• How we celebrate November. As we relax in November in Russia - the calendar of the official weekend. Holidays in early November


    A very little time separates us from November - the last autumn month, which in addition to ordinary weekends will bring us an extra day of rest.

    In November, in November, there are 10th weekends on the five days, on six days - only 5 days off.

    In addition to the usual weekends for the 5th and 64 day working week, the Russians will have an additional day off due to the celebration of the Day of People's Unity - November 4, which falls on Monday. This day is declared a festive day and is among the official Russian holidays.

    For Russians working five days a week, the weekend will last from 2 to 4 November, since the Day of People's Unity on November 4 drops on Monday.

    According to Art. 112 Labor Code, the official is official and is not transferred to other dates. Since it falls on Monday, we will rest in November 2019. We will be 3 days: 2 - Saturday; 3 - day off; 4 - holiday.

    Those who work on a sliding schedule: medical personnel, firefighters, continuous production, continue to work according to their calendar. They do not rest on November 4 if duty falls out, but for this workday they are charged in a double salary.

    In connection with the celebration of the Day of People's Unity, the first November weekend will be "long", and the next work week is "short": work and studies in schools will begin on Tuesday next week, so Russians will have the latest opportunity to arrange a mini-holidays in this year.

    Other additional weekends and holidays in November are not provided, so it is better to plan trips at the beginning of the month.

    Day of People's Unity - November 4

    The Day of People's Unity in Russia is celebrated on November 4th. For the first time, he began to celebrate in 2005.

    The holiday was established in memory of the events of 1612, when the national militia under the leadership of the goat of Minin and Dmitry Pozharskoe freed the Kremlin from Polish intervents.

    On November 4, 1612, the militia expelled the Poles from Moscow. This victory became an impulse for the revival of the Russian state.

    The young holiday of the Day of People's Unity was approved in 2005, so in 2019 it will be celebrated on the 14th time.

    Many associate a date with the usual November 7, perceiving a new celebration as an alternative to the Day of the October Revolution, although these days do not have common roots.

    In fact, the holiday is not new to Russia. He began to celebrate by Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649 as the official holiday of the icon of the Mother of God. It was with her that the militia went to the storm in China-city and forced the Poles to capitulate.

    It was the first holiday, which in essence became church and state. Traditions to remember the liberation of the capital and the unity of peoples in 2019 marks 370 years.

    She was interrupted when the Communists came to power, but the new Russia was revived, so it's not entirely correctly called a holiday with an almost 400-year history new or associated with other dates.

    Main events on November 4, 2019 will be held on Red Square and in Nizhny Novgorod, but all cities will be celebrated with processing, rallies, charitable shares.

    In order for the Russians to join the Unified People's Walking, and was approved on November 4, a festive day!

    According to statistics, it is in the last month of the autumn there is a surge of autumn handra. Many people find themselves in captivity of seasonal depression. Chronic fatigue affects, lack of heat and sun, reduction of the daylight. But there is a way to escape from these troubles without psychiatrists and antidepressants. Enough to know what holidays are celebrated in November 2019, Choose among them those that you are suitable, celebrate them in your diary and celebrate! Moreover, among them there are dates for every taste: worldwide and international, Russian and regional, professional and military, folk and Orthodox.

    Guests, feast, contests, pleasant meetings, memories, gifts and pleasant surprises - all this will help to cope with the saddest thoughts and completely forget about Handra. And for bright and cheerful moments, even late autumn, it was as much as possible, take yourself in bookmarks full list of calendar holidays for November 2019 for every day And mark on health!

    Of course, there is in the November calendar and memorable dates that are forced to remember historical events - serious and sometimes sad. Thanks to them, we remove lessons from the past and remember the story of your fatherland.

    Holidays in early November

    November 4 - Folk Unity Day in Russia

    Those who usually chill last month of autumn must necessarily look at holiday calendar for November 2019 And make sure there are a lot of them and what among them there are fun and interesting! The day of fortune telling on the coffee grounds, the day of looking at the old photos, the day of viewing the black and white films ... How can you miss such? This is especially true of the beginning of the month - judge for yourself!

    • International Day Vegan;
    • All Saints' Day;
    • The day of the bailiff in Russia;
    • Manager day in Russia;
    • Day of fortune telling on the coffee grounds;
    • The day of Ivan.
    • International men's day;
    • International day of cessation of impunity for crimes against journalists;
    • Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday;
    • Artemyev day.
    • Hilarion day.
    • Folk Unity Day in Russia;
    • Birthday cash register;
    • Day care day;
    • celebration of the Kazan Mother of God's icon;
    • Kazan autumn.
    • World Distribution Day of the Tsunami Problem;
    • Military intelligence day in Russia;
    • Birthday of the Ostankino Tower;
    • The day of looking at old photos;
    • Jacob's Day.
    • International Day for the prevention of environmental operation during war and armed conflict;
    • International Day of Memory of Animals, killed from the hands of a man;
    • International Week of Science and Peace;
    • celebration of the icons of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy";
    • Svetts.
    • Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution;
    • Russian paintball day;
    • Dedov's crying.
    • International Day of KVN;
    • International Radiology Day / X-ray Day;
    • World Town Planning Day;
    • Memorial Day of those killed in the performance of official duties of employees of the internal affairs of Russia;
    • memory of the Great Martyr Dimitria of the Solunsky, Mirotchka;
    • Dmitriev day.
    • International day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism;
    • International Day of Anti-Nuclear Shares;
    • World Leasing Day;
    • The day of the special stage of rapid response in Russia;
    • Custodian Day of the Home Field;
    • memory of the Reverend Nestor Chronicler, Pechersk, in the Middle Caves;
    • Paraskev's jam.
    • World Youth Day;
    • International accounting day;
    • World Science Day for Peace and Development;
    • Day of the internal affairs officer in Russia / Police Day;
    • Day view of black and white films;
    • Borschi day;
    • memory of the Great Martyr Paraskeva, a nailed Friday;
    • Paraskeva Friday.

    The beginning of the month should be especially pleased with the fact that it is here that all the workers will be provided official Weekend in November 2019. After all, November 4 - the Day of People's Unity, the State Russian holiday. So as much as 3 days (from 2 to 4 inclusive) - Enjoy the pastime in a circle of family and friends, gain strength and positive emotions.

    Dossier for November

    November - the eleventh month in the Gregorian calendar. The ninth month, if you look at the Olderime year, started to the famous reform of Emperor Caesar only from March. The name goes back to the Latin Word "Novem", which is translated as "nine". November in the northern hemisphere is the last month of the calendar autumn, whereas in the southern hemisphere he completes the spring.

    Holidays in mid-November

    November 15 - Day of Milk Cocktails

    After the official state celebrations began the beginning of the month holidays, Memorable Dates and Events November 2019Camera on his middle. The day of writing paper letters, the birthday of sausages, the day of milk cocktails ... Be sure to take their own note. They paint your gray and monotonous weekdays in bright and cheerful colors!

    • World Shopping Day;
    • International Energy Saving Day;
    • International Memory Day (day truce);
    • International Ophthalmologist Day;
    • World Mini-Ski Day;
    • World orphanage;
    • Military pensioner day;
    • Economist Day in Russia;
    • Employee Day of the Restoration Train in Russia;
    • Day writing paper letters;
    • Avrami Shechar and Anastasia Ovechnitsa.
    • World day fighting pneumonia;
    • Day of employees of Sberbank of Russia;
    • Safety expert in Russia;
    • Sichkin day in Russia;
    • Zinovy \u200b\u200band Zinovia.
    • International Blind Day;
    • World kindness day;
    • The day of creating a state secret service;
    • Day of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of Russia;
    • Birthday sausages;
    • Spiridon and Nicodemus.
    • World Day Fighting Diabetes;
    • Endocrinologist's day;
    • World Quality Day;
    • World Yuzvabit Day;
    • International day speech therapist;
    • Day of the Blacksmith;
    • Sociologist's day in Russia;
    • the memory of non-care and miracle artists of Cosma and Damian Asian and Mother of their Rev. Feodotia;
    • Kuzminki.
    • All-Russian Conscript Day;
    • International Day of Recycling;
    • The day of the creation of units to combat organized crime in Russia;
    • Day of milk cocktails;
    • Akindin and Pigasi.
    • International Tolerance Day;
    • International Day of Fighting Anorexia;
    • All-Russian Designer Day;
    • World Handicraft Day;
    • Anna Cold.
    • International Day of Students;
    • International Day of premature children;
    • World day of memory of victims of road traffic accidents;
    • The day of the district police officers in Russia;
    • Black Cat Day;
    • Yerema - Sitie at home.
    • Mike Mouse's birthday;
    • Birthday Santa Claus in Russia;
    • the memory of St. Tikhon, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia;
    • Day ions.
    • International Male Day;
    • World Toilet Day;
    • World Plumbing Day;
    • Employee Day of the glass industry in Russia;
    • Day of missile troops and artillery in Russia;
    • International Flamenco Flamenco Festival "¡Viva España!" in Moscow;
    • Female entrepreneurship day;
    • Pavel Lostovv.
    • World Child Day;
    • International Pediatrician Day;
    • Day of geographical information systems (GIS Day);
    • Transgender Memory Day;
    • World Day of Fight against Chronic Obstructive Light Diseases;
    • Fedotov day.

    So as not to remember painfully what is the holiday today in November, write down immediately in the calendar of those dates that have a value for you. Put a reminder to the phone - this will allow not to miss important events and demonstrate to your family and loved ones how much you love them.

    Curious fact

    Psychologists call November the most depressive month a year. True, with a small reservation: every person is able to make it completely different.

    Holidays at the end of November

    November 30 - Pet Day

    At the very end of autumn dates and holidays in November-month 2019 Also they will not be bored. Moreover, the new year is nearing and in the air already smells of tagarins! So do not give Handre and depressed to take you into circulation. Sawn away from them with a funny company and the celebration of such unusual dates, like the day of getting up from that foot, watercolor day, the day of elephants and many others.

    • World Television Day;
    • World greetings day;
    • World Philosophy Day;
    • International day of refusal of smoking;
    • Day of the employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation;
    • Accountant day in Russia;
    • Day of the auditor in Russia;
    • Cassira Day in Russia;
    • Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces of disembodied;
    • Michaelmas.
    • International Sons Day;
    • Day of the psychologist in Russia;
    • Day of dictionaries and encyclopedia;
    • celebration of the icons of the Mother of God, called "Spear Selfish";
    • Matrius winter.
    • International Watercolor Day;
    • Day of memory of St. George Victorious;
    • Day up from that foot;
    • Rodion and Yerast.
    • Mother's Day in Russia;
    • Walg Day in Russia;
    • Fedor Studit.
    • International Day for the Liquidation of Violence against Women;
    • Day of the Russian military peacekeeper;
    • Home kitchen day;
    • Ivan is merciful.
    • World Information Day;
    • International day of the shoemaker;
    • Day of St. George Cross in Russia;
    • the memory of St. John of Zlatoust, Archbishop of Constantinople;
    • Zlatoust.
    • Marine Day in Russia;
    • The day of the appraiser in Russia;
    • memory of the Apostle Philip;
    • Philippovka.
    • World Compassion Day;
    • beginning of the Christmas post;
    • Guriev day.
    • Black Friday;
    • World Shopping Day;
    • International Solidarity Day with the Palestinian People;
    • the memory of the apostle and the evangelist Matthew;
    • Matveyev day.
    • International Day Protection Day;
    • World Pet Day;
    • World Elephant Day;
    • Day of memory of all victims of the application of chemical weapons;
    • Reader day;
    • Grigori winter designer.

    As we work

    So how many working days in November 2017? In this autumn month, citizens will work on day 21: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21, 23, 23, 20, 21, 28, 29, 23, 20, 21, 23, 29, 23, 20, 21, 21, 23, 24, 21, 21, 23, 23, 24, 21, 21, 23, 23, 24, 21, 21, 23, 23 thirty.

    According to the calendar, 3 numbers is pre-holiday. In this connection, the time of work will be reduced by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The remaining working days in November 2017 will not be abbreviated.

    What are weekends in November 2017?

    According to, we are expecting nine weekends and holidays. Non-working days in November 2017 are falling out for: 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26, 26 numbers.


    Many citizens are accustomed to the fact that at the beginning of this month they are waiting for long days of rest. But some of them do not at all, at what reason they are provided. So how many festive days in November 2017 and what for the holiday we will celebrate?

    This month in Russia there is only one public holiday. He is called the Day of People's Unity. It was established by the Government of our country in 2004. And for the first time the Day of People's Unity, the Russians noted on 04.11.05. It should be noted that the history of the memorable date began several centuries ago. It is connected with the distant events of the early 17th century. In 1612, Moscow - the capital of our Motherland was released from Polish occupiers. 04.11. Symbolizes the cohesion of the people, which made it possible to defeat the invaders. This year, the 13th time will be celebrated. According to art. 112 TC RFThis is the official day off.

    Consider how citizens will be resting on holidays in November 2017 in Russia. Long weekends duration of 3 days drop out from 4 to 6 number:

    • 4 Number, Saturday - Day of People's Unity. This is the official non-working holiday day;
    • 5 number, Sunday - Day of rest;
    • 6 Number, Monday - Rest Day, transferred from 04.11.2017

    Most often causes questions on November 6 - a day off this or a working day. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that in 2017 on November 6 - a non-standard holiday day, which was formed by transferring output dates.

    Norm of working time

    Working time standards:

    • at the 40-hour working week - 167 hours;
    • at a 36-hour - 150.2 hours;
    • at 24-hour - 99.8 hours.

    Professional holidays

    Some specialists also celebrate their professional holidays this month. Of course, these days do not give workers the right to additional rest. But they can be noted with colleagues, in the working team. Festive days calendar in November 2017:

    • 1 - day of the bailiff of the Russian Federation;
    • 4 - Day of National Unity;
    • 7 - Day of the October Revolution of 1917. Also of the same number marks the day of consent and reconciliation;
    • 5 - day of the military intelligence officer;
    • 10 - the day of the employee of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • 13 - the day of the troops of radiation, chemical and biosis;
    • 16 - All-Russian Designer Day. This is a professional holiday of specialists creating estimates that make up drawings and schemes in the construction of various objects;
    • 17 - day of the district authorized police. This is a professional holiday of the officials of the Russian police. Their official activity is primarily aimed at protecting the rights of citizens living in the relevant administrative plot, as well as persons affected by the actions of criminals;
    • 21 - day of the accountant. This holiday celebrates all experts whose activities are related to calculations and reporting;
    • 21 Number - day of tax authorities.

    In addition to these holidays, the International Mother Day will be celebrated. He is not tied to a specific date and is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. This year, it is 26.11.2017 on this day, it is customary to congratulate all mothers, as well as pregnant women. This is his main difference from the International Women's Day, when congratulations take all the fair sex representatives.

    In Russia, November 4 is a weekend. On this day, the country celebrates the holiday of the Day of People's Unity. On joy, all working on five days, there will be three weekends at once. Resting 2, 3 and 4 November 2019. Friday November 1 is a reduced working day.

    The Day of People's Unity is a state festival, which for 15 years has been a village calendar on the list of days of military glory and is a weekend. At one time, he replaced the day of consent and reconciliation, which also appeared on November 4, who, in turn, appeared as an alternative to November 7, anniversary of the October Revolution.

    In memory of the ancestors

    These November festive metamorphoses initially were the object of disputes and discussions, the time with the new date was attempted and saw the meaning in the fact that the basis for its establishment was bright events from distant history.

    It was on this day that in 1612 the Russian militia, who was led to the assault of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, embroidered the Polish invaders from China-Cities and liberated Moscow. In memory of the feat of the ancestors that spoke on the battle for the fatherland and the victorious enemy, and the Day of People's Unity was established.

    Interestingly, it was interesting to celebrate on November 4, the Russians began in 1649, during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, as the holiday icons of the Kazan Mother of God, because it was from the miraculous Iconica Name, Russian warriors were going to fight with the Poles. Today, a church holiday exists in parallel with state.

    Festive traditions

    For a half decades, the holiday has their own traditions. On this day, patriotic promotions and mass walkings are held in many cities. The centers of the celebrations can be considered Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod -to the city on the Volga was gathered by the militia and a fire, there, as in the capital, a monument to these heroic characters was established. From the procession to the memorials and the design of flowers begin the celebrations in the main cities, where the holiday passes with a special scope.

    In Moscow, no first year is held a large festival, which is also called "People's Unity Day". It includes a lot of activities that will be organized on 30 sites, including Red Square, Manezhnaya, Revolution Square and Square of Glory, Park Gorky and others.

    Residents of the capital and tourists holiday organizers are invited to get acquainted with the customs of different nations, try national dishes, participate in master classes and folk games, to become viewers of concerts and theatrical ideas.

    Three-day festival

    Since this year on November 4, it falls on Monday, who is preceded by Saturday and Sunday, Russia has three weekends in a row. In addition, they coincide with the end of the school holidays, so that parents and children appear an excellent opportunity to stay together, visit museums and theaters, make small trips.

    As for Muscovites, they can spend all three days at the festival sites: the program of the Day of People's Unity in the capital provides for entertainment from 2 to 4 November.

    And just this month from Russians, thanks to the holiday weekend, ten full-fledged holidays.

    October ends, and therefore - the autumn school holidays and the famous November holidays are approaching, including a new enough - Day of folk unity. However, this holiday in November is not the only one - there are some more memorable dates that are not weekends.

    Day of People's Unity: When notes, how much is resting in 2018

    Day of folk unity annually marked November 4th. This holiday is a day off. In 2018, on November 4, it falls on Sunday, and the "missing" day off will be compensated by rest on Monday, November 5th.

    Thus, in 2018, on the Day of People's Unity, Russians will be able to relax three days in a row: 3, 4 and 5 November inclusive. In the pre-holiday Friday, November 2, the working day will be reduced for an hour.

    We note, the practice of "compensation" of the weekend, which fell on public holidays, is a fairly new tradition fixed by the amendments to the Labor Code of 1992. Article 112 of this document provides for the obligatory provision of additional weekends for the festive days, which fell on Saturday or Sunday.

    Day of People's Unity: History and Modern Traditions

    Day of folk unity It is celebrated in Russia since 2005 in honor of the liberation of Moscow in 1612 by Nizhny Novgorod folk militia under the guidance Kuzma minina and Dmitry Pozhassha.

    In early November 1612, the militias knocked out of Moscow of the Polish interventory from Moscow, this was the sign of the grave of the Great University and establishing solid statehood in Russia. Thanks to the liberation of Moscow, it became possible to build a 16-year-old Mikhail Romanovawhich marked the beginning of the three hundred years of the Romanov dynasty in Russia.

    It is in honor of these events the next king - Alexey Mikhailovich - ordered to celebrate the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God not only in the summer, but also on November 4 (October 22, according to the old style).

    The Day of People's Unity is a new holiday, but already acquired its traditions. Most events on this day have a patriotic orientation. Processions, rallies-concerts, patriotic flash drives, etc. will take place throughout the country.

    And Petersburgers loved the autumn light festival, which is traditionally timed to the Day of National Unity. This year, the festival will be held in a new place - on the square in front of the Sports-Concert Complex "Petersburg" (CCM) and in the Moscow Park of Victory.

    What other holidays are celebrated in November

    In the time of the USSR, the chief Soviet holiday was celebrated in November - the day of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which was celebrated for two days - November 7 and 8. November seventh was devoted to official celebrations, and the eighth is just a rest.

    Today, November 7 is a memorable day, which is basically the Communists and representatives of the left parties and movements.

    In addition, in November there are several more holidays, both Russian and international.

    November 1 - the day of all saints, the continuation of the famous Halloween, which is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1.

    November 7 - the Day of the October Revolution of 1917 and the Day of Military Fame in memory of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1941.

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