• Hand cream for cold and dryness. Why do you need to use a nourishing hand and face cream in winter? Home Recipes for Dry Skin


    Ecology of health and beauty: With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream? ..

    With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream? As a rule, a denser, perhaps even oily texture, a long-lasting moisturizing effect, nourishment ... and, of course, a pleasant aroma.

    We placed 8 different hand creams on a shelf in our cozy office and actively used them. Indeed, during the working day, especially with the beginning of the heating season, you constantly want to moisten your hands.

    And after two weeks of such testing, we collected all our impressions.

    Anariti hand cream

    The texture is light and absorbs pretty well. The result is like a good nourishing cream.

    Would recommend using it at night. But! There is one significant disadvantage that we all noted - a bright perfume aroma. It will be quite difficult to fall asleep with this. Immediately there is a feeling that this cream is intended for those who are “for”.

    The aroma is persistent - it is washed off only with soap. Of course, there are no complaints about the composition - everything is fine.

    NoniCare hand and nail cream

    This cream smells of citrus, gentle and pleasant. Very well moisturizes the hands, and this feeling of moisture does not leave throughout the day. A little sticky but absorbs quickly. It cannot be said that it is super-nourishing, it is comfortable to use it until severe colds come and when the skin of the hands is rather normal than too dry. As a bonus, the cream also strengthens the nails, but to notice the effect, you need to use it longer.

    Biokosma hand creams

    Two wonderful creams - with calendula and citrus. The aroma is unusual, but light and after application is not felt. Both nourish well, calendula also soothes the skin if the hands are already chapped. Pleasant natural composition, dense texture, long-term feeling of protection of the skin of the hands.

    Speick hand creams

    Here we also have a sweet couple - one of the creams, by the way, is marked with the Oko-test icon with a sehr gut rating! I want to use a moisturizing cream during the day, but a soft cream from the Active series feels like a healing one. It even has a medicinal herbal scent.

    Of course, this may seem unusual for those who are used to more perfumey smells, but the effect is beyond praise. For those who suffer from cracked, flaky and very dry skin, this cream will be a real lifesaver.

    Cream for hands and nails Dr. Nona

    The cream has a very specific aroma, but you quickly get used to it. Moisturizes instantly, I especially want to use it after washing my hands - it removes this feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. The cream softens the skin very well, they can even lubricate coarsened areas, for example, where the elbow is. Definitely want to have one in my arsenal.

    Dr Konopka's hand cream

    This cream immediately found its fans. Delicate creamy aroma, pleasant texture, quickly absorbed and nourishes very well. Of those creams that do not need to be used too often, because one or two times is enough to nourish the skin.

    They can definitely be safely used in the winter! By the way, we got acquainted with this brand for the first time thanks to this cream, and we are very glad that the first acquaintance went so well!

    Pretty Garden Hand Oil

    But these two solid butters are for lovers of fatty and super-nourishing textures! Both smell of candy-floral-pleasant, and "I love" and "Unforgettable night." They, of course, are absorbed longer than the usual hand cream, but such nutrition and hydration can only be achieved from oil!

    It is not very convenient to use them during the working day - you can leave spots somewhere on the paper while the oil is absorbed. But at night or as a hand mask, they are ideal. The skin is soft, inflammation is removed, everything heals well. For the winter, they are needed more than ever, especially for very dry skin!

    So, what kind of cream to choose for the winter? It's up to you, but we used all these brands with pleasure, and each cream had its own fan. Moisturize, nourish and protect your skin, and, of course, do not forget about warm mittens in winter.published

    The environment is an aggressive factor that causes a variety of skin defects. In summer, it is exposed to excessive ultraviolet exposure, in autumn and winter - to strong winds and frosts. Harmful impurities in the air settle on it, causing damage to it and the development of chronic dermatoses.

    The stronger the frost, the less moisture it contains, the more it dehydrates and dries the epidermis.

    In the context of cosmetology, the winter period is the most dangerous, since the frosty air, losing moisture, becomes even drier, which adversely affects the condition of the skin. As a result, significant metamorphoses occur: normal skin becomes dry, oily skin becomes normal, and dry skin becomes hypersensitive.

    The key problem of this period is the loss of moisture, which leads to dehydration, dryness and loss of elasticity. Therefore, before each representative of the fair sex, the question arises, which face cream to use in winter? Since a wide range of various care products is presented on the cosmetology market, it is not at all easy to understand this issue.

    Why does the condition of the skin worsen in winter? After all, snow, high humidity should improve their characteristics, but in practice the opposite picture is observed. The thing is that frosty air loses moisture, which makes it even drier.

    It negatively affects the function of cytokines and ceramides, substances that are responsible for the production of sebum and hydration of the epidermis. The lack of moisture and natural lubrication causes peeling, dehydration, irritation, redness and the formation of microcracks on the face.

    The problem is exacerbated by dry indoor air from air conditioners and heating appliances. As a result, a temperature difference occurs, which affects the state of the vessels: in the cold they narrow, in a hot room they expand.

    Thus, in order to withstand the aggressive effects of the environment in winter, our skin needs special care and protection.

    Characteristics of dry skin

    At a young age, the owners of the dry type can truly be proud of their skin. She looks just perfect. The surface of the face is soft and clean, elegant and matte without the slightest hint of enlarged pores. It is not inherent in acne, irritation and oily sheen. To have such skin in youth is a great happiness. Many girls who are forced to deal with acne and increased fat content dream of her.

    However, the balance of power changes as dry skin matures and gradually loses ground. The first signs of age-related wilting are noticed very quickly. Since this type of skin is very delicate, the slightest adverse effect causes stress on it. So, extreme heat, frost and wind make it peel, tighten, stain and itch.

    In addition, in dry skin, the sebaceous glands do not work well, they secrete sebum in insufficient quantities. Its deficiency affects the moisture and nutrition of the skin.

    The dry type has a slight thickness of the lipid layer, it does not have enough lipids to retain and retain moisture. But it is lipids that moisturize the epidermis and provide its protection. Without significant outside help, dehydration is rapid. And with the adverse effects of the environment, all problems are exacerbated.

    Important! There is dry skin and dehydrated. It should be understood that any skin (normal, oily, combination) can be dehydrated when it lacks moisture. This happens as a result of illiterate care, but this process can be corrected.

    Dry skin is something that a person is born with and lives with all his life, it is like the color of the eyes and the shape of the nose. It is impossible to correct the type of skin. To care for it, you need a cream for dry and sensitive skin.

    There is such an erroneous opinion that skin type can change throughout life. However, it is not. It’s just that the condition of the skin can change, become drier or fatter, depending on weather conditions and care methods.

    How to take care of dry skin in winter

    Dry skin needs careful care, as it is practically devoid of protection. In the winter cold, it becomes fat-free and dehydrated, and this process occurs rapidly. Therefore, there are rules for winter care that will help retain moisture and protect the epidermis from the extreme effects of low temperatures.

    So, in winter you need:

    1. Change from winter to summer. In winter, it is contraindicated to cleanse the skin with soap or alcohol-containing lotions. It is generally undesirable for owners of the dry type to clean the skin with soap even in the summer. If you have dry skin, forget about soap. Cleansing should be gentle and non-traumatic. You need to choose special means for gentle cleansing.
    2. In winter, the skin needs an additional lipid mantle, which acts as a natural facial lubricant. This mantle can be destroyed by improper care. For example, when using aggressive scrubs and peels that contain large abrasive particles. For the normal functioning of the lipid layer, it is necessary to make a variety of nourishing and moisturizing masks two to three times a week.
    3. You need to moisturize the dry type both in winter and in summer. And not once a day (in the morning or in the evening), but in the morning and in the evening, that is, at least twice a day. The myth that the cream will freeze in the skin and create an ice film on the face is long overdue. You just need to apply a moisturizer on your face half an hour - an hour before going out into the cold. In addition, our body has a constant temperature, which even in the most severe frost warms the air around it. Do not believe those who say that hydration in the winter is irrelevant. Both summer and winter, dry skin is at risk of dehydration. In winter, even more, since the air is dry both outdoors and indoors. In the cold, you can notice how steam comes out of the nose and mouth, this is our precious moisture, which evaporates rapidly.
    4. Dry skin needs nutrition because it lacks natural lipids and its barrier layer is thin and vulnerable. Therefore, oil-based products (natural vegetable oils) are suitable. They will help soften and protect the epidermis from hypothermia and dehydration.
    5. Protective cream in winter is very relevant. There is a misconception that you can not use sunscreen in winter. This is fundamentally wrong. Since snow often falls in winter, it reflects ultraviolet rays, as a result, our skin absorbs the reflected rays.
    6. Nutrition review. The diet of the owner of the dry type should include foods containing vitamins E, B, A and C. Also, the diet should be replenished with fatty fish, a variety of cereals, dried fruits, pork liver, dairy products, chicken eggs and beef.
    7. The mode of drinking in winter is important. It is important to hydrate the body from the inside. Many mistakenly believe that in winter there is no need for a large amount of liquid. In the heat of the summer, the body quickly dehydrates, so you should drink plenty of fluids. But just in winter, dehydration occurs even more significantly. After all, the dryness of the air on the street and in the premises literally “pulls” moisture out of us. In winter, it is recommended to drink about three liters of water a day. The air in the premises must be humidified with a special humidifier. If it is difficult to purchase it, then you can place containers with water near the battery. So they will act as a humidifier in the premises.

    Basic rules for winter care:

    1. Cleansing. The principles of summer cleansing are significantly different from winter cleansing. In the cold season, soap and alcohol-containing tonics should not be used. For cleansing, micellar gel, thermal water, lotion or tonic without alcohol are more suitable. In other words, everything that has a delicate effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.
    2. Peelings. Since the scales of the stratum corneum prevent the penetration of beneficial ingredients into the deeper layers of the dermis, accumulate dirt and harmful substances, exfoliation is the most important winter care procedure.
    3. Hydration. In winter, it is necessary to moisturize the skin. Do not listen to those who advise not to do this. Dry frosty air on the street and warm dry indoors greatly harm the skin. In winter, they need even more moisture than in summer. Water, when applied to the skin, will not freeze, as many believe. Below we will dwell on this issue in more detail.
    4. Nutrition. In addition to moisturizing, our skin also needs nutrition, so a nourishing cream is very important for everyday care. Nutrition can be carried out at the expense of ready-made creams or masks. Patch masks have proven themselves well, which perfectly moisturize and nourish. You can also make your own masks at home from useful ingredients that are always at hand.
    5. Decorative cosmetics. Decorative cosmetics has a beneficial effect on the skin in winter. Particularly well protects the epidermis from frost, wind and dirt - foundation. It has a protective function, all the dirt and smog of the metropolis remains on it. Do not be afraid that the skin will be overloaded, since modern tonal products have a light texture in the form of a mousse, which are well absorbed and do not leave greasy marks. Such preparations do not tighten and do not dry, since they contain moisturizing components.

    Composition of cosmetics for winter care

    It should immediately be said that there should be several care products in the winter. They include a whole range of drugs and procedures. But first of all, for winter care, you should purchase:

    • moisturizer;
    • nutritious.


    A moisturizer is designed to hydrate and prevent moisture loss. However, the question is to understand which cream is able to moisturize the epidermis as much as possible. To do this, you need to turn your attention to the business card of any cosmetic product - the label. Moisturizing ingredients should not just be present in the cream, they should be in the right concentration. T

    This is the only way to achieve maximum moisturizing effect. In addition, the ingredients on the package are presented in descending order. That is, the greater the concentration of the substance in the cream, the higher the line it occupies. So, if there is more of some ingredient, then it occupies the first lines of the top. The ingredients that are at the end of the top are presented in scanty concentration and there will be no sense from them.

    So how do you know which moisturizer is the best? Of course, according to the ingredients included in its composition.

    Humidifiers are substances that contain hydrophilic molecules. They have a high intensity of molecular interaction of a substance with water and are able to absorb water well. When applied to the skin, they absorb water from the environment.

    The most common moisturizers are:

    Glycerol- a powerful low molecular weight moisturizer that is able to absorb moisture from the environment. It is obtained by hydrolysis (decomposing a substance into its constituent parts) of natural fats, but it can also be synthetic. The origin of glycerin does not affect its properties, that is, no matter how it is obtained, its characteristics are identical.

    Sorbitol is also a low molecular weight substance that, along with glycerin, penetrates into the stratum corneum and fills the skin with moisture from the inside.

    Collagen and elastin, another class of humectants, are high-molecular film-forming substances that fix water on the surface of the epidermis and restore its relief.

    The same group of film-forming moisturizers includes hyaluronic acid, a famous polysaccharide that perfectly moisturizes and binds water, and is also able to prevent moisture loss. The moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid improve the appearance of the skin, nourish it, make it smooth, firm and elastic. However, there is one caveat here.

    Depending on the molecular weight, hyaluronic acid either acts as a moisturizing film on the surface of the epidermis (high molecular weight), or penetrates deep into the epidermis (low molecular weight), where it performs a moisturizing and regulatory function, taking part in the proliferation, differentiation and migration of keratinocytes.

    Urea - binds water and absorbs it from other sources. It promotes the absorption of other substances from the cream, it is completely safe to use (included in children's creams).

    Among other moisturizers, gelatin, extracts of some plants, wax and other substances are effective. However, they are used as secondary humidifiers, that is, they have an additional humidification option.

    Attention! In conditions of severe frost, when the air loses moisture and becomes even drier, moisturizers in the cream are able to extract moisture from the lower layers of the dermis, thereby depleting its reserves and increasing skin dryness. For this reason, moisturizers act in tandem with substances that have occlusive properties. Such substances include: petroleum jelly, animal fats, liquid paraffin, silicones, natural waxes and their esters, solid vegetable oils. These substances create a waterproof film on the surface of the skin, which prevents moisture loss.

    It is also worth clarifying one significant nuance. Winter moisturizers contain petrochemicals that are harmful and dangerous. Usually, such drugs are needed to protect the lipid layer and prevent dehydration. However, it is worth noting that they do have a good moisturizing effect.

    These drugs include:

    • mineral oil;
    • petrolatum;
    • paraffin.

    The danger of these drugs is that with their constant use, dermal cells cease to regulate the lipid layer and gradually lose their ability to retain moisture. Therefore, at the end of using the cream, such unpleasant symptoms as dryness and tightness of the skin of the face will appear. Thus, when choosing a cosmetic preparation, it is worth paying attention to the presence of petrochemical products in it. These ingredients are not so scary, but they need to be used for a short time.


    The nutrient for the winter should be thicker and fatter, in contrast to the light summer mousses. For very dry and irritated skin, which can be interpreted as combination and problematic, preparations based on natural oils (oil-based) are suitable. For those who have oily skin, a cream with medicinal plants (lemon, aloe, sage) is suitable. The ingredients that make up the nourishing cream are able to regulate sebum secretion.

    By nutrition is meant the introduction of any substances into the dermis. They contribute to the restoration of the skin after the aggressive effects of cold and wind.

    The composition of the nourishing cream may include substances that are completely different in their effects. So, it always includes moisturizers, and the moisturizer contains nutrients (oil base). At present, it is almost impossible to draw a clear line between cosmetic preparations, since even decorative cosmetics moisturize and nourish the skin. Therefore, when the epidermis is exposed to cold, the ratio of nourishing and moisturizing substances will change depending on the change of season.

    It is especially important to properly nourish dry and normal skin, in which case there is a need for additional lipid intake. In dry frosty air, express preparations are needed that contain an increased concentration of such substances.

    Normally, stratum corneum lipids are composed of ceramides, cytokines, fatty acids, cholesterol and its esters, and other ingredients. The formation of these important substances occurs both in the granular layer and due to sebum secretion (secretion of the sebaceous glands). If the stratum corneum is damaged (as a result of improper care, cold or dehydration), the lipid layer is disturbed. That is, the balance is disturbed and the ratio of the substances of which it consists changes. Therefore, nutrition in winter is very important for maintaining and restoring the lipid layer.

    Means Selection Criteria

    Very often, women think that choosing a face cream is a simple matter. Thus, a significant amount of drugs that have not justified their purpose accumulate on the dressing table. First of all, let's find out what functions such a cream should perform:

    • protect the epidermis from low temperatures;
    • protect capillaries from temperature changes (they narrow on the street, expand in a hot room);
    • prevent frostbite;
    • regulate lipid balance;
    • prevent dehydration of the epidermis and loss of moisture.

    So which cream should you choose? Given the above nuances regarding the composition of the cream, the following should be considered:

    1. A winter remedy should contain well-known moisturizers (glycerin, sorbitol, hyaluronic acid), petroleum jelly, natural oils, SPF filters, vitamins, herbal extracts.
    2. Since there are a huge number of care products on the cosmetic market, it is very difficult to make the right choice. In this sense, you need to consult a competent cosmetologist. If you do not have one, then you can consult a pharmacist, since pharmacies sell high-quality cosmetic preparations.
    3. Be sure to check the expiration date on the label.
    4. Pay attention to what time of day it is intended: day or night. As a rule, it is worth buying two creams for day and night care. After all, at night our skin needs some substances, during the daytime - others.
    5. For skin with rosacea, prone to irritation, various rashes, redness and hypersensitivity, you need to choose a special preparation of delicate action that blocks unpleasant manifestations. Choose a cream for dry and sensitive skin.

    It is important to remember that any type of skin in winter needs special care. Usually, this mistake is often made by owners of normal and healthy skin. However, with insufficient care, even the most healthy and delicate skin quickly loses its wonderful characteristics.

    winter care mistakes

    There are some nuances that we cannot ignore. Very often, cosmetology is shrouded in a halo of stereotypes and clichés that are replicated and spread over the Internet.

    There is a very common belief that you should not use a moisturizer in winter, because it contains water, and the water in the cold freezes and covers the face with an ice film. This is a big misconception. Of course, the cream contains water, but, firstly, there is little water in it, and secondly, it contains not only water.

    You can and should use a moisturizer in winter!

    The composition of winter moisturizers includes lipids, natural fats, petroleum jelly and other substances. The feeling of comfort and hydration is due to the hydrophilic film based on artificial fats (vaseline, lanolin). Together, they create a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, which prevents dehydration and evaporation of moisture. In addition, when applying the cream, its temperature rises, because it warms up from exposure to warm hands and face. As a result, the temperature of the air and cream is compared, which cannot lead to freezing of the cream components.

    However, you should use a moisturizer properly in winter. It is applied to a clean face an hour before going out into the cold so that it is better absorbed. In addition, moisturizing formulas for winter care completely prevent the water in the cream from freezing.

    Another nuance is that in winter, lotions and tonics with a high content of ethyl alcohol, as well as highly matting (removing oily sheen) preparations, should be abandoned. They contribute to dryness and moisture loss, as well as a violation of the lipid barrier.

    It may seem strange to some, but in winter you can not refuse sunscreen. Why? The fact is that the frost and the sun are not only a wonderful phenomenon, but also dangerous. UV rays are just as dangerous in winter as they are in summer. And snow, as you know, strongly reflects ultraviolet, which is absorbed by other objects, for example, our skin.

    Often itching appears after a frost. In this case, creams that contain film-forming substances (we wrote about them above) and antioxidants are effective, which should also not be forgotten. However, it is important not to overdo it here, because with increased facial moisture, the likelihood of frostbite increases. So, substances that prevent the evaporation of moisture can be dangerous. It is better to use them at night or a few hours before going out.

    Thus, it is difficult to choose a cosmetic product for winter care, since there are many nuances that you need to know about. Therefore, it is better to use a special care series, which is designed for the cold season. Such complexes include preparations for cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting during the cold season. With them, you can not be afraid to go out in frosty weather or be in a hot room. They will forever help to forget about irritated and sensitive skin.

    Home Recipes for Dry Skin

    At home, you can provide good support for dry skin in winter. There are many recipes that effectively moisturize and nourish the skin. Below we present the most effective of them.

    Curd mask

    Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with liquid (heated) honey. Mix ingredients and dilute with warm milk. Apply for 15 minutes on a clean face, then rinse with warm water.

    Oil mask

    Heat olive oil, moisten a swab in it, gently apply on face. Keep the oil on your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Mint mask

    Two tablespoons of fresh mint leaves (you can also dry) are placed on fire for three minutes. Remove from heat, cool and strain. Apply a warm slurry on the face and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse gently.

    Oatmeal mask

    This mask is suitable for very dry and irritated skin with significant areas of peeling. A tablespoon of oatmeal is poured with 4 tablespoons of hot milk. Then insist 10 minutes, apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Herbal mask

    It is necessary to take one tablespoon of all herbs in equal proportions: chamomile flowers, strawberry leaves, hop cones, yarrow, blackberry leaves. Pour the herbal collection with one glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Add egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of apple juice to the tincture. Apply the mixture on your face, keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    mustard mask

    Mix a teaspoon of dry mustard with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply to face and leave for 5 minutes (be careful, mustard can cause burns), then rinse. After the mask, it is recommended to apply a cream for dry skin on the face.

    Maintaining youth and beauty has been relevant at all times. Previously, in order for the skin not to age and look attractive, girls had to make special decoctions, ointments, etc. on their own. In our time, the fair sex is much more fortunate. It is enough just to come to the cosmetics store, and the best skin care products are already waiting for you in the windows. One of the most popular among them is hand cream. It not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also protects it from environmental influences (cold, water, pollution, etc.). Manufacturers offer various care options that differ both in composition, texture, and appearance, price.

    Correctly selected hand cream will help to properly monitor the skin at any time of the year. They differ in purpose, characteristics, properties, etc. First of all, 5 types are distinguished.

    • Moisturizing. Able to accelerate cell regeneration. Ideal for dry skin, because. saturate it with moisture.
    • Nourishing creams fill the skin with useful substances, make it supple and healthy.
    • For sensitive skin. Such products contain special hypoallergenic substances.
    • Anti-aging - a separate type that is used by women and men after 30 years. Wrinkles on the hands are a common problem that can be easily solved with the help of special tools. They improve regeneration and prevent aging.
    • Protective. When interacting with water and soap on the hands, the natural layer of the skin is destroyed, such creams prevent this process and can protect against chemical and other damage.

    Hand skin needs special care. To conduct it efficiently and effectively, it is worth purchasing only good and proven tools. The composition of such hand creams must necessarily include oils, nutrients, plant extracts, vitamins, water and trace elements. At the same time, products with non-natural ingredients (dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc.) should be avoided. The ranking of the best hand creams includes the most reliable products for moisturizing, wrinkle prevention, nutrition, and more.

    The best moisturizer for hands

    3 Velvet handles integrated

    Optimal cost
    Country Russia
    Average price: 70 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.4

    A budget hand cream from a Russian manufacturer has a moisturizing effect and eliminates peeling. Pleasant texture and unobtrusive aroma. The skin becomes softer after the first use. The tube with a specially shaped cap keeps the cream sterile at all times and allows the correct dosage to be applied. The low price is another argument in favor of buying this product.


    • optimal cost;
    • economical packaging;
    • suitable for dry skin;
    • beautiful appearance;
    • light pleasant aroma;
    • good texture.


    • there are non-natural components;
    • not a very noticeable effect.

    2 La Roche-Posay Lipikar Xerand

    The best care for dry skin
    Country: France
    Average price: 640 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    French skin care brand La Roche-Posay presents a cream for dry skin on the basis of thermal water. It has a natural composition and does not contain parabens. Absorbs quickly and has an immediate moisturizing effect. This hand cream is recommended by dermatologists throughout Russia for atopy, other inflammations or excessive dryness of the skin. After using the product, the skin becomes radiant, beautiful and well-groomed. Does not cause an allergic reaction and prevents microcracks and inflammation. The unique composition of the cream gives firmness and elasticity to your skin.


    • excellent composition;
    • natural healthy ingredients;
    • fast and good results;
    • effectively relieves dryness.


    • high price;
    • small package.

    1 Arabian Professional Hydro Active

    The best nutrition
    Country Russia
    Average price: 800 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The unique composition of the hand cream with hyaluronic acid perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It does not need to be constantly reapplied, because. the remedy has a long-term effect. Strict packaging has an easily removable lid that reliably protects the cream from dust and dirt. Large volume (300 ml) ensures long-term use. It is completely absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant sensations on the skin. Delicious aroma makes the procedure of applying the cream even more comfortable. Fights dryness and minor damage. Eliminates peeling on the skin.


    • economical packaging;
    • good composition;
    • skin elasticity after application;
    • well absorbed;
    • suitable for dry skin;
    • has an excellent moisturizing effect.


    • high price;
    • does not take care of nails.

    The best anti-aging hand cream

    3 TONY MOLY Red Apple

    Best Packaging Design
    The country: The Republic of Korea
    Average price: 600 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    The unusual and bright packaging of TONY MOLY hand cream in the form of a red apple is due to the extract of this fruit included in its composition. Shea butter and jojoba butter make the texture thick and oily, which provides perfect hydration in winter. Therefore, the cream is well suited for dry skin. The spicy aroma leaves a good impression after each use.


    • beautiful compact packaging that you can take with you;
    • apple extract smoothes wrinkles and accelerates regeneration;
    • fights inflammation;
    • economical consumption (you need a small amount of cream to moisturize your hands completely);
    • perfectly nourishes the skin;
    • long lasting effect.


    • too oily texture, not suitable for all skin types.

    2 Limoni Collagen Booster

    good composition
    The country: The Republic of Korea
    Average price: 420 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    Cream from the Korean company Limoni has a unique composition that enhances the production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to specially selected nutrients and trace elements, Collagen Booster hand cream accelerates skin regeneration, preventing its aging. The effect of rejuvenation is the main advantage of the product. After several uses, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. The consistency is very light.


    • fruity aroma;
    • stylish packaging;
    • prevention of skin aging;
    • excellent composition (herbs, plant extracts, oils, etc.).


    • the moisturizing effect disappears after a few hours;
    • small volume.

    1 Christina Forever Young

    Excellent rejuvenation effect
    Country: Israel
    Average price: 1000 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    A popular Israeli company presents to your attention a hand cream that prevents skin aging. It has a medium UV protection (SPF15), which replaces the use of sunscreen. Well nourishes the skin with useful elements, gives a natural glow. Prevents wrinkles and has an excellent moisturizing effect. Light texture promotes rapid absorption and does not leave greasy marks on the skin. Packing volume 75 ml.


    • high rejuvenating effect;
    • nourishes the skin;
    • pleasant texture;
    • excellent sun protection;
    • not felt on the hands.


    • high price.

    best hand cream for sensitive skin

    3 Neutrogena Norwegian formula

    Excellent value for money and quality
    Country: France
    Average price: 320 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    Neutrogena hand cream has a pleasant tart aroma and economical packaging. To moisturize the hands, a small amount of cream is required, which is easily distributed on the skin and quickly relieves it of dryness. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the cuticle - it becomes well-groomed, soft after the first application. The texture is oily, which makes this tool especially relevant in winter weather. Specially included elements soothe sensitive skin in a short time.


    • fast and noticeable effect;
    • suitable for sensitive skin;
    • fights dryness;
    • perfectly moisturizes;
    • compact packaging;
    • economical consumption;
    • restores damaged skin.


    • does not contain natural oils;
    • contains preservatives;
    • not suitable for all skin types.

    2 Neobio Natural Cosmetics

    Best Cast
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 260 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    A German cosmetics company has developed an intensive hand cream especially for sensitive skin. It has a unique composition, which includes: vitamin E, olive oil, aloe leaf juice, various essential oils and other only natural ingredients. The manufacturer claims that the cream does not contain dyes, fragrances, paraffins, silicones and even gluten. Moisturizes hands quickly and permanently. It has a medium consistency that makes it suitable for absolutely any skin.


    • natural pleasant aroma;
    • not a chemical composition;
    • soothing properties;
    • good degree of hydration;
    • high production standards;
    • optimal cost.


    • not found.

    1 Noreva Laboratories Aquareva

    Longest lasting effect
    Country: France
    Average price: 550 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Noreva Laboratories Aquareva French hand cream is well suited for sensitive skin. It has a positive effect not only on the hands, but also on the nails. Leaves cuticles soft and hydrated. Prevents splitting of nails. The texture of the cream is perfect, because. moderately oily and light. Rescues the skin from dryness, filling it with moisture and nutrients. Fights irritation and inflammation, has a calming effect. Softens the skin quickly.


    • prevents aging;
    • well nourishes and moisturizes;
    • enough for a long time;
    • soothes sensitive skin.


    • felt on the hands for the first 10 minutes;
    • slowly absorbed.

    The best nourishing hand cream

    3 Velvet Handles Nourishing

    The optimum ratio of price and quality
    Country Russia
    Average price: 60 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    The Velvet Hands brand is considered one of the leaders in the ranking of the best in several categories at once. This cream richly softens the skin of the hands, relieves dryness and fills with nutrients. After application, it becomes noticeably smoother. Among the components there is shea butter, famous for its unique properties. Regular use of products with it makes hands more well-groomed, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Despite the low cost, it has high efficiency. This is indicated by numerous customer reviews. The composition is also enriched with provitamin B5 and avocado oil, which together act very intensively.

    Suitable for those whose hands are often dry due to contact with aggressive substances. Absorbs quickly, has a neutral smell. The volume of the tube is 80 ml. In terms of cost, it compares favorably with competitors. The texture is quite light and spreads quickly on the skin. Feels soft immediately after use. Cream tested by dermatologists. Main advantages: the best price, excellent efficiency, a noticeable result immediately after application, optimal consumption, a lot of positive feedback.

    2 GARNIER Intensive Care

    Best product for very dry skin
    The country: France (produced in Israel)
    Average price: 215 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    GARNIER introduces Intensive Care Super Nourishing Hand Cream, which is firmly on the top of the list. It is designed for daily use and has good protective properties. Prevents premature aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and cracks. Suitable for very dry and damaged skin, actively restores it. Regular care with GARNIER cream makes hands well-groomed and skin soft and tender. Over time, damage, calluses, etc. disappear. Among the components are allantoin, which has a powerful healing effect, and glycerin, which is responsible for protection from negative factors.

    The fragrance can be attributed to perfume, many girls like it. The cream of pale pink color has an optimal consistency in terms of density, it is easily distributed and well absorbed. It may leave not very pleasant sensations - a film. Produced in bright packaging with a wide neck and screw cap. The volume is 100 ml. Main advantages: copes with very dry skin, good protective properties, healing effect, excellent aroma. Disadvantages: forms a film, anti-aging effect, rejuvenating effect.

    1 Librederm Aevit

    Excellent comprehensive care for the skin of hands and nails
    Country Russia
    Average price: 160 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The cream of the popular manufacturer Librederm is an excellent tool for intensive care not only for hands, but also for nails. It has a pronounced emollient effect. It has an antioxidant and regenerating effect. The active ingredients here are vitamins A and E, castor oil, mulberry and Amur velvet extract, as well as alpha-bisabolol. Buyers note that the result is noticeable immediately after application. Hands become smooth, and the skin is more elastic and fresh.

    Created for comprehensive care of the surface of nails and hands. Suitable for tired and dry skin. Applied when necessary. Available in an increased volume - 125 ml. One tube is enough for at least 3 months of regular use. An important feature - it does not contain fragrances, but at the same time it has a pronounced pleasant aroma. Regular use helps accelerate nail growth. Main advantages: intensive comprehensive care, excellent results, pleasant smell, optimal cost, positive customer reviews, powerful nourishing effect on the skin.

    The best premium hand cream

    3 AHAVA Deadsea Water Mineral Hand Mandarin&Cedarwood

    Best efficiency, great reviews
    Country: Israel
    Average price: 1200 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    At the next position of the top is the Israeli-made cream AHAVA. The company is the only one located on the shores of the Dead Sea. The basis of its funds are its mineral and other beneficial ingredients. Numerous positive reviews indicate better effectiveness with regular use. Immediately after application, the skin of the hands is smoothed, softened and intensively moisturized. This effect persists for a long time. Its main purpose is to protect hands from aggressive environmental factors and exposure to chemical household products. The cream successfully copes with these goals.

    The composition includes a special OSMOTER complex, which is a concentrate of minerals. It also includes witch hazel extract and other important ingredients. Aroma of tangerine-cedar. The texture is quite oily, the cream spreads easily and does not leave stickiness, tightness or oily sheen. Ideal for dry skin. Advantages: proven effectiveness, optimal price, good reviews, Israeli quality, natural ingredients, incredible smell.

    2 Sothys Velvet

    Unique formula based on thermal water
    Country: France
    Average price: 2200 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Formulated with thermal water from the Marie Henriette SpaTM spring, Sothys cream is good for hands. The product richly moisturizes and soothes the skin. The main component - thermal water - accelerates cell regeneration, maintains the natural state of the skin. The composition also includes ingredients such as amino acids, betaine, vitamins, beech bud extract, shea butter and almond, as well as a unique complex of olive oil, wheat, soy and pollen extract. Together, they protect against UV rays, restore the skin, improve collagen synthesis, and support protective functions.

    The cream is called "Velvet" because of its texture. It gives a pleasant feeling during application and after. The light fragrance remains on the hands for some time. Produced in a tube with a narrow neck in two volumes: 50 or 150 ml. Girls note that regular use helps to increase skin elasticity and its noticeable hydration. Suitable for minor inflammation and damage. Benefits: unique formula based on thermal water, best reviews, highest quality, excellent composition, pleasant sensations from use. Cons: expensive.

    1 Eldan Cosmetics

    Only useful ingredients
    Country: Switzerland
    Average price: 2800 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The rating of the best was not without a unique Swiss-made product from Eldan Cosmetics. This cream stimulates the accelerated growth of nails, increases resistance to negative environmental factors and perfectly cares for the skin. Its composition is enriched with propolis, which prevents the appearance of cracks, dryness and has a wound healing effect, as well as shea butter, which is responsible for nourishing and soothing the skin. The product also contains other useful components: vitamins A and E, almond oil, lecithin, stearic acid and glycerin.

    The main difference is the absence of harmful elements in the composition. Produced in 250 ml jars. The texture of the cream is quite dense and thick, but it is absorbed well. After application, the skin of the hands becomes smoothed, soft, moisturized. It is used as a daily care. Many girls apply cream before going to bed, and in the morning they enjoy the result. Main advantages: excellent composition, the effect of natural beneficial ingredients, optimal consumption, large volume, high efficiency. Disadvantages: high price.

    Choosing hand cream for the winter, pay attention to its composition - it should contain natural oils (shea, olive, linseed, etc.) and plant extracts (for example, chamomile), as well as vitamins A, E, group B. Winter cream should have a dense texture, be well absorbed, leave no greasy marks on the skin and instantly restore it after exposure to frosty air.

    Hand cream for the winter advises to first test in the store, and only then buy: ask the seller for a sample (they are always not very willing to give them, but you demand! =)), then apply the cream on the driest and most sensitive area of ​​​​the skin of the hands, then wait a minute until 10, put on your gloves and go outside. When you arrive home, you will see how the cream coped with its task - whether it protected from the cold, whether it tightened cracks, whether it removed irritation, whether it made the skin smooth and tender. Only if you answered “yes” to all these points, you can return to the store for it.

    If there is no time for experiments, welcome to our selection of the TOP 5 best hand creams for the winter. In it, the editors have collected the best and proven hand creams that work great in the winter.

    This cream is based on an old recipe from the French Pharmacopoeia. The miraculous cold cream was invented by the Roman physician Claudius Galen. He combined rose water, almond oil and beeswax to create a truly unique product that moisturizes and protects dry skin, softens it and heals damage. Aven Dermatological Laboratories has recreated an old recipe. Hand cream with cold cream protects hands from frost, nourishes them, heals cracks, makes the skin soft and well-groomed. Before use, the cream must be thoroughly warmed in the palms, and then applied to the hands. Price: about 136 UAH.

    Cream for hands and nails "Nourishing" 2 in 1 from "Yves Rocher"

    Brand bestseller. Non-greasy, healing, nourishing cream that ideally cares for both hand skin and cuticles. Instantly absorbed, protects and moisturizes the skin, eliminating irritation and cracks. As part of the cream - the famous ingredient Yves Rocher - Organic Arnica. Organic arnica has unique healing properties. Price: 39 UAH

    Protective Hand Cream by Madara

    Those who are familiar with the organic Latvian brand Madara probably know that this is a completely natural organic cosmetics with the appropriate certification that meets ECOCERT standards and is also suitable for vegans. Madara Hand Cream is a wonderful velvety product with northern plum and linden flowers that is perfectly absorbed into the skin of the hands, moisturizes and restores even the driest skin, strengthens nails. Absorbs quickly, creating a protective barrier against harmful environmental factors. Price: 9.95 EUR.

    Nivea Intensive Nourishing Hand Cream

    The good old and proven cream from Nivea is something that, like a little black dress, will always delight every woman. In winter, this is the best democratic find! It nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and cracks, quickly heals wounds, and is also instantly absorbed. Contains avocado oil, known for its healing properties. Price: about 34 UAH.

    Lush Helping Hands Hand Cream

    This cream is a real helper in the fight against dry and rough hands. It contains chamomile, lavender and honey to repair damaged skin, while flaxseed gluten and various oils combine to moisturize and nourish it. As a result, your hands will be soft and beautiful. Suitable for vegans. Price: 165.00 UAH / 100 g

      Received Faltone Fermion hand cream as a gift. The natural vitamin-vegetative complex of selected components nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin of the hands, contains vitamins A and E, extracts of calendula, sage and chamomile, D-panthenol! I use it every day, I hope it will last for the winter period! The skin of the hands has become soft and tender!

      Last year, just in the winter, I was presented with such a cream

      — there were no problems all winter. I saw it here recently in a pharmacy - the price is about two hundred rubles (but, believe me, it's worth it!) If such a cream turns out to be expensive for you, then buy Boro Plus cream (Boro Plus) either regular or special for hands - for sure you will not regret!

      This is from the series that is cheap and angry ... but very effective and efficient! :-)

      At the moment I have tried a lot of them, as I am the owner of dry skin on my hands.

      Secondly, Novosvit hand balm. The last one is very good! He just saves me.

      Read online reviews about them if you have any doubts)

      This winter I bought myself such a cream, I liked it. By the way, this whole series is for winters not bad - and for the face, and for the legs, and for the hands.

      This one for hands is weatherproof, contains raspberry seed oil, cocoa, shea, oxygen complex. I applied it for the first time, went outside and walked without gloves for quite a long time, although it was cold and I myself do not tolerate frost very well, I freeze. The product, by the way, is quite cheap, even if for some reason it doesn’t fit, it won’t be a pity for the money.

      In winter, it is not recommended to apply creams containing water to the skin. Therefore, it is better to exclude the application of moisturizing creams in winter when going out into the cold. The best protection against cold and wind in winter is thick fat creams. I like to use Nivea cream in a blue jar in winter. It is very thick and oily, so it is not easy to rub on the hands. In principle, I think, if the skin is completely dry and cracks or peels off, then you can first apply a softening cream on your hands, and then, as it absorbs a little, oily. It is both mitigation and protection.

      I like the hydroactive cream, it moisturizes perfectly, it is well absorbed without leaving greasy marks. I don't even want to remember how I got along without it. Now I can brag about my hands, they are tender, soft and look much younger.

      An expensive cream is not an indicator of its quality and help in winter to your hands.

      Personally, I use the usual inexpensive cream One Hundred Beauty Recipesquot ;. There are many varieties of it: honey, with aloe juice, almond, 7 active oils, ginseng, lemon-glycerin, olive.

      Everyone is very helpful. The cream is thick and nourishing, but not greasy, quickly absorbed.

      The girls have been using Hydroactive cream for the third month, I really like it, it removes dryness perfectly, nourishes and moisturizes the skin so that the hands look younger and well-groomed. A good cream, I have already advised all my friends, and bought relatives for presents, not a cream, it’s just a godsend. I use it once a day, at night I spread a good layer, in the morning my hands are a feast for the eyes.

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