• Buyer by profession. Who are shoppers and how much do they earn in Perm? Unusual profession: shopper - for those who love shopping Should the stylist take into account the preferences of the client? For example, I love gray, and the stylist says: it doesn't suit you. Or me nr


    Everywhere and always, the manner of dressing reported on the position of a person in society. Knowing how to dress means finding your place in the social hierarchy. (Michael Flocker)

    This difficult process is called shopping, and to really make the right choice you need real professional help!

    1. What is shopping?

    Shopping- a form of pastime in the form of visiting stores (most often large shopping centers) and buying goods (clothes, shoes, accessories, hats, gifts, cosmetics, etc.).

    How much time is spent looking for the right thing?

    Endless shopping, tedious fittings, a painful choice from many options ... This is at best: if we have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat thing we want to buy. And if not?

    How to be? What to choose from? how to spend efforts to achieve the most effective result: choose a thing that is right for you and for a given case and, in addition, expresses your individuality and pleases the soul?

    Help in choosing is the task of a specially trained person to buy clothes (shopper).

    It provides a complete system of services that allow you to make purchases competently and with pleasure.

    2. Who is a shopper?

    Shopper is a personal manager who forms a new image, plans a purchase budget, accompanies you at the time of shopping. And all this is done according to the script!

    The main task of a shopper is to competently create a wardrobe for his client. And for this you need to know well your ward, his character, lifestyle, habits. Therefore, for a shopper, in addition to an excellent sense of taste and the ability to understand all fashion trends, it is important to have certain knowledge in this industry.

    The main plus is that a professional shopper creates several images that can be further supplemented and improved.

    We are used to trusting professionals. But unfortunately, there are not many really literate people. it needs to be learned!

    3.who can become a shopper?(What qualities do you need to possess to become one? Can anyone "learn" for this specialty?)

    The profession of a shopper is a special skill, possession of a set of pronounced abilities for communication, aesthetic imagination, and speech charm.

    But in order to achieve results in this area, you need talent and striving for your goal, and of course the knowledge that you need to get.

    In working with future shoppers, special attention is paid to the development of imagination, systemic knowledge of the client's personality, a sense of artistic proportion, brands and prices, the location and operation of boutiques, about styles and fashion trends, about the thread index and the latest technologies, as well as a shopping plan, discounts and predictable result, etc.

    A course for shoppers at the ImageServices Agency for those wishing to acquire a new prestigious specialty and for those who want to improve their qualifications.

    4. How is learning? (What is included in the program, what theoretical and practical knowledge you need to get)

    Future specialists are trained in an effective and efficient program. The basis of training includes not only the rules of competent shopping, but also subjects:

    Stylistics (image style, basic styles, body shaping, aroma)

    Fashion history

    Rational wardrobe rules

    Fundamentals of Imageology

    Practical part

    Namely, in our agency you can get the most advanced, multifaceted, voluminous course. In addition, there is an opportunity from the first days of training to start practice, under the careful supervision of teachers.

    5. What should a shopper be able to do?

    Shopping escort- saving time, nerves and money, and most importantly, solving the problem associated with going to stores and choosing among a variety of clothes, exactly the one that will be relevant for a long time

    Those of you who would like to master the profession of a shopper should understand that the main thing in this profession is not only knowledge in the field of style and image, but also the ability to find clients, a common language with the client, position yourself as an expert, make the client your friend, be ready to work out the client's personal problems, remove complexes and harmonize the internal and external image and many other skills.

    Each specialist should work at the level of doing what he loves, a hobby, and not just making money.

    6. Perspectives.(Where do they work, how much do the services cost, who can become a client?)

    In Yekaterinburg, the “shopper” profession is only gaining momentum, competitiveness is not yet high - there is an opportunity to become the best specialist.

    Deep and extensive training allows you to find yourself in several areas at once.

    First of all, clients are business people who value time and money. as well as striving for self-expression and personal growth.

    The myth that shopper services are very expensive and not everyone can use them has long ceased to make sense. The cost of services depends on the goal or task, on how comprehensive approach is offered to the client, as well as on the qualifications of the specialist.

    7. What specializations are there?

    The shopper's work affects absolutely all areas of a person, because a specialist analyzes and analyzes each stage of a client's life (his occupation, work, family, leisure). Therefore, specializations can be different:

    Situationalwhen a customer comes with one purchase need for a single event and the work is done directly in stores.

    Narrowwhen a client needs several things for the new season, then it is possible to assess the existing things from a photo, and the work itself in stores

    Widewhen a client needs a large number of purchases for all occasions, then deep analytics of the wardrobe is needed, and then work in shopping centers

    The shopper can position himself from a piece like stylist, as he works individually with the client, taking into account the peculiarities of character, his goals and objectives, type, features of the figure, color type, professional activity, etc.

    8. Your own image maker(is it possible and necessary to study for yourself?)

    Shopper specialization training allows you not only to change your image and finally find your own style, but also just be able to buy things with taste, a sense of style, knowledge of what exactly suits you, and a keen sense of fashion and new trends.

    Undoubtedly, learning for yourself is not only possible, but also necessary! Even if the knowledge and skills that you master will not be useful to you in your future professional activities, the others and you yourself will very quickly notice the changes in your life, and these changes will definitely be for the better!

    The article was worked on by Anna Maltseva, stylist of ImageServices agency

    Shopper profession: where is it taught and how?

    Thanks to numerous television programs, where simple dressing girls of standard appearance are practically turned into catwalk stars, the profession of a shopper has become fashionable. It is no wonder that the Internet gives 24 thousand answers to the query "shopper courses" in a search engine. What is taught in a wardrobe manager course?

    I would go to shoppers, let them teach me

    Theoretical training awaits the future shoppers at first. To navigate styles, combinations and trends like a fish in water, you need to go over the history of fashion, closely study the industry of fashion brands, learn to classify fashion products by price and predict what will be relevant in the next season.

    Color science and coloristics are included in a separate course. Here, the future shopper is taught to determine the color type of the client, build fashionable color images, and form the wardrobe palette. It is not recommended to skip the body constitution analysis course. It is interesting that the shopper will divide his future clients into "woman-dress", "woman-trousers", "woman-skirt", "woman-jeans", "woman-tunic" and "woman-layering".

    During the training, the shopper will be taught to find an approach to different age groups of customers. Closer to the end of the course, the fun begins: identifying clothes that can be saved on and which are worth buying for a lot of money. And also the best shopping routes in the world.

    The training will be completed by an exam, in which the graduate will have to tell about the habits, character, profession of its owner in separate parts of the wardrobe and offer the virtual client his vision of the wardrobe.

    It is proposed to master this powerful layer of new knowledge in three months. Upon completion, a diploma is issued on the completion of professional training courses for image and style consultants.

    The estimated cost of training is from 40 to 155 thousand rubles, depending on how well-known stylists teach courses.

    Shopper: the specifics of the profession

    Having left the walls of the educational institution, the newly-made shopper starts to float freely. While looking for a job, you can study recruiting sites, but, as a rule, outside shoppers are rarely needed.

    It is not easy to become in demand in a new specialty if there are no kind people who will put in a good word for you in the right circles. And then there are a couple of successful wardrobe selections, style consultations, and, you see, satisfied customers will begin to recommend you as a pro to their friends and acquaintances.

    How to dress a client in 4 hours

    The shopper should always be aware of the current fashion trends. The highest level of professionalism is the selection of a seasonal wardrobe for the client in just four hours.

    In order to have time during this time not just to go shopping, but to choose exactly what you need, the shopper studies the collections of clothes and accessories in advance and creates a virtual wardrobe. In other words, he spends most of the work on the selection of things sitting in an office chair, or overlaid with fashion magazines, or studying the websites of fashion brands.

    Most often, the shopper creates a new image of his client in his presence. They go to a large shopping mall, where products of all world brands are presented. But it also happens that the shopper independently selects wardrobe items, and then shows them to the client. Quite a dangerous way, since the customer pays only for the things he likes. He can be chosen by an exclusively reputable shopper, to whose recommendations clients listen unconditionally.

    Shopper ... feet feed

    The cost of the shopper's service depends on whether it turns out to be a one-off or a style consultant will work until the completion of the transformation of the client's entire wardrobe. One consultation costs from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

    A joint shopping trip is estimated at an hourly rate - from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. As a result, the average monthly income of the average shopper who lacks stars from the sky is no more than 55 thousand rubles.

    By the way, the services of a shopper are in demand so far only in the capital. The glory of the master's wardrobe has not yet reached the regions of our endless Russia.

    For several years in a row, a shopping bag has not gone out of fashion. This is a voluminous and very spacious bag for shopping and not only, which can be worn in two versions: on the shoulder and in the hands. You can often hear that this is a shopping bag, but only in a modern version.

    But, despite this opinion, the shopping bag is adored by all women, without exception in age and social status: glamorous fashionistas, businesswoman, Hollywood stars, and ordinary housewives. After all, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with a shopping bag: it is stylish, beautiful, functional and allows women to feel free from additional bags in their hands.

    Varieties of shopping bags

    The designers did their job and gave this bag an exquisite look, making it a fashionable and sought-after accessory.

    It is customary to distinguish by form:

    Rectangular shopping bag;
    square shopper bag;
    trapezoidal shopper bag.

    Regardless of their shape, all models feature wide handles or an adjustable strap, internal pockets and compartments. Such a bag often has an open appearance.

    The following are used as sewing material for the shopping bag:

    leather, leatherette and suede;
    linen and cotton.

    Fashionable prints and colors

    And if we talk about fashionable patterns, nowadays, both monochromatic models of shopping bags and variegated shades are very popular. Pay attention to the shopping bag made of linen or cotton.

    Firstly: this is an irreplaceable women's accessory for spring-summer, which is always decorated with stylish ornaments, funny drawings, appliques.

    Second: the bag is affordable.

    Thirdly, all this decor on the bag raises the mood and attracts the attention of others. It can be both floral and marine themes. The image of animals is relevant: cats, dogs, birds and geometric shapes. Abstraction and funny prints on children's themes are in fashion. In terms of color, the brighter, the cooler. However, for the autumn-winter period, you should choose a shopping bag of a more muted color, preferably a solid one.

    What to wear with a shopping bag

    If earlier it was believed that such a bag is only suitable for going to the store, today this opinion is not relevant. This accessory is perfect for going to the gym, traveling, daily use and even to work in the office. Despite its not small size, the bag looks stylish and harmonious in any way.

    Therefore, there is no such thing that a linen shopper bag would not fit, with the exception of an evening dress. For travel and beach walks - this accessory is number one. A shopping bag can be easily combined with a sundress, jeans, a long skirt, tight trousers, shorts, leggings. It can also be worn under a tracksuit.

    How to choose a good shopping bag

    There are many models of shopping bags in stores, from cheap to expensive options, but the emphasis should be placed not on the price, but on such selection criteria as:

    The bag must keep its shape;
    strong bottom;
    durable straps and webbing.

    Who is a shopper?

    Do you like "Fashionable Sentence" or "Take It Off Immediately"? Like watching how an ordinary person can turn into a spectacular, stylish-looking person? Then you just need to find out about the modern assistant of all those who are in search of their own style and image - the shopper.

    Shopper - this is a fashionable profession, which is extremely popular in the West. There are whole schools of image, training in them is quite expensive, but at the end we get extra-class masters. And by the way, his services will cost customers a lot too, so this is a rational investment.

    In our country, shopper training is just gaining momentum. There are still few clients willing to pay for consultations and endless visits to boutiques, which means that we still have more to come.

    So. The shopper's duties include accompanying the client through the shops, helping with the choice of clothes and creating for the client his own unique wardrobe. Shopper advises the client on the latest novelties and trends in the fashion world, as well as audits the existing wardrobe, adapts existing models to new purchases, selects items that are suitable for each other in style and helps to take care of them.

    The need for the services of such a specialist arose, first of all, due to the modern abundance in the market for things and the total lack of time for many working people. In this case, he makes purchases and delivers them to the client.

    However, most often the services of a shopper are needed if a person does not have a sufficient sense of style to create a sophisticated harmonious image for himself. In addition, in order to correctly choose clothes, you need to be able to see yourself from the outside. And we often focus only on pictures in glossy magazines and mindlessly spend money on fashionable things, not wondering if they are suitable for us.

    The shopper evaluates you objectively, notes the strengths and weaknesses of your appearance and physique. Also, when drawing up an individual wardrobe, he focuses on your occupation and lifestyle, so that in a new image you feel not only beauty, but also convenience. Naturally, this takes into account the capabilities of your wallet.

    The shopper can choose the shops himself and take you to the fitting site in his own car. And the shopper can accompany especially wealthy fashionistas and fashionistas in overseas shopping.

    What should a qualified shopper be able and know?

    The shopper must be well versed in fashion. Know her history, brands and fashion designers (both established and beginners).
    The shopper must know well the assortment in stores, as well as their location, opening hours, periods of discounts. Also, the shopper is engaged in the design of discount cards in stores for his client.
    The shopper must quickly navigate the assortment of the store and offer the client the right thing right away, without long scrutiny and fitting, since the main customers of shoppers are extremely busy people.
    Usually the shopper has a professional education related to the world of fashion and beauty. It can be a hairdresser-stylist, make-up artist, fashion designer. In other words, a person is not only inclined towards creating a style, but also trained in the subtleties and wisdom associated with this occupation.
    A good shopper speaks a foreign language. It will always come in handy when serving foreign clients or on shopping tours abroad. In addition, a good command of at least one foreign language emphasizes the professional, not amateur, level of the shopper.

    How much does a shopper cost?

    The cost of a professional shopper is quite high. Therefore, today only a few can afford an individual stylist. Payment is usually made in one of two ways: hourly or per result. Payment for services for the result always depends on the amount of work. A complete wardrobe change can cost tens of thousands of rubles. The hourly cost can range from a few hundred to several thousand rubles.

    Shopper services are not yet as widespread in our country as abroad. However, the trend of recent years suggests that in the near future it will be one of the most fashionable and demanded professions.

    For commercial cooperation and advertising on the portal.

    The relatively young profession of a shopper is ideal for those who love to go shopping, understand the latest fashion trends and dream of getting paid for it.

    A shopper is ...

    In Russia, the profession of a shopper is about 20 years old, but it has been gaining momentum only in the last 2-3 years. Shoppers are most in demand in Moscow - it is customary here to “meet by their clothes” and “look like a status”. However, in the regions, the services of experts "in appearance" are becoming popular.

    “A shopper is a specialist who takes on the issue of updating your wardrobe,” explains Marina Pavlyuk, image consultant. From a huge number of stores, he chooses those that are necessary for a certain person: by assortment, by price policy, by style. "

    Marina notes that shoppers know all hot spots with the best clothes. They visit not only popular shopping centers, but also showrooms of exclusive items or clothes from novice Russian designers. Few people can already be surprised abroad.

    The shopper should be able to audit the client's existing wardrobe. He recommends a particular style of clothing, taking into account the characteristics of the client's figure, lifestyle, habits, place of work. Often the shopper is asked to choose clothes for a particular event. Some shoppers offer their own store discount cards for use or help to arrange their own. In some branded stores, discounts can reach up to 30% or more, says Marina Pavlyuk.

    “Before starting work, the shopper finds out what kind of wardrobe the client needs, what his lifestyle, work, hobbies are and, based on the needs of the client, decides in what style he will collect his wardrobe,” explains the image consultant. - Then he builds a route, selecting things in advance for the upcoming shopping. He already conducts shopping along a clearly laid out route, saving the client's time. "

    A shopper, first of all, works with people, not with things.

    But most importantly, to become a shopper, it is not enough to be well versed in clothes and have an impeccable taste. A shopper, first of all, works with people, not with things. Therefore, communication skills, the ability to find an approach to a person, the ability to present oneself competently and attractively, to be patient are far from secondary qualities for those who are attracted by this profession.

    “The main qualities a shopper should have are a sense of style and taste. Then he must be a sociable person, be able to win over the client so that he would like to trust his appearance, - explains Marina Pavlyuk. - He must be active and easy-going. Because it is also physical work - to go shopping all day and be ready at any time to go shopping, because sometimes there are sudden orders when new sets need to be put on tomorrow. For example, shopping before taking a photo. A shopper should be inquisitive, always keep abreast of new interesting store openings and follow the assortment in familiar places. And, of course, he should not just be interested, but be an expert in fashion, since they turn to him not for standard solutions, but for the purpose of creating an interesting fashionable wardrobe. "

    When you enter “shopper courses” into a Yandex search query, 30 million results are suggested. Courses are available both in the capital cities of Russia and in the regions. Online education offers are not uncommon. Becoming a shopper is not a cheap pleasure. On average, training takes 2 to 5 months. The cost on different sites and in different schools varies from 28 to 90 thousand rubles. The price depends on the region of study, the status of teachers. Upon completion of training, a certificate is issued. The future shopper is promised the acquisition of such skills: the ability to understand the typology of clients and understand the specifics of their behavior, knowledge of the rules for selecting colors, the ability to analyze the client's wardrobe, knowledge of the laws of merchandising. Also, based on the results of training, teachers guarantee the acquisition of such skills as visual body shaping, selection of shopping routes, and adaptation of fashion trends to the capabilities of clients.

    “Shoppers also include image stylists, image makers and image consultants who undergo a broader educational program than just shopping,” says Marina Pavlyuk. - This specialty is taught in commercial educational institutions licensed to teach and related to public universities, as well as in all kinds of private courses, etc. When I was getting education as an image maker, there were only two such institutions. Today there are dozens of them, and the number of short-term courses is already impossible to count. "

    When choosing an educational institution, the image consultant recommends, the main thing is not to be mistaken with the place of study: among such a variety of offers, there are a lot of low-quality ones. “In other words, people who call themselves stylists, in fact, have a dubious education or are simply self-taught, but declare themselves as professionals and take on the responsibility of learning. Unfortunately, this process is not controlled in any way ”.

    Shopper income

    In the profession of a shopper - only seeming ease. For true professionals, this is hard work. Accordingly, the services of a shopper are not cheap. They are usually charged hourly. However, there are specialists for whom, regardless of the time, the cost of services is fixed. The average price in Moscow, clarifies Marina Pavlyuk, 3.5 thousand rubles. in hour. This is due to the fact that the optimal shopping time is 3 hours. Customers, as a rule, cannot stand more than this time.

    “This is a lot of physical activity. Some people compare shopping to going to the gym. During this time, you go around several stores and collect kits. Their number depends on the professionalism of the shopper. Purchased items should be easily combined with each other, forming as many sets as possible. " However, experts note that budgeting less than three hours for shopping is also ineffective. In less time, it is almost impossible to get acquainted with the required range of assortment, brands and make a choice.

    On average, for one trip to the store, the income of a shopper can be 10 thousand rubles. On the one hand, there is a colossal income, on the other, Marina notes, one should not forget that the demand for shoppers' services is small. Therefore, in order to have a good income, you need a good customer base. If clients become regular, they will apply once every six months - a year.

    In one of his interviews, stylist-shopper Roman Belosnezhny noted that a shopper's income depends on his level and fame: “A successful shopper in Russia makes an average of $ 1,000 to $ 20,000 per month”.

    Svetlana Milano, a personal shopper in Italy, notes on her website that an acceptable level of cost for a professional's services is 50-100 euros per hour. "The specialist not only devotes time to shopping for you, preparation for working with a client usually takes 2-3 days."

    Style agency "Image Industry" in St. Petersburg offers shopper services for 3 thousand rubles. in hour.

    Free shopper services can also be found in large shopping centers in Moscow. This practice was at one time in PodiumMarket and Stockmann. From time to time, various stores are invited to carry out one-time promotions of stylists. Basically, Marina Pavlyuk notes, the shopper works for himself or an image agency.

    Building a decent customer base requires a good portfolio and an impeccable reputation. “My friends helped me with this,” recalls Marina Pavlyuk. "They voluntarily became my guinea pigs."

    Those who really see their realization in this particular profession have good chances, market participants note. This area is still developing in Russia, but the supply exceeds the demand. And the market is full of substandard specialists. And given the cost of the shopper's services, clients will look for a reliable and trusted person.

    For whom to work?

    It is not surprising that the shopper profession was "born" in the United States of America. Initially, they "dressed" Hollywood stars. In Russia, top managers of large companies began to need shoppers - they had to correspond to their position. Then shoppers appeared among politicians, successful entrepreneurs, and stars. All these people were united by the lack of time for shopping due to their enormous employment.

    Shoppers' customers are still busy people who don't have time to study fashion trends and store assortment.

    Today, says Marina Pavlyuk, shoppers' clients are all the same busy people who do not have time to study fashion trends and store assortment, or those who would like to entrust their wardrobe to a professional. Moreover, the high income of clients is no longer a regularity. “In order to create stylish sets, both a top manager and a student can turn to a shopper. In this case, the main thing is not the number of sets, but the style. Let there be two or three, but they will be spectacular. "

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