• Why an engagement ring should be with a diamond. Engagement rings: beautiful tradition or temporary fashion. How to choose a ring to a girl for a marriage proposal


    Each girl with bated breath is waiting for this magical day when her lover will kneel down and say the cherished words, putting a ring on her finger. That is why each man carefully prepares for the proposal so that this moment becomes special for both and remains in memory for many years. An important step in preparing for an offer is finding a suitable piece of jewelry for the bride-to-be. An engagement ring should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable to wear, so a man should definitely find out the size of his lover's finger. If the opportunity arises, ask your beloved which jewelry she prefers - gold, platinum or silver, whether she loves precious stones. An engagement ring, as well as a wedding ring, is worn by girls on their finger all the time, so it must be chosen very competently.

    On the website portal, you will learn how to choose the right engagement ring for your beloved girl in order to cause her emotions of admiration and surprise.

    How to choose an engagement ring: three main criteria

    Most men get confused when it comes to choosing a proposal ring. It is difficult to imagine what an engagement ring should be to make a great impression on a girl. But soon you will have to think about how to choose wedding rings as well! Based on three main criteria, you can simplify your task of finding the perfect jewelry.

    What to look for when choosing an engagement ring?

    1. Material.Most girls prefer white or yellow gold, however your sweetheart may prefer silver, platinum or other material. Be sure to check with her which metal she likes best or pay attention to the jewelry she wears daily. This will help you understand that your future bride has no allergic reactions to this material, and what jewelry she really likes.
    2. The size. Engagement rings are usually chosen in secret from girls, so you need to know the size of your beloved's finger in advance. You can go the tricky way: ask the girl to go with you to a jewelry salon where stylish engagement and unusual wedding rings are sold, and ask to try on any ring, arguing that you are looking for a gift for your mother or sister and want to see how the jewelry sits on your hand ... Let your girlfriend try on a few rings, and you look carefully at what size the consultant offers her. After a few days, you can come to the salon and choose the engagement ring directly.
    3. Design.The design of the ring is also important, as each girl has a completely different taste. Check with your lady if she loves gems and which ones. It is important to consider what size of stone she considers acceptable. Even the most expensive gift with a large diamond can then gather dust on a shelf or in a box, if the girl is simply not used to such jewelry.

    Choosing rings for engagement

    The ring for a marriage proposal should be chosen with a soul, because this accessory will symbolize your feelings and always remind your beloved of how much you value her. Try to choose the most beautiful ring, taking into account the tastes and preferences of the girl herself, as well as consulting with sellers in jewelry stores.

    What can be a ring for a marriage proposal to a girl?

    Jewelry network 585GOLD

    How to choose an engagement ring?

    The engagement is the first ceremony of uniting a couple, the symbol of which is a ring donated by a man.

    The hardest part about choosing an engagement ring is not to be mistaken in its size. Perhaps this mission is the most difficult, but if you wish and a certain degree of perseverance, you can even cope with it. After you decide on the size of the ring, all you have to do is find a traditional model that is ideal for an engagement (which means that all girls like it), and it's in the bag ...

    A marriage proposal is one of the most memorable events in the life of every man and woman, which is why it is very important not to be overshadowed by such trifles as the wrong size of the product, the wrong stone-insert or the wrong design of the ring.

    In order to find out what size of the ring a girl wears on her ring finger, you need to try on the role of a real James Bond. For the surprise should remain a surprise, the mystery should be obscured ... If you ask your beloved about the size of the ring directly, the most pleasant part of this event related to the surprise effect will be spoiled, and the surprise will come out a little blurry and incomplete. Therefore, it is extremely important that the beloved remains in the dark until the last minute before you utter the words cherished for her aloud.

    How to discreetly find out the size of a ring?

    We bring to your attention several ways with which you can find out the required size of the engagement ring:

    1. If you live together or often visit your chosen one's home, you probably know where she keeps her jewelry. Do not rush to immediately look into her jewelry box, first observe your girlfriend. Your task is to find out which of the rings she wears on her ring finger. After that, boldly make your way into the treasury of your beloved, look for this particular ring and try to put it on your little finger or other fingers. Having memorized the level to which you managed to pull the ring, go to the jewelry store and use the ring meter to find out which ring size corresponds to a given diameter. If you managed to get the ring of your beloved, which she wears on the index or middle finger, and find out its size, feel free to subtract one from this size and you will get the size of the ring that she wears on the ring finger.

    2. If you have no desire to try on women's rings on your huge hands, take the girl's ring imperceptibly (they often take them off before washing dishes, showering, sleeping, playing sports), put it on paper and draw a pencil around it along the inner contour. The diameter of the inner circle in millimeters will be the desired ring size. This method will allow you to book the required engagement ring in the online store and not have to suffer for a long time with its choice in a jewelry salon.

    3. You can ask your companion's friends or her mother for the size of the ring. In this case, it is extremely important to pre-bribe them with something pleasant so that those close to them remain silent.

    4. Tell your girlfriend that you have read an interesting article on psychology and want to know her psychotype and your compatibility. Take the first test on the Internet, insert a couple of abstract questions like "your eye color, hair color, ring size", etc. into its middle. and hand over to your beloved. The exact answer to the main question will soon be received, and even with details.

    5. If you do not like any of the above methods, you can simply take the girl by the hand and bring her to a jewelry store in order to immediately choose and purchase an engagement ring there. From our own experience, we can say that there were cases (and more than once) when a marriage proposal was made right in a jewelry salon. If you wish, you can even pre-purchase a bouquet of flowers and negotiate with the sellers so that at the right time they will solemnly take it out of the counter. We are sure that such a surprise will be remembered by any young lady for a lifetime.

    In turn, some women sometimes also give their beloved men a ring - in memory of such an important event as an engagement, or simply as a sign of agreement and gratitude. The ideal option for such a gift is a gold signet ring in a modern laconic design.

    How to choose the right engagement ring?

    So, you figured out the size of the ring. We proceed to the next stage - product selection. What should be the perfect engagement ring? Everything is very simple.

    The engagement ring must be made of 585 noble metal. And it is better that it was gold - red, yellow or white. Silver is allowed only if, for some personal reason, your beloved wears exclusively jewelry made of this metal. In all other cases, you should opt for the classics, that is, gold. If desired, a commemorative engraving can be made on the inside of the shank of the ring.

    Traditionally, engagement rings with diamonds, and not with any other stone-inserts, are considered a good and correct tone. The diamond was preferred because this gemstone is the standard of hardness and thus symbolizes the strength of family ties. The unique properties of diamond to refract light rays and play in the light are very symbolic and your married life promises to be just as bright and richly multifaceted.

    What girl does not dream of receiving the coveted ring from her chosen one? An offer of a hand and a heart without a precious gift for us is like a wedding without a groom. But it was not always so. We invite you to figure out what it is, how and with whom (uh, or rather, with what) to wear it.

    Beautiful legend

    It is believed that the tradition of giving engagement rings originated in medieval Europe.

    In the 15th century, Duke Maximilian of Austria chose Mary of Burgundy as his wife, who was considered the first European beauty. It was not just a politically advantageous party, but true love, so the young man was afraid of refusal.

    The parents of young people did not oppose marriage, but the cherished day was still far away. Fearing that the bride would fall in love with another, the duke decided to send her a diamond ring with the letter "M", which would remind Mary of the chosen one every day.

    You have your own wedding, and we have our own

    In our country, the European tradition has taken root relatively recently. In Russia, the concept of "engagement" was replaced by matchmaking, and as a sign of a positive response to the marriage proposal, the groom and the matchmakers were seated at a laid table.

    But later, when the girls were able to make decisions on their own, the tradition was adopted. Still would! After all, to receive a precious gift along with the offer is a fairy tale brought to life.

    The meaning of the engagement ring

    Over time, pragmatism was added to romance. The decoration began to be perceived as a guarantee of the groom's seriousness, an indicator of his material well-being and the ability to provide for his future wife. It is for this reason that only girls wear engagement rings. It is no coincidence that pedantic Europeans still adhere to the rule that the cost of an engagement ring should be equal to two of the groom's salaries.

    In our country, this gift is treated less prudently, perceiving it more as a beautiful tradition than a way to check income.

    Be that as it may, an engagement ring is an adornment that a young man presents to his chosen one at the time of the engagement. As a sign of consent to the proposal, the future bride puts a ring on the ring finger of her left or right (depending on the country) hand and from that moment is considered to be engaged.

    Especially for men: how to choose an engagement ring?

    Choosing an engagement ring is not an easy task. You need not just to buy a beautiful product for your harsh male look, but to give your only dream ring! Remember that the right gift will indicate how well you know your beloved girl, and will become another "point" in your favor, assigned by her parents.

    Start by choosing your metal. In this case, in addition to personal preferences and advice from friends, it is important to consider the taste of the future bride. Pay attention to what kind of jewelry she wears in everyday life. Fortunately, in jewelry stores, it is quite easy to find engagement rings made of white, red and combined gold, as well as rhodium-plated or gilded silver.

    The stronger sex should also be aware that not all rings are suitable for the role of a "proposal ring". Traditionally, there are several types of engagement rings.

      A time-tested classic - a graceful ring with one shining stone. This win-win option will help out if difficulties arise with the choice of the ring.

      A ring with a heart is a romantic piece of jewelry with an eternal symbol of love. It is enough just to say the main words, and this decoration will say the rest for you.

      Ring made of two metals. The harmonious combination of red and white gold is a symbol of the union of two people and two destinies. In addition, it is quite practical, as it can be worn with items made of any metal.

      "Halo". This is the name of the engagement rings, in which the central stone is framed by smaller crystals.

      If a girl is used to being the center of attention, a bright decoration with a scattering of shimmering stones will suit her.

    By the way, about the stones.

    Why a diamond?

    It so happened that engagement rings with a diamond are considered a classic option. The fact is that in the Middle Ages special magical properties were attributed to the stone. It was believed that the hardest mineral in the world strengthens feelings, symbolizes eternal dedication and readiness to overcome any difficulties. Therefore, if your girlfriend prefers "movie jewelry", and you can afford it, choose a diamond ring.

    However, in our time there are more democratic analogs of cut diamonds - cubic zirconia or Swarovski crystals. Thanks to the use of a standard diamond cut with 57 facets, the brilliance of Swarovski Zirconia is as close as possible to the optical properties of diamond. Moreover, the cost of a ring with such stones is much lower than the cost of a similar model with diamonds.

    Celebrity rings

    Everything that the beauties of Hollywood touch (and even more so wear) immediately becomes a trend. In an effort to surprise their star darlings and outstrip other eminent grooms, men do not skimp on carats and give brides incredibly beautiful rings.

    In addition to the well-known Kate Middleton engagement ring with a 1.8-carat sapphire and 14 diamonds, Brad Pitt's gift to Angelina Jolie, which is estimated at $ 500,000, is among the top famous jewelry. The baguette-cut diamond ring was created over a year under the personal supervision of the groom.

    The engagement ring of Amal Alamuddin, presented to her by George Clooney, looks no less impressive. Jewelry with a 7.5-carat diamond is estimated at 730 thousand dollars.

    Jessica Simpson, on the other hand, received an original ring with a 4-carat ruby \u200b\u200band two diamonds in the style of the 20s on the day of her engagement. A bright piece of jewelry worth 100 thousand dollars was quite consistent with its owner.

    This issue is solved differently in Western and Eastern countries.

    In Europe, it is customary to wear an engagement ring on the ring finger of the left hand not only before the wedding, but also after it, combining it with the engagement ring. Therefore, it is important that the jewelry matches the style and color of the metal, complements each other and looks harmonious.

    In addition, there is a tradition of passing on engagement rings from generation to generation. The young man's mother gives the jewelry to her son's bride as a sign that the girl has been adopted into the family. In this case, the ring becomes even more valuable.

    In Russia and the countries of the East, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. At the same time, there are no clear instructions on how to wear jewelry after the wedding. Most often, the girl, as it were, replaces the engagement ring with the engagement ring, that is, changes the status of the bride to the status of the wife. As a rule, after the wedding, she herself decides how she will wear the jewelry.

    In short, the engagement ring is as unique as the woman herself. It should reflect the inner world of its owner, emphasize her individual beauty, match her character and style of clothing.

    Vick Dee

    Engagement becomes an especially important event for many lovers. It has long been accepted that men give rings to their lovers for engagement. Such jewelry is distinguished by its original design and high quality. The variety of models is also pleasantly surprising.

    How to choose a ring to a girl for a marriage proposal?

    Choosing the right ring assumes the obligatory study of the available catalog. It is believed that the best engagement ring should be stylish and attractive to the girl. In addition, a box for an engagement ring should complement the style of a piece of jewelry.

    It is recommended to consider girl's age... For example, young ladies will be delighted if they receive an inexpensive, classic engagement ring. However, older women will only be happy with an expensive ring featuring massive performance and a large gem. You can choose an interesting ring for engagement with stones or cubic zirconia:

    It is believed that the ring must be present diamond... He is a noble stone symbolizing sincere and pure love.

    It is important to decide on wedding ring design and precious metal. It is recommended to take into account the personal preferences of the bride. The best option is a gold engagement ring. Also, jewelry made from other types of gold is often chosen. If the girl loves silver, you can choose a silver ring for the proposal to marry.

    Many women are anxious about gifts from their loved ones, they know what an engagement ring is. For this reason, they often prefer to wear an engagement and wedding ring.

    It is desirable that the decorations are combined with each other in shape and design, be comfortable

    Knowing that the ring for a proposal is called an engagement ring, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of such a decoration.

    Photo of a silver engagement ring

    Ring shape plays an important role. It is often recommended to give up elongated and elongated jewelry models. The classic version is a round ring with one large gemstone or a scattering of small ones. You can also choose a classic product, because the engraving on the engagement ring will also look perfect.

    Gems in jewelry are considered very important. Women believe that the most beautiful sapphire engagement ring can be complemented by small diamonds. Moreover, the price of such jewelry is often affordable.

    The right combination of stones and precious metal largely determines the perception of a piece of jewelry.

    For example, an engagement ring with an emerald made of white gold will delight you with elegance and sophistication.

    Decoration cost can be different. The price is influenced by the precious material used, the presence or absence of stones and their quantity, design features. Jewelry made of 585 gold will be quite cheap, but a platinum ring will already be more expensive.

    This question is asked by many suitors. In fact engagement ring can be decorated, it is advisable to choose a wedding dress without unnecessary decorative elements.

    Photo of engagement rings

    When is an engagement ring presented?

    Sentence do in romantic settings. A woman should remember the pleasant moments of her life, appreciate the beauty of the chosen jewelry. Taking into account the name of the ring before the wedding, it is recommended to make the right proposal and emphasize the solemnity of the event.

    Romance can be organized in different ways:

    1. On the roof. In this case, it is advisable to organize romantic evening and rent a secure roof on the building.
    2. Balloon. Romance can border on extreme sensations. In this case, you can make an offer when flight on the air balloon.
    3. On seaside... Such a romantic evening will surely be remembered and brought together. The main task is to organize the correct and smooth flow of the event into a marriage proposal.
    4. Surprise on holiday. If a man and a woman are ready to shout about their romantic feelings and serious intentions, the ring can be safely presented for a holiday. In such situations, it is advisable to give only expensive engagement rings.
    5. Home atmosphere. You can even make an offer staying at home... For this, it is advisable to organize a romantic dinner: candles, rose petals, champagne or wine, sweets. Such an event should come as a surprise.

    Correct handing a ring guarantees memorability of the solemn event.

    Signs associated with the engagement ring

    Lovers often observe traditions and worry about omens.

    Photo of an engagement ring for a marriage proposal

    Each person independently decides whether it is necessary to believe the signs on which romantic and further marriage relationships theoretically depend.

    Most often found signs associated with rings... Signs have existed since ancient times:

    1. Rings the bride and groom must be made of the same precious material. It is believed that the surface of the decoration should be non-smooth in order for the life of a married couple to be perfect and even.
    2. Before and after the wedding, you cannot give to people measure your rings... Otherwise, personal happiness will be given.
    3. After newlyweds exchanged rings, you cannot pick up an empty box. This can only be done by the person who is not yet married and does not plan a wedding in the near future.
    4. If a the ring fell from hands before being put on a finger, you can expect separation or an impending separation. This can be avoided by threading a white thread and wearing jewelry with it. After the wedding ceremony, it is important to burn the thread to the person whose ring fell.
    5. On the day of the wedding bride it is undesirable to wear other jewelry on your hand.
    6. If a woman has lost her engagement ring, you can expect divorce in the very near future.
    7. You cannot use the rings of parents, grandmothers or buy them in antique stores. should be bought by yourself in a jewelry store. If the jewelry is passed on by a relative, you can get his personal problems, face misfortune or illness.

    Such signs are often taken into account. It may depend on how happy the lovers will be with each other in the future.

    It is believed that a woman's engagement ring should look special and fit the character traits. brides.

    Can choose exquisite decoration, which will certainly be appreciated:

    Correctly chosen ring will definitely become an important decoration for the bride and groom.

    Are engagement rings given to men?

    Brave women can invite their lovers to get married. However, a men's engagement ring must have a corresponding design:

    1. It is recommended to choose a gold wedding ring. It must be done in concise form... An engagement ring can be made of any precious material (usually silver is used).
    2. Decor decoration should be minimal. The use of unusual decorative elements is allowed only in ladies' models.
    3. When choosing male model rings it is advisable to focus on the presence of only one large stone.

    Paired rings are also often chosen.

    Paired rings allow a couple in love, even before marriage, to feel a special closeness and understand that their life together will soon change dramatically

    It is important to know what an unusual engagement ring looks like and how it differs from other options.

    Paired engagement rings

    Extraordinary models can only be chosen by those who consider jewelry design important. are considered a classic option, so they are very popular. In any case, the jewelry should become a symbol of true love for a couple.

    September 23, 2018 11:16 pm
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