• Production of reinforced concrete rings. Production of concrete rings. What concrete to use


    It so happened that construction is the most profitable business, but at the same time it is far from the easiest one. It is especially difficult for a beginner entrepreneur who does not have a specialized education to “spin up”. And yet, for those wishing to show their entrepreneurial talent, there is an almost win-win niche - the production of concrete rings.

    Without this element, it is almost impossible to mount a well. They are used for the construction of sewer, inspection and drainage wells. Let's consider the production of reinforced concrete products in a little more detail.

    Some nuances of the production of concrete rings

    In general, all RC rings are subdivided into three main diameters (sizes):

    • 1 meter;
    • 1.5 meters;
    • 2 meters;

    With a standard height of ninety centimeters. Concrete is required as a material for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products. The production of concrete rings will begin to pay off much faster if concrete mortar under the M 200 marking is used in the production process. Of course, using a better quality material will give you additional benefits, but the profitability of the business will significantly decrease and your production may become generally unprofitable.

    In addition, for the manufacture of concrete rings, the purchase of reinforcement necessary for creating loops will also be required. But, since the share of reinforced concrete rings does not account for excessive loads, there are no special requirements for it. Road mesh 15 * 15 can be used as a reinforcing frame. It is attached to each other with steel wire.

    Which equipment to choose for production?

    The production of any reinforced concrete rings does not require too many devices. You will need:

    1. concrete mixer;
    2. form for reinforced concrete rings (you can buy, or you can do it yourself);
    3. any lifting device (winch or overhead crane).

    In addition to the above, you will also need shovels, buckets, containers for water, high-quality plastic wrap. It will serve as a backing for the form you fill out. You will also definitely need emulsol. It is a specialized ready-made lubricant that gives finished products a marketable appearance.

    Forms for reinforced concrete rings

    Forms for concrete products, in particular rings, can be different. But let's consider the simplest option. If you want to establish a truly cost-effective production, it is best to have several types of molds.

    Such forms are a pair of cylinders: outer and inner. You can use wood as a material for them. The cylinders have different diameters. The size of the inner one is in direct proportion to the thickness of the finished rings. The walls of the cylinder are represented by two rings, each of which is also divided into several parts. Such a rather complex design of the form is necessary, which made it more convenient to remove them from a ready-made reinforced concrete product. The outer cylinder of the mold is also a pair of rings, divided into several components. This ring of the form of concrete goods is sheathed with boards only from the inside.

    Concrete ring production technology

    The production of all RC rings looks the same. First, the first (outer) cylinder is installed on a flat board. The second is placed inside, but in such a way that the resulting gap between them is equal along the entire circumference. Further, a reinforcing cage is installed in the resulting gap.

    The next stage is the production of concrete, the main components of which are crushed stone, cement and sand. In this case, the proportion of 4: 1: 2 is observed. You can, as mentioned earlier, purchase a ready-made solution. The resulting mixture fits into the mold gradually along the entire diameter.

    Reinforced concrete products can be freed from the mold for about 5 days. Examine the surface carefully. If somewhere on the surface of the reinforced concrete ring a so-called shell has formed, then it must be covered with a cement mixture. After the form is removed, the ring should remain on the shield for at least 5 days. During this period, the surface of reinforced concrete products must be periodically moistened.

    There are two ways to get concrete rings on the farm: buy or make it yourself. The first option is undoubtedly simpler, but also more expensive. The second will allow you to save money, but it requires the availability of appropriate equipment, which we will talk about in this article.

    Photo - mold for the production of reinforced concrete rings

    General Provisions

    What are concrete rings for?

    Application area

    • Water wells and wells... Providing water to the suburban area is one of the primary tasks. In this case, connecting the city water supply is in most cases impossible, so you have to go deep underground. In this case, it is most effective and simple to create the entire shaft or only the caisson of concrete rings.

    • Septic tanks... Again, the problem of the lack of a central system pushes for the arrangement of an individual storage facility for human waste. A country toilet made of concrete rings or a sewer well will do an excellent job.

    • Laying of communication networks... Reinforced concrete tunnels will protect electrical or heating networks from any aggressive environmental influences.


    Thanks to what qualities is the use of cement rings so beneficial in the arrangement of the above structures?

    • Moisture resistance. This is one of the main requirements, since in most cases constant contact with liquids is assumed, which not every building material will withstand.
    • Strength. Reinforced concrete has sufficient resistance to mechanical stress to withstand subsidence and any other physical influences perfectly.
    • Convenient sizes of concrete rings. For example, the most common products have a meter in diameter and almost the same height, which is very convenient both when installing a well and during its operation.

    • Affordable price. Especially in the case of hand-made production, the details of which we will analyze later.
    • Durability. Resistance to decay processes, corrosion, temperature extremes and attack by pests guarantees a long service life.

    Manufacturing process

    The production of concrete rings begins with preparatory work.

    Necessary equipment

    First, we assemble equipment for the manufacture of concrete rings:

    In more detail, you should dwell on the workpiece.

    Form for rings

    This is the most important equipment for concrete rings, without which everything else is useless. And you can also either buy it ready-made or build it yourself.

    Such a blank consists of the following elements:

    1. Metal or plastic circles equal to the outer and inner diameters of the poured ring. In the case of hand-made production, pieces of pipes or barrels, as well as thin curved sheets of tin or polyvinyl chloride, fastened together by door canopies or other connecting elements, will fit in this capacity. In the most hopeless situation, you can lay out the necessary contours from the boards.

    1. Conical "cap" for the central glass. It will allow the solution poured from above to drain into the desired channel.

    Advice: if the production of concrete rings takes place in the open air, then it is recommended to add special covers to the structure that cover the solution.
    This will prevent various debris from entering it.

    Manufacturing technology

    The operating instructions for the listed equipment are as follows:

    1. We install the form on a solid, even and moisture-resistant base.

    1. Create a rebar frame by twisting the steel rods with soft wire.

    Tip: be sure to bring a few metal loops around the perimeter of the ring up and out of the fill.
    The cable will cling to them at the time of transportation, and they will also prevent the products from sliding during the installation process.

    1. We mix the solution in a concrete mixer. For this we need the following ingredients:

    1. We lay concrete in layers of twenty centimeters, carefully ramming it with a metal rod.
    2. After complete filling of the form, we turn on the vibration unit for maximum compaction of the mixture and filling all the pores with it.
    3. Add concrete if necessary.
    4. After two weeks, we remove it by first removing the central part, and then the outer one.
    5. We transport the structure to the installation site.

    The installation of concrete rings is carried out manually using a winch with a tripod, which we leave from production work, and a shovel:

    1. We dig a hole under the first ring and install it.

    1. Further, we dig already inside it, deepening twenty centimeters.
    2. Then we take out the soil directly from under the structure, leaving small earthen supports.
    3. We knock out the remaining soil, after which the concrete ring settles.
    4. Using this method, we create a mine of the required size. It is noteworthy that concrete fences during the entire procedure will protect you from a possible collapse of the earth.


    Reinforced concrete rings greatly simplify the arrangement of wells and septic tanks, ensuring their reliability and durability. To make such products at home, you will need special equipment, among which a special mold for pouring takes a special place. It is noteworthy that it can also be made independently from barrels or pipes of suitable diameters.

    The video in this article will provide you with an additional amount of visual information on the topic for your study. Making and operating well rings on your own will allow you to significantly save your family budget.

    Concrete rings are designed for the construction of various types of wells - water supply, sewer, gas supply or inspection wells. The selection of reinforced concrete rings is made taking into account the required parameters of the product in terms of weight, inner diameter and height. These characteristics are indicated in the product labeling, for example, the K-7-9 ring has a height of 90 cm and a diameter of 70 cm. In the marking of the rings with a quarter, i.e. lock, the letter "h" is added after the numbers.

    Reinforced concrete rings produced by the Ochakovsky plant of concrete goods are manufactured in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST 8020-90 and other regulatory documents using raw materials from reliable suppliers. Concrete of special strength, reinforcement with special reinforcement determine the excellent performance properties of concrete rings:

    • high strength;
    • resistance to external mechanical stress;
    • resistance to constant moisture and temperature changes;
    • long service life.

    Concrete rings for a well

    When building country houses, the issue of the sewerage system is often completely borne by the owner of the site due to the lack of a centralized system. In this case, the use of concrete rings makes it possible to erect sewerage and drinking wells in the shortest possible time using inexpensive construction installation. Due to the ease of installation of concrete rings for the sewerage device, high performance well rings are becoming the choice of both construction organizations and owners of country houses.

    Reinforced concrete rings from the manufacturer

    On the website of the Ochakovsky plant, you can buy concrete rings for sewers and other engineering systems of the required size, at the price of the plant. The price for reinforced concrete rings in our catalog is indicated for 1 piece, the product card contains the cost for retail and wholesale orders. In case of ordering products of non-standard shapes and sizes, we will manufacture them according to your drawings. Here you can not only buy well rings at a bargain price, but also order delivery to your construction site. Choosing a reliable supplier of reinforced concrete products, you get a high level of service, professional assistance at every stage of cooperation, confidence in the quality of materials and, as a result, in the strength of the sewer wells and other structures being erected.

    For the construction of well mines, only natural materials were once used: stones and logs. With the advent of reinforced concrete products, the technology for the construction of autonomous water supply facilities has become much simpler.

    Now, to strengthen the walls of the mine, reinforced concrete rings for wells, which are produced in the factory, are being used. However, you can make such elements yourself - the technology is quite simple, does not require special skills and expensive materials.

    We will tell you what size of rings is better to choose for a well, we will describe the method of making a concrete mixture and methods of constructing detachable molds for pouring a structure. We have supplemented the step-by-step technology with visual photo instructions, diagrams and video clips.

    If for some reason the finished products cannot be used, then the owner of a suburban or suburban area should think about options for their self-production.

    To do this, it is necessary to make a form from available materials, install a reinforcing mesh in it, and then pour in a concrete solution mixed in strictly defined proportions.

    In factories that produce and construct, special product labeling is used. Typical sizes of well rings:

    • height standard and is 900 mm;
    • thickness- 70-140 mm;
    • diameter- 100-200 mm.

    The cylinder wall thickness and diameter may vary.

    With an increase in the diameter of the ring and the thickness of its walls, the consumption of concrete increases. The weight of the product also depends on these dimensions. To reduce the weight of the finished product, they try to reduce only the height of the reinforced concrete ring, and the walls are made as thick as possible.

    On sale you can see products with a height of 350, 450 or 500 mm. They are also called additional rings and are installed at the completion of work, when the product of standard sizes no longer fits entirely into the dug well.

    Another way to “legitimately” reduce the weight of the well ring is to use a reinforcing mesh. In this case, the wall thickness can be 6-8 cm, which does not impair the strength characteristics of the product. Therefore, it is better to make reinforced concrete rings with reinforcement for the construction of a well on the site with your own hands.

    It is necessary to reduce the weight of the well ring in order not to use lifting equipment during installation work.This is important for summer residents and gardeners who decided not only to make products with their own hands, but also to move them around the site without the involvement of special equipment.

    Homemade rings are a practical and affordable solution not only for, but also for solving other problems. For example: or.

    Image gallery

    Useful video on the topic

    In the video clip, the master independently assembles a metal mold, covers its walls with used oil, prepares a concrete solution and fills the formwork. With the help of special equipment, the mixture in the mold is carefully compacted so that there are no defects in the walls of the well.

    As you can see, making reinforced concrete rings for a well is quite within the power of any healthy man. Special skills in making molds and mixing concrete mortar are not required.

    Little tricks can be seen in the videos on this topic. In a month, a person on his own can cast up to ten reinforced concrete rings using one mold. This is quite enough for the arrangement of the well shaft. Its depth depends on the level of occurrence of the aquifer in your area.

    Do you have experience in making concrete rings? Please share information with our readers, tell us about the features of your method. You can leave comments and ask questions on the topic of the article in the form below.

    We produce reinforced concrete (concrete goods) rings for wells using modern high-tech equipment and reliable, anti-corrosion materials. They ensure the production of durable, wear-resistant, fracture-resistant reinforced concrete rings.

    The production of well concrete rings provides for the fulfillment of the requirements of the existing standard standards. We ensure the setting of ideal parameters:

    • Sizes of concrete structures
    • Strength of the materials used
    • Geometric accuracy of the resulting blanks

    These conditions make it possible to produce an exact shape for the production of reinforced concrete rings. Our specialists will prepare wooden or metal formwork with even ring-shaped outlines. It includes two collapsible rings. They are established on the principle of nesting into each other.

    Production technology of reinforced concrete rings for wells

    For the preparation of solid concrete rings, resistant to external influences, we use only proven concrete grades. We reinforce the prepared mixture with the required proportions of sand, crushed stone. This results in a highly durable material that allows the creation of rings with a long service life.

    We follow all working procedures in a clear sequence:

    • Preparation of hard concrete mix
    • Vibrocompression
    • Removing finished reinforced concrete rings from molds after final hardening

    The latest vibrating machines allow for the production of rings at a high production rate. They have high capacities and allow compaction without the presence of voids, cracks and other flaws in the compositions of the loaded mixture.

    In order to speed up the production of rings, we use special compounds for the fastest hardening of the blanks. They speed up the receipt of the final result several times. To protect the well rings from drying out, we use a special film. It provides the required level of humidity for structures.

    Photos and videos from the production of reinforced concrete rings Kolodets-PRO

    Only the sequential implementation of the above necessary operations ensures the selection of the required level of strength of reinforced concrete rings. The finished product acquires its final operating parameters at a positive ambient temperature.

    The price of reinforced concrete (concrete goods) rings from the manufacturer

    The production of reinforced concrete (concrete goods) rings in our company presupposes attractive conditions. Thanks to direct supplies from well-known manufacturers, we minimize their cost.

    We offer favorable conditions for regular and wholesale buyers. This allows us to fulfill the largest orders with significant cost savings.

    Our products are unrivaled by their improved performance. It is ideal for different climates. It is not subject to destruction under the influence of sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. Installed without distortion, even in the hardest soils.

    We guarantee prompt production of reinforced concrete rings for your orders of any scale in conditions of strict compliance with all production standards! Order well rings from us!

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