• Masks from flax seeds at home. How is the face mask from flax from wrinkles? Medicinal masks based on flax seeds


    The article discusses the flax seeds from wrinkles. You will learn about the healing effects of branches on the skin, how to use the useful properties of flaxseed to preserve the youth of the skin, and are capable of cosmetics cooked at home to cope with wrinkles.

    The benefits of flax seeds for youth skin

    Flax seeds make ragners and masks for the skin of the face from wrinkles in cosmetics are used to solve many dermatological problems. Useful substances in the composition of the grains are no worse than expensive professional funds Confront age-related changes, eliminate inflammatory processes, accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells.

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which enriched flax seeds, clean the vessels, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and help the body produce natural collagen. Due to the presence of vegetable fats, linseed seed masks have a lifting effect. They pull up and smoothed the skin, reduce the amount and depth of wrinkles, moisturize and feed deep layers of the dermis, make it elastic and elastic.

    Phytoestrogens, trace elements, minerals and vitamins support skin in tone, preventing folding and accusation. Natural components protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, remove dark spots, acne rash and acne. Masks from flax seed from wrinkles extend the skin youth, providing high-quality, delicate and safe care.

    Recipes with flax seeds from wrinkles

    Folk Medicine actively uses the beneficial properties of flax seeds in recipes for the preparation of cosmetics against wrinkles. They are effective for different types of skin and have a wide range of action.


    Flax decoctions can be used as tonic, lotions, based on them creams and masks.


    1. Flax seeds - 2 tbsp.
    2. Water - 1.5 glasses.

    How to cook: Fill the grains with water and cook for 10 minutes, strain.

    How to use: Impregnate gauze or a soft cotton napkin and put on your face for 20 minutes, after the procedure is completed, rinse your face with clean water.

    Result: The decoction moisturizes and nourishes the skin, protects against the harmful effects of external natural factors, eliminates fat shine On problem skin and irritation on sensitive.

    Cosmetic ice

    To activate blood circulation in small capillaries of epidermis, cleansing and getting rid of small wrinkles, use for the face of ice cubes from the flax seed.


    1. Flax seeds - 30 gr.
    2. Water - 200 ml.

    How to cook: Brew linen grains with boiling water, close the tank tightly and leave it to the complete cooling. Strain, run over a small round molds, place in the freezer.

    How to use: Slip movements, wipe the face in the morning through massage lines before making makeup, then give the skin to dry and feed the daily moisturizing cream.

    Result: Cosmetic ice activates the metabolism in skin cells, smoothes wrinkles, narrows pores, adjusts the selection of sebum. If your gentle skin reacts poorly to low temperatures, defrost the cube and smell a cool decoction.

    To strengthen the result, add a dill, parsley, bay leaf into fluid to freeze, lemon juice. Your skin will acquire elasticity, a beautiful smooth tone, get rid of pigment spots.

    Rejuvenating mask

    The greatest number of positive feedback on the effect of linen seed on the condition of the skin of the face falls on masks. Flaxseed seed masks include in their recipe as whole grains and grinding. The mask for normal and dry skin includes two main components - water and seeds, for fatty better add natural antiseptic - essential oils Or cosmetic clay. We offer a classic recipe for the preparation of a face mask from wrinkles from flax seeds at home.


    1. Flax seeds - 1 tsp.
    2. Water - ⅓ Glakana.

    How to cook: Place the grains in hot water at a temperature of 80 ° C and thoroughly mix the contents with a spoon. Leave a mixture of 6 hours before the seed swelling and the excretion of the mucus.

    How to use: Apply a mask to a pre-purified face and neck with a cotton disk several layers, with each previous layer must have time to dry. After the whole mass is laid out, plunge for 20 minutes. Mask Smith boiled water, apply your usual nourishing cream.

    Result: The flax seed mask smoothes wrinkles and age nasolancing folds, pulls facial muscles, restores the elastic sulfur, gives the skin elasticity, smoothness and elasticity.

    Wrinkle mask around eyes

    Use flax seeds and linseed oil for beauty and youth face for making a flaxseed seed mask from wrinkles under the eyes for tender and thin skin use instead of water decoction of medicinal herbs. Plants enhance the anti-aging effect and suspend the process of aging of the skin.


    1. Crushed linen seed - 1.5 tbsp.
    2. Herbs decoction (sage, rosemary,) - \u200b\u200b½ cup.
    3. Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

    How to cook: In the hot branch, mix the components to uniformity, cool.

    How to use: Take a convenient position for you and apply a mask around the eyes for half an hour. Rock warm water.

    Result: Mask from the flax seed instead of Botox adjusts mimic wrinkles, pulls up and refreshes the skin, eliminates dark circles and edema under the eyes.

    Rejuvenating masks from linen seed for face from wrinkles can not be prepared in advance so that the substances do not lose their medical properties. The optimal number of procedures for obtaining a positive effect is at least 10. The masks keep their impact on the skin for a long time, so 2-3 procedures per week will be enough.

    Contraindications to use

    Like any vegetable preparation, flax seeds can provoke an allergy occurrence. Before applying a mask on the face, put a little mixture on the wrist and wait 5-10 minutes. The negative result indicates the absence of allergens in the body for the drug.

    Also do not forget about the presence of large number of fats in the seeds. For owner of dry and combined skin masks of flax seed for face - excellent optionTo get rid of wrinkles and moisturize the skin. With increased oily skin, the use of flax seeds for lifting, according to consumer reviews, often becomes the reason for the active work of the sebaceous glands and the reinforced selection of the skin.

    Flax seeds from wrinkles - reviews

    Lyudmila, 45 years old

    With distrust and face creams and masks that are sold in stores and pharmacies. As part of many incomprehensible components, additives to increase the shelf life, and the price is often "biting". Of all therapeutic plants I give preference to flax seeds, we use them inside and for cosmetic purposes. Mask of flax seed for face I repeat courses - 8-10 procedures every three months. The mask acquires a particular relevance in winter, because Protects my skin from the tempering, peeling and redness. In addition, the grafs from the beam well tighten the wounds, the guns, not leaving on the skin of the traces.

    Anna, 23 years old

    Since childhood, suffering permanent rashes and irritations on the skin, allergic appears on most of all cosmetic drugs. Flaxseed-based preparations have become salvation for me. Already after several procedures, acne acne on the face began to disappear, the inflammation was gone, the pigment spot was brought on the cheek. And most importantly, everything is simple and accessible for everyone.

    Read more about the use of flax seeds for the skin of the face. See in the video:

    What to remember

    1. From linen seed at home, cosmetics can be prepared, which will have anti-aging effect on the skin, will give her beauty, freshness and youth.
    2. Linen seed mask can be an effective alternative to visiting expensive salons. It pulls up the skin, prevents the appearance and deepening of wrinkles, lines the tone of the skin.
    3. To see pleasant results from the use of homemade foods from flax grains, when observing the timing and regularity of the reception.

    Hello everyone!

    Surely everyone heard about the benefits of flaxseed oil, which is effectively fighting with free radicals and harmful cholesterol.

    But few know that the ordinary seed of flax, from which this oil receives, can act on the skin of the face and neck, not worse than the most advanced cosmetics for lifting.

    I suggest you make a mask of flax seeds and evaluate its cosmetic effect.

    Face Mask Flax - Cooking Recipe

    Flax seeds contain a large amount of protein, which is well absorbed by our organism, as well as lignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, F, the content of which is several times more than in flaxseed oil.

    Such a number of biologically active ingredients makes an excellent skin care tool

    They can not only be used inside by adding to cereals and muesli, but also externally, as part of home care products and neck care products.

    Who is like a flax seed mask?

    Flax seed mask is suitable for any skin:

    • dry
    • oily
    • rude
    • problem

    But the most amazing effect it has a faded skin, which has lost its elasticity and elasticity, needs a good suspender of the facial muscles.

    For proper useAlready in 15 procedures, it will be noticeable how the condition of the face of the face has improved, as wrinkles have been smoothed, the nasalistic folds decreased, the appeared of the face, the neck of the neck was applied.

    I myself personally witnessed these effects, watching his relative approved this mask.

    Recipe Home Lifting - Masky Flax Seeds


    • 1 tsp of flax
    • 1/3 cup boiling water


    1. 1 teaspoon of linseed seed, which must be pouring 1/3 cup boiling water.
    2. After that, you need to take the infusion for a few minutes.
    3. Cover the mixture with a paper napkin and leave to appear until the evening.
    4. In the evening, the seeds will allocate the mucus, which must be applied to the cleaned skin of the face and neck, cotton swab.
    5. It is necessary to apply a layer on the layer, giving each layer to dry, at least 5 layers.
    6. After that, you need to lie down with closed eyes, trying to keep the face by a fixed 15-20 minutes.
    7. Next, it is necessary to wash the mask with boiled water and apply nutrient cream on the skin


    • The mask is preparing daily in the morning, used in the evenings.
    • Every day a fresh mask.
    • Course application minimum 15 masks, every day

    Video recipe Masks of flax seeds from wrinkles

    Another recipe for a good flax seed mask offer this video, see sure, you will like it !!!

    I hope these recipes will go to someone benefit and help make your skin younger and elastic.

    Try and be beautiful!

    You were Alena Yasneva, to new meetings!

    Flax seeds sold in any pharmacy, many years are popular in the recipes of traditional and traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. The linen seed contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, so the face masks with this product are healing for the skin of the face. With the help of cosmetics, you can get rid of microcracks and small wrinkles, restore the contour of the face, return the skin elasticity and smoothness.

    Flax seeds are saturated with valuable substances and trace elements:

    Name Vitamin mg (at the rate of 1 kg of untreated seeds)
    Nicotinic Acid (PP)30,8
    Tocopherol (e)3,1
    Phillakinone (K)0,043
    Folic acid (B9)870
    Ascorbic acid (C)6
    Tiamine (B1)16,44
    Riboflavin (B2)1,61
    Holine (B4)787
    Pyridoxine (B6)4,73
    Pantothenic acid (B5)9,85

    Linen seed, which is used in the preparation of cosmetics, creates a protective barrier, so necessary for our skin. If the linen masks constantly use, the elasticity of the skin is restored, irritability disappears, dry dryness decreases.

    Rules for applying masks from flax seed at home

    In order not to reduce therapeutic properties of the face masks from flax, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the formulation and learn how to apply therapeutic composition correctly.

    Here are a few rules that are useful to follow:

    • properly dried, high-quality linen seeds, having a significant shelf life, can only be purchased in the pharmaceutical kiosk;
    • if you do not overdo it with heat treatment, all vitamins and useful trace elements will be saved in the seeds;
    • if you first prepared cosmetic based on flax, pre-test the composition for the presence or absence of an allergic reaction (apply the mixture on the wrist);
    • the composition is not recommended to apply fair sex with bold leather. But for women with dry skin, these recipes will be very useful.

    There are no categorical contraindications to the use of flax seed masks. In addition, this medicinal plant has pronounced antiallergic properties, and, therefore, they will help those representatives of the beautiful sex, which are contraindicated by other herbs and plants. The mixtures based on flax seeds purify the skin of the face, restore its color, reduce inflammatory manifestations, help cure acne, acne and acne.

    Linen Seed Mask Recipes

    Linen seeds exist different masks

    At home, prepare a cosmetic agent containing flax seeds is not at all difficult. All ingredients of such masks are presented in a free sale, and they are inexpensive.

    In this article, consider the most effective mace recipes, dividing them on the subcategory (depending on the skin problems).

    Rejuvenating masks

    If you regularly apply masks from wrinkles containing flax seeds, then you can significantly pull the skin. The skin of the face will soften, and small wrinkles will completely disappear. And to strengthen the effect, you can constantly change the recipe.

    • Mask - decoction. We fill the spoon of flaxseed seeds ½ cup of hot water and cook a decoction for fifteen minutes. Then fillating the resulting decoction and cool it. We apply a massag of several layers for 15 minutes, wash off running water.
    • Mask - Infusion. A glass of steep boiling water will fill one tablespoon of flax seeds and take a mixture with a towel. The liquid is recommended to insist for an hour. Cooked infusion is recommended by layers to apply on the skin of the face, and then rinse with a warm water. Also in the infusion, you can add a tablespoon of ragger chamomile, honey or peach oil (in the same proportions).
    • Monocomponent. Grinding in powder two tablespoons of flax seeds, and hollow with it boiling water. Insist for thirty minutes. The mixture is applied for twenty minutes per face, and then washed off with a warm water.
    • Flax Flax Mask With Shalfehee. Initially, it is necessary to crush four tablespoons of seeds and pour them with a decoction of sage in proportion 1: 2. The mixture is insteaded for 30 minutes, and then applied to the skin for half an hour.
    • Infusion of flax and calendula seeds. To get therapeutic composition, it is recommended to pour a tablespoon (with a slide) inflorescences of calendula with a glass of steep boiling water and insist the mixture for 30 minutes. Then add in the infusion floss from linen seeds (1 tablespoon) and again we leave half an hour. In the swollen mixture, add a spoonful of a table of dessert starch and a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied for twenty minutes in several layers on the skin of the face, and then washed off with warm running water.

    Moisturizing mask

    If the dry skin of the face causes your discomfort, then without linen masks, cooked at home, just do not do. Since linseed seed contains alpha-linoleic acid, cosmetics based on it moisturize and feed deep layers of epidermis.

    Linen mask well moisturizes skin

    • Mask with sour cream. Two tablespoons are sour cream in the same proportion to mix with flax seeds, put into powder. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face for twenty minutes, and then washed off with flowing water.
    • Cosmetics with olive oil. Two spoons of dining seeds with a glass of steep boiling water and insist the mixture for 30 minutes. Then in the infusion we add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly. The tool is applied to a previously planned face for fifteen minutes, and then washed off by cool running water.

    Masks from pigment spots

    Linen masks described below are gradually lightening pigment spots and removed from the skin of the face with greasy shine.

    • With Prostokvash. In equal proportions, we mix the little oatmeal and flax seeds, loss in powder. High a mixture with a heated rippled and form a cake from it. The finished cake is applied for twenty minutes to skin areas with pigment stains.
    • With kefir.. In equal proportions, we mix oatmeal and flax seeds, loss in powder. Will the mixture heated kefir before getting a thick consistency. The mask is insisted for fifteen minutes, and then applied to the Pigmentation zone for twenty minutes.

    Linen masks for problem skin

    In the fight against acne, acne, acne, red spots and irritation of the mask cooked from flax seeds can become a decisive tool. Prepare a cosmetics is not difficult.

    • Recipe with chamomile.Flax seeds, torn into powder, brewing with a steep powder and leave for fifteen minutes to appease. Then we dilute the chamomile decoction. Take a piece of gauze or a cloth napkin and smash it in the finished composition. For twenty minutes, we put it on inflamed areas.
    • Milk mask. The flax seeds are boiled in milk (to a soft condition), and then formulate layers of them. Therapeutic pellets are applied for twenty minutes to problem areas.

    Holders of oily skin is not recommended to apply masks based on flax seeds. After all, frequent use of masks will lead to excessive moistening of the already fat epidermis, so the skin will become even more fat. But once a few weeks of ladies with fatty skin, lifting - mask cooked from linen seeds may be pampered.

    The result will pleasantly surprise you

    Masks made from linen seeds are preparing simply and quickly, and the end result will pleasantly surprise you. If you perform a course of procedures, you will minimize the aging process in the body.

    Preparation Masks for Face Face

    Small nuclei have used traditional medicine for rejuvenation. It is flax seeds that were used in numerous decoction and masks, compositions to restore skin elasticity, getting rid of acne and acne.

    The modern cosmetic industry also found the use of the natural component, which is willing to include in the lifting facilities.

    Flax seeds - a real storehouse of natural components

    Often, the flax seeds become the main component of masks and decoctions.

    The dominant role of a small-scale natural component is given due to the wealth of content:

    The seed also contains a fiber that is responsible for binding and withdrawal of toxins and heavy metals.

    To create homemade masks from flax seed, dermatologists are recommended to acquire seeds in pharmacies. Before buying, you should pay attention to the date of packaging.

    Flax seed efficiency

    In cosmetology, a face mask from linen seed for skin suspenders is actively used.

    Cooked in various way The composition allows:

    • Remove the inflammation of the skin and forget about the acne rashes.
    • Remove pigment spots. This effect is achieved due to the content in the composition of vitamin K1, as well as philloxinone. It is this substance that has a whitening effect, and therefore allows you to remove even traces from acne.
    • Tighten the skin - vitamin B3 activates metabolic processes in the dermis. Nicotinic acid tones the skin, and in the complex with Omega-3 restores the regeneration of covers.
    • Moisten and rejuvenate covers - alpha-linoleic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) will allow to extend the youth.
      Cosmetologists and dermatologists use flax seed from wrinkles. The same natural component allows you to get rid of acne, acne, acne, forget about irritation and rash on the skin. It effectively purifies the dermis, it allows you to reduce the secretion of the skin, provides delicate care, allows you to eliminate hyperemia.

    Masks with flax seeds for rejuvenation and skin suspenders

    Ancient times used linen seed for face of wrinkles. This component is included in the composition of rejuvenating, delicate, moisturizing masks.

    One of the simplest recipes, which involves the use of 1 tsp. Flax seeds that should be poured 1/3 cup boiling water. The finished mass must be broken for 6 hours.

    The surveyed mucus is imposed on the skin surface, and it makes it layerly. It should be applied 5 layers to achieve a stunning pull-up effect.

    Cleansing and powered

    Not only flax seeds are used for the manufacture (4 sons. Spoons), but also blue, white, green cosmetic clay. The seed is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which tomatoes on the steam bath for a third of the hour (20 min.). The composition is cooled and focused. It is possible to use for the preparation of a mass. Any type of clay or a mixture, which will be required only 2 sons. spoons. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin (sections should be avoided and above the eyes, as well as around the mouth). Apply the composition can be used only for combined and mixed skin.

    Nutrition and moisturizing mask

    It is possible to make it from 2 sons. Spoons of flax seeds that should be pledged with a glass of boiling water. Mass coarse on the steam bath to the state of jelly. 2 declines are added to the finished mixture. l. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. liquid honey. The mask is mixed to homogeneous consistency and applied to face for 15 minutes.

    Linen seed masks: reviews

    Victoria, 35 years old "I basically use only natural masks for the improvement of the skin and the extension of youth. For myself, I have a personally using a recipe with cream and decoction of flax seeds. The finished slice decoction of flax seeds (2 dessert spoons) pour into the same amount of cream. Mask mix and nano to a smooth layer on the face. I wear 20-30 minutes, after which I wash the cool water. This mask not only allowed to get rid of acne, but also support healthy and even color. I recommend to everyone!"

    Marina, 41 year "Thank you for the proposed beauty recipes. I never thought that flax seeds can be used not only to restore the intestinal functions, but also for rejuvenation. After reading the recipes, I decided to try the one that is based on honey. Approached only once, but already the result is noting - the skin has become smooth and clean. "

    The linen face mask has universal properties and is suitable for almost all skin types.It gives the face of fresh species, contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, increases the elasticity of the skin.

    Flax is associated with many of the Ancient Russia, when they did not know the cotton, and the most common raw materials for the production of fabrics was flax. However, the birthplace of this plant is the ancient India. In Russia, the flax seeds and the art of tissue production from it came, most likely from the Middle East and Southern Europe.

    The king of francs, Karl the Great was so convinced of the strength of linen seed, which issued a decree on which all his subjects should have been mandatory to use this amazing seed for the extension of life.

    However, Lena turned out to be a valuable medicinal plant. Its seeds contain a lot of oil, which was successfully used by the agriculture of Russia.

    The plant itself, or rather, the linen seed is a powerful nutritional, that is, a tool, a well-improving human body. Seeds contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids and other organic compounds, without which the human body cannot fully function.

    Lignans have a special value. These are substances that slow down the division of tumor cells. In addition, they activate the functions of the urinary system, are a good prophylactic agent of kidney disease. Flaxseed seed preparations help reduce blood cholesterol.

    All these properties allow us to successfully apply linseed seed and oil in cosmetics.

    Application of masks from seeds and oil oil

    Masks based on seeds and oil oil are useful not only to the skin of the face. They are rejuvenating and the whole organism. However, even such a universal and useful tool must be used correctly.

    Flax is the richest stocks of useful substances for humans: fiber, fatty polyunsaturated acids, vitamin groups (B, E, A, C, D), carotenoids, proteins, minerals, active enzymes and lignans.

    The basic principles of the use of flax for cosmetic procedures are as follows.

    1. Since any drugs from linen seed contain a lot of fat, they are not recommended for oily skin. It is permissible to use them for neutral and extremely necessary for dry and very dry skin.
    2. If you yourself do not divide the flax at least as a decorative plant, then buy seeds or finished oil in a pharmacy. This will give a quality guarantee and the expected effect.
    3. Len rarely causes an allergic reaction, but in our time you need to test everything. If the oil or seed is used for the first time, then first need to be treated only a small area of \u200b\u200bskin. After making sure the absence of adverse reactions, proceed to full-fledged procedures.
    4. In the manufacture of mixtures based on flaxseed, it is not worth abuse of thermal processing of raw materials. Prolonged impact high temperatures destroys the beneficial organic matter.

    Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to prepare the skin for them. The person needs to be washed with hot water. It's better to do it not soap food Soda. First, slip it with warm water, then dried with a towel and scroll with dry soda. Three minutes after this procedure, the soda wash, dry the skin and apply the desired composition.

    Medicinal masks based on flax seeds

    1. The use of linseed oil in its pure form. The oil needs to be labeled into the skin and do not wash off minutes 20. It is necessary to wash it with warm water, preferably without the use of soap.
    2. Buckle of linen seed with sour cream. 1 tablespoon of seeds need to fill half a glass of boiling water and boil 20 minutes. The main sign of readiness is the separated seeds. The resulting mass must be cooled and strain. In the decoction, add sour cream or cream. Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams and 2 tbsp. l. Linen bravery. The finished mixture can be applied to the face.
    3. Mask from sparkled seeds. Cutlery spoon seeds pour half cup boiling water and hold them in a closed vessel for about 30 minutes. After the seeds are scattered and cooled, they can be imposed on the face. This mask is especially useful for those who have very dry skin.
    4. A mixture of seeds, honey and vegetable oil. Seeds need to be caught before the formation of Cashitz. After it coolsches, it is added to it 1 tsp. Honey and as many olive oil hesitated on the steam bath. This mixture is good not only for the face, but also for the neck. Here the main thing is to maintain the heat of the mixture as long as possible.
    5. Linen oil with egg and honey. Mix you need a yolk of one egg, 1 tsp. Honey and as many linen oil. All this is stirred to a homogeneous mass and is heated in a vessel placed in hot water. You need to warm for a short time - 5 minutes.
    6. A mixture of yeast, milk, sour cream, linseed oil and lemon. Such a complex mixture is effective in the treatment of combined skin. 1 cup of yeast is divorced by warm milk to a state of thick casher. Then add 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams, 1 tsp. Flax oils, fresh lemon honey and juice. It is thoroughly stirred and used for destination.
    7. Scrub made of flaxseed oil, oatmeal and coffee grounds. Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. Flakes and coffee and as many flax oil. All this is thoroughly stirred and rubbed into the pre-cleaned skin. The mixture is left on the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
    8. Flax oil with nettle sheet. This tool rejuvenates the skin well and regenerates its cells. Method of preparation: 1 tbsp. l. Oil is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. Excaped nettle leaves (they must be scolded with boiling water).
    9. Mask for flabby skin. To cheer up your tired skin, you need to make a homogeneous mixture of linseed oil and warm high fatty milk. Proportions: 1 tbsp. l. Oils and 2 tbsp. l. milk. You need to keep such a mask about 25 minutes.
    10. Oil mask, yolk and berries. It is best for this procedure of strawberries and raspberries, not an extra currant and sea buckthorn. Proportions: one yolk, 1 tbsp. l. Oils and casis extid berries.

    List of recipes based on seeds and oil oil can be extensive. Flax can be combined with both organic ingredients and inorganic.

    Seeds and oil can be combined with marine Solu, soda and even clay.

    They are perfectly combined with cucumbers, spirulina, herbal mixtures. Each woman can not only pick up the recipe for itself, but also come up with its own, more suitable for her skin.

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