• How well the guy knows the girl test. A funny test for the bride and groom: how well do you know your soul mate? You've gotten to know your partner pretty well


    Starting from the first date with the person we like, we try not to touch on some issues that can ruin everything.

    Unfortunately, in a serious relationship, this can become an obstacle to the openness and sincerity of the relationship. Over time, you run the risk of finding yourself face to face with details you don't want to know.

    To avoid unpleasant and, most importantly, sudden discoveries, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the potential difficulties in advance. Each of these 30 questions will help you find out important information about your significant other, as well as your chances of a happy future together. Ask and discuss them together - it may even bring you closer together.

    1. How often should we make love?
    2. Is there anything in me that you would like to change?
    3. When you look at a woman, what do you first pay attention to?
    4. Have you ever checked my phone or computer?
    5. When do you think we had the best sex?
    6. Is there a difference between making love and having sex?
    7. How do you describe me to your friends (appearance, character)?
    8. What can you not remember without the paint of embarrassment? Tell us about the most shameful situation you have ever been in.
    9. If we hadn't met, what would you be doing today?
    10. Is physical attraction important to a strong relationship?
    11. Do you masturbate?
    12. What do you think about when you don't think about sex?
    13. What were you especially worried about when we were going to make love for the first time?
    14. What turns you on in bed?
    15. How old was the first time you kissed or had sex?
    16. Share your erotic fantasy, which you have never mentioned to me before.
    17. What's the sexiest thing you think we can do in bed?
    18. If you found out that your friend is cheating on his wife, would you tell her about it?
    19. Could you come with me to a nude beach? Would it bother you that others are looking at me?
    20. How would you prefer to spend your vacation: on a sun lounger on the beach or climbing equipment in the mountains?
    21. Can you read my mind?
    22. What else can we do to bond as a couple?
    23. Why partners can deceive each other?
    24. Would you like us to have a cat or a dog together?
    25. Is marriage in the future included in your life plans?
    26. Do your parents have a strong marriage? Would you like to have the same relationship?
    27. Do you believe in God?
    28. Thanks to whom have you formed as a person?
    29. If you had enough money in abundance, and you didn't need to earn it, what would you do for the rest of your life?
    30. Do you believe in love at first sight?

    These questions help identify the other person's expectations and preferences in the relationship. This is not done so that the girl can adjust to the desires of her beloved, but to assess the chances of lovers for a happy relationship.

    If he cannot open up and answer too personal questions, then he does not trust you. If he starts to behave aggressively just by presenting you naked on the beach, he may be pathologically jealous. If he thinks that outside connection can strengthen the relationship, then you should think about it - of course, unless you have the same point of view. His views on religion, family, finances can also tell a lot about the potential future of your relationship.

    If, after finding out the answers to these questions, you still love each other very much - you are a great match for each other, and nothing can separate you)

    A total of six couples took part in the competition. The lovers had to simultaneously, without seeing each other, as accurately as possible answer questions about themselves and their soul mate. The winner was the couple with the most matches in the answers.

    It turned out that men remember by heart the mobile phone numbers of their girls and wives and know well the names of their best friends. Almost all of the girls coped with the questions about their men's shoe size and favorite car brand. But the most difficult thing for the contestants was to guess what kind of gift their young man (spouse) wants to receive from them on February 23rd. Only one girl answered this question correctly, and she became the winner together with her husband.

    Timonik Nikita and Aksamit Olga. Together for 5 years. We met at school, studied together in the class of the Ministry of Emergencies.

    Swedish Edgar and Oksana Belkova. Dating for 2.5 years. We met in class at the medical university.

    Gavrilenko Sofia and Rabtsevich Maxim. Meet for 1 year. We met in a circle of mutual friends.

    Shakulya Lyudmila and Ivan. Married for 19 years. We met at a disco on Valentine's Day.

    Baklaga Olga and Eugene. Married for 10 years. We met in the "diesel".

    Elena and Andrey Mushtaki have been married for almost seven years. Now they have two sons, the youngest is only 10 months old. On the first date, we walked around the city for a long time, then went to a restaurant. On February 14, they love to make gifts - Elena and her children bake a cake in the form of hearts, arrange a delicious dinner by candlelight, and always give her dear husband a valentine. Elena especially appreciates kindness, sincerity, friendliness, responsiveness in her husband. He says Andrei always helps with household chores. Now, the spouses admit, they have everything they need for complete happiness - family, children, housing, a car, good job... But the cherished dreams - to build a house and visit Dubai - have not yet come true. The secret of their family happiness is simple: to treat the decisions and actions of another with understanding, respect and calmness.

    On Sunday, February 14, Andrey and Elena will go for a romantic dinner at the Old Town restaurant (OldCity shopping center).

    We invite you to answer our questions and find out how well you know your soul mate.

    For each answer that matches, give yourself one point.

    Questions for men

    1. What size clothes does your girlfriend (spouse) wear? Please indicate in numbers.

    2. The name of best friend your girlfriend (wife)?

    3. In the year of whom and under what zodiac sign was your girlfriend (spouse) born?

    4. What is your girlfriend's (wife's) most cherished dream?

    5. Write from memory the mobile phone number of your girlfriend (wife).

    6. What country does your girlfriend (spouse) dream of visiting?

    7. What color is your girlfriend's (wife's) swimsuit?

    8. What size shoes do you wear?

    9. Your favorite car brand.

    10. The title of your favorite TV show.

    11. Favorite computer game (name).

    12. What is the most delicious dish that you think your girlfriend (spouse) is preparing?

    Questions for women

    1. What size clothes do you wear? Please indicate in numbers.

    2. What's your best friend's name?

    3. In the year of whom and under what zodiac sign were you born?

    4. What is your biggest dream?

    5. Write your mobile phone number.

    6. What country do you dream to visit?

    7. What color is your swimsuit?

    8. What size shoes does your boyfriend (spouse) wear?

    9. Your boyfriend's (spouse's) favorite car brand.

    10. The name of your boyfriend's favorite TV show.

    11. Favorite computer game of your young man (spouse).

    12. The most delicious dish you cook, according to your boyfriend (spouse).

    13. What gift do you think your young man (spouse) wants to receive from you on February 23?

    From 0 to 5 points. You don't know your soul mate well. You need to show more interest in him (her) in order to find better ways communication, or your relationship may soon be in jeopardy.

    5 to 7 points. You know your soul mate, maybe not bad, but this knowledge is far from complete. You should give him (her) more attention, trying to imbue his (her) interests.

    7 to 10 points. Apparently, you know your soul mate quite well. However, it would be useful to pay attention to other aspects of your partner's personality.

    10 to 13 points. You know your life partner well. And this is a rather serious prerequisite for a long and happy family life!

    Surely by the time of the wedding you have studied your chosen one, as they say, "from and to" - his habits, interests, predilections, what your loved one loves and does not love. And it is very simple to check how well you know your soul mate, and our funny test for the bride and groom on knowing each other will help you.

    The test contains both quite serious and comic questions... You can use it as one of the groom ransom competitions or as an entertaining bride and groom competition during the show at the banquet. We are sure that all guests will be interested in listening to the answers and laughing at some of them.

    Test questions for the bride and groom

    1. What would the groom (bride) save from the fire in the first place?
    2. What is the stupidest thing a groom (bride) has done in his life?
    3. What's the craziest thing a groom (bride) has done in his life?
    4. What is the most romantic thing a groom (bride) has done in his life?
    5. Where did you kiss in the most unexpected place?
    6. What is the most annoying habit of the groom (bride)?
    7. What is your favorite body part for the groom (bride)?
    8. Where would you like to go to honeymoonif you could choose any point on Earth?
    9. Which actor would play the groom (bride) in a film dedicated to him (her)?
    10. How many children does the groom (bride) want?
    11. Would you trust the groom to choose wedding Dress brides? And the bridegroom suit?
    12. Do you remember the exact date when you started dating and how your relationship started?
    13. What is the favorite dish of the groom (bride)?
    14. Who is in charge in your pair?
    15. How does the groom affectionately call the bride? And the groom's bride?
    16. Would you rather spend the evening alone with your loved one or with your loved one and friends?
    17. What is the favorite song of the groom (bride)?
    18. What movie did you watch together for the first time in a cinema?
    19. What favorite time year of the groom (bride)?
    20. What exactly did the groom say when proposing?
    21. Under what circumstances did you meet?
    22. If you could go back in time and change something about your relationship, what would it be?
    23. The first thing you thought when you saw your future spouse?
    24. Which of the cartoon characters does the groom (bride) look like?
    25. What school subject did the groom (bride) have?
    26. What was the name of the first love of the groom (bride)?
    27. What gift does the groom (bride) dream of?
    28. Where would the groom (bride) want to live if he could choose any country?
    29. After the wedding, will you call your spouse's parents “mom” and “dad” or by name and patronymic, “you” or “you”?
    30. How does the groom (bride) see your couple in 10 years?

    You can always add your own questions to this list. Include in the test memorable dates, places, and events that have happened to you during your time together. Bridesmaids can also interview the groom in advance and check if the bride knows her future husband well during a bachelorette party.

    This test is not only a great way to find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

    Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose is it?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. But without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend all couples to pass. Does your girlfriend think you're not interested in her life? Thanks to our test *, you will have the opportunity to prove that this is true!

    In my opinion, frankness in such tests is more expensive for me. I recommend to unobtrusively find out the girl's answers in advance and only then invite her to take the test. You will make the girl feel guilty that she does not know you as well, that you can manipulate her, take over the world ...

    How the test works

    You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it is superfluous - make a paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, not peeping at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: "What am I most afraid of?" She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: "Your mother." And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then turn the papers over and set them aside.

    Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks: "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "To my mother." And so on for all questions.

    When you finish interviewing each other, turn over the pieces of paper and check the results (but first, of course, be horrified at the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered “badminton” to the question about your hobby, and the girl said “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts,” it's still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


    1. My favorite dessert 2. What is my shoe size? 3. What am I most afraid of? 4. How old is my mom? 5. What is my blood type? 6. What turns me on about sex? 7. Name two of my closest friends 8. Do I have a hobby? Which one? 9. What will I get out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets? 10. My favorite movie 11. My worst childhood memory 12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most? 13. How do I prefer to spend my evenings? 14. How do I want to be buried? 15. A dish I can't live without 16. What gift would I like the most? 17. What kind of food do I hate? 18. My favorite band 19. What coffee do I prefer? 20. In which circle did I study as a child? 21. What kind of literary genre do I like? 22. What do I want to do before I die? 23. My favorite weather? 24. Continue with the phrase "You hate when I ..." 25. Do I have allergies?

    Psychological tests are based on obtaining information, processing and analyzing it. The results are compiled on the basis of previously identified features, patterns and some "standards" related to a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe science of psychology.

    If you want to get reliable result, it is important to answer the test questions honestly.

    Today I suggest you go through a very simple, interesting test "How well do you know your partner"which will not take much of your time. You will need a piece of paper and a pen. Or a good memory.

    Read each statement and mark either B (True) or H (False) against:

    1. I can name my partner's best friends.

    2. I can tell what difficulties my partner is now facing.

    3. I know the names of some people who have irritated my partner lately.

    4. I can name some dreams that my partner has.

    5. I am well aware of my partner's religious beliefs.

    6. I have an idea about the life philosophy of my partner.

    7. I can list the relatives my partner loves the least.

    8. I know what kind of music my partner likes.

    9. I can name three of my partner's favorite films.

    10. My partner knows my problems today.

    11. I know which three events are most important to my partner.

    12. I can tell you what the biggest challenge my partner faced as a child.

    13. I know my partner's main aspirations and hopes.

    14. I know what my partner is worried about the most.

    15. My partner knows who my friends are.

    16. I know what my half would do if they suddenly won the lottery.

    17. I can detail my first impressions of him / her.

    18. From time to time I ask my half about the state of his / her inner world.

    19. I feel like my partner knows me pretty well.

    20. The partner knows my hopes and aspirations.

    For each answer “true”, give yourself 1 point. Calculate the total number of points.

    Test results

    10 or more points:this is the strength of your marriage. You know about each other in some detail. In everyday life, you do not forget to be interested in the hopes, fears, aspirations of your half. You know what drives him / her. Judging by the number of points, you find options for how to use knowledge about the inner world of another for the benefit of your relationship, strengthening the spiritual connection between you. Try not to take for granted this knowledge and understanding of each other. Continue to be sensitive to each other and you will be ready to deal with any problems that may arise.

    Less than 10 points:your marriage would benefit from some improvements. You may not have had the time or opportunity to get to know each other well. Or your ideas about the second half are already outdated, tk. a person could change over the years. If you now try to learn more about your partner, you will notice how the relationship is growing stronger.

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