• Development of a newborn baby in the first month of life. What water should be used for bathing. Bathing and hygiene procedures


    An amazing miracle is the newborn - helpless, weak, but he remains indifferent to stress, which would have struck down any adult on the spot. It is not at all easy, suddenly finding yourself in a completely different external environment, at the same time to instantly change the ways of blood circulation and respiration, and a little later and nutrition. The tiny body of a newborn has tremendous growth potential. During the day, his digestive organs can cope with 600-700 ml of breast milk, which is 20% of the weight of the child himself.
    A newborn comes to our world armed with a number of useful reflexes. So, if you just touch his lips, then they immediately stretch into a tube, ready to suck. If you drop a sweet solution on his tongue, then the crumb will begin to smack his lips and suck him in, but if you offer him sour, bitter or salty, he will scream, wrinkle, try to cough up. With a sudden loud knock, he becomes alert, begins to worry, wrinkles his forehead, as if wanting to listen. He can already distinguish some smells, at least the smell of mother's milk, which he associates with pleasant sensations. But the most surprising thing is that the newborn is already showing character and personality.

    Physical development

    The human baby is unquestionably the most helpless of all animal newborns. As a reaction, he can turn to an adult only with the help of a cry, which will be a signal that the baby is experiencing some kind of discomfort. But already during the first month of life, new intonations will appear in this cry, by which you can determine the nature of the problem: hunger, wet diapers, the need for communication, cold, etc. Why does the baby adapt so quickly to the world? Unconditioned reflexes help him:

    • food - it is not necessary to teach him to suck on the mother's breast;
    • protective - an attempt to move away from a dangerous object;
    • indicative - a reflex reaction to the slightest change in the environment;
    • emotional reflex manifestations.

    The most important are the first five days of a newborn's life, during which there is an intensive adaptation to the conditions of the changed external environment.
    The physical development of a newborn can be assessed using the Quetelet index, which reflects the relationship between length and weight. By this indicator, you can understand whether the fetus was eating well inside the mother. The norm is the value of the Quetelet index of 60-70 units. For example, if at the time of birth of a newborn his weight is 3500 g, and his height is 55 cm, then the first number must be divided by the second, which will give about 64. Too low an index indicates intrauterine hypotrophy (lack of weight relative to body length). The index is considered correct only for babies born at term. When premature birth the assessment of height and weight is correlated taking into account the time of appearance. So, babies born at the 32nd week can weigh an average of 1520-2020 g. Large children include those born with a weight of more than 4000 g. But even such a "heroic" weight raises concerns about the health of the mother - whether her carbohydrate metabolism, which, fortunately, is not necessary.
    In the first month of its life, an infant gains about 600 g in weight. But this value is not an absolute, because each child is individual and from the very first month after birth it has its own pace of development. Therefore, if the indicators of his growth are more or less than 600 g, and the child feels great (sleeps well, eats his assigned portion of milk), then there is no reason for the parents to worry. Physical development is also assessed by other indicators: an increase in height by an average of 30 mm, and the girth of the chest and head by 13-15 mm.

    Time management would really help young mothers, which actually means the daily routine - the ability to properly allocate their time. With the help of simple p ...


    The newborn is not yet able to move in a coordinated manner. His fingers clenched into fists, bent arms at the elbows, and legs in the knees are explained by the presence of muscles in physiological hypertonicity. This phenomenon passes by 3-4 months. It is important for the mother to learn to read the language of the baby's movements, then she will be able to help him faster. It has been noticed that a child who feels pain takes to the side thumb hands and bends toes. With a swollen tummy, he actively thrashes with his legs. If he begins to twist his head frequently, he may be experiencing ear pain. By the way, newborns cry without tears, which appear later - at 3-4 weeks.


    It is not true that newborns hear nothing. After birth, they are immediately surrounded by a sea of \u200b\u200bnew sounds, among which the baby will unmistakably identify the most familiar voice belonging to his mother. If you observe the child, you can make sure that he hears - he just cried, but hearing the voice of his mother, he listens and quickly calms down.

    Cognitive development

    The newborn sleeps most of the time, and the periods of his active wakefulness, in which he is able to absorb new informationare still very short-lived and rare. Therefore, it makes no sense to plan classes with him, you just need to catch an opportunity. While the baby is awake, his poses need to be diversified by letting him lie on his stomach and on his side. Being in new positions, the baby will learn to move the limbs faster. While spending time with it, adults themselves should enjoy it, laughing with the baby.
    It is advisable to fulfill the desires of the crumb as quickly as possible, without fear of spoiling him. If you pay enough attention to him in those moments when he needs help, he will not abuse it. After all, it is very important for him to feel human warmth, so he is glad when he is taken in his arms. And a child who is rarely in his arms can grow up sluggish and apathetic.

    Emotional and social development

    Babies at the age of 1 month can express their feelings by rounding the mouth and widening the eyes. A connection is formed between them and the parents at this moment, since the baby intuitively feels the emotions emanating from adults. If the mother is calm and happy, then the baby is fine, but if the mother swears, gets angry, annoyed, then the baby instantly raises a protest cry. The baby expresses its emotional state by smiling or crying - the latter combines discomfort, pain, fear, discontent, a feeling of heat or cold.

    What can a 1 month baby do?

    At the age of one month, the child should already be able to:

    • His eyes are already developed enough to adapt to the changing picture. Therefore, the baby can already focus on a fairly large object, for example, on the faces of parents or other relatives. In addition, he is already able to follow with his eyes the movement of an object in space, to distinguish the brightest colors and elements (circles, stripes or cells of fabric).
    • The hearing of a newborn is no less actively developing, which already confidently distinguishes the voice of his mother, father and the voices of those closest to him. In addition, by the beginning of the second month, the baby is already beginning to make its own sounds, in addition to crying. Each kid has his own: someone coo like doves, someone gurgles, and someone walks.
    • From point of view physical development, 1 month old baby continues to be weak. But, being laid on the tummy, he can already try to lift his head from the bed.
    • Some sources claim that at the age of 1 month, the child should definitely smile at his loved ones. In fact, this is very rare. In children at this age, you can notice a semblance of a smile, but it is still completely unconscious, rather, just random. Nevertheless, his facial expressions are actively developing, the baby is already making faces and grimacing.

    What help does a baby need for successful development?

    Parents should not be worried and upset if their child, who is only one month old, cannot do all that it is "obliged" to be able to do. This is not scary, but it is advisable for moms and dads to use the recommendations, thanks to which the development of the baby will go faster:

    In the first month after birth, the child undergoes adaptation to a new life outside the mother's body. This is an important time for both the baby himself and his parents. Let's look at the main features of the first month of a baby's life.

    To assess the dynamics of development, you need to know the height and weight of the baby at birth

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    Physiological changes

    Read about what a newborn looks like in another article. In the body of the crumbs, significant changes occur in the first weeks of life:

    • Postpartum edema goes away.
    • The bones of the skull become stronger.
    • Certain features appear on the face.
    • Vision changes. Improves eye coordination and gaze focus.
    • The digestive tract adapts to the new diet and is populated with beneficial microflora.
    • Hemopoiesis and blood circulation are rebuilt. Red blood cells carrying fruit hemoglobin are destroyed, and new red blood cells appear in their place.

    Urination in a child of the first month of life is quite frequent and occurs at least 6 times a day. In this case, the urine secreted by the crumbs is almost transparent. A baby at the age of 1 month empties the intestines up to 12 times a day (usually immediately after feedings). His stools are yellow in color and have a mushy consistency.

    The first month is very important in a baby's life, so contact with strangers should be minimal.

    Height and weight

    The indicators of the weight and height of a newborn baby are influenced by various factors, ranging from heredity to the health of the baby. To determine if everything is in order with the baby, parents and doctors monthly weigh the baby and measure its body length.

    In addition to the baby's body weight and length, the baby's head circumference and the baby's chest circumference are also taken into account.

    The indicators of newborn babies are as follows:

    How much weight does a baby gain in the first month?

    In the first month, the baby gains an average of 600 grams of weight. Note that normally in the maternity hospital, the baby loses up to 10% of the weight with which it was born, but even before discharge begins to gain weight back and after that, only weight gains are considered the norm. The growth of the baby in the first month increases by about 3 centimeters.

    The first weighing of the baby will take place in the hospital immediately after birth.

    The indicators of babies at 1 month look like this:


    The health of a newborn baby is always checked by the presence of reflexes that an infant should have. Many of these reflexes disappear over time, but their presence in the newborn is an important sign of the infant's health.

    The presence of reflexes indicates the correct development of the child

    The following reflexes are determined in a newly born baby:

    1. Sucking. This is the main reflex that provides nutrition for the infant.
    2. Prehensile. By touching the baby's palm with your finger or a toy, you will see how the baby reflexively grabs it.
    3. Search. When stroking or touching the cheek, the child turns his head.
    4. Swimming.Putting the baby on the tummy, you will see that the baby makes movements similar to swimming.
    5. Babinsky. If you run your finger along the crumbs' foot (along its outer edge), the foot turns, and the fingers diverge on it.
    6. Walk. By supporting the baby's body so that its legs touch a solid surface, you will notice how the baby will begin to perform movements similar to walking.
    7. Mora. In case of a sudden loud sound, the baby will bend and spread the legs and arms.
    8. Babkina. Press the baby on the palm, and see how the baby opens his mouth and turns his head.


    As such, a child does not have a regime in the first month of life - the baby sleeps for several hours, then stays awake for up to 30-60 minutes, eats and falls asleep again. A certain daily routine, individual for each baby, is formed only in the second month of life, and during the newborn period, the child does not care whether it is night or day.

    Newborn babies sleep on average 18 hours a day

    About what you need to do in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, see the TV show "Baby Boom".


    The newborn is in a dream most of the day, while the baby's sleep is represented by three phases:

    1. Deep sleep, during which the baby breathes calmly and deeply, and the baby's eyes are closed.
    2. Shallow sleep, during which the baby's breathing is inconsistent, and the legs and arms may twitch, as well as the eyeballs covered by eyelids.
    3. Drowsiness, which often occurs during feedings or while falling asleep. The eyes of the crumbs are half-closed during this phase.

    During the waking period, the baby can either lie quietly, or report its discomfort by crying.


    The food considered ideal for a newborn baby is colostrum. This is the name of the milk that is released from the female breast immediately after childbirth and is extremely rich in substances useful for the baby. Breast milk rightfully called the best nutrition for a child who has just been born, because even the best mixers cannot reproduce its unique composition.

    It is advised to feed a newborn baby on demand, applying the baby to the breast when the baby is anxious. At first there will be a lot of feedings, but as the child grows, his own diet is formed with pauses between feedings.

    In situations where breastfeeding is impossible, it is important to choose the right mixture for the baby. To do this, you should consult a pediatrician and take into account all the nuances so that nutrition does not harm the still immature digestive system of the newborn.

    When breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that the baby is properly gripping the nipple - along with the areola. However, the baby will still swallow some of the air, so after feeding, you need to help the baby to release the air (burp).

    With natural childbirth, colostrum comes quickly, after the birth of the baby, you can almost immediately breastfeed it


    A newborn baby knows very little so far. During the waking period, the baby randomly moves his arms and legs, and to any stimulus, be it a wet diaper or a feeling of hunger, the baby reacts by crying. When a child hears a harsh sound, he freezes, blinks frequently and may burst into tears.

    By the end of the first month of life, the baby is able to:

    • Smile in response to an adult's speech.
    • Raise your head when lying on your stomach, holding it for up to five seconds.
    • Watch out for stationary objects and the face of the mother, as well as for moving large objects of bright color.
    • Walk. The sounds made by the baby are similar to "gy", "ga", "gu", therefore such a "conversation" of the baby is also called agukany.

    About what happens to the baby in the first month of his life, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

    What does a child need?

    • First of all, after birth, the baby needs tactile contact with the mother, so the baby needs to be hugged, held, and stroked more often.
    • Smile at the baby more often, then the baby will sooner delight you with a conscious smile.
    • In order for the child to develop better, during periods of wakefulness, talk to the baby and often change the position of the baby - lay it on the tummy, turn on the side, carry it vertically, supporting the head.
    • For better development of hearing, you can not only talk with the baby with different intonation and timbre, but also turn on the crumbs of classical music. Have the child listen to it for about ten minutes daily.
    • Important and proper care for a crumb, which includes daily hygiene (washing, washing, cleaning the eyes, nose, ears, combing, cutting nails), bathing, walking, massage, air baths.

    Almost all young mothers recall their return from the hospital like this: “I put the baby in the crib and realized with horror that I didn’t know what to do next ...”. The first month of a child's life is a kind of "baptism of fire" for young parents.

    Mom and baby first day at home

    The stress of the first days when the parents were left alone with the child should be minimized. For this:

    1. Postpone all other matters not related to the adaptation of the child and family to new living conditions. Other things will wait!
    2. In the early days, keep visiting strangers (coworkers, neighbors, friends) to a minimum. While in the maternity hospital, the baby and mother were in a stressful situation: the baby, being born, adapted to new life conditions, and the mother experienced strong emotions - from incredible pain, fear, anxiety to peace and happiness. Therefore, once at home, both are in dire need of care, comfort and attention.
    3. On the first day of return, it is important for the mother and the baby to maintain the baby's feeding and sleeping regimen established in the maternity hospital.
    4. Right now, the mother will need the experience and skills in caring for the child, acquired by her in the hospital.

    Do not be afraid if ...

    And now the baby is at home, and the parents have the opportunity to be constantly near and watch him. And then anxiety may arise: many small pimples have appeared on the nose and forehead, the complexion is red or yellowish, flaky skin has appeared, the arms and legs are bluish in color. Sometimes parents notice that the child's eyes seem to "run in different directions", are uncoordinated or begin to "squint". Anxiety is caused by the child's periodic crying, and without the appearance of tears.

    Yes, in fact, a newborn baby in the first month may have all these signs, but over time they will pass. This is the adaptation of the child to new conditions after the intrauterine stay.

    A normal complexion will appear within a week, and tears in babies - after 3-4 weeks.

    Do not be afraid if the head of the newborn has a slightly deformed shape. This is due to its passage through the birth canal. Over time, the head will take on a normal shape, for which it is enough to periodically turn the baby from one side to the other during sleep.

    Crying is not always a symptom of a painful condition. By crying, the child draws attention to himself, asks for food, indicates discomfort and a desire to sleep. Literally, in a week, the mother will perfectly learn to recognize the demands of the baby, transmitted through crying ().

    Often infant crying because of anxiety due to so-called intestinal colic, so we strongly recommend that you read the article? Because of colic, many mothers simply go crazy and do not understand, well, what worries their baby so much.

    The baby can also be disturbed by gaziks:

    Baby care

    The first month of a child's life is an adaptation period that the newborn and the family go through. At the same time, there is a redistribution of responsibilities between parents and the rhythm of life of the whole family changes.

    The most important and important thing that a baby needs now is care. It implies a number of procedures:

    • Feeding;
    • Wakefulness;
    • Bathing;
    • Hygiene;
    • Walking on the street;
    • Tempering and massage.

    Video: Caring for a baby in the first days of life

    Should a child be given a regime?

    Sleep-feed-wake mode healthy child will install independently, depending on its physiology. Sleep (up to 2-3 hours), staying awake (30-60 minutes) and feeding are the main “work” of a newborn. Do not worry if the baby did not fall asleep, as you think, on time. The fact is that the biorhythms in newborns are so clearly debugged that parents can only maintain this rhythm, and having studied the behavior of the baby, they can very easily recognize the “requirements” of the child. By the end of the second month of life, the baby will have formed its own daily routine.

    When to take your first bath

    Bathing a newborn can be done after the umbilical cord has fallen off and the umbilical wound has healed. Until this moment, it is better to wipe the child, having previously prepared everything you need: warm water, changing table, cotton balls, baby soap, wrap diapers, cream and powder.

    Parents choose the bathing regimen in the first month of life on their own. The condition of the child's skin does not require daily bathing. This is, in most cases, a pleasant procedure for a newborn. However, not all children love to swim. In this case, do a daily rubdown. Bathing is enough 2-3 times a week. Herbal infusions can be added to the water. The use of soap is also determined individually, based on the sensitivity of the baby's skin.

    Video: first bathing of a newborn baby - tips

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

    Mandatory hygiene procedures

    Hygiene procedures should be performed daily. This includes:

    • Washing;
    • Washing;
    • Care of eyes, nose, ears;
    • Skin examination;
    • If necessary, navel treatment ();
    • Combing;
    • Removal of seborrheic crusts on the head;
    • Cutting marigolds on the toes of the arms and legs;

    We read on the topic of hygiene and care:

    Video: newborn hygiene - ears, eyes, nose, skin

    Walking and hardening procedures are a guarantee of health

    Walking is essential in the development of a healthy baby. The newborn took the first breath of air upon leaving the hospital. Further walks will depend on the season and the temperature outside the window.

    The system of regulation of heat exchange in newborns is imperfect, so parents need to seriously approach the issue of walking in the cold season. In some cases, it makes sense to take the child out to the balcony for a few minutes or arrange for him to sleep with an open window.

    Until the end of sleep, the room should be warmed to normal temperature (). Naturally, the child for such "walks" must be appropriately dressed. Dress and cover your child as you would dress and add another layer (such as an extra blanket or blouse).

    From the second week of life you can start by hardening and by combining this in one procedure. To begin with, the baby can be left in a vest for literally 1 minute, making light strokes all over the body. If the child does not show discontent, this should become a daily routine. The massage serves as a strengthening and developing agent for the muscles.

    Observe the child, study his behavior and in the future you will "feel" and easily understand him.

    Video: walking with a newborn

    Reflexes of a healthy baby in the first month of life

    The fact that the development of the child in the first month of life occurs in accordance with the established norms, parents can check at home themselves. Below are the basic reflexes found in healthy newborn babies.

    1. Grasping - the child reflexively grasps and holds what touches his palm.
    2. Searching and sucking - if you touch the baby's cheeks or hold the nipple around the lips, the baby turns its head and makes a sucking movement with its lips, looking for the breast.
    3. If you press lightly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe toes, the toes will bend, and if you press lightly on the heel, the toes will fan out and the baby will move the foot.
    4. There is a reaction to a loud sound - the baby brings and spreads arms and legs.
    5. Swimming reflex - if the baby is put on his tummy, he makes movements similar to swimming.
    6. Imitation of walking - if the child is placed upright and the legs are supported, he will perform movements similar to walking.

    Video: Reflexes of a Newborn

    Child's reactions and skills

    The development of the child in the first month of life occurs as if imperceptibly, but constantly: during feeding, on walks, while awake, while bathing. And, first of all, when dealing with mom, whom the baby is already beginning to recognize. He hears her voice, feels the intonation, the touch of her hands and, most importantly, reacts very sensitively to all actions. And if you trace the development of the child of the first month, then you can determine the acquired reactions and skills of the newborn, namely.

    Last updated article: 03/25/2018

    It seems like yesterday you just returned from the hospital. Happy, tired. And a little confused. First of all, this concerns the parents of the first-born. What to do with the child now? There is a lot to learn. Get used to life with a demanding little man.

    But the first month of a baby's life passes quickly. In everyday chores and worries, in getting used to, in the child's knowledge of the world around him. Over the past month, parents have become more proficient in newborn care skills and are feeling more confident.


    One month of life for a baby is a milestone. The kid gains about 700 grams in weight, grows a few centimeters. The head and chest increase in volume. And as the growth of the child does not stand still, so the development is striding by leaps and bounds. During this time, the baby manages to acquire certain skills and abilities.

    Under the influence of information from the senses, emotions, impressions from the surrounding world, the nervous system does not stop developing. And, above all, the brain. This is what ensures the development of the body's motor functions. The child begins to learn to control the movements of parts of his body. First of all, with a glance.

    Fixation in a certain position of the body or its parts indicates the development of statics. The very first sign of it in a baby is an attempt to hold the head.

    Adequate baby's reactions to irritating factors are reflected in conditioned reflex activity. When the child is hungry, expresses dissatisfaction with the cry. Ate - calmed down. By the end of the first month of life, the response becomes more difficult.

    The baby examines the mother's face, touches the breast, begins to smile. At the sight of a loved one, he touches more vividly in the air with arms and legs. This is how conditioned reflexes are formed.

    The posture of the child also changes. In a healthy newborn, the body is in a state of physiological hypertonicity. The arms and legs are bent at the joints. The fists are clenched and pressed to the chest. The thighs are slightly apart.

    This posture does not change even during sleep. The movements are shaky, chaotic. Both physiological tremor and physiological hypertonicity begin to fade after the first month of life.

    What can a 1 month baby do?

    For more information on seeing, smelling, see the pediatrician's article.

    Since the baby is growing very quickly, it will be useful for parents to know.

    1. One month old baby should already start to hold the head. This is best seen when the baby is lying on its stomach. The head does not rest in the diaper, like a newborn. The kid will hold her in weight for some time.
    2. Begins to recognize mom, to make eye contact with her.
    3. Fixes the gaze. At first it is literally a second. Then, every day, the child can focus longer and longer on a stationary object. By the end of the first month of life, children not only fix their gaze, but also follow moving objects with their eyes. This is usually a bright rattle.
    4. New sounds begin to appear in speech. They are guttural or gurgle-like. This is not the usual monotonous infant "waa". These are the first conscious sounds, the beginnings of speech, the beginning of humming.
    5. The baby begins to listen to speech, the sounds of the world around him. Over the past month, the baby was either frightened by sharp sounds, or, on the contrary, calmed down. By the end of the month, he already reacts more consciously, distinguishes intonations. Calms down at the sounds of parents' voices and may be frightened by unfamiliar timbre.
    6. First smile. Parents have seen the smile of a newborn before. During sleep. The corners of his lips twitched, folding into a touching expression on his face. But in a month, the baby for the first time can consciously smile in response to the smile of mom or dad.
    7. Reacts to the touch of a loved one. So, mom is capable of taking him in her arms. Once in the arms of a stranger, the infant is likely to react negatively.
    8. Internal clock formation. Someone of our own begins to emerge. Some babies wait for feedings at the usual time. At a certain time, they are awake and asleep.
    9. Reflexes. The newborns' reflexes have not faded away. During a medical examination, the child must clearly demonstrate them.
    10. With the disappearance of physiological hypertonia, the child's posture becomes more relaxed.

    Creation of ideal developmental conditions

    To create optimal conditions for the development of skills and abilities, you need to apply certain efforts:

    • favorable environment.

    The kid perceives the world around him, absorbing impressions and emotions like a sponge. And not only their own, but also their parents. Calm atmosphere in the house, measured conversations, smiles of loved ones. In such conditions, the child develops a basic sense of security and trust in the world around him.

    • tactile contact.

    This is vital for the kid. In conditions of attention deficit, anxiety tendencies are formed, phobias develop.

    The child grows up to be capricious, sleep and appetite suffer. Adequate contact contributes to the development of the senses and, as a result, the nervous system.

    • massage and gymnastics.

    Ideally, these treatments are performed daily before an evening swim. Promote normalization muscle tone, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

    At one month of age, the choice is limited. The most important of the games is the rattle. Bright color attracts attention, focuses the eye. The sound makes you try to twist your head, which develops the neck muscles.

    An attempt to grab a toy by hand triggers a whole chain of reactions in the baby's nervous system, forcing the brain and limb muscles to work in concert.

    A whole developmental complex. All senses are stimulated during feeding. Growth and development factors are supplied with milk, the presence of which has a beneficial effect, first of all, on the maturation of brain structures.

    : weight and height

    Newborn at 1 month life gains about 600 g, that is, every new day brings the baby an additional 20 g of weight. This is slightly less than in the following months, since during the very first week of life all healthy children necessarily “decrease” in weight, they have a phenomenon of weight loss (on average, the baby loses weight by 5–8?% Of the initial weight). The reasons for this are the release of a fairly large amount of primordial feces (meconium) and the intake of a relatively small amount of milk in the first days of life with the expenditure of a significant amount of energy. It is interesting that children born on time (i.e., during full-term pregnancy), but having a small body weight, can gain it more intensively in the first month, as if catching up with their initially more well-fed peers. But premature babies gain weight more slowly. The growth of the baby in the first month increases by an average of 3 cm.

    Newborn at 1 month: how much to walk

    Duration of stay outdoors with newborns 1 monthlife is determined by the weather. In the summer, they begin to walk with a baby practically from the next day after discharge from the maternity hospital. They start walking from 20-30 minutes, their duration gradually increases, reaching 1.5-2 hours after the baby is discharged, that is, walks can take almost all the time between feedings.

    Stay is considered optimal in good weather. with a newborn 1 monthliving in the fresh air at least twice a day. In the cold season, the baby is allowed to adapt at home for 2-3 days, and then he is also “brought out”. Of course, paying attention to the air temperature (not lower than –10 ° C), there is no sharp wind. They start walking from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent on the street up to 30-40 minutes and even 1 hour, depending on weather conditions.

    Newborn 1 month: baby sleep

    Sleep newborn 1 monthlife takes about 18 hours a day. Relatively speaking, a child of this age wakes up mainly only to eat. The wakefulness itself is rather short, limited to 15–20 minutes. It is not as active as in the following months of life and, as a rule, precedes feeding. For a month-old baby, it is characteristic to fall asleep immediately after eating or even during feeding. Of course, the baby can also wake up between feedings. As a rule, this happens when there is a "weighty" reason - a wet diaper, an uncomfortable position, a loud sound that woke the baby up.


    Newborn 1 month life is inherent in all unconditioned physiological reflexes that are "congenital". The pediatrician, examining such a baby, checks how well the baby grabs the finger, pushes off with his feet from the palm while lying on his stomach, rests on his feet with support in an upright position, and other reflexes. In general, the child still lacks coordination of movements, they are chaotic.

    By the end 1 month newborn, lying on his stomach, is able to hold his head up for a short time. In addition, there should be a short-term fixation of the gaze on a bright toy. By this time, the baby can begin to smile when approached affectionately.

    stool and urination

    In the first days of life, the frequency of urination is low - from 1–2 on the first day to 8–15 on the 5th day. By the end of the first month, the child can urinate 20-25 times a day. Rare urination in the first days of life is associated with the peculiarities of the work of the kidneys, which are not yet fully mature in a functional relation. And the amount of fluid consumed in the first days is small.

    Chair newborn 1 monthlife is very variable in frequency and character. In the first 1–2 days, a thick, greenish-brown, original feces, called meconium, is excreted. Then there is a fairly frequent, up to 6-8 times a day, changeable in nature (with greens, mucus, undigested lumps) transitional stool. After 7-10 days of life, the stool in the baby is yellow, mushy, and has a sour smell. The frequency of bowel movements is 3 to 5-8 times a day.

    In children-"artificial" stools, as a rule, are more rare - on average 3-4 times a day. If the baby receives breast milk, which is very well absorbed, normally there may also be episodes of stool retention for 1-2 days, not accompanied by bloating, regurgitation or anxiety of the baby.

    baby food

    As already said, 1 month old newborn in general, it represents the time of adaptation of the child to extrauterine existence. This also applies to nutrition. At the crumbs located on breastfeeding, there is usually no clear eating regimen. The kid eats as often as he wants. This is the free feeding regimen. During the day, the child of the first month of life is applied to the breast on average 8-12 times. If your baby needs breast more often, don't panic. The baby is still developing its feeding regime, it is quite possible that they will be more orderly after a while. It should be remembered that by demanding breast often, the child not only receives drops of mother's priceless milk, but also satisfies his sucking reflex, which is very important for his correct neurological development.

    The kid who is on artificial feeding, in the first 2 weeks of life should receive an adapted mixture 8 times a day at regular intervals. At the age of over 2 weeks, the child is allowed (but not required) to take a night break, that is, the frequency of feedings is 7 times a day with a 6-hour night rest. Usually such children are offered a small amount of water as a drink between feedings 1–2 times a day.

    The calculation of the required daily amount of the adapted mixture for the baby for the first 7-10 days of life is carried out according to the following formula: 80хn or 70хn, where n is the day of the child's life. If the baby's weight at birth was more than 3200 g, use the first version of the formula, if less - the second. The resulting value is divided by the number of feedings, thus calculating the required one-time volume of the mixture.

    After 10-14 days, the baby eats food per day, equal in volume to 1? /? 5 of its mass.


    While still in the maternity hospital, the baby normally manages to receive 2 vaccines - against hepatitis B (on the 1st day of life) and tuberculosis (on the 3rd-7th day). In the clinic newborn at 1 month only those babies who are at particular risk are vaccinated against hepatitis B again (if their mothers are carriers of the hepatitis B virus, or are sick with hepatitis B, or have had this disease shortly before giving birth). Also at 1 month, children should receive a repeated dose of hepatitis B vaccine if there are virus carriers or patients with acute or chronic hepatitis B in their home environment.

    Which doctors should you visit

    At the age of 1 month, the child goes to the children's clinic for the first time. In addition to the pediatrician, according to the recommendations of the order currently in force, the baby should be examined by a neurologist, pediatric surgeon and orthopedic traumatologist. If there is evidence, the list of specialists who examine a child at 1 month can be expanded. For example, a baby can be consulted by an ophthalmologist or cardiologist.

    Required examinations

    Newborn at 1 month is subject to compulsory ultrasound examination to detect the pathology of the hip joints (their dysplasia, congenital dislocation). In addition, ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography - NSG) and ultrasound of internal organs (most often - organs abdominal, kidneys). According to the current examination standards, at the age of one month, each baby needs to have an electrocardiogram - an ECG (graphic display of the biopotentials of a working heart).

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