• Thematic planning in the middle group "March 8 - International Women's Day" taking into account the federal state. Thematic week "Mother's holiday" Comprehensive abstracts in the preschool educational institution


    There is hardly a person in the world

    who didn't love his mother.

    Type of project:

    Short project from 01.03 to 07.03;

    - group;

    Information and creative.


    To cultivate a caring attitude towards mothers through the desire to thank them for their love. Attract children to making gifts for mom, holding a matinee dedicated to the International women's day

    Tasks project:

    1. Refine views children about family. Recall with children the names and patronymics of mothers and grandmothers.

    2. To form the ability to compose a descriptive story about mother based on an algorithm.

    3. Promote the development of creative abilities pupils: attract children in preparation for the holiday, for the manufacture of gifts for mothers - greeting cards and a poster-invitation to the festive matinee.

    4. Develop from children kind and caring attitude towards mom: the desire to help her, to please her with your good deeds and deeds.

    Relevance project:

    Project includes 3 stage: preparatory, main, final.

    Estimated result:

    teachers: continuation of mastering the method design- a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

    Parents: the formation of partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of life groups.

    Security project activities:


    Drawing paper.

    Pencils, glue, colored paper, brushes.

    Implementation stages project:

    I Preparatory stage

    Topic definition project.

    Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.

    Selection of materials for project theme.

    Drawing up a plan for the main stage project.

    IIMain stage

    looking at pictures of moms

    Conversation "Gifts for Mom"

    Construction "Flowers for Mom"

    Conversation "What My Mom Likes to Do"

    ISO "Flowers for Mom"

    Reading fiction S. Teterin "Mom will be very happy"

    Theater scenes "Ears are naughty"

    Writing descriptive stories about mother

    Teamwork "Invitation to the Holiday"


    Riddles about mom

    Conversation on the topic "Oh, how I love my mother"

    Didactic game "Flowers"

    Conversation on the topic "What will I give my mother"

    Repetition of poems and songs for the matinee

    unconventional drawing "Flowers in the meadow"

    IIIFinal stage

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 175 "Neposedy" combined type
    Topic: "March 8 - Mother's Day"
    middle group
    Compiled by:
    middle school teacher
    Kisieva L.V.
    Vladikavkaz - 2016
    Topic: "March 8 - Mother's Day"
    Project type: informational and practical
    Project duration: short term
    Project type: group
    Form of organization of work with children: joint activity of an adult with children, independent activity.
    Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the holiday of March 8.
    Tasks for educators:
    Invite parents to actively participate in the project.
    Distribution of duties.
    The choice of effective techniques and methods of influencing the emotional sphere of the child.
    Improving partnerships between children and parents. Goal for children:
    To expand the knowledge of children about the holiday of March 8.
    To develop in children an interest in the tradition of celebrating it.
    Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.
    Tasks for children:
    Physical development.
    To form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.
    Socio-communicative development.
    Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life. In games - situations to acquaint children with the rules of the culture of behavior of men towards women.
    cognitive development.
    To expand children's knowledge about Women's Day, women's professions and their significance, for other people using works of fiction, art.
    To form the necessary skills and abilities in various types of work
    Speech development.
    Development of free communication between adults and children.
    The development of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities.
    Artistic and aesthetic development.
    To acquaint children with the poems of various poets glorifying their mother; to teach expressively with natural intonations to read poetry.
    Involving children in making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, educators.
    Learn to arrange the image on the sheet, taking into account its proportions.
    To fix the methods and techniques of drawing with various visual materials; cut out symmetrical images from paper folded in half.
    Development of musical and artistic activity of children.
    Tasks for parents:
    Help parents to unite at home in search of information on the topic of the project.
    Pick up literary works about mom.
    Make crafts, drawings, appliqués, etc.
    Pick up illustrations about the work of women; arrange a family exhibition of drawings on the theme "Mom is the most beautiful of all people in the world."
    The project includes 3 stages
    Preparatory stage.
    Determining the theme of the project, setting goals and objectives;
    drawing up a plan for the main stage, selection and development of joint activities of an adult and children: selection of literary works about mother; selection of conversations;
    selection of illustrative material for the creation of the album "Different mothers are important";
    organization of a family exhibition of drawings “Mom is the most beautiful of all people in the world”;
    design of information and educational newspaper: "History of the origin of the holiday on March 8".
    The main stage of the project implementation.
    Implementation of the project through the integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.
    Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities:
    Physical development:
    Outdoor games: "Pair run", "Pancake - pancakes", "Make a figure." Finger gymnastics: "Our mothers", "Helpers"
    Fizminutka: 1,2,3,4,5 we all know how to count.
    Hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep.
    Socio-communicative development.
    Teacher's story: "Road ABC" - to summarize the knowledge of children of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street.
    Didactic game "What is good and what is bad" Conversation: "Why you need to help girls and protect them." Playing and discussing situations: "Who will give in", "If it is difficult for a girl, who will help."
    Speech development.
    Conversations: March 8 - International Women's Day; "Woman is a hard worker"; "Family traditions";
    Acquaintance of children with proverbs about mother.
    Excursions: "Kitchen"; "Laundry"; "Medical office"; "Manager's office";
    Game situation - “Help mom cook soup and compote” Conversations with children: “My beloved mother”; “Different mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed”; Compilation of stories: "Hello, my mommy!"; "Mommy, mommy, mommy! I love you more than anyone!" Problematic question: “Why does a person need a mother?” Individual conversations: “What does my mother do”; “What do you do when your mom is upset?” A story from personal experience on the topic: "My mother."
    Artistic and aesthetic development.
    Reading children's literature, memorizing poems and proverbs about mother and grandmother.M. Tsvetaeva "At the bed"; R. Gamzatova "Take care of mothers"; E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"; G. Vieru "Mother's Day"; A Pleshcheev "Grandmother and granddaughters"; With Mikhalkov "What do you have?"; A. Barto “She is everything”; Artyukhov "A difficult evening"; Berestov V. "Holiday of mothers"; D. Rodari "What do crafts smell like"; E. Uspensky "If I were a girl"; V. Russu "Many mothers in the world" B. Emelyanov "I have to and I don't want", "Mom understands everything"; Exhibition of art works about mother.
    Vernissages of children's drawings: “I have been friends with my grandmother for a long time”, “The best in the world”;
    Pictures, illustrations "Help to mom".
    Illustrations depicting various professions.
    Application work: "The first flowers for my mom."
    Singing songs about mother and grandmother: "March 8"; “Dedicated to mothers and grandmother”, “Grandmother Varvarushka”, Chastushki.
    Listening to the audio recording "Song of the Mammoth".
    Festive concert: "I give you my heart."
    cognitive development.
    Labor assignments: duty in the dining room, in educational areas, in a corner of nature.
    Manual labor: Making holiday cards for March 8; making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, educators. Expected result:
    After completing the project, children will acquire the following knowledge:
    gain new knowledge about the holiday of March 8, its traditions of celebration;
    get acquainted with the professions of women and their significance for other people;
    learn to read works about mother and grandmother intonation, analyze them
    make up descriptive stories about their mother and their family.
    the emergence of a desire to be like loved ones in deeds, deeds.
    the emergence of a caring, respectful attitude towards the mother
    the emergence of children's practical skills in communicating with peers and adults.
    Stage 3 Final:
    Entertainment "I give you my heart";
    Exhibition of art works about mother.
    Design of the album "Mom's Professions"
    Family exhibition of drawings: "My dear mother".
    Information and educational newspaper "History of the origin of the holiday"
    1. Gerbova V.V. "Classes on the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten." - M: Mosaic-synthesis 2010.
    2. Komarova T.S. “Classes on visual activity in the middle group. M: Mosaic - synthesis, 2010.
    3. Lobodina. L.V. "Complex classes" under the program "From birth to school" middle group. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
    4. Sypchenko E.A. "Innovative pedagogical technologies". Method of projects in preschool educational institution. - St. Petersburg: OOO "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2012.
    5. Shorygina T.A. What are the professions? – M.: GNOM i D, 2005.


    Attract the attention of children to the holiday "eight Martha» and develop their interest in the tradition of its celebration.


    To cultivate a respectful, gentle and noble attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, a careful and sensitive attitude towards the entire female sex, the need to please loved ones with good deeds;

    To deepen children's knowledge about the role of mother and grandmother in their life;

    Contribute to the creation in children of positive emotional experiences and a joyful mood from the holiday;

    To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe profession of a mother; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and a desire to provide all possible assistance.

    GCD progress.

    caregiver: Guys, I'll read a poem to you now, and you try to guess who it says.

    The teacher reads a poem by E. Serova "Wizard".

    Wizards wherever children are

    All wizards can these:

    Know how to bake pies

    They know how to treat bruises.

    He only blows, strokes, rubs,

    Then kiss - and everything will heal!

    He lovingly keeps the peace of a child.

    He is kind, kind... Who is he?

    Will you tell me: "There are no wizards!"

    Why, I ask in response.

    Every quarter of an hour

    Are miracles happening everywhere?

    You will tear the stocking - but how!

    You can stick your fist in the hole!

    You will put on a stocking in the morning.

    What a miracle. He's whole again!

    work up an appetite in the garden:

    “Oh, I would like to eat!” And the table is set.

    There are cutlets, jelly and bagel ...

    Maybe your tablecloth is self-assembly?

    Do you dream of having a dump truck,

    In the New Year, look under Christmas tree:

    After all, it wasn’t the dump truck itself that jumped up?

    Without a wizard, there would be no point!

    caregiver: Guys, what magician is mentioned in this poem?

    Children: About mom!

    caregiver: Correctly. Mom - the child pronounces this word first! Mom is the word the child says most often! It carries the warmth of mother's hands and mother's soul. Mom is the dearest person in the world for every person. She gives us life, cares and loves us all our lives whatever we are. She gives all her warmth and kindness to keep us happy.

    AT group a balloon flies in, and an envelope is attached to the thread. The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, then opens the envelope and finds riddles, invites the children to guess them.

    Who came to me in the morning? (mommy)

    Who said it's time to get up? (mommy)

    Who kissed me? (mommy)

    Good morning wishes? (mommy)

    Who fed delicious porridge? (mommy)

    Who poured the tea into the cup? (mommy)

    Who played with me? (mommy)

    Who went for a walk? (mommy)

    Who is childish loves laughter? (mommy)

    Who is the best in the world? (mommy)

    caregiver: right, you guys guessed it, moms can do everything, they have time for everything. Not in vain, they say: Mom's hands are not simple, but golden.

    caregiver: Guys, what do you think, why do they say that mom "skillful fingers"?

    Children (sample answer): "Skillful fingers" means the best.

    caregiver: What does it mean "gold head"?

    Children (sample answer): "Golden Head"- means bright, smart

    caregiver: BUT "Golden heart"?

    Children (sample answer): So the heart is kind, sympathetic.

    caregiver: Our mothers cook, bake, wash, iron, sew, knit. And moms go to work. Let's guess who our mothers work for.

    The game "Mom's Professions"

    If mom treats the sick, then she works ... (doctor).

    If a mother teaches children, then she works ... (by teacher).

    If mom sells goods, then she works (seller).

    If mom cooks food at work, then she works ... (by cook).

    If mom delivers letters and newspapers, then she works ... (postman).

    If mom sews clothes, then she works ... (seamstress)

    In the course of guessing, the teacher lays out cards with pictures of professions on the table.

    caregiver: Guys, let's play with you now. The game is called "Continue the offer".

    The game "Continue the offer"

    Mom is caring, so she ... (takes care of children);

    Mom is skilled, so she ... (knows how to knit, sew, cook);

    Mom is tender, so she ... (regret, caress, soothe);

    Mom is friendly, so she ... (wishing everyone well);

    Mom is a hard worker (the house is cozy, warm, light)

    caregiver: Guys, listen carefully to one history:

    “Listen, Misha, what is wrong with you?

    Haven't you been replaced?

    Today he is rude to me again...

    Is it you, is it you?

    Yesterday you were kind, my son.

    Tried to help everywhere:

    Went to the store for bread

    Washing dishes in the kitchen!

    Today you quarrel with your sister!

    Well, what about you, prankster?

    Today I became myself

    Yesterday was your holiday!

    caregiver: Guys, tell me why Misha helped his mother only one day? Did he do the right thing? (children's answers)

    caregiver Q: How do you help your mother?

    Children make up a story from personal experience "How I Help My Mom" (2-3 children)

    caregiver: Guys, when you help your mothers, they get in a good mood. And the mood is different.

    The game "Mom's Mood"

    The teacher offers to pick up the most tender, affectionate words for their mothers and put them in a magic chest.

    When mom hugs, strokes, kisses? Which? (affectionate).

    When mom smiles, laughs? Which? (cheerful, happy).

    When the children are naughty, but the mother does not scold? Which? (kind)

    And if you are a mother love, then what is she? (affectionate)

    What if mom reads a lot? Which? (clever)

    What if mom works a lot? Which? (hardworking)

    And if mom cleans the house, erases? Which? (clean).

    And if mom does laundry, irons, then what is she like? (neat).

    caregiver: Well done! That's how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for moms. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten.

    caregiver: Guys, listen puzzles:

    Who love does not stop,

    Bakes pies for us

    Delicious pancakes?

    This is our…

    Children: Grandmother.


    Who will knit socks for grandchildren,

    Tell an old tale

    With honey will give pancakes?

    This is our…


    Always treat with jam

    The table will be set with refreshments,

    Our Lada, Ladushka

    Who? - Native...


    caregiver: Guys, 8 Martha- a holiday not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers. A lot of poems have been written about grandmother, about her kindness and thriftiness. And who is the grandmother in the family?

    Children (sample answer): Grandmother is mom's mom and dad's mom.

    Physical education minute "Okay, okay"

    caregiver: Repeat after me words and movements.


    And grandmother's palms are all collected in wrinkles (palms up)

    And grandmother's palms are kind - kind (stroke palms)

    All worked their palms for years (banging fist on palm)

    Good palms smell of cabbage soup, pies (palms to face and sniff)

    Good palms will stroke your curls (stroking ourselves)

    And kind palms will cope with any sadness (bring to face and blow)

    Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma (clap)

    caregiver: In a day "eight Martha» , International Women's Day, we congratulate not only mothers, but also grandmothers, and sisters, and girls. This is a holiday of spring and on this day all women and girls are given not only gifts, but also flowers. And we'll give our girls flowers (boys give flowers to girls).

    caregiver: You did a very good job today. Well done! This concludes our lesson.

    cognitive development. Topic:"We need all kinds of mothers." February 20, 2016 Target. To acquaint with the public holiday - March 8. To cultivate a good attitude towards mother, grandmother, the desire to take care of them, protect, help. Equipment. Photo albums, painting "Mom's helpers". Topic:"Mom's Helpers" 02/29/2016 Target. To form the concept of "household appliances". Teach children to group objects according to their purpose. Raise the desire to help mom. Equipment. Folder "Household appliances", toys: vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, electric kettle. Topic:"Visiting Grandma" 03/01/2016 Target. To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one). Fix ways to compare objects. Equipment. Tambourine, handout. The development of speech. Topic: ZKR - sounds "u - h". February 24, 2016 Purpose. Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound "u" and the differentiation of the sounds "u - h". Equipment. Euler Circles game. Introduction to fiction. 03/02/2016 Topic: Getting ready to welcome spring and International Women's Day. Target. To acquaint with the new poem by A. Pleshcheev "Spring"; exercise in the ability to congratulate women on the holiday. Equipment. Text of A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring", doll. Application. Topic: "Flowers as a gift to mom, grandmother."25, 03/03/2016 Target. Learn to cut and paste a beautiful flower: cut out parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding or obliquely), making a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, figurative representations, imagination. Cultivate attention to relatives and friends. Equipment. Illustrations depicting beautiful flowers, white paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin. Drawing. Topic:"Beautiful flowers bloomed." Target. Learn to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of shaping movements, working with the entire brush and its tip. Develop aesthetic feelings, a sense of rhythm, ideas about beauty. Equipment: album sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, napkins, coasters, a glass of water.

    Topic:"Decorate a dress for mom." Target. To teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements (stripes, dots, circles). Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination. Equipment. Dresses cut out of white paper; paints, brushes, a glass of water, a napkin. Physical Culture. Topic:"We'll go to the forest, we'll pick flowers for mom." Target. Exercise in walking and running in a circle; crawling on the bench on the palms and knees. Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch with both hands. Equipment. Gymnastic bench, balls. Physical culture on a walk. Topic:"We're looking for a gift for mom." Target. Practice walking and running in a circle, climbing in a tunnel, walking on a snow bank. Equipment. Cubes, wooden box, paper flowers. Music. Specialist plan.

    Sukhova Svetlana Nikolaevna
    Job title: educator
    Educational institution: GBOU lyceum 1537 school 2577
    Locality: Moscow city
    Material name: scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the middle group
    Topic:"March 8" (scenario of the holiday in the middle group)
    Publication date: 26.03.2017
    Chapter: preschool education

    Children enter the hall, stand in front of their mothers.

    Vedas: The sun pours its beautiful light,

    Birds are not too lazy to sing songs,

    The snow is melting and the sky is clear

    Here is the holiday - Mother's Day!

    We greet with smiles

    Our dear guests

    We start our holiday

    With his ringing song.

    The song is about mother.

    Vedas: And we also know poems

    We will read them now.

    1 child: On this day we tried:

    Neatly brushed

    Washed, dressed,

    To make moms smile!

    2 child: mom is the sun, a flower!

    Mom is a sip of air!

    Mom is joy, mom is laughter!

    Our mom is the best!

    3 child: I will get up early in the morning, kiss my mother!

    I'll give you a bouquet of flowers

    There is no better mother in the world!

    Child: Let the wind know

    And the stars and the seas

    What is the best thing in the world

    My mommy.

    Presenter: Mom is the most affectionate, most understandable word on earth. Mom has the kindest heart

    softest hands. But each of your mothers has their own mother - this is your grandmother.

    Child: All children love grandmothers,

    kids are friends with them,

    We are all grandmothers in the world

    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

    3rd child: Very much my grandmother,

    I love my mother's mother;

    She has a lot of wrinkles

    And on the forehead a gray strand.

    So I want to touch

    And then kiss

    Child: We are our kind grandmothers.

    Congratulations on Women's Day.

    For them today a song

    Let's sing great.

    Song about grandma. (sit down)

    Vedas: We also prepared a poem about helpers.

    Boy: I'm the only son of my mother,

    The mother has no daughter.

    How can mom not help

    Wash handkerchiefs?

    Soap foams in the trough,

    I'm washing, look!

    The washing game is performed by the boys.

    Music sounds, a doll enters.

    Doll Natasha: I'm doll Natasha

    I love sleeping in a wheelchair

    Lay me down and close your eyes

    It's like a breeze lulled me to sleep.

    Ride in a stroller is good for dolls!

    Do you know how to wheelchair?

    Performed by girls dance with strollers. (Saly)

    Doll: Thank you girls! You are very good at lulling. I even wanted to sleep...

    Music sounds and a bi-ba-bo bull-calf doll appears on the screen.

    Presenter: Oh, yes, this is Goby Kuzya. Kuzya!

    Kuzya: Ayushki!

    Host: Where have you been?

    Kuzya: On the meadow!

    Host: What did you bring?

    Kuzya: Flowers!

    Host: Why?

    Kuzya: I don’t know, I don’t understand anything about them, I just eat them, they are so tasty!

    Host: Kuzya! So these are such beautiful flowers! Don't eat them, better give to ours


    Kuzya: With pleasure I will give! Take it please! And I'm going to pluck the spring grass!

    (The presenter takes a flower)

    Presenter: Only I took a magic flower in my hands

    And the singing of birds and the murmur of the stream,

    As if I was suddenly in the forest!

    Let's dance with these flowers!

    Dance of flowers.

    Vedas: And we help mom,

    We collect all the toys.

    Let's show mothers and grandmothers how we can quickly clean up toys.

    Relay race "collect toys".

    Vedas: Well done guys!

    Vedas: How many children flicker, True mothers?

    You can get confused! Are you confusing your kids?

    Now let's check.

    Find your child game.

    Vedas: We invite all mothers to dance with their children!

    Joint dance.

    Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end.

    Happy holiday congratulations

    We are our dear mothers and grandmothers

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