• How to take care of newborn girls. The basics of caring for a newborn girl in the first month of life: hygiene procedures, skin care and daily routine. Features of caring for a newborn girl


    In this article:

    When a newborn baby appears in the house, taking care of his health and care comes to the fore.

    When it comes to a girl, proper hygiene procedures are especially important. This helps to prevent all kinds of diseases that often arise against the background of neglect of hygiene. Newborn girls, due to their physiological characteristics, require more careful care, unlike boys.

    Basic rules of intimate hygiene

    Caring for "especially delicate" places involves a number of compliance with the mandatory rules:

    • Mom must first wash her hands thoroughly with soap.
    • Washing is carried out from front to back, from the pubis to the anus. In this case, the girl should be held face up, while the boy is usually held face down.
    • This hygiene procedure should be performed every morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. To avoid a disease such as vulvovaginitis, it is necessary to wash the girl and after each act of defecation, when changing a diaper.
    • After washing, do not immediately dress the baby. You need to leave her to lie down without a diaper for a few minutes so that the skin can breathe a little.
    • It is recommended to use only clean water, it is possible with the addition of chamomile extract. But the soap should be used only for severe contamination, and it can only be baby soap.
    • A newborn girl should have only her own towel and soap.
    • Do not use a washcloth when washing. This can damage the delicate skin of the genitals.
    • After this procedure, it is necessary to gently blot the girl's external genitals with a napkin and lubricate with baby cream.

    In the first days after birth

    Many parents are concerned about the presence of a light gray plaque on the girl's labia. This is a kind of original lubricant that gradually absorbs itself into the skin. If there is too much plaque, it can provoke the multiplication of microorganisms that cause inflammation. In this case, it should be removed very carefully using cotton swabs soaked in warm water.


    As soon as the umbilical wound dries up, you can start bathing the baby. For the first six months of the life of the bath, it is recommended to do it daily, the next six months every other day, then even less often. You can bathe your baby at any time, but an evening bath before the last feeding is optimal.

    A clean, scalded with boiling water, baby bath with a diaper on the bottom is filled with warm water. The temperature is controlled by a special thermometer and should be 36.5-37.5 degrees.

    The air temperature in the bathing room is maintained at least 20 degrees. Detergents (and this is necessarily baby soap or special foam for children) should be used at most once a week.

    The bathing procedure takes 5 minutes. With the left hand supporting the child in the water by the shoulders, with the right hand gently wash the head and body with gentle movements, especially all the folds, folds, genitals, palms. After that, rinse with clean water from a ladle prepared in advance, dry with a soft towel or diaper and grease the folds using baby cream or sterilized oil.

    How to clean your ears

    It is important to keep water out of your ears while swimming. You need to thoroughly blot your ears with a napkin or soft towel. The skin behind the ears requires special care. To avoid the appearance of diaper rash, you should lubricate it with baby cream. To cleanse the external auditory canal, it is recommended to use cotton cords, and it is not worth doing this deeply, so as not to injure delicate skin, and especially the eardrum, which is close enough in newborns. Very carefully, only the sulfur that is in the auricle is removed. A separate flagellum is used for each ear.


    Caring for the nails of a newborn girl involves the timely implementation of the procedure for cutting the marigolds. This should be done very carefully, since it is a very thin and delicate fabric. Moreover, all the manicure accessories of the little princess should be individual, no one else should use them.

    After each use, scissors and tweezers must be thoroughly washed in soapy water. The basic rule that must be observed when cutting nails is that the nails must be "rounded" on the hands, and cut straight on the legs, that is, exactly, in order to prevent ingrowth of the nail plate. Best time for nail care - when the baby is sound asleep.

    How to properly clean a baby's nose

    Care for the nose of a newborn girl should be done daily. After all, the baby does not know how to blow her nose, and dust particles that settle and accumulate in the nasal passages, dried droplets of regurgitated milk greatly impede breathing, causing anxiety and difficulty in breathing.

    For processing, twisted cotton filaments are required. First, a flagellum dipped in cosmetic oil gently rotates in the nasal passage to soften the crusts. A dry flagellum is then used to remove these crusts from the nasal passages. In no case should you use cotton swabs for this, since there is a high probability of damaging the very delicate mucous membrane of the baby's nose. You should also avoid using all kinds of children's nasal aspirators that can disrupt the microflora, which in the future can lead to serious health problems.

    Breast glands - what to look for

    Often, young mothers are alarmed by swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe baby's mammary glands. In no case should these swellings be squeezed and kneaded. All this can provoke inflammation and suppuration. You just need to keep this area clean. This usually goes away within a few days. If inflammation does occur, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

    It is important to remember that the state of her health in the future depends on how competently the care of the little princess will be.

    Dr. Komarovsky talks about the hygiene of girls

    For young moms, childcare may seem daunting, but it's a matter of habit. It will get better and better every day. If a little princess has appeared in the family, then there are several nuances that must be taken into account in carrying out daily hygiene procedures. How to Provide Proper Care for Your Newborn Girl?

    What you need to buy before giving birth

    When it was announced at the ultrasound that the birth of a girl was expected, you need to prepare a dowry for the baby in advance and purchase everything you need for care and hygiene procedures. The children's room must be present:

    • cot;
    • baby changing table;
    • a separate wardrobe or chest of drawers for children's things.

    In addition to the basic furniture, it is necessary to prepare clothes for the baby, a supply of diapers and a baby first aid kit. Clothes and medicines should be kept in a specially designated drawer of a chest of drawers so that access to them is as convenient as possible. Ideally, you can purchase a chest of drawers with a changing table. A first aid kit and diapers should be put in the top drawer, and the rest should be left under the daughter's clothes. So it will be as convenient as possible to change the child's clothes, carry out the treatment of the navel, etc.

    Clothes that are purchased by newborns should be washed in hypoallergenic powder and carefully ironed. You should also prepare soft towels for the baby. You will need one large bathing towel and one small washing towel. Towels must be washed and ironed before use.

    You need to carefully prepare for the appearance of a newborn girl in the house. You will have to buy a lot of things - from hygiene products to furniture

    In addition to basic children's medicines (antipyretics, colic remedies, gum gels, etc.), the first-aid kit should also contain aids for hygiene procedures:

    • cotton swabs and discs;
    • cotton wool;
    • high-quality baby cream;
    • petroleum jelly (it is better to choose a modern version in liquid form);
    • brilliant green ("brilliant green");
    • manganese permanganate ("potassium permanganate");
    • baby wipes;
    • liquid baby soap;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • two thermometers (special mercury for water, electronic or infrared for the body);
    • two pipettes with a round end;
    • gas outlet tube No. 15 for babies;
    • several orthodontic pacifiers;
    • herbs for bathing newborns (chamomile, string).

    Everything that is listed on the list must be bought in advance so that, having arrived with the baby from the hospital, you do not have to worry that something is missing for the full care of the child.

    What to look for in the early days

    It is necessary to see if the daughter has a white or light beige coating on her lips and genitals. If there is, don't be scared. This is smegma (original lubricant), it is absolutely safe. But in the case when there is a lot of it, this can provoke the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, which entails an inflammatory process.

    If the plaque is almost invisible and there is little of it, then no special care is needed. It will be absorbed into the skin by itself. In the case when there is a lot of smegma, you should very carefully remove it with a cotton pad dipped in clean boiled water. The plaque is quite dense in structure. Removing it the first time is unlikely to work, so the procedure can be repeated for several days in a row.

    Thanks to frequent feeding "on demand", the children's gastrointestinal tract is quickly populated with beneficial bacteria that promote proper digestion. This is the main prevention of colic

    Also, in the first days of life, you need to pay great attention to feeding the child - the main element of care, without which the child simply cannot survive. It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible so that the mother has a stable lactation, and the newborn girl gets used to the new way of feeding.

    Hygiene features of newborn girls

    Unlike boys, who can be washed as desired, girls are more likely to have genitourinary infections caused by bacteria and microorganisms that multiply in the genital area. That is why several rules must be followed when washing away:

    • You need to wash your baby every time you change the diaper.
    • Washing should take place in the direction from the genitals to the anus. This is very important, since with this method, the chances of introducing an infection into the genitourinary system are significantly reduced.
    • The use of children's wet wipes is permissible only to remove feces from the perineal area. Then you still need to wash the baby.
    • You only need to wash the girl under running water; you cannot do this in a basin. When washing in a basin or bath, there is a risk of feces and bacteria entering the vagina. It also threatens inflammation.
    • Do not overuse soap, it is better to do without it. Excessive striving for perfect cleanliness of the perineum can lead to partial or complete fusion of the labia minora, which occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes. It will need to be corrected surgically.
    • The towel that is used for washing and bathing should be separate for the baby, washed and ironed.
    • Do not wipe the labia from the inside with anything (wet wipes, cotton pads, towel). It also leads to infection and damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes.

    If a newborn girl suddenly has mucous or bloody vaginal discharge, then this is normal. The discharge will disappear when the baby's hormonal background returns to normal. Most often it lasts several days and does not require treatment.

    But if purulent discharge with a pungent odor is observed and the genitals have acquired an inflamed appearance, then this phenomenon already requires immediate medical intervention. It should also be taken into account that in infancy, girls cannot have any secretions, except for hormonal ones, which were discussed above. For such phenomena of any kind, a doctor's consultation is required.


    For bathing, you need to purchase a separate soft washcloth or sponge and bath accessories in advance. You can't use mom's or dad's towel, especially the one that adults have already used. Bathing the baby should take place daily, except when it is not recommended by pediatricians, for example, for various dermatitis. After bathing, it is good to give your baby a light massage with baby oil or cream.

    Various foams, soaps, shampoos and other hygiene products should be used no more than once a week. Herbal decoctions can be used every day

    Care for nails, ears, nose, breast and umbilical wound


    Small babies are often born with long nails. There is no way to trim them in the hospital, so this procedure must be carried out immediately upon arrival home. Your child's nails should always be trimmed, otherwise they may scratch their face and body. For this procedure, it is better to purchase special nail scissors with sharp blades and rounded ends in advance. Scissors and fingers must be treated with hydrogen peroxide before cutting.

    It is better not to cut the nails too short - there is a chance to injure the finger. Therefore, it is better for a little princess to do manicure and pedicure more often.


    Umbilical wound care consists of two fundamental points:

    • Constant air access to the wound.
    • Daily treatment with peroxide and brilliant green.

    Air access is provided by loose clothing or loose swaddling, as well as the use of special diapers for newborns with a notch under the navel.

    The wound is processed according to the following scheme:

    1. You need to wash your hands, put the girl on the changing table, undress, remove the diaper.
    2. First, drop a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide from a clean pipette into the baby's navel.
    3. Then, from another pipette, you need to drop a drop of brilliant green on the wound.
    4. Next, you need to wait until the brilliant green dries up and you can dress the baby.
    5. You should not touch the wound with your fingers or cotton swabs - you can get an infection.

    The procedure is repeated every day until the wound is completely healed. Healing usually takes 2-2.5 weeks.

    Modern pediatricians advise against bathing a child until the umbilical wound is completely healed. But if there is a great desire, then the bathing water should be boiled, cooled to the desired temperature (34-36 °), only then the baby should be immersed there


    The girl should clean her ears as needed. This is when the earwax has left the ear canal into the concha. Only what is visible should be removed. You should not go far into the ear using cotton swabs. Sulfur is not dirt, but hearing protection from dust and infections.

    The ears of newborns are cleaned using cotton cords, not sticks. Chopsticks can damage your ear. If the child twitches accidentally, it will go too deep. A separate flagellum must be twisted for each ear. If water gets into your ears while swimming, this is not a reason for panic. You just need to blot it with a towel and, if necessary, use a cotton swab, which will perfectly absorb water.

    If diaper rash or crusts have formed behind the child's ears, then they are lubricated with baby cream or oil. With this care, diaper rash will quickly pass, and the crusts will be easy to remove.


    Nasal care consists of observing and removing snot and crusts. The child should be able to breathe freely. To prevent the snot from drying out, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity in the room - 50-70%. You can also soften the crusts with boiled vegetable oil. It is applied to cotton filaments and carefully, with screwing movements, rub the nostrils from the inside. The accumulation of nozzles can be removed in the same way.

    When caring for newborns, it is best not to use aspirators and various nasal sprays. According to experts, this leads to the formation of adenoids and a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes. You should not be zealous and overly concerned about the cleanliness of the nasal passages. Everything needs to be done strictly as needed

    Mammary gland

    About a week after birth, a girl may experience breast engorgement. This is harmless and is due to the hormonal "crisis" of newborns. You don't need to do anything special. Everything will go away by itself. In the event that the baby's breasts turn red and the enlargement of the glands is pronounced, it is worth consulting with the local pediatrician.

    Some mothers in such situations begin to massage their breasts or try to squeeze out the contents. This is wrong and dangerous.

    Caring for a baby is difficult and unusual only at the very beginning. Over time, everything will become simple and easy. The joy of motherhood is well worth the effort!

    With the birth of a daughter, a lot of pleasant troubles appear in the family. Moms need to know how to properly exercise caring for a newborn girl in the early days.Mom and baby are waiting at home loving husband and dad, grandparents. Everything is ready for meeting the princess: a spacious sunny room, a crib, a stroller and the first toys, a bathtub, bottles and dishes for feeding, diapers and diapers, clothes for the baby. Patience and a few subtleties in caring for babies will help young mothers and fathers.

    In the first month of a princess's life

    Young mothers, and especially fathers, are a little afraid of newborn babies. This is because not everyone knows how to take care of babies. The most important rule is not to harm or miss, that is, notice everything that happens to the baby, consult a doctor on time, monitor the child's health and help grow. Healthy food and hygiene, love and care will help the baby get stronger. In its first days, a new world opens up to the baby, the body adapts to the new environment. Healthy child eats with appetite, sleeps well, smiles more often than cries, gains weight. If the child is restless, capricious or lethargic, you should call a doctor at home or visit a good pediatrician, do all the necessary tests and find the reason. Infants may have problems with food digestion due to dysbiosis or infection. The caprogram will help to identify the state of the intestinal microflora.

    - a joy for parents, but we must remember that bathing for a newborn daughter should also be pleasant. It is necessary to prepare the water not hot, but a little warm, so as not to frighten the child. If the daughter is afraid of hot water, then for several years she will be afraid to swim.

    The water should be clean, but you can add a decoction of the string. It is important to talk to your baby while swimming, smile and make sure that water does not get into the respiratory system and ears. For safety, the baby's head must be supported from the back of the head. If the baby rolls over on her tummy, then one of the parents bathes, and the other supports her head.

    It is better to bathe your child before bedtime. Water treatments soothe the nervous system, so children sleep well after bathing. After taking a bath, the child should be dried on a towel and done with a simple exercise, clean the nose and ears, wrap in fresh diapers for sleep.

    How to wash a newborn girl under the tap

    It's no secret that newborn babies still do not know how to ask for a potty. Very often there is a need to change diapers. It is important to wash the girl after every chair, diaper change and always before going to bed. Young moms don't know how to wash a newborn girl correctly, see what Dr. Komarovsky thinks.

    It is necessary to wash the child not in a basin, but under running water gently, directing movements from front to back. You need to hold the child in one hand, and wash the skin with baby soap with the other hand. Washing awayIs a natural hygiene procedure and a girl should get used to being clean from the diaper.

    How to collect urine from a newborn girl at home

    Urine for analysis is collected only in sterile containers. A deep ceramic plate scalded with boiling water will do. How to collect urine from a newborn girl every mom should know. The girl needs to be washed and kept over the container for some time until urination occurs. To make the baby pee faster, you should drink some water before the procedure.

    The murmur of water also stimulates urination. If you collect urine in the bathroom, turn on the tap with water. It is not recommended to use special urine collectors, so as not to injure the child's skin once again.

    After the procedure, urine must be poured into a sterile jar and closed with a lid. A small tag with the baby's name, address and phone number of the parents should be glued to the jar so that the urine is not accidentally mixed up and accurate test results are obtained. Analysis of urine will tell a lot about the child's health.

    Cleanliness is the key to health. With the birth of a daughter, parents should know how to care for a newborn girl after the hospital.The princess's room should be ventilated at least twice a day, be clean and bright. Outdoor walks are a must in any weather. Lack of oxygen harms the child's body the most. First of all, the brain and heart are affected. Therefore, you should not be lazy to go out with a stroller twice a day for an hour or two.

    Next to the girl's bed there should be a table or chest of drawers in which hygiene products are stored: cotton wool and bandage, baby cream and powder, baby soap, enema and a thermometer for water, brilliant green, heating pad, diapers and diapers, caps. All this must be sterile. For example, diapers should not only be washed, but also ironed.

    It is important to follow the daily routine. The morning begins with washing. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in warm water and wipe the eyes and face skin, folds behind the ears. It is also good to give your child as much water as they can in the morning. It is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Charging is also worth starting in the morning and combining it with taking air baths. The girl herself will begin to raise her head, turn over, if she is put on a flat, spacious surface, having previously covered it with a terry towel or a diaper. You can do massage at the same time. The child's muscles must work to get stronger faster.

    After the first breakfast, the girl needs sleep - an hour or two. It is best to walk outside at this time. After sleeping, it is worth washing the girl, changing diapers and clothes and getting ready for lunch. Another walk after lunch, lasting up to two hours in good weather, is useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

    In the afternoon, there will be another feeding, a change of linen. There will be time for educational games with the baby. Newborn children understand everything and it is necessary to talk and sing with them. For toddlers, mom's songs are very important as they feel loved.

    Evening exercise is accompanied by feeding, resting and bathing. Stool problems may occur, or vice versa. If the baby has a tummy ache, then it is necessary to stroke the tummy clockwise several times. Before going to bed, be sure to bathe the baby so that sleep is calm and good health.

    What can you give a newborn girl

    Relatives and family friends will wish to give the baby a gift. The first time they bring gifts to the house, meeting the princess from the hospital. Practical gifts help parents during the first months not to worry about purchasing diapers, bottles, diapers, cots. The first month is really difficult to do everything and if the necessary things are presented, then it is pleasant for everyone.

    Baby christening gifts differ in that they should be remembered for a long time. For example, future godparents can give a silver spoon or a cross. Godfathers also give money so that parents can buy everything they need for their goddaughter.

    Clothes for girls can be made by hand. Knitted booties or a dress or handbag will really appeal to the girl in the future. But the cap, decorated with flowers, the princess will appreciate even in the first month of life. Babies notice everything that is happening, listen and understand. The brightly colored bonnet will be a constant subject of research.

    A musical pot can be given by a grandmother. Of course, this is a gift for future use, but the sooner the baby learns to go to the potty, the less mom hassle with diapers and rompers. A table with a high chair for eating and educational games will also come in handy. Mom will appreciate the playpen more, but the baby will also like it.

    Dads love to give their princesses gold earrings. This is a beautiful and expensive gift for a girl, but it will be possible to try it on after a year. However, the process itself is important. The girl must have jewelry.

    What did you give your daughter? Leave your opinion or review for everyone.

    The birth of a child is the most important event in the life of parents and all family members who live with a newborn child. Preparation for childbirth and the postpartum period takes place almost simultaneously, because future mom stores everything she needs to care for herself and her newborn.

    The news that a newborn girl will soon live in the house should lead to the creation of all the necessary conditions for her comfort and her health. First of all, the following things and pieces of furniture should be in the room:

    • a cot with an equipped sleeping place for a child;
    • changing table;
    • chest of drawers for storing clothes;
    • first aid kit;
    • things, clothes, toys.

    What is needed to care for a newborn girl

    Compliance with the hygiene rules of a newborn girl differs significantly from the hygiene of a boy. This difference is due to the anatomical structure of the body of children of different sexes. By gender, it becomes clear that daily procedures are carried out different ways and postpartum period also proceeds in different ways.

    For proper care for the state of health of a newborn girl, the mother will need the following items:

    • cotton swabs, discs;
    • liquid petroleum jelly;
    • baby cream;
    • brilliant green;
    • potassium permanganate;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • baby wipes;
    • baby soap;
    • children's gas tube;
    • body and water thermometers;
    • pipettes 2 pcs.;
    • enemas No. 2, No. 3;
    • preparations for colic in the abdomen (for example, children's "Espumisan" suspension);
    • pharmaceutical herbs: chamomile and string;
    • orthodontic pacifiers;
    • feeding bottles;
    • clean towels;
    • clean and ironed linen, diapers and all items of clothing (undershirts, sliders, caps, etc.).

    By purchasing these items in advance in a pharmacy or a children's store, future parents care not only about their baby, but also about their peace of mind, because in this crucial period, all these things will definitely be needed.

    How to care for a newborn baby girl

    Intrauterine life has laid down a lot in the child and at the same time taught that the child is in a comfortable position for him in a warm and humid environment with a constant temperature.

    It is very important to use the first minutes of birth correctly and this applies to latching on to the mother's breast to obtain the first colostrum containing special bacteria that colonize the intestines. Feeding start breast milk in the first minutes of life, provides a newborn with immunity for life.

    In order for the mother and child to maintain their health in the process of adapting to new living conditions, it is necessary to know and observe the following rules.

    Rule # 1... Feeding the baby on demand.

    Rule # 2... Daily bathing before bed at the same time.

    Rule No. 3... Hygienic procedures for a girl in the form of washing should be carried out using clean boiled water without using soap.

    Rule No. 4... Daily walks in any weather according to age.

    Rule No. 5... Diapers, clothes, bed linen should be washed with baby powder and ironed on all sides. It is especially important in the first month of life when the umbilical cord is healing.

    Rule No. 6... Supervision by a pediatrician and all pediatricians according to age.

    The daily routine of the newborn should be ordered in a certain way. This approach will allow the mother and her baby to best adapt to new conditions and reduce the risk of various disorders, stress and health problems.

    How to properly wash a newborn girl

    Getting up early at 6-7 am is normal in the first three months of a baby's life. The anatomical features of girls are characterized by high sensitivity to external irritants, such as bacteria and microorganisms. After birth, the girl has a residual lubricant on the labia, the so-called smegma, which has a light beige tint. A small amount of this plaque can be absorbed and will not need to be removed. However, if mom noticed that there is too much plaque, then it is necessary with the help of cotton wool or a cotton pad, previously soaked in boiled water, very carefully, gradually remove it from the surface of the mucous membrane of the skin.

    Also, girls may experience a hormonal crisis of a newborn on the 4th -7th day after birth. The presence of a large amount of hormones passed on from the mother at birth can cause bleeding from the vagina. Also, during this period, engorgement of the mammary glands in newborns occurs, which subsequently passes. This process is not dangerous and does not require medical attention. The appearance of other vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and color is the basis for contacting a pediatrician.

    The following morning should always begin with feeding and then with changing the diaper and treating the girl's genitals with cotton padsdipped in warm boiled water without using soap.

    The procedure for washing a newborn girl during the day is as follows: every time after each diaper change it is necessary to wash the girl's genitals under warm running water. To do this, you need to turn the girl towards you in such a way that the stream of water washes away the stool towards the anus. If you do the opposite, bowel movements can enter the vagina and develop an infection that leads to inflammation. The use of wet wipes is possible only in order to remove feces and immediately proceed to rinsing in running water.

    A very important point in caring for newborn girls is not to overdo it with hygiene procedures, which can lead to the development of a disease such as synechia. This disease causes fusion of the labia minora due to the injury and the onset of the inflammatory process.

    After the procedure is over, with a clean and dry towel specially prepared for the child, you must first blot the labia very gently and after that the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus and legs.

    How to properly bathe a newborn baby girl?

    Daily hygiene procedures in addition to washing and washing, they also contain bathing the child in a baby bath. The first procedures can be performed on the second day after being discharged from the hospital. Permission to carry out such a procedure can be asked from the pediatrician or nurse who carries out daily childcare.
    A contraindication to such a procedure may be a non-dried umbilical wound, which must be treated daily after discharge from the hospital twice a day with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

    The first month of healing of the umbilical cord, you must strictly follow the instructions of pediatricians to maintain cleanliness.

    What to bathe a newborn girl in

    Bathing water must be pre-boiled and cooled to a temperature of 36-37 degrees. It is necessary to add to it a previously dissolved potassium permanganate, which disinfects water. After the umbilical cord has healed, you can start using pharmaceutical herbs such as chamomile and celandine. To do this, they must first be brewed in a separate bowl and poured into a bath when the water is prepared. After that, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the water and, after making sure that the water corresponds to the child's body temperature of about 36.6-37 degrees, you can proceed to hygiene procedures.

    When placing a child in water, it is necessary to gradually contact the water with his skin. The procedure should bring pleasure to the baby, therefore, the temperature of the room and water should be comfortable and not very different from that in the room, where he will then be transferred for swaddling.

    Baby soap can be used once a week to avoid drying out baby skin. The head and body can be washed using a special children's washcloth or gauze, which should always be clean and inaccessible to other family members.

    The bathing procedure can take 5-7 minutes so that the child's body does not overheat and then you can rinse with water of the same temperature or a little cooler. The cool water temperature will help teach the child to harden, improve appetite and set him up for sleep.

    With the help of a terry towel specially prepared for this, it is necessary to blot the child's skin and proceed to hygienic procedures for processing the umbilical cord, all folds using a special liquid baby petroleum jelly or baby cream.

    Newborn girl's nail care

    After birth, babies noticeably grow marigolds on the fingers, which have a thin structure. Despite this small age, with the help of special scissors for children with rounded noses, you can start the procedure for cutting nails on the hands and feet.

    Before you start cutting the nails, the scissors need to be treated with water and baby soap or alcohol. You need to cut your nails by cutting them in the direction of growth. Irregularly trimmed nails will scratch the child, so you need to try to trim it straight. the frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week.

    It is very important to know that too short cut nails can cause inflammation, pain and discomfort, from which the child will then behave restlessly. It is for this reason that nails need to be trimmed when dry. It is not recommended to cut nails for children after a bath, so as not to cut off excess, for example, grabbing the delicate baby skin of the fingers along with the nail.

    Caring for the ears of a newborn girl

    Hygienic procedures related to caring for the ears of a newborn girl contain a number of important rules that must be followed so as not to cause inflammation and ear disease.

    To carry out the procedure for cleaning your ears, you will need special cotton swabs. It is better to clean your ears after taking a bath, when there is water from bathing in the ears, and the sulfur that has not washed out and remains in the auricle can be easily removed with a cotton swab. It is impossible to get inside the auricle by any means. The sulfur on the surface of the ear is easily washed out when bathing and for cleanliness, you just need to blot the ears with cotton wool.

    The delicate skin behind the ears also needs care and therefore it is necessary, together with the surface treatment of all folds on the body, to also process the skin behind the ears. This procedure can be done using baby cream or petroleum jelly.

    Caring for the nasal cavity of a newborn girl

    Children's nose, as well as ears, need correct daily care, especially in newborns who are still inactive, produce more mucus and breathe more often. In order to ensure that the procedure for cleaning the nose does not bring any inconvenience, it is necessary to use sterile pharmacy cotton wool, twisted in such a way that a small tampon can easily enter the child's nostril and also easily come out.

    Babies generally do not like this procedure, because a cotton swab interferes with breathing for a while and causes discomfort. Daily nasal cleansing procedures are essential to prevent your baby from worrying about breathing difficulties. This procedure can be performed in the morning and in the evening after bathing, when it becomes clear that the child has breathing problems. This is especially true during the heating season, when there is dry warm air in the room, which dries up all the mucous membranes in children. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ventilate the nursery more often, and to go for walks in the fresh air.

    Walking with a newborn girl

    The period of adaptation of the child after the hospital can take from one to two weeks. In agreement with the pediatrician, you need to choose the daytime for walking and start with ten minutes a day, gradually adding 10-20 minutes, bringing it to an hour by the month of life. In the future, walks in the fresh air should be carried out regularly for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening. Depending on the weather and time of year, the time for walking should be shortened or extended. A child's anxiety while walking can be caused by poor health or improperly selected clothing.

    Daily walks are one of the ways to harden the child's body and strengthen its immunity in the future.

    Video: Hygiene of Girls - School of Doctor Komarovsky

    Every mother-to-be expects the moment when she can take her long-awaited baby in her arms. Also, pregnant women are worried about how to properly care for newborn girls and boys. This article will focus on the fairer sex. You will learn how to care for newborn girls up to 1 month old.

    Required items

    Caring for newborn girls in the first month of life requires certain funds. These include bathing devices. This includes a bath, body wash, washcloth, and towel.

    You will also need clothes for the baby. You can purchase diapers, rompers, undershirts, suits or bodysuits. Currently, manufacturers offer new mothers a large selection of products.

    Be sure to prepare a first aid kit. It should include the following agents: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, body oil, diaper rash cream or powder. Hygiene products involve the purchase of diapers, napkins, cotton swabs and cotton wool.

    Washing the baby

    Daily care of newborn girls involves the obligatory washing of the genitals. It is worth saying that the fair sex is more susceptible to infection and inflammation.

    Flushing should be done after each bowel movement. In babies, this happens from one to seven times a day. Remember that stool should not touch the labia. It is necessary to hold the baby while washing with your left hand. The back of the crumb should be along your forearm. Moisten the genitals with clean water and apply some special product. Remember that frequent use of regular soap can dry out your skin and lead to the adhesion of the labia. All your movements are carried out strictly from the folds to the anus. After washing the genitals, it is necessary to properly wipe and process them.

    Intimate care for newborn girls

    Treatment of genitals in boys and girls is very different. After water procedures, the baby must be placed on a changing table or any other surface. After that, gently spread the baby's legs and pat the labia with a towel. Then wipe off the wrinkles as well. Remember not to rub your baby's delicate skin.

    Take a baby diaper cream or panthenol product. Ordinary oil can also be used. With this composition you need to wipe the folds in intimate area... This will avoid overdrying and will also prevent skin irritation.

    In the first week after giving birth, a baby may have clear mucus or bloody fluid from the vagina. Do not be afraid of such a symptom. This is a normal reaction of the body to the elimination of maternal hormones. When such a symptom appears, you need to regularly cleanse the genital folds and monitor the intensity of discharge. If they do not go away within one week, then you should contact your pediatrician for advice.

    Washing and facial care

    Face washing should become traditional and be repeated every morning. Remember the water should be pleasant. Never splash on a baby's face. This can provoke negative reactions and frighten the child. Wet your hand and gently rub the skin off the crumbs. Then follow the standard cleaning procedures.

    Be sure to wipe the spout. This should be done with a cotton swab dipped in baby oil. Use an aspirator if necessary. It is also worth cleaning the ears. Use only cotton swabs with a stopper and do not stick them into the ear. Wipe the eyes if necessary. Usually, special formulations are assigned for this. However, if your baby has no problems in this part, then you should not touch the organs of vision once again.

    Bathing girls

    Caring for newborn girls involves bathing babies daily. In this case, the water temperature should be at the level of 36-37 degrees. You can measure it with a special thermometer.

    In the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, it is necessary to bathe the baby in treated water. For this, boiled liquid is used. You can also use remedies such as potassium permanganate, chamomile broth or string. These formulations allow you to maximally protect the umbilical cord from infection. On the day when the baby has a separation of the umbilical cord, you should refrain from bathing in the bath.

    Skin treatment

    Caring for newborn girl twins is no different from caring for one baby. After bathing, their body must also be treated with special products. If you have twins, then you need to do this in turn. Ask your loved ones for help. Have someone stay with one of the babies while you are taking care of the second child.

    Place the crumb on a hard surface and unfold the towel. Blot any wrinkles gently. Pay special attention to the intimate area. The care for this part of the body is described above. Lubricate the crumb folds with oil or emollient cream. The mammary glands of a girl in the first days can secrete a transparent sticky substance. It is similar in composition to colostrum. The same maternal hormones provoke this process. Do not touch this area again. Within a few days, these signs will disappear.

    Special attention to the umbilical cord

    Caring for newborn girls involves the obligatory processing of the umbilical cord. For this you need alcohol and brilliant green. Use a cotton swab to disinfect the area where the umbilical cord connects to the baby's skin. After that, wipe the indicated areas with brilliant green.

    When the umbilical cord falls off, you should also use peroxide. Drop some liquid into the hole and wait for it to react. After that, blot the wound with a cotton swab and treat it with brilliant green. It is necessary to repeat the manipulation after each bathing of the newborn girl. As soon as the peroxide stops fizzling (after about 15-20 days), the treatment can be canceled.


    Now you know how to care for newborn girls, twins and twins as well. If you do not know how to proceed in a particular case, contact your pediatrician. Experienced grandmothers, mothers and girlfriends can also give practical advice. Remember that caring for a newborn baby should bring warmth and love. I wish you success!

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