• So it lives in it. "The cat hurts the stomach, then someone lives there!" Intestinal infections in cats: species, symptoms, treatment. Viral infections of intestines


    - Will Du Jarne ha Nua Spasi? - asked me a sacramental question of Veronica. Those who read my post "Food to" Hilling "" Noshka ", it is already known that it asked me on Norwegian, I would not want to eat me (I hope that I still didn't pull the readers with my favorite" nos ").

    "Visels," I replied, bearing in mind that "certainly dear, and I would be insanely grateful to you if you seduced to feed me."

    - Va Vil Du Ha on Midda? "My wife has complicated a question, demonstrating his crazy interest in what I want for dinner."

    - bulbs! - I replied in Norwegian.

    "Not" bulbs ", but" Bully's biller "," Veronica corrected me.

    Well, yes, she is right - the meat meat reflectors in Norwegian sounds this way: "Bully's biller" - "meat buns", if literally, because "bounce" - "meat", and "Bully" ... well, and so understandable, probably. By the way, in Swedish they sound just as well, if you remember, it was a favorite carlson dish.

    "One horseradish," I spoke, the fohah arric's fohelte (meat minced meat ended).

    "Hanle in Markt," the wife sent me ... in a supermarket. And I went.

    In the supermarket, I took mince and lazily shoved at the box office. Suddenly, I was my cold sweat, and everything floated in my eyes. Something did not work with your hands: I looked at them and struck with a strong tremor - my fingers were shaking like a fit one. In addition to everything, passing by the bakery department, I suddenly mad wanted a bun, covered with tender icing. Not to say a word, I shook my finger with a finger on this bank, and then I also poked in a bun with Halva. Obviously identifying a bun maniac and fearing for her life and somewhere even the honor, the girl lightningly packed me with both banks. I grumbled rushed to the checkout, on the way the time to expect an eggmarket "Pepsi" from the refrigerator. The queues, fortunately, was not, and here I am already sitting on a bench in front of the store building. A few sips of ice "pepsy" and the hands began to obey me a little better. It came a turn of the bull. The first failed so quickly that I didn't even feel her taste. But I enjoyed a bun with Halva. The benefit that a sudden attack of hypoglycemia (as I explained this state myself) almost passed.

    Having come home and giving the stuffing wife, I began to call my friend Jasur Pulatovich. Unlike me, he remained faithful medicine and is considered to be in Tashkent one of the best pediatricians (according to the Tashkent Mommy). For me, he is just a table of valuable information, walking medical encyclopedia and, despite age (he is six years older than me, and for our mentality it is a long time) and the fact that he was once my teacher (for our mentality it is generally unreal The abyss) is my very close friend. Since Jasur Pulatovich is insanely similar to the rabbit from the Soviet cartoon "Winnie Pooh" and with everyone (and even with his children) speaks to you, then I used to this form of communication with him.

    After hearing me, Jasur, asked if I did not accept antibiotics (some of their forms can cause such states) and, having learned that I did not accept, confidently said that "such symptoms causes a dwarf chain." And then asked if I did not eat in a recent (or distant) past, poorly roasted meat. I remembered my favorite dish - the liver underwater heat treatment in a pan for twenty seconds - and "recalled" that, they say, "Yes, something that was." "Then this is exactly the dwarf chain," said Jasur Pulatovich summarized.

    Straight, like in a poem:

    "I have a stomach ache,

    So someone lives there.

    If it is not worms,

    So you did it! "

    But I was not similar to anything like that! So, in me "Alien"! This thought did not give rest.

    "What to do?!" - I crushed and Jasur replied calmly: "Drink Albendazole."

    And I must say that Albendazole is very expensive (in Uzbekistan, at least) the drug, and it is necessary to drink it just in case the whole family, because the worms are a family disease. Moreover, it is necessary to drink it five days in a day of 400 mg, and considering that lately all expensive drugs have used to dilute ... In short, horror!

    Where to get so much Albendazole I did not have the slightest idea what Jasur Pulatovich told, what he replied that he had successfully appoints his patients (as well as his households every six months for prevention) veterinary albendazole of Dutch or Spanish production. Moreover, as he himself believes, this albendazole is the highest quality, because no one forgives him, no one breeds, but it is once thirty cheaper by the pharmacy of human. I thanked the friend for the advice and hurried to my wife - keep the family advice.

    "I will not drink a animal medicine," Veronica said to me ultimitively (apparently, she has not learned such words in Norwegian).

    "Well, kiss with your worms," \u200b\u200bI answered irritably and went to the veterinary pharmacy.

    Albendazole was poured there, and already in two dosages: for small animals, such as dogs, cats and small cattle, and for large animals, such as horses, cattle, elephants and hippopots.

    I decided not to be fined and demanded a liter canister of a decade (10%) albendazole of Dutch production. You know, thirty thousand sum (or about two thousand tenge) for such a number of high-quality drug was not a pity.

    - Do you have a farm? - Seller asked respectfully, counting money.

    - Not! - I cut off, not wanting to go into the discussion.

    - So, do you have a nursery? - did not lag behind the seller.

    Probably, the seller is still standing there with scolded eyes and open mouth. He himself is to blame, because you know less - sleep hard.

    Having come home, I divorced the drug, as Jasur taught me and drank it. Then he shoved the medicine in his daughter. Veronica, the wall and complaining, nevertheless, herself expressed the desire to drink the "Skotan" medicine and agreed that the situation as in the anecdote: "Well, yes, horror!", But not "horror! Horror! Horror!".

    It is necessary to say that I had no hypoglycemia attacks in the last two months, and my family appetite was noticeably increased. So, were there, after all, "others"!

    Yesterday I twisted myself with a cookie. What? I have almost liter of Albendazole!

    Perhaps it will be messy and long ... but it is hardly possible ...
    Parents have 3 children ( elder sister N. 35 years old, Middle Brother M. 31, I am 30 years old).
    All my life we \u200b\u200blived in the usual 2-room apartment. Pope went to the inheritance, we donated her. 10 years ago, mom in the inheritance got 1/2 odnushki.
    Sister N. gave birth at 22 years old, the cohabitant was merging her, then it came to live in an apartment where we all lived. Soon they broke up completely, and she threw (what to hide, she always walked, even a pregnant saw beer and smoked). The child contained our parents, I sat after studying with a nephew, and brother went to the army for 2 years, because Places catastrophically lacked. At this time, the sister was offered to move to the father of Obnushka, she refused, because She has no girlfriends in that area ...
    In 20 years I met my husband. We really didn't live in our parents, sometimes came to spend the night. In the end, a month after our dating sister, I was kicked out of an apartment with things. Dad offered his apartment, she just empty. But with the condition that we make the repair yourself, we work out (i.e. we help them financially, then it will give me an apartment). We agreed and moved there. They started to shut down slowly (so that it was clear, the apartment is in the murdered state, without wallpaper, gender, and almost no windows).
    A month later, Grandma dies, Mother Mama, and our mother gets 1/2 odnushki. A year later, Mom and Aunt sell an apartment and share money.
    Mom decided to buy a brother apartment. There was not enough money (it was 700 thousand).
    We added 130 thousand, bought the studio at the stage of the pit, in a year she built. Studios turned out to be little, they decided to sell it and buy a full-fledged one, closer to the parents. Separed a studio for 1200, bought odnushku at the stage again the pit for 1150. Parents took the difference. The apartment built, did not suit again. Parents imparted to buy a car. OK, sold for 1750, bought an even greater area odnushku for 1400 at the stage of the pit, the difference gave parents to the car. The apartment built, but the brother refused to move (far to ride to work). All transactions spent my husband, he also searched for buyers and sellers, looking for where it was cheaper to buy so that the construction sites are not frozen, and more expensive.
    As a result, Brother lived with his parents, sister with a nephew and her cohabitants too.
    Again offered sister housing, we all decided to throw off and buy her room in a communal service, refused, she wants to own a two-bed parent, I disagree to the smaller.
    Parents began to build with our help a house in the village in order to retire to live in nature.
    Here she met the criminal sitting in prison. Love-carrot, a date for transfers ... and she decided to buy it away. I rushed my brother on credit, paid someone, a criminal came out. They began to live for removable apartments. So lived 2.5 years.
    My brother stayed with his parents, sister with a nephew leaned out of his life.
    Last year, she decided to escape from the criminal, found her young. Again love-carrot. At one point, when the neighbors had no longer solved their fun with loud music and orgies, they broke it and broke his jaw.
    Well, what kind of older sister did? She decided to insert his jaw, throwing me for money ... So I didn't have my sisters, I continued to communicate with my nephew.
    Having gone from a removable apartment to the parents of the cohabitant, she gave to the maintenance and upbringing of her child to our parents. And of course, I as Mother Teresa decided to help them, then things to buy, then go to school, then for additional English classes to pay. Child, albeit 12 years ...
    Parents repaired an apartment from and before, bought all the best.
    In January, we learn that the older sister is pregnant, and the apartment in which they live with his parents, the bank is to sue them to pick up the apartment, because They do not pay for the mortgage.
    Meanwhile, the parents decided to change the car again, but to buy more expensive. We decided to sell the apartment again, which was empty. We sold it for 1400 (prices fell). Parents offered my husband to earn this money for this money to have enough for everything (brother apartment for 1200, the car of parents for 1000, which will remain - then to us). I agreed ... But with the condition that everything, the last time we earn money to them, and Dad will still give me an apartment of its apartment, in which we have been living for 10 years.
    In early August she gives birth, takes the eldest son to nursing with the baby.
    At the end of August, I last saw my nephew, who said that I am a sucker, and that that my mother rushed me for money, it is a pity that there is little. Since then, I do not support the connection with him.
    3 weeks ago, Dad called, asked to help my sister, allow living in the apartment of the parents (parents retired, moved to the village, brother lives in their apartment). I refused, offered at my own expense to rent a room and transport it there, she refused.
    At the beginning of the week, parents arrived in the city (come once a week), in the Bardak apartment, sister cut the castle in their room in the oak door (i.e. spoiled), she lies on a light velor sofa with the eldest son in street clothes and shoes, Near the diaper without a diaper baby. On the floor, the used diapers were scattered, the bottles are empty from under beer, the ashtray is full of bulls. Met them with the words "What ... got up?".
    Parents in shock could not even say anything. We left back to the village. The next day came, gathered value things, drove to me to work for money, my mother's mother, no face on the dad ...
    What am I doing all this? To the fact that Dad decided that she had no place to live her sister, she would only be enough for her room in a communal room, and this is not an option with 2 then children, which means it is time for me to free the apartment with my husband (she, he I did not give, because I did not buy the apartment to my brother and the car - the year has not yet passed).
    In the evenings, I seek like at home, and I think, it seems to live on the conscience, I help the whole family, and ultimately I turned out to be a sucker ...
    I buy a brother to December, I buy a car, my parents remains about 300 thousand ... and that ... it's not enough for a banal room ... And I have to go to a removable apartment and start living again from 0. The only difference is that In 20 years to live with 0 start easier than now ...
    Suggest: My husband and I wanted to sell odnushku next year, add 300 thousand earned and buy two-room. All this was done only in order to adopt the child (yes, I have cockroaches, I wanted to have my own room). And then a bummer ...
    Of course, I understand the dad, she is his daughter too ... But how can one daughter go out to the street so that another daughter is good? How after that with him to communicate? How to live in general, then with such a cargo?
    Anonymously creating the topic I do not want, I'm not a tri ... I am an ordinary person

    Each cat owner knows that if the pet has a diarrhea, he is not all right with him. This intestinal reaction can be caused by poor-quality feeding or intestinal infection.

    If, with the first option, everything is simple - change feed or diet, then with another - more and more difficult. Intestinal infections in animals are divided into several species (viral, bacterial and protozoa) and we will analyze each of them today.

    Viral infections of intestines


    • diarrhea (feather mass - water, faded or green with disgusting smell);
    • fast weight loss;
    • lack of appetite;
    • abdominal pain (the cat runs away when you want to touch it);
    • dehydration;
    • fever;
    • vomiting;
    • sneezing;
    • muddy eyes from the eyes.

    All these signs will not necessarily be attended together. If a healthy pet, a young cat, then only diarrhea can be of all symptoms. But with small kittens and older animals, the other way around - the weaker body, the brighter will be symptoms.

    It is necessary to know that one of the species of virus intestinal infections - rotavirus can be transmitted to man. In the risk zone, children, the elderly and all who have a weakened immunity.

    Therefore, it is very important to immediately take the patient cat to the veterinarian. Instant response will give the opportunity to quickly muffle the disease.

    Most often, the doctor prescribes human interferon, autoimmune serums or antibiotics.

    The causative agents of this type of infections are the bacteria of Giardia and Coccia. In adult cats, the disease can pass asymptomaticly, but the green diarrhea begins in kittens and koto-old people.

    Also, the pet may have the abyss of appetite, dehydration and exhaustion develop, since the intestine is not able to absorb food and fluid normally.

    In 70% of cases, after a couple of weeks, the signs of the disease go to the decline. But it is not worth rejoicing: the cat becomes a lifetime carrier of infection pathogens. And with the slightest problem with the immune system, the disease may occur again.

    Veterinarians are prescribed with animal strong and very toxic drugs from which liver and kidneys may suffer.

    The possibility of transmitting an infection from an animal to a person was not fully studied, but most scientists argue that there is probability. Therefore, at the time of treatment, comply with the rules of hygiene, often wash the tray and isolate the pet from children.

    Infectilation of bacterial origin

    This is the most numerous group, since the disease can be caused by campylobacterium, helicobacteria, clostridia, salmonella, pathogenic stamps of intestinal sticks, etc.

    But all these bacteria unites one pronounced symptom - yellowish brown diarrhea, sometimes with blood impurities.

    In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the disease with one (or several) of these methods:

    • blood biochemistry;
    • complete blood test;
    • analysis of blood plasma;
    • radiography of the abdominal cavity;
    • Ultrasound of digestive organs;
    • ultrasound procedure.

    After examining the results of the tests, the veterinarian will write down the appropriate drugs that will stop intoxication in the body and restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood.

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