• People should dress like that. The happier people live, the easier they dress. "Fashionable" things don't suit you


      Every person wants to look stylish and fashionable, this aspect does not depend on age or social status. But what's the paradox, dressing fashionable clothes, you can look ridiculous, and without following fashion, on the contrary, stylish.

      The internal state of a person, as a person, is used to showing in the style of clothing. Style is not necessary to have a lot of different clothes and the ability to successfully combine them. Rather, it is the ability to use new trends in your style.

      Saving is in vogue now, since the crisis is in the yard. And as it was noticed, expensive clothes make a person look old. Still, I want to follow fashion trends, but finances do not always allow this.

      A woman would not be a woman if she did not want to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully, and no financial crisis could prevent it. Therefore, it has become relevant to combine concepts such as "stylish" and "inexpensive". After all, fashion is like architecture, find the correct, original proportion and success is guaranteed.

      You do not need to spend a lot of money to buy things, because it is not necessary to purchase a large number of them. At the moment, there are enough opportunities to dress stylishly for little money. Initially, you need to find out the main fashion trendswhat style prevails in clothes, what accessories are fashionable and do not forget about shoes. All you need to do is stroll through the brand shops or see the shop windows, if you have time. The problem is that there is just not enough time to look after things for yourself, the Internet or glossy magazines, which can be viewed at every opportunity at home or at work, will help.

      Scroll through them from cover to cover to discover new fashion trends.

      You need to choose clothes carefully, you should want to touch it, iron it and most importantly wear it, you should not choose what is unpleasant for you. appearance or don't like the touch. Stores of famous brands often hold promotions with discounts of up to 80%, so it would be nice to know about such events, because they will give you the opportunity to buy quality items for little money.

      By researching fashion trends in stores, magazines or the Internet, we imagine what a new wardrobe will need. The classic style of clothing is suitable for travel, work and leisure, it is versatile and never goes out of style. To pick up stylish image you will need to fill your closet with a few basic things of this particular style.

      Probably the face of classic fashion is the invention and breakthrough of the famous Coco Chanel. Any woman cannot imagine a wardrobe without her little black, it is universal in situations and events that can be worn. The dress can be combined with various shoes, scarves, handbags or belts. Therefore, it has become a must and indispensable attribute for a stylish lady.

      Quite austere, but at the same time feminine thing is a pencil skirt, it is chicly combined with knitwear. Since we are talking about knitwear, then it is included in the basic things. It needs to be matched in color to the face. For informal meetings, a thin turtleneck, cashmere cardigan or knitted dress is suitable.

      Originality is appropriate here, but in moderation, it is advisable to select things in accordance with age, otherwise the appearance will cause a small laugh from others.

      Shoes are an important part of a wardrobe. Every girl should have ankle boots, batilliers or boots. And how can you do without good shoes? It doesn't matter if it will be pumps or moccasins, the main thing is to emphasize your image.

      For winter, choose, it does not matter, with or without a belt, here is the main quality of the material from which it is sewn.

      For the office it is worth picking up two or three blouses white different cut, they will go well with suits.
      The jacket should fit perfectly on you, the classic for trousers is black, gray or sand color... Coco Chanel advised that in order to wear trousers correctly, one should not forget that there is a woman in them. We remember that trousers with a high waist visually lengthen the legs.

      A knitted pullover, a cropped coat and regular jeans are suitable for everyday wear. In this outfit, you can relax and travel. For long trips, a cashmere stole or silk scarf is useful.

      The cocktail dress should be bright, but avoid horizontal stripes and large ones. The handbag needs to be chosen not too much big size of soft skin, large ones spoil the posture and destroy the integrity of the image.

      Pearl beads never go out of style. Short ones will suit jackets, suits and pullovers with a V-neck, long beads will go well with dresses and tunics.

      The most important adornment of a woman is self-confidence. Don't forget that clean hair is hairstyle and well-groomed skin is makeup. And then everything will work out for you.

    So they began to call a wardrobe that should not be worn. This name has nothing to do with provincial towns or village life. It was just noticed long ago that people coming from small towns dress very conservatively. This is where the name came from.

    Fashion and style experts have identified 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe. These are the most common signs, but if desired, they can be specified. Such signs include: excessive gold jewelry, conservatism, black pumps, lack of variety of styles in clothes, lace underwear, blouses, inability to wear tights and accessories, fear of color in clothes, use of fakes.


    After analyzing every sign of provincial style, you can decide on the choice of clothes and remember forever how not to dress.

    The first sign is that girls and women who dress in this style prefer gold jewelry to beautiful and stylish jewelry. There is an opinion among lovers of provincial style that silver is too simple, and costume jewelry is very cheap. And preference is given to gold jewelry, which is worn without knowing the measure. Rings on each finger, a combination of gold and silver jewelry at the same time, gold jewelry worn with a tracksuit and sports shoes - this indicates a lack of taste. Therefore, in order to look stylish, modern, you need to be serious about the choice of jewelry. Stick to the rule: less is better, but better. You shouldn't buy cheap gold, it looks absolutely tasteless.


    Conservativeness is the next sign of not dressing. Modern trends in styles allow you to show your individuality through the appearance. Youth fashion offers bright, original and comfortable clothes and accessories. In the modern concept of a stylish wardrobe, it became possible to combine different ones to get new looks. But the supporters of the provincial style are alien to fashionable and bright ideas. There is a complete lack of style, as it is simply not understood. In this case, there are clothes for work (purely business) and for leisure (sports). Even if the work does not involve a dress code, then the imagination is not enough to diversify the wardrobe in order to look businesslike, but modern. You can also look athletic in jeans; instead of sneakers, it is preferable to wear sneakers and sports sandals.

    Cheap things

    Clothes are chosen on the basis of "cheap and discreet". It is absolutely not taken into account that inexpensive clothing is almost always made of poor quality material. This affects both the convenience of things and the health of supporters of the provincial style. Also, such things do not last long. After the first few washes, they lose their appearance, if the fabric does not stretch, it still looks sloppy. It is better to have one high-quality item in your wardrobe than three bad ones. There will not be much benefit in price, but in health and appearance you can win.

    Black shoes

    If we consider 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe, then the fourth will be familiar to everyone. Provinciality is not in the shoes themselves or in the fact that they are black, it lies in the fact that these shoes are worn with any clothes. The inability to pick and choose a variety of shoe models, the absolute disregard for modern styles is justified by the opinion that such shoes are suitable for everything.

    Yes, earlier, given the scarcity of the range of footwear produced, this may have been true. But in the modern world, industry, represented by both imported and domestic manufacturers, produces convenient, stylish shoesthat can be matched to any wardrobe.

    Inability to wear jewelry

    Correctly selected accessories and jewelry complement the look. They will make it complete. The inability to combine accessories correctly makes the image too simple and inexpressive. And with their excessive use - tasteless and defiant. For representatives of this style, the inability to wear accessories is considered absolutely normal. Although now in the information space there is a great abundance of printed materials about fashion and style, from fashion magazines to books by authoritative authors: stylists, fashion designers and designers. Television is replete with different programs about not having to dress.

    But for this female category, there is only their purely conservative opinion, since they absolutely do not understand why inexpensive clothes would look tasteless with an expensive leather bag. And also in this case, the recommendations and criticism of specialists about mistakes in creating


    Provincial clothes are also knitted sweaters and sweaters that stretch, roll and have an ugly cut. Typically, these items are made from poor quality materials. Therefore, not only do they not keep their shape, but also do not allow air to pass through and do not allow the body to breathe. And this not only provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but can also cause skin problems. Nowadays, youth fashion allows you to replace the outdated style of sweaters with sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers, half-overs that are comfortable to wear, have a modern design and color, thereby allowing you to look fashionable and stylish.


    Another of the 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe is the inability to select underwear. Since here, in any case, they prefer to wear lingerie with an abundance of lace and rhinestones, so that it looks "rich".

    It doesn't matter where they put it on. But there is a division of underwear. For example, if you need to go to the gym, then there are sports bodices and swimming trunks that fit snugly to the body and have a breathable fabric texture. Under the close-fitting and tight turtlenecks, you need to wear models with a smooth texture, without lace and rhinestones. Then, from under the clothes, the linen will not puff up and spoil the overall appearance. Everyday models are different types... But it is recommended to select a set consisting of a bra and panties, which is combined in quality and color, this is considered good form.

    But it is necessary to distinguish the everyday set from the erotic lingerie for special occasions. Since it is out of place in the office to put on lace models with lace garters and stockings of the appropriate nature.


    Inability to pick up and wear tights settled thoroughly in the provincial wardrobe. It lies in the fact that they are worn always and everywhere, giving preference to a shiny structure. Looks very ridiculous summer dress with sandals and wearing tights. Only representatives of the business style do not go with bare legs. They always wear tights to work in the office or to a business meeting. Therefore, the industry for such a case began to produce models 8 and 12 den. They are very thin, do not interfere with the owner in hot weather and look organically in business suit... The rest of the representatives of different styles are recommended to wear this wardrobe item in accordance with the situation and the weather. Follow fashion trends, do not wear outdated models, so as not to look stupid.


    Differs in a variety of color palette. The combination of shades in clothes allows you to create an image. In a youthful style, there is a great abundance of colors and their shades. Youth fashion sometimes uses incongruous clothes in clothes, achieving unexpectedly spectacular results. A sense of proportion and taste leads to the creation of This is absolutely alien to the provincial wardrobe. It has a lot of black, which is combined with white and red, and sometimes gray is used.

    The fear of looking unstable leads to the fact that they begin to look not only boring and stereotyped, but create an image that should not be followed.

    Fake branded items and accessories

    Girls of provincial style give preference to brand fakes, not realizing that the presence of a label of a brand does not guarantee the conformity of quality and belonging of a thing to the products of a well-known company. Especially if, for example, a bag or glasses were bought in the passage or in the market. It is better to buy a quality leather bag from a local manufacturer than a branded fake. After all, a fake looks cheap and vulgar. Poor-quality dark glasses spoil not only the wearer's appearance, but can also harm her eyesight, up to and including burns to her eyes.

    A little conclusion

    Having considered 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe, you can draw a conclusion and start learning how to look stylish. This is not difficult to do. If there is not a person with a knowledge of style and fashion, or simply with good taste, you can get information from printed sources. Or use dedicated resources for analysis and their combination. Don't be afraid to look stupid, as there is nothing more stupid than following the provincial style. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards these 10 signs and destroy the provincial stereotype in choosing a wardrobe.

    16 years old, schoolboy

    I am calm about how other people are dressed. But for me personally, the choice of clothing, its combination and image in general means a lot. I believe that everyone should dress the way they like and want. Although you can't choose clothes for school, the only thing I allow myself are colored socks.

    Mike - "Staff", it was released by the group "Bread". They made a similar collection for Bieber. This group is funny, and I follow the guys: how they dress, what places they visit. The Spice cap is also from the collection of the Khleb group. Their new song is just about how they expect new songs from the Spice Girls.

    I began to feel more relaxed about bright colors, although I used to wear, for example, a red coat. My love for color is rather expressed by my socks: they are always bright and unusual. I have a whole collection. But I prefer clothes in classic colors: white, black, khaki and brown.

    Pants - Zara, white jacket - Gosha Rubchinskiy in collaboration with the Kappa brand. A bike from his latest collection. He was once a hairdresser and is now one of the most famous designers. In 2008, his first show took place: he took teenagers 16-18 years old as models and dressed as he saw. And once Gosha staged a show in an abandoned church, now there is a gym in its place. Freedom and simplicity are visible in his clothes - this attracts me most of all.

    My friends dress in a similar style, so fashionable now. Moreover, it is a free and comfortable clothing option. From music I prefer rap and hip-hop. Listening to Kid Cudi, Asap Rocky, Kendrick Lamar.

    Black sweater and pants - Zara. Black sneakers - Adidas. When my family and I went to Berlin, we searched all the shops. I chose this particular model because it is super comfortable and with a steep Boost sole. For example, some rappers have these sneakers that I like.

    In my free time, I often see my friends. We usually meet in the yard behind the Mac. What are we doing there? Well, we talk and discuss different things, just hang out. And once a week I go to the cinema, recently I have become interested in cinema.

    This particular Champion jacket is a rare model - it was sold only in one store in Latvia. These things do not look expensive or defiant, but they are of good quality and comfortable in them. It is more of a street sports style.

    I would like to always look stylish. How would I like to dress in old age? I think the same as now, although everything will depend on time. It just seems to me that it's great when a person at any age is neat and stylish.

    Men's fashion is an ambiguous concept. Does it even exist, what kind of wardrobe a real man should have and what is absolutely forbidden to wear?

    How do you feel about men who consider fashion to be an exclusively female privilege and wear what falls out of the closet?

    Every person, regardless of gender, should be attentive to his external image and wardrobe, because the saying "they meet by clothes" is always relevant. In the modern world, much is decided on the basis of first impressions, which, unfortunately, speaks of the pettiness of modern society and its constant moral decline. But if a person is attentive to himself in terms of clothing and does not try to cover up his inconsistency with an image, then he will not wear what falls out of the closet, he will show concern for the people around him. This is a kind of communication between the individual and society through clothes, which shows how a person relates to the world around him.
    And for this it is absolutely not necessary to have a thousand options, it is quite enough to find 15-20 items that will be consistent with each other in style (the so-called "wardrobe capsules"), and keep them clean.

    Can a woman change a man's style and is it worth it?

    Maybe, but is it necessary? Many, choosing suits and ties, do this with the zeal of pioneers in the parade, but they do not always have an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bhow their man should look, which is why incidents often happen. When dreams of a fairy-tale prince begin to bang dully against the side of the real figure of their chosen one, this confuses the girls or makes them give up on what happened - "and so it will do, most importantly, he is my man!"
    Carried away by playing the "great stylist", where a woman freely tries on the role of a referee, you should not forget that before that you should visit professionals and consult with a specialist. Otherwise, fashionable jeans, pipes on your companion will reveal his far from inflated legs, and a tight shirt with a fashionable print will add weight not only to your man.

    Where should men dress and can they find their style in the mass market?

    Mass market is a segment of clothing stores affordable pricedesigned for mass consumption. Here the quality is replaced by the speed of moral and physical obsolescence. And yes, in this segment you can find your own style, if you adequately relate to this concept. Clothes of this class should not be worn for more than one season, otherwise they simply wear out to holes, since they are not designed for more. These things are designed to satisfy the tastes of the majority - average cut, boring color. But if you want to stand out, have something more exclusive in shape and color, then there is no point in looking for such things in the mass market. There are different situations in life, so men should pay attention both to the mass market for the formation of a work and everyday wardrobe, and to brands of a different class for drawing up an image for special events.

    What should never be worn in the city?

    You can wear whatever you want in the city, because city life is a fleeting clash different worlds... Variety is great. Everyone expresses himself in his own way. On the other hand, it is undesirable to cross certain boundaries, everything should be justified and appropriate in a permanent habitat. Among bikers, dressing in a tuxedo and bow tie would be inappropriate. Among the hippies, you need to look like them. In the city we all intersect, and I see nothing wrong with people exchanging feelings and discussing, even with negative emotions, another manifestation of life, which also exists and has every right to exist. People should see each other, understand the diversity of the world. But not everyone is interested in fashion, not everyone needs it, not everyone has a desire for it. If a person's basic needs are not satisfied, then he has a desire to plant his nihilism and destruction everywhere. So don't criticize someone else's style - if you don't like a man in sandals with socks, don't look.

    What about accessories: are massive watches, expensive cufflinks, chains and baubles always appropriate?

    The main question is relevance in a given atmosphere and situation. If this is accepted among those around you, you can safely wear various accessories. At a social reception with a black tie dress code, cufflinks will perfectly fit into the image, and a small bauble that will emphasize some of your hobby will become a symbol of your inner world. You can wear a tuxedo and gold chain over your shirt to give your opinion, but all other parameters must be met.

    How do you think Kazan men dress?

    Poor and not positive. This is because in our notorious and intolerant region for any creative manifestation in the field of clothing, you can run into rudeness and cruelty. The field of fashion, apparently due to the religious beliefs and narrow thinking of the gray majority, for some reason is attributed only to sex minorities. Therefore, many seemingly "advanced" minds, wanting to wear something else, are afraid to admit it even to themselves. This is one of the biggest problems in the region, but young people, who have always undermined the "foundations of the bourgeoisie," are gradually changing this situation. And it will replace it when the old generation has outlived itself.

    How do you feel about the trend for beautifully ugly shoes - birken stocks, sandals with socks, etc.?

    Modern fashion is looking for new facets of self-expression and therefore often goes to extremes, but this does not mean at all that you need to do exactly as dictated by this or that designer. The tendency towards ugliness suggests that eclecticism has reached its peak on the catwalk, implementing forbidden forms. This is a breakthrough for fashion as a process. But in real life, this collides with the attitude of society and shatters to smithereens about irrelevance. How did this happen? Fashion comes from society, new trends are what fashion designers see in an urban environment. They get ideas from there and put them on the podium. After that, the idea goes back to society and is processed there. The trend is successful if it has been processed within the environment. It cannot be said that the trend will necessarily take root in the society and vice versa, that which is fashionable in the urban environment will hit the catwalk.

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