• How to choose a nanny for a child: a psychologist answers parents' questions. Tell me, nanny: how to choose "Arina Rodionovna" for your baby The most common personal questions are as follows


    Full maternity leave for three years is now not available to many modern mothers. Previously, a woman with a small child in her arms could afford to stay at home for several years. Modern life dictates its own conditions, and newly minted mothers try to go to work almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

    When such a need arises, a logical question arises: with whom to leave the child? It is good if there is a grandmother who is ready to look after the grandchildren when necessary. But this option is the exception rather than the rule. In other situations, young mothers are forced to resort to the services of acquaintances, friends or nannies.

    And if there is no doubt about the reliability of a good friend, then choosing a nanny is sometimes very difficult. It is important not to make a mistake, because this person will be entrusted with the most precious thing - a baby. Therefore, you need to responsibly approach this issue and understand how to choose a really cool nanny.

    What kind of nannies are there?

    First of all, you need to understand that each age needs its own nanny. For example, a nursing baby needs a nanny who can swaddle him, change his diaper, wash him.

    For older children, physical and psychological development is more important. And preschool children already need a teacher who will help prepare for grade 1. There are several types of nannies in total. By knowing the types, parents can take the first step towards making a choice.

    1. Nanny-nurse

    The most suitable option for children under 3 years old. At this time, the child requires special care, emphasis on physical development, and compliance with sterility. The healthcare professional does not need to explain again why germs are evil and why they should constantly wash their hands. Doctors are already accustomed to hygiene, and there will be no doubts in this matter.

    In addition, the nurse will be able to provide first aid to the child if he gets sick. She knows what procedures to carry out and what medicine to give. It is not at all necessary for a nanny to have a higher medical education.

    If she has experience working as a nanny or nurse in a maternity hospital, this will also be a great advantage. Such nannies are neat, they can do massage, but usually they cannot give proper education. They take care of the baby, feed, bathe, but after a while it will take more than just care.

    2. Nanny-teacher

    These nannies are suitable for children of preschool and primary school age. They can cope with elementary exercises, teach to write and count, know cognitive games. Such nannies easily find an approach to the child through pedagogical education, and also welcome new methods in development and education. The nanny-teacher is reliable, executive, responsible, skillfully combines the child's leisure time and his preschool education.

    3. Student or retired nanny

    These nannies are usually hired due to a lack of funds. You can save a little on their services, but at the same time they do not have a special education. Students work part-time in their free time and relate to caring for a baby as another source of income. There is no confidence in such a nanny: she can say at any time that she will no longer provide her services.

    Retired nannies would seem to be a good option. After all, it is not for nothing that since ancient times children were left to the oldest women in the family. They inspire confidence, have raised their children, and maybe grandchildren. Grandmothers are reliable, they will feed the child deliciously, they know how to play with him, calm him down and cheer him up.

    But there are also disadvantages: retirees usually do not pay attention to new methods of education, acting in the old fashioned way. Some parents will be satisfied with this, while others want to raise their baby in more modern ways. Well, it can be difficult to help a pensioner with her homework.

    4. Nanny Pro

    The best nanny category. As a rule, professionals have extensive experience of working in different families, have recommendations and are on the staff of recruitment agencies. They are educated, tactful, impeccable in all respects.

    They can teach a child literally everything: from the first steps to helping with lessons in high school. In a word, they are masters of their craft. Professional nannies have only two drawbacks: they are always snapped up and the cost of their services is always high. But with such a nanny, the child can be left completely calm, even for several days.

    • Babysitting on schedule

    It is not enough to choose the type of nanny. It is necessary to decide on the hours and days for which you will need the help of a professional. If you need an assistant for a couple of hours a day, a student or retired woman is fine. However, if you want to leave the baby for 7-10 hours, you need to focus on other criteria. The choice of a nanny should be based on the schedule that is planned to be offered to her.

    • Hourly nanny

    Such employees are hired when the services of an assistant are limited. For example, you need to pick up your child from school and feed him dinner. Or a young mother needs to go to a store or college for a couple of hours. In this case, a student girl who wants to earn some money is suitable.

    It is not worth hiring a pensioner for these purposes: they usually move rather slowly. In addition, they often begin to educate an already grown child with their own methods. It is unlikely that this will please parents who ask to simply pick up the child from school.

    • Full time babysitter

    These nannies look after and develop the child while the parents are at work. As a rule, it is a five-day 8-hour day or a 12-hour shift schedule. The duties of a full-time nanny include feeding, walking, hygienic procedures, and classes.

    • Nanny with accommodation

    It is assumed that the nanny will constantly live in the house and look after the child, day and night. At the same time, parents are required to provide the employee with a separate room for living, as well as - at least one day off per week. The terms of cooperation are discussed at the conclusion of the contract.

    This also includes daily nannies. The only difference: 2 nannies must live in the house and work on a shift schedule. For a child, this is not always good, since the methods of upbringing and caring for nannies are still different. For a baby, this is stress and psychological discomfort.

    What to look for when choosing

    The first impression is usually the best one. When meeting a potential nanny, not a single trifle should escape the eye: starting with the appearance and ending with the manner of communication. If a woman looks untidy, clearly does not take care of herself, it is better to consider another candidate.

    Communication is also a very important aspect. The nanny will have to build a dialogue with the child, look for an approach, you need to focus on the conversation. Ideally, the child will be present at the first meeting. Children feel good about strangers, the baby himself will make it clear whether he needs such a nanny or not.

    After the visual assessment, it is worth asking some leading and even tricky questions. For example, what will she do if the child chokes, or why the children cry. A good nanny will immediately give a dozen explanations. A nanny with no experience is likely to blush and shut up. This does not mean that she is a bad person, but trusting the most beloved and dear ones is still not worth it, unless there are good reasons for that.


    A good nanny can be found. It will take some time, but it’s real. And although each family has the right to decide on which work schedule to hire a nanny, it is important to remember that this person should not replace the parents. Only native people can light a spark of joy and happiness in the eyes of a little man.

    2016-09-10T09: 10: 06 + 03: 00

    Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I would like to answer a very frequent question of parents: "How to choose a nanny for a child?" Now in the courtyard is a time of high speeds and innovations, the pace of life, especially in cities, is very high. How to do everything? Especially a woman. Stay beautiful, raise children, and it is advisable not to fall on long maternity leave, otherwise everything at the workplace will have time to change upside down.

    If there is a need for parents to go somewhere or need to go to work, the question arises: “Who should I leave my baby with? How to choose a nanny? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find a nanny? How to build a relationship with her? " There are many questions. We will answer everything in order.

    Before writing an ad about looking for a nanny, think - what is she like, your nanny? Now we will not talk about personal qualities, about them a little later. About her duties and skills necessary for work. How old is your child?

    For example, if you need a nanny for a baby, then most likely you will consider a woman with her children, or the obligatory experience of working with newborn children. She should know the peculiarities of the development of babies. To be able to take care of such little ones. Have an understanding of sleep and feeding patterns at this age.

    And if you need a nanny-governess, then it will be a completely different person. If your child is 10 years old and you would like to find a nanny who could pick him up from school and help him with his homework, then a nanny is needed with different experience and knowledge. Here the ability to do massage will not be a significant quality, but knowledge of a foreign language or a musical instrument will be an advantage.

    A nanny for a child of 1.5 years old is different from a nanny-governess for a child of 12 years old. Domestic staff agencies have summarized the candidates and combined them into several types.

    Nanny Doctor Nanny Nurse

    Of course, a medical degree will always be an advantage for a nanny candidate. But this criterion will be a special advantage for the babysitter. Since it is during this period that special care and sterility are needed. In the first year of a baby's life, physical childcare comes to the fore.

    Most likely, such a nanny will focus specifically on the physical health of your baby. But as for the possession of teaching and upbringing methods, she can hardly boast of this. But they are usually very responsible and accurate.

    The cost of such a nanny is usually higher than the average cost. This type of nanny is suitable for a child under 3 years old, as well as for children with some developmental peculiarities.

    Arina Radionovna

    These are women of retirement age. However, having the desire and strength to work. Moreover, their attitude to work will not be like a necessary earnings, but with a soul. They have children of their own, possibly their own grandchildren. Therefore, their life experience is, of course, an advantage.

    She will be able to cook food, clean up order, and read with your child. She will be happy to go with the baby to museums and theaters, share her experience. Most likely, they live nearby, which is also a plus.

    The cost of services is low. They have free time, so they are ready to work a full day and even with delays.

    But if your child is 10 years old and you need a nanny to help him with lessons, then, most likely, it will be difficult for "Arina Rodionovna" to do this.

    Female students

    Now this type of nanny is called "babysitter". This extra job for students is very common in the United States. There is no such tradition of “giving grandchildren to grandparents”. Pensioners there take care of themselves, travel, enjoy various hobbies. But at the legislative level, it is forbidden to leave children under 13 years old alone at home. Therefore, "babysitters" are very popular there.

    These are senior students of colleges or universities (often teachers, nurses, psychologists) who, after their studies, have time and desire to work. Most often they are students of pedagogical faculties and psychology. Usually, they are very active and proactive. We are ready to help your kid with lessons, additionally study, for example, a foreign language. They are very mobile.

    The liability of these candidates is usually lower than that of the previous types. Although, of course, there are excellent, responsible and unique candidates. It should also be understood that for them, babysitting is a temporary income. Therefore, you should not be very surprised that at some point she will say that she is quitting work in your family.

    The cost of services is average. The work schedule is flexible.

    Professional nanny

    This is a middle-aged woman who has already worked in other families. She has experience working with children of different ages and recommendations from other parents. She deliberately chose the profession of "nanny" for herself and treats her work with full responsibility.

    She knows all the developmental techniques for a 1.5 year old child, can put a 3 year old child to bed, become a friend and helper for older preschool and primary school children.

    Among the disadvantages may be the cost of services above average. It is also important that she relies on her experience, but, nevertheless, follows exactly the recommendations of her parents, and not what she thinks is right and necessary.

    Babysitting Schedule

    Which nanny to choose depends on the work schedule that you can offer her. What kind of nanny do you need? If you need a nanny 3 times a week from 17.00 to 20.00, then a professional nanny will not agree to such a part-time job. This is her only job and she wants a full time job with a minimum salary. An old nanny or a student nanny will do just fine.

    How long do you need these services?

    Do you need some personal time so that you and your husband can go to the movies? Or sometimes so you can go away on business? Then you will be looking for a part-time nanny.

    If you go to work, then you need a person who will take care of your baby throughout the day, and perhaps even at night.

    What are the nannies

    • Full day babysitter

    Usually this is an average of 7-11 working hours per day and a five-day work week. The duties of such a nanny include compliance with the regime, feeding the baby, walking, developing games and activities.

    • Evening nanny

    Such a nanny works from 16.00-17.00 to 20.00-21.00. Usually she meets the child from school or kindergarten, her duties also include feeding the child dinner and waiting for the parents.

    • Nanny with accommodation

    Such a nanny lives with the family that hires her. It works 5-6 days a week and one \ 2 days off. She lives either in the room allocated for her, or sleeps in the room with the child.

    These are usually either nonresident nannies, or a nanny living very far away. Their responsibilities include full care of the child, possibly helping around the house.

    • Nanny daily

    Such a nanny works in shifts for 24 hours. Usually she is invited when it is necessary for the child to be looked after not only during the day, but also at night, for example, for babies. Then two nannies are often hired to replace each other.

    Nanny duties

    Before you start looking for a nanny, you need to decide on a list of her duties. What do you want from a nanny? What is important for your child at this stage?

    I understand that answering this question, you can make a long, long list of qualities and skills that you want to see. Now take a look at this list and think what is the most important thing? We all understand that ideal nannies, and even for not very big money, do not exist. What can you sacrifice? What is your priority?

    Here is an example of a nanny's functionality, which, of course, can be reduced or, conversely, supplemented with something important for your family:

    • Complete child care;
    • Ensuring his safety;
    • Bathing the child, performing all the necessary hygiene procedures;
    • Compliance with the regime established in the house (sleep, walks);
    • Baby food preparation, feeding;
    • Keeping order, cleaning the children's room;
    • Accompanying to various leisure children's institutions (circles, sections);
    • Age-related development of the child (knowledge of various techniques);
    • Leisure activities - visiting theaters, museums;
    • Help in preparing your child for school, kindergarten (read about);
    • Help with homework;
    • Checking lessons. If required - clarification and assistance with implementation.

    This, again, is an approximate list. It can be changed depending on your family situation and the age of the child. For example, babysitting may include massage for a newborn. Or as a nanny for an older child - learning music or a foreign language.

    Ideally, all this should be spelled out in the contract that you will conclude with your nanny.

    Where can I find a nanny?

    Where to find the perfect nanny? There are several search channels. You can choose any one. Or use several at once:

    • Place an ad in a newspaper.

    This is a simple and inexpensive option. But now, few people use it. Therefore, the number of responses may be small. The reliability of this method is low.

    • Post an ad via the Internet (there are special portals for the selection of domestic personnel, for example, pompatel.ru)

    A good option. You yourself are in charge of choosing a candidate. The questionnaires with the specified work experience, the desired schedule and salary are immediately visible. You can also see the availability of reviews about the employee from previous employers.

    • Agency search

    This is one of the most reliable methods. They check both the presence of a medical record and recommendations from previous places. The agency employs psychologists who will help with the choice of a candidate and personal qualities. Of course, the final choice is yours, but the candidates will be selected for you according to your requirements, filtering out the unsuitable ones for you. The only thing, for this service, the agency will need to leave an average of one monthly salary of the candidate.

    • Search for a nanny by recommendations.

    If your family friend has already used babysitting services and can recommend it to you, this is a great option. Perhaps someone you know at the playground has used these services.

    If this is not possible, the Internet will come to the rescue, as always. Read the forums, contact different mom communities for recommendations.

    Babysitter interview

    We have already written before what you should pay attention to. There are many guidelines for interviewing. Let's note a few points:

    • It is better to prepare for the meeting in advance.

    Think through the main points that you want to clarify. Better yet, prepare a list of questions. So you will definitely not forget anything.

    • Pay attention to punctuality.

    This is a very important point. So that you always have peace of mind that your child will not be late for school or, conversely, will not sit alone in kindergarten, when everyone else has already been taken away.

    • Pay attention to how she speaks about previous employers.
    • Listen to your heart.

    Maternal intuition is the strongest. No great profile will get in the way if you see an unkind look.

    • Introduce your child to a successful candidate.

    When applying for a job, a common and common situation is a “trial day”. Psychologists recommend spending this time with the children and the nanny, you can go away for a while and watch the child's reaction, how your baby perceives the new person. You will see how your nanny is looking for an approach to a new pupil.

    • Be sure to sign a contract.

    So you can immediately negotiate all the rights and obligations, as they say, on the shore. This will help you avoid possible misunderstandings later.

    Once again, a program is shown on television about how a cruel nanny mocks a child while his parents work three jobs to hire just such a monster. Hair stands on end from the fact that a similar situation can develop with your own child. What to do? Refuse babysitting? Not necessary. But you need to learn to understand what kind of person came to work, what is his psychological state. Then it is much easier to determine which nanny has sadistic inclinations, and which, on the contrary, will make every effort to make the child comfortable with her.

    As always, the purpose of such a TV program is the same - to intimidate a person and not give him any recommendations. Instill terror and leave you alone with the problem. Parents cannot but go to work, but after such a program, they feel constant concern for their child, who stays there ... at home ... with ... oh God! ... a cruel and angry nanny.

    The nanny hits the child? Behold, the responsibility for the selection of a nanny lies entirely with the parents!

    Of course, there is no denying the fact that a nanny can really be mean and cruel. And she really may not take care of the child, but, for example, chat on the phone with friends. But in order to know exactly how a potential nanny will relate to a child, basic knowledge of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology is enough. Knowing the basics of this science, it is easier to determine whether to hire this person to work or not? Is it possible to safely leave the child with her?

    For a person who knows system-vector psychology, it will not be difficult to recognize in an applicant, for example, a tendency towards sadism.

    Labor market situation

    Today, unfortunately, many people are forced to go to work not at the behest of the heart, but for some absolutely incredible reasons: at the behest of fashion, prestige, or simply because of money.

    What can we say about work, which is considered not highly intellectual. Who today becomes a nanny or a governess for a small child? A kindergarten nanny who lacks a salary. Yes, as a rule, they have some pedagogical education, perhaps even a red diploma - but does this give us a guarantee that this person will develop correctly, teach well, and raise a child normally? Often, women without education at all, who have their own children, also go to babysit. To earn some money while their children are at school or college, they offer their services for raising other people's children.

    The situation has developed so that nannies and governesses are hired, as a rule, people are not poor. And applicants for this position - on the contrary. After studying at the institute for 5 years, they work in a school or kindergarten for a pittance. And when they find work in a good family, they naturally value their place of work. Simply put, they are terribly afraid of losing their job.

    Finding a good nanny in our country is not so easy. But every effort must be made to ensure that the person assigned to the child is truly responsible.

    It should be?

    After birth, a child goes through several stages of personality formation. Up to three years old, a child is defenseless and has a deep connection with his mother. And mom also has a similar connection.

    After three years, he has an active social interest - he wants not just to study the outside world (to taste pebbles and poke his fingers into sockets), but to meet other people. He begins to work on communications, which he will use for the rest of his life. Therefore, a child from 3 years old must be sent to a kindergarten. Of course, at this time he must continue to communicate with his mother, explore the world with her.

    It so happens that parents need an assistant for the development of their child at an early age. You need to understand that the mother and socialization in kindergarten is the basis for his development, and the nanny is just a person who provides partial assistance in caring for the child. Of course, the best nanny will not only look after the child, but also strive to educate some feelings, instill in him the rules of behavior, show life as she sees it, instill good manners. In the process of close communication between a nanny and a child, this process is simply inevitable, moreover, it is very positive. But this is as a side effect. It is not necessary to include in the duties of a nanny the real upbringing of the child - this should be done by the parents. There is no need to hope that a stranger, not a mother, will be able to teach a child about life - this is not so. But at the same time, it is necessary to choose a nanny with such qualities and properties, with such intellectual and psychological development, so that in constant contact with her the child learns about life as well.

    It is important for a child under the age of 6 that they are well taken care of so that they can survive physically. I didn’t get sick, didn’t kill myself on the swing and ate on time. Remember this when looking for a nanny - the main thing is that she ensures the safety of the child.

    The most important thing when choosing a nanny is to find a person with developed vectors. Such a person would never harm a child. But some people, with even the most developed vectors, have less nanny ability than others. For example, a skin-visual woman with very developed eyesight and developed skin will not be able to take very good care of an infant - she has no maternal instinct and such work will not bring her pleasure. The best contender for the role of a nanny in the modern world is a woman, in the vector set of which there are two vectors - anal and visual. Of course, it can have other vectors as well. But it is this combination that will allow her to work as a nanny very efficiently and correctly.

    A developed anal vector makes a person very responsible, he will do his job very well, regardless of personal relationships or monetary reward. Such people will never be distracted or chat on the phone, even if they know that no one can follow them.

    An anal woman does not hesitate to change a diaper, wash her bottom, be sure to make sure that the child goes to the potty "in a big way", she checks the temperature every minute, and generally strictly (obediently) follows the instructions of her parents, without disturbances and skin self-activity. The visual vector also plays a significant role - she subtly senses the mood and state of the child.

    The anal vector will serve very well in working with older children, when it is necessary not only to follow the child, but also to transfer knowledge. By nature, they have a very good memory, they know the subjects well, especially those studied in children's school, and they very much like to pass them on to future generations.

    Choosing a nanny is not uncommon today. Parents do not always have the opportunity to leave their child with their grandmother or the child does not want to go to kindergarten, in this case nannies help out well. However, leaving your children to a stranger is possible only if you have a lot of trust and a feeling that you can really rely on the nanny.

    How to find a good nanny?
    Ideally, if the nanny will be recommended to you by your good friends who have personally used her services and trust her experience. All the advantages and disadvantages of a person, his character, health, etc. will be known in advance. In addition, you can also use the services of specialized agencies that will provide you with a reliable and responsible person. The undoubted advantage of this solution is that the agency knows everything about its employees (residence address, addresses, phones and place of work of relatives, education documents, etc.), that is, if you have any problems with the nanny, you can easily find it ... All nannies must undergo a medical examination, take tests, and at the nanny agency there are also specialized courses on preparation for work in a family, conflict-free communication, the basics of communication with children, modern care, psychology, methods of early development, etc. Another advantage is the fact that you can choose the nanny that suits you and your requirements. The services of such agencies are not cheap. They usually charge 100% of the nanny's monthly income for their services.

    One of the possibilities for finding a nanny on your own is searching through advertisements, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, etc. This method is more economical than searching through an agency. But there are a lot of negative points here. It will be necessary to look through not a single ad, to meet with any person before a suitable candidate is found. With this method of meeting with a potential candidate, it is best to appoint on a neutral side, and not at home, in order to avoid meeting with scammers. In fact, in this way it is very difficult to find a woman with experience working with children and with a special education.

    The qualities of a nanny.
    What qualities, abilities and skills should a nanny have so that you can entrust the most precious thing in her hands - your child? First, a nanny must be a specialist in her field. Therefore, in most cases, for working with newborns, preference is given to a woman with a medical education and experience in working with infants. She must follow all the recommendations for the selection of baby food, children's toys, know what games to play with the baby. The nanny should not be limited in time, so that she can freely adapt to the regime of the parents. If necessary, she should stay at work or stay overnight. The nanny must be trained in special preventive or therapeutic massage for the baby, must know the methodology for the early development of babies. Of course, she must be in good healthy shape, responsible and reliable, and, of course, she must love children.

    The child needs some time to get used to the new person. Therefore, it is necessary to be with the nanny and the baby for a while to make sure that the baby responds well to the new family member. Explain in detail your requirements and rules to the nanny.

    Entrusting your children in the hands of a stranger is indeed a daunting task. Mothers often have conflicting feelings about this issue. A good nanny can be beneficial for you and your child.

    Babysitting pay depends on many specific circumstances such as location, number of children, and more. The amount, in general, reaches somewhere around 200 rubles per hour.

    Choosing a nanny for a child is not an easy and responsible business. This is the person with whom your child is left alone, who communicates with your child, cares for him and brings up him. Therefore, it is very important not to be mistaken with the choice. How should you choose the right nanny, what are they, what should you pay attention to when choosing?

    Types of nannies

    Child psychologists and parents have long divided all nannies into several conditional types. This division helps parents navigate what kind of nanny they need to look after the child. Moreover, a nanny for a baby and for a 5-year-old baby is very different from one another. Not every nanny is capable of looking after a baby or a five-year-old fidget with equal success. So, about types:

    • Nanny with medical education (doctor or nurse). Medical education is a very valuable quality. Especially when caring for babies. A medical nanny is well versed in issues such as sterility, childhood illnesses and their symptoms, proper baby care, feeding. They are particularly accurate, in case of illness, the baby can provide him with competent primary care, massage, etc. Practice shows that medical nannies do not refuse to be with the baby not only during the day, but also at night. The main disadvantage of this category of nannies is that they look after the child more than they raise him. In the case of a baby, this is quite acceptable, but when he grows up, then the parents, most likely, will have to think about finding another nanny;
    • Arina Rodionovna. So it is customary to call older women, most often pensioners. These nannies have many merits. They raised their own children, most likely they have grandchildren. Therefore, they have no experience in dealing with children. Usually they are extremely patient with the baby, they can clean the room and feed the baby deliciously. "Arina Rodionovna" like to walk with children for a long time, take them to zoos, museums and other places useful for the child. They willingly read books to the child and patiently answer children's endless "why". Old nannies usually have plenty of free time, and therefore they can work all day and even overtime. Their main disadvantage is the upbringing and treatment of the child "in the old fashioned way", as well as the desire to educate not only the baby, but also his parents. Another disadvantage is that it is usually difficult for the “nanny-grandmother” to help the child with the lessons;
    • Students. They are also called “nannies for an hour”. They are young and therefore lack proper experience in caring for children. They usually have little free time, as they devote most of the day to study. Therefore, student nannies work on a case-by-case basis, regarding caring for someone else's baby as an occasional part-time job. Hence the appropriate attitude to work. Usually such nannies are hired when there are no other options;
    • Professional nanny. This is usually a middle-aged woman who has worked as a nanny for many years. This is her main profession. She has a lot of experience, she worked with many children, she can provide recommendations from those families where she worked before. She knows how to find contacts with almost any child, as well as with his parents. A professional nanny can equally successfully communicate with children of any age - from babies to primary school students. She knows how to swaddle a baby, how to feed him or help him with an illness. A professional nanny can accompany a child when he and his parents travel long distances - for example, on vacation or abroad. With her, you can safely leave the child for a long time. A professional nanny is the best parenting choice.

    When choosing a nanny, you should consider how long it is needed. If for several hours a day or 1-2 times a week, then a professional nanny is unlikely to agree to this. In this case, it is better to look for an old woman or a student.


    Babysitters may work on different schedules. In this sense, they are subdivided:

    • Full-time nannies. These nannies work from morning to evening. That is, until the child's parents come home from work. Throughout the day, the nanny is with the child, feeds him, walks with him, puts him to bed, is engaged in teaching;
    • At the evening nannies. As the definition suggests, they work in the evenings. Evening nannies meet the child from school or pick him up from kindergarten, prepare dinner for the child, feed him, put him to bed. Their working hours end when their parents come home;
    • For nannies with accommodation. They usually live for the whole week with the family that hired them to look after the baby. In accordance with the agreement, the nanny with accommodation is given one or two days off. It happens that she is given a separate room. In other cases, she sleeps in the same room with the baby. In addition to caring for a child, a live-in nanny can also be engaged in other responsibilities: helping with housework, preparing food for the baby and his parents;
    • For nannies daily. Daily nannies are usually needed when a child needs 24/7 supervision. Usually these are babies or sick children. For the most part, daily nannies work in shifts - day after day.

    A separate category is accompanying nannies. They are usually hired when a mother with a baby (or several children) has to travel long distances. The duties of the accompanying nanny include taking care of the children during the trip, as well as looking after the little ones in a new place until they return back.

    Nanny duties

    Before you start looking for a nanny, you need to decide what her responsibilities will be. It is clear that not all childcare tasks can be assigned to a nanny. Something she does not know how to do, something she will not want to do for one reason or another. And in something else - no nanny, even the most qualified, can replace a mother: for example, in breastfeeding a baby. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine a list of the most important responsibilities, and solve all other nuances as they arise.

    So the nanny should:

    • Carry out complete baby care;
    • Ensure its safety;
    • Bathing the baby and fulfilling other hygiene requirements;
    • Observe the daily routine: put the child to bed on time, walk with him;
    • Prepare food for the baby and feed him;
    • Monitor the sanitary order in the children's room;
    • Accompany him while visiting circles, sports sections;
    • Visit exhibitions, museums, attractions with him;
    • Know the peculiarities of the age-related development of the child and apply their knowledge in practice;
    • Help your child (if he is a preschooler) get ready for school;
    • Help the pupil-pupil in completing the lessons.

    Additional requirements

    Many parents try to find a nanny for their baby exclusively with a pedagogical education. Indeed, there are many virtues in a nanny-teacher. She knows the methods of child development, can understand music, be able to draw, know foreign languages, etc. She will teach the baby all this, as a result of which he will grow up as a fully developed personality. In addition, the nanny-teacher will be able to prepare the kid for school, and in the future help him with the lessons.

    All these are the advantages associated with a nanny with a teacher education. However, there are also disadvantages here. Currently, some teachers (as well as psychologists) are trained in Western models of parenting, which in many ways do not coincide with our ideas and worldview. For example, many teachers now believe that a child should not be limited in anything, it is necessary to allow him everything, otherwise he will grow up to be a notorious and inferior personality. Therefore, before hiring an educator-teacher, you should carefully understand his worldview and methods of education.

    A nanny with no pedagogical education. There are many more such nannies than with a teacher's diploma. They can be young girls, or they can be women in years. They usually do not have any methods of their own upbringing, and therefore it is much easier for them to explain the parental point of view on raising a baby. The only significant disadvantage is that it will be more difficult for a nanny without pedagogical education to prepare a child for school.

    A woman who has children of her own. The main advantages of such nannies are their everyday experience and the ability to communicate with children. They will look after the child properly, feed him correctly and on time, answer all his questions, etc. At the same time, some nannies from this category may not listen to the wishes of the baby's parents, explaining this by the fact that, due to their experience, they are better know how to raise a child.

    However, all of the above nuances are quite solvable. Much more important is another - what kind of nanny is a person. If she has a bad character, bad habits, limited horizons and inappropriate vocabulary, then it is better to refuse her services. The reasons for the refusal are quite understandable: when communicating with a dubious nanny, your child, willingly or unwillingly, will pick up from her those human qualities that she possesses.

    How to find a nanny

    1. The first and most common way is through newspaper or internet advertisements. There is, in fact, only one advantage here: this search method does not require large expenses, but there are plenty of disadvantages. Among those who submitted an advertisement there may be former nannies, expelled for serious misconduct from their former places, as well as nannies with no experience. Another category is the so-called “lovers of other people's husbands” or thieves who are looking for ways to get into someone else's house in order to rob it later. Therefore, it is more reasonable to hold the first meeting with such applicants not at home, but somewhere on neutral territory.
    2. The second way is to search through recruiting agencies. There are much more advantages here: agencies can offer you an impressive list of candidates for every taste, along with characteristics, recommendations, medical certificates. But at the same time, there are also enough disadvantages: you have to pay for the agency's services, many candidates are nannies only from their own words, some may have fake documents. In addition, you should not indiscriminately trust the recruitment agencies themselves. There have been cases that some agencies deliberately went on to deceive clients, trying to connect them not with professionals in their field, but with random people.
    3. The surest way to find a nanny is through the recommendations of your acquaintances, colleagues, friends, relatives. Usually none of them would recommend a bad candidate. You will know almost everything about such a nanny: her habits, abilities, marital status, place of residence, work experience. There is only one significant minus here: if you refuse her for some reason, then you risk ruining your relationship with those who recommended her.

    How to properly meet a nanny

    Getting acquainted with the nanny, you should carefully look at all the little things. This is understandable: it is to her that you will entrust the most precious thing you have - your child. First of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of a candidate for a nanny for your baby. If she looks untidy, this is a good reason to refuse her.

    After a visual acquaintance, it is recommended to ask the candidate a few general questions. These can be questions on a variety of topics: does she know how to cook, what dishes does she do best, does she like to walk, can she take the child to the section or clinic, what were her duties in the same place, how did she get along with the child there and his parents, etc. Do not hesitate to ask her for her passport and medical certificates. You should also carefully read the letters of recommendation and call those phone numbers that are indicated in them.

    In the event that the meeting is taking place in your home, it is wise to invite other members of your family, as well as your child, to it. Conclusions about what a candidate is, must be done from the very first step in your home. Whether she came on time, whether she greeted you and the child, how sincere she is in the conversation, etc. When she leaves, you need to develop a generalized opinion and decide together whether this candidate is suitable as a nanny for your baby.

    After general questions, you need to get to know the future nanny better by asking her more specific questions.

    1) Questions about previous work:

    • What responsibilities did you perform in your previous job?
    • Why didn't you start working there?
    • How easily do you adapt to a new family?
    • How long does it take for children to get used to you?
    • What don't you love to do as a nanny?

    2) Questions of a personal nature:

    • How old are you?
    • Do you have any education?
    • What is your marital status?
    • Do you have children and what is their age?
    • If the children are minors, who will stay with them while you are at work?
    • Do you have any hobbies and which ones?
    • Are you a believer and what religion do you profess?
    • How do you spend your free time, and what is your social circle?

    3) Questions about health:

    • Do you have chronic medical conditions?
    • Can you lift your baby in your arms?
    • Do you have bad habits?
    • How long have you had fluorography?
    • Do you agree to undergo additional medical examination?

    4) Discussion of future responsibilities:

    • Can you stay if necessary?
    • Do you agree to work on weekends?
    • Do you agree to accompany the child in case of his departure with his parents to the dacha, to another city, to another country?

    5) Discussion of payment terms:

    • What salary are you expecting?
    • How do you want to be paid - every day, once a week, monthly?
    • How do you feel about fines for absence or lateness?

    6) Discussion of behavior in emergency situations:

    • What do you intend to do if the child chokes, faints, cries and is capricious, behaves inappropriately, gets sick (the list of situations can be continued)?

    7) Questions with background:

    • What games can you play with your child at any given age?
    • What are the reasons babies cry?
    • What do you do if the child pisses you off?
    • What is the most important thing for you when caring for and communicating with your baby?

    And, of course, you should not discount your own maternal intuition. It is she who should be the decisive condition of whether to accept this or that candidate as a nanny or refuse her.

    How to introduce a nanny to a child

    So, the nanny-to-be made a positive impression on you. However, this is not a reason to immediately recruit her. You need to make sure how your child will treat the candidate. This should be the last argument in your decision about whether your child needs such a nanny or not.

    Observe your child's reactions closely. If he has a sociable character, then after what time will he try to get to know the nanny better? If, on the contrary, the baby is uncommunicative, then how will the nanny behave in this case in order to win him over? If at first the child is afraid of the nanny, but thanks to her efforts then nevertheless begins to show interest in her, then this is an absolute plus for the nanny.

    It is not necessary at the very beginning to leave the baby with a nanny for a long time. It will be more reasonable if the child gets used to it gradually. At the same time, the child should try to explain that the nanny is a very good aunt who will teach him how to play, draw, walk with him, ride on merry-go-rounds, etc. Believing in your explanations, the child will be able to get used to her faster. And the last condition: when hiring a nanny, you must conclude an official employment contract with her.

    How to monitor babysitting

    There should be no objection that the nanny's work needs to be monitored. The question is how to do it right. First, inept control makes it difficult to achieve any concrete results. Secondly, in this way you can offend the nanny.

    The main method of control is close observation of the child. If he sleeps restlessly at night, is not happy with the nanny or is afraid of her, then this is already a reason to think about and strengthen observations. If the baby, barely seeing you, begins to cry and seeks to run away from the nanny, then this is another reason for parental thoughtfulness. Additional reasons may also be that for a long time your baby has not learned anything new, he has incomprehensible bruises and scratches, the nanny behaves ingratiatingly in front of you, etc. If such signs regularly appear, it is better to leave the nanny.

    If you come home unexpectedly, you can get good results. Or - the same unexpected appearance at the house of your friends and relatives. It is also good to talk from time to time with neighbors who can see exactly how the nanny communicates with your child. Some parents even hire private detectives for such purposes.

    There is another tried and tested way to determine how good or, on the contrary, not good your baby's nanny. A good nanny is one whose baby comes back from a walk dirty, but at home he is always clean and washed. Everything is simple here. When a child walks fully, he usually always gets dirty. A full-fledged child can only walk when he feels comfortable with the nanny.

    Recently, more and more often monitor the work of nannies with the help of video cameras. This is perhaps the most effective type of control. In the press and on TV, it is often reported that it was thanks to the video cameras that it was possible to expose the fanatics under the guise of nannies. It is better if the camcorders will be installed in several places. It is clear that the nanny herself should not know anything about video surveillance.

    Don't be jealous of your little one

    The baby gets used to a good nanny quickly. It so happens that he begins to call her "mom". This often leads to the fact that real mothers begin to be jealous of the child for the nanny. And for this reason she is fired. Thus, these mothers make a big mistake.

    In this case, the feelings and psychology of the child are not taken into account. Being attached to someone is very important for him. And when that nanny, to whom the baby managed to become attached, disappears from his life, and a new one appears in return, this can cause serious stress in the baby. There is no need to be jealous of the child and be afraid that the nanny can really replace a real mother. If the nanny is a professional, and also a wonderful person, then she will always find a way to explain to your baby that the real mother is you, and no one else.

    We also read:

    How to find a good nanny for your child? 7 secrets from Nastya Zhuk

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