• Treatment of colds in infants. Treatment of a cold in a newborn baby The baby has a cold


    Causes of colds in babies

    Colds, as a rule, are most likely to develop in those babies whose immunity is significantly reduced. The baby gets sick in the presence of certain factors that favor the development of inflammation of a cold nature:

    • in case of failure of the functionality of the digestive tract;
    • with a series of negative emotional outbursts;
    • in the presence of chronic ailments during the period of exacerbation.

    How not to confuse it with the flu?

    Cold symptoms do not appear as quickly as signs of influenza, and can reveal themselves only after a couple of days from the moment of illness.

    • In the form of nasal congestion and runny nose. Basically, these are the very first signs of a cold, while the flu is characterized only by frequently repeated sneezing and slight nasal congestion.
    • In the form of a sharp/dry cough syndrome that accompanies a runny nose. Typically, the flu does not immediately manifest itself as a cough, but only on the second day after other manifestations of a flu-like nature.
    • In the form of a high temperature, which does not rise as much as when infected with the flu, but can still reach 38 and a half degrees.
    • In the form of redness of the throat, which does not recede until the cold is completely cured, whereas when affected by the flu, only the back wall of the throat suffers from redness and swelling in the throat.
    • In the form of a decrease in temperature, which is not at all typical for the flu, but indicates a severe depletion of the child’s body.
    • In the form of abnormal stool (diarrhea), which indicates the occurrence of ARVI.
    • In the form of vomiting, when a child can react in a similar way to a sharp increase in body temperature.

    Signs of a cold in a newborn

    You can independently determine whether a child is developing a cold by the following symptoms:

    • the baby's breathing may become faster or slower;
    • the child refuses to eat;
    • increased sweating is observed;
    • the baby becomes lethargic;
    • there is an increase in excitability;
    • the baby’s cheeks become very pink/pale;
    • the baby is worried to the point of screaming in his sleep;
    • the skin becomes pale;
    • eyes become cloudy.

    Symptoms and measures to treat them

    • If the throat of a newborn is red, it is not recommended to use medications to treat this area, especially in the form of a spray, which can spasm the upper respiratory tract. Treatment of the diseased area is allowed with a cotton swab soaked in Iodinol. Chlorophyllipt oil has proven itself well in a 1 to 1 ratio with sunflower oil. The oil mixture is used directly on the throat or by dropping into the nostrils to allow the oil to flow down the throat. Giving the baby a spoonful of chamomile infusion after each feeding also helps treat redness in the throat.
    • In case of intoxication due to a viral infection, the baby should be given water (chilled, boiled) when feeding formulas. If the baby is fed naturally, then it is advisable to put the baby to the breast frequently. Thus, the mother will pass on to her child the ability to recover in the form of antibodies, which her body produces against colds.
    • When a small child has a cough, treatment should often begin with a runny nose so that the cough goes away on its own. In the treatment of cough, crumbs can be helped by using herbal preparations in the form of syrups (Gedelix, Dr. IOM). When dosing the drug, you should rely on the instructions for use of the drug.
    • For very runny noses, infants are recommended to rinse the nasal passages with saline solutions based on sea water. Self-prepared products for these purposes are not suitable for babies, as they can dry out the delicate membrane in the nostril. If the runny nose is prolonged and the child’s nasal discharge is thick and viscous, freshly squeezed carrot/beet juice can be used (2/up to 5 times per day). You can order at the pharmacy the production of protargol drops 1%, which effectively cope with thick nasal discharge. It is also indicated to help the baby clean the nose mechanically, which consists of suctioning out the nozzles with a douching bulb or cotton swabs if the discharge is viscous.


    Up to thirty-eight degrees, a small child’s temperature is not dangerous and, on the contrary, helps the body fight the virus. When the baby begins to lower the temperature immediately, as soon as its readings exceed thirty-seven degrees, recovery lasts longer. After all, the body is deprived of the ability to produce antibodies to the virus. A doctor will be called if the thermometer registers more than 38 degrees when measuring the baby’s body temperature. It is dangerous for an infant to reduce fever on their own using medications, as they can cause a positive allergic reaction. However, in emergency cases, when medical help is not immediately available, you can help your baby by using an antipyretic drug for newborns. In extreme cases, the use of Paracetamol is allowed, which is still undesirable to give to children in the first month of life.

    For a two-month-old child, a single dose of this drug is calculated according to body weight: 15 milligrams per kilogram of weight. It is recommended to dissolve the tablet in water. As a rule, it begins to act within thirty minutes and restrains the rise in temperature for up to four hours. Duration of use is no more than three days.

    Other methods for adults are also not suitable for reducing a baby’s fever: Aspirin, rubbing with vodka/alcohol or vinegar added to water, which can lead to poisoning when they penetrate the baby’s skin or a burn to the mucous membrane when the baby inhales the vapors of these medicinal mixtures. To avoid sudden changes in temperature and the development of seizures, you can alleviate the child’s condition by wiping the skin with wet wipes, which should be moistened in plain water without additives. Of course, the water must be warm.

    Cold medications for infants

    Immunomodulators of plant origin, such as Immunoflazid, Imupret, are often used to treat infants with colds of a viral nature. However, these drugs often cause allergic reactions in babies.

    To avoid harm to the child’s body, doctors often advise using homeopathy in treatment, where active substances are contained in very small quantities. But it should be remembered that the therapeutic effect of their use can be very weak. We are talking about taking Ergoferon, Anaferon during the development of ARVI.

    In addition to the viral etiology of the cold, there is also a bacterial etiology, which will require more serious therapy using antibiotics. In most cases, when prescribing treatment, the choice is Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin, Amoxiclav. This therapy cannot be used for viral colds, so taking these medications on your own is prohibited. Only a doctor can correctly recognize the nature of the lesion and prescribe appropriate medications.

    Often a cold is accompanied by a cough, which is required to clear the respiratory tract from the accumulation of mucus. However, the baby cannot yet cough up accumulations of mucus and, for relief, he needs drugs that thin and expectorant. Syrups of plant origin are well suited for this: Herbion, Gedelix, marshmallow, licorice root and others. Drugs Mucosol, Ambroxol, Tussin, and ACC of a synthetic nature can also be prescribed.

    Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are completely different types of drugs in terms of their principle of action, but many parents, out of ignorance, confuse them, or do not attach much importance to this, since both pharmacological groups are used to treat similar diseases. But self-medication often leads to undesirable results, especially if a medicine with serious side effects is used.

    Folk remedies

    When treating a cold, special attention is paid to a runny nose. After all, abundant mucous discharge from the nose creates considerable discomfort for the baby, which causes him anxiety and tearfulness. In most cases, pediatricians, in their recommendations for eliminating a runny nose, advise turning to traditional medicine, finding these therapeutic methods more gentle on the delicate mucous membrane of the baby’s nose.

    • Olive oil. Take 50 milliliters of oil and heat it on fire, followed by adding two cloves of chopped garlic. Leave for twenty-four hours and use several times a day, lubricating the child’s nostrils. The resulting composition copes well with a runny nose and is suitable for preventing it.
    • Collecting herbs to make drops. Take equal parts of coltsfoot, calendula, plantain and sage. Stir. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared medicinal raw material with boiling water (a glass) and place it in a water bath for subsequent boiling. After five minutes, remove from heat and cover the broth with a lid and leave for an hour. Then strain the resulting infusion and drop two drops into each nasal passage.
    • Beetroot/carrot juice mixed half and half with chilled boiling water can also be used as drops for a baby's runny nose. To prepare them, vegetables are well washed, peeled, chopped and juice is separated. The resulting product is instilled into each nostril, two drops. Vegetable juice is used exclusively fresh.
    • Essential oils of fir or eucalyptus, in addition to adding to drops, are recommended for use as inhalations. To do this, pour boiled water into a container and add a few drops of oil. While holding the child in your arms, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the ether vapor with him for no more than five minutes. You can repeat the procedure twice a day.
    • Inhalations with soda, decoctions of chamomile, sage, mint, eucalyptus and bay leaves also do an excellent job of treating runny noses in children. The procedure should not last more than ten minutes. When performing it, you should avoid too hot evaporation, which can damage the mucous membranes by causing burns.

    Caring for a sick baby

    In addition to the treatment prescribed by the pediatrician for a cold, the baby requires proper care for a complete and rapid recovery.

    The baby should be in a clean and well-ventilated area with enough space for free air circulation. The optimal air temperature in a children's room should not exceed twenty-two degrees. Wet cleaning is required at least twice a day.


    The requirements for clothing for a newborn apply equally to both a healthy baby and a baby in need of treatment. The child’s clothes should be made of cotton fabric with a spacious cut, which is put directly on the baby’s body and the second layer is a robe made of flannelette, which allows air to pass through perfectly and keeps the baby warm. Clothes and bedding should be regularly changed to dry ones in case of excessive sweating and excessive overheating should be avoided by wrapping the baby unnecessarily.

    Daily regime

    If you have a cold, you will have to slightly adjust your child’s daily routine. It is necessary to devote more time to restorative sleep and pay special attention to walks in the open air. The rest depends on the baby’s general well-being.

    Prevention of colds and flu is necessary in winter, since at this time the risk of infection increases several times. The disease can be prevented by specific and non-specific types of prophylaxis.

    Water procedures

    A sick baby needs a bath no less than a healthy one. This greatly contributes to the child’s health and saturation of the body with oxygen, because the baby breathes through its skin. Of course, if there are no special instructions from the doctor, the baby can be bathed daily with the addition of medicinal herbs and other recommended supplements. At a temperature, a bath will not harm the child either, but on the contrary, it will alleviate his condition, but you should not overcool the child and, in time, remove him from the water and dry him carefully with a soft towel. In some cases, bathing is contraindicated for a baby with a cold. In such a situation, you should not neglect the baby’s personal hygiene, so it is recommended to wipe his body with moistened soft wipes.


    Feeding a cold baby who is breastfed is quite simple - it is recommended to put it to the breast more often. Artificial babies need extra fluids. Of course, a decrease in appetite during illness is typical for people of any age, and young children are no exception. You should try to leave your eating regimen as unchanged as possible. Still, the issue of feeding should be approached delicately. You cannot force your baby to eat if he refuses, otherwise a negative attitude towards food will be formed. Avoidance of feeding is often explained by the fact that the body devotes all its strength to fighting the disease, saving reserves, including for digesting food. The baby will get stronger and catch up.

    The baby's health is a concern for parents. The most difficult thing is to protect a child from a cold: he is easily infected, he has a hard time recovering, and complications often appear. It is important to know about the signs, course of the disease, how to treat a cold in an infant in order to provide him with timely help.

    Features of occurrence in children

    In medicine, a cold is called ARVI or ARI (acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory disease). The first spreads during viral epidemics: a baby can become infected from relatives if his immune system is weakened.

    Acute respiratory infections often occur due to hypothermia in the infant, which causes a weakening of local immunity on the mucous membranes and the active proliferation of bacteria and viruses that are constantly present in humans in small quantities.

    They try not to take babies under one year old into public places to prevent infection. If a close relative is sick, communication is limited so as not to infect the child.

    The baby gets sick less often due to the immunity received from the mother at birth. It works in a newborn baby up to 3-4 months, then the body independently forms a protective system and additionally receives antibodies from mother’s milk if the baby is on. Children on IV are more likely to become infected.

    Infection from mother

    Great difficulties are caused by the disease of a nursing mother, which can infect the baby. An infected person does not immediately learn about the disease: the first signs of a cold appear a few days after infection.

    The virus from the mother can enter the baby’s body through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and breast milk, but you cannot stop feeding: the baby will lose the main medicine.

    Frequent hand washing with soap and a gauze mask that needs to be changed several times a day will help limit your exposure to pathogens.


    The child is not yet able to explain that he has started to get sick, so parents often pay attention to the obvious signs of a cold in their infant:

    1. Discharge of mucus from the nose;
    2. The eyes become cloudy;
    3. Difficulty breathing, the baby often opens his mouth or pacifier during feeding, cries and refuses to eat, although he is clearly hungry;
    4. , may be accompanied by a feverish state, chills - the baby trembles at normal room temperature;
    5. The voice becomes hoarse;
    6. Frequent sneezing and coughing appears.

    Before these symptoms, changes in the child’s behavior should alert you. He becomes lethargic or overly excitable. An infant sleeps poorly; on the contrary, he sleeps often and for a long time, and is capricious. Signs of a cold in a newborn are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

    If a cold occurs in an infant, Komarovsky recommends an immediate visit to the doctor. Only he will decide correctly how to treat a cold. It is advisable to use less different medications; self-treatment of a cold in a child is strictly prohibited. Medicines that help adults with similar symptoms may be dangerous for him.

    If a cold occurs virally, it is useless to use antibiotics, which are used for complications of an inflammatory nature.

    In case of inflammation, the pediatrician may prescribe nasal drops, vasoconstrictors or therapeutic ones based on saline solution, and for inflammation - containing antibiotics. You can put two or three drops into each nostril. It thins mucus and has an antiseptic effect. To make breathing easier, you need to clean your nose with a blower, a nasal aspirator, or, in extreme cases, with your mouth.

    Babies cannot swallow pills. To treat a viral disease, suppositories are prescribed for colds containing , which are inserted into the anus. The medicine is absorbed in the intestines, acts faster and does not harm the child’s digestion. You can replace suppositories with drops or syrup, but they can cause vomiting.

    There are positive reviews about the use of Anaferon for colds in infants. But it belongs to homeopathic medicines; to treat a viral disease, remedies with a higher concentration of the active substance are needed.

    Contraindicated for the treatment of colds in infants:

    • Decoctions, tea with honey, raspberries, cough syrups can cause allergies;
    • . It is not originally intended to treat a runny nose, it promotes the growth of bacteria, and accelerates inflammatory processes;
    • Rubbing with essential oils can cause rashes and itching;
    • Steam inhalation leads to burns of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
    • The use of mustard plasters is unacceptable for the skin of a baby;
    • Enema without consultation with the doctor.

    Folk remedies are effective for colds, but it is not recommended to use them to treat a newborn. Treatment procedures are prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can lead to complications that are life-threatening to the child.

    If your child has a fever

    A baby’s temperature up to 38° contributes to the body’s production of antiviral substances; it should not be brought down. If you lower it already at 37°, the baby will take longer to recover. At a temperature above 38° in children under 3 months, or 38.5° in older children, call an ambulance immediately; it is better to give medications under the supervision of a physician, as an allergic reaction is possible.

    The ambulance does not always arrive quickly, and the rise in temperature threatens the child’s life. In such a situation, you can independently give him an antipyretic drug intended for infancy.

    In the absence of children's medications, in emergency cases, you can use paracetamol, which will quickly reduce the temperature. Previously, it was often prescribed for the treatment of children under one year of age, but today its toxic effects on the kidneys and liver have been proven.

    It is contraindicated if the baby is 1 month old or less. For a child 2 months and older, the single dose is 15 mg per 1 kg of weight, not more than 60 mg per kg of weight per day. The action begins after 30 minutes. and lasts 4 hours. The tablets need to be dissolved in water and given to the baby to drink. It should not be used for more than 3 days; it is better to replace paracetamol with antipyretic drugs adapted for infants.

    It is forbidden to give aspirin or wipe the baby with a solution of water and vinegar, alcohol, or vodka. Chemicals enter the child's body through the skin and cause poisoning. A one-month-old baby can get a burn to the mucous membranes when inhaling vapors.

    Thermoregulation in the body has not yet been established; sudden changes are dangerous and can cause convulsions in the child. To alleviate the condition, wiping with a cloth soaked in warm water is allowed.

    A dangerous condition is white fever, which is manifested by high temperature and pale skin, while the extremities are cold. You need to bring down the temperature slowly, only under the supervision of a doctor.

    Rules of care

    Komarovsky notes that the body is able to cope with a cold on its own if favorable conditions are created. Basic Rules:

    1. Regular ventilation. The influx of fresh air allows you to get rid of viruses and bacteria in the room, oxygen makes it easier for the baby to breathe;
    2. Humidity level is within 70%. Dry air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. You can use a humidifier, place a container of water near the battery, hang a damp cloth;
    3. The temperature in the room should not be higher than 22°. There is no need to additionally turn on heating devices, wrap the child up, or cover him warmer than usual. A weakened body will be forced to spend energy fighting overheating and will be sick longer;
    4. Carry out wet cleaning in the room 1 – 2 times a day, because microbes settle on surfaces, and dusty air irritates the baby’s mucous membranes and makes breathing difficult;
    5. Clothing should be light and comfortable, made of breathable materials (cotton). Change your child's clothes immediately after sweating, wiping him dry. Wet bed linen also needs to be changed. During illness, it is better to refuse diapers - they contribute to overheating at high temperatures;
    6. The child's head should be higher than the body; you can place a small pillow and monitor the baby’s posture when he is in his parents’ arms;
    7. A calm environment in the home is important. You cannot be angry with a child because he is sick and capricious. The baby feels tension and begins to worry. Double stress aggravates the symptoms of the disease in infants.

    Daily routine and feeding for colds

    The painful condition leads to exhaustion and fatigue. You need to move away from your usual sleep schedule and let your child sleep more to regain strength. It is necessary to avoid noise, bright light, active games - a sick baby quickly gets tired and needs rest.

    If you have a minor cold, you should not give up daily walks if your child can breathe through his nose. They must be short-lived. Contraindications are high fever, severe runny nose, cough, sore throat, weakness.

    Nutrition is necessary for the baby to recover; it contains useful substances and vitamins. If nasal breathing is impossible, the newborn often refuses to eat, and with exacerbation of the disease and high temperature, vomiting may occur. You cannot force a child to eat; it is better to feed more often, but reduce the portion.

    If you have already started introducing them into your baby’s diet, you need to give up new foods for the duration of your illness. When an appetite appears, you need to give those porridges or purees that his body digests well.

    The baby needs to be fed with boiled water, even if he is breastfed. Increased sweating causes dehydration; the water-salt balance needs to be restored.

    Bathing and massage

    It is believed that children should not be washed if they have a cold. Contraindications are high fever and poor health. You should refrain from the procedure if the temperature has subsided less than 2 days ago. In other cases, water procedures are mandatory: they help cleanse the skin of toxins that leave the body along with sweat and allow the skin to breathe. The temperature should be a couple of degrees higher than usual - 37-38°. You can return to the usual temperature after the child has fully recovered.

    Whether it is possible to bathe a baby with a cold is decided by the attending physician. Pediatricians prohibit the procedure due to the risk of hypothermia. You can wipe it daily with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. You need to wipe and dry all parts of the body with a towel one by one. If you get your baby completely wet, he or she may freeze.

    The doctor may prescribe baths with. This may have an antibacterial effect. prescribed to ease the baby's breathing. You should not bathe with the decoction without a doctor’s prescription, or use new plants to which the baby’s reaction is unknown.

    Is it possible to get a massage if you have a cold? At the beginning and active phase of the disease, the procedure should be abandoned. It leads to vasodilation and a slight increase in body temperature, which is dangerous if the baby has a fever. A viral disease causes headaches, which are aggravated by increased pressure during massage. Impact on the chest leads to increased sputum production. It makes it difficult for the baby to breathe, and he still doesn’t know how to cough properly. It is better to cure a cold in a baby, then resume the massage course.

    A cold in an infant lasts from 4 days to a week. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor and follow his instructions for treatment. This will allow him to recover faster and avoid complications.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prostudych.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/49800951..jpg 341w, https://prostudych.ru/wp-content/ uploads/2016/11/49800951-300x209.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 272px) 100vw, 272px"> If you are asked what is the most common disease, you will answer without blinking that it is a cold! We call a cold anything that is accompanied by a runny nose and cough, sore throat and fever. Until it gets really bad, we rarely even pay attention to it, we continue to go to work and periodically drip vasoconstrictor drops into our nose.

    That is, for an adult, a cold is not such a serious disease, unless, of course, you start treatment if the condition worsens. But this does not apply to infants at all, because a cold in an infant occurs with slight differences.

    Briefly about the “enemy”, or what a cold is

    In fact, a cold is an acute respiratory infection, or, as they say today, ARVI. To understand how not to infect your baby, you need to know how this disease spreads.

    Once in the body, the virus triggers a complex immune response that destroys the virus. The memory of it is retained by the immune system and ensures that this virus will no longer enter the body. The only problem is that there are several million different viruses.

    In order to “catch” an acute respiratory infection, you need to inhale the virus through your nose or mouth, and a weakened immune system must allow it to multiply. If you have a small child in the house, then you need to know how to treat a cold in an infant, because this is a very common disease.

    How to prevent the virus from entering the body

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prostudych.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/200919061113181.jpg" alt="200919061113181" width="200" height="254 "> Prevention of colds begins at birth. From the first days of life, all doctors in the world recommend hardening the baby with air and water baths. These procedures gradually teach the body to adapt to low temperatures and become less hypothermic in bad weather compared to an organism that has not been hardened. Mothers study physical exercises and massage lessons for their babies, and “help” them do exercises. Walking in the fresh air is extremely important in any weather, if the temperature outside is not lower than -15 degrees. The most important thing is that these activities become a habit and are carried out daily when the child is in a good mood. Such simple and fun activities increase blood circulation and activate thermoregulation, which has a positive effect on the formation of immunity.

    The peculiarity of the baby’s immunity in the first year of life is that his body practically does not produce its own antibodies, but uses only those that are passed on to him through the placenta from his mother or that he receives through breast milk.

    Treatment of colds in infants usually comes down to the use of drugs containing interferon. Since acute respiratory infections in adults, in the case of strong immunity, can pass without obvious symptoms, you should avoid too crowded places, at least until 6 months, until the baby gets stronger.

    Ekaterina Rakitina

    Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A A

    Article last updated: 05/11/2019

    Colds are a collective term that is not related to a medical diagnosis. The concept includes a group of viral diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract of a person, regardless of age.

    During the first year of life, the child has an imperfect immune system, which cannot independently repel attacks from viruses and bacteria. With the accumulation of predisposing factors, the newborn’s defenses weaken, viruses settle on the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, trachea, actively multiply, causing inflammation, cough, runny nose and other well-known symptoms of acute respiratory diseases (ARI).

    Why did the baby get sick?

    Viruses and bacteria surround us everywhere. It is known that at certain times of the year the risk of respiratory viral diseases increases. These are the periods of greatest activity of a particular virus. A 2-month-old baby can be infected with viruses from close relatives, when visiting crowded places, such as a clinic, or while walking.

    A number of predisposing factors contribute to viral infection:

    1. Hypothermia of a child. When a baby is hypothermic, a reflex spasm of blood vessels occurs; the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract become vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.
    2. Reduced immunity in a newborn.
    3. Drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Occurs during the heating season if the room is not humidified. To ensure local immunity, the mucous membranes must be moist!
    4. Poor nutrition or food in insufficient quantities.
    5. Concomitant diseases or congenital pathologies.

    Symptoms of a cold in infants

    With various acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI), the symptoms are similar; usually it is not difficult for parents to suspect that their child has a cold.

    The main symptoms that indicate acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections:

    1. Increased body temperature.
    2. Runny nose.
    3. Cough.
    4. Sneezing.
    5. Weakness, poor appetite and sleep disturbance.

    Let's look at each symptom in more detail.

    At the very beginning of the disease, parents will notice that something is wrong with the child: the baby is lethargic, whiny, eats poorly, sleeps restlessly. These are symptoms of intoxication of the body with a viral infection. At the same time or a little later, an increase in body temperature is noted.

    With a cold, the temperature increase can be insignificant or reach high values. If elevated body temperature is detected, it is necessary to monitor its readings every half hour. If the reading exceeds 38.5 degrees, the child must be given medications to reduce it.

    Parents need to remember that if the temperature rises to 39 degrees or higher, the newborn may develop convulsions and death. There is no need to wait for the temperature to drop on its own. If the numbers on the thermometer are high, call an ambulance immediately!

    If for an adult a runny nose is just an unpleasant occurrence, then for a baby a runny nose can be dangerous. The baby does not know how to independently free his nose from mucus, and he also does not know how to breathe through his mouth. With a stuffy nose, the baby cannot breastfeed, which further aggravates the condition. It is mandatory to treat a runny nose in a 2 month old child.

    Coughing and sneezing often accompany a cold. These are the body's defense mechanisms aimed at clearing the airways of excess mucus.

    How to treat a cold in a newborn

    In no case should you let the disease take its course, waiting for the cold to go away on its own. In an adult, self-healing is possible; the immune system of a healthy body can cope with viruses in a few days. A two-month-old baby’s immune system is not yet ready for such feats, so a common cold needs to be treated.

    Treatment of colds in infants is symptomatic. In this case, the following recommendations must be observed:

    1. The first thing you need to do is call a doctor! It is impossible to delay in providing medical care to a newborn. Complications can develop in just a few hours. Only a specialist in pediatric diseases can prescribe medications. Do not try to treat the baby yourself!
    2. While waiting for the doctor, you must do everything possible to alleviate the baby’s condition. If the baby has a high body temperature, it is necessary to undress him, remove the diaper, as it prevents evaporation, and wipe him with warm water using a soft cloth. If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, you need to give the child an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol. This can be syrup (Ibufen, Panadol) or rectal suppositories (Efferalgan, Tsefekon D). When using, strictly observe the age dosage!

    Aspirin should not be taken by children under 16 years of age.

    Aspirin use in children can cause dangerous Reye's syndrome, which affects the brain and liver and can ultimately lead to death.

    1. Place a pillow under the baby's head to prevent mucus from the nose from flowing into the respiratory tract and causing asphyxia.
    2. Clear the nasal passages of mucus as needed. To do this, you need to drop one drop of saline into each nostril and carefully suck out the contents using a small bulb or a special aspirator. The use of vasoconstrictor drops at this age is contraindicated.
    3. To remove viruses and their waste products from the body, as well as to replenish moisture lost through sweating, the baby must drink enough fluid. To this end, put your baby to your breast more often and give him water to drink.

    Medicines can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor! Treat a cold with traditional methods only with the consent of the doctor.

    Daily routine for a child with a cold

    What lifestyle should you lead during illness? This question worries moms and dads first of all.

    Dos and don’ts for a child with a cold:

    1. In the first place is the question of bathing the baby. You can and should bathe your baby if the body temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees. You need to bathe in warm water, approximately corresponding to body temperature. Bathing will help reduce the temperature and improve the overall condition of the baby.
    2. Don't give up walking. Breathing improves in the fresh air and the body's defenses increase.
    3. Feeding should be frequent, small portions. With mother's milk, the baby will receive the necessary amount of fluid and protective antibodies.
    4. Long sleep helps restore strength.
    5. There is no need to dress your baby warmly and wrap him in blankets. This will make your body temperature even higher. All you need to do is wear a cotton shirt and rompers.
    6. During illness, it is important to create a calm and friendly environment around the baby. Limit him from noise and bright light, spend more time next to him, sing calm songs, read fairy tales.

    Diseases are easier to prevent than to treat! From early childhood, engage in hardening and strengthen your immune system. Let viruses and bacteria bypass you.

    The birth of a child is a joyful event for many parents. But still, along with joy often comes excitement and fear for the baby. After all, it is important that nothing threatens his life and health, so during this period it is worth paying increased attention to his health.

    Even a simple cold in an infant can provoke the development of severe complications and problems that can become life-threatening. It is important to know how this disease manifests itself, its characteristics, causes and methods of treatment.


    Colds in newborns are common. This is due to the fact that after birth, thermoregulation works quite poorly in babies. A sharp change in temperature for the body of infants is a strong stress that causes hypothermia of the body. As a result, this leads to the appearance of many colds.

    The symptoms of a cold vary. Its severity may depend on the following factors:

    • child's age;
    • from the presence of concomitant diseases;
    • prematurity at birth;
    • on immune system indicators.

    A cold in an infant is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • the appearance of a runny nose with a mucous structure. For some babies it can be severe and sometimes even debilitating;
    • severe nasal congestion. Due to the fact that a large amount of mucus accumulates in the nasal passages, the child’s nasal breathing functions are impaired. From the outside, this manifestation can be easily seen - the child begins to breathe heavily through his mouth;
    • formation of redness in the throat area. The baby's entire throat becomes bright red. This occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process that causes difficulty swallowing. Redness in children can be observed throughout the entire period of acute cold;
    • cough. It usually occurs along with a runny nose, but may appear after 1-2 days. At first it is dry. Later, when infection occurs, it becomes moist with sputum production;
    • increase in body temperature. This symptom indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the body. At the height of the disease, the baby’s temperature can reach 38-39 degrees;
    • the appearance of diarrhea. This symptom occurs during ARVI or another viral infection.

    How to treat viral and bacterial colds

    A cold in a one-month-old baby can be viral or bacterial. The disease can be caused by different types of pathogens, so before you start treating it, you should consult your doctor. Therapeutic therapy must be carried out correctly, it is important not to harm the child’s body.

    Antibiotics are recommended for use in the presence of a bacterial cold; these drugs do not affect viruses. If the cold is viral, then antiviral medications are prescribed. The doctor can prescribe suppositories, syrups, drops, tablets.

    How to treat a cold in an infant if the disease is of viral origin? Usually in these cases, drugs containing interferon are prescribed. But they should be used in the presence of severe symptoms and conditions:

    • elevated temperature, which reaches 39 degrees on thermometers;
    • a state of chills and fever, provided that it lasts more than 3 days in the child;
    • if the child gets sick again;
    • habitual use of medications under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

    If the child does not have the above factors, then he should not be given antiviral drugs. It is better to let his body fight the disease on its own.

    Treatment for fever

    As the infectious process develops in the baby’s body, the body temperature rises. This is considered a normal defensive reaction. The most dangerous readings on thermometers are 37.8-38.5 or more. In these situations, you must immediately call an ambulance.

    How to treat a cold in a baby if he has a fever? During therapy, the following rules should be observed:

    • It is recommended to give an infant a cold as much fluid as possible;
    • if the child is bottle-fed, it is recommended to give him warm water;
    • Children who are breastfed should be put to the breast once every 10 minutes, but only if they are not sleeping;
    • at high temperatures, it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic drug. The medicine must contain ibuprofen or paracetamol. It is advisable to have two forms of the product in your home medicine cabinet in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories;
    • Under no circumstances should you rub a baby with a solution of water and vinegar. It contains harmful components that can be absorbed through the skin and enter the general bloodstream. This can negatively affect the baby's health.

    What to do if you have a runny nose

    How to treat a baby for a cold if he has a runny nose? Drops are considered the most suitable medicine, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

    If your child has a severe runny nose, you can use the following remedies:

    • To ease breathing, it is recommended to use vasodilator drops. Children over the age of 1 month can use drugs based on xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, they should be in child doses;
    • during viral rhinitis, when mucus is separated from the nose without pus with a transparent structure, saline solution and ready-made medications with sea salt are prescribed;
    • if you have a runny nose with thick discharge, it is recommended to use drops with iodine or silver;
    • If there are crusts in the cavity of the spout, then they should be removed with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in vegetable oil.

    What to do when you cough

    Many parents often have a question: how to treat a baby for a cold if it is accompanied by a severe cough? Treatment can be complicated by the fact that many drugs have strict age restrictions. For example, common expectorants containing acetylcysteine, ambroxol, carbocysteine ​​are not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age.

    Many common syrups that contain plant substances can only be used for children over 6 months of age. If a cold is detected in a baby at 5-6 months, then treatment can be prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to indications.

    A cold in a 2-month-old baby with a severe cough can be treated with rubbing; you can also attach special patches with essential oils to clothes. It is imperative to provide your child with plenty of fluids.

    But in any case, treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician. The baby is first examined and the cause of the cold is determined. The specialist will be able to select the most suitable drugs and prescribe the optimal doses.

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