• Features of the relationship between height and weight in adolescents. Norms of height and weight Norms of the ratio of weight, age and height of adolescents


    To understand whether the human body is developing correctly, scientists have conducted hundreds of thousands of studies and measurements. Over time, they classified this data and averaged out the indicators that occurred most often. As a result, it turned out that there is a normal ratio of height and weight in adolescents, young children and adults, found in the vast majority of people in a certain region. Using these indicators, you can find out how healthy a person is, whether he has any abnormalities, and whether they are serious.

    Good parents are always interested in how their child is growing and closely monitor the process so as not to miss the slightest misfortune. Therefore, it is extremely important for them to correctly assess the height and weight of children. To do this, you have to refer to established generally accepted parameters. For example, in Russia the average height of an adult man is one meter seventy-eight centimeters. For a woman, this indicator is one meter sixty-four centimeters.

    The norm for height and weight in adolescents can be considered the average parameter accepted in a certain area at a specific time. This indicator is not stable, constant, but can change smoothly or sharply over an arbitrary period of time. Such factors are not the same for all of humanity. Statistics perceives as true and most accurate those data that were obtained over the previous ten years.

    It is important to understand: nuances and clarifications

    Small babies grow extremely quickly, and over time this process gradually slows down. At eleven to sixteen years of age, most may experience a strong growth spurt, after which growth becomes slower again.

    This means that a person can sharply “jump” upward at the age of twelve. By fifteen he has already reached his final height, and at fourteen he is just beginning to slowly stretch out. The main factor influencing these indicators is heredity and the lifestyle of the child or adolescent.

    At the same time, some grow slowly and imperceptibly, while others are able to gain several tens of centimeters in one summer. It is known that there are even daily fluctuations in growth. During the day, a person may be a little lower or, conversely, taller. The largest indicators were found during measurements in the early morning, and the smallest in the evening. The difference can be two to four centimeters.

    Impact of puberty

    The period of adolescent puberty is characterized by the most intensive growth.

    • Girls develop earlier, so peak growth rates are observed at ten to twelve years of age.
    • Boys begin to mature later and for them the most active growth is considered to be thirteen to sixteen years.

    There are cases when, during the development process, the body does not have time to keep up with the growth of the skeleton, cannot build up the required muscle mass, or gain the required weight. There are also other cases when weight increases first, and only then does growth follow. These are completely normal conditions, so you shouldn’t worry too much, immediately look for signs of anorexia in a teenager (hyperlink to the article), or try to force him to lose weight.

    Correction for weight

    For teenagers, forced weight loss or weight gain can be dangerous. The correspondence of their indicators will be quite conditional. A growing organism, and especially the brain, constantly requires “building materials”, thanks to which it develops. An underdeveloped brain, which has not received its portion of nutrients and resources, subsequently turns out to be much more difficult to heal than a body that has not gained or has gained the required kilograms.

    If in adolescence, with weight and height within the normal range, you are bothered by a seemingly too large tummy, then this is not a global problem. Most likely it’s all about improper nutrition and diet, as well as weak abdominal muscles. In this case, special exercises along with normalization of nutrition help greatly. The best person to help with the last question is a dietitian.

    Body mass (weight) and volume are not identical indicators, but completely different things. With the same volume, fat will weigh several times less than muscle and muscles. The eighth-ninth grade anatomy course shows that these tissues themselves can be of different types.

    Therefore, if your weight is within normal limits and your body looks thin or plump, you should not immediately panic. Perhaps the skeleton grows faster than the muscles, or perhaps there is more fat in the body than muscle. All this can be easily “treated” with a balanced diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

    Possible reasons for deviations

    The indicators are not always ideal. This could be due to many different reasons.

    • The development of parents and other ancestors of a teenager (heredity), embedded in the genetic code.
    • Delayed or premature puberty.
    • The special nature of an individual's lifestyle.
    • Malfunction of the pituitary gland, the center in the brain responsible for growth.
    • Thyroid dysfunction.
    • Genetic diseases like Turner syndrome, Marfan syndrome or others.

    Possible diseases of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver, kidneys, abnormal development of blood vessels or joints. However, there is no need to panic, since the disease can only be discussed after a complete clinical study. If no problems are found, you should pay attention to the teenager’s lifestyle, nutrition, and physical activity.

    Table of height and weight norms for teenagers

    Doctors have developed special tablets that can be used to find out the average statistical norms for body weight and height of adolescents at a certain age, relevant for the last ten years. However, you need to understand that these relationships are conditional. That is, it is impossible to consider them absolute and blindly strive to achieve exact parameters. After all, a 17-year-old boy or girl can be plump and short, or maybe tall and thin - this is quite normal.

    There is a special centile method for assessing the physiological development of a child, up to full adulthood. Its essence is quite simple: here anthropometric factors are directly compared with values ​​considered standard. The latter are obtained from general studies, that is, they can be considered averaged for a particular region.

    Anthropometric (centile) tables

    The proportions of a teenager’s body should be as close to ideal as possible. To compile such tables, measurements from hundreds of relatively healthy representatives of the current population of the region are used. People of the same age are selected, after which their measurements are arranged in ascending order. The indicators are entered into tables where a certain numbering is observed, which is called the centile.

    • Parameters up to three centiles are an area of ​​extremely underestimated values. They definitely go beyond the norm and occur in only 3% of those examined. Such adolescents are classified as a “diagnostic group”, that is, they must be thoroughly examined for the presence of pathologies.
    • Up to ten centiles are low, and in healthy children they can occur in only seven percent of cases. You should pay attention to them, but you don’t have to rush as much as in the first case. Particular attention should be paid to the growth and development of such adolescents.
    • Up to twenty-five centiles is a parameter below average, but no longer poses a danger. In healthy adolescents, this is observed in 15-16% of cases.
    • From twenty-five to seventy-five centiles are normal ratios for a healthy person of any age. In fact, it can be called the absolute norm and is found in 50-65% of those examined.
    • Up to ninety centiles occur in healthy people without pathologies only in 6-7% of cases. This is an area of ​​overestimated values. If there are other developmental or growth abnormalities against this background, you should definitely see a doctor.
    • Anything over ninety centiles is obviously bad; these are very high values ​​that indicate the seriousness of the problems.

    As is clear from the instructions above, indicators of 25-75 centiles can be considered harmonious and fully appropriate to age. Anything below will be conditionally considered a developmental delay, and anything above will be considered to be ahead of healthy growth. If something worries you, it is better to contact a pediatrician, who can then, depending on the need, refer you to an endocrinologist, geneticist, nutritionist or gastroenterologist.

    Weight and height 7-17 years (boys)

    Age/Weight (kg)Low (from 10 centiles)Average (25-75th centile)High (More than 93 centiles)
    7 years18,0-19,5 19,5-21,0 21,0-25,4 25,4-28,0 28,0-30,8
    8 years20,0-21,5 21,5-23,3 23,3-28,3 28,3-31,4 31,4-35,5
    9 years21,9-23,5 23,5-25,6 25,6-31,5 31,5-35,1 35,1-39,1
    10 years23,9-25,6 25,6-28,2 28,2-35,1 35,1-39,7 39,7-44,7
    11 years26,0-28,0 28,0-31,0 31,0-39,9 39,9-44,9 44,9-51,5
    12 years28,2-30,7 30,7-34,4 34,4-45,1 45,1-50,6 50,6-58,7
    13 years30,9-33,8 33,8-38,0 38,0-50,6 50,6-56,8 56,8-66,0
    14 years34,3-38,0 38,0-42,8 42,8-56,6 56,6-63,4 63,4-73,2
    15 years38,7-43,0 43,0-48,3 48,3-62,8 62,8-70,0 70,0-80,1
    16 years44,0-48,3 48,3-54,0 54,0-69,6 69,6-76,5 76,5-84,7
    17 years49,3-54,6 54,6-59,8 59,8-74,0 74,0-80,1 80,1-87,8
    Age/Height (cm)Low (from 10 centiles)Below average (from 25 centiles)Average (25-75th centile)Above average (75-93 centiles)High (More than 93 centiles)
    7 years111,0-113,6 113,6-116,8 116,8-125,0 125,0-128,0 128,0-130,6
    8 years116,3-119,0 119,0-122,1 122,1-130,8 130,8-134,5 134,5-137,0
    9 years121,5-124,7 124,7-125,6 125,6-136,3 136,3-140,3 140,3-143,0
    10 years126,3-129,4 129,4-133,0 133,0-142,0 142,0-146,7 146,7-149,2
    11 years131,3-134,5 134,5-138,5 138,5-148,3 148,3-152,9 152,9-156,2
    12 years136,2-140,0 140,0-143,6 143,6-154,5 154,5-159,5 159,5-163,5
    13 years141,8-145,7 145,7-149,8 149,8-160,6 160,6-166,0 166,0-170,7
    14 years148,3-152,3 152,3-156,2 156,2-167,7 167,7-172,0 172,0-176,7
    15 years154,6-158,6 158,6-162,5 162,5-173,5 173,5-177,6 177,6-181,6
    16 years158,8-163,2 163,2-166,8 166,8-177,8 177,8-182,0 182,0-186,3
    17 years162,8-166,6 166,6-171,6 171,6-181,6 181,6-186,0 186,0-188,5

    Weight and height 7-17 years (girls)

    Age/Weight (kg)Low (from 10 centiles)Below average (from 25 centiles)Average (25-75th centile)Above average (75-93 centiles)High (More than 93 centiles)
    7 years17,9-19,4 19,4-20,6 20,6-25,3 25,3-28,3 28,3-31,6
    8 years20,0-21,4 21,4-23,0 23,0-28,5 28,5-32,1 32,1-36,3
    9 years21,9-23,4 23,4-25,5 25,5-32,0 32,0-36,3 36,3-41,0
    10 years22,7-25,0 25,0-27,7 27,7-34,9 34,9-39,8 39,8-47,4
    11 years24,9-27,8 27,8-30,7 30,7-38,9 38,9-44,6 44,6-55,2
    12 years27,8-31,8 31,8-36,0 36,0-45,4 45,4-51,8 51,8-63,4
    13 years32,0-38,7 38,7-43,0 43,0-52,5 52,5-59,0 59,0-69,0
    14 years37,6-43,8 43,8-48,2 48,2-58,0 58,0-64,0 64,0-72,2
    15 years42,0-46,8 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,4 60,4-66,5 66,5-74,9
    16 years45,2-48,4 48,4-51,8 51,8-61,3 61,3-67,6 67,6-75,6
    17 years46,2-49,2 49,2-52,9 52,9-61,9 61,9-68,0 68,0-76,0
    Age/Height (cm)Low (from 10 centiles)Below average (from 25 centiles)Average (25-75th centile)Above average (75-93 centiles)High (More than 93 centiles)
    7 years111,1-113,6 113,6-116,9 116,9-124,8 124,8-128,0 128,0-131,3
    8 years116,5-119,3 119,3-123,0 123,0-131,0 131,0-134,3 134,3-137,7
    9 years122,0-124,8 124,8-128,4 128,4-137,0 137,0-140,5 140,5-144,8
    10 years127,0-130,5 130,5-134,3 134,3-142,9 142,9-146,7 146,7-151,0
    11 years131,8-136,2 136,2-140,2 140,2-148,8 148,8-153,2 153,2-157,7
    12 years137,6-142,2 142,2-145,9 145,9-154,2 154,2-159,2 159,2-163,2
    13 years143,0-148,3 148,3-151,8 151,8-159,8 159,8-163,7 163,7-168,0
    14 years147,8-152,6 152,6-155,4 155,4-163,6 163,6-167,2 167,2-171,2
    15 years150,7-154,4 154,4-157,2 157,2-166,0 166,0-169,2 169,2-173,4
    16 years151,6-155,2 155,2-158,0 158,0-166,8 166,8-170,2 170,2-173,8
    17 years152,2-155,8 155,8-158,6 158,6-169,2 169,2-170,4 170,4-174,2

    *All indicators that are below or above the norms are considered abnormal by default.

    How to Use Teen Height and Weight Charts

    To avoid confusion, different signs are specially given for boys and girls, because their parameters can vary greatly. In the left column you should find your age, and then the appropriate weight. If it falls on the average, then everything is in order, there is no problem, there is no need to worry.

    If you see deviations, you will have to consult a doctor. When the norm is very high or low, you should run to the endocrinologist as fast as you can, because the problem definitely exists. After this, the same must be done with growth. If one of the parameters is within the normal range, and the second is lower or higher, then you don’t have to worry too much, but it won’t hurt to go to the doctor. When both factors are at risk, you need to seek medical examination immediately.

    Rules for taking measurements

    Before you start comparing indicators, you need to make all the measurements correctly, otherwise the results may be erroneous.

    • The height of a teenager, like an adult, is best measured in the early morning, when the body is “stretched” to its maximum.
    • You need to measure when your foot is completely on the floor, ideally barefoot. At this moment, the back should be straight, the legs are closed and not bent at the knees, and the arms are straightened along the body.
    • Heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head should be pressed against a vertical, flat surface, for example, against a wall.
    • You should lower the bar of a special height meter or ruler onto your head without pressing, after which you can note your height.
    • It is also better to weigh the child in the morning, it will be more accurate. If you need to determine exactly, you can measure your weight over three days at the same time, and then derive the arithmetic average.
    • You should not eat or exercise before weighing, this may affect the result and it will be incorrect.

    You need to remember that clothes and shoes have their own weight, so it’s worth taking off the excess. And sneakers, shoes or boots with high soles can significantly affect your growth rate.

    Some of the main indicators for assessing the health status of a newborn baby are height, weight, head and chest circumference. The standards for height and weight gain in newborns are established by the World Health Organization.

    Many mothers are interested in how these indicators of baby development change and whether the height and weight of their newborn child corresponds to the norms.

    Norms of height and weight of newborn children

    After the birth of the child, standard measurements are taken - height and weight.


    The height of a newborn baby is 45-54 cm. But more accurate measurements of the child’s growth are carried out 2-3 days after birth. This is due to the fact that during this time the degree of deformation of the skull bones and swelling of the soft tissues of the head decreases.

    The body length (height) of a newborn baby depends on many factors. The main ones are heredity, the sex of the child, the state of the uteroplacental flow during pregnancy, and the quality of the mother’s diet.

    There are certain patterns of growth of a newborn. Thus, the most intensive growth is observed in the first three months of a child’s life. During this period, it grows by about three centimeters every month. Then, in the period of 3-6 months, the child “stretches” by an average of 2.5 cm every month. From the sixth to the ninth months, the baby grows by 1.5-2 cm every month, and in the period of 10-12 months - by one centimeter per month.

    Thus, the height of a little man increases by an average of 25 cm per year.


    The average weight (weight) of a full-term newborn baby is 2.6-4.5 kg. In recent years, an increasing number of “heroes” have been born. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to have a baby weighing 4.5-5 kg.

    During repeated births, a woman usually gives birth to a larger child than during the first.

    In the first days after birth, the baby experiences a physiological decrease in body weight. This is due to water loss, breathing, sweating and fasting. In this case, the greatest weight loss in a child most often occurs on the second or fourth day, less often on the fifth day after birth. Normal weight loss is about 5-10% of birth weight. In firstborns and larger children, weight loss is more pronounced. Boys also lose more weight. By a week of life, weight is restored in approximately 50% of babies, by the tenth day - in 75%, by two weeks - in almost all healthy newborns.

    Weight loss is more significant in premature babies (9-14%), and their weight decreases over a longer period of time. Weight restoration in such babies usually occurs 20-22 days after birth.

    Growth dynamics

    The height and weight of newborns increases depending on many reasons. But some general trends can be identified. So, during the first month of life, the baby’s weight increases by an average of 20 g every day. In the second month, this increase is 30 g. Thus, the weight of a four-month-old baby doubles compared to birth weight, and by 12 months of life it triples.

    Pediatricians use a special simple formula to calculate the required body weight. So, in the first six months of a baby’s life, his weight is determined by the formula:

    Body weight = body weight at birth (g) + 800 × N. In this case, N means the number of months to live.

    For a child aged 7-12 months, the following formula for calculating weight norms is used:

    Body weight = birth weight + 800 × 6 + 400 × (N – 6).

    Babies who are large at birth usually weigh more than their peers during the first year. Newborns whose weight at birth did not exceed 3.3 kg should gain more than their peers in the first month, catching up with them at two months of age.

    Mothers should control the height and weight of their children. Of course, the above calculations are not entirely convenient. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made tables of height and weight of newborns.

    Newborn height and weight charts

    In 2006, WHO established new international standards for height and weight of newborns. These standards define the normal development of a child at an early age and are used to assess the condition of children in all places, regardless of the type of feeding, socio-economic status, or ethnicity.

    Here is a table of children's growth from birth to one year of age.

    Age, months

    Height (length) indicators, cm




    In the table above, the average height and weight are such that they correspond to the norm. Growth indicators that are indicated as low and high require consultation with a doctor to ensure timely examination.

    Let's look at the table of the child's weight according to WHO standards.

    Age, months

    Weight (body weight) indicators, kg




    Every mother knows that after birth in a children's clinic, doctors measure the height and weight of her baby every month. The indicators must be recorded in the medical record and analyzed. Thus, doctors have clear dynamics of the baby’s development in two main parameters. What's the point of these measurements? Anthropometric data of children helps to diagnose various diseases and pathologies at the early stages of their development.

    From birth, it is important to monitor the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.

    Height and weight indicators for children - why are they needed?

    There are generally accepted standards for height and weight for each age. Any deviation from these standards becomes the first alarm bell, signaling that something is wrong with the baby. Doctors determine a failure if, despite good nutrition, the baby does not gain weight well. This can be a signal of developing anemia, rickets, diseases of the endocrine system and immunodeficiency. Too short height can be a consequence of a lack of growth hormone in the child's body. Excess weight with a moderate diet will be a reason to check the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

    Each child develops individually, so small deviations from the norm are acceptable. Significant changes in these two indicators that are uncharacteristic for children will help doctors not only know that there is a problem, but also indicate where to look for it. Timely diagnosis helps to prescribe therapy on time and avoid consequences.

    Which tables should we refer to – domestic pediatrics or WHO?

    Until the early 90s, when measuring indicators, doctors relied on the old standards that had previously been adopted by the WHO. At this time, the World Health Organization carefully studied outdated standards and came to disappointing conclusions.

    It turned out that many anthropometric standards were greatly overestimated. Based on these data, medical specialists in many countries could draw incorrect conclusions about developmental delays in children. The consequence of this was the supplementary feeding of children with formula, which as a result could provoke obesity.

    In parallel with WHO standards, Russia practiced the use of domestic charts, which were compiled on the basis of statistical data in our country. The data in them turned out to be more accurate and helped to make fewer mistakes. In 1993, WHO conducted a series of statistical analyzes and updated anthropometric data for children. They set new standards that remain relevant to this day.

    Features of the first year of a boy's life

    Everyone knows that the first years of life are the most important for a baby. They are the ones who predetermine its further development. In the period up to one year, the child grows at an incredible speed at which the human body never develops again (see also:). It is extremely important for parents to take responsibility for the baby’s health during this period – both physical and emotional. Experts divide the age of a baby up to 1 year into two periods:

    • neonatal period;
    • infant period.

    The first lasts exactly 28 days from the date of birth, and the second replaces it and ends exactly at one year old. The most difficult period is considered to be the newborn period, because babies are born with not yet fully formed internal organs and tissues.

    In the first days after birth, pediatricians pay attention not only to weight and height, but also to the general health of the baby

    These 28 days will be spent by the little life adapting to the big world and the final formation of its fragile organism. Pediatricians during the newborn period pay special attention not only to height and weight, but also to coordination, motor functions, fine motor skills, skin condition, and social activity.

    Weight standards for boys up to one year old

    Age, monthsBody weight, kg
    Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
    Newborn2,1 2,5 3,4 4,4 5
    1 2,9 3,4 4,1 5,8 6,6
    2 3,8 4,3 4,9 7 8
    3 4,4 5 5,6 8 9
    4 4,9 5,6 6,3 8,7 9,7
    5 5,3 6 6,8 9,3 10,4
    6 5,7 6,4 7,4 9,8 10,9
    7 5,9 6,7 8,1 10,3 11,4
    8 6,2 6,9 8,5 10,7 11,9
    9 6,4 7,1 8,9 11 12,3
    10 6,6 7,4 9,5 11,4 12,7
    11 6,8 7,6 10,1 11,7 13
    12 6,9 7,7 10,6 12 13,3

    The smaller the child, the faster he gains weight (as a percentage), and by the first year of life a boy can weigh from 8 to 13 kilograms (see also:)

    The table shows the average values. Low and high body weight is not critical, since it depends on many factors, among which a special place is given to living conditions, genetic predisposition and type of diet. When coefficients deviate greatly from normal, specialists may order studies to exclude developmental pathologies.

    Baby growth up to one year

    According to experts, the baby should grow by 25 cm in the first year, but this figure is highly averaged. It is influenced by a combination of the following factors:

    • Nutrition. If the baby receives the required amount of nutrients and microelements, he will grow in accordance with generally accepted standards.
    • Heredity. Naturally, tall and large parents also have slightly larger children, and they can gain more in height than their peers.
    • Pathologies and diseases. This factor can slow down growth. As we mentioned above, a lack of growth hormone, rickets or anemia can slow down the baby’s development.

    If a child has a complete and balanced diet, he grows and develops in accordance with generally accepted standards

    Normal height for a male child under 12 months of age is presented in the table:

    Age, monthsHeight, indicators in cm
    Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
    Newborn44,2 46,1 49,9 53,7 55,6
    1 48,9 50,8 54,7 58,6 60,6
    2 52,4 54,4 58,4 62,4 64,4
    3 55,3 57,3 61,4 65,5 67,6
    4 57,6 59,7 63,9 68 70,1
    5 59,6 61,7 65,9 70,1 72,2
    6 61,2 63,3 67,6 71,9 74
    7 62,6 64,8 69,3 73,5 75,7
    8 64 66,2 70,6 75 77,2
    9 65,2 67,5 72 76,5 78,7
    10 66,4 68,7 73,3 77,9 80,1
    11 67,6 69,9 74,5 79,2 81,5
    12 68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9

    Child development from 1 to 10 years

    Over the course of ten years, a child's body undergoes amazing changes. He switches to a full-fledged adult diet, his body begins to prepare for the difficult adolescence period and hormonal explosions.

    The older the child, the less stringent the standards for his anthropometric parameters become. During this period, genetics begins to strongly manifest itself, which causes deviations from the norm.

    Weight indicators

    A boy’s body weight is a labile indicator that quickly responds to changes: nutrition, physical activity, diseases accompanied by weight gain or weight loss. WHO has created special child development charts up to the age of 10, according to which children must fall into the so-called “corridor” of indicators - in this case, the baby develops correctly.

    Weight table for boys under 10 years of age:

    AgeBody weight, kg
    Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
    1 year6,9 7,7 9,6 12 13,3
    1 year 3 months7,4 8,3 10,3 12,8 14,3
    1.5 years7,8 8,8 10,9 13,7 15,3
    1 year 9 months8,2 9,2 11,5 14,5 16,2
    2 years8,6 9,7 12,2 15,3 17,1
    2 years 3 months9 10,1 12,7 16,1 18,1
    2.5 years9,4 10,5 13,3 16,9 19
    2 years 9 months9,7 10,9 13,8 17,6 19,9
    3 years10 11,3 14,3 18,3 20,7
    3 years 3 months10,3 11,6 14,8 19 21,6
    3.5 years10,6 12 15,3 19,7 22,4
    3 years 9 months10,9 12,4 15,8 20,5 23,3
    4 years11,2 12,7 16,3 21,2 24,2
    4 years 3 months11,5 13,1 16,8 21,9 25,1
    4.5 years11,8 13,4 17,3 22,7 26
    4 years 9 months12,1 13,7 17,8 23,4 26,9
    5 years12,4 14,1 18,3 24,2 27,9
    5.5 years13,3 15 19,4 25,5 29,4
    6 years14,1 15,9 20,5 27,1 31,5
    6.5 years14,9 16,8 21,7 28,9 33,7
    7 years15,7 17,7 22,9 30,7 36,1
    8 years17,3 19,5 25,4 34,7 41,5
    9 years18,8 21,3 28,1 39,4 48,2
    10 years20,4 23,2 31,2 45 56,4

    Children of the same age cannot have the same weight (everyone has different genetics, nutrition, physical activity, health), but there is a weight table in which everyone should fall into the “corridor”

    Growth indicators

    A stable parameter of a child's development is height. It determines both the length of the body and the formation of systems and functions of the body, the increase in size of organs. This indicator is considered the best criterion for determining the child’s health status. A slow increase in the length of the skeleton contributes to a decrease in the rate of development of the brain, muscles, etc.

    Indicators for a child aged 1 to 10 years are presented in the table:

    AgeHeight, indicators in cm
    Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
    1 year68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9
    1 year 3 months71,6 74,1 79,1 84,2 86,7
    1.5 years74,2 76,9 82,3 87,7 90,4
    1 year 9 months76,5 79,4 85,1 90,9 93,8
    2 years78,7 81,7 87,8 93,9 97
    2 years 3 months79,9 83,1 89,6 96,1 99,3
    2.5 years81,7 85,1 91,9 98,7 102,1
    2 years 9 months83,4 86,9 94,1 101,2 104,8
    3 years85 88,7 96,1 103,5 107,2
    3 years 3 months86,5 90,3 98 105,7 109,5
    3.5 years88 91,9 99,9 107,8 111,7
    3 years 9 months89,4 93,5 101,6 109,8 113,9
    4 years90,7 94,9 103,3 111,7 115,9
    4 years 3 months92,1 96,4 105 113,6 117,9
    4.5 years93,4 97,8 106,7 115,5 119,9
    4 years 9 months94,7 99,3 108,3 117,4 121,9
    5 years96,1 100,7 110 119,2 123,9
    5.5 years98,7 103,4 112,9 122,4 127,1
    6 years101,2 106,1 116 125,8 130,7
    6.5 years103,6 108,7 118,9 129,1 134,2
    7 years105,9 111,2 121,7 132,3 137,6
    8 years110,3 116 127,3 138,6 144,2
    9 years114,5 120,5 132,6 144,6 150,6
    10 years118,7 125 137,8 150,5 156,9

    By observing the dynamics of a child’s growth, it is possible to provide adequate criteria for assessing his health.

    How does a boy develop from 11 to 18 years old?

    The period of puberty for children is difficult: secondary sexual characteristics develop, hormones are actively produced, voice changes, bones stretch, enlargement of the penis and scrotum. Boys gain weight more rapidly due to increased muscle mass.

    Under the influence of hormones, the child does not control his mood. Between 11 and 12 the first changes in the body begin. At 13, 14, 15, teenagers are at the peak of a hormonal explosion. By the age of 16-17, and for some only by the age of 18, the situation gradually stabilizes.

    Teenage weight dynamics

    A teenager's body weight should be monitored in the same way as the average weight of a small child. Nutrition during this period should be as varied and nutritious as possible. The child’s body is being rebuilt, which means it needs more “bricks” for such construction.

    At 11-13 years old, adolescents' metabolic process accelerates; at 14-16 years old, changes in weight are possible due to hormonal changes. By the age of 17-18, body weight remains at a set level and can increase/decrease depending on physical condition, nutrition and exercise.

    Weight parameters are shown below:

    AgeBody weight, kg
    Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
    11 years26 28 34,9 44,9 51,5
    12 years28,2 30,7 38,8 50,6 58,7
    13 years30,9 33,8 43,4 56,8 66
    14 years34,3 38 48,8 63,4 73,2
    15 years38,7 43 54,8 70 80,1
    16 years44 48,3 61 76,5 84,7
    17-18 years old49,3 54,6 66,3 80,1 87,8

    It is worth remembering that under the influence of hormones during this period, sudden changes in weight are possible, up to exhaustion or obesity. Such problems should be addressed to specialists, because regular diets or overfeeding will not help.

    The weight of a schoolchild depends on many factors; it is important for parents to monitor the development of the child so that there is neither thinness nor obesity

    Growth dynamics of a teenager

    By the age of 12-14, adolescent growth gradually reaches its maximum. By the age of 17-18, boys reach 170-180 cm in height - they become young men. The growth process ends around 18-22 years.

    Normal height in adolescents and young men aged 11 to 18 years:

    To determine the development of the baby (normal height and average weight relative to age), special centile graphs are used.

    At an appointment with a pediatrician, you can hear the doctor assess the indicators, citing a number from 1 to 8. There are several tables for calculating the height indicators of boys and their body weight:

    • centile graphs of average height;
    • head circumference charts;
    • body weight centile tables;
    • Chest volume charts.

    The result of calculating the ratio of weight and height is called the Quetelet index. This figure will help determine whether your child is suffering from obesity or anorexia. The Quetelet index is calculated using a simple formula: weight divided by height raised to the second power. Use a special calculator, of which there are plenty on the Internet. A special index table for children of different ages will help determine whether there are deviations from the norm and how strong they are.

    AgeHeight, indicators in cm
    Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
    11 years131,3 134,5 143,2 152,9 156,2
    12 years

    The peace of mind of the parents depends on how the child grows and develops. To monitor physical development in infancy, the mother needs to measure the baby monthly, paying special attention to growth and weight gain. If the obtained values ​​correspond to the table standards, it means that the child is growing healthy and there is no particular reason for concern.

    By whom, why and on what basis are weight and height indicators for children determined?

    Child development standards were developed by specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of studies conducted in the early 2000s. The need to update previously existing tables arose due to changes in factors such as the environmental situation, nutrition, conditions and rhythm of life. The studies were conducted among several age groups living in different regions of the planet.

    Anthropometric indicators of the baby allow us to assess his health and level of development. The main characteristics of a child in the first years of life are his height and weight. Deviations from established indicators in most cases are associated with the appearance of a disease. Thus, underweight in infants in some cases indicates pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous or endocrine systems, immunodeficiency, rickets and other diseases.

    For each indicator, the average normative value was calculated, as well as the corresponding limits within which the height and weight of a healthy baby are located. Patients with identified deviations from the established parameters should be closely monitored by the attending physician.

    How is the height to weight ratio calculated?

    The first mandatory measurement of a child is carried out immediately after his birth. The proportionality of the newborn’s body is assessed by a doctor in order to identify possible pathologies.

    The most informative characteristic of a baby is height. Its low value indicates slow development of the baby, which is caused by some disease. Growth retardation is often observed in preschool children born prematurely. Diseases of the endocrine system may be the reason why a child is too tall. When assessing height measurements, genetic predisposition must be taken into account.

    The baby's weight is a less important characteristic for the doctor. A slight deviation from the norm is often observed and in most cases is not associated with the presence of diseases. If the child’s weight is much lower than the calculated value, parents should contact their pediatrician. To establish an accurate diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed.

    The ratio of a person's height to weight is called body mass index (BMI). Assessment of the baby’s physical condition using this indicator is considered the most accurate. The value of BMI for children depends on their age. A significant deviation in BMI from normal may indicate that the child is malnourished or obese. In both cases, the baby needs treatment.

    Pediatricians evaluate the results of measuring the height and weight of children under 2 years old using charts of the ratio of these indicators. For children and adolescents aged 2 to 20 years, tables are used to estimate the relevant parameters by BMI.

    WHO height and weight charts

    WHO specialists have developed special tables of height and weight ratios for children of different ages depending on their gender. These international standards are used in medical practice by doctors from all countries.

    To determine how harmoniously the baby is developing, parents can make calculations themselves. It should be remembered that the tables contain average figures and deviation from them is not always a sign of any disease. However, when the child’s weight or height significantly exceeds the permissible values, you need to see your doctor.

    For girls under 1 year

    During the first twelve months, your baby grows quickly, so it is important to take monthly measurements. According to the tabular data, the average height of newborn babies is 49.2 cm and weight is 3.2 kg.

    Age Weight, kg)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    0 months2,4-2,8 2,8 3,2 3,7 3,7-4,2
    1 month3,2-3,6 3,6 4,2 4,8 4,8-5,5
    2 months3,9-4,5 4,5 5,1 5,8 5,8-6,6
    3 months4,5-5,2 5,2 5,9 6,6 6,6-7,5
    4 months5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,3 7,3-8,2
    5 months5,4-6,1 6,1 6,9 7,8 7,8-8,8
    6 months5,7-6,5 6,5 7,3 8,3 8,3-9,4
    7 months6,0-6,8 6,8 7,6 8,6 8,6-9,8
    8 months6,2-7,0 7 8 9 9,0-10,2
    9 months6,5-7,3 7,3 8,2 9,3 9,3-10,6
    10 months6,7-7,5 7,5 8,5 9,6 9,6-10,9
    11 months6,9-7,7 7,7 8,7 9,9 9,9-11,2
    1 year7,0-7,9 7,9 9 10,1 10,1-11,5
    Age Height (cm)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    0 months45,4-47,3 47,3 49,2 51 51,0-52,9
    1 month49,8-51,7 51,7 53,7 55,6 55,6-57,6
    2 months53,0-55,0 55 57,1 59,1 59,1-61,2
    3 months55,6-57,7 57,7 59,8 61,9 61,9-64,0
    4 months57,8-59,9 59,9 62,1 64,3 64,3-66,4
    5 months59,6-61,8 61,8 64 66,3 66,3-68,5
    6 months61,2-63,5 63,5 65,7 68 68,0-70,3
    7 months62,7-65,0 65 67,3 69,6 69,6-71,9
    8 months64,0-66,4 66,4 68,8 71,1 71,1-73,5
    9 months65,3-67,7 67,7 70,1 72,6 72,6-75,0
    10 months66,5-69,0 69 71,5 74 74,0-76,4
    11 months67,7-70,3 70,3 72,8 75,3 75,3-77,8
    1 year68,9-71,4 71,4 74 76,6 76,6-79,2

    For boys up to 1 year

    The indicators for boys born are slightly higher - 49.9 cm and 3.3 kg.

    Age Weight, kg)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    0 months2,5-2,9 2,9 3,3 3,9 3,9-4,4
    1 month3,4-3,9 3,9 4,5 5,1 5,1-5,8
    2 months4,3-4,9 4,9 5,6 6,3 6,3-7,1
    3 months5,0-5,7 5,7 6,4 7,2 7,2-8,0
    4 months5,6-6,3 6,3 7 7,8 7,8-8,8
    5 months6,0-6,7 6,7 7,5 8,4 8,4-9,4
    6 months6,3-7,1 7,1 7,9 8,9 8,9-9,9
    7 months6,6-7,4 7,4 8,3 9,3 9,3-10,3
    8 months6,9-7,7 7,7 8,6 9,6 9,6-10,7
    9 months7,1-8,0 8 8,9 9,9 9,9-11,1
    10 months7,4-8,2 8,2 9,2 10,2 10,2-11,4
    11 months7,5-8,4 8,4 9,4 10,5 10,5-11,7
    1 year7,7-8,7 8,7 9,7 10,8 10,8-12,0
    Age Height (cm)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    0 months46,1-48,0 48 49,9 51,8 51,8-53,7
    1 month50,8-52,8 52,8 54,7 56,7 56,7-58,6
    2 months54,4-56,4 56,4 58,4 60,4 60,4-62,4
    3 months57,3-59,4 59,4 61,4 63,5 63,5-65,5
    4 months59,7-61,8 61,8 63,9 66 66,0-68,1
    5 months61,7-63,8 63,8 65,9 68 68,0-70,1
    6 months63,3-65,5 65,5 67,6 69,8 69,8-71,9
    7 months64,8-67,0 67 69,2 71,3 71,3-73,5
    8 months66,2-68,4 68,4 70,6 72,8 72,8-75,0
    9 months67,5-69,7 69,7 72 74,2 74,2-76,5
    10 months68,7-71,0 71 73,3 75,6 75,6-77,9
    11 months69,9-72,2 72,2 74,5 76,9 76,9-79,2
    1 year71,0-73,4 73,4 75,8 78,1 78,1-80,5

    If a baby is consistently underweight, you should make sure that he is getting enough breast milk. In some cases, babies need to be fed with artificial formula. Lack of nutrients negatively affects both the physical and mental development of infants.

    For children from 1 to 10 years old

    Starting from the age of two, the growth rate of children begins to decrease, but this does not mean that the height and weight standards of older children should not be taken into account by the attending physician during examination. When comparing the figures obtained during measurement with table values, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

    • heredity;
    • list of past diseases;
    • individual characteristics;
    • nutritional balance.

    Indicators corresponding to the norm are lower for girls and boys aged 1 to 10 years.

    For boys

    Age Height (cm)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    15 months74,1-96,6 76,6 79,2 81,7 81,7-84,2
    18 months76,9-79,6 79,6 82,3 85 85,0-87,7
    21 months79,4-82,3 82,3 85,1 88 88,0-90,9
    2 years81,4-84,4 84,4 87,5 90,5 90,5-93,6
    27 months83,1-86,4 86,4 89,6 92,9 92,9-96,1
    30 months85,1-88,5 88,5 91,9 95,3 95,3-98,8
    33 months86,9-90,5 90,5 94,1 97,6 97,6-101,2
    3 years88,7-92,4 92,4 96,1 99,8 99,8-103,5
    3.5 years91,9-95,9 95,9 99,9 103,8 103,8-107,8
    4 years94,9-99,1 99,1 103,3 107,5 107,5-111,7
    4.5 years97,8-102,3 102,3 106,7 111,1 111,1-115,5
    5 years100,7-105,3 105,3 110 114,6 114,6-119,2
    5.5 years103,4-108,2 108,2 112,9 117,7 117,7-122,4
    6 years106,1-111,0 111 116 120,9 120,9-125,8
    6.5 years108,7-113,8 113,8 118,9 124 124,0-129,1
    7 years111,2-116,4 116,4 121,7 127 127,0-132,3
    8 years116,0-121,6 121,6 127,3 132,9 132,9-138,6
    9 years120,5-126,6 126,6 132,6 138,6 138,6-144,6
    10 years125,0-131,4 131,4 137,8 144,2 144,2-150,5
    Age Weight, kg)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    15 months8,3-9,2 9,2 10,3 11,5 11,5-12,8
    18 months8,8-9,8 9,8 10,9 12,2 12,2-13,7
    21 months9,2-10,3 10,3 11,5 12,9 12,9-14,5
    2 years9,7-10,8 10,8 12,2 13,6 13,6-15,3
    27 months10,1-11,3 11,3 12,7 14,3 14,3-16,1
    30 months10,5-11,8 11,8 13,3 15 15,0-16,9
    33 months10,9-12,3 12,3 13,8 15,6 15,6-17,6
    3 years11,3-12,7 12,7 14,3 16,2 16,2-18,3
    3.5 years12,0-13,6 13,6 15,3 17,4 17,4-19,7
    4 years12,7-14,4 14,4 16,3 18,6 18,6-21,2
    4.5 years13,4-15,2 15,2 17,3 19,8 19,8-22,7
    5 years14,1-16,0 16 18,3 21 21,0-24,2
    5.5 years15,0-17,0 17 19,4 22,2 22,2-25,5
    6 years15,9-18,0 18 20,5 23,5 23,5-27,1
    6.5 years16,8-19,0 19 21,7 24,9 24,9-28,9
    7 years17,7-20,0 20 22,9 26,4 26,4-30,7
    8 years19,5-22,1 22,1 25,4 29,5 29,5-34,7
    9 years21,3-24,3 24,3 28,1 33 33,0-39,4
    10 years23,2-26,7 26,7 31,2 37 37,0-45,0

    For girls

    Age Height (cm)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    15 months72,0-74,8 74,8 77,5 80,2 80,2-83,0
    18 months74,9-77,8 77,8 80,7 83,6 83,6-86,5
    21 months77,5-80,6 80,6 83,7 86,7 86,7-89,8
    2 years80,0-83,2 83,2 86,4 89,6 89,6-92,9
    27 months81,5-84,9 84,9 88,3 91,7 91,7-95,0
    30 months83,6-87,1 87,1 90,7 94,2 94,2-97,7
    33 months85,6-89,3 89,3 92,9 96,6 96,6-100,3
    3 years87,4-91,2 91,2 95,1 98,9 98,9-102,7
    3.5 years90,9-95,0 95 99 103,1 103,1-107,2
    4 years94,1-98,4 98,4 102,7 107 107,0-111,3
    4.5 years97,1-101,6 101,6 106,2 110,7 110,7-115,2
    5 years99,9-104,7 104,7 109,4 114,2 114,2-118,9
    5.5 years102,3-107,2 107,2 112,2 117,1 117,1-122,0
    6 years104,9-110,0 110 115,1 120,2 120,2-125,4
    6.5 years107,4-112,7 112,7 118 123,3 123,3-128,6
    7 years109,9-115,3 115,3 120,8 126,3 126,3-131,7
    8 years115,0-120,8 120,8 126,6 132,4 132,4-138,2
    9 years120,3-126,4 126,4 132,5 138,6 138,6-144,7
    10 years125,8-132,2 132,2 138,6 145 145,0-151,4
    Age Weight, kg)
    shortlower limit of normalnorm upper limit of normalhigh
    15 months7,6-8,5 8,5 9,6 10,9 10,9-12,4
    18 months8,1-9,1 9,1 10,2 11,6 11,6-13,2
    21 months8,6-9,6 9,6 10,9 12,3 12,3-14,0
    2 years9,0-10,2 10,2 11,5 13 13,0-14,8
    27 months9,5-10,7 10,7 12,1 13,7 13,7-15,7
    30 months10,0-11,2 11,2 12,7 14,4 14,4-16,5
    33 months10,4-11,7 11,7 13,3 15,1 15,1-17,3
    3 years10,8-12,2 12,2 13,9 15,8 15,8-18,1
    3.5 years11,6-13,1 13,1 15 17,2 17,2-19,8
    4 years12,3-14,0 14 16,1 18,5 18,5-21,5
    4.5 years13,0-14,9 14,9 17,2 19,9 19,9-23,2
    5 years13,7-15,8 15,8 18,2 21,2 21,2-24,9
    5.5 years14,6-16,6 16,6 19,1 22,2 22,2-26,2
    6 years15,3-17,5 17,5 20,2 23,5 23,5-27,8
    6.5 years16,0-18,3 18,3 21,2 24,9 24,9-29,6
    7 years16,8-19,3 19,3 22,4 26,3 26,3-31,4
    8 years18,6-21,4 21,4 25 29,7 29,7-35,8
    9 years20,8-24,0 24 28,2 33,6 33,6-41,0
    10 years23,3-27,0 27 31,9 38,2 38,2-46,9

    To find out whether a deviation from the norm is acceptable, you need to find the resulting value in the table corresponding to the age of your son or daughter. If the indicator is too high or below average, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician.

    For children and teenagers from 11 to 17 years old

    During adolescence, the final formation of body proportions occurs, so the range of values ​​corresponding to the norm increases. The physical development of girls and boys after 10 years has significant differences. In the fair sex, the process is intense and can occur in spurts up to the age of 18. For boys, it takes a longer period of time, so girls of the same age are ahead of them in development and growth.

    Teenage girls over 10 years old are often embarrassed by their rounded shapes and try to adhere to strict diets when it comes to food. This can cause serious consequences in the future, since until the age of 18 the body is still growing and needs nutrients.

    The parameters of adolescents corresponding to the normal development of the body between the ages of 11 and 18 are shown in the table:

    Teen ageBoys weightBoys' heightGirls weightGirls' height
    11 years31.0 - 39.9 kg1.39 - 1.48 m30.7 - 38.9 kg1.40 -1.49 m
    12 years34.4 – 45.1 kg1.44 - 1.55 m36.0 – 45.4 kg1.46 -1.54 m
    13 years38.0 – 50.6 kg1.50 - 1.61 m43.0 – 52.5 kg1.52 -1.60 m
    14 years42.8 – 56.6 kg1.56 - 1.68 m48.2 – 58.0 kg1.55 -1.64 m
    15 years48.3 – 62.8 kg1.63 - 1.74 m50.6 - 60.4 kg1.57 -1.66 m
    16 years54.0 - 69.6 kg1.67 - 1.78 m51.8 - 61.3 kg1.58 -1.67 m
    17 years59.8 – 74.0 kg1.72 - 1.82 m52.9 – 61.9 kg1.59 -1.69 m

    If deviations are still present, it is necessary to determine their significance. For these purposes, tables are used with a gradation of indicators from the “low” level to the “too high” level.

    What factors influence children's weight and height?

    The main factor influencing anthropometric indicators is genetic predisposition. However, the influence of heredity is manifested in the development of children, starting from the age of three. Before this, the baby should weigh no more and no less than the standard values.

    The newborn’s indicators may be far from normal if during pregnancy the mother was unable to give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. Also an important factor in this matter is the proper nutrition of the expectant mother and the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes during the period of fetal formation.

    In order for a child’s height and weight to remain normal, he needs to get the necessary nutrients from food. The following products should be present in the diet:

    • various types of meat;
    • cottage cheese, milk and other dairy products;
    • eggs;
    • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
    • berries;
    • pasta and various cereals;
    • fish.

    The variety of dishes in a baby's diet should increase as he grows up. Adding new foods to your child's food is done gradually, so he may experience an allergic reaction.

    The child’s growth indicators will not meet the standards if the body’s hormonal levels are disrupted. This condition is associated with diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands.

    The problem of overweight and underweight

    In childhood, body weight is an important indicator of a child's health. If measurements indicate underweight or overweight, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition, as it can have serious consequences.

    A child weighs less than normal due to a lack of nutrients entering the body with food. In infants with underweight, neuropsychological development disorders may occur, and various tissues and organs form late. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of pathologies such as visual impairment, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Underweight among schoolchildren causes weak immunity, digestive disorders, low levels of hemoglobin in the blood, rickets, and delayed puberty. In adolescence, malnutrition is associated with a child’s refusal to eat due to stress, neuroses, and mental stress.

    Excess weight has a negative impact on the heart and blood vessels, joints, digestive, nervous and hormonal systems. If excess weight is not associated with a medical problem, it can be controlled with a balanced diet.

    Problems of intensive and slow growth

    When the growth rate in children is significantly lower than normal, parents need to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible to find out and eliminate the cause of this deviation. The intensity of growth largely depends on how many nutrients enter the body with food.

    Disorders of the endocrine system, in which insufficient amounts of growth hormone are released, lead to lag. Healthy sleep helps increase its level.

    If a child's growth begins to slow down at age 2, this may be due to a genetic factor. Hereditary pathologies that can cause growth retardation include chromosomal abnormalities, disturbances in the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, amino acids, and others.

    What is important to pay attention to, said Olga Vladimirovna Stepanovich, a pediatrician at the NEARMEDIC clinic in Perovo.

    Olga Vladimirovna Stepanovich

    The height and weight of a child at birth is one of the key indicators by which doctors determine the degree of his physical development, along with the ratio of head and chest circumference and values ​​from the Apgar scale regarding the baby’s emotional reactions at birth.

    We all understand that each person is unique, but any deviations from the norm in height and weight, especially if they have a minus sign, are a cause for concern for both parents and doctors. Many years of experience and developments in the field of pediatrics force specialists to rely on an approximate range of indicators, and going beyond these limits can be considered an anomaly.

    Normal baby weight at birth

    Based on WHO (World Health Organization) data, we can conclude that at birth the body weight of a healthy child normally ranges from 2.8 to 4 kg. In our country, the average weight of a newborn boy is 3495 g, girls - 3350 g.

    As a rule, on the second day there is a physiological decrease in the weight of the newborn, with its maximum loss occurring on the 4-5th day.

    Acceptable minus in the first days of life: in premature babies - up to 12-14% of the total weight, in full-term babies up to 7-8%.

    Control of weight gain occurs both in the maternity hospital in the first days of the baby’s birth, and during the period of postpartum care. That is why weighing and various measurements of the baby’s parameters is the most common procedure in the pediatrician’s office.

    As a rule, weight gain is monitored before feeding the child and after - for a more objective assessment.

    Normal weight of a child after the first year of life

    After the first year of life, the baby’s weight gain slows down, the indicators become more stable - he can gain only up to half a kilogram in a short period of time - from 3 to 6 months.

    WHO data gives a general idea of ​​the limits of weight gain, but each child develops individually, and a slight deviation from the norm is not a cause for concern. So, for boys it is considered normal if he:

    • at 1.5 years weighs from 10 to 13 kg.
    • at 2 years – from 11 to 14.5 kg.
    • at 3 years – from 13 to 17 kg.
    • at 5 years – from 15.5 to 22 kg.

    For girls:

    • at 1.5 years - from 9.5 to 12 kg.
    • at 2 years – from 10.8 to 13.5 kg.
    • at 3 years – from 12.5 to 16.5 kg.
    • at 5 years – from 15.7 to 21.6 kg.

    Weight standards for preschoolers and schoolchildren

    There are general patterns that doctors focus on. It is considered normal when by the age of 6-7 years the weight of a one-year-old child gradually doubles, and by the age of 15-16 years it triples. During puberty, when the child is in the puberty phase, he begins to gain weight again.

    This increase can be 5-6 kg per year.

    Deviations from the norm in the child’s weight


    According to WHO, the number of infants and children under 5 years of age who are overweight or obese is constantly increasing. In 1990 there were 32 million such children, in 2016 – 41 million. If the trend continues, this figure will rise to 70 million in 2025. Obesity in childhood increases the risk of early development of serious diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases.

    One important way to prevent obesity in infants is complete breastfeeding from birth to 6 months. Obesity in infants and children is defined in accordance with WHO standards for child growth and development, taking into account the following indicators: body length/height - age; body weight – age; body weight - height and body mass index - age and WHO standards for children and adolescents 5-19 years old (body mass index - age).

    When a child is underweight

    A situation where a child in his age group weighs much less than the threshold and does not gain weight at all should also alert parents. Hypotrophy can be observed literally from the first or second months of life - prenatal or postnatal. In this case, in addition to the child’s low body weight, characteristic clinical signs of the disease may also be a low level of subcutaneous fat, which is always visually noticeable.

    The consequence of critical indicators of shortage may be underfeeding.

    The child is always hungry, he does not eat enough or does not consume very high-calorie food. When breastfeeding, this may also be due to the mother’s poor diet, which affects the quality of the milk and its fat content.

    Breastfed babies often gain weight more slowly than formula-fed babies.

    To eliminate the problem of underfeeding, pediatricians advise feeding the child on demand. In the first months after birth, the number of feedings can reach 10–12 per day; during the day you should feed every 2 hours or more often, at night every 3–3.5 hours or more often.

    The duration of feeding should be determined by the infant. For one-year-olds and slightly older children, it is important for the mother to understand the ratio of the energy value of the baby’s food and his daily needs in order to control the degree of satiety of the child.

    You can adhere to the following consumption criteria:

    • from 1 year to 3 years - approximately 1500 kcal/day,
    • from 3 to 5 years old – 1800 kcal/day,
    • from 5 to 8 years old – 2000 kcal/day,
    • from 8 to 12 years old – 2400 kcal/day,
    • from 12 to 16 years – 2850 kcal/day.

    It is not for nothing that we described the indicators in the age threshold of one year. This is one of the most active periods in a baby's life. During this time, children move a lot and can expend 100 to 150 calories per hour. Therefore, the nutritional value of the calories consumed by the child should more than cover the wasted energy balance.

    Causes of underweight in a child may include hereditary and autoimmune diseases, as well as stressful situations.

    Child growth standards

    We must not forget that a child’s growth indicators should always be considered in relation to weight. If your height exceeds the norm, then excess weight will be natural and will not necessarily be considered a deviation from the norm.

    The body length of a healthy newborn baby ranges from 46 to 56 centimeters.

    Boys' height at birth is usually about 50.7 cm, and girls' height is about 50.2 cm. In the first year of life, the baby grows especially rapidly, and by the end of this period its height has approximately halved, averaging 75–76 cm.

    After a year, at least until the age of 3, the baby’s growth rate continues.

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