• Ideas for a child's first birthday. How to organize and celebrate the first birthday of a child. A selection of fun contests


    As a rule, the first such holiday is celebrated at home. Parents should decorate in advance the room where the celebration will take place with balloons, draw up a poster or a wall newspaper, on which the achievements of the birthday boy are shown to everyone from the day of the first breath to the day of the first anniversary. In the wall newspaper, you can place funny photos of the child corresponding to each month of his growing up, for example, in the form of chamomile petals or wagons of a toy train, and also indicate some funny incidents from the life of the family that occurred during this year. It is more rational if the baby's mother delegates the right to be the host at the holiday to someone close: a grandmother or a friend. After all, she herself, most likely, will have to periodically leave the room where the celebration will take place, because of the hassle with the child.

    Exactly one year ago, a miracle happened:
    A new man was born.
    And since then, the family has changed,
    You will not find them happier forever.
    Let's have some fun
    On a wonderful birthday, children.
    Any pranks today are good:
    Throw the ball, even peel the candy!

    The song performed by the Barbariki Group "Happy Birthday!"

    Those gathered at the table begin to celebrate the holiday. During this action, the presenter unobtrusively highlights interesting information.

    I will be happy to share with you entertaining facts about the history of celebrating a birthday. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, only pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men had the right to celebrate this day. When a girl was born, this day was not even recorded in the documents. The first woman to earn such a privilege was Queen Cleopatra II (II century BC). The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the goddess of the moon - Artemis, they brought to her temple as a sacrifice round, like the moon, honey cakes, in which several wax candles were placed. North American Indians loved to celebrate not only the birthday of a child, but also the days when he first sat down and walked. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most common birthday is on October 5th and the rarest is May 22nd.

    The song "Birthday" performed by the Children's Choir "Giant" sounds in the background.

    How our baby was born
    I ate only milk.
    But grow without vitamins
    It soon became difficult.
    He is happy with new delicacies,
    The orchard helped us!

    I invite everyone to the circle. Let's play a fun game called "Fruit Dance"!

    The game "Fruit round dance"
    Game conditions: Each participant is dressed up with a certain fruit. You can prepare masks in advance, or suits made of cardboard. Several characters participate in the fruit round dance. These are banana, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pear, apple. The birthday boy is in the center of the circle, if he still can’t walk, then in his mother’s arms, and during the game he chooses one of the fruits. Each participant tries to please the baby. Once selected, the fruit is sent to an impromptu basket. To do this, you can arrange a place, for example, on the sofa. After the end of the competition, all the fruits, along with the birthday boy, are photographed as a keepsake. For this game, you can use the song that is on the Internet resources containing children's educational cartoons. It sounds like this: “There are very different fruits in the world! And, of course, adults and children love them!” In this work, each of the fruits listed above is sung very provocatively.

    Guests, praise the young mother.
    I spent a whole year raising the baby.
    I listened to the advice of moms with experience:
    How to bathe, how to entertain and what to feed.
    Boiled porridge, steamed mashed potatoes,
    She tried to please her child.
    Dad is very brave, he tried to help.
    I nursed this crumb, I had no rest.
    He did everything together with the child: he crawled and bit,
    Once, by mistake, he ate his puree.

    Dear men, tell me, are any of you capable, like our young father of the family, of such feats? I invite you to participate in the competition.

    Competition conditions: 2 men are invited to participate. It is necessary to involve those who do not yet have their own children, or the offspring are already adults. Each participant is given a sample of treats from several jars of baby food. It is better to use broccoli, cauliflower, meat purees with additional ingredients, such as buckwheat, since unsalted sterilized purees are more difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes when defining products wins. During the competition, everyone should be amused by how men will frown, twist their mouths from such a kind of children's food.

    This congratulation will remain in the memory of the family for many years. Dear friends, I would like each of you to give the birthday man today a congratulation as a keepsake. I invite those who wish to participate in the next competition called "Let's collect puzzles".

    Competition "Let's collect puzzles
    Competition conditions: 2 teams participate. A team of adults against a team of children. Puzzle blanks must be made in advance. For adults, these are parts of a big heart, for children, the picture is simpler, for example, a sun with rays or a bun. Participants must write a wish to the hero of the occasion on each detail and assemble the whole figure. Children who cannot write can simply draw a picture. The team that completes all the puzzles the fastest wins.

    After this contest, it's time for tea and a traditional cake with candles..

    Lovely cake! Candles on the cake
    Burn with fiery fire.
    This evening won't happen again
    But we will not forget about him.
    Years will pass, there will be a reason
    Guests rush to this house.
    And the child will grow up
    With love, happiness and kindness.

    Parents bring in a cake and blow out the candles together with the birthday boy. The song of the Crocodile Gena sounds. All participants of the celebration sing a song, eat treats and take pictures.

    How quickly time flies! Your little one's first birthday is coming soon! Many parents want even this, the very first holiday in the life of their baby, to be celebrated unusually, brightly and solemnly. They start preparing in advance - after all, there is a lot to foresee!

    Where will the holiday be?

    When planning the first celebration in honor of your child's birthday, you will have to focus on his requirements and needs in all matters. Although let's face it - it is this, the very first, the day of his birth that the child will not especially remember and appreciate.

    So we take into account rather his life's conveniences and needs, and not options for celebrating.

    Restaurant or cafe

    Adults often prefer to spend holidays in cafes or restaurants. Of course, it is convenient and pleasant - a beautifully decorated hall, deliciously prepared dishes, attendants ...

    But we would not advise celebrating a children's birthday in such conditions - small children are bored there, there is nothing to do, and a special menu requires a non-standard approach.


    You can organize a trip to nature. If the baby is lucky to be born in the warm season, you can have a very fun holiday. Children will play wonderfully on the blankets spread on the grass and breathe in the fresh air.

    It is only important to take into account the safety rules if you are lighting a fire or camping near a pond.

    At home

    Most often, children's holidays at this age are arranged at home. With such small children, this is, of course, the best option. The familiar environment will not make the child nervous, and therefore capricious, at home it is more convenient for children to wash, change clothes and feed.

    In addition, you will not be limited in time by inviting relatives. Even if they come during the child's quiet hour, you will not interfere with the baby.

    We invite guests

    Who will come to your baby's first birthday party? We want to warn you right away - a large number of guests for a child can be a difficult test. Too many impressions overload the psyche of a small child and can provoke whims or tears.

    Relatives and family

    Usually relatives and closest friends of the family come to the child's first birthday. This option is good in the sense that the baby will feel comfortable and calm surrounded by guests.

    Again, to be honest, by and large, this is still a holiday for parents and relatives who are happy to celebrate the first “round” date of their treasure.

    Acquaintances and "friends in the sandbox"

    Another common option is when acquaintances with children of the same age come to visit. As a rule, these are the first friends of your baby, as they say, comrades in the sandbox.

    However, if you decide to invite kids to the holiday, keep in mind that these should be only a few well-known and pleasant mothers. Children at this age do not yet play together, so you will have to keep them busy yourself.

    Holiday format and entertainment: what can you do?

    Another difficult question is in what format to celebrate a year old child? They still cannot sit like adults at the table and have small talk, participate in competitions or sing karaoke - too. Of course we joke, but in every joke there is some truth.

    On the other hand, arranging gatherings for friends and relatives, leaving the kids to play on the rug, is also not good. Therefore, ideas for entertaining guests, at least approximately, should be invented.


    We dedicate the beginning of the event to the “highlight of the program”. It makes sense to sit down at the table all together - both children and relatives. Let's congratulate the baby, we wish him all the best in his future, such a long life.

    Time to give gifts

    When to give gifts - you know better. It depends on whether you will keep the kids busy with some activities and games, or if you think that you must feed the children first (if, for example, guests come after a quiet hour).

    Just keep in mind that gift-toys will occupy the children for a while and you can relax a bit and chat with your family.

    Entertainment for adults

    If the children are busy with their own affairs, entertain the adult guests. Invite them to draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion, hold a quiz contest “Who knows the birthday man better” (birth time, weight, height, first word, when he learned to sit-walk, etc.).

    Adults like to win competitions no less than children, so prepare funny prizes for those who excel.

    Children's contests and games

    Don't forget that it's still a children's birthday. Play with them in different games and contests. Of course, absolutely everyone should win here. In a year, you can just dance, dance or play ball.

    Putting on a puppet show

    You can show the kids a small puppet show. Absolutely any adult can handle a small role. You can choose a fairy tale known to children, or you can come up with an idea of ​​​​how different animals came to congratulate the birthday man.

    By the way, if you write the texts in advance, then your guests will be able to get acquainted with the role and perform at the premiere in a few minutes.

    What to choose for room decor?


    Of course, on your birthday you want to decorate everything around. However, again, take into account the age of your birthday. The best decoration of the year is balloons.

    You can buy helium balloons hovering under the ceiling, or you can, like in the good old days, inflate the balloons yourself.

    There is something about it when mom and dad inflate and hang balloons in their child's room at night, anticipating his surprise and joy!

    Flowers and banners

    Decorating a room with fresh flowers is probably not worth it. One-year-old children are very inquisitive and want to check everything they see by touch and language. Let the flower vases be left for later.

    Streamers with the words of congratulations on a year old are also not very relevant, but paper or fabric decorations will do. Show the baby all the decorations, tell him that this is all for him, in honor of his holiday.

    What to put on the holiday table?

    A festive table is an indispensable attribute of a birthday celebration. For adults, prepare traditional treats, but children do not need delicacies. Put juice with straws for them, cut fruit. Otherwise, the food for the kids should be the one that they eat constantly, according to their age.

    If you plan on having him eat (or taste) it, it's best to make your own. So you will be sure that there is nothing harmful in it for children who are only 1 year old.

    Not confident in your culinary skills? Buy ready-made cakes and coat them with homemade cream. The main thing is to light a candle! Well, for adult guests, you can buy a cake.

    Who is the cutest in the world? We dress up the hero of the occasion

    And, of course, the birthday boy needs a beautiful outfit to celebrate. Even such a little princess or prince wants to be smart on her birthday!

    What outfit would you like for a girl?

    For girls, there are gorgeous dresses with original accessories on sale. As a rule, few people at this age can boast of luxurious braids, so choose a matching headband with a bright flower or bow. Your beauty will be simply irresistible!

    How to dress up a birthday boy?

    The boy should also be dressed up solemnly. Let the taste be instilled in the child from early childhood. Put on your son pants and a shirt with a tie. Even such a young prince looks solid with a traditional butterfly around his neck.

    The baby may not like the bow tie with an elastic band worn around the neck. Yes, it's not very safe. But if, for example, such a tie is sewn directly to the shirt collar, it will not interfere at all.

    What can I give you, my dear man?

    No birthday should be complete without gifts. What will we give the baby in a year?

    traditional toys

    You can give a boy cars, a garage, some specialized equipment, a girl - a doll. Let it not be a fashionable Barbie, but an ordinary baby doll, so that the baby can undress and dress her, feed her, put her to bed and bathe her.

    Educational gifts for a child

    Educational toys are the perfect choice at this age. Given that they are not cheap, the holiday is just the perfect occasion to buy.

    As a separate item, we highlight such gifts as wheelchairs, children's rocking chairs, and home swings. Great gift for a one year old.

    In fact, the children's industry is currently so developed that it's dizzying. We are sure that your baby will not be left without gifts.

    Make the most of your time with your children on this day. The first birthday is a very important holiday! Even though your little one won't remember him for the rest of his life, you can save photos or videos for him so that he knows how much he is loved and happy for his birthday!

    So the long-awaited day has come for the whole family, when your baby turned a whole year old. How difficult it was for the parents, for the hero of the occasion himself. No matter what, parents will remember this year not only for sleepless nights, but also for the joy of new victories and achievements of the baby: the first smile, the first word, the first and uncertain step ...
    How to spend the first birthday so that your child, being an adult, would watch his video with interest? Many parents are tormented by this question on the eve of this special date. We will try to help you by offering our scenario for the celebration, which we called "Cool Year".
    Russia has its own traditions of celebrating the anniversary of a birthday, and we will not deviate from them either. Godparents, as well as the closest relatives - grandparents, and, of course, family friends are always invited to the holiday. Be sure to prepare a festive attire for the birthday boy, take care of the children's birthday cake with a candle and special effects. Buy in advance cool caps, hoops with funny horns and tails, as well as balloons and a bubble gun. Decorate the room where the celebration will be held.
    Invite a professional presenter to the holiday - the evening will become especially sincere and full of bright colors. We wish you success and may your child grow up healthy and happy.
    The beginning of the evening, the birthday boy, together with his parents, meets the guests. We suggest preparing video slides with photos of the baby in advance, and showing them through a projector or on a TV screen.

    We offer you another scenario for the very first birthday of your baby!

    room decoration

    Prepare a poster My first year”, made up of 12 photos of the baby, one for each month, they can be signed with funny descriptions or poems.

    On a separate poster, place photos of the birthday boy and his mom and dad at the appropriate age, let the guests try to understand who the birthday boy looks like more.

    On the wall, unfold a large colored garland "Happy Birthday!" (sold in children's stores), decorate the room with balls, colored flags, twinkling Christmas garlands, attach decorative butterflies to the curtains. The main task is to create a festive, but at the same time cozy and homely atmosphere.

    Introduce the baby to the transformed home in advance, take a tour of the apartment, show and tell him everything. Let him touch and play with everything.

    As gifts and souvenirs, prepare completed albums about the first year of a baby’s life (for grandparents), beautiful framed photos with funny captions, or calendars with a birthday photo.

    How to entertain guests at the baby's first birthday? Naturally, the child is still too young to be an active participant in games and competitions, so the entertainment program is mostly designed for the guests who have come.


    Current topic:


    Birthday script 1 year old

    Mom: Dear guests! Today we have gathered you all here to celebrate the first birthday of our son Vanechka. And so that you don’t have to be bored, meet the host of our celebration, Clown……Tishka……………!
    The Clown Enters Host: Hello! Hello! My name is Clown……Tishka………………… Today we celebrate Ivan's first birthday. Accordingly, let it be like a fairy tale. Let's forget about all everyday affairs and worries and surround ourselves with a festive atmosphere! Music sounds. To the music, the clown puts on caps for all guests. Presenter: Whose birthday is today?
    All: Vanechkin, Vanechkin!
    Whose cake with jam?
    Vanechkin, Vanechkin!
    And who do we congratulate?
    Vanya, Ivanushka!
    Who are we hugging?
    Vanya, Ivanushka!
    And who do we love dearly?
    Vanya, Ivanushka!
    Let's kiss with a kiss
    Vanya, Ivanushka!
    Happy birthday Vanya!!! ADULTS PART OF THE PROGRAM
    Everyone sit down at the table
    Presenter (reads a verse):
    Children are happiness, children are joy,
    Children are a fresh breeze in life.
    They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
    God gives them by grace to adults.

    Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
    Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
    They need care, affection, understanding.
    Children are time, children are work.

    Children are frequent rises at night,
    Children are nipples, colic, pots.
    Children are disputes in matters of upbringing,
    Mom's prayers, dad's posts.

    Children are dads often not at home,
    Children are mother at home all day.
    Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
    Own plans are moving into the shadows.

    Children - it's like life started all over again:
    First smiles, first steps
    First successes, first failures.
    Children are experience, children are us!

    This little boy turned 1 year old on January 19 13:25. Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink to the health of the birthday boy! HURRAH!
    Host: During this evening, each of you, dear guests, will be given the floor. And now I suggest you, no matter how strange it may seem, to collect a gift for our birthday boy for her 18th birthday. In this box throughout the evening we will put the most memorable little things about Vanechka for mom and dad. And, of course, the very first tags from Vanya's pens, preserved from the maternity hospital, are sent to our box. This is a stub from a birth certificate, it indicates the date and time of the boy's birth. And this is the first clothes of the newborn Ivan. Here is the first rattle.

    Host: Attention! Attention! Let's start the birthday party! First, let's play the traditional royal game "Loaf"!

    Like on Artyomkin's name day
    We baked a loaf
    Here is such a height
    Here is such a low
    Here are the dinners
    Here's the width.
    Caravan, caravan
    Happy birthday!

    A little fortune telling "Choice of Fate"

    Many wonder, trying to determine the future of the birthday man. Of course, this is just a tradition, but why not smile.
    A large plate with several items was placed on a stool:

    Book - symbolizes knowledge and mind;
    Chocolate - sweet fun life;
    A ball of wool - long life;
    Coin - prosperity;
    Garlic - health;
    The keys are welfare;
    The ring is a big love.

    Vanya chose a coin. I chose it, showed it to everyone, and played with it for a long time: I banged it on a stool, drove it, rolled it. They took it from Vanechka when he pulled it into his mouth. She honestly kept it for about a year, and then, according to Vanyushina's will, she mixed up with others.

    Birthday contests 1 year

    Game one: competition "Who do I look like"
    For this competition, I prepared a separate poster. In its center, I posted a photo of the birthday boy, and to the right and left of it are photos of my parents (that is, my husband and I) at the age of one. Under the photo of the baby, I wrote out in a column the points by which it was necessary to evaluate the similarity of the child with one of the parents: eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, etc. The sum of the votes showed who, according to the guests, the baby looks more like.

    Game two: "Congratulations"
    I announced that I had prepared a congratulation for my beloved birthday. But, unfortunately, I was so busy preparing for the holiday that I did not have time to insert adjectives describing and evaluating the child into the text of congratulations. Therefore, I ask everyone to help finish the letter. congratulations ( layout) was attached to the wall, but it was impossible to read the text, because it was covered with a white sheet of paper with slots in the places where adjectives had to be entered. The guests vying with each other began to shout out words characterizing the birthday man, and I entered them into the spaces left. Then the sheet-mask was removed and read aloud the congratulations drawn up by joint efforts.
    This game was a lot of fun.

    Game three: contest "Guess what is drawn"
    We had several "pictures" drawn in the classroom for toddlers. I showed them to the guests and asked them to guess what is depicted here.
    The answers were: 1 - beach, 2 - rain, 3 - pyramid,
    4 - apples on the grass.
    I showed the pictures sequentially, from simple to complex. The guests turned out to be surprisingly quick-witted and guessed the names of the illustrations almost immediately. Although I assumed that difficulties might arise, and prepared tips for this case. The prizes were "reproductions" of the paintings participating in the competition. The one who guessed the name received a copy of the picture in the format of a photograph. This was my small miscalculation: I did not take into account that all relatives would like to receive such prizes. So I recommend making more copies of the prizes just in case.

    Game four: contest "Guess what you ate"
    For this competition, I needed four jars of different baby food. I wrapped them in foil and stuck numbers on the lid. The guests received felt-tip pens and paper, and I set the task: after tasting the contents, determine what the puree was made of. The competition was very noisy and fun, all that was heard was: “Pass the number one! Who's number two? I chose mashed potatoes so that several products were used in their composition (pumpkin-apple, for example), so it was quite difficult to guess the correct answers. Nevertheless, the winner was found - he had the maximum number of matches, and he received a sweet prize - lollipop.

    Game five: "Letter to the future"
    During a short break, I invited the guests to write congratulations to the birthday man on his 18th birthday. At the end of the evening, we collected the letters and, without reading them, packed them in a pre-prepared envelope marked:
    “The envelope was packed on 04/18/2009.
    Envelope opening date 18.04.2026”

    Game Six: Horror Film Contest
    Our first birthday we celebrated on Saturday, and Sunday was Easter. And this gave me the idea to hold an egg contest. I brought a plate of eggs to the guests, announcing that one of them was raw and the rest were boiled. And she suggested that the most daring, choosing an egg, break it on their foreheads. The winner is the one on whose forehead a raw egg breaks. I invited only men to participate in the competition. There were as many as there were eggs on the plate. You should have seen the face of grandfather, who got the last egg - all the rest turned out to be boiled. Of course, I deceived the guests, there was no raw egg on the plate. Grandpa won. He did not back down, and broke the egg, although he thought it was raw.
    The celebration ended with a tea party. Opening it, the three of us (myself, husband and son) solemnly carried out the cake and blew out the candle together.

    When deciding to celebrate a 1 year old girl's birthday, it is worth remembering that this holiday will remain in the memory not only of you, but also of your guests. In a year, the baby will start talking and will never again be charmingly touching, funny and a little awkward :).

    That is why the daughter's first birthday must and can be made so that it will be remembered for many years! You can make a neutral party with interesting decor or just organize a holiday for the whole family!

    Today we will tell you a few main directions in which you need to move when planning a fun family holiday.

    If you do not want to organize large-scale festivities, then you can invite a professional photographer for a funny one.

    If a chic holiday is an essential attribute of fun, then we offer some interesting ideas! Let's start, as always, with invitations. They can be bright and cheerful and fully emphasize your attitude to such a colorful and important celebration.

    Invitations made using photographs of the hero of the occasion are very relevant.

    Since the birthday of a daughter for 1 year is important and solemn, it is worth taking care of the original outfit for the birthday girl :).

    It is best to decorate the room with children's photographs and balloons, it will also be an interesting solution to create the number 1 from various family and children's pictures.

    You can buy beautiful balloons here:

    Since your daughter's birthday at 1 year old is your baby's holiday, do everything so that the celebration is dedicated to her. Take a lot of funny pictures, throw aside the usual for our region feasts with alcoholic drinks and fatty foods.

    It’s very funny, for example, it looks special, where you can describe in detail the baby’s preferences, her height, weight and even leg size :). Such a board will delight all guests, and especially those who see the girl for the first time or rarely come to visit.

    Something similar can be done in Photoshop.

    Of course, the party is best held outdoors. Then both adults and children will be able to relax comfortably.

    To create an additional festive atmosphere, holiday caps can be distributed to all guests.

    It is best to treat your guests with light drinks and sweets. Grilled vegetables and fruit skewers are also ideal.

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