship (and the relationship is the value) of the individual to the phenomena of life. Upbringing is pedagogical support provided to significant others in the process of personal development of a pupil in the process of jointly solving personally and socially significant problems facing him.

    The principle of the system-active organization of vocational guidance and education. The integration of the content of various types of student activities within the framework of their education and vocational guidance program is carried out on the basis of basic national values. To solve educational problems, students, together with teachers, parents, other subjects of cultural, civil life, turn to the content:

    General education disciplines;

    Works of art;

    Periodicals, publications, radio and television programs reflecting modern life;

    Spiritual culture and folklore of the peoples of Russia;

    History, traditions and modern life of their homeland, their region, their family;

    Professional and life experience of their parents and grandparents and other significant adults;

    Socially useful, personally significant, professionally significant activities within the framework of pedagogically organized social and cultural practices;

    Other sources of information and scientific knowledge.

    The systemic and activity-based organization of upbringing and vocational guidance should overcome the isolation of adolescent communities from the world of seniors and juniors and ensure their full and timely socialization. In social terms, adolescence represents the transition from dependent childhood to independent and responsible adulthood. The school as a social subject - the bearer of pedagogical culture - plays a leading role in the implementation of education, successful socialization and career guidance of a teenager.

    The main content of education, socialization and vocational guidance of students

    Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and duties:

    General understanding of the political structure of the Russian state, its institutions, their role in the life of society, the symbols of the state, their historical origin and socio-cultural significance, about the key values ​​of modern society in Russia;

    Systemic ideas about the institutions of civil society, their history and current state in Russia and the world, about the possibilities of citizens' participation in public administration;

    Understanding and approval of the rules of conduct in society, respect for bodies and persons protecting public order;

    Awareness of the constitutional duty and responsibilities of a citizen of their homeland;

    Systemic ideas about the peoples of Russia, about their common historical destiny, about the unity of the peoples of our country, knowledge of national heroes and the most important events of national history;

    Negative attitude to violations of order in the classroom, school, public places, to a person's failure to fulfill his social duties, to antisocial actions, deeds.

    Education of vocational guidance skills:

    Conscious understanding of the importance of the chosen profession;

    Revealing your own inclinations, inclinations, abilities;

    Implementation of a conscious choice by students of their future professional activities;

    Education of industriousness, conscious, creative attitude to education, profession, work and life, preparation for a conscious choice of profession:

    Understanding of the need for scientific knowledge for the development of the individual and society, their role in life, work, creativity;

    Awareness of the moral foundations of education;

    Awareness of the importance of continuous education and self-education throughout life;

    Awareness of the importance of the correct choice of profession and the implementation of professional work;

    Awareness of the moral nature of labor, its role in human life and society, in the creation of material, social and cultural benefits; knowledge and respect for the labor traditions of one's family, labor exploits of older generations;

    Ability to plan professional activities, rationally use time, information and material resources, maintain order at the workplace, carry out collective work, including in the development and implementation of educational and training projects;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards educational and educational work, socially useful affairs, the ability to consciously show initiative and discipline, perform work on schedule and on time, follow the developed plan, be responsible for quality and be aware of possible risks;

    Willingness to choose a training profile at the next stage of education or a professional choice in case of transition to the vocational education system (the ability to navigate the labor market, in the world of professions, in the vocational education system, to correlate one's interests and opportunities with a professional perspective, to acquire additional knowledge and skills, necessary for specialized or vocational education);

    Respect for the results of one's own work, the work of other people, for school property, textbooks, personal belongings; maintaining cleanliness and order in the classroom and school; willingness to assist in the improvement of the school and its immediate surroundings;

    General acquaintance with labor legislation;

    Intolerant attitude towards laziness, irresponsibility and passivity in education and work.

    Valuable attitude to the profession, work, professional activity;

    An idea of ​​the market of professions in modern Russia.

    The main directions and forms of pedagogical support for socialization and vocational guidance by means of educational, social, communicative and labor activities

    The purpose of the Socialization and Vocational Guidance Program is to bring into the process of socialization and vocational guidance a vector of directed and relatively socially controlled socialization and vocational guidance and thereby help a young person understand how he himself can manage his socialization and professional choice in the future, consciously building his own balance between his adaptation to society ( I mean the measure of the consistency of self-assessments and claims of a person with his capabilities in the realities of the existing social environment) and isolation from society (meaning the value, psychological, emotional and behavioral autonomy of the individual).

    1direction: creation by an educational institution of a regime of maximum preference for the processes of positive socialization and vocational guidance of adolescents

    broad social, socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-professional, etc. the space in which the educational institution operates and which sets the framework for the socialization and vocational guidance of students;

    The psychological, social, cultural "background" existing in the educational institution itself, the degree and ways of the influence of external factors on the main subjects of the process of socialization and career guidance: teachers, students and their parents in order to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the nature of their relationships with each other and with the external environment, etc.

    At the same time, special attention should be paid to clarifying the following points related to the positioning of adolescents in the Program:

    They have their own views on specific areas of socialization and career guidance, the ability to change them and develop new ones;

    The presence and nature of the self-concept, the level of self-esteem and self-acceptance, the development of self-esteem;

    The degree of selectivity in professional elections;

    A measure of creativity as a readiness and ability to independently solve one's own problems, issues of professional choice, to resist life situations that interfere with self-change, self-determination, self-realization, self-affirmation; flexibility and at the same time stability in changing situations, the ability to approach life creatively.

    determination on the basis of the analysis of the main deficiencies of this "background" in the context of the tasks of socialization (targeted social education) and vocational guidance, recorded in the educational program of the educational institution;

    determination of the main forms of educational and extra-curricular (including extra-curricular) children's and child-adult activities, participation in which promises to lead to the most significant, in the opinion of the authors of the Program, results and effects in the field of socialization and vocational guidance of students (newspaper, theater, volunteering and other socially useful work, additional education with a pronounced social dimension, etc.);

    determination of external partners of the educational institution for the implementation of the Program (both within the education system and outside it), creation of a mechanism for their interaction with the Directorate of the Program.

    2 direction: education of citizenship, respect for human rights, freedoms and duties of a person; expansion and deepening of practical ideas about formal and informal norms and relations that determine the state of local society; about the possibilities of citizens' participation in public administration, practical acquaintance with their activities in their native school, settlement, municipality; taking into account age-related and cognitive abilities, acquaintance with the mechanisms of implementation at the level of one's society (municipality) of the norms of federal and regional legislation, the competences of authorities and administration of various levels;

    practice-oriented ideas about the rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia; direct acquaintance with the implementation of these rights on the example of older family members and other adults belonging to various social and sociocultural strata;

    developing interest in social phenomena and turning it into a significant personal and civic need, understanding the active role of a person in society, including through personal participation in available projects and actions; introducing into the minds of adolescents such documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;

    development of ideas about the political structure of the Russian state, its institutions, their role in the life of society, about its most important laws; feasible introduction of ideas about Russia's participation in the system of international political and cultural organizations (UN, UNESCO, Council of Europe, etc.);

    deepening understanding of the peoples of Russia, their common historical fate and unity; at the same time the expansion of ideas about peoples;

    expansion and deepening of ideas about national heroes and the most important events in the history of Russia and its peoples (especially about those events that are celebrated as national, state or major religious holidays);

    the development of personal and collective social activity (participation in the affairs of the class, school, family, village, city; open and reasoned statement of their position on various controversial or socially negative situations;

    affirmation of the attitude to the native and Russian languages ​​(if the latter is not native) as to the greatest value, which is the most important part of the spiritual and moral heritage and heritage; awareness of the native and Russian languages ​​as a treasury of modern communication means; awareness in this context of the importance of knowledge of foreign languages; conscious mastery of them as a universal means of productive interaction with other people in various cultural spaces;

    the development of a value attitude towards the native culture; understanding of its connections and interactions with other cultures throughout the past and present; developing the ability to see and understand the involvement of native and other cultures in the expanding intercultural dialogue; understanding of the fundamental criteria for assessing the positivity or negativity of this interaction.

    clarification and discussion, together with different age groups of adolescents and interested representatives of the relevant social structures, of the features of the socio-economic and socio-cultural state of society, the reasons for the difficulties of its development, the role of various objective and subjective factors in this process and the possibilities of youth participation in improving the situation;

    clarification and discussion, together with different-age groups of adolescents, of their behavioral preferences (in language, clothing, music, manner of communication, etc.) in order to “desacralize” them (preferences) and transfer them to an open cultural space in order to critically reflect on their positive and negative value bases;

    research work followed by discussions about the reasons why people classify certain figures as heroes, consider them outstanding, wonderful, etc. It would be especially valuable to clarify the circumstances by which one and the same person in different epochs was either considered a great hero or politician, or was deprived of this "title"; local history work to identify and preserve places of memory, graves (especially fraternal ones), care for monuments, etc .; public presentations about the glorious people of the area, region, Russia, the human race;

    a system of discussions about the value of a “simple” human life;

    acquaintance with the preserved folk traditions and crafts;

    identification of their cultural and historical basis, discussion of their role and value in modern life, their significance for the carriers of these traditions themselves and young generations, etc .; participation in traditional activities (rituals) and (within one's power) in handicraft production (wood, clay, painting, etc.); preparation of public presentations on these activities;

    systematic discussions with bearers of different views and traditions regarding the spiritual and moral values ​​of the past and present in the context of the educational program of the school; bringing this issue out to school, local and regional media; preparation by adolescents of their own publications;

    organization of social tests, various excursions;

    development and decoration of stands dedicated to the historical evolution of the symbols of the Russian state and a specific subject of the Federation; possible preparation of special presentations on similar historical processes in other states (for example, the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc.). It would be very useful to compare the texts of the national anthems of different countries in different historical epochs, folk, state and religious holidays with public presentations.
    3 direction: education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness

    the development of the ability to reflect (criticize) the bases of the activities of both one's own and other people, first of all, peers; the ability to put oneself in the place of another, empathize, look for and find ways of human support, even when realizing that he is wrong;

    developing the ability to distinguish between positive and negative phenomena in the surrounding society, analyze their causes, suggest ways to overcome socially unacceptable phenomena and participate in activities aimed at this; the ability to critically assess the quality of information and entertainment offered by advertising, film distribution, computer games and various media;

    development of ideas about the religious picture of the world, the role of traditional religions in the development of the peoples of our country and their culture, in the formation and development of the Russian state; feasible expansion of these ideas to the interreligious situation in the modern world;

    asserting as a personal norm a respectful attitude towards all people - from their parents to any child they meet, a peer, an elder, regardless of their appearance (face, clothes, physical characteristics); orientation to support business and friendly relationships in the team;

    conscious acceptance and approval as a personal imperative of the attitude towards a careful, humane attitude towards all living things; feasible participation in environmental and ecological activities; intolerant attitude towards manifestations of cruelty towards our smaller brothers on the part of other people.

    Activities and forms of employment

    study of ethical norms of behavior of various local social (sociocultural) and ethnocultural strata and communities in the 19th-20th centuries (for example, nobles, merchants, officers, peasants); comparing these norms with the currently accepted ones, discussing the reasons for evolution and assessing the emerging picture;

    attending open sessions of the local court, at which cases are considered that have an “outlet” to this issue and the subsequent discussion of what was heard;

    familiarization, at the request of students and with the consent of parents (legal representatives), with the activities of traditional religious organizations (by conducting excursions to places of worship, voluntary participation in the preparation and conduct of religious holidays, meetings with religious leaders);

    writing an essay on moral and ethical topics based on materials from specific communities (family, adolescent courtyard group (subcultural group), class, etc. (subject to anonymity) and subsequent discussion of the problems raised in the text;

    visiting and subsequent discussion of a play or film that touches on moral and ethical issues;

    the establishment and collective acceptance as a general norm of ethically meaningful relationships in the team of the class (educational institution as a whole), which implies mastering the skills of a polite, friendly, attentive attitude towards peers, older and younger children, adults, and mutual support;

    participation in collective games, gaining experience of joint activities, social design, social trial, social practice;

    feasible participation in matters of charity, mercy, in helping those in need, caring for animals, other living beings, nature;

    expanding the experience of positive interaction in the family (in the process of holding open family holidays, performing and presenting creative projects with parents, holding other events that reveal the history of the family, strengthen and enrich continuity between generations).

    4 direction: education of hard work, a positive attitude towards learning, profession, work, life

    gradual textual acquaintance with the current lists of professions and specialties of primary and secondary vocational, higher education in order to correlate their own interests, inclinations, opportunities and life prospects with them; awareness on this basis of the universal value of the received general education and “education-through-the-whole-life”;

    study and discussion, together with different age groups of adolescents, of typical professional life scenarios that are possible due to the educational opportunities provided by educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in their own and neighboring regions;

    assimilation of the value attitude to the results of human labor, which constitute the entire environment, all the achievements of science and art, technology and technology; all great spiritual and moral breakthroughs in understanding the essence of man and humanity;

    gaining experience of one's own participation in various collective works, including in the development and implementation of educational and extracurricular projects; development on this basis of design, expert and other competencies requiring personal discipline, consistency, perseverance, self-education, etc.;

    personal assimilation of the attitude towards intolerance to laziness, negligence, incomplete work, to a careless attitude towards the results of human labor, regardless of the historical era in which this work was completed;

    unconditional respect for any honestly working person; the ability to grateful admiration for those who are engaged in creativity - the creation of something that has not been before: invention, creativity in the field of science, architecture, literature, music and other types of art, etc.;

    encouraging and supporting self-education through the Internet, classes in libraries, museums, lecture halls, etc.

    Activities and forms of employment

    on the basis of acquaintance with the current lists of professions and specialties of primary and secondary vocational education and an interested discussion, those types (or areas) of activity are singled out that attracted the attention of a particular adolescent (group of adolescents). This is followed by a sequential series of events: a visit (if possible) to an appropriate educational institution, a specialized enterprise or institution, an invitation for an in-depth conversation of specialists in the chosen field of study, students and graduates, etc .;

    organizing communication with professionally successful people in order to discuss the role of the education received (general, professional, post-professional, self-education, etc.) and universal competencies in this success; it is especially valuable if such a professionally successful person turns out to be any of the older relatives of students of this educational institution, as well as graduates;

    organization of social tests, professional excursions;

    showing examples of high professionalism, creative attitude to work and life;

    carrying out role-playing economic games;

    creating situations based on various professions, holding extracurricular activities (labor holidays, fairs, competitions, cities of craftsmen, organizing children's companies, etc.), as well as organizing public self-presentations of adolescents "The world of my hobbies";

    participation of adolescents in project activities, which is possible in all areas of this Program, including those related to the practical (creative) application of knowledge gained in the study of academic subjects (in particular, within the framework of the subject "Technology");

    the acquisition of experience of participation in various types of socially useful, actually creative or research activities is possible on the basis of and interacting with the "native" educational institution of additional education institutions, other social institutions (folk crafts, museum, nature conservation activities, the work of creative and educational workshops, labor actions, the activities of school production firms, other labor and creative public associations);

    organization of work in the space of extended social action - cognitive Internet resources, social cognitive networks, distance educational programs and courses;

    individual work with tutors (other trained teachers) on the design of individual educational programs, tracking the success of the implementation of an individual educational program, individual achievements of students, psychological testing, participation in trainings.

    conducting a vocational guidance lesson is of exceptional importance, since the lesson is the main form of the educational process at school. In vocational guidance lessons, theoretical and practical issues of preparation for the choice of a future profession are considered. In the classroom, they use different methods: conversation, story, explanation, debate, independent compilation of professiograms, reports on career guidance activities;

    conducting a career guidance conversation should be logically connected with the educational material and prepared in advance. It is advisable to involve the students themselves in the process of preparing a career guidance conversation, for example, instructing them to collect information on this issue. Emotional flowering of the conversation is added by quotations from famous scientists, inventors, writers who correspond to the topic of the conversation, the use of visual methods of career guidance work. The topic of career guidance conversations should meet the characteristics of students and cover the range of interests of students;

    holding exhibitions. It is advisable to hold them during mass events (career guidance conferences, meetings, meetings with specialists, etc.);

    conducting an excursion as a form of vocational guidance work gives adolescents an opportunity to get acquainted with the profession in real conditions, obtain information from primary sources, and communicate with professionals.
    5 direction: education of a value attitude towards nature, the environment (ecological education)

    awareness of the crisis in the relationship between man and nature as one of the most pressing global problems of mankind; the ability to see and understand in what forms this crisis is expressed in the adolescent's place of residence; his voluntary participation in solving this problem at the municipal level as a personally important experience in environmental protection;

    awareness of the contradictory role of human activity in relation to nature;

    assimilation of a value attitude towards nature and all forms of life, development of artistic and aesthetic perception of natural phenomena, flora and fauna, the ability and need to enjoy nature, not only without harming it, but also supporting its vitality.

    Activities and forms of employment

    development and deepening of the experience of direct emotional and sensory interaction with real living and suffering nature in the place of residence and its immediate surroundings; comparison of current practice with the results of qualitatively different approaches to building these relations (European, Japanese experience);

    against this background - conducting research on the creativity of poets-lyricists and poets-philosophers, as well as writers and landscape and animal painters, landscape and garden architects (both domestic and foreign), revealing the commonality of the natural world and the human world;

    in-depth familiarization with UNESCO World Natural Heritage publications and preparation of special public presentations on selected sites; in this respect, other richly illustrated publications (as well as films), which actualize the problems of the value relationship to nature, may also be useful;

    gaining initial experience of participation in environmental activities (at school and on the school site, environmental actions, landings, planting plants, creating flower beds, cleaning accessible areas from garbage, feeding birds, etc.), in the activities of school environmental centers, forestries, environmental patrols;

    participation in the creation and implementation of collective environmental projects;

    assimilation of the principles of environmentally competent behavior in nature (during targeted excursions, hikes and travels around the native land and, possibly, abroad);

    comprehension of the "theme of nature" in their own work (versification, drawing, applied arts);

    photographic fixation in the settlement and / or in its immediate vicinity of species that, from the point of view of the participants in this search, are of particular aesthetic value.
    6 direction: education of a value attitude to beauty, the formation of ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(aesthetic education).

    the development of ideas about the mental and physical beauty of a person, as well as about its destructive capabilities; about the originality of the criteria of human beauty among different peoples and in different historical epochs; ideas about the evolution of these ideas on the example of European fashion from antiquity to the present day;

    continuation of the formation of a sense of beauty; practical development of the ability to see the beauty of nature, labor and creativity; developing the ability to distinguish genuine art from its surrogates; gradual introduction of adolescents into the world of ancient, Romanesque, Gothic, classical, etc. art, including 20th century avant-garde and modernity and the artistic language of contemporary art; in parallel - mastering the foundations of the artistic heritage of the native, Russian and other important cultural, artistic and religious and artistic traditions: Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Arab (Islamic), Christian, Buddhist, etc .;

    encouraging and supporting adolescents' own activities in artistic creativity in various fields (including fashion, design of their own home and the territory of a house and school, etc.).

    Activities and forms of employment

    Since the sources of knowledge and imaginative ideas about the beautiful (as well as the ugly) are innumerable, it will not be difficult for an educational institution to creatively choose both objects (artifacts) and ways of mastering them by adolescents. Through the Internet, collections of all the largest and even regional museums in the world are widely available today, it is possible to compile monographic collections of paintings by all artists, sculptors, architects and other masters of all nations and all eras.

    Many possible activities and forms of employment are mentioned in the above disclosed directions. Therefore, here it makes sense to name only those activities that seem underestimated in pedagogical practice:

    "Use" of the native village, city and their environs as a kind of "educational program" on the history of the culture of the people who created this social and natural phenomenon; comprehension and written recording of the results of such observation-research can turn out to be an interesting and very useful experience in the spiritual and moral sense;

    arranging public lectures by teenagers (with the invitation of parents, local residents, etc.) on outstanding works of art;

    organization of excursions to art production and exhibitions, to monuments of architecture and to objects of modern architecture, landscape design and park ensembles, followed by a discussion of what was seen and felt and decorated in the form of presentations, essays and other forms of long-term storage and use.

    the organization of salons (as an artistically oriented club space), where creative communication between adolescents and interested adults takes place, good music sounds (classical, folk, modern, but not pop), poetry, stories of people who have visited interesting places, etc .;

    learning to see the beauty in the behavior and work of people, meeting local masters of applied arts, observing their work and subsequent discussion;

    support of adolescent creative activity by bringing it into public space, development of the ability to express oneself verbally.

    An exceptionally positive factor for the successful implementation of the school program for the socialization of students is the existence of such a program at the local municipality level, in which the municipal authorities define the tasks and formulate the goals necessary to solve these tasks: a) to use and intensify the educational opportunities of the city, district; b) to compensate for missing opportunities; c) to minimize, level and correct negative socializing characteristics identified in the process of study and monitoring.

    First of all, this means the integration of the capabilities and efforts of authorities and administration, public, private and religious organizations, institutions of education, health care, law and order, social protection, etc., which will allow mobilizing and concentrating funds (material, financial, spiritual, personal resources) for the development of the municipal education system, optimization and development of its infrastructure, human resources.

    Pedagogical support for socialization and vocational guidance is carried out in the learning process, the creation of additional spaces for self-realization of students, taking into account the lesson and extracurricular activities, as well as the forms of participation of specialists and social partners in the areas of social education, vocational guidance, methodological support of social activities and the formation of the social environment of the school. The main forms of pedagogical support for socialization and vocational guidance are role-playing games, socialization of students in the course of cognitive activities, socialization of students by means of social and work activities.

    Role-playing games. The structure of the role-playing game is only outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and description of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters. Players can improvise quite freely within the framework of the rules and the chosen characters, determining the direction and outcome of the game. In fact, the game process itself is a simulation by a group of students of a particular situation, real or fictional, taking place in the historical past, present or future.

    For the organization and conduct of role-playing games of various types (for the development of competencies, modeling, socio-dramatic, identification, sociometric, etc.), parents, representatives of various professions, social groups, public organizations and other significant adults can be involved.

    Stages of organizing socialization and vocational guidance of students, joint activities of an educational institution with enterprises, public organizations, the system of additional education, and other social subjects

    The organization of socialization and vocational guidance of students proceeds from the fact that the expectations of adolescents are associated with success, recognition from the family and peers, solvency and independence in the implementation of their own ideas. Purposeful social activity of students should be provided with a formed social environment of the school and the way of school life. The organization of social education of students is carried out in the sequence of the following stages.

    The organizational and administrative stage (the leading subject is the school administration) includes:

    Creation of a school environment that supports the creative social experience of students, forms constructive expectations and positive patterns of behavior;

    Formation of the way of life and traditions of the school, focused on the creation of a system of social relations of students, teachers and parents in the spirit of civil and patriotic values, partnership and cooperation, priorities for the development of society and the state;

    Development of forms of social partnership with public institutions and organizations to expand the field of social interaction of students;

    Adaptation of the processes of spontaneous social activity of students by means of purposeful activity according to the program of socialization and vocational guidance;

    Coordination of the activities of agents of socialization and vocational guidance of students - peers, teachers, parents, school staff, representatives of public and other organizations to solve the problems of socialization, representatives of various professions;

    Creation of conditions for the organized activities of school social groups;

    Creation of opportunities for the influence of students on changes in the school environment, forms, goals and style of social interaction of the school society;

    Maintaining the subjective character of socialization and vocational guidance of the student, the development of his independence and initiative in social activities.

    The organizational and pedagogical stage (the leading subject is the teaching staff of the school) includes:

    Ensuring the purposefulness, consistency and continuity of the process of socialization and vocational guidance of students;

    Providing a variety of forms of pedagogical support for social and vocational guidance activities, creating conditions for the personal growth of students, productive change in behavior;

    Creation in the process of interaction with students of conditions for social and career guidance activities of the individual using the knowledge of developmental physiology and sociology, social and educational psychology;

    Creation of conditions for social and vocational guidance activities of students in the process of education and upbringing;

    Providing opportunities for socialization and vocational guidance of students in the areas of adaptation to new social conditions, integration into new types of social relations, self-actualization of social activity;

    Determination of the dynamics of the social roles performed by students to assess the effectiveness of their entry into the system of social and professional relations;

    The use of social activity as a leading factor in the formation of a student's personality;

    Using the role of the team in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the student's personality, his social and civic position;

    Stimulating conscious social initiatives and activities of students based on the motive of the activity (desire, awareness of the need, interest, etc.).

    The stage of socialization of students includes:

    Formation of an active civic position and responsible behavior in the process of educational, extracurricular, extracurricular, socially significant activities of students;

    Assimilation of social experience, basic social roles that correspond to the age of students in terms of mastering the norms and rules of social behavior;

    Formation of a student's own constructive style of social behavior in the course of pedagogically organized interaction with the social environment;

    Achievement of a level of physical, social and spiritual development adequate for one's age;

    Ability to solve socio-cultural problems (cognitive, moral and ethical, value-semantic), specific to the student's age;

    Maintaining various types and types of relationships in the main spheres of their life: communication, study, play, sports, creativity, hobbies (hobbies);

    Active participation in changing the school environment and in changing the available spheres of life of the surrounding society;

    Regular rethinking of external interactions and relationships with various people in the system of public relations, including using self-observation diaries and electronic diaries on the Internet;

    Awareness of the motives of their social activities;

    Development of the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and based on the requirements of the team; the formation of moral feelings, necessary behavioral habits, volitional qualities;

    Possession of forms and methods of self-education: self-criticism, self-hypnosis, self-obligation, self-switching, emotional-mental transfer to the position of another person.

    The career guidance phase assumes that the student:

    Formed a position as a subject of their own activities.

    Formed a position as a subject of their own professional activities.

    Awareness of the peculiarities of certain professions, interconnected with each other, is stated;

    Formed the ability to design individually or together with peers accompanied by tutors (or specially trained teachers) individual educational programs, and then implement them, track their own results of mastering the program, if necessary, adjust the programs.

    The organization of students' activities within the framework of the socialization program for vocational guidance of schoolchildren at the level of basic general education is carried out within the hours allocated for classroom activities, as well as within the hours of extracurricular activities, which are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education.

    The mission of the school in the context of this program at the level of basic general education is to give the student an understanding of the professions market, social values ​​and models of behavior oriented towards these values ​​through the practice of social relations with various social groups and people with different social statuses.

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