• What plots are on baptism. Strong conspiracies for baptism. Conspiracy for prosperity in the house on the Holy Epiphany Water


    The Holieral Period, which lasts from January 6 to January 19 is associated with Christian culture with the birth of Christ and submitted for these events that have been relevant and to this day tradition. On the night of January 19, it is customary to attend the church service and baptize the water that can be used as the healing entire subsequent year. The rite of bathing in the hole is popular - a similar procedure contributes not only to the physical, but also spiritual purification of the body. The last day of the Church is the most important. With him, the people are associated with many accepts and customs.

    Unmarried Girls in a Satar Night arrange fortune-telling on the narrowed, on love, but the older people know that this is the most gracious period to ask the Most High happiness for their home and loved ones, healing of all diseases and getting rid of troubles. Conspiracies for baptism (hump) have a special force and power, provided, of course, that your actions are supported by true faith.

    Traditional plot

    Epiphany conspiracy - what is he? It is believed that any water on this night is endowed with a miraculous force, so most of the conspiracy and rites of baptism are connected on January 19. In the iron or copper gray bidon, type water - fuel, spring or running. A wooden cross, preferably spruce, and three candles from the church must be attached on the bid lid. Throw three coins of different value into the tank.

    Say seven times in a row such a conspiracy on baptism:

    "Late at night I will stand, nor the light is neither dawn. I will go to the holy source of water - to God to come closer. I will listen to the singing church and remember all the grace that the year I brought me. Thanks for this is the Lord Most High. Let my coming home will sanctify peace, peace and warmth, and your God will be in it, because the chists are in front of him. Healthy soover and happy. Put a candle, hungry help, in silence will stand. I will not raise anything - then the sin is great: I thank for what I have. In the holy night I appeal to the Lord and the good I ask for myself and the hearth family, all households! Conspiracies on January 19 in the salvation of the soul Magic action have a wonderful. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

    Clear three times conspired. For the next week, visit the church and put the candle.

    Holy wash

    On the morning of January 19, instead of the usual washing procedure, make a ritual. It is recommended to use sacred water for this purpose, but in principle, ordinary will come.

    First, three times sore yourself with a cross with wet fingers. Take:

    "Staine is put by the saint." Washing out, think about good, about blessing, relax. Repeat the words: "I remove all the bad with myself, I cleanse the Water of God's soul. Wait bad - it will not return. And only joy remains. Amen!".

    Important! Do not wipe the face with a towel, let him dry in a natural way.

    Melting snow

    Among the conspiracies in baptism on January 19, the rite, which often used our wise ancestors. It consists of the following actions:

    • in the evening, preceding the holiday, bring the snow to the house;
    • in a preheated on the eve of the oven the slab melts it (the perfect version is a Russian oven, but nowadays the small number of the population owns such a relic);
    • while the snow melts, read the text of the spell: "The holy fire ordinary snow in the driver of Jordan turns, and John the Baptist grace sanctifies";
    • wipe the face with meal snow, whisper say: "Save and save, wonderful Jordanian water!".

    All family members should be washed in a similar way. To protect the dwelling for the whole next year From unfit, wipe the glass surfaces available in the house conspired water.

    Wet conspiracy on financial well-being

    Consides on Epiphany Water There are many, they differ in the way and the nature of the goal pursued. The stepanova method described below is aimed at eliminating money problems and further financial well-being.

    You need church water, which you will consecrate the corners of the rooms, pronounce the prayer:

    "In our house, stability is called, save from rampant decisions, from holes in the financial budget, from other mothers of lacerations. Conspiracy of the Epiphany night everyone will reach the ears of God. In sufficiency there will be all of us, so that the father's father was happy. Amen!".

    After committing the ritual, put the capacity with holy water in the reliable place, dark and covered from prying eyes.

    Protection against damage

    Epiphany rites and conspiracies are directed not only for calling and healing, but also at eliminating the consequences of the evil eye of the ill-wisher and envious. Having gained in a bottle of Holy Water on Christmas Eve, go to the shower and how much you can water yourself from my head to the legs.

    At the same time, these words should be said:

    "Christ, that was born on Earth, he was reborn in baptism. And I clean myself from the bad, and I inhale the full air of a new life. Give me to charge to me for success, so that you can and healed the soul, and to heal the body. Amen!".

    Please note that "souls" should not be too warm: maximum room temperature.

    Blessing kid

    There are conspiracies and rites of baptism in which the leading role is given to candles - be sure to church. Parents of young children are encouraged to hold a ritual of protection against evil and the blessing of the child for happiness. On Christmas Eve, on the eve of the Epiphany in the morning, January 18, break a piece of wax from the Holy Candle and tell him to the children's bed.

    Conspiracies for quick money for baptism

    Traditions, signs of baptism of the Lord,

    Conspiracies and spell for money in baptism

    Epiphany. Epiphany. Prayers.

    Read the prayer:

    "Jesus Christ baptism blessed whole light white. One please! Let part of his good word pops up to the share of my child (name) so that he did not know the misfortune, he did not know, blame for the laws, in order for the laws, his way would be ill. Oberegami and prayers with their reinforcement request. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

    Let the candle wax remain flattened to the crib. Watch that the baby does not tear him off.

    Epiphany Love

    The fortune telling on the shield was popular among the girls from time immemorial. What only they did not do to recognize the person of the person he himself, for whom they were destined to marry! Did not go around the girl and love spell. One of the most effective for its holding requires two long and thin candles and photos - girls and a guy. Keep in mind - the moon phase should be growing! If it is in a different state in the baptismic night, it is impossible to hold rites to attract at all - your beloved may turn away from you forever.

    1. Detain in a secluded place, turn off the communication tools.
    2. Install your photos opposite each other face to face.
    3. Candles with neat movements, sweep in the palms, so there is a slightly warming up of them.
    4. Carefully twist them, and the more turns will be done by you, the more efficient the action of a probitive ritual. The perfect number is 10 or 12.
    5. Read the spell:

    "In the baptismic night, a quiet candle was intertwined with another candle - on the eyelids, the eternal of their fate is now glued together into one. So the servant of God (name) with a slave (name) will come together, and the angels will bless them. Amen".

    Candles wrap in alway fabric and hide from strange eyes. Do not disconnect them! Conspiracies and rites for the holiday of baptism on January 19 should be performed by white magic, aimed at good and light. If after the ritual spent you feel the weight in the soul, it is recommended to go to the temple.

    Baptism is a holiday marked in Russia long before the appearance of Christian faith. Eastern Slavs believed that on this day the carriage sanctifies all water sources: wells, streams, neglected rivers. Sometimes the holiday was called the "waterproof". With the arrival of Christianity, the role of the carriage replaced the image of St. John the Forerunner, the man of the cross of Jesus Christ.

    Baptism, as well as the day of the water carriage, is filled with a special sacred meaning. This is the time of sanctification of water, the time when it acquires a special, healing force. But not one water filled with the magic of the day, because the baptism has long been the time of strong witchcraft.

    Magic of Baptism

    Baptism magic is not limited to the power of water element. Yes, the water consecrated on this day, as well as recruited in any source and even the well carries a healing force. It is useful to drink sick, people who are worried about difficulties and healthy as prevention.

    Among other things, the magic of the day brings on:

    • Love rites. Love spell, the practice of harmonization - all this will have a strong action.
    • Life. All the practices of the magic plan spent on this day will change further life. The cash rite will help to become successful financially, and the rite of a change in life will turn fate by 180 degrees.
    • Cleansing. It can be carried out with the help of aquatic element, plunging into the pond or through other rites. The main thing is to clearly understand that any cleansing must be carried out strictly according to the recommendations specified to the rite, otherwise the effect may be unfavorable.

    The magic of baptism is not associated with a certain egregor. Simply put, a person of any faith can take advantage of it.

    Conspiracies for baptisma water

    Epiphany water has a strong energy, because it is charged at a special time and according to special rules. It is very useful to use baptized water for washing and washing. This will help free from the negativity accumulated per day. Type the water in the bucket and say such words above it:

    "Water pour-overflows, the evil eye puproke is flushed, from the live bones of the birthside expelled. Water flows - drowning, takes all the trouble. Amen".

    After washing this water, the feeling of purity and peace will appear, the fatigue and tension will be accumulated per day. Epiphany water can be charged on a cleaning wash for half a year at the time of its consecration.

    You can also speak water for watering room colors. Dial the water from the evening to a bucket or pelvis, the bottle with a narrow throat will not fit. Put on the window and say such words:

    "Water-Zhivitsa, give the roots to get drunk. Water flows, sprout grows. Water is drowning, it takes the whole ride. Amen".

    Leave the capacity open all night. In the morning this water you can water and spray plants. Such plants will be loyal defenders of the house, will remove it from negative attacks from the side.

    Wanted to strong marriage

    Unfortunately, not all relationships are experiencing a time check. Some relationships are burned in the early years of marriage, others disintegrated after 10 years of living together. And all because the woman did not spend the rite defending marriage.

    It is the woman who is responsible for the safety of marriage. While a man produces resources for a family, a woman protects homemade hearth. In Russia, the baptism was used to bore their marriage, it is possible to spend this practice today.

    To do this, you will need:

    • Red candle;
    • Two hair: each of the spouses;
    • Tight cardboard sheet;
    • One red rose.

    From roses you need to tear off all the petals, decompose them by creating a circle form in the center of the cardboard. Cross two hair and place them in the center of the circle of roses. Slap the red candle and read the following plot over it:

    "And in joy and in the mountain, and in the woods and in the field, everywhere we go to hand together, and so many years we will pass as much as you live. It will not give us a sigh, will not tell us the thunder, and what will happen later - so everyone will survive. The power of our love in the age of strong - and there is always it. "

    After the wax candle, pour hair, covering a strong print for a long time together, saying:

    "Seal, forever we fasten our fate."

    After sealing a circle from roses with wax, gluing them in this way to a piece. Collapse the cardboard in the form of an envelope content inside, put in any post envelope. On the envelope to write the word "love" in large letters.

    Store this envelope in a secret place, you can close with documents about the conclusion of marriage or wedding. Such an envelope will make marriage strong, indispensable before difficulties.

    Rite to get rid of obligations

    Sometimes unreasonable obligations are imposed on a person. Everyone is obliged to defend their family, honor their parents and take care of children.

    But sometimes these commitments are not deserved, it may be obligations before:

    1. Former spouse or spouse. The Christian wedding rite fastens the bonds of marriage, and even after the divorce, each is responsible for the other. But in the case when the divorce happened due to the treason of one of the spouses, these obligations lie on the shoulders with a serious cargo.
    2. Parents who never cared for their child. Often it happens to children all his life lived in the orphanage, and with the majority of parents met. Take care of such parents or not - a personal choice of each, but if there are doubts that obligations are imposed, and do not proceed from clean HeartIt is recommended to hold the rite of getting rid.
    3. Former relatives. Such relatives can be attributed to the former mother-in-law, aims, shurry, daughter-in-law or slander. All these people are not native blood, and after the marriage between spouses decays, these people cease to be relatives. But obligations can remain at the energy level, and prevent personal life from pure sheet.

    All these obligations interfere with living normally, turn into painful energy attachments. And from malicious energy attachments, it is necessary to get rid of how soon. Baptism as no other holiday is suitable for this deliverance.

    For the rite you will need:

    • A person's photograph, from commitment to which you need to get rid of;
    • Black candle;
    • Refractory capacity;
    • Branch of coniferous tree.

    At night, after midnight, remove everything that tighteners and rolls: close clothes, rings, hair band. Welcome a black candle, put a photo right in front of it. Look into the eyes in the photo, after imagine how the black thread stretches from these eyes. This thread does not allow to move calmly, pulls and interferes. After taking the coniferous branch and burn it, it will start using a coniferous smell, a black smoke may appear. By this smoke, you need to fume the invisible thread at the same time, representing how it becomes all thinner and thinner and, in the end, rushes. Take the branch and throw in the refractory capacity. A photograph of a person to break and throw out as far as possible reading during the throwing plot:

    "Heath Trescchiy, Sand Zybuchi, I caught my first in the network, I took the second force under the ground. You do not destroy me, and do not pull me down, let me go, network all ruin. It will remain from the shackles of my only the chain and that winds will be separated, my obligations are from nowhere to me, so it will be now. My word strength is strong and indestructible, so it will be so. "

    The rite has a strong action, fully breaks the obligations on both sides, which is why it is why it is necessary to think well about the consequences.

    Epiphany conspiracy rites are mainly aimed at improving health and getting rid of foreign energy impact. However, some of them work comprehensively, and we invite you to make sure the effectiveness of the rituals below.

    Rite to preserve beauty and health

    "Water from the nebushka will fix everything, and I (your name) of beauty on White Lico and Health will add. In the name of the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    After that, pour water under the living tree.


    In general, on the night of January 18-19, any water is considered holy, regardless of whether it is in an open reservoir, spring, well or water supply. If you wash the water (the one that was first scored after the occurrence of January 19) with the words "From the street of a driver, with me - Lykhovimets" , you can strengthen your health.

    Conspiracy to financial well-being

    On the night of January 18-19, until midnight, you need to recalculate all cash, reading the following conspiracy:

    "Lord God God will appear,

    And in my wallet the money will be announced.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen, Amen, Amen.

    To secure the action of this rite in the morning of January 19, you can recalculate cash with words:

    "The Lord God of the world came,

    My wallet has the money tightly stuffed.

    May it be so".

    After that, make sure that your wallet is not empty to be empty - it should have at least one bill or coin. In this case, you will not have any needs before the next baptism.

    Ritual to get rid of negative

    If you suffer from constant failures and troubles arising from no particular reason, then in this case you can suspect the presence of a negative program on you. Conspiracies aimed at getting rid of the energy negativity have a special force and help relieve even the most severe damage and curses. The main tool in this case is miraculous baptic water.

    For example, you can bring water from the temple and standing in a bath or deep pelvis to pour it from my head to the legs.

    Water brought from three or seven temples has a more powerful cleansing effect than brought from one temple. Therefore, if you have a serious damage, it is better to use such mixed water.

    "The Lord was born,

    Baptism was baptized

    Famous for the name

    Jesus Christ.

    Like this water

    Runs off me

    So that

    And the whole damage

    I left me.

    Now and confessed

    And forever in the ages.


    Water used for ablution must be pulled out into the sewer or exhaust place.

    If you can't get married

    This rite of baptism is performed by parents, whose daughter is unhappy in his personal life and can not get married. Epiphany water is also needed for him, which was divided into three parts: one was given to drink a girl, the second was washed her, after which they were mixed with the third and poured water from the entrance to the house with the words:

    "Bed Likha, give the groom's slave of God (the name of the girl) to the marriage, to marriage, to the soft pillow, to the marriage bed. Caedi's eyes grooms, so that they don't look at the slave (the name of the girl) - they did not look out, they watched - did not see They did not bother. And there would be a slave (girl's name) for them as the sun of the Sun of Red, Minga May. Amen. "

    Let the conspiracies and rites of baptism presented below will help you secure yourself and our loved ones, happiness and well-being in the new year!

    In the manuscripts, which took me by inheritance, I discovered conspiracies to read on January 19 for the holiday of baptism. Do not miss the opportunity to get rich!

    In order not to impress the Lord of our Jesus Christ, we will not turn to the dark forces.

    The conspiracies themselves are compiled so that nothing sinful in them is contained.

    Go up to the Orthodox Temple and buy an arbitrary amount of candles.

    Type the holy water into a spacious container.

    Without religious ceremonies, come back.

    Nineteenth of January, not earlier, in orthodox holiday Baptism of the Lord, burn the remaining candles. Next place holy water.

    Drink it with a small sip, wash the mouth, hands, scrap, cheeks.

    In this particular day, the holy water is gracious and healing.

    Epiphany conspiracy

    The fire is righteous, all the grief grasping, give me money - so that you do not wander in need, the bread-salt eat. On the feast of the baptism, protect me from enemy arrows, away the bitter goal. How do you hear the request of my, let the money will be added, good people will remain too. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Epiphany conspiracy

    Oh, Holy Voddy, put me in an inexhaustible force, so that the beauty in the soul settled, and the flesh was not covered with a ledge. Omoi face, drink a little, anxiety will break out of the heart. Let the beauty I do not beat, the temptations will not be blind. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Epiphany conspiracy to marriage daughter

    Oh, the sun light and god beam, I'm tired of living among clouds. Let my daughter be married, I ask you, day and night. So that they happened, they pissed, as they quarrel - put up. The kids are strong, sinless ceaseless. We will tear the temple and the strength of the world, I'm waiting for the Lord answer. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    On the eve of the Epiphany (January 18), all households should consider money with the words:

    , Lord God of the world will appear

    And in my wallet the money will be announced.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Conspiracy for prosperity in the house on holy bachership water.

    In baptism, at midnight, pour a full glass of holy water and circle with him around her house. It is necessary to ensure that no drop has spacing when walking. Otherwise, everything will be in vain. Going out after that in the house, you need to say:

    Like the Holy Water is full-full, the values \u200b\u200bof Cherellow,

    so that my house was a complete bowl of all kind, zlata and silver.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Conspited Water in the morning you need to drink all over the drop.

    Conspiracy for prosperity and well-being in the house on holy bachership water.

    Take holy water and sprink her the angles of each room in the house, asking for losses from you and send financial well-being and wealth.

    Spend the rite in the evening on the eve of baptism (January 19). Water till the morning in the place where you usually store money and jewels.

    Conspiracy from losses for money and good luck on holy bachership water.

    , I am with holy water home,

    And you, money and luck, for me.

    All trouble and losses,

    Go to the other side.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Conspiracy for good luck and money on holy bachership water.

    In the Epiphany Night, spend the meditation of forgiveness. Remember everyone who else or unwittingly offended: the case, Slao, in thoughts.

    From the pure hearts for all sorry, once-handicap negative blocks in relation to these people.

    The more positive emotions and thoughts will be accompanied by manipulas, the more effective, and most importantly, the rite will work the rite and the manne will be fulfilled.

    In the morning, prepare a glass of hosted water and a piece of black bread. Light church candle.

    Holding a slice in the left hand, and in the right glass with water, looking at the candle, read the plot three times:

    How the right is that the Lord gave five breads, and thatthat Jesus Christ is God's Son, so the truth is that the Lord Milos-Tiv.

    Turn, Lord, my luck from the west to the east, from the north to south.

    Give her not three roads, but one - to my threshold.

    And you, Mount - Zlosta, Nizhi's way to Snake Utrobe.

    There is your place. There is your life. There is your being.

    And I'm in the charm, I'm rushing, I will assign silver with silver.

    Close the key lock. Key in the sea throwing.

    Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Eat bread, drink water. The candle is extinguished with your fingers (do not be blown).

    Up until 12 o'clock in the afternoon, visit the church, a snarker with him, and in front of the Savior icon.

    In my own words, from the pure heart, to ask the Lord God about help.

    Having come home, until the sunset is not with no food. Try to co-storing silence and calm.

    Do not tell anyone about your actions.

    Monetary conspiracy on baptism on holy bachership water.

    A conspiracy is made for money on the night of baptism - the Epiphany (from January 18 to January 19).

    Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, you need to dial to a conspiracy on baptism on the river, in a well or in a conventional water tap of water. The bidon must necessarily be of the unpacked metal (aluminum or steel).

    On the edge of the bidone you need to strengthen the wooden cross made from a coniferous tree - Christmas trees, pines, cypress or juniper. The cross can be made independently, cutting out a knife or tapping a cross - two twigs will take place.

    Also, along the edges of the bidon, three church candles should be strengthened. Throw three coins of different dignity and, preferably different metals in the water. In the old days they threw copper, silver and gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one).

    , I get up in the night, holy water take.

    Holy Driver, Holy Noah, sanctify the soul and body,

    let's proceed, angels, wings quiet autumn, bring the world of God, give God to my house.

    God we give, I put God at the table, The Most Holy Virgin and John the Forerch praying:

    Baptist Christ, honest forerunner, extreme prophetic, first martyr postnocks and deserts mentor,

    purity to the teacher and the close friendly of Christ!

    I pray, and you are not resorting to your interference from your intercession, do not leave my sins falling with many;

    update my soul with repentance, IKO with second baptism;

    clean the sins of Dexcorenago, and Ponuti, hatching nothing badly, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    After that, it is read over the water and coins of prayer to the Epiphany of the Lord:

    "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God's only beef, from the Father, before all the century born, light from the world, Enlighten everyone, in the last summer from the Blend of the Virgin Mary Neshnigar, and in this world to save our reached!

    You didn't suffer from video from the dialer's torch of the genus of a human goiter and this for the sake of the first-day day of your emulsion of your emotion to Jordan to the sinner and the Mytail were baptized from John, smashed, yes, let's follow all the truth and let it take in the waters of the Jordan sins of the whole world, Yako Lamb God, in the whole thing I will incur on myself and redeemed the baptism of the godfather, and the blood of the blood.

    I plunge into the waters in the waters in the waters, they rejected you by Adam Prisoner and the Holy Spirit on the Holy Spirit in the form of a blueberry, enlightenment and babies wearing our nature, and your famous Father will take you to the heavenly voice of His favor and the sins of them And myself has already been trapped on the miscarriage, the river itself: "Some loves my father's sake, I suppose my soul, I suppose, and Paki an existence," and Taco in all-in-free day of this, you, Lord, put the beginning of the redemption of our praoditelkagogo .

    Now for the sake of all the strength of heavenly rejoice and the whole creature is having fun, there is a freedom of free from the work of the existence, verbally: the attainment of the enlightenment, grace ahead, deliverance to Nasta, the world enlightened and people joy.

    Yes, the smoke now heaven and the earth and the world all playing; rivers yes splash; Sources and lakes, the abyss and the sea are peaceful, I can be consecrated by Divine baptism to consecrate their nature. Yes, they rejoice and the people of Sobati are rejoiced, Yako nature of their possession of Paki to first wellness and VSI with joy and sing: Epiphany time.

    Take a mentally to Jordan, the vision of the knowledge of it is usual: Christ is coming to baptism. Christ to Jordan comes. Christ is our in the water bit sins.

    Christ Ovcha Kidnappedo and Beslago comes to seek and enters the paradise.

    Of this divine sacrament the memoil is celebrating, diligently praying for you, humoring the lord: You have been able to attach to you to you, the source of the water of the water, and we have screamed the grace of your grace and leaving our sins and and have a rejected wickedness and worldly liness; chastely and nirious, and righteously and piously live in the current Either, waiting for the Blessed Hope and the phenomenon of Glory, Velikago God and the Savior of our Savior, and not from the cases of our sponsings, but in your mercy and to update the Holy Spirit of Your Bannet of Caigties, the Jenest I had experienced him, and I justified his grace, the heiress will be the everight of life in your kingdom, the earliest name with all the holy saints to us glorify the all-in-friendly name of yours with the original father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit now and in the eyelids.


    Z. Athmologist to preserve property on reclosers.

    On the feast of the baptism of the Lord, the Verbochek (Verbal Sparks, which remained from Easter) splashes their home and all the surviving buildings and even property. It protects everything from trouble, painting and fire.

    Conspiracy on lightweight life for a child on the baptisma candle.

    With the help of a candle, which remained from the festival of the Baptism of the Lord, you can talk a child who has not yet been fulfilled on a light life. To do this, stick to the diaper slice of the candle, reading this conspiracy:

    Lord, child lives the first nodok

    Many light roads went to him in life.

    Angel Savior, Guardian Angel

    Best give his holy hand

    Slave of God (name) bless

    For good time, good time.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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