• How to live my husband does not. What to do if you don't love your husband. Hold. At any cost


    Author, I personally understand you. And you know what I will write to you. Anyone who does not feel it will never understand you!!! Well-fed is not a friend to the hungry, alas. You know, I'm in a similar situation. And you know, I personally redid a bunch of everything in order to reanimate relationships and much more and went to a psychologist, in short, I know that I did both what is possible and what is not ...

    I will write to you from experience, relationships are built by both. Those who write about their contribution to the relationship with their husband feel some return from their husband inside. But it happens, in my case, when there really is no return. Yes, the husband brings money, but plays with the children - but at the same time he may be deeply violet to you personally, as a woman and as a person.

    You know, I also talked about this topic with others before. I also heard a million judgments, but you will ruin the family, but be wise, but do it so that your husband feels good with you and so on and so forth. and so on.

    But, damn it, why should I make him feel good with me, but he shouldn't? Unfortunately, when you realize the deplorable situation late, of course you have to do it ... because there is an opinion, since you suffered so much and lived, gave birth to children, what are you getting out of it now ?? But, after all, people change, and what, for example, was easily tolerated earlier, is also not the attention of a husband, over the years it can be transferred differently ...

    And now I understand that you can be wise when, nevertheless, there is something in a relationship that suits you too !! But it happens when there is just nothing and be wise at least a hundred times - this will not help much.

    Author, trust your feelings. I am sure that the same tulips are just the tip of the iceberg in the sense that you tried to give an example in words that there is no love for you for you. In fact, it is not always easy to even put it into words like this.

    It just feels inside and that's it. And do not prove anything to anyone, believe me, few people will understand this if they themselves have not experienced it. From my own experience, I realized that my feeling that my husband was indifferent to me was just sensations, and then everything was gradually concretized at specific moments in my life.

    Yes, as they say here, a husband may not give flowers and be a cracker, but at the same time, a woman intuitively feels that she still loves her.

    But it also happens that you realize that just love is not there. You just understand - period. Then you simply begin to attach various evidence to this feeling, as I wrote above.

    But now I understand, I don't need proof. You have to believe in yourself. I didn't believe before. She could have left much earlier from her husband and to her children, but she did not believe her feelings, she also thought “I’m fighting with fat, like an adequate man,” and now it’s also a problem ... because of the children.

    Decide first thing for yourself, can you live without love? You know, when I was younger, I somehow managed without my husband’s love, I replaced it with something, and over the years I began to understand that, in fact, yes, I want love from my husband, a man. And why shouldn't she want, shouldn't receive, why should she deserve it with the same wisdom??

    You know how many women who are not wise and also scandalous, but strangely enough they love them. Yes, because they love different people, not because, but, as they say, DESPITE everything.

    If I were you, I would not look for an answer on Eve, because you won't find it here. Listen only to yourself. My experience has shown that even girlfriends and even the closest ones - and they don’t understand, “you’re mad with fat ...” they have similar sensations. Here you need to dig deeper, read other literature, even go to a psychologist, if possible. I went here, but even that didn’t help me, it’s just that at that moment I again turned a blind eye to not love from my husband and believed, believed that I would definitely fix everything, I’ll fix it myself, in short, everything is on my shoulders. But this is not so, the author!!

    If your husband at the same time sits on the priest evenly and does not change anything, you will be killed against the wall, but nothing will change. Yes, of course, it is possible for some period, a couple of months, something will change, but believe me, because everything will go away again. It is impossible to love only one person!!!

    As for the husband, most likely he gets somewhere what he needs and he doesn’t need to steam at home. Mine does this personally. At work, on the side he gets what he needs and then he gets purple for what I need.

    And also, in principle, probably, if I do not initiate a divorce or until someone of their girlfriends-lovers presses there on the side, they will continue to live with me under the same roof.

    But I know for sure that there is no love for me, and there is no love for the children either, although it seems like she does everything for the house. But then again, it does, because otherwise - of course, it is necessary to get a divorce, but he is too lazy, while he is comfortable - he does not bother - he will live like that ... And what should strain him? In the morning I went to work, I came late, without touching him in the evening, don’t call work - you’re in the way, don’t strain relationships on weekends - I’m resting. Why should he get divorced?

    My experience says that if he is impatient, of course he will get divorced, but just so far he does not need it. Perhaps, too, your husband is not on fire yet, why will he get a divorce?? Why would he create embarrassing situations for himself?

    Just understand for yourself, can you live in such a relationship without love all your life? 5 years, 10 years, the rest of your life? Is it good to live in a relationship when, in fact, there is nothing between people, emptiness, a wall??

    I repeat that I personally honestly tried to reanimate everything, fall in love with my husband again and fall in love with myself, it took years, and now I understand that I did everything, my husband never needed it !! it is convenient for him to live with me, I repeat, because what he needs, he gets on the side.

    Well, the fact that I’m there, somewhere under the same roof, doesn’t bother him, because in relation to me he’s just an empty place, or rather, I’m for him.

    And even when he gave me flowers just this year, I realized that understanding that you are loved - it sits somewhere inside you and depends on many everyday little things, not only on flowers once a year ...

    Someone doesn’t give flowers and a woman feels that she is loved, and sometimes, as in my case, she gave flowers, but I understand that it’s just nothing, or rather, she gave it rather because she did something on the side, whom found something, felt guilty, because. before that, he also never gave flowers or gifts and considered this also tinsel ...

    And, most importantly, I also nodded my head obediently and considered my desire to receive a flower or a gift - I'm mad with fat !! This is how a woman suppresses in herself everything that seems to be the norm just ...

    So author, your life is only your life!! You live, you decide. I also used to think that a woman is wise - if she pulls a family to the last, everything in her revives and creates and creates. But I realized that there are cases - when there is nothing to create, there is simply nothing, at least a hundred times be wise with the wise.

    To live with a person who does not love you and it is clearly felt inside - now I do not consider such co-existence to be wisdom. This is a banal fear of being left alone, fear of financial difficulties, fear of what people will say about how children will be without a father, a little jealousy that a husband will find someone for himself, and I, with children, will hardly find anyone, yes, and banal self-esteem speaks inside, it turns out that I am a divorcee = not a successful woman, not wise???

    You just need to decide for yourself what is best? Really live alone or see every day that you are an empty place for your husband? There are those who choose the latter and live like this for years and nothing, in a word, you have to decide for yourself with what you can live your whole life and what not ...

    And then, if there is really no love for his wife on the part of the husband, where is the guarantee that someday he will not mature himself personally before the same divorce, while you seem to have come to terms with living with him without love on his part ???

    The wedding celebration was noisy, the honeymoon flew by, the euphoria of the first period of marriage passed and ... It turned out that the person you married is not so loved by you. You no longer yearn in his absence, do not admire his every word and deed, do not thrill with happiness when he touches you. And every day you realize more and more with horror that you don’t love your spouse and don’t know how to live with your unloved husband further.

    It is unfortunate, but such situations occur quite often. They are especially common in marriages that have existed for several years. Many women living in such marriages, when asked whether they love their husbands, find it difficult to answer in the affirmative. Yes, there is a habit, there is, perhaps, respect, some kind of attachment. But love, alas, is no more. The majority of wives are quite content with this position. Like, what kind of love can we talk about if there is a common home, common children, common goals, finally! Yes, and they just got used to each other, got used to it, adapted. But there are also wives who suffer next to an unloved man, but, at the same time, do not dare to somehow change their lives. Are they right? Well, let's try to find the answer to this difficult question.

    Is it worth it to live with an unloved husband?

    Yes, unfortunately, it also happens that, having lived for some time in marriage, a woman suddenly realizes that next to her is a stranger and unloved person. Why this happens - who knows? Sometimes the reason for the disappearance of love is a series of disappointments, sometimes insults caused by the spouse, and sometimes just an inexplicable loss of interest in your half. But the fact remains, the love is gone. And it's good if a woman perceives this fact with natural wisdom inherent in the weaker sex. Then she will be ready for him and will try to maintain peace in the family and a friendly attitude towards her husband. However, not everyone has the strength to do so. Some of the women break the bonds of marriage, and some continue to live with an unloved person, tormented and secretly sobbing into the pillow at night.

    Resolutely part with unloved husbands are usually self-sufficient, self-confident women. They prefer to remain alone, but not to live with someone who does not cause anything but hostility. Women are weak, vulnerable, sometimes even very deeply suffering, do not want to take risks. Let unloved, hateful, but still a husband, a man who is always there. They are simply afraid that they will not be able to create a fairly strong new relationship with a man. Which of them is right?

    Each of these wives has their own right. One thing is obvious - a decision on a final break with her husband should be made only when the need is ripe for this. If we believe that we have no other choice but divorce, it would be wise to enlist the support of loved ones, relatives or friends. After all, a single woman may need their help at any time. Otherwise, it may happen that you will have to turn to your ex-spouse for support, and this is undesirable. Firstly, because she “died, she died like that,” and he should have thought about a new family. It will be quite difficult to create it if the former wife begins to bother the man endlessly. Well, and secondly, also from the fact that the ex-husband can begin to hope that he will still return. Why mislead him and make him wait for something that will never happen again?

    A woman who decides to break up with an unloved husband will have to ensure that her self-esteem does not fall. Unfortunately, in our not so perfect society, the status of a divorced woman is still lower than that of a married wife. A divorced woman is perceived by many either as a dissolute person, or as a loser, unable to save her family. This is especially true for small towns where many people know each other. In this case, usually no one is going to understand the reasons for the divorce. The woman is simply condemned, that's all. And such a condemnation, of course, puts pressure on the psyche of the “divorced woman”, forcing her to cringe under the gaze of people.

    However, the way out of this situation is not so difficult. A woman just needs to firmly understand that she does not live to please others. Therefore, it is not worth getting upset because of what neighbors or colleagues say about her. Our life belongs only to us, and only we can decide what to do in this or that case.

    Well, what if, for some reason, a divorce is highly undesirable? How to be then? Let's think about what could be the best option for such a marriage with an unloved husband.

    How to start life anew with an unloved husband?

    Many women who do not love their husbands continue to live in marriage because of joint children. It is understandable - the father is still better than someone else's uncle, and the children love him. And the attitude of mom to dad should not concern them in any way. I must say that this situation occurs quite often and it is quite difficult. After all, a woman, in this case, sacrifices her happiness for the well-being of her children.

    This is where the main difficulty lies. Mom and dad are, of course, equally dear to a child. And divorce is usually a very deep psychological trauma for him. However, if scandals constantly occur between parents in the house, they inflict equally strong blows on the child's psyche. And it is very difficult for a father and mother to hide their own relationship from a child. In addition, spouses often subconsciously place the blame for a failed family life on their children. And children are creatures that very subtly feel the inner world of their parents. The feeling of guilt will certainly settle in them and can remain for life.

    All this must be taken into account by a woman if she intends to save her marriage with an unloved husband. Scandals in the family must be minimized, otherwise hell will reign in the house, which will ruin the child's childhood. Or maybe for the rest of your life. If it is not possible to do without eternal quarrels, I think it is better to decide on a break. After all, divorce does not mean the end of the children's relationship with their father. In addition, it often happens that the father after a divorce begins to reach out to the children more than while living with them in the same family. Therefore, if living in a marriage with an unloved husband is completely unbearable, you should not keep the family just for the sake of children. It won't lead to anything good.

    Well, when you still manage to put up with the presence of an unloved husband nearby, you should think - is he really unloved? If the answer is unequivocal, it is probably better not to hide anything and talk frankly with your spouse (if the conversation does not involve the risk of a grand scandal). This will help to avoid many situations provoking quarrels in the future. No matter how passionately a husband loves his wife, sooner or later he will come to terms with the fact that she does not reciprocate his love. Ultimately, such marriages are found all the time.

    Sometimes a woman believes that she does not love her husband, but at the same time she pities him. Here the situation is ambiguous. Indeed, sometimes it only seems to us that love has passed, and we are next to a person only out of a sense of pity. Love can take many forms and even express itself as hate. Therefore, if we do not seem to love our spouse, but at the same time we feel sorry for him, it is worth considering - maybe this is one of the forms of love? And imagine life without this person. Will it cause heartache? If it does, then it's not so bad. Then the question of how to start living anew with an unloved husband is not acute. It's just that habit and everyday routine have dulled feelings, and it is possible to revive them with effort. And it is necessary, simply because it will be easier to live with feelings.

    It also happens that a woman seems to want a break with her husband, but at the same time she is afraid of the responsibility that will fall on her shoulders after a divorce. Such indecision, in fact, is evidence that feelings for her husband have not yet passed, and the wife needs his care and participation. In this case, she just needs to take a good look at herself and realize that she really feels good next to this person. And without it, it will be bad. Indeed, often we poorly understand what our true happiness is, and we begin to chase after a chimera. And then we regret the lost paradise, realizing, finally, that the former spouse was exactly what we need. But he already has a different family, and it is not possible to change something.

    In a word, whether or not to live with an unloved husband is an ambiguous question. And each woman must decide for herself. If there is a completely alien person nearby, who does not cause any positive emotions, it is probably better to part with him. Why torture both him and yourself? Each of us deserves love and happiness, and they cannot be sacrificed. Well, if positive emotions are still present ... Then, perhaps, it is worth saving the family?

    Hello Maria. Here you see in your husband you see that he does not LOVE you, you see in your husband his infirmity. and this means that the enemy is already showing you your husband, which is in your heart, you see, there is disorder in your heart, there is an enemy in your heart who got into your heart in sins, and this is how he tries to destroy your relationship and your marriage through you, such a state you have an enemy in your heart, because you don’t see the dignity of your husband, you see his shortcomings, you see in your husband something that takes away your joy, gives you a bad mood, but it should be WITH CUTE PARADISE IN THE SHUT, and what is said about LOVE , but about LOVE it is said that GOD IS LOVE AND WHO IS IN LOVE IS IN GOD AND GOD IN HIM. You see, GOD himself is in LOVE, therefore you also need to know that LOVE is a GOD GIFT. received the GIFT of LOVE in the heart, then such a state of the heart becomes that you become able to LOVE AND BE LOVED AND BE HAPPY. You see, here it is your state of heart, you see in your husband that he does not LOVE you. and you also feel that you are not FAVORITE. You see such a state of your heart today that you can’t talk about your husband and about his LOVE, you can’t LOVE, you see you don’t have the ability to LOVE AND BE LOVED, because there is a lack of the GIFT of LOVE, GOD’S GRACE in your heart. When I received the GIFT of LOVE in my heart. and you can receive the GIFT of LOVE as a gift when you are young, and such a gift can be once in a lifetime, and already try to save it, because where there is LOVE, there is an enemy right there. and he also wants to live in the heart, therefore he always tries to steal LOVE from LOVERS, and the enemy can get into the heart if the commandments and laws of GOD are violated, if we betray the GOD of LOVE by word and thought. You see, this is how it happens that you can receive a GIFT of LOVE as a gift, or you can receive a GIFT of LOVE many times a year. GRACE OF GOD, in Christian terms, through rites. And so it is already possible to lose the GIFT of LOVE from the heart through sin. You see what you write, this is that she was once LOVE, and today she is no longer there, you are probably not a Christian, you have lost the GIFT of LOVE from your heart, you see, you can lose your husband next, SEE HOW IT IS GOING, NOT YOU FROM YOU WANT TO REFUSE YOUR HUSBAND, THIS ENEMY IS TRYING TO STEAL YOUR HUSBAND FROM YOU, you see, this is how you need to understand it, but Christians know that the GIFT of LOVE in the heart can be restored in a Christian way, lost the GIFT of LOVE through sins, went to church cleansed his heart through confession and repentance from sins, from the enemy, and through communion received the GIFT OF LOVE GOD'S GRACE into his heart. You restore the GIFT of LOVE in your heart, which means GOD LOVE, and already GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST restores LOVE between the two. You see, it’s important to know, you got to Christians, if LOVE united you, if GOD united you, then Christians will never give you advice to destroy relationships, Christians will show you the way how to restore relationships and LOVE, you asked such a question, about LOVE is exactly what you need to help understand how to return LOVE to your heart at the beginning, and already GOD LOVE he will restore mutual LOVE. When you were LOVED, you had such a state of heart, and this must be returned. You see, there is no need to ruin a marriage if GOD gave you to each other through LOVE, and LOVE turned out when you received the GIFT of LOVE in your heart as a gift. then you see that GOD showed you to each other, and then helped you become a family, and when you lost GOD LOVE from the heart, which means the enemy settled in sins, and already the enemy is trying to realize his plan, this enemy takes away, does not give, destroys, etc. the enemy always gets into the heart, then tries to destroy at the beginning of the relationship and then the marriage. How would you be now, as if you lost the GIFT of LOVE from your heart, therefore you became unable to LOVE AND BE LOVED, how would it turn out that you have a sick heart, because the question can be put in such a way that you just need to treat your heart in the hospital of CHRIST, you same together. you are a family, you just need to restore in your heart the GIFT of LOVE according to Christianity through rituals, and GOD LOVE, having settled in your heart, will return mutual LOVE to you. As you can see, there is a continuation of this, you don’t need to destroy the marriage, but you need to restore the GIFT of LOVE in your heart. When the same you received the GIFT of LOVE in your heart, and became able to LOVE AND BE LOVED. and you wanted to live with your LOVED and LOVING husband, today you see there is no LOVE and no desire to live together. If you again receive the GIFT of LOVE in your heart, you will again become able to LOVE and BE LOVED. and you won’t ask questions anymore, you just want to live again, as once, when you created a family. Maybe your marriage was based on LOVE, you remember what the beginning was, now you don’t see LOVE, maybe mutual LOVE was at the beginning, because when you receive the GIFT of LOVE in your heart, you already begin to see those around you with the eyes of LOVE with the eyes of GOD. and if the second half is nearby. then you will definitely recognize it, and your heart will tell you, you see in LOVE all the work of GOD. In the beginning, here it is free will, and GOD LOVE hears, and only then GOD LOVE gives the GIFT of LOVE in the heart, he himself settles in the heart with additional power, and begins to help create a family of LOVE. He received LOVE in his heart, and everything is already GOD, he creates relationships. in the beginning, by LOVE, you find your soul mate, and then the two of them simply cannot live without each other, and then GOD brings the man to the woman, where the man offers his hand and heart, and if there is LOVE, then she accepts such an expensive gift This is how a family is created. You think, after all, you accepted your hand and heart, probably your LOVE was and the LOVE of your LOVED for you. It already turns out today that your husband is no longer giving you his hand and his heart, so what, he wants to take back what he gave. You see, you don’t write anything about the beginning, but it seems that there was LOVE, because today you don’t find your husband’s LOVE for yourself, so you need to figure out why you don’t LOVE your husband, if you LOVE your husband, then your LOVE would be enough for two. When the husband leaves the state of LOVE, if the enemy has stolen LOVE, then the wife must cover the husband’s infirmity, you see how to act, if there is no LOVE from the husband, then the wife must give her share of LOVE, and even cover the lack of her husband, you see, it’s already necessary from give yourself LOVE with a plus. It is not by human forces that LOVE is created between the two. This is GOD, he is able to give LOVERS TO EACH OTHER. When you are in LOVE, you see in the one you LOVE, you see GOD. You see in someone you LOVE, you see in him, EXTRATERRESTRIAL BEAUTY, you see what GOD shows, and GOD shows what gives strength to peace in the heart and joy, you see if there was your LOVE. to your husband, then you would not have seen his bad attitude towards you, you would not have shown this GOD being in your heart. You see, here he is your husband, if you were once connected by LOVE, this means you were connected by GOD, which means you two are as one, and in the beginning it happens. what is LOVE mutual and equal, like 0.5+0.5=1. But when one fell into infirmity, then already, so that the relationship would be preserved, and the marriage would be preserved, then LOVE looks like 0.3 + 0.7 = 1, you see, here he is GOD with his unity, his fullness in relationships, yes of course marriage is already it is supported more by LOVE that one gives out, but the main thing is weakness is covered, and if weakness is covered, then tomorrow GOD will already restore equal LOVE. You see, you need to hold out for some time, you need to stand in LOVE for your husband, when the husband is infirmity, this is how the husband does not show LOVE, then you need to turn the other cheek. must not give up. you have to be patient, you have to forgive endlessly. Another thing is not enough strength, then you see at this time, you need to start communicating more with GOD LOVE, and you need to go to church, and you need to refresh yourself, you need to accept the GIFT OF LOVE, THE GRACE OF GOD in a Christian way into your heart through rites, you see, you need to go to GOD LOVE and take strength for life, in order to have enough strength to cover the infirmity of your beloved husband. See how to act in your situation. When GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST gathered a lot of people and taught them, he asked the people WHAT YOU WANT, the people said LOVE with many voices. then GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST said LOVE SO. You see, here it is the law, for LOVE you get LOVE. If you were sitting in a clearing and talking with CHRIST, and the husband who did not LOVE would be at home at that time, then you see that GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST promises, it already turns out for the husband, he says to his wife, if the wife LOVE her husband, she will definitely receive a mutual LOVE. See for your LOVE for your labors in this, there will be a reward of mutual LOVE. As if here it was once mutual LOVE, and today you do not find this LOVE. both from the side of the husband, and in your heart it is not visible that there is a GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST one hundred percent, SEE HERE IT IS YOUR MISTAKE. YOU DON'T SEE THAT YOUR LOVE IS ALSO NOT ENOUGH, YOU SAW IN YOUR HUSBAND, BUT YOU DID NOT SEE IN YOURSELF, YOU THINK THAT YOU LOVE, but you see, if you LOVE, then you would be in joy, and in a good mood, therefore you just need to see to restore the GIFT of LOVE to you at the beginning in your heart, you need to take strength from the GOD of LOVE in order for you to begin to LOVE your husband, and for this LOVE of yours, CHRIST will give you the MUTUAL LOVE of a husband. After all, it is not someone else's man who must begin to LOVE. you need to start LOVE your husband, the one whom GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST once gave you through LOVE. And GOD LOVE, he is not mistaken, he is your soulmate, he is your continuation, you see, you have found yourself in your husband, your soulmate, you see, you don’t have to give up yourself. You see, this is the state of your heart, and there is a lack of the GIFT of LOVE in your heart, then you already need to start accepting the GIFT of LOVE as a Christian in your heart today, as soon as CHRIST settles in your heart. With the power that He once united you in family, then you see everything can happen again, again GOD LOVE can start giving you to each other. Through your ability to LOVE your husband, your husband's LOVE for you will be restored. You see, here it will be a bridge, through your heart, into the heart of your husband, GOD LOVE will pass as an arrow of LOVE, and again you can be the best for your husband. because GOD LOVE, having settled in your heart, will show you for a husband completely different, the one to whom he once came and offered her his hand and his heart, and the WTO time. You were the best. As soon as GOD LOVE enters your heart, you will shine for your husband with your irresistible extraterrestrial beauty, cling to each other again, and GOD whose name is LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST will lead you further. And so it turns out, here it is your question, and your husband can ask the same question, because you are the same in the state of the heart, and from the outside it can be seen, the enemy stole the GIFT of LOVE from both of you, GLORY GOD there is more something, because you are still together, but you see, you need to be together, and what would happen WITH A CUTE PARADISE IN THE SHUT, because you TRY TO CHANGE THE STATE OF YOUR HEART, start giving out your LOVE, then already your husband will see your LOVE, then he will already change , for your LOVE will give you his LOVE. therefore such is the law of GOD, LOVE is promised for the LOVE of CHRIST. Excuse me. GOD HELP YOU.

    Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "Hello Maria. Look, you see in your husband that he does not LOVE you, you see in your husband his infirmities ..." to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

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    After the years spent together, the spouses cool off towards each other over time. Sometimes the wife's feelings finally fade away, and she does not know what to do next. A woman is often afraid to be alone and continues to live next to an unloved man. Such a life does not bring joy to any of the partners. If a woman has fallen in love with another or no longer has feelings for her partner, the best way out is to break off the relationship, regardless of whether the couple has children or not.

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    Almost all couples in family life face certain problems, such as misunderstandings, crises, mutual cooling, quarrels, and so on. Some families learn in such situations to better understand each other, while others do not withstand difficulties and get divorced. Women often cannot make the right decision about what to do next if feelings for a spouse have cooled down or she loves another.

    Before making a decision, you need to sort out your feelings: have they finally passed or is this a temporary phenomenon.

    Psychologists' advice:

    • The first step is to let go of any guilt. To fall out of love does not mean to betray. A person is not in control of his feelings, he is free to control only his actions. But it is impossible to order yourself to feel love for a partner.
    • Over the years, the relationship between spouses has changed dramatically. Forward movements, ups and downs - all this is inevitable and natural. Psychologists have identified turning points that lie in wait for spouses after a certain period of years lived together: 3, 7, 10, 25 years. Experiences associated with certain events: the fading of passion, the birth of a child, a midlife crisis are quite natural. Do not file for divorce at the first difficulty.

    Reasons why a woman feels cool towards her husband:

    • lack of sexual desire;
    • boredom and monotony;
    • routine;
    • the man drinks, uses drugs, or treats her rudely;
    • lack of common interests;
    • quarrels, insults, mutual claims and accusations of spouses;
    • betrayal of a partner;
    • new love.

    Questions that a woman should ask herself in order to objectively assess the relationship:

    • You need to understand what feelings she experienced at the beginning of the relationship, what character traits attracted her, which prompted the beginning of the novel. It is necessary to take a closer look at the partner and see with a sober look how much he has changed. Perhaps the same knight in shining armor is in front of the woman, she just forgot about it.
    • If the relationship is in a deep crisis, remembering the good things that happened during a life together is not so easy. But it needs to be done. You can even take a blank sheet of paper and write on it all the good things that happened between partners over the entire period of the relationship.
    • A woman should ask herself a question: how she herself has changed during her life together. Gain confidence or withdraw into yourself. Then it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis and understand whether these changes have served her well or not.
    • It is useful to wonder what the family will be like in 5, 10 and 25 years. How communication will take place, and whether the joint future is frightening.
    • If a woman still wants to continue the relationship, she must ask herself the question: how can she improve the relationship. She may have to re-learn to understand, respect and listen to her partner. This is no easy job.
    • Imagine what life would be like without him. If the picture is gloomy and hopeless, then all is not lost, and the relationship can be saved. But if a woman feels relief, joy and happiness, the marriage must be immediately terminated.

    It often happens that a woman is simply afraid to be alone, so she is in no hurry to break the hateful union. Such a marriage will not bring happiness to anyone. No woman, no man, no children.

    Many problems can be solved by saving the marriage. But you should not continue the relationship if the feelings have faded. If a woman feels that she has completely cooled down, moved away and no longer loves her husband, then the best way out of this situation is a divorce.

    More than one family boat has crashed into everyday life, the lack of joint recreation and hobbies, therefore, so that the crisis does not touch your union, you need to work on relationships at the earliest stages.


    It's always easier to end a relationship when you don't have kids. However, often women realize that they no longer love their man, but they are trying to save the marriage for the sake of children. Toddlers always have a hard time going through the breakup of their parents, but psychologists are sure that it is better for a child to live in an incomplete family with one happy parent than with two unhappy ones. Children, having entered adulthood, copy the actions of their parents and build their family according to the model that they saw in childhood.

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