• Games for the holiday on February 14. Games and competitions for Valentine's Day for young people. We are one


    Competitions and competitions for high school students on February 14 will make the holiday interesting and eventful. Games will help the children to open up and show their talents and skills. Thanks to a fun entertainment program and romantic competitions, the evening at school in honor of Valentine's Day will be unforgettable and bright.

      Game "I met you"

      The game is played by 4 couples. To conduct it, you need to prepare in advance cards with tasks on the topic "Acquaintance". For example, meeting a girl in a park for a walk, in a dressing room, on a skating rink, in a pool.

      Each pair draws a card with a task. The task of the participants is to stage a situation of acquaintance in the proposed situation. Students have 5 minutes to prepare. After the time has passed, the couples take turns showing their vision of dating and options for the development of events.

      The most unusual and interesting option wins. The winner is determined by peer voting.

      The game "On the same wavelength"

      All interested guys participate in the game. In advance, you need to prepare cards with gift options for girls. For example, going to a restaurant, tickets to the circus, a fruit basket.

      The guys draw lots with the name of the gift. The host offers to beat the situation when the guy was speechless from the beauty of the young lady, and he needs to explain to the girl what a surprise awaits her. Boys take turns showing gifts with gestures. It is forbidden to pronounce any sounds at the same time. Girls must guess the gift.

      Game "This is my Valentine"

      Boys and girls participate in the game, and there should be one less boy. In the center of the hall, chairs are placed in a circle (according to the number of guys), back to back. The boys sit on chairs, and the girls stand in a circle.

      The music turns on. The girls start circling around the guys. At that moment, when the music stops, the young ladies need to sit down on the laps of the boys very quickly. The girl who is left without a boyfriend leaves the game. She takes with her any guy from the circle. The rest of the members kiss him goodbye. The game continues until the last girl.

      Couples participate in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. To conduct it, you will need tangerines - according to the number of participants, candies in a wrapper and glasses of water - according to the number of pairs.

      The first task for couples is to peel and eat tangerines, but not in the usual way. A mandarin is placed in the right hand of a guy and a girl. With your left hand, you need to cover the partner’s right hand and thus clean the fruit and feed it to your partner.

      Having completed this task, the couples move on to the next one. The host gives them a piece of candy, which they must unwrap and eat without using their hands.

      The last test is to drink a glass of water at speed without picking it up.

      The pair that goes through all the stages first wins. A dance is announced in their honor.

      Couples participate in the competition. Each guy is given a roll of toilet paper and a set of clothespins. The task of the boys is to build a beautiful outfit (dress, trouser suit) for their young lady using the materials provided. You can also make a turban or the likeness of a handbag. The main condition is to use the entire roll.

      The couple with the most intricate and extravagant outfit wins. She receives the title of the most fashionable couple of the evening.

      Game "Know Me"

      One pair is selected to participate in the game. The guy is wearing headphones with music and is blindfolded. Several girls line up in front of him, including his young lady. Ladies put their hands palms up. They remove the headphones from the guy, but leave the bandage. Putting his palms to the palms of the girl, the guy should recognize the hands of his beloved. Having made his choice, he invites the lady to dance.

    Valentine's Day is one of the most anticipated events in the life of every teenager. On the eve of this holiday, teachers organize solemn events for high school students: they think over musical accompaniment, compose entertainment programs and select the necessary attributes for competitions and games. The competition program is an integral part of the festive evening for children of all ages. Funny and outstanding competitions for February 14 at school from our selection will help you create a holiday for teenagers that will evoke pleasant emotions and memories for a long time to come.

    Contests for February 14 at school: a creative photo contest for girls

    Among the students who want to participate in an unusual photo contest, you can hold a battle for the best romantic image. Previously, 2-3 days before the holiday, write the names of literary heroines on multi-colored paper sheets, and place them in a small bag. Draw lots and let each girl draw one of the leaves.

    Announce the task to high school students. They need to take a picture as a literary character and bring the photo to school on the eve of February 14th.

    Post photos of young ladies in a conspicuous place, and on Valentine's Day, hold a secret ballot among young men. To make the jury's choice fair, invite the judges and teachers of literature - it will help determine the girl who most accurately conveyed the image and mood of the book heroine. For the best impersonation, the winner of the competition can be awarded a small prize.

    Dance competitions on February 14 for teenagers

    The younger generation likes to show character and violently express their emotions. To direct the energy of students in a peaceful direction, invite them to the dance floor. In between dances, play fun games with the guys: funny dance competitions for February 14 at school are a guarantee of a positive atmosphere and contagious laughter.

    For high school students, it is appropriate to hold a competition with an orange. All participants in the competition must split into pairs, each of which must be clamped on a citrus between their foreheads. Boys and girls need to dance to the music so that the oranges do not fall on the floor. For interest, you can alternate slow compositions with fast energetic hits.

    A fun competition at the school "Dance like us" will make children laugh and cheer up. Announce that the guys need to dance the appropriate dance to the music. Find the entries "Gypsy", "Lambada", "Valenki" and "Tango" in advance. At the end of the competition, all those who did not lose their heads and continued to fulfill the conditions of the competition will be awarded a prize.

    Funny competition on February 14 for teenagers at school

    "Let's wrap the present." 3-5 pairs of high school students should temporarily pack a present in gift paper and tie it with a solemn ribbon. The main condition of the competition is not to open hands.

    Contests on February 14 during the tea party

    Competitions on February 14 at school can also be held during friendly gatherings at the festive table. Board games are a great entertainment option for bored high school students.

    Invite the children to play association. Say: "Love is ...", and let each of them give their own definition of this bright feeling. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds is out of the game. Be sure to reward the romantic winner with a small themed souvenir.

    February 14 is the day of all lovers, however, for schoolchildren during this period, a great time comes. On this day, you can please them with a wide variety of fun contests that will allow them to unite in a team. Perhaps, at this stage of their life, some interesting relationship will already begin. Love, as they say, all ages are submissive. So competitions on February 14 for schoolchildren in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

    The best ideas for competitions on February 14 for schoolchildren in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    The most and most

    We will start, perhaps, with the simplest, but very interesting competition, which is sure to please all elementary school students. For the game, you will have to prepare several cards in advance, on which various words will be written. Examples are: sleeping beauty, smartest, prettiest, funniest, best friend. These phrases will refer to girls. Don't forget about the boys either. The following phrases will be appropriate for them: the smartest, the coolest, the bore, the king of jokes, and so on. The number of cards does not have to correspond to the exact number of students in the class. There may be more of them. It all depends on your imagination. After that, all the cards should be laid out in the form of two flowers with petals. Accordingly, the first group will refer to boys, and the second to girls. Do not forget that they are all stacked with inscriptions down so that none of the participants in the game can see what is written on each particular card. This funny competition is sure to please schoolchildren. The game begins with one of the boys walking up to the girls' flower and taking one of the petals. Then he chooses one individual of the weaker sex, to which, in his opinion, the phrase written on the card is best applicable, and hands it to her. Then the girl gets up and does the same. Children will certainly be interested in learning a lot about what their classmates think of them. The game continues until all the petals on both flowers run out. A rather original competition that will delight both very young schoolchildren and representatives of grades 5-6.

    Pass the orange

    This is another rather funny competition that will surely please girls and boys who are in grades 4, 5, 6. All participants in the game must line up in a chain. It alternates between boys and girls. The person who stands first in the row must hold the orange between his chin and neck. The next participant in the competition must, in exactly the same way, take an orange from the next participant and pass it on to the next one. There will be no end to the fun in this situation. When one of the participants drops an orange, he is out of the game. A fairly simple contest that will amuse the kids on February 14th. The game will continue until there are two players left on the playing field. They are the ones who are declared the winners. If you wish, you can reward everyone with tasty prizes. Everything depends on you.


    Many of you love funny and original contests on February 14th. One of these is the competition, which is called chairs. Many people have already participated in it more than once in their lives. It is perfect for children of all ages, including those in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The whole essence of the competition is that chairs are arranged in a circle. Moreover, their number should be one less than the number of participants. Children begin to run around the chairs in a circle, but on a signal they must take empty seats. each time the participants become one less. After one student has dropped out of the competition, one chair must be removed. The competition continues until there is one person left who has taken the very last chair. the result is he becomes the winner. We'll have to give him some interesting gift for Valentine's Day.

    Way to the heart

    There is another very original competition that can be applied to students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6. All girls must participate in the competition here. Each of them has a ball in their hands. They are tangled on the floor, but the ends are brought out to the place where the boys are standing. then they will have to choose one of the available paths, and unravel the girl. Everyone will reach only one single representative of the weaker sex. The team that will unravel the fastest will win.


    Now you know exactly what competitions you can decorate the celebration of February 14 with schoolchildren of girls and boys of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Subscribe and share your ideas with us.

    High school students prefer to participate in more original and vulgar competitions on February 14 than junior students. Adult life is already seething here, so everything must correspond to the atmosphere of celebration and the nature of the celebration. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to please the representatives of the senior classes, especially when it comes to fun and funny contests. They must be really interesting. So the best competitions for February 14 for high school students.

    The best ideas for fun competitions for February 14 for high school students

    Guess the melody

    Guess the melody contest should be based on love songs that are known to many teenagers. You will have to prepare a number of popular melodies in advance. The participants stand in a line, and then the music begins to play. If one of the participants guesses what kind of melody is currently playing, he raises his hand up. As a result, the music stops playing, and he calls his version of the melody. Next, the high school student gets a microphone in his hands, the music starts, and he must sing the song that was played. If he fails to do so, he will not be awarded a point. Many children, even high school students, are embarrassed to sing in public. Here you can add additional stimulation. if a person simply guesses the melody, then he gets only one point, and if he also performed it, then three points at once. This will make it possible to overcome the constraint of most students. Of course, there should be an even more significant incentive in the competition, for example, it can be an original gift. Keep that in mind when organizing this fun competition.


    This is a typical competition for high school students on February 14th. For him, you will have to prepare hearts in advance, which will be cut in half. They don't have to be the same. Next come two boxes. The right halves of the hearts fit into the first, and the left halves into the second. Next, one guy and a girl are called. A representative of the stronger sex approaches one box, and a representative of the weaker sex approaches the other. They take the halves out of the boxes at the same time and start running towards each other. If their hearts are united into a single whole, then the contest can end. If all else fails, then they return to their boxes again, put the halves in them, and take out the next ones. The competition continues until a whole heart is obtained. Of course, several couples can participate in this event in succession. The winners are those who spend the least number of attempts to get the right heart. The competition will definitely please young people, because it is not always possible to find two identical halves as quickly as possible.


    The next fun competition for high school students we called valentines. Here you will need hearts of different colors, for example, blue and red. At the same time, there should be 9 of them, while, for example, there should be 10 participants in each team. All valentines are stacked on the table. Participants begin to dance around him. When the music stops, all the students take hearts from the table. At the same time, guys should take red hearts, and girls should take blue ones. Since there are only nine valentines of different colors, then, accordingly, someone will not get them. It is this pair that is eliminated from further competition. At the same time, the number of hearts should also decrease. The game continues until one guy and one girl remain near the table. They are the ones who win. A good game for February 14 for schoolchildren.


    So, dear, now you know how to organize leisure for high school students on Valentine's Day. On this beautiful day, they will be in seventh heaven thanks to your contests.

    Valentine's Day is a very romantic and tender holiday. It is named after the Great Martyr Valentine, who lived in the Roman Empire in the 3rd century.

    According to legend, he secretly married legionnaires in love with their beloved ladies, despite the prohibition of the Roman emperor on the marriage of his soldiers. Valentine was executed, but after a while the day of his execution became a bright holiday for all lovers (read more:). From year to year, now on February 14, all lovers congratulate each other.

    In the USA and Europe, Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 18th century, and in our country it began to be celebrated only in the early 1990s. Each state has its own special traditions and customs of celebrating this day.

    Valentine's Day in different countries

    • England. On this day, it is customary to advertise in newspapers with congratulations. For example, the Times newspaper publishes at least 3 pages of such ads on such a holiday;
    • Italy. On this festive day, it is customary to present all kinds of sweets to loved ones;
    • France. Messages in the form of love quatrains are widespread;
    • Finland. They give each other gifts in the shape of a heart. On this day, mothers are also congratulated, since the holiday of March 8 does not exist in their state;
    • Japan. Competitions are held everywhere for the loudest message. Girls and boys rise to the platform and declare their love to their halves as loudly as possible. The winner receives a prize;
    • America. On this holiday, Americans spend over $700 million on envelopes. On February 14, more than 100 million roses are sold in the country.

    But how is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia? Couples in love do their best to bring romance, tenderness and passion to this day. They exchange gifts, go to restaurants, cinemas. However, flowers and candlelit dinners are a rather banal pastime. Many people, wanting to diversify such a wonderful holiday, hold games, entertainment and competitions.

    How to make a holiday unforgettable?

    Everyone needs bright emotions, and especially on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day contests will create a fun and playful mood at any party. Both a corporate celebration, a meeting of a holiday with your closest friends, and even fun in a restaurant using games and contests will bring people together, and many even find their soul mate.

    Of course, many contests on such a day involve flirting, declarations of love, compliments or fortune-telling about love. Everything should be fun, relaxed and easy, so as not to accidentally put someone in an awkward position.

    When organizing a holiday on February 14, it is important to select in advance the most interesting competitive program and prepare the necessary elements for it.. Here are some fun and romantic contests to make the evening unforgettable:

    1. Heart to pieces. For this competition, you need to take several large heart-shaped valentines and cut them randomly into 10-15 pieces. On command, the participant (or team) must collect a heart from these particles. The fastest one wins;
    2. I love you. Couples participate in this competition. They must, without words, with the help of only facial expressions and gestures, declare their love to each other. The victory is awarded to the couple that makes it the most funny;
    3. My light is a mirror - tell me. Only girls participate in this competition. Looking in the mirror, they should compliment themselves and praise their virtues. At the same time, you can’t think and laugh for a long time. Who will be more convincing and eloquent, he won;
    4. Ball gown. For this competition you will need newspapers, a stationery stapler, clothespins, pins and scissors. Couples participate, and the girl is needed as a model, and the young man acts as a fashion designer and must “sew” a ball gown for his beloved. The more interesting the costume model and the faster the work is done, the more chances the participant has to win;
    5. Who is more beautiful? For this competition, several bulky bags (according to the number of participants) are needed, in which various wardrobe items should be folded. Participants are blindfolded and blindly dressed up. The winner is chosen by the audience;
    6. Where is your stash? Couples participate in this competition. Men are given envelopes with money (bills of various denominations, pre-printed and cut out). They must hide all the money on themselves (women do not see this). After that, couples unpack and women have to find a stash from other people's husbands. The man who manages to keep his bachelors and the woman who finds the most money in the amount wins;
    7. Give me a ring. This is a team competition. Each team must have all men and one woman. Matches are distributed to everyone (they are held with their teeth). The first player is hung on a match with a ring. Further, on command, the men must bring this ring to the woman, passing it to each other without the help of hands, using only a match for this.

    If the competitions are prepared in advance, then the evening will surely be fun and interesting. No one will remain indifferent to such a celebration of love.

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