• Strong prayer for the rain to end. Prayer for heavy rain. Prayer during multi-day heavy rains


    Conspiracy from the rain

    The popularity of rain plots

    Various conspiracies and rituals are now very popular that can correct bad weather. They are used when bad weather threatens the death of the crop or can harm the person himself. Before deciding on such a conspiracy, you should think carefully. After all, the weather can not always be sunny and clear. The planet also needs rains and thunderstorms. This is necessary, first of all, in order to saturate the earth with life-giving moisture. Rain plots have been very popular since ancient times. They were often used by our ancestors in order to disperse clouds, calm the wind, and summon the sun. Usually they were performed by sorcerers, shamans. Now, any person can carry out a conspiracy from the rain.

    Conspiracy words from the rain

    As a rule, plots from rain are a kind of appeals to the egregor of weather control. And if the person who reads the conspiracy has enough personal strength and energy, then the weather can change. If you want to influence the weather with the help of conspiracies, then you must develop will, strength, imagination in yourself.

    If there are prolonged showers and rains, then you can use an interesting conspiracy. First, you will need to catch a large lake frog, take it with your right hand, raise it to the sky and read the words of the conspiracy: “Frog, water queen, order the rain to stop. The rain will stop, you will become warmer! ". They say that if the frog itself jumps from the palm, then you need to carefully look where exactly it jumped. If the jump was to the left, then the rain will continue. If to the right, then stop. If she jumped straight, then the rain will decrease slightly. It is a bad sign if the frog will sit further in the palm of your hand.

    Rain conspiracy for summer residents

    There is another very interesting rain conspiracy that summer residents can use. He will help stop the rain. This is very important if it rains for a very long time and it can ruin the harvest. In this case, you can use this conspiracy. It should not be used for joke or fun. Also, when doing it, you must believe in it.

    The conspiracy words are:

    Now, ever, forever and ever.

    Rain conspiracy video

    And they are looking for:

    Zagavar chtov stopped the rain conspiracy to disperse the clouds Conspiracy from the rain so that the rain does not go conspiracies from the rain

    A spell to stop rain and bad weather.

    Calming a storm is just as easy as causing bad weather. But never do this at someone's request or on a dispute without a real need. For this sin be afraid.

    Earthly firmament, heavenly firmament, cast aside lightning and thunder, angels of evil, angels of good, stand on opposite sides. Three names of the black trinity and three indestructible powers of the Lord, give power to the spell. Seven spirits of the planets Kassiel, Zachiel, Samael, Anael, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. North, south, east, west, the seal of the sun and the seal of the moon, I destroy with this spell the flow of water, the coil of the wind, I tame the elements and take away its power from nature.

    I know all the spells of the seven days given by the Lord, and all the psalms given by the Black Trinity, and therefore your strength is in my power. Amen.

    Just in case.

    If the rain is pouring down, there is good way stop him. We must throw the poker over the threshold of the house. Or take out hot stones in the rain. Or toss ash into the air. Remember! And suddenly it will come in handy.

    Part 7 - Spell to stop rain and bad weather.

    Conspiracy from the rain, conspiracy to calm the rain - stop

    A conspiracy from the rain to calm the rain - stop, a conspiracy for summer residents.

    This conspiracy is for summer residents to stop the rain.

    If it rains for too long and could ruin your harvest, you can read this conspiracy. You can't indulge in this conspiracy, stop the rain for fun.

    Plots only work if there can be a valid threat to the crop.

    And, of course, you have to believe in him, and to speak the words of the conspiracy on the machine - so nothing will come of it.

    Conspiracies only work for those who believe in them, not for skeptics. Read all conspiracies secretly from everyone.

    “Elijah the Prophet, God is waiting for you - go to Him and take the rain with you.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now, ever, forever and ever.

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    Prayers for good weather

    Prayer for rainlessness

    O Lord our God, listening to Elijah the Thesbite for the sake of his zeal for Thy glory, and during the rain that is sent to the earth, keep the commandment, also pack with his prayer the fruitful rain that was bestowed upon her: Himself, O Lord of all, from Thy mercy itself, we implore, let the rain be yours, grant your heritage and despising us that we have sinned, Thy rains have sent down on those who demand and ask for a place; rejoice the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Thy people, babies, and cattle and all of Thy creatures' other creatures, everyone else from You hopes to receive food at a good time. Thou art our God, God who is merciful and saving, and we give glory to Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    In addition, the peasants always prayed for rain to the holy prophet of God Elijah (Comm. 2 August)

    Prayer to the prophet Elijah

    O most praiseworthy and wonderful prophet of God Elijah, who shone on earth with your life of the same angels, with the most fiery zeal for the Lord God Almighty, even the most glorious signs and wonders, also by the extreme favor of God to you, prenaturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to heaven transformed on Tabor as the Savior of the world, and now in their paradise villages abide incessantly and stand before the throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and obscene, in this hour standing before your holy icon and zealously resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Man-lover of God, may he give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins and with His all-powerful grace help us to leave the paths of wickedness, pursue blazes in every matter, may he strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts, may he put us in our hearts a spirit of humility and meekness, a spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, a spirit of patience and chastity, a spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and those of others. Abolish with your prayers, prophecy, the evil customs of the world, even more so the pernicious and pernicious spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandment of the Lord, disrespecting the parent and those in power, and casting people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous anger of God and deliver all the cities and towns of our fatherland from lack of rain and gladness, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine warfare. Strengthen with your prayers, gloriously, those who hold our power in the great and laborious labor of government, help them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Help the Christ-loving army in battle with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our pastor holy zeal for God, heartfelt concern for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, for judges, ask for impartiality and disinterestedness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, all those in charge of the care of the subordinates, mercy and justice, submissive obedience and obedience to their diligence. Yes, we have lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be vouchsafed the communion of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He should be honored and worshiped with His Beginning Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Troparion of the prophet Elijah, voice 4

    In the flesh, there is an Angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second Forerunner of the coming of Christ, Elijah the glorious, who sent Elisseev the grace to drive away sickness and cleanse the leper, and to those who worship him, he sharpens healing.

    Prayer for an end to rainy weather

    O Lord our God, anciently the jealous Elijah of Thy prophet, he listened to the prayer, and for the time being hesitated to keep the rain: and now the philanthropic Creator and the merciful Lord, look upon us also on us humble and unworthy Thy servants, accept our humble pleas, and like our most generous and beseeching from your very love for mankind, give a bucket to your wealth, and shine the sun on those who demand and ask for mercy from you, rejoice the face of the earth for the poor for the sake of your people, but the baby and cattle and all other animals, feed them with your favor and give them food in good time. To her, O Lord our God, do not reject our prayer, shame us lower from our hope, but spare us by Thy mercy, and visit with Thy compassions, our days disappear, and our belly becomes scarce in illness: do not destroy us, iniquities for our sake, Thy indignation and anger are attracted to ourselves: but do with us according to Thy quietness, and according to the abundance of Thy mercy, with a broken soul and a humble spirit before You, we fall, and like a servant of indecent, even more worthy of a great penalty, in repentance We cry out to Thee: for those who have sinned and wickedness, and have sinned in everything, and Thy commandments transgress, and for this for all sake, bring us down, bring us in truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, betray us glory and destruction, lower let us drown us storm of water: but in the anger of mercy remember, and to the tune of Thy compassion for the sake of appeasement, and Thy creation and the work of Thy hands, as if it were Good, have mercy, and quickly deliver from all evil. Amen.

    Prayer for it to rain

    In days of sultry drought, Orthodox Christians pray to the Lord God for rain to fall. The harvest is dying, the native land is cracking. It is especially hard for the elderly.

    Many of us live off the vegetable garden.

    In the hinterland, wages are low, so a garden bed is almost the last hope.

    I endlessly hope that this summer does not become dry.

    If you live in a village where there is no Orthodox Church, there is no way to light candles.

    Looking at the sky, mentally ask Jesus Christ to let the gracious rain go and sprinkle all living things on the sinful Earth.

    While in the hut (in the house), again, if available, place an icon of the Lord God.

    Light an arbitrary number of candles.

    Read the following prayer repeatedly.

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Do not destroy our souls with testing, put an end to sinful punishments. Make it so that the rain falls drop by drop, the harvest rises and the hunger is satisfied. We turn our eyes to you in hope, we forgive all our helpless enemies. Do not leave the slaves scurrying desperately, crying to you for rain. Thy will be done, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Be baptized diligently. Blow out the candles.

    Pray until the Lord hears you.

    The rain will fall as a gracious absolution.

    Live in joy!

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    Prayer for an end to the rains

    “Two years ago, we got into debt by buying a farm. We pay terrible interest, we work with the whole family without rest, and as a result, a good harvest was lost due to heavy rains. Please write a prayer for the pouring rains.

    With respect and hope, Kurkin family. "

    Master Almighty, O Lord our God, pacify the jealous in the rain, ask with the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to keep the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while, and give us a bucket, and shine a clear sun. Do not let the glory and death of the cornfield in the field, the stomach of pestilence in livestock and every other beast and all animals. Give food You Yourself, You Yourself cut the sea from Heaven according to the abundance of Your mercy. Get rid of the rain quickly and quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Prayers for rainlessness

    From the editor ... These prayers came to our address with the following cover letter: “Brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers! I am sending you a selection of prayers in a drought, which was made and made available to us by a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and just a wonderful person Olga Anatolyevna Zheglova, God bless her.

    Let us pray in conciliarity, like our ancestors, Orthodox Christians, for the sending of rain to the Russian Land languishing from drought. Yours faithfully, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Omofor Foundation, Major General Alexander Vladimirovich Cherkasov.

    Creation of Calliastes, Patriarch of Constantinople

    O Lord our God, having listened to Elijah the Thesbite's jealousy for Thee, and during the rain that is sent by the earth, keep the commandment, give her the same fruitful rain with his prayer: we beg the Lord of all from your very benevolence, the rain is free to grant Thy inheritance: and having sinned , Thy rains have sent down on those who demand and asks for a place: cheer up the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Thy people, and babies, and cattle, and all other people: they expect to see You, and give them food for good time. Thou art our God, God, to be merciful and to save, and to Thee we give glory, to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    O Lord God to the Almighty, raise the clouds from the last of the earth, create lightning in the rain, blow out the winds from His treasures, call on the sea water, and pour it on the face of all the earth: We pray to You, and to You we will be pleased by the deed, confessing our sins, and from You rich mercies begging: commandment to wait for rain with a cloud hedgehog, harbor all Thy earthly, have mercy on the elders, and youths, and babies feeding their nipples, on the slaves of the earth, let him bring us bread for food, and grain for cattle, accept the prayer of all thy people, and do not reject sighing the poor, denounce us below with your anger, punish us below with your anger, below and seduce with hunger and thirst for your people: all your eyes trust in you, take food from you for good time. We hope for you, and don’t we believe otherwise, we expect rich mercy from You. For God is good and lover of mankind, and we glorify Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Thou art the commander of the land to grow various fruits; for our delight, You opened the springs of the abyss and the abyss of heaven for the sins of the people who lived under Noah, you flooded the face of the earth for the destruction of all flesh. Thou art covering Thy most exalted with waters. Thou art raising the clouds, and thus commanding rain drops to emit. Thou art raise up the water of the sea, and pour it out on the face of the earth. Thou art defining the rains, and send abundant rains, and fill the rivers of water, and feed the earth, and drink its reins, for the multiplication of its beautiful fruits, thou art dividing the sea and the river I have done, and pouring water from the stone, and water sorrow into sweetness transformed. The knowledge of the watery nature of its Creator, knows its Master, but does not know its due service. If he sees Thee, the Lord, angry with us, or immensely moved, death will do, or is hidden, and dryness and fiery air happens, and earthly vegetation withers, and we fall into the hands of trouble. If the pack sees You, the Human-lover of God, is benevolent and supportive, prepares the rains, and the clouds wear down to the ground, and the air is blessed, and the earth, having heard Your command, grows rich in fruits from its bowels. We pray to you for the Creator and Creator of all, saying: have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: remember as the work of your hands isma, vindicate the lack of our nature, as if you opened us. See birds moaning, cattle crying, infant crying, young men cry, old distress, orphans deprivation, widows solitude, poor lack of prayer, and all Your people a prayer voice, and visit the earth, and delight it with heavy rains: you are depriving phlegm, wilting by its wilting but to men, he hates the destruction of cattle. Sometimes you brought destruction to water, you remembered Noah carried in the ark, from these immeasurable waters: you remembered him, and birds and cattle, and beasts, and crawling, and you brought the wind to the earth, and the water died: both Noah and animals with him , like the seed you kept, into the existence of the second world; and now the air, which contains dryness, threatens us with death as well. Remember the people who trust in You: remember the birds, remember the cattle, and bring the spirit of dew, and let the dryness cease, and create the seeds of the earth for the nourishment of men and animals: and honor all the packs of Your care. Thou art vegetating grass for cattle, cereal for the service of men: and Thou art draining bread from the earth and exuding wine, and anointing human faces with oil: as if those who are given from Thee in abundance receive communion, in joy of heart let us glorify Thy goodness, the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever, amen.

    O Lord Jesus Christ our God, with His verb everything from non-being into existence brought, dust taken from the earth, and created a man, and with a word of soul and in Your image, the dear one, and the river: grow and multiply, and fill the earth; Give food with cattle and a corvid chick. You, even in the days of Thy great and saving Thy coming in the flesh, first with seven, then with five loaves of bread, Thou hast fed many thousands: Himself, the all-blessed Lord, and Thy people who call on Thy Most Holy Name, Thy all-ever and generous right hand, richly preserve. Look, O Lord, on Thy wretched people, opening Thy hand, and saturating all animal goodwill, mercifully reward us all. Thou, Master of Humanity, Thou art one Father of all of us, and to Thee alone we raise our eyes, like babies to their mother. Thine is the word, Most Good Lord: ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find. Give to those who ask now, O Lord, with spiritual food and necessary for the flesh, and feed Thy people who are hungry, the rains are in good time and the goodness of the air, and give the fruits of various abundance of the earth: in weakness and destruction, and ohevets, and in the ailments of various needy visit. Deliver, O Lord, Thy name calling every city and country from gladness, destruction, earthquake, flood, fire, sword and murder, grant us Thy mercy, the grace of Thy Godhead and Consubstantial Father and Thy Most Holy and One Honorable Spirit: prayers and prayers of the Most-Born Thy God-speaking apostles, and all Thy saints, amen.

    O Lord Jesus Christ our God, for the sake of our salvation, you deigned to wear flesh, and glorify the wonderful verbal nature, with Your ineffable benevolence and goodness, and in true knowledge of those who turn from the depths of sinful forgiveness, promise: when they will look to You with humility like servants, filling Your divine Then with boldness they will be able to have Thee, the Merciful and the Blessed God. Now, forsake all our iniquity, and incline Thy ear to us, and hear us humble and sinful, as sometimes you heard Elijah the Thesbite, as if with a single verb to bind heaven to the chastity of those rebellious people: you also commanded the usual philanthropy to the clouds Thou gavest drink to all of you with good water: sice and now pack with the prayers and warm prayers of that Thy saint, despise our iniquity and sins, and accept our prayers, and hear us in this hour of the warmth of those praying to You and resolve this earthly dryness, for the confession and cry of Your people , and send down on us a good rain, as if we may be satisfied with the water and our land will bear fruit in a time of use for our food, and speechless animals. Hey, O Lord our God, hear us sinners; and Thy unworthy servants, and do not despise our prayer, and may not conquer our iniquity Thy mercy, but incline, O Lord, Thy ear, and hear us. See contrition and have mercy, see from your holy dwelling, see the sighing of the poor; see the immature age of babies, exhausted by the wildest thirst. See the gentle babies bitterness, see the womb of the mother, see the breasts of the murdered babies, see the aged and the young, and despise our sins, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in mind and thought, and do not reject us to the end. We are not thirsty for one water, but also with the darkness of other evils, our sin for our sake: we see also to You, let the ripe and most abundant rain pour on us, and besides, Thy righteous anger tired of this captivity. We ask for both, and we pray to Thee, Human-loving, and fill our wells and fields with water, fill our spiritual fields with satiety, and fill Thy goodness: and the treasures, that is to say, our hearts, replenish the treasures and inexpressible joy and joy and fill the ineffable on us aspiration of the wicked foe. Thou art the Liberator of our souls and bodies, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

    Good Man-loving Lord, who made the earth with a single word, and made a man out of it, follow the inexpressible love of mankind of this fallen one, and who was perceived and sanctified as a slave to sin, for the work of Thy hands will not perish to the end, giving this and His commandments in memory of Thy coming and Your commands, and Divine incarnation. The same you labored, and you fought, and you were hungry and thirsty, fulfilling everything for our sake: he who entered the ship, and walked on the sea, and bridled the waves of divia and the anger of the winds, and endured all suffering, even to the Cross and death: yes in You did not suffer the same, and you were tempted, help us who are weak. Himself and now, Holy Tsar, our sickness is perceived by humanity, take pity on us overwhelmed by the overwhelming, and the poverty of the needy exhausted: give us Your goodness, reward our earth with clean water, to its fruitfulness, and grant us useful air. And as sometimes Thou didst save Thy disciples who were immersed from the sea, and the malice of the winds: also now save us from the situation that contains us. Soothe the sea ferocity even now, tame the resisting spirits by Your Divine command: give us peace and quiet from the mournful. To her, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, see and look down from Thy holy dwelling on this grape, and complete it, plant it with Thy right hand, and give the Right Spirit to deliverance from the misfortunes that come upon us, by the prayers of the birth of Thy Mother, and all Thy saints, amen ...

    Drought prayers for rain

    It is said about this saint: "Pray, and the sky will rain down." The very feast of Elijah the Prophet at such a time of the year when rain is especially needed. They pray to him for the gift of rain.

    O most praiseworthy and wonderful prophet of God, Elijah, who shone on earth with your life of equal angles, with the most fiery zeal for the Lord Bose, the Almighty, even the most glorious signs and wonders, the same, by the extreme favor of God to you, prenaturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh, with your flesh talk with the Savior of the world, who was transformed in Tabor, and now abide in their paradise villages and stand before the Throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and obscene, in this hour standing before your holy icon and zealously resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Man-lover of God, may he give us a spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with his omnipotent grace help us to leave the paths of wickedness, to pursue blaz in every deed; may he strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts; let the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the Glory of God and the salvation of our neighbors, instill into our hearts. Abolish with your prayers, prophecy, the evil customs of the world, even more so the pernicious and pernicious spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandment of the Lord, disrespect for the parent and those in power, and casting people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous anger of God and deliver all the cities and towns of our Fatherland from lack of rain and gladness, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine warfare. Strengthen with your prayers, gloriously, those who hold our power in the great and laborious labor of government, help them in all good deeds and undertakings towards the establishment of peace and truth in our country. Help the Christ-loving army in battle with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd holy zeal for Bose, heartfelt concern for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength, in temptations, for judges, ask for impartiality and disinterestedness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, for all those in charge, care for the subordinates , mercy and justice, subordinates are submissive and obedience to the authorities and diligent performance of their duties; Yes, we have lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be vouchsafed the communion of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He should be honored and worshiped with His beginningless Father and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    In the flesh there is an Angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, who sent Eliseev grace from above, drive away illnesses and cleanse the lepers; the same and honoring him sharpens healing.

    We magnify you, holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, and let us honor your glorious ascent on a chariot of fire.

    Saint Nikita of Novgorod

    Novgorod owes him its wonderful salvation from two disasters - from a prolonged drought and from a terrible fire.

    Oh, the Bishop of God, Saint Nikito! Hear us sinners, today those who have flown down to this sacred temple, and those who worship your honest image, and who fall to your sacred race, and tenderly cry: as if sitting on the throne of sainthood in this Great Novyegrad, and in one consequent lack of rain, the rain brought down by prayer, and packs To this city with a fiery flame I will hold back, I will deliver you with a prayer, and we still pray to you, about the Holy Hierarch Nikito of Christ: pray to the Lord, hedgehog to deliver the reigning city, this Great Novgrad and all Christian cities and countries from cowardice, flood, gladness, fire, hail , the sword and from all enemies visible to invisible, as if we were saved for the sake of your prayers, we glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Martyr Paraskeva, called Friday

    Paraskeva Friday in Russia is revered as a patroness and assistant in agricultural affairs, in family needs, they also pray to her for the gift of rain when there is a thunderstorm or hail.

    O holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskevo, virgin beauty, praise of martyrs, purity of the image, magnanimous mirrors, wise wonder, Christian guardian faith, denunciate idolatrous flattery, the Gospel of the Divine champion, the commandments of the Lord to a jealous woman who deserves to be blacked in thy eternal Christ God, lightly rejoicing, adorned with the augmented crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to thee, holy martyr, wake up a sorrowful woman for us to Christ God, and always rejoice with His most blessed sight; pray to the All-Merciful, with the same word open your eyes to the blind, may our scabs, both bodily and spiritual, save us from the disease; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that came from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace in our soul and body; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, so that yours for the sake of holy prayers will be given uncombed sweet sight. O great saint of God! O most courageous virgin! O mighty martyr, Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, wake us a sinner helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and utterly negligent sinners, hurry up to help us, for we are extremely weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, that with your prayers you will help, but you have excluded the darkness of sinful, in the light of true faith and divine deeds, let us enter into the eternal light of the day of the night, into the city of joy Even now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all Heavenly Forces the Trisaggable One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    O Lord our God, listening to Elijah the Thesbite for the sake of his zeal for Thy glory, and while the rain is sent to the earth, keep the commandment, also pack with his prayer the fruitful rain that was bestowed on her: Himself, O Lord of all, from Thy mercy itself, we beg, let the rain be yours, give inheritance and despising us that we have sinned, Thy rains have sent down on those who demand and ask for a place; rejoice the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Thy people, babies, and cattle and all of Thy creatures' other creatures, everyone else from You hopes to receive food at a good time. Thou art our God, God who is merciful and saving, and we give glory to Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    In addition, the peasants always prayed for rain to the holy prophet of God Elijah (Comm. 2 August)

    Prayer to the prophet Elijah

    O most praiseworthy and wonderful prophet of God Elijah, who shone on earth with your life of the same angels, with the most fiery zeal for the Lord God Almighty, even the most glorious signs and wonders, also by the extreme favor of God to you, prenaturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to heaven transformed on Tabor as the Savior of the world, and now in their paradise villages abide incessantly and stand before the throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and obscene, in this hour standing before your holy icon and zealously resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Man-lover of God, may he give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins and with His all-powerful grace help us to leave the paths of wickedness, pursue blazes in every matter, may he strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts, may he put us in our hearts a spirit of humility and meekness, a spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, a spirit of patience and chastity, a spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and those of others. Abolish with your prayers, prophecy, the evil customs of the world, even more so the pernicious and pernicious spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandment of the Lord, disrespecting the parent and those in power, and casting people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous anger of God and deliver all the cities and towns of our fatherland from lack of rain and gladness, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine warfare. Strengthen with your prayers, gloriously, those who hold our power in the great and laborious labor of government, help them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Help the Christ-loving army in battle with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our pastor holy zeal for God, heartfelt concern for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, for judges, ask for impartiality and disinterestedness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, all those in charge of the care of the subordinates, mercy and justice, submissive obedience and obedience to their diligence. Yes, we have lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be vouchsafed the communion of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He should be honored and worshiped with His Beginning Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Troparion of the prophet Elijah, voice 4

    In the flesh, there is an Angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second Forerunner of the coming of Christ, Elijah the glorious, who sent Elisseev the grace to drive away sickness and cleanse the leper, and to those who worship him, he sharpens healing.

    Prayer for an end to rainy weather

    O Lord our God, anciently the jealous Elijah of Thy prophet, he listened to the prayer, and for the time being hesitated to keep the rain: and now the philanthropic Creator and the merciful Lord, look upon us also on us humble and unworthy Thy servants, accept our humble pleas, and like our most generous and beseeching from your very love for mankind, give a bucket to your wealth, and shine the sun on those who demand and ask for mercy from you, rejoice the face of the earth for the poor for the sake of your people, but the baby and cattle and all other animals, feed them with your favor and give them food in good time. To her, O Lord our God, do not reject our prayer, shame us lower from our hope, but spare us by Thy mercy, and visit with Thy compassions, our days disappear, and our belly becomes scarce in illness: do not destroy us, iniquities for our sake, Thy indignation and anger are attracted to ourselves: but do with us according to Thy quietness, and according to the abundance of Thy mercy, with a broken soul and a humble spirit before You, we fall, and like a servant of indecent, even more worthy of a great penalty, in repentance We cry out to Thee: for those who have sinned and wickedness, and have sinned in everything, and Thy commandments transgress, and for this for all sake, bring us down, bring us in truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, betray us glory and destruction, lower let us drown us storm of water: but in the anger of mercy remember, and to the tune of Thy compassion for the sake of appeasement, and Thy creation and the work of Thy hands, as if it were Good, have mercy, and quickly deliver from all evil. Amen.

    Today, rain for humans is a common natural phenomenon, which is unlikely to greatly interfere with daily activities. But for the ancestors a lot depended on this phenomenon: the yield of the season, drinking water... Therefore, in order to call him, people read a prayer for the rain, believed that the request would help solve the problem.

    Natural phenomena in Slavic rites

    This atmospheric talent was deeply respected by the ancient Slavs, since their life depended on natural phenomena. The people believed that the dead and the drowned had power over the rain. When the drought hit, people stirred water in the wells. Any bodies of water on earth were a symbol of heavenly water - vessels. Prayer for rain greatly helped the ancestors to harvest and feed livestock.

    In times of lack of frequent rainfall, it was necessary to go to water sources and light them, pray and make it rain. Also, the Slavs walked around the wells when the rains did not please the land for a long time. There was a custom associated with three widows. The first widow carried the icon, the second - bread and salt, the third accompanied the first two. Holding hands, the women walked around the well three times and asked heaven for the gift of the long-awaited rains. Only women could participate in the ceremony.

    An ancient pagan rain-making ritual

    In some regions, it was customary to throw poppy seeds, coins, salt, and scented herbs into the well to cause showers. Sometimes the Slavs threw a pot of clay into the well. It was customary to steal it from neighbors or potters. Theft of dishes from the widow's house could have a particularly strong effect. There was another interesting ritual, which consisted in the fact that people poured water over each other so that it would rain.

    Orthodox prayers for rain

    Now the harvest depends on the quality of seeds, chemicals, perfect irrigation systems. But it was not always so. All "rain" ceremonies among the Slavs were necessarily accompanied by prayers. People put their whole souls into every spoken word to get the long-awaited rain. The richness of the crop and the life of livestock depended on this atmospheric phenomenon. One dry season could leave a family without food for a whole year. Therefore, the inhabitants of rural regions were anxious about the rituals.

    You can pray for rain:

    • Patriarch of Constantinople;
    • Prophet Elijah;
    • To the Lord God.

    The Legend of the Prophet Elijah

    Saint Elijah is an Old Testament righteous man. His personality is known to everyone because of the powerful abilities that he was endowed with. During his lifetime, he could kill about 400 false prophets with a sword.

    The history of Saint Elijah is connected with his deeds. He lived about three thousand years ago, when the nations began to depart from their faith. The society established rules that encouraged vices, godlessness and a cynical approach to life. For this, God punished the people of Israel with a drought for three and a half years. Due to the fact that the people did not accept the punishment, they did not want to renounce their ideas. But the drought continued. Saint Elijah grieved no less than the others. People could not feed themselves and livestock, from which they suffered. Thanks to the prayer of Saint Elijah to God, the Almighty gave the earth the long-awaited rain. Later, the figure of Elijah appears in the New Testament. And the church says that the prophet will appear among the living and take bodily death.

    Elijah is the master of thunder and harvest. Its predecessor is Perun, who was also a thunderer in the culture of the ancient Slavs. Legends say: Elijah was taken to heaven alive, therefore, according to the New Testament, he will return to earth.

    August 2 is the day of honoring Saint Elijah. Popularly, this day was considered the border of the seasons, a turn to the winter season. From the second of August, people could already use the fresh harvest. The holiday, which is celebrated on this day, among the Slavs is associated with marriages. Girls read prayers in order to get married with dignity, and men - for a strong family and a rich harvest.

    The Orthodox icon of the prophet Elijah

    Prayer to the prophet of God Elijah

    “O holy prophet of God Elijah, pray for us the Man-lover of God, may he give us, the servants of God (names), a spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His omnipotent grace help us to leave the path of wickedness; in the struggle with our passions and lusts, let him strengthen us; let the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good concern for the salvation of our own and those of our neighbors, instill into our hearts. Turn away from us by your intercession the righteous anger of God, so that we have lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be vouchsafed the communion of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Lord Jesus Christ; centuries. Amen".

    Fallout conspiracies

    Rains are the strongest conductors of vital energy. For this reason, conspiracies for rain will be incredibly powerful. But the conspiracy process will only be effective if the person truly believes in himself.

    First you need to tune in to a conspiracy to rain. The flow of thoughts should be positive. For the duration of the process, it is worth postponing all your worries and unresolved problems. What was conceived must be visualized, to present the fulfillment of desire. If the weather permits, then you can go outside and stand under the heavenly stream. But only when it's warm outside and after a conspiracy, you can quickly warm up so as not to get sick.

    On the street, you need to tell all your desires to every drop, and let your grief wash away with heavenly water. A person needs to feel every drop, its direction. When the latter changes, then you can be sure that all wishes are heard by heaven. If thunder and lightning flashes intensify, you need to wait it out. This is a kind of sign that heaven is not able to help at the moment. But there is no need to be upset - everything planned will come true, if you strongly believe and make efforts.

    Miraculous words: the most powerful prayer for rain in a full description of all the sources we have found.

    “Two years ago, we got into debt by buying a farm. We pay terrible interest, we work with the whole family without rest, and as a result, a good harvest was lost due to heavy rains. Please write a prayer for the pouring rains.

    With respect and hope, Kurkin family. "

    Master Almighty, O Lord our God, pacify the jealous in the rain, ask with the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to keep the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while, and give us a bucket, and shine a clear sun. Do not let the glory and death of the cornfield in the field, the stomach of pestilence in livestock and every other beast and all animals. Give food You Yourself, You Yourself cut the sea from Heaven according to the abundance of Your mercy. Get rid of the rain quickly and quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Conspiracy to rain

    Read also:

    In this material you can find all the information that will prompt the optimal solution for various situations that we most often have to face in our life. Leave your solutions to such problems in the comments.

    Conspiracy in the rain to meet the future husband and the love of a beloved man

    You can organize a long-awaited meeting with your future husband by making a conspiracy for the rain. To do this, you need to find any stone on the way to your home and bring it home. Then rinse under water, saying these words:

    “There was a simple stone, lying by the road and collecting dust. And now the stone will become clean and will help the one whose hands washed it. Forever and ever. Amen".

    After that, you need to dry the stone by holding it over an open fire. Next, you need to wait until it starts to rain, take a stone and walk around the house in which a person lives who wants to meet his betrothed three times clockwise. Then you will have to go east and find a strong tree that will cover from the rain.

    A strong spell should be cast near him in a whisper:

    “I will become a servant of God (name),

    I will go from the door by the door, from the gate by the gate

    To the east, to the east,

    To a tree strong and reliable, old and wise,

    I will put a stone under the tree, a solid and clean stone,

    And as long as a stone lies under a tree,

    So I do not know grief and loneliness.

    How is the week from this day,

    Meet me, the servant of God (name), my love,

    Yes, not the one that comes - it leaves, it floats on the water,

    And the one for the whole life to come.

    And my word will be stronger than this stone,

    And as said, it will come true.

    My conspiracy is strong as a stone - an alatyr. Goy "

    Next, you need to put a stone under the tree and go around it three times clockwise. After that, immediately go to your home, where, without taking off your clothes, soaked in the rain, you will have to drink three sips cold waterafter reading the prayer "Our Father" nine times.

    A conspiracy in the rain for the love of a beloved man has very great magnetic power. It is carried out in the following way. When it rains, you should go to the window, open it and say the following words:

    “Just as it rains from heaven, so the servant of God (name) will suffer for me. As a droplet runs on the glass, so my dear may not forget about me. Just as the rain cannot be collected in a sieve, so it cannot be separated and separated from my dear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    At the end of the words of the conspiracy, you need to cross yourself, close the window and read the prayer "Our Father". When the rain is over, the words will take over.

    Conspiracy in the rain for money and luck

    In order to attract money and good luck, you need to carry out a ceremony in the rain. A properly made conspiracy will lead to wealth and immense luck in the house. It should be produced during heavy rain, or better yet, downpour. To do this, you will need to go outside and, under multiple drops of rain, pronounce the following conspiracy words:

    “There are three forces, there are three waters,

    Three blood-water sisters.

    Heavenly water is rain

    Ground water - sea water,

    Underground water is key,

    And there is also God's water - holy,

    The rain collects all the waters together and gives me gifts.

    How many drops will fall on me

    So much luck and money will come into my life.

    My word is strong and forever stuck to me.

    The conspiracy in the rain for luck and money must be read three times, then turn around its axis clockwise and return to the house.

    Conspiracy in the rain for boredom and melancholy

    To carry out a conspiracy in the rain for boredom and melancholy, you need to take a sheet of paper on which names are written in advance (your own and the person on whom the conspiracy is being made), and substitute it under the raindrops. In this case, you need to read the following words:

    “Let the rain wash away our parting with its drops,

    Will inspire my beloved (name) strong sadness and boredom!

    As rainwater merges our names on the sheet into one,

    So let our lives merge into one!

    May my beloved (name) not be able to live without my name,

    And this rain will connect us forever!

    The words must be repeated as many times as it takes to get the sheet of paper completely wet. After that, this charmed leaf must be dried and hidden in a secret place forever.

    A conspiracy to rain for a loved one to dream

    For such a conspiracy, you should wait until it rains in full swing. As soon as the weather is appropriate for this kind of conspiracy, you need to go outside and put your palms up so that the raindrops fall into them. At the same time, you need to imagine in your fantasy the person on whom this conspiracy is being made, and say the following words:

    “Drip - drip rain, lull the darling. Let him dream, let us meet. Let him look at me - do not see enough. Let him love me - he will not stop loving. As you are strong, the rain, yes powerful, so my word is strong. Amen".

    Such a conspiracy has the best effect during heavy rain, which is accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning.

    Love spell on the rain. Love conspiracy in the rain

    At the moment when it rains, it's time to read a spell spell that causes strong love in another person. Even in the old days it was noticed that plots in the rain have tremendous power and if read the love spell of a loved one on the rain , he will instantly love the one who reads love plot on raindrops ... If you need to bewitch your beloved man on your own, perform the following ceremony. In rainy weather, go to the window in your house or apartment and open the window wide open say words of a love spell :

    The way it rains from the sky

    So the servant of God (name) will suffer for me.

    Like a droplet runs on the glass

    So my dear, let him not forget about me.

    How can the rain not collect in a sieve,

    So you can't separate me and my dear.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Cross yourself three times and close the window and read the prayer Our Father. Once the downpour is over love spell made for the rain will take effect immediately.

    A love spell spell for a man's love can be read on any day of Holy Week before Easter. This ancient love spell prayer with a strong effect is used only if you need to strongly and forever bewitch the person you love to yourself. Before performing the love spell on Holy Week, at least a day of strict fasting is required, and you also need to fast on the day of the love spell. If you are ready to make a love spell on your own with reading a conspiracy of prayer for love, buy a church candle of any size and color and a personalized icon of your patron saint and an icon of a person being bewitched (this can be a calendar). Removing houses

    All rituals for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells have tremendous power and can, with the help of verbal magic, change the fate of any person. If you need to marry your beloved man, read the love spell conspiracy after which you can get a strong family. Conspiracy prayer in palm Sunday read for love will help you quickly and strongly fall in love with the person you love and make him quickly marry you. Before the onset of Palm Sunday, break the willow branches that have already fluffed up and, bringing them to your house, read a love spell over them and on Palm Sunday give the charmed willow to the person whose

    A strong conspiracy love spell yourself made on apple saved quickly and forever will tie the right person to you with strong bonds of love. This very simple and quick love spell is done at home on an apple under the Transfiguration of the Lord. A variety of magic ceremonies and rituals are made with the help of an apple. In many tales, the magic power of apples is mentioned, these are rejuvenating apples and an apple that takes beauty, even in the Bible, Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for an apple. There are many love spells and love spells with the help of this fruit, but the ritual with the help of an apple on the day of apple salvation can bewitch a person to itself in 1 day. If you need to quickly and forever bewitch to

    A conspiracy to your salty tear is the most powerful love spell that will instantly and forever bewitch a loved one who has caused a strong feeling and tears in your heart. At the moment of strong experience, when “the soul is torn to pieces” and bitter and salty tears flow, the energy of a person is strongest and a special spell has tremendous power. The love spell prayer that is given below is just read at the moment when you, experiencing a feeling of love for a person, cried. Love spell conspiracy words that you need to say to your tears

    The most powerful and popular conspiracy, a person's call for a quick meeting will quickly make a loved one meet you. This magical challenge is read only outdoors and only in summer. To carry it out, you need to go outside early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and walking barefoot in the dew read a conspiracy appeal which is able to call a loved one to him by letting on him a feeling of longing and

    In order for the husband to hate his rival, a conspiracy is read, the separation of the husband's lapel from his mistress for thirteen new needles. The ceremony is very strong and is capable of once and for all quarreling a husband and a rival by returning the unfaithful to his wife in the family. Read a powerful plot over each needle once a day and take the needle to your opponent's door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy is done for 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ceremony, be sure to complete the conspiracy to the last needle. The lapel to forever quarrel between the husband and his mistress and make the husband hate his mistress is read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you

    A love spell will help to return the husband to the family - a prayer independently read in church on a candle. Immediately after reading the conspiracy to return her husband, he will return to his wife, becoming a loving and caring man. The conspiracy allows you to forget your mistress and even return the husband to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to independently return your husband to the family using magic, this method of returning a loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell conspiracy that will return feelings and love to your husband and make him return to

    A strong conspiracy love spell to the wind made on your own once and for all will bewitch a loved one and quickly instill a strong feeling of love in his heart. Immediately after carrying out the love spell and reading the conspiracy, the person on whom the love spell is made will begin to look after himself and will make sure that he is paid attention and reciprocated. Despite the fact that this conspiracy for love is a strong action, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not need magic items, photos and candles, for a love spell you only need to wait for windy weather and go outside and stand facing the wind to read the words of a magic spell on

    A good love plot is to be read Monday night. From Monday to Tuesday, from 8 pm to zero the day (the onset of 24 hours), take a glass of living water (from a stream, well or lake, river, pond.) And read on it a conspiracy of strong love that will quickly fall in love with a man in you:

    On the kindness and obedience of the husband to the wife, you need to read the conspiracy of obedience, which will make the husband an obedient person who cannot say a word to his wife across. After this conspiracy against the scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. A conspiracy of obedience must be read on 3 church candles of any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are only in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband you

    If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him tonight, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If, before going to bed, sitting in bed, read the magic words of a spell conspiracy, then on the same night your loved one who is at a distance from you will see you in a dream and you will dream of him throughout the night. It was this magic ritual that was used by girls who wanted to see their beloved as soon as possible, who for a number of reasons did not see you for a long time. After reading the next conspiracy, the beloved man, seeing you in a dream, wants to see you in reality sooner. Controlling other people's dreams, this witchcraft of esotericism is built mostly on visualization with

    An old conspiracy will help to discourage your rival and make your mistress stop loving your husband and quarrel with him. You can make this simple ceremony for a spat between a husband and a mistress on your own using love magic and reading strong conspiracy to cool the love feelings of a rival and husband. When your husband is not at home, walk around your house (apartment) from the front door clockwise, completing a full circle and reading this

    A good conspiracy to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom can be done by any unmarried girl or woman, a widow or after a divorce. In order to meet your soul mate, you need to go to the church gates without going inside and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church on a weekend. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and bowing, say a love love spell, a prayer for a quick meeting of the future

    If the husband was bewitched by a rival, or if he just had a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who appeared to him. You can make a strong lapel of a husband from a rival who will once and for all drive him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife on his own, and now the conspiracies will not tell you how this is done. Go to the graveyard in the afternoon and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and put it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the husband returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, after reading a strong lapel on it

    You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not walk with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, there will be longing for his wife in his head and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are in family or love relationships will help to charm your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read aloud the text of the spell of the conspiracy for eternal love 1 time

    Conspiracy to rain

    Since ancient times, people have used the power of the elements in carrying out various rituals. It was believed that the effectiveness of conspiracies due to this energy is significantly increased. The power of rain can be used for love, money and other rituals.

    A conspiracy to rain to make your loved one dream

    If a man is not around and you want to remind yourself once again, then you can carry out a simple ceremony to dream about him. When it rains, you need to go outside or at least stretch your palms out the window so that the drops fall on your hands. At this moment, you need to think about your loved one and speak a conspiracy:

    “Drip - drip rain, lull the darling (darling). Let him (her) dream, let us meet. Let him look at me - do not see enough. Let him love me - he will not stop loving. As you are strong, the rain, yes powerful, so my word is strong. Amen".

    The stronger the rain, the faster and better the ritual will work.

    Longing for the rain conspiracy

    A simple ritual will make your loved one yearn and yearn to meet. He will help when the partner is not around or when there was a quarrel, or parting. It is important to be confident not only in your feelings, but also in the operation of magic. To begin with, you should open a window and watch the rain and lightning for a while. In this case, you need to think about feelings and about the chosen one. Mentally ask the forces of nature to help you implement your plans. Take a piece of paper, write your own name and the name of your beloved, and then put it out the window so that the drops fall. Read such a conspiracy to rain:

    “Let the rain wash away our parting with its drops,

    will cast on my beloved (name) strong sadness and boredom!

    As rainwater merges our names on the sheet into one,

    so let our lives become one!

    May my beloved (name of the chosen one) cannot live without my name,

    and this rain will unite us forever! Amen!"

    Repeat the words until the sheet is completely wet. Then dry it and hide it in a secret place forever.

    Conspiracy in the rain for love

    If you need to bewitch a man you like, increase the strength of feelings or return your husband to your family, then you can use this ritual. It is important that there is a heavy pouring rain outside the window, but without a thunderstorm. Open the window, put your hands up so that drops fall on them and say a love plot for the rain:

    “As it rains from the sky, so you (name) will cry and toil for me. As a drop flows down a glass to a drop, so my dear does not forget me, only he hurries to me, runs to me. Just as the rain cannot be locked in a sieve and cannot be stopped, so it cannot be separated from my dear. Hantaa Ular ".

    Repeat three times. It is important to say everything loudly and clearly. Then wash yourself with rainwater and close the window. Look at the falling drops for a while and think of the beloved.

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    Strong conspiracies for the rain that will help bring luck and love into your life!

    Therefore, it is safe to say that rain plots are the most powerful catalyst for the fulfillment of your desires. Heavenly water will help you attract love, good luck and happiness.

    Positive energy of rain

    Before carrying out any strong conspiracy, you need to tune in to a positive wave, imagine the best result in great detail. Smile with your heart, preparing it to accept new feelings, which will certainly become reciprocal.

    Go out into the rain, rejoice in the heavenly water and tell her about your desires. Share what is weighing on you at the moment. Bad luck and loneliness must leave you and, along with the raindrops, dissolve into the ground.

    As soon as the rain changes its direction or gets even stronger, be sure - you have been heard.

    The conspiracy on heavenly water is carried out only in heavy rainfall. At this time, the energy flows are so strong that they break through any blocks that interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

    Be careful if the weather gets worse. Thunder, lightning and strong wind are signs that the Universe and nature are not ready to help you at the moment.

    Strong conspiracy to rain: we attract love

    This conspiracy will help you get rid of loneliness, find the love of the person for whom you have warm feelings, and even return your beloved / loved one.

    Write your name on a piece of paper, with the name of your sweetheart / sweetheart on the back. You need to substitute the leaf under the raindrops. While water is washing it, read the words of the conspiracy aloud:

    “Rain is a powerful weapon with our separation and dislike, its drops wash away our separation and loneliness. Beloved / beloved (name) will know about me, let her / his heart be enveloped in death longing.

    Heavenly water merges us, our destiny and future life into a single whole. May my beloved not be able to live a day without me, may every day be a torment for him without me. May the Higher powers and the mighty rain help me. Let it be so!"

    Good luck conspiracy in a downpour

    Luck is a capricious lady, but thanks to the element of Water, you will be able to attract her to you. As a result of the ritual, luck will accompany you in everything. During a heavy rain or downpour, go outside, spread your arms to the sides and say the words to yourself:

    “Water is a powerful force that helps me today. Heavenly water, underground, sea and holy water gather in one, in rain, which energizes me. How many drops fell on my body - let so much luck burst into my life. The word is strong, but the deed is right. "

    Then go home. Do not forget to change into dry clothes and drink a hot herbal infusion. Do not wash wet clothes for several days - they are saturated with heavenly water, through which good luck will descend on you.

    These conspiracies have a powerful energy that can open the doors to happiness for you. During fine weather, special techniques will be an effective way to attract love. Do not wait for good luck to meet you - rush to it yourself

    Drought and lack of rain are a serious problem for city dwellers and a real tragedy for summer residents, gardeners and villagers. The scorching sun during the summer months can destroy all crops in gardens, vegetable gardens and fields. Prolonged drought is also dangerous due to forest and steppe fires.

    Our ancestors, who did not have access to modern urban conditions, developed spells and rituals to call rain. They helped not only defeat the heat, but also provide themselves with provisions for the winter, preventing the sun from destroying the seedlings and crops. But do rituals and spells work to call rain in our time? What are the ordinances for invoking sediment? How and when should they be read? You can read about what spells are required, how to make rain at home, in our article.

    Rites for the rain

    Each nationality has its own ways of causing precipitation. Spells for calling rain are pagan conspiracies and are usually recited by shamans, druids, and other spiritual leaders. However, in our time, when esoteric secrets are available to everyone, it is possible to cause the necessary precipitation at home and without complicated long-term preparation.

    Rain ceremonies are found in both white and black magic. Dark ceremonies are dangerous for the energy field of a novice sorcerer, therefore they are not recommended. In addition, during the black rite, bloody sacrifices and presentations to the lower forces are required as a gift of their own blood. In turn, white spells do no harm to anyone, do not require bloody offerings and are effective in 80% of cases.

    Simple rituals for invoking rain during a hot period, which can be done at home, include:

    • Caucasian rite for "Princess Shovel";
    • Polissya ritual mourning of the mythical character - Makarka the drowned man;
    • Slavic water spell;
    • Romanian sheep wool conspiracy;
    • Orthodox prayer plot for the rain;
    • Belarusian ritual "River plowing".

    Let's talk in more detail about each of these powerful rites.

    Rite of passage for "Princess Shovel"

    The ancient rite of invoking rain and protection from forest fires is rooted in the customs of the Balkar Caucasians. Before starting the action, you should build a straw or rag stuffed animal. Rags or straw are wrapped around the shovel so that its canvas serves as a stuffed animal instead of a head. The finished doll is dressed in old women's clothes and is called "Kurek beyche" - Princess Shovel. Two teenage boys must grab Kurek by the arms, walk to her from house to house and chant:

    “We went out in the evening,
    They went out together.
    Kurek beach! We ask for rain!
    The rain will pour incessant -
    Abundant bread will be erected.
    Allah Akbar, Allah is great,
    Help Teiri to beg for rain! "

    The Princess-Shovel should be held carefully, with respect, as if it were a living woman. If you take the ritual seriously, without laughing and mocking the person speaking, it will rain the next day. You should not disassemble the Kurek Beyche - after the ceremony, the scarecrow should be placed in the garden or on the field. Thus, Princess-Lopata will not only scare away birds, but also attract rain to crops.

    Crying for Makarka the drowned man

    According to the ideas of the Slavic pagans of the pre-Christian era, the drowned were the lords of the precipitation. The drowned in the spring, summer or autumn commanded the rain, the winter drowned with snow and hail.

    Inhabitants of Polesye and in our time, to call for rain, mourn the mythical drowned man Makarka. For this ceremony you will need:

    • Long stick;
    • Well;
    • Poppy seeds.

    Poppy seeds are poured into the well, with a stick you need to stir up the well water, as if stirring it. At the same time, one should be sentenced in the manner of crying for the dead:

    Come to our land
    Shed tears for yourself and others
    Give the earth plenty to drink
    Don't let the drought happen! "

    “Makar drowned himself! Makarko drowned himself! Makarushka drowned himself! "

    After that, one should bow to the well, return to the house and pray for the repose of the drowned and suicides. Prayer can be anything - depending on the religion and confession that the caster adheres to.

    The charm of water for all occasions is very popular among the Slavs. To conjure water to call rain, you must collect the morning dew and water from a natural source. Mixing these liquids, the caster says:

    “How I interfere with the growing water with key water,
    So in the sky black clouds with a white cloud are mixed.
    Mix up, water, mix, healing,
    To heal Mother Earth,
    Yes, dry shoots - to drink,
    Yes, so that strong shoots grow,
    Yes stretched to the red sun! "

    Then the resulting liquid must be thrown out through the window, saying:

    "Beauty entered the room -
    Yes, she poured water out the window!
    How I poured, how I did not regret -
    Let the sky pour out and not regret!
    No sooner said than done -
    Let it be as I said! "

    This rain spell is very powerful. It may rain within an hour after reading the conspiracy. If this does not happen, you can repeat the routine until it starts to drizzle. It is important that the rain called in this way will not be strong and long.

    A powerful Romanian conspiracy to call rain is read on sheep's wool. A sheepskin product or thread for yarn is suitable as a material for the ceremony. The ceremony is performed on a specially dried area of \u200b\u200bland near the caster's home. The sheepskin is soaked in water and at noon rises to the sun, wrapped in the hem of the hostess's kitchen apron. In this case, the following should be said:

    “Heavenly lamb!
    Come to my porch!
    Spill the key water
    Yes, on my woolen hem!
    How much water I have in my hem -
    So it will be in my field! "

    In this case, it is necessary to squeeze water from the sheepskin onto dry ground, bow three times and return to the house. This rite will summon rain for the next week after the spell is cast.

    River plowing

    In Belarus, there is the following pagan ceremony to call the rain:

    • Women gather by the river;
    • Armed with wooden tools, they "plow" the river, singing the following inviting songs:

    “Rain! Rain! Lei stronger!
    Hit the river more fun!
    We will plow the river,
    We will plow the land
    So that you water our field,
    Gardens, round dances,
    Our sheds, our huts -
    Everything we are rich with today!
    So that we have a harvest -
    Rain, rain, water! "

    "Go-go, rain,
    There will be a borschik for you!
    Come out, come out to the krinitsa -
    There you will find yourself a sister -
    Water, natural,
    Bright, welcoming! "

    The more fun this ceremony goes, the more chances women have to invoke rain.

    You can make rain not only with pagan spells. Prayer conspiracies based on Orthodox prayers also have great power. One of the most powerful texts to be read on the night of the waxing moon is presented below:

    “Lord, the One God both on Earth and in Heaven! Let the rain fall on the earth according to Your word, but not the kind that You sent down for our sins during the Great Flood, but fruitful, pure - for the salvation of the souls of our sinners! For you are all-good, Lord, and you are merciful both now and ever, and forever and ever, Amen! "

    Then, crossing yourself and turning to face the moon, you should read:

    “In the name of the Lord our God, One and Sinless, I conjure:
    The rain is omnipresent, the rain is healing!
    Fall to the ground, sprinkle it with your life-giving moisture!

    This spell is one of the strongest, so it can rain while you are casting it. However, you should not stop - you need to finish reading the plot to call for rain to the end.

    Reverse conspiracy or rain spell

    In the process of casting a spell to attract precipitation, a novice sorcerer can overdo it. Therefore, just in case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the reverse conspiracy for good weather:

    “Stand opposite each other, Angels of Good and Angels of Evil!
    Cast away the Earth, thunder and lightning,
    Cast away, the firmament of Heaven, rain and hail!
    Let the rain stop
    The earth will dry out
    May the lost balance be restored!
    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen! "

    The opposite spell should be repeated 3 times, after which a handful of earth from a flower pot should be thrown into the street and the sign of the cross should be made three times. The precipitation will soon stop.

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