• How to fold disposable bags for easy handling. How to store packages. Life hacks for folding bags


    Do you think that plastic bags left over from purchases will soon fill the entire space in the drawer under the sink? They take up a lot of space and create so much rubbish that they are beginning to be banned in many parts of our planet. However, it is not uncommon for people to choose to reuse and store packages instead of throwing them away. If you want to preserve your bags and get rid of the clutter they create at the same time, it is best to learn how to stack them neatly so that they take up less space. This article will walk you through the best methods for compacting your packages. And when you need the packages, you can easily deploy them.


    Fold the bag into a triangle

    Spread the bag flat. If you are folding a T-shirt bag, make sure the handles are parallel to each other. Try to straighten the handles as much as possible, as they will also play an important role when you fold the bag into a triangle.

    • The easiest thing to do is to spread the bag on a hard, flat surface, such as a kitchen countertop.
    • With enough dexterity, you can try to spread the bag on the weight, and not on a flat surface. Keep in mind that this is not easy, so don't be discouraged if you fail. In any case, you can try to do it again later when you have a little more experience.
    • Try to expel excess air from the bag as much as possible. To do this, slide your hands along it in the direction from the bottom up.

    Start by aligning the sides of the bag (if folding a T-shirt, line up the handles). Fold the bag again, now aligning the previous fold with the sides of the bag. Continue to fold the bag further, folding it in half lengthwise each time (if folding the T-shirt bag, stop when the resulting strip is approximately equal in width to the bag handles). You should have a narrow rectangular strip.

    • Remember to flatten the bag and purge any excess air after each additional fold. The flatter it becomes, the easier it will be for you to fold it into a triangle.
    • The number of longitudinal folds will depend on the size of the bag and the shape of its handles. Usually only two or three folds are required.
  • Fold the bottom corner of the rectangular strip diagonally. Select the bottom corner through which the last longitudinal fold passes. Fold it diagonally towards the opposite side of the strip to form a triangle.

    • Smooth and straighten the resulting triangle.
    • At this stage, the package will look like a rectangle with one adjacent side with an isosceles triangle (on the smaller side).
  • Fold the resulting triangle up onto the strip to create a new triangle. Take the free bottom corner of the triangle and fold it up into a rectangular strip, converting the adjacent line between the old triangle and the rectangle to a new fold.

    • The outer contours of the polyethylene strip will again take the shape of a narrow rectangle.
    • The technique used here is similar to the folding of the American flag in a triangle.
  • Continue to fold the strip along the adjacent sides of the triangle. Repeat the last two steps, gradually winding the strip around the triangle. Work all the way to the very end of the strip (or bag handles). Remember to leave a small tip of the strip for the finishing fold.

    • With each new fold, you will have new isosceles triangles stacked on top of each other.
    • Remember to unfold and flatten the bag after each fold. If the triangle turns out to be too chubby, it will not hold its folded shape well.
  • Tuck the remaining end of the strip into the folded triangle. Make the last fold by wrapping the tip of the strip around the triangle. Slip it into the pocket formed by the previous triangles. As always, flatten the bag after the next fold so that it looks neat and holds its shape well.

    Repeat the procedure with the rest of the bags and store them. Fold all other bags into triangles. They now take up significantly less space and are easier to store. They can be stowed away anywhere, such as stowing them beautifully in a basket on the kitchen counter or simply tossing them into a drawer under the sink. It's up to you to make the decision.

    To use the package, just expand it. As cute as the triangular bags are, they cannot be used as they are. If you need a bag, take a triangle and pry the end of the folded strip out of it. Grasp this edge and simply shake the bag to unfold it completely. Depending on how tightly you folded the bag, you may have to try a little to flatten it.

    Tie the bag in a knot

    Fold the bag into a longitudinal strip. To tie the bag in a knot, you must first roll it into a narrow strip. In this case, it does not matter how exactly to orient the handles of the T-shirt bag in front of you. To collapse a package, simply follow the steps below.

    • Spread the bag out on a hard, flat surface. Run your hands over the bag to expel excess air from it as much as possible. The flatter the bag becomes, the smaller the finished knot will turn out from it.
    • Fold the bag in half lengthwise to form an elongated rectangle. As before, unfold and flatten the bag.
    • Fold the bag in half lengthwise again. This time it will become an even narrower rectangle. Continue folding the bag in half lengthwise until the layers of polyethylene begin to offer some resistance to your hands. Remember to smooth every fold.
  • Fold the resulting strip across in half. Fold the strip in half to make it shorter. You should now have a narrow rectangle in your hands, which is half the original length of the bag.

    • Test the plasticity of the resulting strip by wrapping it around your finger. If the strip is too elastic for this, then it is too elastic in order to tie it in a knot. In this case, unfold the cross fold and unfold one or two longitudinal folds. Then fold the strip in half again and test for ductility.
  • Form a small loop from the shortened strip. Position the loop about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the last fold on the strip. The loop should be large enough to fit two of your fingers. Make sure the folded end is on top and the longer (and possibly uneven due to the handles) end underneath.

    Plastic bags are a blessing and, at the same time, a scourge of civilization. Without them, our life is impossible, but the deposits of multi-colored crumpled balls throughout the house do not make our life more beautiful. We offer an ingenious way to neatly fold bags into your purse or at home in a small box. For those who study these helpful tips to the end, a bonus from our site is an improved technique for folding other bags into one compactly folded bag!

    Based on the crazy demand for plastic products, people can now be divided into those for whom the bag is a reusable product and into those who throw it away immediately after emptying. There is nothing good in either case. People collecting bags for reuse litter their home. And the majority of those who do not collect the bags throw them away everywhere, which is why the ecological catastrophe in the world has become threatening.

    Types of packages

    Filling transparent bag appeared in the United States in 1957. It was a transparent disposable container for packaging bakery products, fruits and vegetables. The function of such a bag is more protective, it protects food from dirt and moisture.

    Bags with loop and cut handle appeared in the 1970s. By that time, Europe had already appreciated the benefits of plastic packaging. Such bags are designed to carry anything, therefore they are made of high density polyethylene. Cutting handles are unreinforced and reinforced (glued, welded). The loop handles are attached separately with special adhesive.

    The modern bag with handles is a representative of the packaging elite. This product is elegant, beautiful, looks expensive and at the same time it is quite democratic. It is quite convenient to put this type of bags in your purse. In such a package, it is permissible to give a present or a gift. Enterprises produce branded bags of this category with the image of their trademark.

    T-shirt packages appeared in the early 1980s. They owe their nickname to the characteristic structure of the handles, which is why they are outwardly similar to the clothes of the same name. With a large carrying capacity, "T-shirts" are thin, so that the packages can be compactly folded into any container. They are firmly entrenched in supermarkets and other retail outlets due to their low price and durability.

    How to compactly fold bags into a triangle

    A seemingly laborious process, in fact, it is not at all that complicated. It is enough to fold five packages in a row to "fill your hand". The hardest part is to flatten the bag, but it’s worth tinkering with in order to neatly fold the bags into a very small box. Our instruction is based on the example of a T-shirt bag.

    1. Align all corners of the bag, run your hand over it so that there is no air in it.

    2. Since it is convenient to fold the bags lengthwise, fold the bag in half lengthwise.

    3. Also fold the bag in half lengthwise again.

    4. On the side where the second half went, from the side of the bottom of the bag, bend the corner with a triangle.

    5. Bend the triangle into another triangle using the folding method.

    6. And so, superimposing one triangle on another, reach the handles. The last triangle should be near the handles on the side on which the pocket was formed. Since it is difficult to fold plastic bags due to the air in them, periodically run your hand from the triangle to the handles, expelling the air.

    7. Fold the handles in half.

    8. Bend the triangle on the handles.

    9. Insert the triangle of the handles into the pocket of the main triangle.

    Our BONUS is for those who have mastered the magic triangle method! The pocket can hold another triangle bag or several smaller triangle bags. Then you won't have a lot of bags scattered all over your bag.

    Packages folded in this way fit compactly in a handbag. Surely even men will not refuse to put a couple of such triangles in their purse. It's convenient when the package is always at hand!

    Today, plastic bags occupy 80% of the packaging market, which is why it is gaining incredible proportions. There are 4 trillion packages in use worldwide every year. Polyethylene is not biodegradable. Mountains of such garbage are dumped into the ocean, killing all living things. We can assume that everyone who knows how to fold a bag, and not throw it away in the wrong place, saves one living creature a day. And also saves on buying packages.

    And now SECRET BONUS for those who really read the article to the end, and did not scroll the mouse wheel!

    T-shirt bags are strong enough and can withstand a lot of weight, but their drawback is that the handles cut your hands. If after all the purchases you still have a bag folded in a triangle in your bag, place it under the handles. A plump triangle will gently envelop the handles of the bag stretched with a string and protect your hands from cuts.

    It is difficult to do without packages in life. They are bought specifically for various household needs, but most of the bags get into the house along with food and clothing and are reused. To make the packages easy to find at the right time, you need to learn how to fold and store them.

    Folding triangle

    Many have had situations when they are looking for a not crumpled or torn bag and cannot find it in any way. To prevent this from happening in the future, all packages in the house must be carefully folded. This is not difficult to do.

    • Pick up the bag and flatten it on the table or floor.
    • Fold in half lengthwise. This must be done 2 times to get a narrow strip.
    • Bend the bottom corner of the strip and continue folding into a triangle, turning it left and right.
    • As a result, you have a plump corner that takes up very little space.

    If the bag has handles, then they can be tucked into the corner. Such manipulations must be carried out with all used sachets. The resulting triangles can be stored in a special bag, in a drawer or in a cardboard box.

    Rolling into a tube

    It is even easier to roll a thin T-shirt bag into a tube. To do this, you need to flatten it, make it flat and fold it neatly into a narrow strip, just like in the triangle folding method. Next, this strip must be wound around two fingers, and the handles must be wrapped around the resulting tube.

    Once you have rolled up all the thin bags, they will take up significantly less space. They can be stored in a tea jar or any other container with a lid. At the right time, the packaging material will always be at hand.

    If the bags are large and rigid, they can be folded in half and placed in one box in a row. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct an inspection and immediately throw out leaky or heavily soiled specimens. The likelihood that you will reuse them tends to zero.

    Never store bags containing meat or fish. They will give off an unpleasant odor and can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Make sure there are no food debris, crumbs, moisture inside. This can lead to mold and insects inside.

    Storage devices

    There are special drives for packages that allow them to be compactly stored and easily taken out one by one. You can buy it from a store or make it out of an empty hand towel box. The box has a narrow opening that allows you to take out napkins.

    • it is necessary to fold the bag into a narrow strip and shove it into the box so that only the handles look out;
    • the next package is folded flat, pulled through the protruding handles of the previous one and pushed into the box, again leaving only the handles outside;
    • the process is repeated until the box is full or until the bags run out.

    Drives can be sewn from brightly colored patches or tied into a long tube. One end of the pipe should be free, and an elastic band is sewn into the other, which prevents the contents from falling out. Packages are pushed into them on one side, and taken out on the other.

    Accumulator from a bottle

    Bags lying around the house can be compactly folded into a plastic bottle. If you look closely, it looks like a great drive, you just need to cut the bottom. The more bags in the house, the more bottle you need. Usually a 2 liter container is used.

    For convenience, the neck is also cut off to widen the hole, and the edges are rubbed with sandpaper. From the wide side, the bags are pushed into the bottle, and from the narrow side they are taken out. It turns out a kind of dispenser, which is convenient to use and store on the shelf of the kitchen cabinet.

    It will be even more convenient if you attach such a bottle to the inside of the sink door. This can be done using double-sided tape. There, under the sink, there is usually a trash can. It will be possible to take out the old bag and immediately use it for its intended purpose, that is, for the trash can.

    Plastic bags can take up a lot of unnecessary space.

    We save space

    It is quite simple to fold the bags correctly, but here you need to take into account their sizes and shapes:

    Image Variants
    View 1. Packing

    Transparent packaging designed to protect food and other items from external contamination. They are considered disposable.

    View 2. Bag handles in the form of a loop

    These bags can be used to carry heavy items. Holders can be either reinforced or cut-through.

    View 3. "T-shirt"

    The special shape allows the "shirt" to be thin and very strong at the same time. The most popular type of bag.

    View 4.With a round handle

    Such products are not particularly durable. They are mainly used for carrying documents and giving bulk gifts.

    View 5. Gift

    There are paper and plastic ones. Serve as a packaging for various kinds of gifts.

    Due to their striking appearance, the price of such products is much higher than analogues.

    Method 1. Triangle

    So, here's an instruction on how to fold a package into a triangle in 6 steps (for example, a "T-shirt"):

    Image Description
    Step 1.

    Smooth the canvas, smooth out all the corners, as in the photo.

    Step 2.

    Fold the bag 4 times lengthwise. You should get a narrow strip.

    Step 3.

    On the side where the bottom is, begin to fold the strip with the corners up.

    Step 4.

    Using the method of overlapping one corner on another, reach the top edge. Fold the handles in half.

    Step 5.

    Fold the handles into a triangle.

    Step 6.

    Insert the resulting triangle from the handles into the pocket of the main bag.

    The bags folded in a triangle are convenient to carry even in a miniature handbag.

    Method 2. Tubule

    How to stack bags with a straw? The algorithm is pretty simple:

  • Fully flatten the canvas, straighten the corners and handles.
  • Fold the bag in half 4 times (for very large bags, 6-8 times).
  • Wind the resulting strip onto 2 fingers.
  • Tie the free handles around the tube.
  • It is convenient to store these straws in old shoe boxes.

    Method 3. Envelope

    How to fold bags in an envelope correctly:

    Image Description
    Approach 1. For plastic bags
  • Flatten the blade carefully.
  • Fold first horizontally in half, then vertically.
  • Should get a small rectangle.
  • Compactly pack the resulting envelopes into any convenient box.
  • This is the best way to fold pouches with cut, cut and round handles.

    Approach 2. For paper bags
  • Fold the sides of the package inward.
  • Flatten it flat.
  • If the appearance of folds is not critical, fold the package in half several times.
  • Place flat bags in a box or other empty container.
  • This method is convenient for storing gift wrappers.

    Storage in dispensers

    In household chemicals stores, you can purchase a special bag storage device - a small device that allows you to compactly store a large number of bags. A dispenser can be made with your own hands from available tools (old boxes, bottles, cans).

    In the table I will present possible options for convenient storage of bags in dispensers:

    Image Description
    Option 1. In a bottle
  • Cut the bottom of the bottle, but do not cut it off completely.
  • Tamp the bags tightly into the bottle.
  • Attach the resulting dispenser to the inside of the cabinet door or to the wall.
  • It is very convenient to store disposable "T-shirts" in a plastic bottle.

    Option 2. In an old box

    Take an empty tissue box and place the bags there.

    How to put bags in a box:

  • Form the packages into narrow strips and lower them to the bottom.
  • Pull the next bag through the free handles of the first.
  • Use this method to fill the entire box.
  • Option 3. In banks

    Packing bags are conveniently tamped into a box of napkins in the form of a can, connecting them according to the above principle.

    Option 4. Shop

    You can purchase an inexpensive dispenser and hang it on the wall. All you need is to add new bags on time.

    How to make a bag box yourself? Old empty packaging, scissors and glue will come in handy:

    • make 2 holes - the bags will fit into the first, and take out from the second;
    • then glue the structure in a convenient place.

    The photo shows an example of a homemade organizer.


    Now you know that plastic bags can be folded compactly in three different ways. To keep small bags close at hand, use special storage organizers.

    The video in this article will demonstrate some of the methods visually. If you have other ideas in stock - share them in the comments!

    Every time we buy groceries, the store carefully provides us with packages - earlier for free, now for money. And over time, we accumulate a bunch of bags that were used only once - and it's a pity to throw it away, and the habit of going with a bag to the store has already outlived its own. The packages need to be folded somehow: some of us have convenient places in the kitchen set for storing packages, someone, out of habit, puts them into one package, which turns into a pot-bellied bag filled to the brim with other packages, and someone prefers immediately get rid of them by sending them to the trash bin. All these methods have one thing in common - keeping them in the kitchen. How do you solve the problem of storing only once used packages? I think that the method below will still interest someone, because thanks to the habit of folding bags correctly, you will save space for other, more useful things in the kitchen. Watch our video, repeat all the steps, and you will succeed. By the way, many have adopted this method, and are happy to use it, explaining that they are tired of a lump with a bag attached between the cabinets or on the doorknob. Link to the official website ★ http://goo.gl/qq5Gyw ★ SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/IfWEUF ★ WE ARE ON THE NETWORK. SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW THE NEWS !!! VKontakte: https://goo.gl/AgGEb4 Instagram: https://goo.gl/cIvNld Every time you purchase us products shop carefully provides packages for free before, now for the money. And over time we have accumulated a bunch of packages that were used only once, and throw a pity, and habit to walk with the package in the store has already outlived her. Packages need to add: some of us have a comfortable place in the kitchen set storage bags, someone habitually puts them in one package that turns into a pot-bellied bag, stuffed to the brim by other packages, and someone prefers to get rid of them by sending in the trash. All of these methods share one thing - keeping them in the kitchen. How you solve the problem of storage once the used packages? I think the way below anyone "s still interested, because thanks to the routine to properly fold the bags, you will save space for other, more useful things in the kitchen. Watch our video, repeat all steps and you will succeed. By the way, many have adopted this method, and with pleasure use it, explaining that they are tired coma with a package attached between cabinets or on the doorknob. + how to fold packages + how to fold compactly + how to fold + into a box + how to fold video packages to fold packages + into a box + from under napkins + how to fold a package in a triangle + how to fold packages + into a bottle + how to fold packages + how to fold plastic bags + how to fold packages compactly video paper napkins + beautiful napkins on a table napkins + on a table napkins paper napkins + for table setting napkins serving festive napkins napkins + beautiful paper napkins for the festive table napkins + napkins in a glass + in a napkin holder + how beautiful to fold the decoration + from salads fetok serving paper napkins + how to fold napkins beautiful table beautiful napkins + napkins for the table photo

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