• After how many days, the abdomen begins to grow. At what week of pregnancy begins to grow abdomen. How the belly grows. What depends the growth rate of the abdomen during pregnancy


    All women during pregnancy belly grow differently, it all depends on such individual factors as:

    • body type;
    • muscular tone;
    • the structure of the pelvis;
    • amount of amniotic fluid;
    • the speed of growth of the child and the uterus.

    Someone already in the early deadlines notes that the belly was rounded, and others on the same period change the size of the abdomen can be not yet noticeable. But, nevertheless, there are some common patterns that we will consider below.

    Third belly growth

    First trimester

    Usually in the first three months of pregnancy, the stomach does not change, and if it grows, it is quite a bit. The uterus on this period is still very small and does not take up much space. For example, at the 4th week, the uterus increases only to the size of the chicken egg, and during this period it does not yet reach the Lonnoye, so the increase in the abdomen is not yet noticeable. Only by the 12th week - the end of the first trimester of pregnancy - the uterus rises above the lannie articulation, and the stomach begins to round a bit.

    Second trimester

    At this stage, the fruit begins to grow rapidly and gain weight, therefore grows and the uterus. Therefore, by 12-16 weeks, the observant pregnant can already notice that the tummy rolled a little, but the surrounding changes can not yet be noticed. And only about the 20th week, if the pregnant will wear the surrounding things, the aburred belly will be visible and others.

    Third trimester

    Now your pregnancy is already visible and strangers, even loose clothes does not hide more rounded tummy.

    Factors affecting the shape and size of the abdomen

    • Body type. Slender and miniature women's belly can look huge, while full and high stomach looks small, and often changes are invisible until later than the pregnancy.
    • The status of the muscles of the abdominal wall and the uterus. With a weak muscular tone, the child most often occupies the final position only on the last month of pregnancy, because of which the belly may look a little stretched.
    • With multiple pregnancy, the stomach will increase faster.
    • Overweight. Often, the belly looks too big if the woman eats more, put.
    • Close-up. If the kid is big, then, respectively, and the belly of mom will be more.
    • The location of the child in the uterus. With some types of prelation of the fetus, the stomach becomes noticeable earlier and increases faster, with others - less noticeable.

    If the belly grows faster

    I am on the sixth week of pregnancy. This is my third child. I look like I have 3-4 months of pregnancy. Why is my belly grows so fast? Can I get faster just because it is my third child?
    Lisa, G. Sevastopol

    As a rule, with the second pregnancy, the tummy "shows" a little earlier than during the first. This phenomenon is quite normal, and there is no reason for concern. Your muscles stretched out during previous pregnancies, and now they are more relaxed than when the child is the first tooling, therefore the tummy and becomes noticeable earlier than with previous pregnancy. This is observed in many mothers who gave birth several times.

    If the belly grows faster at first pregnancy, this can be explained by multiple pregnancy. Or an incorrect deadline.

    Just in case, you can be examined by a doctor and take an ultrasound to make sure everything is in order.

    If the belly is growing, as you think too quickly, take action to avoid stretching and dry skin: every evening apply creams against stretch marks or olive oil to "problem" areas - it will reduce the risk of unpleasant sensations, such as peeling and itching, and Prevents the appearance of white strips.

    March 28, 2017 Author admin.

    During pregnancy, the woman carefully monitors his condition, noticing the slightest changes occurring in the body.

    For greilarin, everything is interesting: and what time will the abdomen begin to grow.

    Indeed, when stomach starts growing and pregnancy becomes noticeable to others?

    You can understand the question, knowing how quickly the sizes of the fruit egg change, and how the process is reflected in the external state of the woman.

    Reproductive organs are located in a small pelvic area located in the lower part of the abdomen, and are securely protected by pelvic bones. The uterus is placed between the bladder and the rectum directly in the central part of the small pelvis.

    Externally, the uterus resembles a pear, turned down a narrow part. The organ is sufficiently elastic, it is capable of stretching significantly during pregnancy, as well as quickly shrink after childbirth.

    In the annoying uterus, the weight has a weight of about 50 g and does not protrude above the pubic bone. In the giving birth, the body is slightly increased in size, and its weight is 80-100 g.

    The growth of the uterus occurs as pregnancy develops.

    After 8-10 days from the moment of sexual intercourse. The process of introducing into the endometrium takes about 2 days. As the embryo grows, the size of the uterus is changed:

    • up to 4 weeks the size of the fruit egg does not exceed 4 mm;
    • at 5 weeks, the size increases up to 16 mm;
    • at 6 weeks - 11-18 mm;
    • at 8 weeks - 27-34 mm;
    • 10 weeks -50 mm.

    Every day the diameter of the egg increases approximately 1 mm to 15-16 weeks. At this time, the CTR of the fetus averages 8-9 cm, and the weight - 85 g.

    After this period, the growth rate is accelerated, the daily increase in the diameter is 2-2.5 mm. It is at this time that the tummy begins most often and begins to perform.

    However, it is not necessary that the belly will begin to grow after 16 weeks, since the course of the process depends on the set of factors. Sometimes, the pregnancy proceeds "secretly" and becomes noticeable at 7-9 months.

    Sometimes a woman in the first month notes that the belly began to increase.

    When is the tummy becomes noticeable?

    From the moment of attaching the fetal egg, the uterus increases and after a month it reaches the size of a chicken egg.

    By 2 months, the size of the uterus can be compared with the magnitude of the goose egg. At 12 weeks, the diameter of the body is comparable to the head of the docking fetus.

    By this time over the pubic bone, you can already find the upper part of the organ. However, for the woman he herself, the grazing uterus does not cause trouble.

    The dimensions of the abdomen from primary women begin to increase only by 16 week.

    From this point on, the gynecologist will measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterus. Grow body will continue to approximately 36 weeks, gradually acquiring oval shape.

    After this period, the stomach is no longer growing. With each week, the tummy protruding will become more noticeable.

    Why when the second pregnancy belly grows faster

    It is believed that in women who are carrying the 2nd, 3rd, etc. The child, the stomach becomes noticeable much earlier. This fact is confirmed by statistics. The difference is especially noticeable if one-sex children are born or the second is expected by the boy.

    Most often, the second child really has greater weight and sizes. On average, the fruit is larger than 300-500.

    On the other hand, during re-pregnancy, the muscle tone is somewhat reduced, and the bundling apparatus is relaxed. Therefore, women waiting for the second child notice the protruding tummy for 2-3 weeks earlier.

    In the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow from 12-14 weeks.

    Although it is all relative. The deadlines for the appearance of the belly from each pregnant woman are individual.

    Why pregnant women grow in different ways

    The volume of belly on the same period of all pregnant women are individual. Therefore, if you have a clearly visible belly for 4 months or is not available at all, you should not worry. There are several reasons why on one period of pregnant women the circumference of the abdomen and its form differ significantly:

    • The volume of a small pelvis.

    When a woman is registered, the pelvis measurements are carried out to determine the approximate diameter of the fetus head capable of passing free through the generic paths. With too narrowly small basin, a woman is prepared for Cesarean cross section. This factor affects the size of the tummy.

    The already the pelvis, the earlier the roundness becomes noticeable.

    It is possible to determine that the narrowing of the ring is expressed, it is possible and independently, measuring the circle of his wrist.

    With a circle of less than 14 cm, the pelvis is most likely narrow.

    • Anatomical structure of the pelvis.

    The constitution of a small pelvis is more likely to be inherited. However, it is not necessary to get upset if a narrow bone ring is inherent in mom and her belly was noticeable from the first week of pregnancy.

    It is possible that the woman adopted the genetic information of the Father and her thickness of the pelvic bones does not exceed the norm.

    • The amount of embryos.

    The size of the abdomen depends on such a factor as one-lodge or.

    At a woman who is carrying 2 or more fruit eggs at the same time, the size of the uterus is significantly more and it simply does not fit in the cavity of the small pelvis, speaking over the pubic bone earlier than 12 weeks.

    • Fruit size.

    It is ahead of the development of peers, and the uterus increases faster.

    • A large amount of water.

    It stretches the uterus regardless of the size of the fetus. Therefore, the stomach becomes noticeable before.

    • The location of the placenta.

    The placenta consists of sufficiently dense tissues that are not capable of independent stretching. Attached to the wall of the uterus, it reduces the elasticity of the muscular tissue on this area of \u200b\u200bthe organ.

    • The position of the child in the uterus.

    Already in the second trimester, the size and shape of the abdomen can significantly change almost every week. The baby begins to show activity, and much depends on what position it takes in the uterus.

    If the child turned down the head, the volume of the organ decreases and the stomach is not so noticeable if the uterus will be stretched, and the abdominal wall opens forward.

    • Forms of a pregnant woman.

    The more fully a woman, it's easier to mask pregnancy. Under the pronounced folds of the fat subcutaneous layer, the growth of the uterus is noticeable much later.

    • Repeated pregnancy.

    The second and subsequent pregnancy can earlier manifest itself due to the weakening and stretching the anterior abdominal wall, which is not able to restrain the pressure of the growing uterus.

    • Scar in the uterus.

    In the presence of scar tissue in the cervix or her weakening, in the threat of a pregnancy interrupt, the muscular tissue of the neck is not able to resist the stretching of the bottom of the uterus.

    The body preserves the pear-shaped form longer, the accumulating waters accumulate in its lower part, which fits the growing embryo.

    Especially often this happens with a footing preview. A similar position and form of uterus affect the external manifestations of pregnancy - the tummy will begin to grow much later, and the height of the bottom of the uterus is slower.

    • Whitening clothes.

    Sometimes a woman simply does not seek to advertise pregnancy and pulls out the growing belly using corsets, wide belts or bandages. Such behavior can lead to essential complications.

    Squeezing the abdomen causes the uterus literally to join the space of a small pelvis, shifting the intestine.

    As a result, the diaphragm is maintained by the intestine and, in turn, presses on the lungs, interfering with them completely disclosed when inhaling.

    Insufficient gas exchange leads to oxygen starvation, which is negatively affecting the development of the child and the state of the mother.

    Do not be afraid if the belly is noticeable during pregnancy before or later than girlfriends. Too many factors affect its growth. The easiest way, ask the gynecologist, why the size of the abdomen differs from the average of this period. A professional doctor will always answer the question, fully satisfying curiosity.

    Before I respond to the question, at what week of pregnancy begins to grow abdomen, let's immediately arrange: "And the belly is growing to whom? He grows to see it pregnant, or to notice the surrounding? ". After all, pregnant women do not so much see the growing belly, how many changes to its configuration feel, and it happens much earlier than they will notice the surrounding (even the closest). It seems that the stomach is still the same, and the term is still quite small, and the woman begins to feel that the jeans on a low waist are already pressing that you want to unbuckle. And it is not clear whether this stomach is growing, or a woman feels internal changes.

    Often to me or come pregnant on the 14th, 16th or even on the 18th week, whose belly is not at all visible! I ask: "Where is the stomach?". And the woman answers: "And I have it." I, seeing her for the first time, of course, the belly does not notice, another thing, if I could look at this woman three months ago and now compare!

    Anatomical features of the pelvis

    One of the important factors affecting how the belly will grow quickly - the anatomical features of the pelvis. Still in the anatomy of each of us there is some uniqueness. The shape of the pelvis can be different: so, for example, a deep pelvis allows a very long time to be the uterus as it were in his depth: grow up, deep into it, back to the spine, and not outward. And, despite the fact that both the uterus and the child can be quite large, with the outside of the abdomen there will be little to be visible.

    There is a reverse situation when the uterus is very visible outside, as it has the opportunity to grow only in this direction, and then the stomach will appear in the early time.

    How many pregnancies were?

    Another important factor, also related to anatomy, is what account of the pregnancy? There is a clear connection: the more woman had pregnancies, the earlier the tummy will appear. The fact is that previous pregnancy can somehow stretch the muscles of the abdomen, fascia and ligaments, and therefore this place becomes weaker and as if it shows the uterus.

    The exceptions here are complex psychological situations. I will give an example: a woman who hasndensed the fourth pregnancy to me for psychological help, and she got it in difficult emotional circumstances: she had three first pregnancies from her husband, but then the family life was not delivered. And the last time she became pregnant from the lover. She tried her stomach in every way to hide from her husband and older children who were already quite large for that time. She came to me about the 28th week of pregnancy, and she had a tiny belly! And when I asked her, what was the belly with previous pregnancies, she said that he was always normal. On the last time she unconsciously held the growth of the abdomen, hiding him, and therefore he was small on such a long time.

    What week of pregnancy begins to grow abdomen? Age of pregnant

    Another aspect is the age of a pregnant woman. It is clear than younger than the woman, the plastic her body, and the faster and better it is restored after pregnancy. For example, if a woman gave birth at 18 for the first time, for the first time - at 21, and the third one, in 25, then her belly can appear about the same period all these three pregnancies.

    If we talk on average, the stomach appears from 14 to 20 weeks. There are women who, even on the 16th week, it is not noticeable, and others may well be shown on the 12th week.

    Larisa Sviridova
    Text recorded: Olga Schmidt

    By barely learned about your interesting position, a woman with a thrill begins to follow his body. It tries not to leave ignore all changes and events. So, the topic when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, becomes one of the most important. After all, I want to quickly identify your condition.

    Incovering growth factors

    The main reason for which the belly begins to increase is the growth of the embryo itself. The baby grows and it is constantly required more and more.

    The second reason for the increase is the growth of the uterus. After all, it is the formation of an embryo in it. Before the placenta is formed and protective functions will take themselves, they perform the muscle tissue of the uterus.

    In addition, the whole pregnancy kid is in liquid. The formation of the required amount of accumulating waters is the third cause of the growth of the tummy of the future milf.

    In medical practice, there are cases of "hidden pregnancy". In such a situation, the belly practically does not increase and the woman does not notice any special changes in its own body, right up to the nature of menstruation.

    All 3 factors are inevitable, although in each case the above parameters will be individual.

    Why the girlfriend belly is more

    In spite of everything, every woman still worries the question, at what month of pregnancy belly begins to grow. But even more worries them, if a friend or a familiar tummy becomes noticeable before or later. What is this due to:

    • what is the pregnancy in account. The second and third pregnancy will be noticeable somewhat earlier than the first;
    • hereditary factors. Often, the baby tooth is similar to even in different generations;
    • the pace of development of the fetus. When carrying a large baby, the tummy will become noticeable earlier;
    • individual indicators of a woman. It may be growth, weight, type of shape. So, the time when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, thin will be smaller than that of complete. Miniature ladies may notice an increase by the end of the first trimester. And the full not always notice in 15-16 weeks;
    • features of a woman's weight set. Some future mothers seeing positive weight, start immediately and eat with a double strength, believing that only their child would be able to get everything necessary for growth. Although this opinion and erroneously;
    • the arrangement of the embryo inside. The rear presence is characterized by a later appearance of external signs of pregnancy.

    Each of the listed conditions must be led by an obstetrician-gynecologist who watches a woman.

    Is it true that when the second pregnancy belly grows faster

    If you believe in statistical data, then during the toaling of the second and subsequent children, the stomach, indeed, is indicated earlier. It is impossible to prove it scientifically, because each pregnancy is individual and depends on numerous factors.

    But some logical explanations of this phenomenon can still be found:

    1. After the first birth of a woman decreases muscle tone.
    2. The birth of the first child relaxes a binder.

    In most cases, the second child is born at 400-500 g more than the first.

    These 2 reasons and can lead to the fact that the belly will be noticeable by the end of the first trimester. Experts also celebrate such a tendency and when answering the question, when the stomach appears at the second pregnancy, indicate about 12-14 weeks.

    The increase in the zoom of the tummy depending on the term

    Few people know, but the embryo is growing over the entire pregnancy unevenly. Therefore, it can be noted that in some period it is rounded very quickly, and in the other as if it should be in place.

    1 trimester is characterized by the attachment of the fetal egg, the laying of all organs and systems, the formation of the placenta. The embryo is still very small and the uterus increases slightly in size. She is still in the very bottom of the abdomen and does not even protrude for the Lono.

    Starting from 12 weeks, the fruit begins to actively develop, gain mass and grow. The uterus grows with him. It grows with greater speed and an increase in the tummy can be marked with each week.

    Starting with 38 weeks of pregnancy, the child is already considered completely docking.

    In 3 trimester, the formation of all organs is completed. It is believed that the fruit grows up to 36 weeks. After that, its organs and systems are no longer improving. All food that comes to it goes only to a set of body weight. At this time, the belly grows with the maximum speed.

    Why need to constantly measure the circumference of the abdomen

    Every giving birth woman knows that every time coming to the planned reception to the akuster-gynecologist, it will be measured by the abdominal circle. It is done in the position lying on the back using the usual centimeter tape.

    Memories doctor will begin to produce from the moment when the tummy will begin to stand out. The norm is considered if the length of the uterus will correspond to the weeks of pregnancy. But deviations are possible depending on individual factors.

    In women who are engaged in sports, the muscles are in the best shape, so the growth of the abdomen can be marked by a little later than usual.

    The normal growth of the abdomen indicates the proper development of the fetus. So, the baby is formed correctly and it is not threatened with complications. But there are situations where there is an increase or decrease in the circle. Each indicator is considered individually, various scenarios of further actions on the part of medical personnel are possible.

    What does it mean if the measurement data will be below the norm

    In this situation, the doctor needs to make an additional examination, which will eliminate the fetoplacentage failure and reveals the true causes of this phenomenon. Fetoplacentage lack of fetal hypotrophy. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required to prevent undesirable consequences.

    The following factors may also provoke growth lag:

    • acute toxicosis;
    • malovodie;
    • false munition;
    • true tool.

    In close proximity to childbirth, the abdomen can decrease. This is due to the fact that the baby is preparing for the beginning of the generic activity and falls closer to the pelvis.

    A special risk reduction in the circumference of the abdomen carries in combination with the hypoactivity of the fetus. In this case, there is a real threat to his life. A woman is urgently sent to the hospital for a comprehensive examination and medical care.

    Belly is greater than the norm: what does this testify

    Excessive increase also indicates both certain deviations and about the normal course of pregnancy.

    Despite the first pregnancy, the belly grows slower, too rapid growth can be evidence of development:

    • multi-way;
    • activation of intrauterine infections;
    • fruit vices.

    If we are talking about a significant exceeding the norm in the last periods of pregnancy, then the transverse offer of the fetus takes place. This can lead to severe childbirth and the appearance of heavy generic injuries.

    Do not take into account the measurements made by yourself. Only specialist can get accurate data.

    In any case, a woman is required to hospitalize and further examine.

    Strite on the stomach: what it is and when it appears

    But not only the size and shape of the belly worry the future motley. Many also worries the question why a strip appears during pregnancy on the stomach. This phenomenon is rather aesthetic character, since it does not testify any pathologies.

    Strip - testimony of a normal hormonal background of a pregnant woman. So in its body everything is in order C:

    • estrogen;
    • progesterone;
    • melanotropin.

    Such a vertical line from the navel to the pubis is present in all women. But staining occurs only during the period of pregnancy, precisely as a result of changes in the hormonal background.

    A clear period when the strip appears on the stomach, does not exist. She can show himself as at the end of the first trimester, so closer to childbirth. In any case, it is observed in 90% of pregnant women. And almost everyone disappears soon after delivery.

    Gynecologists adhere to the average indicator when the stomach begins to grow during pregnancy. This period accounts for 4 months, in 16 weeks.

    Women think they know why stomach grows during pregnancy. They bind it with the embryo.

    In fact, taking into account the individuality of the growth of the belly, the gynecologist can determine the nature of the course of pregnancy.

    Medical indications

    The process when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women is associated with some factors:

    • embryo growth rates;
    • increasing the uterus;
    • an increase in the volume of spindle water.

    Gynecologists and scientists believe that it is impossible to determine on what period of pregnancy begins to grow in a particular patient.

    At the same time, the factors affecting the degree of growth of the abdomen can be studied. This will make it possible to roughly calculate the time of manifestation of this phenomenon.

    Gynecologists believe that during the first pregnancy, the stomach will begin to grow less quickly than in subsequent conceptions. This phenomenon is associated with the elasticity of the muscles of the peritoneum.

    During the second and subsequent conceptions, the belly of large sizes is actively growing. How long does such a phenomenon last? The period of increasing the abdomen begins from 6 weeks.

    The growth rates affect the anatomy and the characteristics of the physique of pregnant women. If the tummy began to grow quickly, why is this happening?

    A similar phenomenon is observed in women with a narrow pelvis. This comes from the first weeks of the second trimester.

    If pregnant women have a wide pelvis, the stomach should grow later than in the previous case. To understand how the abdomen begins to grow, ultrasound is prescribed to determine the arrangement of the embryo.

    If it is located at the rear wall of the critical organ, the stomach will grow slowly. When will he be visible? Pregnancy will notice during 6 months.

    For the period when the stomach begins to appear, the size and number of embryos affect. What week does the stomach begins to appear at double?

    This period accounts for 11 week of pregnancy. At what month will the uterus stretch very quickly? Such a clinic is observed for 5-6 months.

    By 32 weeks, if pregnant twins, the uterus achieves the greatest size. To prevent problems with hatching on the last period, it is recommended to use the bandage.

    Embryo dimensions

    To find out where the stomach begins to grow during pregnancy is assigned to the ultrasound weeks. With it, they determine the parameters of the fetus of the fetal egg. What time can this be done on?

    To reveal the fruit egg is allowed in the 1st month of pregnancy, 2 weeks after its development. More often, the diagnosis is carried out in 5-7 weeks of pregnancy.

    Where in this period of pregnancy is the embryo? His location is the uterine cavity. On this period, the egg has a diameter of 4 mm.

    What time and how does the fruit begins to grow fruit? Gynecologists highlight generally accepted embryo development rates over all months of pregnancy:

    • in 8 weeks, the diameter is 22 mm;
    • in 12 weeks, the length of the embryo - 7 cm, and the mass - 25 g. The uterus is filled with an egg;
    • in 16 weeks, the length of the fetus is 12 cm, and the weight is 100 g;
    • where does the belly grow for 20 weeks? This is due to the very rapid stretch of the muscles of the uterus against the background of the development of the fetus. At this month, its length is 26 cm, and the mass is 300 g;
    • for 24 weeks, the fruit extended to 30 cm, and the weight increased to 680 g;
    • when the length of the fetus reaches 42 cm, and the weight of up to 1700 g, the gynecologist puts the woman for 32 weeks.

    Under the influence of some factors, deviations from the period of pregnancy are observed.

    The size of the uterus

    Why does the uterus always grow in pregnant women? In the first period of pregnancy, the uterus resembles a pear. Where does the belly grow during pregnancy, starting from the second month?

    This is due to the development of the fetus, the formation of the skeleton. Pregnancy in the second half flows with a rounded form of the uterus, and on the third trimester there is an egg-shaped form.

    When does the stomach begins to grow a rapid pace? This period falls on the last trimester. The volume of the uterine cavity increases 500 times relative to the initial sizes.

    During this period, the muscle fiber is very quickly extended and thickened. At week 7, the vascular grid of the uterus is increasing.

    To determine the value of the elevated parameters, obsteckers apply external research methods. To do this, it will be necessary to measure the value of the bottom of the uterus.

    When this organ does not go beyond the pelvis, the parameters value is determined by conducting a vaginal research. This can be performed at any week of pregnancy.

    When determines the height of the state of the uterine bottom? This is carried out with each inspection of the gynecologist. On 4 week, the magnitude of the uterus is a chicken egg.

    Pregnancy in 8 weeks is determined by the size of the uterus in a goose egg. When does the uterine size begins to grow, reaching the upper limit of the LS? This period accounted for 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    When can you try to face the uterine bottom through the front wall of the peritoneum? This can be done for 12 weeks. When is the uterus located between the navel and the pubic? This location is noticeable for 20 weeks.

    After the specified period of pregnancy, the uterus falls below the navel. Belly begins to grow quickly. How does the belly grow during pregnancy after 24 weeks?

    In subsequent periods of the uterus is located at the level of the navel. Where does the standing height of the uterine bottom decrease? Such a clinic is observed when the fetus is transverse during pregnancy. At the same time, independent birth is impossible.

    The parameters of the childbearing organ may differ from the norm if multiple pregnancy is revealed. Such a phenomenon is of high risk of developing different complications.

    How does the belly grow during pregnancy with increased multi-way? In this case, it can grow against the background of an excessive amount of ammunition waters, which exceeds the norm into several liters.

    Such pathology during pregnancy is more often developing in patients with diabetes. Where does this pathology come from?

    This is due to the disturbed assimilation of sugar, rezes-conflict pregnancy. The condition under consideration requires constant observation of doctors.

    The belly can grow faster than the norm if the fruit is large. Such a phenomenon is a consequence of genetic nature, diabetes.

    With such states require urgent treatment. Similar changes are associated with different rates of growth of major indicators of the uterus.

    With the deviations revealed during pregnancy, an integrated examination is shown. Such a clinic indicates that pregnancy is pathological.

    Number of accumulating water

    The amount of amniotic water begins to increase unevenly. In the first period of pregnancy, the volume is equal to 30 ml, and at 14 weeks this indicator begins to grow to 100 ml.

    Pregnancy at the last stage is characterized by the amount of water in 800 ml. If the pregnancy is expanded, the stomach decreases against the background of a decrease in the indicator under consideration.

    Pathological parameters

    The stomach should grow during pregnancy, taking into account the above parameters. If he begins to show pathological signs, unscheduled ultrasound.

    At the first stage of pregnancy, the uterus can not be forgiven through the peritoneum. If during this period it grows, without corresponding to the average parameters, there may be an ectopic arrangement of the embryo.

    If the stomach with the uterus grows excessively, the patient may have a tumor. In this case, the fruit dies. To preserve the life of a woman, the operation is shown.

    Later, the rate of increase in the mother-in-law can fall behind. Such a phenomenon is observed in hypotrophy. In this case, the fruit appears with weight less than 2600 g.

    Malodia can also provoke deviations in the sizes of the uterus. Such a deviation is characteristic of women with hypertension, infection, inflammation, gestosis.

    Normal forms

    Considerable attention is paid to the pregnant woman in the 2nd half of the fetal tool. At the same time, the doctor examines the stomach, its shape. If normal pregnancy is observed, the stomach has a oval form.

    For multi-way, a spherical stomach is characterized, and for cross-presets - an appropriate form. The belly acquires a specific shape on the 3rd trimester.

    This is especially noticeable in the female train with a narrow pelvis:

    • with primary childbirth - it acquires a sharp end built-up on top;
    • in case of subsequent childbirth - it has a cut shape.

    Some women believe that in the form of a tummy, you can identify the peculiarities of pregnancy. But scientific data and research this fact was not confirmed.

    It has been proven that the tummy will be noticeable to those surrounding only by the fifth month of the fetus. At the same time, the growth of the embryo begins before this period.

    Therefore, gynecologists advise all future mothers in this particular period to relate to themselves attentively.

    Growth of the uterus and the appearance of stretch marks

    It is proved that skin cover in the abdomen is stretched taking into account the increase in the length of the baby. But will this process go without traces for a woman?

    Stretchings understand damage to the skin. The degree of this process depends on the growth rates of the uterus. But dermatologists believe that the appearance of stretch marks lead the peculiarities of the mother's skin.

    Naturally, the likelihood of their appearance increases several times when the fruit has impressive sizes. Fast rise in weight or multi-way - prerequisites for stretch marks.

    Scientists have proven that the decisive factor is the elasticity of the fibers in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

    To prevent the appearance of Striy, especially during the period of intensive increase in the uterus, which falls on the last stages of the fetal tooling, it is recommended to use the means to improve the condition of the skin.

    This group includes special cosmetics for future mothers, which include vitamins E and A, as well as components that improve the process of blood circulation of the skin.

    Since pregnant leather is dry, the use of moisturizing means is shown. Also such compositions will prevent the appearance of Striy.

    Additionally, a massage is prescribed, which will simultaneously improve blood circulation in the abdomen.

    Massage is performed according to the following procedure: stroking the abdomen with circular motions, while pinching the skin across the entire periphery of the uterus.

    If the doctor confirmed the threat of miscarriage, the massage is contraindicated. Otherwise, the tone of the uterus will increase on its background.

    If, during the next inspection, the gynecologist revealed the above deviations and pathological conditions, pregnant is included in the risk group.

    She may be suggested to keep in hospital. If the deviations are amenable to therapy, the patient complies with peace of the house. Against the background of the deterioration of the state, a re-examination is carried out.

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