• My boyfriend's ex girlfriend. My boyfriend's ex girlfriend is forced on him My boyfriend's ex is liked by everyone


    Imagine this situation - you and your boyfriend are happy together, you have a real idyll, but suddenly SHE appears on the horizon! His ex-girlfriend ... She interferes in your relationship, says nasty things about you, writes to your beloved, waits for him near the entrance, imposes her communication, and so on, on, on ... And then the most important question arises - how to get rid of this girl, who is all trying to tear you apart. Read the instructions for eliminating his ex on WANT.ua - we know exactly what to do!


    READ ALSO - A good relationship with an ex-boyfriend: how to make a myth a reality


    This is one of those questions that immediately pops into your head. You may think that she wants to separate you and take your sweetheart back. Or maybe she really loves him? Or does she just want something from him? Well, firstly, she rather wants to completely put an end to relations with her man, especially if they were supposed to have ellipsis. Secondly, she may simply want to take revenge on him. Especially if resentment gnaws at her, she was treated unfairly or exchanged for you. Thirdly, she just wants to establish friendly relations with him. Well, the fourth case is the most difficult, under the name, which may not want to return it, but will decide with all its might to spoil your relationship in order to annoy.


    Remember that there is absolutely no need to build friendship with such a “super ex” at all. It is better to refrain from any conversations with her at all, so as not to provoke scandals. Act natural, like it doesn't exist. And don't even think about getting into a verbal skirmish with her, let alone waving your fists. You can ask your boyfriend not to communicate with her and also not pay attention. Sooner or later, the girl will get tired of knocking on the closed door and she will get rid of, leaving you alone. Do not reproach your loved one for the fact that his ex climbs into your relationship. It's not his fault. It’s not easy for him anyway, and here you will add “fuel to the fire”. So it’s not far from parting - and then this girl will achieve her goal.

    "Imaginary Friendship". In the case where tip #1 doesn't help, you can play around a bit. Pretend to be her friend, invite her to friendly parties (don't forget to warn your friends). Throughout the party, let your friends toast you and your lover, say what a good couple you are and throw disapproving remarks and sidelong glances towards his ex. It's tough, but what can you do - in war, all means are good! Such an attitude will infuriate anyone, and she quickly retreats. In general, finish it off by any means known to you, including a bitch. In the case where you need to get rid of his ex-wife, one question to be clarified is whether they have children. If there is, you just need to put up with it, it will not disappear anywhere until your spouse is deprived of parental rights or until the children grow up. If the ex-wife nevertheless disappears after talking with your beloved, this is also not a reason for joy. After all, this gesture means that your man is not ready to take responsibility for his children from a former marriage, which means that he will not be responsible for your future children, exchanging his family for a younger girl.

    Another case is if the ex-wife begins to manipulate your man using children. In this case, you have to make a beautiful father out of your beloved, who will take care and help the kids. But remember, you will have to give up spending time with him in favor of the children. This state of affairs will only strengthen your relationship, and his ex may finally fall behind, realizing that he is not going to give up children. And yes, it would not be bad for her to find a “husband substitute” who can replace a man for her, taking on difficult issues. It is quite problematic to do this, because not every man is ready to accept a woman with a child, and even raise him as his own, putting the daily routine on his shoulders. But you have to try if you really want to be with your loved one.

    Why is she coming back?

    It will not be possible to repel the former if you do not understand why she, in fact, reappeared. The most likely reason sounds like "she still loves him." Most likely, this means that the relationship did not end normally, and she simply cannot leave without putting an end to it. The second reason is resentment and the desire to take revenge. If the young lady decides that she was unfairly and undeservedly abandoned, she will certainly try to return the bastard back - in order to leave him herself. The third option: about the ex-girlfriend who became his girlfriend. Nothing personal, they're just friends. Oh well. And the fourth case is the most difficult. It's called "ex-wife". It's complicated. However, we have detailed instructions for you for each type of ex.

    Instructions for eliminating an ex in love

    The worst thing you can do is befriend her. Because a woman in love is capable of anything. She is really capable of being friends with you, then having some boy and being friends with you "families", and then one day you will find her in your sweetheart's bed, and none of you will understand how this could happen. So all you can do is get your boyfriend to put an end to it.

    Most likely, this will be a difficult conversation for both you and him. In fact, you are forcing him to go and hurt the young lady, who is already suffering. Most likely, he will assure you that you made it all up (ha ha!), that he does not have any feelings (but the ex does!) and that you just need to stop making things up (well, well). Stand your ground. Let it all end.

    Most importantly, never try to talk to your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend on your own. You will feel sorry for her, of course. You will think that she is, in fact, a great girl, she just got hurt by love. You want to caress and comfort her. And then - see point 1.


    Instructions for eliminating an offended ex

    It is important to understand from the very beginning that this ex does not need your boyfriend. At all. She is not going to take him away forever - she is going to take revenge. She hates him - and you, by the way, too, even if you appeared in his life after their breakup. And since she hates you, you have the right to start hostilities. Everything is fair, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, yeah. So, her main problem is that she feels humiliated. Your task is to turn off pity and finish it off. The easiest way to do this is to let her into the inner circle.

    Turn on the violet girl mode, offer friendship, invite guests. Let the occasion for celebration always be something related to you. Invite your friends along with their halves. Let them toast your love and look at your ex with ill-concealed pity. The more actively she will draw his attention to herself, the more compassionate the views will be. If you have a couple of girlfriends who firmly believe in the inviolability of love bonds, be sure to call them too: these will also look contemptuously. And yes, of course, you should tell them all and ask for support. There is nothing more humiliating than to be in the company of women who are ready to cover you in tar and feathers. The ex will run away with her tail between her legs. And you catch her, of course. Make sure you come again. Whisper in secret that you have a nerd friend who has never had a girlfriend, and he really wants to meet such a bright person. Get it, in general.

    Instructions for eliminating "just a friend"

    For starters, you should decide whether you really intend to get rid of it. Because in fact, friendship between the former exists, and there is nothing wrong with it. But attempts to destroy someone else's friendship can lead to the fact that you will remove from your life not only the former, but also your sweetheart. Think again. If these warnings don't convince you, then go ahead.

    Your task is to really make friends with her. Get as close as possible. In no case should you compete with her, you should not try to become like her and thus survive the scoundrel. What was between them cannot be replaced by anything, because it already was. Different, not the same as with you. A friend is not a beloved woman, he looks at you differently. You can't replace her, but you can take her away from your boyfriend. Yes exactly.

    Become best friends. Spend as much time with her as possible - go to the movies, go shopping, have breakfast in a cafe, bake pies together, sign up for the same manicurist and read books together. Take up a common hobby. Make it so that she does not have time to communicate with your boyfriend, let her communicate with you. And try to sincerely make friends with her - this is important! Otherwise, she will be friends with both of you. Then there are two options for the development of events: either you really make friends and you forget about jealousy, or you still make her your girlfriend, and not him. And at that moment, you can quarrel with her forever. Smashed.

    Instructions for eliminating an ex-wife

    The most important issue is children. If they do not have common children with your sweetheart, feel free to follow one of the above instructions. If there is, accept: the former will not disappear from his life until the children grow up. And if it disappears, so much the worse for you: it means that your man is ready to give up children - well, why are you like this? Another thing is that

    my boyfriend's ex girlfriend is haunted

    Hello everyone! .. I never wrote on various forums and did not ask for advice, but now I need it!
    Here is my story. I have been dating a guy for about 5 months, and his ex haunts, and mostly me! She writes to him in social networks, rarely, but writes! She called him and wanted to meet, but he told her that he had a girlfriend and could not meet her! ... Then the most interesting thing began ... She deletes and adds him back to her friends, probably attracting attention thereby. Writes different statuses, such as forgive me my love, etc.
    I don’t know, all this really infuriates me! ... She will constantly remind of herself! ... They broke up almost a year ago, but they saw each other about five months ago and something broke out in him then to her, I read this, he wrote to one friend about it. Then, after their meeting, two weeks later, we began to meet. And I'm afraid that he still thinks about her! ... although he says that he put an end to it a long time ago, that I think about her more than he does! And that I am now next to him, not her. But I don’t know .... I constantly cry and I feel bad from this whole situation. Tell me something… Thank you!…

    Good afternoon! We have been dating a guy for almost half a year and during this time, I know, one woman calls him. As it turned out, this was his ex. Before I started dating, I already knew a lot about him, and he told everyone that he wanted a normal family, children, so that he and his wife could do everything together. And when we started talking .. at the beginning of the relationship, he said that he was waiting for someone like me, that he couldn’t be happier that he felt good with me, that I was the best, and that’s why he understands with me that he won’t meet better. I have already met his mother. But when I bring up the topic of calls, he says, don't interfere. I don't believe. Well, what kind of communication can it be if my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend starts calling him from 9 in the morning until the end of the working day.

    He is an athlete, sometimes competes. And now she tells me that she monitors his diet and regime, wants him to speak and just sometimes supports him and he owes her. I called her a sponsor..so he told me, don't you dare call her that. Well, what else is it called, she is not a coach, an ordinary woman. She is already 47 years old, he is 32, and I am 28. And when I just check his reaction and say, well, let me call her, we will get to know each other, you just communicate. .he said, don’t even think about it, why should I blush for you, then we will definitely part.

    He wants a child from me, but he wants to make an offer after I get pregnant, because. says if we get married, then suddenly I don’t like something and leave, and that’s for sure he will bind me to himself. Moreover, I say, let’s live like this, why do you need everything .. He says no, if there is a child, you should be with my last name. In general, I don’t mind this, but this is too frequent communication, and if he says that they are friends, why doesn’t she know about me, she would be happy for him. But he does not tell her, and what kind of friendship between the former can be, this is very rare, there is always some kind of subtext in communication. And such frequent calls, almost every 2-3 hours a day, but short-lived ... for a minute, two. And every time we swear, he dodges so that it turns out I'm to blame, although we have one reason, I endure I endure, but then I explode.

    It turns out that for the sake of the present and the future with me, he is not ready to give up this communication, moreover, I know that they meet 1-2 times a month. He is an ordinary guy from a simple family, he does not promise mountains of gold, because his mother is retired and is already sitting at home. I’ll have to live only with her, and now I’m already living alone, thanks to my parents, and I can’t imagine how everything will be. I don’t know what to do, I understand, this communication is not normal, it doesn’t suit me and how to accept it, he doesn’t explain normally what keeps him there?

    Svetlana, good afternoon!

    I sympathize with you - the situation is not easy and, as I understand it, causing you enough suffering. There is no question for me in your letter, so it is not very clear to me what you would like from me, a psychologist - advice? sympathy?

    According to my impressions, you have described everything quite clearly - you don’t like your man’s frequent communication with another woman, you don’t want to live with his mother, and it annoys you that the guy blames you during quarrels. I can tell you that would annoy me too!

    Therefore, in order to understand your further actions (I proceed from the most frequent client request - “tell me what to do”), try to answer the questions for yourself:

    • what you feel for this man - name and describe the whole range of feelings, from negative to positive. What feelings arise more often? How did you feel when you wrote this letter?
    • what keeps you in a relationship with him? The letter says quite a lot about what does not suit you, and it is not clear why you are still together.
    • do you hope it will change? if so, how much longer do you plan to hope before you stop believing it?
    • are you ready to be with him if you have to live with his mom and another woman in his life? (assuming that nothing will change - are you ready to live in such a reality as it is now?)
    • What will change for you if you break up? what if you stay together? get married? give birth?

    It is also important to understand what is important for you in a relationship, in a man - what you are ready to put up with, where you will seek a compromise, and what you do not agree to under any circumstances. Understanding your values ​​and importance helps you navigate the situation.

    Women give a second chance only to those who show strength and self-confidence. And this book will help you become just that strong and confident. You can get your wife back and start a new life with her. You need to act now After parting with his wife, many men panic and begin to take chaotic actions. Someone fills up with gifts, someone kneels and begs to return, someone begins to threaten his wife and blackmail with children, and someone even sits down on a glass. All these actions only worsen the situation and every minute reduce the chances of getting his wife back. However, if you follow our instructions, you will not only be able to get your wife back, but also establish a strong relationship with her. She will want you again, she will call you her man again! Therefore, do not waste your time on useless activities. Take our instructions and act on it.

    My boyfriend's ex-wife wants him back

    After a maximum of a month of such a relationship with your ex-wife, you will be able to see the true reason.

    And this will help you make the right decision. If you refuse your ex-wife's proposal, then this will also be the right decision.

    Women's weapons To get a positive response from you, many women resort to quite effective, but still straightforward manipulations.

    You should know them so as not to lose the ability to think rationally.

    Think about children. This is one of the most powerful manipulations when a woman puts not your feelings and understanding at the forefront, but children.

    Naturally, any man will be hurt by such a statement of the question, because no one wants to be an irresponsible parent.


    However, you must understand that first of all you decide the issue of personal happiness, and only then should you think about children.

    Terms of use

    So you can get your wife back with a 100% guarantee. It really works! So what is the point? The return of a woman is achieved by new emotions and sensations that she receives from her “old” man.


    But in order to achieve these emotions in such a difficult situation, you need to apply methods that seem illogical and wrong at first glance.

    In our book, we describe these methods and explain why they work.

    Your task will be to strictly follow these methods.

    And so you can bring your wife to the right emotions, and she will want to return to you.

    Everything is very simple! Get the book I want to get my wife back, I'm ready to act For 540 rubles you will learn all the methods of getting your wife back Get the book Get the book after purchase you will receive a link to the e-book Reviews Electron The book helped me.

    I was able to show my wife that I was not as hopeless as she thought.

    My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend wants to get back.

    On the other hand, you have either already married another woman, or are close to it, so your new woman is not indifferent to you.

    This is where the difficult question turns out: “And who to choose in this situation?” A simple rule applies here: "You should never deal with dubious partners when there are safe options."

    Therefore, if you are now happy in your new relationship, then you have no moral right to destroy your happiness for the sake of a dubious opportunity to make peace with your ex-wife.

    But if in the current relationship you are unhappy, then any of your decisions will be correct.

    Situation "Lonely breadwinner". When an ex-wife proposes to restore a relationship, and you are not currently in a relationship, then your decision should be careful, and your actions should be slow.

    My ex-wife wants my husband back, what should I do?

    If you were the initiator of the break with her, then you must be clearly aware and remember the reasons that caused the breakup.

    You will only need to make sure that these reasons are still there, which means that you should not return to a broken trough.

    And if everything is not so bad, then again the initiative comes from you. As a rule, if a man already has a relationship that he cherishes, then he should not return to the one that he previously abandoned himself. Of course, there are small thoughts about the past and a desire to “remember youth”, but the current relationship is still of decisive importance.

    If a man is without a second half, then after a couple of meetings with his ex, he feels whether there is a spark or not.

    And then he himself makes the final decision. Those.

    Ex-wife wants her husband back

    Concentrate not on the direness of the situation, but on what are the possibilities of its solution. Only then carefully and soberly considering each of the options and the possible consequences, make a choice. All the best in the new year, Evgenia Samatova Aliya Mirkhatovna Psychologist Kazan Hello, Renata! It looks like your young man in his heart has not completely parted with his ex-girlfriend. The process of parting is a long thing, about half a year is needed for this internal process. Moreover, they did not part on his initiative, he had unfinished internal processes.

    Therefore, his throwing is understandable. Now about you. Do not arrange tantrums, scandals and so on.

    Understand and support. Treat exactly her manifestations in relation to him.

    Do not ignore, but notice that she calls or writes to him. Be gentle and focus on what's good between you and him, not between him and his ex.
    Life circumstances In my practice, there were stories when men were forced to part ways with their lovers due to some factors beyond their control: moving, illness of a child or parent, difficult financial problems, loss of a job.

    They believed that they could not offer themselves as long as they had unresolved problems.

    Later, when their lives began to return to normal, they wanted to return.

    For some of these couples, things got better again. There may also be a wide variety of other reasons that pushed a man to leave, depending on his unique circumstances and personality characteristics.

    Ex wants to come back after he left, accept or drive?

    ANSWERS OF PSYCHOLOGISTS Voskresenskaya Evgenia Vladimirovna Psychologist Kazan Renata, hello! Yes, the girl of your MCH wants to return and is ready to act, but what do you want? Your situation is not as dire as you make it out to be.

    You have a sufficient number of outputs: - spit on the MCH and respecting yourself to find something more worthy; - win his attention despite the appearance of his former passion; - do not read his messages and trust him completely; - Continuing these relationships to start more and others; - focus on learning, not on relationships; - think about increasing self-esteem, checking how it affects relationships; - etc. etc. You have many options, each of which will have its own behavior.

    The main thing is not to think that the situation is hopeless. I will recommend you an exercise that will come in handy in any case.

    Always write at least 5 ways out of the situation.

    Ex wants my boyfriend back

    Your wound is still fresh and it hurts, and it seems like getting your ex back is the best medicine.

    If you still have a feeling of emotional loss, then you want to return the lost and regain the previous state.

    But this actually means a transition to the past, which is impossible. And does it make sense? If some path in life has led you to disappointment and pain, then why return to it again? It probably makes sense to take a different path, avoiding past mistakes.

    And then the question will already be whether you and your ex are on the same path.

    Reasons for leaving and returning Is there a second chance with an ex who wants to return? It depends on his motives.

    You may believe that he was brought back by a conscious and hard-won decision to associate his future with you, but in fact, he may be driven by completely inappropriate, unpleasant impulses for you.

    Ex wife wants my man back

    And you know, sometimes life without a father for children is even better than life in a family where parents argue and swear with each other day after day. Therefore, first decide for yourself, then think about the children. This is the only way you can do better for them. Manipulation of the past. The more time passes, the more bad memories are forgotten and good ones remain.

    This is a common practice when a person protects himself from negative memories.

    Therefore, women like to remind a man of the past (good past). Then the man looks back and realizes that their relationship was wonderful, everything was fine, and he is such a fool that he missed such a woman. And then he gets into the clutches of his ex. To avoid such a situation, you need to look at the current state of affairs, and not admire your past. Then your decisions will be more appropriate.

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