• How to celebrate 1 year of birth. How to organize and celebrate your child's first birthday. Who will you become, kid: guessing in a playful way


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    Everything happens for the first time. So it's time for your little one to celebrate his birthday for the first time. And, of course, this should be a special day - one that will remain in your memory and in photos in the most joyful colors. The question of how to celebrate the baby's first birthday is raised by many parents long before the event. You will not immediately figure out how to organize this peculiar holiday: what to cook, whom to invite, at what time to celebrate and what to give a baby at 1 year old?

    There are two options for choosing guests: the first is close relatives and friends, and the second is mothers with the same yearlings. It would be quite reasonable if you decide to celebrate the child's birthday at home, in a small family circle, with those people who sincerely love the baby and took part in raising him throughout the year. And a child of one year old will be more happy to communicate with those to whom he has long been accustomed.

    Relatives do not always live next to us, so you can invite the baby's first friends. You should not call everyone with whom you play together in the sandbox, even if your baby is very sociable. It is not a fact that other children differ in the same way. Therefore, for the first time, it will be enough to invite 1 - 2 mothers with children. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the children do not have the same regimes, and some of them will not be able to come at a convenient time for you. In addition, you will have to carefully consider the children's menu so that it is festive and hypoallergenic for all kids at the same time.

    If you sleep twice during the day, then it will be more convenient to celebrate between naps, approximately from 12.00 to 16.00. If you are going to celebrate with loved ones, then the child's second dream will not at all prevent you from quietly continuing the holiday while the baby is resting. If the child sleeps once, then it is also necessary to mark after sleep.

    As for the dishes for adults, there are no limits for your imagination: add a children's theme to the table setting, to decorate salads and sweets. Stock up on fruit purees and curds for the kids. You can make a baby buffet: cut the fruit into small pieces, put baby cookies and berries on the dish, put the juices in tubular bags.

    It is better to make a cake for the birthday person yourself, so you will have no doubt that it is harmless to the child. It is very simple to prepare it: take any recipe for biscuit dough (only with natural ingredients, no baking powder) and bake a cake. Then cut it lengthwise into two halves and grease with baby curd cream with berries or fruits. On a birthday, of course, you can add sugar to the cream, from one time nothing terrible will happen to the child. Decorate the top with fruits and berries. In principle, such a cake can be made great for everyone: for sure it will appeal to ladies on a diet or those who do not like very sweets. And you can make it in miniature, only for the birthday person. Don't forget to put one candle in it.

    • The day before the celebration, decorate the room with balloons, an inscription with congratulations on the wall. Let your baby look around in a new environment and get used to the beauty. Explain to the child why all this is done, tell him that he will have a birthday and guests will come to him and congratulate him.
    • There is an interesting idea to have a custom to celebrate every child's birthday in some color. That is, every year you choose the color of the rainbow and decorate the whole holiday in its shades. Warn guests in advance to dress up in this color. On the first birthday, everything will look very cute in white tones or in pale blue, if the birthday is for a boy, and in pink for a girl. Imagine your dad, grandfather or your close friend in a pink robe, for sure this will cheer everyone up.
    • If there are many children, create a play area. Spread a rug there and choose interesting toys. If there are children of different ages, then it is better to divide this zone too: let in one part there will be only toys for kids, and in the other - for older children.
    • Play with your baby in choosing an outfit for him. Put a couple of dresses in front of the girl, one of which you bought especially for the celebration. Most likely, the baby will reach for the most beautiful and laced one, praise for a good choice. You should not play rags with the boy, just dress him up in a "ceremonial" suit, stand in front of the mirror and tell him that he is handsome. If the child does not want to dress up in any, do not persist and do not get annoyed, dressing as usual is not the most important thing.
    • Purchasing a baby's hand and foot print kit is a great way to preserve the memory of how your baby was when she was a year old. Or you can do the same with paints on paper. Stock up on colored cardboard and paints, and invite all the children to make hand and foot prints for themselves. All this can smoothly turn into drawing with your fingers, so save a large Whatman paper.

    Be sure to have your camera or camera ready. It would be a shame to be left without a photo session on such a day.

    Don't buy a gift at the last moment. There are so many things in stores now that you can make an impulse purchase and buy something completely different from what you need. Think about what makes your baby happy. Do not give him clothes or things that will only come in handy after a while. Let relatives or friends buy such gifts.

    Buy something your child can use right away. Here is a list of some toys that are interesting to a child at 1 year old: a rocking horse, a home puppet theater, carriage toys that ring and glow, a tent house, educational dolls.

    1. "Who will the birthday boy be in the future?": a competition based on an ancient Vedic ritual, which was held to determine the inborn inclinations of children. Various objects are laid out in front of the child and, in accordance with their purpose, determine the future profession or the fate of the baby. For example:

    • money - wealth, will be a banker or financier;
    • tangle - long life;
    • brush - will become an artist;
    • a book - for a scientist, a teacher;
    • flower - happiness;
    • comb - by a hairdresser;
    • a ring - a happy marriage;
    • keys are well-being.

    It is important to place items at some distance, not in a pile. It is believed that children intuitively choose the thing that is closer to them in spirit and are drawn to it. Therefore, the competition has not only entertainment, but some fateful value.

    2. "Gift for a wedding": make some cards with pictures of wedding gifts. Invite all relatives in turn to pull out a card that will determine what they will give the baby for his wedding when he grows up.

    3. If your family loves to sing, then you can organize a karaoke competition: guests need to split into two groups and compete to see who knows more children's songs or performs them better.

    4. "Who does our baby look like?": make a list of parts of your face and body. Guests will have to place a checkmark next to the baby's similarities with Mom and Dad. Then the points are calculated - whoever scored more, the child looks like that.

    5. "Guess the puree": the one who guesses is blindfolded and offered to try baby purees. It is more interesting if girls without children, men, in general, those people who have a vague idea of ​​infant food will take part in the competition. You can not blindfold, but tear or stick the labels on the jars and invite all guests to guess the mashed potatoes.

    7. "Seven-flower flower": make a flower with different petals or a chamomile, on each petal write questions about the baby's first year of life:

    • What was the birth weight of the baby?
    • How tall?
    • What time was born?
    • When did the first tooth grow?
    • When he sat down, crawled, went?
    • Who is the child according to the zodiac sign?
    • What is your baby's favorite toy?
    • What's the first word?
    • What is the date of the christening?

    Guests take turns picking off the petals and answering questions. A prize is awarded for each correct answer.

    8. "Make the kid laugh": there are children who are not particularly smiling. If you have such a baby, this is exactly what you need for this competition. Let the guests take turns making the serious toddler laugh.

    9. "Who will drink from the bottle faster": you will need two baby bottles with a pacifier for the competition. It is not at all easy to quickly suck the contents out of them. Pour something tasty into them: juice, lemonade or champagne and arrange a competition between two people.

    10. "Portrait": seat one of your relatives on a chair, and give the baby a brush or felt-tip pen and offer to draw on a large sheet. Anyone who poses on should see what the kid is drawing. Only after the "portrait" is ready, you can show it to everyone and put a signature on it with a little painted finger of a crumb.

    For a child on this day, of course, your love and attention will be the most precious. It is important not to overwork the baby on this day, do not forget to take a walk with him and periodically take him away from the guests. Everything else depends on your mood and imagination.


    We are one year old! (ideas for the first birthday)

    A whole year has passed since the baby was born. 365 days in a child's life is a huge milestone, and the birthday boy is definitely worthy of celebrations in his honor! Do not listen to skeptics who claim that the baby is still too young and therefore it is not worth spending time and energy on organizing a holiday. In fact, the first birthday of a toddler is, if you like, the foundation of your new family tradition, and it is simply necessary to celebrate it!

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    Do you need to turn the baby's first birthday into a noisy event or is it better to quietly celebrate a solid date in the family circle? Celebrating at home or heading to a cafe or game center? Should we hire specially trained wizards for the entertainment of the birthday boy and guests, or do it on our own?

    Only the parents themselves will be able to answer all these questions, the main thing is to remember that the child is still very small, and his possibilities, physical and mental, are very limited. When organizing a holiday, start from the preferences and characteristics of the baby. If a child is afraid of strangers and feels uncomfortable in an unfamiliar room, it is hardly necessary to gather guests in a restaurant and hire an entertainer. Even a completely sociable and complacent child has every right to be capricious: it will be great if at this moment you can retire with the little one and give him the opportunity to take a breath in a calm atmosphere.

    In addition, do not forget about the regime: some children are extremely painful to perceive any changes in the daily routine, and then, you yourself, you know, you will not have time for the holiday! In general, taking into account all of the above, we suggest that you celebrate the baby's first birthday, as they say, in a narrow circle: mom, dad, grandparents, godparents and close friends - such a "basic set" of guests for the first time is quite enough.

    Here are a few conditions that must be met in order for the holiday to be a success:

    1. It is best to call relatives in the afternoon - in the interval from one quiet hour to another. During this period, children are usually cheerful, cheerful and in the mood for communication;

    2. From time to time, take your child to a place where he can be alone with you: even the closest company can become a serious test for the baby;
    3. Having fun late into the night is a bad idea. It is better to determine the time frame of the event from the very beginning, but if the baby starts to "sulk" earlier, it makes sense to say goodbye to the guests without waiting for the X hour;
    4. Should I invite other children to the holiday? Why not, especially if these are the children of one of the invited adults. In this case, you will have to think over a baby entertainment program and a special children's table.

    Cooking the sleigh in the summer

    In principle, you should think about the upcoming holiday immediately after the birth of the child. Nothing too complicated, just be normal loving parents - take pictures of the child, shoot him on video and meticulously record all the achievements, starting from the indicators of height and weight and ending with the first words. When day X looms on the horizon, you will be able to analyze the collected data and, on their basis, create, for example, a biographical film with the code name "From the hospital with love!" or to issue an uncompromisingly honest newspaper "12 Months" with a detailed account of the birthday man's activities over the past period. In addition, the family archive will certainly come in handy for preparing your holiday entertainment program. It is better to start editing a film and / or making a wall newspaper a month before the celebration. The simplest option is a standard sheet of Whatman paper, on which 12 portraits of the baby are glued in three rows (one for each month lived), and under each of them his successes are briefly described. If this approach seems too formal to you, try to build a long caterpillar, a train with 12 carriages, a flower wreath, a palm tree with coconuts, out of the same Whatman paper or unnecessary wallpaper, a large photograph should take center stage in each segment of the newspaper. toddler. The festive print edition will certainly become the main, but far from the only decoration of the room. Of course, it is not forbidden to just buy a few ready-made paper stretch marks with the inscriptions like "Happy birthday!", "Happy Birthday!" and, say, hang a Christmas tree "color music" on the walls. But if you have the time and desire, make something "personal" too - for example, a garland of colored flags with the funniest family photos taken over the past year. Or simply frame these pictures in bright frames and hang / place them all over the room. Walls can be decorated with large images of animals and fairy-tale characters.

    IMPORTANT! To be or not to be colorful balloons? On the one hand, they really create a festive mood. On the other hand, the balloon can suddenly burst and greatly scare the birthday boy and other kids. Considering the possible consequences, we tend to the answer “Not to be”.

    It is worth taking care of invitation cards for guests in advance. If you want - buy ready-made invitations, if you want - come up with your own, exclusive, option, for example, a homemade postcard decorated with a baby's palm print. If the kid loves to draw, give him a set of bright wax crayons and slip a stack of paper blanks - let him depict his branded stroller on each.

    Birthday cake

    How to treat an adult company, you will somehow figure it out. If you decide to invite the kids to the holiday, be sure to ask if they are allergic to any foods, so as not to miss when drawing up a children's menu. But the most important thing, of course, is a birthday cake, with a big beautiful candle in the form of the number 1.The cake should be made from products that a) theoretically suit any one-year-old baby and b) suit your particular toddler, in particular (this is not always one and also).

    We offer you three simple recipes that you can add a variety of ingredients to if you want. Experiment and you'll have the perfect birthday cake for sure!

    By the way. There is no need to make a big cake: baby “pastry” is a rather specific thing, and not all adult guests will be able to appreciate your culinary feat at its true worth. The main thing is that there is enough for all the invited children.

    1. Banana cake

    - white bread (you can toast),
    - baby curd,
    - banana,
    - Apple,
    - dried apricots,
    - berries familiar to the baby.
    Process. Cut out "cakes" of the same size from slices of bread, grease each with cottage cheese, and put banana slices on top. From the obtained blanks, build a turret and pour the top with "jam" from apples and dried apricots steamed in a double boiler, and then whipped in a blender. Coat the "walls" of the turret with cottage cheese and decorate with bright berries.

    2. Potato cake


    - milk,
    - any cutlets or meatballs (meat, fish, chicken),
    - boiled carrots and beets,
    - yolk,
    - grated cheese.
    Process. Prepare mashed potatoes that are not too thin and beat with a mixer. Cut each cutlet into several flat pancakes. Now carefully lay out the mashed potatoes, cutlets, carrot and beetroot pieces. Decorate the cake with mashed roses dyed with beetroot juice (best done with a bag).

    3. Cookie cake


    Baby cookies,
    - fruits familiar to the baby (apples, bananas, pears, etc.),
    - cottage cheese,
    - milk / milk mixture.
    Process. Soak cookies in milk / mixture. Take a beautiful dish and lay out cookies, cottage cheese, pieces of fruit in layers - and again cookies, cottage cheese, fruits. In principle, the cake is ready, but if you do not mind tinkering a little more, you can fill it with homemade marmalade. Making marmalade is as easy as pie: Juice fresh apples and simmer until thickened.

    Come on, adults!

    The baby's first birthday is a great occasion for all older guests to fall back into childhood for a while and have fun with all their hearts. The task of the hospitable hosts is to prepare an appropriate cultural program. We tried to collect the most interesting tasks. Take your pick!

    Who do I look like?

    What do you need? In the center of a large sheet of paper, glue a portrait of the baby, and on the right and left - baby photos of his parents. Under the picture of the birthday man, write in a column the points by which you should evaluate his similarity with his parents - cheeks, ears, forehead, mouth, hair, etc.

    The task of the guests. Carefully examine the photo and put the letters M (mom) or P (dad) in front of each item. The final decision will be made based on which letter prevails. Of course, there are no winners in this game - the work is collective, but you can present all the participants with small souvenirs.

    What is drawn here?

    What do you need? Several "pictures", created personally by the birthday man. Leaflets and pens for all participants.

    The task of the guests. Carefully study the masterpieces and suggest (in writing, secret from the rest of the players) what may be depicted on them. Then all versions are voiced and discussed, and the main "art critic" is solemnly awarded a prize.

    What's in the bank?

    What do you need? 4-5 jars with different mashed potatoes. On the lid of each jar, write the serial number, and wrap the container itself with foil / paper - so that it was impossible to peep the name of the product. Leaflets and pens for all participants.

    The task of the guests. Try the puree and try to guess what it is made of. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the presenter, who voices the correct options and determines the winner.

    To you who have matured

    What do you need? Leaves and pens for adults. Big beautiful envelope.

    The task of the guests. Each participant writes a small message to an already matured child (for example, 18 years old). It is not necessary to read them out - the birthday person will do it when the time comes. The leaves are collected in an envelope, it is sealed and signed: “These letters were written ... ... 2013. The envelope must be opened ... ... 2030 ". Prizes are not expected, but you can raise a glass to the good health of the hero of the occasion!

    find me

    What do you need? 2 stacks of photographs depicting different babies (birthday boy, his sister or brother, mom, dad, godfather / godmother's child - in general, many babies are about the same age).

    Attention: the sets of pictures must be the same!
    The task of the guests. Divide into 2 teams, examine all the cards and choose those on which the hero of the occasion is removed. This is a temporary task - members of the team that completed the mission faster will receive souvenirs.

    What do you need? Karaoke and CD with children's hits.
    The task of the guests. Singing is loud and incendiary. The winner is determined by the points awarded, but ideally it is also necessary to take into account the reaction of the birthday person.
    Option. You can simply distribute leaflets with the lyrics of the baby's favorite songs to the guests and ask them to accompany themselves on a tambourine, drum, rattle, etc.

    How much to weigh in grams?

    What do you need? Nothing but accurate measurements of the baby's weight.

    The task of the guests. Take turns taking the child in your arms and trying to guess how much he weighs. When the last participant speaks, the mother will determine who was closest to the truth. Attention! If the birthday person expresses an active protest, the competition is canceled. What do you want to call What do you need? Nothing but your imagination.
    The task of the guests. In turn, name the various derivatives on behalf of the child. The one on whom the listing ends won.
    Option. You can come up with affectionate nicknames for the birthday person or name the qualities that characterize him (mischievous, cheerful, calm, curious, etc.).

    Biography Quiz

    What do you need? The facilitator is required to have an accurate knowledge of family history, from the participants - quick reactions and correct answers.

    The task of the guests. Answer a variety of questions regarding the life of the birthday man: on which street is the maternity hospital, where was he born? What day of the week was the baby born? When did he first sit down / crawl / stand on his feet? What was his first word, etc. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.

    What can I give you?

    Mom knows best of all what will really make a one-year-old person happy or what he really needs. Therefore, make up a birthday wish-list in advance and present it to the guests, let them “sort out” the gifts. This is for the benefit of the owners (why do you need several sets of dishes for children, for example?), And those invited to the hand - do not have to rack their brains and be afraid to make a mistake with a present.

    The baby's first birthday is an excellent occasion to start a nice family tradition: every year, until the age of majority, present to the child, among other things, some valuable trifle (a coin, a collectible car, a crystal figurine, etc.).

    Come on, children!

    The children's program must be thought out especially carefully: a company of bored kids can turn your house upside down in a matter of minutes. If you don't want to spoil your holiday, do your best to amuse your children diligently and tirelessly!

    A masterpiece for the birthday boy.

    Invite your little guests to paint their palms with finger paints and leave prints on the album sheet. When it dries up, insert the "canvas" into the frame and hand it to the birthday boy. If you have invited older children, ask them to paint a portrait of the hero of the occasion - collectively or separately.


    With older children, you can stage a simple and well-known fairy tale to the one-year-old owner - for example, "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba" or "Turnip". It is better to use glove puppets for this. In the event that peers of the birthday person gathered for the holiday, adults will have to act.
    Disco. Not only adults love to sing karaoke songs and dance. The smallest can "dance" in the arms of their parents.


    You can blow bubbles for no purpose - purely for the sake of fun, or you can arrange a competition for the largest or "longest playing" rainbow ball.


    Put a few objects in a beautiful bag (a ball, a bump, a spoon, a pacifier, etc.) and invite the little ones to put their hand into it in turn and feel by touch what they got. Everything grabbed, of course, becomes the property of the player.
    And the bird flies out Photos taken during the holiday can be used to create a small album or even a book. There is little chance that the baby will remember exactly how his very first birthday was celebrated, but then he will probably be interested in looking at your photo report (we do not even mention how interesting it will be to you yourself).

    and ONCE, Good advice: it is better to take ceremonial pictures of the birthday person even before the start of the celebration, while the baby is cheerful and full of energy.

    You can create a themed birthday - a fairy tale in the literal sense, or you can get by with a simpler scenario. In the first case, you will have to work hard on costumes, various details and a special home decoration. In the second case, the work is also enough, but it will be easier.

    Therefore, we will discuss the second option. By the way, this scenario can also be used as a thematic one. One has only to change the text a little and come up with costumes.

    How to celebrate a child's first birthday? - simple and tasteful!

    1. Decorate your home with balloons. The more, the better. You can inflate and tie colorful balloons on a thread. Hang a garland of balls, preferably along the wall.
    2. Create a collage. A great idea to make the atmosphere even more festive.
      We offer you to create a collage yourself. Go to the site, choose the collage you like, insert a photo (online and free), save it to your computer as a picture (the quality is wonderful). Then you print.
      Many moms have problems with printing. Few where large posters are printed + it costs a lot. You can divide the collage into 4 parts - 4 A4 sheets, and glue them together. It is not necessary to share it yourself - it will be done by the craftsmen in the store.
    3. Hang up a ribbon that says Happy Birthday. You can make one yourself in special programs or buy it. And buying here is the best option. For a small price, you will immediately receive a ready-made beautiful colored ribbon.

    For guests, we recommend stocking up on party caps and gifts. Write rhymes about each guest on postcards, put postcards and gifts (cups with a birthday boy, soap bubbles, pieces of cake, magnets or key rings) in holiday bags. When leaving, everyone present will take with them a drop of the festive atmosphere.

    You can make certificates or awards for each guest. Find or install Microsoft Publisher on your computer. It has built-in certificate templates. You just need to enter the name and.

    Comic telegram (copy to Word, edit and print):

    __________________________________ (name)!

    Congratulations on your first ____________________________ birthday!

    We wish you to remain the most (oh) _______________________________ son (daughter) for your _________________________ mom and your ________________________ dad, who ____________________ are raising you. And your ________________ godmother (name) and your __________________ godfather (name) may love you like your own child. Let your birthday be the most ________________________ holiday of the year for you.

    In general, grow, (name), ____________________________ and ________________________! ________________________________________________ kiss and hug.

    Your _________________________ guests.


    The cake can be made by yourself or ordered. To do it yourself is troublesome, but not expensive. A custom cake will look chic and effortless, but it will hit your wallet. Decide for yourself.

    You don't have to make a particularly luxurious table. The main thing is to take care of the birthday boy. On the table there should be dishes that he can eat (vegetable cutlets, various mashed potatoes, juices).

    The event should be fun, so sticking to a plan isn't necessary. But, as they say, a project without a plan is never good.

    Opening of the event. The guests sit down at the table, the host (mother) announces:
    - Today our miracle is celebrating its first year. Let's congratulate him with the song "Happy Birthday to You" (everyone is singing).

    The host starts competition # 1. Each guest should name any one word that will fit the previous one. The highlight is that you cannot pronounce or write this word. You can show your word at the table, or leave the table.

    Break. Everyone eats and drinks. During the break, you can distract guests a little with questions from the hat, reading rhymes and asking them to say a toast to the person about whom the verse was.

    We create a comic telegram. The guests say the adjectives that the presenter writes into the telegram. Then he reads it to the guests.

    Presentation of certificates. If there are a lot of guests, then you can split the presentation into several parts by inserting them between competitions. It is advisable to hand them over to the sound of fanfare.

    Now we are signing a postcard for the baby. We pass it around in a circle so that everyone present writes a wish to the child.

    Let's not forget about traditions. Among the contests, take the time for the godparents to cut off the baby's curl.

    A funny tradition is the choice of the child's further life path. Certain symbolic objects are placed in front of him, among which the one chosen by the child will be his destiny. You can put anything: gold or money will symbolize a rich life, a wedding ring - love, garlic - health, a spoon - the profession of a cook. You can think of any symbolism.

    Make a video congratulation to your baby. Review it with your guests.

    Now viewing gifts (guests should see your impressions - they will be pleased) and presenting gifts to guests.

    The final part will be taking out the cake and blowing out the candles.

    A child from birth to one year old will not be happy with soft toys. Unless these toys will make different sounds, move or glow. Also, it is not advisable to give large toys, bicycles, cars and toys with the inscription "from 3 years old".

    Gifts such as a cast of a hand-foot, a stroller or something for caring for a child are acceptable gifts, but they are clearly not given to the child, but to the parents.

    Baby dolls, a toy stroller, a toy kitchen set, a toy house will be wonderful gifts for a one-year-old girl.

    But a one-year-old boy will be happy with various cars, toy soldiers, toy watches, robots.

    Developing toys, pyramids, constructor sets, books with colorful illustrations and balls are suitable for children of both sexes.

    A pot and clothes are never superfluous.

    Now you know how to celebrate 1 year old baby.

    Make the best of this wonderful day!

    If you decide to celebrate the birthday of your daughter, who will soon turn one year old, you should remember that this celebration should remain unforgettable for both you and your guests. Next year, the baby will not be so funny, somewhat awkward and charmingly touching, so your daughter's first birthday should be celebrated so that it will be remembered for a long time, and for this you should come up with some themed holiday or organize a neutral party.

    It should be understood that the celebration of 1 year is primarily intended for the parents, and not for the child. Your baby is unlikely to remember anything from her birthday and will not take any part in it. It is recommended to organize everything in such a way as not to disrupt the daily routine of the little birthday girl, especially with regard to sleep, nutrition and habits.

    The scenarios for celebrating the first birthday practically do not differ from each other, since a prerequisite for each of them is the congratulation of both the child himself and his parents, as well as quizzes and contests.

    To celebrate the first birthday, you should not invite a large number of guests, since even a sociable child can be frightened by the crowd, and will start to get nervous because of the noise and attention of strangers. Therefore, invite only relatives and closest people.

    The handmade invitation card will remain with the guests as a keepsake of the day ahead.

    After preparing your guest list, think about invitation cards where the text will be written on behalf of your little happiness. Instead of a signature, you can use the print of a child's palm. If you will not deal with the distribution of invitations yourself, then send them in advance by mail so that the cards reach the addressees on time. It is even easier to use e-mail or social networks, since modern technologies allow this. But a hand-made postcard will be preferable, since this will leave at least some memory of the day ahead.

    As you already understood, you should not invite many people to your first birthday, since even the most balanced children can get overexcited from such a prolonged celebration. It is necessary to carry out everything so that your girl, having been with people, can move away from unnecessary noise to her room, and after the guests have dispersed, go with you to the fresh air. Believe me, an excess of impressions for any child is a serious stress, and from habit, the baby can start to be capricious and cry altogether. And you will have nowhere to go, because your daughter is a lively and active person who, due to her age, cannot express her desires.

    Think carefully about gifts before buying something, so that both you and your daughter will be pleased.

    Often times, parents make a huge mistake when buying a huge number of gifts for their baby's birthday. Try not to rush, buying everything gradually every year, since a large pile of gifts can only make a negative impression on any child, son or daughter. Think carefully before buying something, so that both you and your child will be pleased. It is better to discuss gift ideas with your family and friends in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

    Where can we go without customs? If you baptized your child, then on the first birthday you must definitely call his godparents. There are also many customs that godparents must adhere to, but the last voice is entirely yours. They should cut their hair in the area of ​​the crown of the head with a cross, as the priest does in the church. It is customary to cut at the back of the head, forehead and near the ears. Further, the strands are given to real parents as a keepsake, after which you can cut the baby's hair in the future.

    There is also a custom by which you can predict the future of the baby on his birthday. To do this, you need to spread the casing with the fur outside or a fur coat, then bring a few things to choose from for the child on a large platter. As such, there are no rules for what to put there, and therefore put what is symbolic:

    • bread (wealth);
    • chocolates (a sign of a fun and sweet life);
    • ring (symbolizes a successful marriage);
    • book (symbol of knowledge);
    • garlic (health);
    • woolen ball (means long life);
    • key (independence).

    To create a festive atmosphere in the house, there are some pretty good and original birthday ideas. The most, perhaps, the right option would be to decorate the house with balloons, since they cheer up both adults and children. They can either be ordered through specialized agencies, or you can involve representatives of the stronger sex in inflating. The most popular nowadays are figures made of balloons, for example, fairy-tale characters, animals, etc. So you will surprise both your daughter and the guests, and what kind of photo session will come out ... But more on that later.

    To decorate the holiday, you can make a "development calendar" for your daughter.

    A good decoration for a holiday that will interest guests may be your daughter's “development calendar”. Obviously, you have preserved a lot of photos over the past year. To do this, you will need felt-tip pens, as well as a Whatman paper, on it you need to draw the path that your baby has gone through in a year of her life. Important points to note:

    • our first tooth;
    • we started to sit;
    • we started to crawl;
    • our first steps;
    • first anniversary.

    Do not forget to make handprints in the place where you indicated that the child began to crawl, and leave footprints from the moment he began to walk. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

    And the main decoration of the holiday, of course, will be your little happiness, therefore, take care of beautiful and elegant clothes, while it should be comfortable. For your daughter on her birthday, buy a princess crown, paint her makeup, for example, a ladybug or something else on her cheek. Make the crown without an elastic band so that it can be easily put on the head, and put the baby in the most honorable place at the festive table.

    Well, how can you celebrate a birthday without delicious dishes and a birthday cake? For adults, in principle, there are no restrictions as such, you can submit anything you want. You can decorate the table in the children's theme, and decorate sweets and salads in the same way. It is better for children to make fruit purees and cottage cheese. You can organize a buffet, cut fruit into small slices, add berries and cookies to the table, juices in bags. By the way, it is better to make the cake yourself - this is a 100% guarantee that it will not contain any harmful additives and other chemicals, which have now become the norm in confectionery.

    Many parents do not know which is better - a photo or video in honor of the girl's birthday. Of course, it is recommended to shoot a video, but most people argue that it is better to choose both.

    Hire a professional photographer to capture this enjoyable moment in your life

    Birthday pictures are great, but what could be more interesting than live video? It will be nice after a couple of years to turn on the video and see how your daughter has changed.

    Some may argue and say that it is a waste of money to record the first year celebrations. But a talented videographer will be able to make a short record of this memorable date, while recording all the main moments of the holiday with suitable music. As a result, you will get a video that will be pleasant and interesting to watch not only for you, but also for your friends and acquaintances. Many, being delighted with what they saw, will demand the continuation of the banquet.

    Don't be afraid, hire a videographer and a photographer at the same time to work together, and you don't have to spend a lot of time to educate everyone and share your ideas for your child's birthday. At the same time, you will receive a good amount of high-quality photographs and a video. Sometimes it can be one person, but due to the large volume of work, you will have to sacrifice something - either the number of photos, or the volume of video. By the way, as is the case with the guests, try not to stretch the shooting for the whole day so that the child does not get tired.

    Remember that you can celebrate your first birthday only once in your life, so try to make the celebration unforgettable, and give your beloved daughter as much love and attention as possible. Try to spend the holiday so that the baby does not feel exhausted by the end of the day, and from time to time take her away from the guests to rest. Well, everything else depends only on you, your idea and imagination.

    Any holiday is a pleasant event, and if this is the baby's first birthday, then it is doubly pleasant. Such a responsible event should be noted in a special way, having thought through each stage of the organization thoroughly, making a list of the necessary points. Not the last place in this list is occupied by the question of how to arrange a child's birthday, 1 year is a fairly young age, but such a kid will undoubtedly like colorful garlands, balloons and posters.

    This is the first swallow, notifying those invited and the upcoming holiday. And the mood with which the guests will come to some extent depends on the design of the invitations. After all, beautifully and originally made postcards can give a festive mood even before the start of the holiday.

    Let it not be a standard paper rectangle or square. Decorate them in the form of a dress, body, crown, typewriter, one. You can cut out invitations from colored cardboard, and the decoration is limited only by the creator's imagination. Here you can use multi-colored pens, felt-tip pens, sparkles, or you can add lace, satin ribbons, beads, crocheted small details. Such an invitation is a real work of art, and it will make it clear to the guest that they are really waiting for him and will be glad to see him at the holiday.

    Birthday chair

    An interesting design idea for the first birthday of a child, which came to us from Western countries. A one-year-old baby cannot sit at the same table with adults, since ordinary chairs are too big for him. But he feels comfortable in a highchair. So why not decorate the baby's chair so that you can immediately see that this is the place of honor for the birthday boy. The simplest and most common decor option is to glue a paper garland around the perimeter of the table. You can add a few balls to make it more elegant.

    Garlands and streamers

    The simplest and most common option is a banner with the words “Happy Birthday!”. Such a stretch is easy to find in a store, and it is inexpensive, but how much pleasure will it bring with your own hand, not like everyone else's, special! And to do it is elementary - cut out triangles, draw letters and attach them to the rope. Do you want to paint? There are many ready-made templates on the net, all that remains is to print and cut. And instead of traditional triangles, you can make stretch elements in the form of bottles, pacifiers, number one, a dress or a flower.

    In addition to the standard banner, you can make a banner with the name of the hero of the occasion, with the inscription “1 year”, etc. Themed stretch marks look very nice and complement the overall picture. For example, if your holiday is in the style of princesses, then choose a stretch with princesses.

    Paper garlands also look smart. They can be made from circles, hearts, small crowns, cupcakes, dresses, stars and other elements that correspond to the theme of the birthday. Garlands are made as simply as stretch marks - we cut out individual elements and attach them to a thread or rope.

    Since we are celebrating our first birthday, we can make a garland out of cute little ones.

    Balloons: latex and foil

    An integral attribute in the design of the holiday. Let there be a lot of them on the first birthday. Kids, even if they are so small, love balloons very much. It is better for a child not to play with a garland - he may get confused in it. But tinkering with the ball will be interesting and fun for him. So this decor element can be easily turned into a means of entertainment for the birthday boy and his little guests.

    If, nevertheless, we talk about the decor, then for the first birthday, you can make the number 1 from the balloons. It will look great on holiday photos and decorate the interior of the room. You can also order the first letter of the child's name from balloons, or even the full name, if it is not long and the area of ​​the hall allows you to fit such a design element.

    Inflate some of the balloons with helium and let them just fly under the ceiling, creating a festive mood for the guests.

    Foil balloons look very elegant. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can choose a balloon that matches the theme of your birthday, for example, a mermaid-shaped balloon or a toy car. In addition, foil balloons do not deflate for a long time and can be re-inflated, which means they can bring joy to the baby for a long time.

    Birthday Unit

    This is the main character in the whole decor of the holiday, because the one says that everyone is going to celebrate the first birthday of the child.

    In addition to the one made of balloons, it can be made of cardboard or foam, decorating it with corrugated paper or ordinary napkins.

    A simplified version is a unit cut from a piece of cardboard and decorated with paper flowers, or simply wrapped in foil or painted with paint.

    If you want something special, you should make a volumetric unit. There are two options here - ordering a foam form in an organization that makes signs, or making a number from cardboard. The volumetric figure is usually decorated with paper flowers. But you can decorate it using the trimming technique or glue it with a fringe made of corrugated paper.

    Another variant of the one is a foil balloon in the shape of the number 1. These balloons come in different colors, so choosing the right one is not difficult. In addition, such a unit has an advantage - it can float in the air, unlike its cardboard or foam relatives.

    One of the photos of the birthday boy looks original and unusual. Such a number can be fixed on the wall, or you can make it an element of a festive photo zone.

    Table decoration for the first birthday

    Since the table on the first birthday is unlikely to interest the birthday man, its decoration can be made not entirely thematic. But if you still want to maintain the theme in everything, then the serving should be appropriate. Here toppers, stickers, themed dishes will come to the rescue. If the budget is not too limited, you can look for a set in some kind of children's theme. But such an acquisition will come in handy only once, and then it will gather dust on the shelves. Therefore, it is more advisable to acquire a set of disposable tableware. Now on the shop windows you can find various options for sets for different themed holidays. These sets include plates, glasses, napkins, cocktail tubes. In addition, it is possible to purchase party caps with a corresponding theme.

    But toppers and labels for drinks are quite within the power to make yourself. To do this, you just need to create your own unique template or print ready-made ones.

    Special attention should be paid to the candy bar. Since it is created for little guests, then it must be decorated accordingly. Pick up cupcake baskets with themed designs or just match the color, complement the design with candy boxes and toppers. Replace the factory labels on the juice cans with cheerful and original ones, and let a few balls fly near the candy bar and complement the overall picture with a couple of paper garlands. Then the kids will definitely pay attention to the table with sweets and will appreciate the treat.

    And do not forget that the birthday boy is only a year old, so the sweets should be those that the baby can taste, that is, without dyes, flavors and other artificial additives. Ideal - if you bake cupcakes for a candy bar with your own hands, then you will definitely be sure of their quality and safety.

    Collages and posters

    Guests will certainly be interested to see how the child has changed in his first year, because during this period children change literally every month, they grow very intensively and the difference between a newborn and a one-year-old is simply amazing. Therefore, it is worth creating a poster or collage with photographs of each stage of the baby's development and decorating the hall with it.

    An interesting idea is to photograph your baby every month under the same conditions or with the same toy. Then the difference between the photos will be well noticeable. Such photographs can be arranged in the form of a small train, where each trailer is a separate photo, or in the form of a clock. The flower also looks original, in which the photos are placed on the petals.

    Achievement metric and poster

    An original attribute for decorating a room is a metric with the date of birth, height and weight of the baby, and his photograph. This metric is easy to create electronically and print. It will certainly complement the decor of the room and will be interesting for guests. The metric can be hung in the baby's room as a keepsake. After the holiday, numerous decorations for the child's birthday will no longer be needed, 1 year will be celebrated and they will gather dust in the box, and such a metric will be able to remind of a cheerful holiday for a long time.

    Another great design idea is an achievement poster. This is a colorfully decorated board or poster that tells about all the knowledge and skills of the birthday boy that he has acquired over the past year.


    Often, parents decorate the baby's room with bulky pillow letters that make up the child's name. If you don't have such letters yet, it's time to order them or make them yourself to decorate the hall or photo zone. Such pillows are sewn from felt or other dense fabric, decorated with beads, bows and other decor. After the letters play the role of decoration on the birthday, they can be used in the baby's room.

    The letters can be not only made of fabric, the name carved from wood looks interesting. Such a name can also be used as a decor, an attribute for a photo shoot, or in the future, supplement it with a photo frame and decorate the wall in the child's room.

    From the letters, you can make up not only the name of the birthday person, but also any other words that are suitable for the theme of the holiday.

    The article uses photos from the site Pinterest.com

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    The holiday of the first birthday is a significant day, confirming that the baby has been present in the family for a whole year. Pregnancy and the choice of replenishing the family creates a special future for the baby with you. The great love of parents is manifested in various ways, and the first birthday at home I want to organize everything in a special way, with pleasant impressions and memories. Over the past year, the child has been learning about the world, studying it, he has his own preferences. The question of how to spend the first birthday of a child at home must be approached with special responsibility.

    The memory of young children is very selective and the scenario of the first birthday must be carefully thought out if parents want to please their child. It is important to consider all the little things here. There is a lot of work to be done for parents contemplating how to celebrate their baby's first birthday. An important role is played not only by the creation of the script for the first birthday of the child, but also by the general festive atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

    Guests at the child's first birthday

    How to celebrate a year for a child? The first thing to think about is the invitee list. There are two options here: family members and close friends or parents with similar babies. If parents are considering how to spend their child's first birthday at home, then a close family circle will be the best option. The child will be able to be in the company of people who love him and wish him happiness. And the society of "tribesmen" and peers will allow the baby and you to have a good time, playing and communicating with each other.

    An important point: the child has many friends in the sandbox, but you should not invite everyone. Each child is different and may react differently to noisy company. When planning how to celebrate 1 year for a boy or girl, it is enough to include 1-2 children with their parents, godparents in the guest list. It is necessary to check with the parents if they can come, the peculiarities of the babies' regimen and their food preferences. With this approach, the first birthday at home will become a real holiday and everyone will feel at ease. It is necessary to take time for the words of the godparents, who will definitely want to wish the baby happiness and health.

    Time for the baby's first birthday

    When thinking about how to celebrate the first birthday of a child at home, an important aspect is the timing of the feast and contests. The best option is to celebrate the first birthday in the afternoon, taking into account the "quiet hour" of each of the little guests and the birthday person. The most suitable time is from 12.00 to 16.00. You should choose the time after daytime sleep - the baby is rested and active.

    Baby's first birthday menu

    The first birthday and the menu are integral parts of a successful holiday. There should be no problems in the selection of dishes for adults, but the children's menu for the first birthday should be carefully thought out. Children's diet at this age is quite limited. You need to ask the parents of young guests about the preferences and the presence of allergic reactions to foods. When decorating a festive table, the accent should be made on a bright palette of shades. The best solution would be a variety of fruits and berries. Unleash your imagination and make your fruit slices look like funny or cartoon faces. One-year-old guests and older kids will love cookies with fruit pieces or healthy homemade chocolates in a bright wrapper.

    An excellent solution for one of the dishes of the festive table will be various curds - they are a favorite delicacy of children. There should be drinks on the table, for example, berry or fruit compotes and juices.

    If parents want a birthday cake to be the "nail on the table", it is better to cook it yourself or order it from a trusted pastry chef. The main condition is the presence of natural ingredients in the composition and the minimum amount of sugar. The decor can be berries, fruits and everyone's favorite one, symbolizing the age of the birthday boy.

    Create a festive atmosphere for your first birthday

    An important question for the first birthday: how to decorate the house and create a holiday-friendly atmosphere. Don't limit yourself to clear rules and patterns of action, but listen to tips that can help create a festive mood:

    First birthday gift

    The choice of a gift for the baby's first birthday should be taken with responsibility. It is better to do this in advance and purchase the necessary thing that will bring joy to the child. Clothing and footwear options should be left to the child's relatives. Gifts that are not recommended for one-year-old children should be excluded:

    • large soft toys;
    • products made from materials of dubious quality;
    • sets with a lot of small parts;
    • toys of increased complexity;
    • toys that make harsh sounds.

    What to give a girl for 1 year

    One-year-old girls should choose a gift just as carefully as one for older girls. You should be smart and imaginative, or use ready-made gift options, for example:

    • dolls;
    • painting kits;
    • play sets;
    • dressers, highchairs and other children's furniture.

    What to give a boy for 1 year

    As a gift for a boy's first birthday, the following can be used:

    • cars, trains and other toys from the auto industry;
    • toys-animals;
    • sports toys;
    • sled.

    Regardless of the gender of the child, colorful books and gifts that reflect the preferences of the baby can be an excellent gift. To celebrate a child's 1 year old and make this holiday memorable and joyful, it is enough to use your imagination and information about the tastes of the child.

    First Birthday Contest Scenarios

    The mood of the birthday person and other little guests depends on a properly organized holiday. The main purpose of the holiday is fun for the little ones and a pleasant pastime. A couple of three contests with the presentation of prizes to the winners, both young and old, are enough.

    There is no need to reinvent the bicycle - you can use well-known contest scenarios to celebrate. The variety is great - you just have to choose. Here you need to take into account the personal qualities of both the birthday person and other children, so that the result justifies the efforts. The most popular contests for the holiday are:

    Decoration of the premises for the first birthday of the child

    Where is a children's party without a bright design - to decorate the house for the first birthday of the baby, and you do not need large investments. Create a party using a wide variety of materials. Inflatable balloons with a variety of decor remain a popular solution. The balls can be placed under the ceiling or left on the floor for the fun of children. Foil balloons that do not burst will be a rational solution. They rustle, shine and have a variety of designs that kids will surely like.

    An inexpensive and simple solution for decoration is garlands, posters and streamers made of thread and paper. On them you can hang a photo of the birthday person or birthday girl at different ages, from the moment when the first step was taken until today, write your wishes for the health of the birthday girl, congratulations from dad and mom and leave space for the wishes of the invitees. Guests can be encouraged to write congratulations on the poster, or have them use handprints in paint as a symbol of friendship and happiness.

    Baby clothes for the first birthday

    Parents will certainly want to celebrate their child's one-year-old by dressing him up beautifully and stylishly. Prepare several sets of clothes, for example, for a feast and a photo shoot, or choose one option.

    When choosing an outfit for a birthday man, you must definitely find out if he likes the outfit in order to avoid whims and other unpleasant surprises during the holiday. You can play with the baby in order to choose an outfit for him. It is worth laying out the options for a festive dress code in front of the baby and observing which of them he will show the greatest interest. At the same time, clothes should be not only beautiful, but also necessarily comfortable - the comfort of the child is above all.

    Photos and videos for the baby's first birthday

    Photos and videos from the first birthday of a child are a memory for the rest of their lives for several generations. Parents will be busy with organizational issues, so it is better to ask one of the guests to play the role of a photographer or hire a professional to get high-quality and beautiful photos and videos.

    Today it is very popular to rent a photo studio - an hour-long rent will be inexpensive, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. A photo zone can be organized right at home.

    You should not postpone printing photos on the back burner - you should do everything "in hot pursuit". Printed pictures will always find their refuge in a family photo album or on the shelves at home, pleasing the eyes of family and friends and telling the child the story of his childhood and all its stages when he grows up.

    The first year of a child's life brings parents a lot of worries, worries, but at the same time, the joy of watching how their baby grows and learns the world. Filled with new emotions, this year passes very quickly, and the time comes to think about how to spend the first birthday of the child.

    The child is unlikely to remember his first birthday, which means this holiday is more for parents and their guests than for a baby. Based on this, it is worth organizing a celebration. In order not to forget anything in the preparation process, we will consider in detail each stage of planning.

    Drawing up a guest list and handing out invitations

    For a one-year-old baby, the main thing is that mom and dad are close. Too many people, moreover, strangers, can frighten a child and his first holiday will be ruined.

    You can choose two options: invite the closest relatives and godparents, or several mothers with the same age as the birthday boy, so that the baby celebrates his first birthday with his peers. In any case, the baby will be more comfortable in a familiar team.

    After compiling the invite list, start preparing and mailing the invitation cards. If the child's mother has free time and a little imagination, it is worth thinking about how to. It is very pleasant to receive such a handmade postcard as an invitation.

    Room decoration

    Traditional balloons will help create a festive mood. Let some of the balls fly under the ceiling, and a few of them remain on the floor so that the birthday boy and his little guests can play with them.

    A separate option is foil balloons. They do not burst, unlike ordinary ones. Colorful and shiny, with a variety of designs and lettering, they are sure to create a festive aura indoors.

    Various paper decorations look elegant - garlands, caps, posters, pompons. Paper decor, like invitation cards, is not difficult to create yourself. A minimum of materials are required - paper, scissors, glue, string and a little talent).

    Guests will love the photo collage of the birthday boy. It will be interesting to see how the child has grown and changed in his first year, the first birthday of which they came to celebrate.

    Birthday outfit

    Thinking about how to celebrate the birthday of a child at 1 year old, every mother wants her child to look like a little prince or princess on such a solemn day. But do not forget that for a child one of the main criteria for choosing clothes is how comfortable and comfortable it is. If you really want memorable photos with a birthday girl in a fluffy dress or a birthday girl in fashionable tight trousers, wear such an outfit only for a photo session, and prepare more comfortable clothes for the main celebration.

    Buy an outfit for the birthday person immediately before his birthday, a maximum of a couple of weeks before the celebration. After all, the baby is growing so quickly and guessing the size that he will wear in a couple of months is quite difficult.

    Festive table for guests and a child

    In terms of the choice of dishes, there are no special restrictions, because the baby is unlikely to sit at the table with adults. For him, you can prepare his favorite food separately. If the same age as the birthday person comes to the holiday, then it makes sense to set and serve the children's table with several simple and healthy children's dishes. Let the little guests also celebrate your child's first birthday at the table.

    One of the main attributes of the holiday is cake. Here you also need to take into account that a small child will eat it, which means you should take care in advance to find a pastry chef who can bake and decorate the cake without using harmful dyes, preservatives and flavors. Or prepare a small separate cake for the birthday boy personally for him. Such a small cake will look very interesting with one candle in the center.

    Entertainment, contests

    A one-year-old baby will not be able to take part in contests or games, which means that entertainment should be selected for an adult audience. But since the holiday is still for children, it is better to choose contests with a children's theme. What kind of entertainment can you choose to celebrate your child's first birthday in a fun way? Here are some options:

    Guess where the birthday boy is

    several photos of babies are laid out on the table, one of which is the birthday boy. The guest's task is to guess which one.

    Who has a better memory

    guests take turns guessing with what height and weight the birthday boy was born, when the first tooth appeared, when he took the first step, etc. Most often, grandparents become the winners of such competitions, for which they receive a commemorative medal.

    Affectionate names

    which of the guests will name more diminutive forms of the baby's name

    Jigsaw puzzles

    you can make puzzles with a photo of a child in advance and invite guests to assemble them at speed.

    Present for the wedding

    pieces of paper with gift options are put in a bag or hat: a car, an apartment, a refrigerator, a service, etc. Each of the guests takes out a piece of paper and announces to those present: “I will give the birthday boy for the wedding….”

    These are just a few of the competition options; in fact, there are a lot of them. Do not be lazy to organize at least a couple, deciding how to celebrate the birthday of a child at 1 year old, because the guests will remember not the feast, but the entertainment part of the event.

    A tribute to tradition - fortune telling and the first curl

    Perhaps they will seem old-fashioned to someone, but still traditions are traditions, and to observe them or not is the right and choice of everyone.

    For fortune-telling, you will need several objects that could characterize the baby's future. Objects are laid out in front of the birthday man and he chooses one of them. For example, a book means that the baby in the future will be interested in science, and the phone indicates that the birthday person will open his own business. Approximately 5-10 pieces of such items are selected.

    Cutting the first curl is a very ancient tradition that can be interpreted in different ways: both as a dedication and as a custody. The first curl is a kind of amulet, which was kept until adulthood, and sometimes until the end of life.

    There is also a superstition associated with the first haircut, which says that it is necessary to cut the first fluff in order to grow thick and beautiful hair. In fact, with the help of a haircut, it is impossible to change the structure of the hair, since it is genetically laid. But the tradition has been preserved, so you can observe it by celebrating the first birthday of the child.

    The kid does not yet understand the essence of what is happening, but he will certainly be delighted with new toys, clothes or accessories. However, you should not immediately give the birthday person all the gifts, because of an overabundance of impressions, the baby may be capricious. It is better to give gifts to the child gradually, so that everyone can consider and study.

    If the guests do not know what to give the child for the first birthday and ask you for advice, there is nothing wrong with voicing the list of things the baby needs. And in order not to constrain the giver financially, offer several options to choose from.

    A completely acceptable gift for the first birthday is money. The kid does not yet understand that they are giving him something, and the parents will be able to buy a really necessary and useful thing with the donated money. An alternative to money is a purchase certificate in a children's store.

    Photo and video

    This is what will be remembered when the celebration is over. Therefore, it is better to entrust a professional to capture the joyful moments of an important event. He will select the right angle, catch the moment that guests or parents with an amateur camera cannot do.

    And immediately order a print of pictures or a photo album, because photographs in electronic form can get lost or accidentally deleted, and the printed photos will delight parents years later and tell a grown-up child about his first birthday.

    The article uses photos from the site pinterest.com

    Just yesterday you and your baby were taken from the hospital, and today the baby is 1 year old. During this exciting and joyful year, so many extraordinary events have happened: the first tooth and the first step, the first word and the first smile.

    By his first life milestone, the child has learned a lot and pleases mom and dad with their amazing achievements. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the daughter's first birthday as the most outstanding first holiday in a child's life.

    Definitely, to a greater extent this is a holiday for parents, but memorable gifts and photos will tell the baby, when he grows up, what a wonderful celebration was organized in his honor. To make the anniversary truly unforgettable, we offer some great ideas on how to celebrate the birthday of a 1 year old child.

    Where to celebrate a child's birthday: choose a site for the holiday

    When choosing a place where to spend a baby's anniversary, first of all, remember that everything is a children's birthday. Psychologists advise to bring the holiday routine as close as possible to the routine for the baby.

    Therefore, the best solution would be to celebrate at home. And in a close family circle.

    An unfamiliar stop can scare a baby, especially if such a promenade is for the first time in his life. Believe me, at home you can organize an anniversary as solemn as in a restaurant or cafe.

    How to celebrate a child's birthday: drawing up a preparation plan

    In order not to miss any little things, you need a preparation plan. It will be a shame if the holiday or the mood of the parents is ruined due to the lack of some trifles or running around just before the birthday celebration.

    First birthday: design ideas and themes

    Of course, you can just coolly decorate the room with balls, garlands, toys. But the anniversary will be much more interesting if you choose a specific theme.

    And even if the kid does not yet understand that football is a boy's theme, and dolls and princesses are girls, this approach will help to make the first birthday simply gorgeous and will greatly simplify the choice of outfits, contests, gifts.

    And you can't do without the number 1, which can be used in the most unpredictable ways, both in decor and on the festive table.

    How to celebrate 1 year old child: invite guests

    Whom should you invite to your baby's birthday? How many guests should there be? 1st birthday - is it a children's holiday or is it still for adults? Are they inviting peers of the baby or children of different ages?

    It is to these questions that the parents of the baby will have to answer in order to determine the number of guests.

    Birthday invitations 1 year: cards and pictures with text

    Child's birthday: one year old princess and prince

    An important point of preparation for the baby's birthday is the choice of an outfit for the baby. It is necessary to take into account not only the theme of the holiday, but also all the peculiarities of age.

    The baby should be comfortable. And do not forget that a festive photo session awaits us, for which it is necessary to prepare decorations for the child.

    How to celebrate 1 year old birthday: preparing treats

    The menu for the first anniversary will largely depend on the time of year, the number and age of guests, and the financial capabilities of the parents.

    But in any case, there should be a cake on the festive table. Huge with roses or miniature with birds, Unusual with animals or classic with an inscription - choose the best 1 year old cakes for girls and boys.

    Happy birthday 1 year old: preparing an entertainment program

    When preparing the script, be sure to keep in mind that your baby should definitely be the focus of attention, and not an entertainment program for adults.

    Therefore, we include in the program cool questionnaires, congratulations from guests, children's games, filling out a book of wishes.

    It will be nice to get acquainted with folk signs and traditions concerning the anniversary of the baby.

    Birthday greetings to a child 1 year old

    And, of course, the culmination of the holiday will be gifts and congratulations. After all, what is a birthday without cute presents and nice words.

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