• Scorpio for the garden with your own hands. Master class: weaving from scorpion wire Method of making a scorpion


    A lot of different and interesting crafts can be made from unnecessary old things. Look at what a cute Scorpion Oksana Abramova made from an ordinary old vacuum cleaner brush. It took only 3 hours to make it, and the effect of the work done is stunning.
    To make this funny scorpion we need:

    1. Brush from the vacuum cleaner.
    2. Scissors.
    3. An old ball.
    4. Thermal gun.
    5. The bottom of the plastic bottle.

    Scorpion making method:

    Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle and create a hedgehog shape for it. Now we glue this hedgehog to the place where the hose is attached (create a thorn effect).

    For the peephole, we will use an old ball, cut it in half, and use two corks from plastic bottles as pupils. We take a plastic bottle and cut the eyelashes from it. We connect everything with a thermal gun.

    We glue our eyes to the brush.

    And Oksana made tentacles for a scorpion out of ordinary plastic disposable forks. Here's a cute scorpion turned out.

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    Try cutting a scorpion like this. The craft is not difficult. To cut out this craft, you will need:

    Plywood 3 mm, preferably without blemishes, a wooden ruler (in measurements it is more accurate), copying, hard pencils, thin files for a hand jigsaw, skin, needle files, a key for a jigsaw, an awl or a hand drill with a drill No. 3. It is not difficult to cut the craft out, which means it will take little time to make it. Remember to keep the jigsaw in hand when cutting. Watch your posture. If you want your craft to look beautiful, take your time. After cutting, clean each part first with "Medium" and then with "Fine" sandpaper, clean some parts with files. Collect the craft according to the rule: part number 1 must be attached to another part number 1, part number 2 to part 2, and so on. First, assemble the craft, then if all the parts fit well into the desired parts, glue them together. You need to glue with PVA glue. For the beauty of the craft, you can cover it with spray paint of any color you want, or varnish it with Woodwork.

    In fact, I heard out of my ear that twisting all sorts of tweets out of wire is such a separate type of needlework with its fans and a set of chips, tools and terms that are understandable only to workers of the same art. To be honest, I don't really want to understand all this, I just came across an excellent master class today at INSTRUCTABLES.COM, and I decided that it should be translated, regardless of whether I am a follower of wire twisting or not. However, I'm not fond of tatting either, meanwhile - one of my favorite master classes ...

    Okay, enough reasoning, let's get down to business.

    These are absolutely safe wire copies of dangerous inhabitants of hot countries, and we will learn how to make today.
    Let's get started.

    Some time ago I came across a wire scorpion in a gift shop. I was touched and bought a little thing to learn how to do the same by trial and error. This work is still far from perfect, but certainly suitable as a first experience.

    Necessary materials

    • Soft wire
    • Nippers
    • Round nose pliers

    Step 1.

    Cut 14 pieces of 17cm wire. Fold 6 pieces together, find the middle and start wrapping one piece around the rest. Continue doing this until you have two wires free.

    To twist the wires evenly, you need to direct them towards each other at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Step 2. Making paws

    The remaining eight pieces of wire will be the legs. Take one of them, find the middle of it, wrap at the base of our tail from the last step (look at the picture) and tighten it tight. Repeat the same with the remaining pieces:

    Make sure each wire is twisted the same way - from left to right or vice versa.

    Step 3. Building a little body

    We turn our scorpion over and ... How can I explain this? ... Take the far ends of the wire and move them forward crosswise and wrap it around the wire bundle again. Make sure that the wire crosses the same way. Look at the illustrations, the action is not particularly difficult:

    Step 4. We twist the legs

    Turn the scorpion over again and twist the side wires in pairs, turning them into paws.

    Step 5.

    Take the remaining six wires and divide them into three pairs as shown in the photo. Twist the top two pairs like the legs.

    Step 6. Cut and fold

    Cut the legs, pincers and jaws to the desired length, bend to the desired position. You can decorate your scorpion somehow, but it is already beautiful.

    And one more scorpion made using the same technology.

    In fact, I heard out of my ear that twisting all sorts of tweets out of wire is such a separate type of needlework with its fans and a set of chips, tools and terms that are understandable only to workers of the same art. To be honest, I don't really want to understand all this, I just came across an excellent master class on INSTRUCTABLES.COM today, and I decided that it should be translated, regardless of whether I am a follower of wire twisting or not.

    Okay, enough reasoning, let's get down to business.

    Some time ago I came across a wire scorpion in a gift shop. I was touched and bought a little thing to learn how to do the same by trial and error. This work is still far from perfect, but certainly suitable as a first experience.

    Necessary materials

    • Soft wire
    • Nippers
    • Round nose pliers

    Step 1. Wire bundle and tail

    Cut 14 pieces of 17cm wire. Fold 6 pieces together, find the middle and start wrapping one piece around the rest. Continue doing this until you have two wires free.

    To twist the wires evenly, you need to direct them towards each other at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Step 2. Making paws

    The remaining eight pieces of wire will be the legs. Take one of them, find the middle of it, wrap at the base of our tail from the last step (look at the picture) and tighten it tight. Repeat the same with the remaining pieces:

    Make sure each wire is twisted the same way - from left to right or vice versa.

    Step 3. Building a little body

    We turn our scorpion over and ... How can I explain this? ... Take the far ends of the wire and move them forward crosswise and wrap it around the wire bundle again. Make sure that the wire crosses the same way. Look at the illustrations, the action is not particularly difficult:

    Step 4. We twist the legs

    Turn the scorpion over again and twist the side wires in pairs, turning them into paws.

    Step 5. Jaws and pincers

    Take the remaining six wires and divide them into three pairs as shown in the photo. Twist the top two pairs like the legs.

    Step 6. Cut and fold

    Cut the legs, pincers and jaws to the desired length, bend to the desired position. You can decorate your scorpion somehow, but it is already beautiful.

    And one more scorpion made using the same technology:

    The word "master class" is now very popular on the Internet. Wherever you look - everywhere the masters give out classes. So, we decided to keep up with fashion and name our work scorpion wire weaving workshop.

    So. What do we need for wire weaving? Well, of course, the wire itself, wire cutters and pliers may be needed at the finishing stage. You can take the wire that is at hand. It is not at all necessary to run to the store for some special kind of weaving. You can simply dissolve the stranded copper wire used for electrical wiring. Or you can buy a roll of steel wire at the shop.

    Cut 12 identical pieces of wire. In this master class (oh, what a word :)) the length of the segment is about 15 cm.

    Now we take 4 wires in a bundle and tie them tightly with the fifth. We tie it with one loop. The binding place is somewhere at a distance of 1/3 from the end of the bundle.

    We take the next wire and tie the bunch in the same way. Here, I must say that the direction of the strapping must be strictly observed. What is meant? Explaining on the fingers. That is, in the photo. Here, on this version, the strapping is done incorrectly - two adjacent turns of wire are directed in one direction.

    But, in this photo, the winding is done correctly - both turns from left to right.

    Thus, we tie the bundle with all eight pieces of wire. We tie it tight. We tie it exactly. We tie tightly. We tie it towards the middle of the beam.

    If there is space between the turns, then at this stage they need to be pressed against each other as much as possible - pulled together. Otherwise, the wire scorpion will turn out to be loose and gnarled.

    After the turns of the wire have been aligned and tightly pressed against each other, turn the workpiece over, as in the next photo. The short end of the bundle is placed towards us, the long end from us. We take the wire closest to us and weave it through the top of our entire set of ties. With the end of the wire we make half a turn around the bundle and bring it to the same side from where it was taken. In this case, they took it from the right and brought it out to the right.

    At the next step, we take the opposite end of the first wire (it is on the left and closest to us) and weave our entire structure with it from left to right through the top. We also make a half turn around the beam and bring it to the left. This first braiding is very important! It is necessary to make sure that the turns of the braid wire do not move apart. That is, they remained tightly pressed to each other.

    We take the second braiding wire (now its ends are closest to us). Since we started to weave the scorpion on the right, now it is important to take the right one end and work with it. We repeat the procedure carried out with the first braiding wire.

    By the end of this stage of weaving, we should get what is in the photo. Please note that the order of weaving is not violated anywhere. If you get lost somewhere, it will work out ... Nonsense will work out.

    Now we take and twist in pairs the nearest wires on each side of the calf. Thus, 8 legs appear.

    Now, now, it is better to take pliers and with their help, holding on to the edges of the legs of the future scorpion, twist them tightly. A little tip: the ends of the twisted wires should be of equal length.

    We twist the tail in the same way. From the side of the head, we dissolve a bundle of 4 wires into pairs and twist. These will be ... claws. Do scorpions have claws in front?

    Well, now - finishing the scorpion. We shorten the legs, bend them, make them equal in length. We gracefully bend the tail. At the end of the tail, cut off the tips of three wires and get a sting. We also shorten the claws and untwist the ends. Like this. Less than an hour later, we had our own scorpion, woven from wire with our own hands.

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