• How to clean a gemstone. How do I clean gems? Herbs and flowers


    Jewelry made from precious materials always remains at the peak of popularity, so the issue of care and cleaning of jewelry is quite relevant. There are many ways to clean your rings, bracelets, and chains at home. To make jewelry look spectacular and delight its owner, you need to take proper care of them.


    Gold is a soft material that needs to be cleaned carefully and delicately. Do not forget about precious and semi-precious stones (diamonds, rubies, sapphires, etc.). They can be easily damaged during maintenance if the wrong tools and aggressive components are used.

    Before you start cleaning jewelry with stones at home, it is necessary to indicate that most of them do not tolerate contact with water and various chemical solutions.Extra inserts make cleaning much more difficult. Methods for caring for gold items without stones cannot be used.

    Improper cleaning can cause serious harm that only a professional can fix.

    Basic rules of care:

    • Pay special attention to the place where the stones are attached. It is there that the bulk of dust and grease accumulates.
    • The needle should not be used as a tool to get rid of dirt. Otherwise, scratches will remain on the metal and stone. A cotton swab or wooden toothpick with a small piece of cotton wool at the end is ideal.

    • Consider the type of insert fastening. There are two options: clamp and glue. In the second case, it is prohibited to wet the jewelry. The properties of the adhesive are lost from water.
    • Soap treatments are not the best way to clean jewelry. This method will deprive the rhinestones of shine and attractiveness. Products with such inserts are best handled with starchy rags and damp flannel. Finally, wipe the jewelry with microfiber.

    Remember: the way the insert is attached depends on the size and type of stone.As a rule, glue is used to fix diamond or sapphire chips, as well as carved elements from natural and soft stone.

    Products of this type attract attention with an exquisite appearance, but their care is complex and specific.

    Decoration update

    To date, many cleaning methods have been developed, involving the use of household chemicals, pharmacy products, natural ingredients and much more. Popular methods are also popular. In the article, we have collected the most effective, safe and proven methods. With their help, you can refuse the services of jewelers and update products on your own.

    Cleaning with a toothbrush

    You can use a toothbrush to clean your jewelry with stones. For the renewal procedure, only a brush with soft bristles is suitable, which gently and gently removes small particles of dirt. Natural bristles are ideal.

    In the process of cleaning, do not make sudden movements and do not press hard on the jewelry. For more effect, brush over the soap. Use this method only with hard stones.


    Ammonia is perfect for processing jewelry. You can buy it at any pharmacy at an affordable price. It is an effective and safe component that will help you get rid of even stubborn dirt quickly and easily.

    The alcohol is suitable for all types of stones. The substance quickly evaporates and returns to its former shine.

    Care procedure:

    • Preparing the solution. Alcohol and pure water are diluted in equal proportions (1: 1).
    • In the resulting mixture, moisten a cotton pad or swab.

    • Wipe the product carefully.
    • If you don't have a sponge or cotton swab on hand, you can use a soft cloth.

    Special formulations

    If you do not trust the folk cleaning method and other home methods, use a special tool designed for cleaning jewelry. They can be purchased where the jewelry is sold.

    For convenience, remove the drug in the form of a spray. The packaging usually indicates the method of application.

    On sale you can find a variety of products designed for processing products, both with soft and hard stones.

    Popular folk methods

    Folk methods, known to many housewives, are used to update products from precious materials with stones. Cleaning your earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants and other jewelry can be done with components found in any kitchen.


    With the help of sugar syrup, you can easily refresh the product and remove small dirt. To prepare the solution in a glass of water, you need to dissolve 2 liters of sugar. Leave the jewelry in the sweet liquid overnight.


    This component is actively used to eliminate various contaminants. Soak the tip of a cotton swab in vinegar and gently rub the stone on the jewelry.

    Only vinegar is suitable for cleaning, and the essence is not necessary to use. After processing, rinse the product and remove moisture with a paper towel or soft cloth.

    Lemon acid

    If you dissolve a little citric acid in a small amount of water, you get an effective and budgetary substance that will help clean jewelry with stone inserts. In the resulting composition, you must leave the products for 5 minutes. Then they must be rinsed and wiped thoroughly.


    This substance has become famous for its useful properties in everyday life. Soda is used to remove stubborn dirt. It is not recommended to use it dry for processing jewelry. The powder can damage the surface of the material or stone.

    It is best to make a solution of baking soda and water. The product is immersed in it for about 20 minutes. After that, the remnants are removed with a cloth.


    Lipstick effectively fights dirt on the surface of jewelry. A little of this cosmetic product needs to be applied to the product and polished using a soft tissue or piece of cloth.


    An effective and cheap way is peeling with onion juice. Despite the fact that the substance has an unpleasant odor, it shows remarkable results. For processing, you need to put a few drops on a cotton pad and process the product. To remove stubborn odors, rinse jewelry thoroughly with water and remove moisture immediately.


    Rock salt solution is considered one of the most effective ways to renew jewelry. Salt cannot be used in a pure, dry form. Hard grains can spoil the shine of stones and gold.

    Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of salt in a glass of water (or slightly less). Stir the mixture until the particles are completely dissolved. Leave the decoration overnight, immersing it in the resulting composition. In the morning, you need to polish the jewelry and dry it.

    Cleaning diamond jewelry

    Diamonds have an enchanting beauty and shine. This stone is one of the most popular and expensive in jewelry. Natural diamonds need careful and competent care. During use, even the most expensive products lose their presentation and former attractiveness. A dull white coating appears on the surface of the stone.

    You can update the product at home using available tools and a variety of techniques.

    Before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with certain rules.

    What tools can you use?

    If you decide to update the product yourself at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this material. Diamonds are highly sensitive to grease on the fingers, so cleaning should be done with gloves. Thin rubber or silicone products are best.

    It is necessary to wipe the jewelry with a soft velvet cloth. Use warm water for damp wiping.

    Soap products

    A simple solution can be made to clean gold diamond jewelry using low alkali foaming products. The substance is diluted in a small amount of warm water and the decoration is carefully processed.

    Popular diamond jewelry cleaner:

    • Soda. The product is immersed in water with a small amount of soda and boiled for several minutes. Finally, a soft cloth is passed over the surface and dried.
    • Pomade. The lipstick can be used to polish diamond jewelry.
    • The juice. Treat the thing with onion juice and leave it for a couple of hours.

    • Dentifrice. Treat the jewelry with a small amount of substance applied to a soft bristled brush.
    • Coca-cola. A popular sugary beverage can help clean up expensive jewelry. Submerge the item in soda for 30 minutes, rinse with water, and then gently remove moisture.
    • Strong substances. If a dark spot or a greasy mark appears on your favorite jewelry, such means will help to remove it: alcohol (vodka), household vinegar, ammonia. Do not forget to rinse and dry the jewelry after cleaning.

    How to wear it correctly?

    Most wearers do not have a proper understanding of how to properly wear jewelry. In order for them to retain their beauty and radiance for many years, they must be properly stored and looked after.

    Regardless of what the gem is used for (for medicinal, magical purposes, or as an ornament), it needs to be looked after and sometimes cleaned. When you bought a stone, it needs to be cleaned. Keep it under running water for a few minutes. Better, of course, if there is a possibility - to use natural spring water.

    Minerals that belong to the quartz group can be put in a glass bowl of water and kept in the freezer overnight. You can put stones and products from them in a vessel with water. Water, freezing, will remove the dirty information from the stone, and it will be cleansed. In this way, you can clean both stones that you used to wear, and new ones - purchased or donated.

    In the same way, not only newly acquired stones are cleaned, but also those that you already have. This should be done at least once a year., and health stones are cleaned once a month on the waning moon.

    The general rule for cleaning stones is this: it is always better to clean all stones in the last three days of the lunar month (28, 29, 30) - before the new moon. During the full moon, stones accumulate energy and after cleaning they must have time to restore their own energy.


    For storing stones, it is best to use bags for each stone separately. The bag should be silk or cotton, you can linen. In such a package, gems can be stored in one casket or box.

    It is possible to distinguish such methods of cleaning and renewing natural stones (it is necessary to clarify - not all methods are suitable for certain minerals). Gemstones differ in their properties and require an individual approach to cleaning. If for some it is appropriate to use a soap solution, then for others it can be disastrous. Improper cleaning can ruin your favorite jewelry.

    1. Cleaning with water - the stone is kept under running water (from the tap) for several hours. Better to put it in a bag and - in a spring, tie the bag so that it doesn't get carried away. Or just pour spring water into a glass and put a stone there.
    2. Sun cleaning - pre-wash the stone with water and put it in the bright sun for 30 minutes. This is both cleansing and charging the stone.
    3. Cleaning with salt - bury the stone in salt for 3-4 hours, then discard the salt.
    4. Cleaning with brine water - dip stones into salted water poured into a crystal bowl. You can also use other dishes, of course.
    5. Cleaning with soapy water - prepare a warm soapy solution, pour it into porcelain or crystal dishes, and soak the stones in the sun for about two hours,
    6. Ground Cleaning - Bury stones (this includes cleaning gemstones) in the ground overnight.
    7. Purification with natural seawater - wash the crystals with seawater, leave in it for 3 hours.

    All stones from time to time it is useful to lay out for several hours or days in sunlight... This is especially true for those stones that you constantly wear. But - be careful - some stones change or lose color in the sun.

    You can just wash the thing with water at least every day - the stone will only get better.

    If the hardness of the stone is higher than 5 ( sapphire, emerald, diamond, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, quartz, common beryl), then cleaning is allowed in a solution of any washing powder, using a brush. An exception would be jewelry that uses soft metals such as silver.... Gems framed in gold or platinum will take such a cleaning well. After cleaning, wash off the remaining solution with distilled water.

    For cleaning stones, a solution consisting of 120 g of baking soda, 30 g of sodium chloride and 50 g of bleach dissolved in 0.5 liters of water is suitable.

    Gemstones are often very fragile and can crack easily if handled carelessly. This is especially true for those stones that are interspersed. Therefore, if you want to clean the chrysolite or emerald yourself, be very careful! Wrong movement - and a piece can break off the stone.

    Gemstones with a hardness index below 5 should be washed in a milder environment, such as a soap solution. These stones include - apatite, ruby, opal, sunflower, moonstone, chrysolite, lapis lazuli, malachite.

    Ruby, alexandrite and sapphire can be cleaned in soapy water with ammonia. The proportions of the solution are 0.5 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of alcohol. After cleaning, rinse the gems with warm water.

    Amethyst, Rhinestone and Citrine should only be cleaned with ultrasound.

    Turquoise is a whimsical gem. It cannot be cleaned with aqueous solutions; from their influence, the stone can easily lose color. Turquoise jewelry should not be exposed to sudden temperature changes, acidic and soapy solutions. To remove stubborn dirt, alcohol or distilled water can be used. To bring back the shine, use a piece of flannel or dry suede to polish the turquoise yourself.

    Very often, dirt collects under the stone. You can remove it with a match and a piece of cotton wool. Moisten the cotton with glycerin or a solution of magnesia and ammonia. Using gentle circular motions, wipe the grooves and surfaces. If any dirt remains that cannot be removed, contact a jewelry cleaning professional. You may need professional cleaning with ultrasound. True, not all stones can be cleaned with ultrasound.

    The versatile way to clean any stones

    Amethyst Druse.

    Minerals are put at night on amethyst druse with very fine crystals (also called amethyst brush or stone bed).

    Also known refining of drusen quartz - place stones on the quartz druze overnight.

    Natural stone is porous in nature, so maintenance is slightly different from that of traditional ceramic tiles. If your apartment has natural stone, then this article will be useful to you. In stores, as a rule, there are many cleaning agents designed for different degrees of dirt and damage to the stone. Cleaning agents can stain the surface of the stone very thoroughly, damage it and render it dull. Stone cleaners should never contain acids or bleaches. If you want to clean natural stone using only a home arsenal, then make a light solution of vinegar and water, using them you can make minimal etching of the material. In general, it is recommended to use cleaners with a neutral base for cleaning stone. Before using different solutions, it is necessary to vacuum the surface and wipe off the dust, because if your feet and dirt come into contact, you can scratch the surface of the stone. For cleaning natural stone such as limestone, marble or granite, we recommend using premium penetrating sealants that work especially well on polished and honed types of surfaces. Sealants that are designed for deep penetration and surface impregnation work well for both indoor and outdoor applications. There are varieties of sealants that can enhance dark surfaces, enrich and enhance the natural color and beauty of a given material. I recommend that you always check the surface of the stone for the presence of tarnished parts in order to take advantage of the situation in time and eliminate this problem with a sealant. Some of the grout, when exposed to the corners of the tile, can also darken the edges of the tile, so clean the stone right away. When choosing a sealant, read the reviews, see the rating of each, so as not to be mistaken and buy the really best representative of this genre.

    Stone cleaners

    To clean the surface of the stone, use only detergents that are designed for this. These substances must be acid-free and must be made up of neutral pH cleaners that will not damage the surface, even if it is lightly coated with wax. Before starting cleaning, the surface of the stone must be moistened with clean water. The water will keep the cleaning solution on the surface of the stone, and distribute it over the entire area, thus cleaning will be more effective. Dilute the mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions, apply it to the stone surface using a special sponge or mop.
    If you need to apply the solution to the wall, kitchen counters, or countertops, you can use a regular spray bottle for this purpose. It is necessary to spread the solution over the surface using a sponge, synthetic mop, brush, or using a special floor drying machine. After that, it is necessary to apply the solution. After cleaning the stone, you can use a special spray. This way you can enhance the shine and beauty of the polished stone. We recommend that you spray a full piece of surface onto the surface to clean the entire surface. The frequency of cleaning is difficult to predict, do this work on a whim when you already see that the stone needs cleaning. In general, many cleaners cannot recreate the original luster of the stone, but they can help maintain the original luster and clarity.

    And now the ceramic tiles are being cleaned!

    How to deal with a particularly dirty surface

    To effectively remove corrosive dirt, grease, and other deposits on stone surfaces, you need a heavy-duty, safe, environmentally friendly stone cleaner. I recommend that you apply a solution of cleaner and water, which are mixed, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    Natural stone surface cleaning can be done in two ways:
    Using a sponge, synthetic mop and soft bristles;
    Alternatively, a machine operating in a semi-wet mode can be used;
    Using these technologies, you can remove stains and smoke from the grout, as well as from the surface of the stone.

    Let's summarize

    If your marble finish starts to lose color, is slightly scratched and needs etching, you can restore the shine using special marble cleaning items. The process is usually a recrystallization, in which the stone is given its original luster and gloss.
    I hope you understand how natural stones are cleaned! And it is best to lay tiles using special tools that bear the name. Using them, you will get the job done very quickly, and most importantly with high quality!

    Gold is an unpretentious metal, but still periodically products made from it tarnish, change color. There are simple methods on how to clean accessories made of gold with stones yourself at home. They are able to quickly restore beauty to precious metal.

    Several factors affect the formation of plaque, darkening, loss of shine of gold jewelry:

    1. Organic compounds are released from the human body with sweat, form a plaque that collects dust particles, pollution.
    2. Due to the effects of cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals, pharmaceuticals, a patina (plaque) appears on gold. If the compounds contain iodine or mercury, the result is stains that only a specialist can remove.
    3. The chemical effects on the precious metal include the influence of alkalis, metals contained in tap water.
    4. The dark mark on the skin left by new products is a consequence of the coating of gold with a substance for pre-sale preparation. It can be easily removed with a napkin.
    5. Low-quality gold with a modified ligature is subject to oxidation. Only a jeweler can clean such items.

    How to clean gold at home

    When gold jewelry is worn constantly, it needs to be cleaned monthly. Light dirt can be removed with soapy water. To do this, use mild detergents or a delicate shampoo.

    You can clean gold with stones yourself as follows:

    • accessories are soaked in a pre-prepared solution or the composition is applied to the surface, cleaned with a soft bristled brush;
    • products are rinsed under cool water;
    • dried;
    • polished with suede or flannel-like fabric.

    It is necessary to clean gold jewelry with stones using methods without the use of abrasive or acidic agents.

    Salt or baking soda, if used, is pre-dissolved. You cannot hold the product with a glued stone in water, it can be cleaned with cotton swabs.

    1. Chrysolites cannot be cleaned with acid.
    2. a special paste, ammonia or soap composition are suitable.
    3. , corals, turquoise, like all soft minerals, do not tolerate hot water or alcohol-containing compounds (including ammonia).
    4. For cubic zirconia, zircons, citrines, ammonia does not pose a threat.
    5. Hot water is excluded for sapphires, topazes, rubies, emeralds.
    6. For emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, alcohol solutions are recommended.
    7. Rubies, garnets, opals, lapis lazuli, amethysts can be brushed with soapy water.
    8. Large stones can be cleaned with the burnt end of a charred match by walking over the surface of the gem.

    The choice of a method for self-cleaning of jewelry depends on the texture, color of the products, and the attachment of the stone insert.

    Products made of white gold require delicate cleaning in order not to spoil the rhodium layer. To do this, put the jewelry in a cleaning composition for 30 minutes. A longer period of time will negatively affect the attractive appearance of the accessories.

    At home, 100 ml of water and ammonia are used for the solution, shampoo is added - 1 tbsp. spoon. For light dirt, the ammonia is replaced with a delicate soap.

    Watch the video on how to clean home decorations:

    Chain cleaning

    The chain is made up of small, easily torn links where dirt builds up. You can clean the gold accessory and avoid tearing by soaking. The product is dipped into the solution for half an hour, dried in a natural way.

    Earring cleaning

    Earrings usually consist of small details, decorated with stones. Therefore, cleaning the jewelry will be done in two stages. The fasteners are processed first. The inserts are then carefully arranged. The method depends on the type of stone and how it is fixed.

    Cleaning the rings

    Rings get dirty more often, dust, fat deposits, dirt accumulate in their corrugated patterned details.

    1. When it is required to add shine to the jewelry, it is polished with suede.
    2. If the stone is glued, then you can clean it with a cotton swab dipped in a weakly concentrated soap solution.
    3. Difficult-to-clean areas with patterns are wiped by moistening a swab with glycerin.
    4. Gold rings with topaz are cleaned with ammonia (7-8 drops) mixed with liquid soap (40 ml). The accessory is kept in the composition for about an hour.
    5. Cubic zirconia jewelry can be cleaned with any pasty product available at home, without abrasives.

    Gold cleaning compounds

    There are many gold jewelry cleaning recipes that are easy to make yourself. With some, a quick result is achieved, others require a longer time for the gold to shine.

    Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

    For the solution, select a non-metallic container, pour 200 g of water at room temperature. Add:

    • 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
    • 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
    • 2 teaspoons of mild detergent or liquid soap.

    The decoration is left in the composition for a quarter of an hour. You can clean hard-to-reach openwork parts with soap or toothpaste.

    In addition to the topic, see the express cleaning method:

    Rubbing alcohol

    The accessory with the stone is dipped in alcohol, then wiped with a soft cloth previously moistened with soap and water. For drying, the product is positioned on the base so that residual moisture drains or evaporates, but is not absorbed.

    Citric acid solution

    A gold product is immersed in a weakly concentrated aqueous solution of citric acid for no more than 7 minutes. The method is not used for chrysolite ornaments.

    Sugar syrup

    50–75 g of sugar are dissolved in 200 g of hot water. Gold jewelry is placed in the cooled syrup for 12 hours. The method is suitable for cleaning lightly soiled accessories with mechanically set stones.

    There is a quick option when the jewelry is dipped in lightly sweetened water and polished.

    Unusual cleaning methods

    There are other known options for using available tools to clean gold accessories:

    1. Before polishing, the gold is rubbed with lipstick.
    2. Jewelry made of gold can be soaked in Coca-Cola for 0.5 hours.
    3. A solution is poured into a dish, wrapped in foil from the inside, in the proportion: 20 g of soda per 200 g of water. Products are soaked for 24 hours.
    4. Cotton swabs or discs are moistened with table vinegar, and accessories are wiped with them.
    5. Toothpaste is a common remedy for brushing gold with stones. This method does not require the accessories to be immersed in water.
    6. A composition of chalk (3 pieces) and ammonia (5 tablespoons) is applied to jewelry made of gold with stones for a few minutes.
    7. Products are soaked in liquid for contact lenses in the evening, and left until morning.
    8. The gold is rubbed with a fresh cut of half of an onion.

    In specialized stores, along with instructions for use, they sell means for cleansing gold with stones.

    In liquid media, the products withstand the specified time. Accessories are wetted with sprays before polishing. The paste is applied to the surface, the most contaminated areas are rubbed.

    What cannot be used for cleaning

    The use of unsuitable means and methods of cleaning gold products results in the formation of scratches and stains. To preserve the precious metal, do not use:

    • boiling;
    • abrasive substances;
    • hard brushes, sharp objects;
    • laundry soap, washing powder.

    It is not difficult to clean gold jewelry with stones on your own. Compliance with the rules of cleaning will help keep the attractive appearance of the metal for longer.

    How do you clean gold jewelry with stones? Tell us about your experience in the comments, share your article on social networks.

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    From time immemorial

    Just think about the origin of the word "gem" and its deep meaning. Natural stones are called gemstones because their shade is a gift from nature itself. It cannot be synthesized artificially. Even the most accurate copies will still not be able to convey all the depth and saturation of color that natural natural stones have, which you can buy in our store. But beauty and indescribable brilliance and radiance are far from their only characteristics. Since ancient times, jewelry made of stones was considered not just decorative trinkets, but talismans that could cope with all sorts of problems. Modest, at first glance, turquoise is a real source of happiness, bringing prosperity and peace to every home. A passionate pomegranate is able to give its owner true love, help the lonely find a life partner, even strengthen the seed bond. Amethyst strengthens relationships, promotes friendship, business contacts and success, protects against bad eyes and unnecessary worries. In short, each stone has its own role, history and purpose. Now if you want buy jewelry made of semi-precious stones, you can choose them not only in appearance and your style preferences. Determine for yourself what problem today you would like to solve, and the right stone will help you!

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