• Exercises for intelligence and memory. Development of memory and intelligence. How to train a child's mental abilities


    In the 60s, the future nobelist Eric Kandel found out that the formation of memory occurs with an increase in the efficiency of synaptic connections. It is the number of these formations, and not the mass or volume of the brain, that affect the level of intelligence. We tried to briefly explain the basic principles of memory, and just below we have collected 17 extremely useful exercises for brain development.

    From the school curriculum in biology, we remember that neurons transmit signals to each other through synapses - the interacting sections of the endings of neurons. When the impulse is transmitted from the dendrite to the axon, neurotransmitters (chemicals that facilitate signal transmission) are released in the communicator neuron (neuron # 1). They enter the synaptic cleft of the recipient neuron (neuron No. 2) and act on the receptors of its dendrite, which causes a change in the surface potential in neuron No. 2. Visually, it can be depicted like this:

    With a short synapse with a high frequency, the efficiency of synaptic communication temporarily increases - in response to subsequent similar stimuli, changes in potential will become stronger. This is how short-term memory is formed.

    With the course of our training, when the electronic signal passes this path several times, the synaptic connections become wider, the number of synapses increases. New neural micronets are formed in the brain, "consisting" of new knowledge - your intelligence grows.

    In order for the efficiency of synaptic connections to grow and the brain to be used to the maximum, it is necessary to regularly load it and surprise it. In this article, we want to tell you about a set of exercises for the brain called neurobics. All of them are built on the love of our brain for everything new and increase its neuroplasticity.

    1. Do the usual things with your left hand for an hour a day if you are right-handed, and vice versa. Brush your teeth, eat, write, do your household chores. This will help develop lateral thinking and creative skills.

    2. Write notes by hand, rather than stuffing them into your phone. Writing stimulates the creation of new neural connections in the brain.

    3. Try walking around the apartment with your eyes closed (just be careful) or do the usual blind action. For example, go to the shower or wash the dishes. When the brain loses its main information channel, all other senses are exacerbated.

    4. Habits and rituals relax the brain. Walk a lot avoiding familiar ways... So you will kill two or even more birds with one stone: unfamiliar routes will give your brain new "branches" of neurons, and walking will increase your tone and mood.

    5. Count in your head - no pencil or paper, much less a calculator. You can add a competitive effect and race with your friends.

    6. Learn new things. Learning a new language or musical instrument most effectively affects the brain and memory. It is useful to master a new hobby that involves motor skills: knitting, drawing, picking up puzzles. Sports, by the way, also have a positive effect on the brain, especially yoga - try to memorize a few simple asanas and do this complex in the morning. This will help your body wake up.

    7. Visualize words. Place a piece of paper and colored pencils in front of you. Now try to draw an image of the first word that comes to your mind. Or, learn one new word every day and sketch what it associates with. We are interested in what kind of drawing will be born thanks to the word "prim" or "frustration".

    8. Make maps from memory. If you travel a lot, try to draw a map of the area where you have been after returning from your vacation.

    9. Are you traveling by public transport? Instead of looking out the window distantly, play word games with yourself. Call about yourself as many objects, surnames, place names (whatever), united by one theme: cities with the letter K, poets of the Silver Age, plants of the middle lane, etc.

    10. Capture events. On the way to work, notice 7 things, whatever you like: a tabby cat was sitting at the entrance, a woman with a red umbrella was walking in front, etc. When you reach your destination, try to remember all the things in the order in which you saw them.

    11. Challenge your taste buds. Yes, even eating habits are bad for our neural connections. Surprise the receptors with a familiar dish, cooked in a new way - add unusual seasonings with a pronounced taste to it.

    12. Memorize one poem a day. It is better to choose the unfamiliar. So you will improve your memory and expand your knowledge of poetry. Start with small quatrains and gradually increase the difficulty level.

    13. Different parts of the brain are responsible for hearing and reading - read a book with a friend, changing roles: either listen or read aloud.

    14. Mentally read the words in reverse. Start with short ones, move on to longer ones, and then to whole sentences.

    15. Solve crosswords, sudoku and other puzzles. Play board games in which you need to connect logic: chess, go, card strategies.

    16. Install a brain trainer on your phone. Excellent English-language brain-booster apps: Lumosity and Elevate (perhaps the most popular in this genre). There is also a Russian analogue - Wikium. They are made according to a similar principle: every day you are offered several mini-games, each of them is responsible for improving different brain functions: memory, reaction speed, reading and computation, vocabulary and much more.

    17. Be original. When you are asked the banal "How are you?", Come up with a witty answer - a new one every time. At least in my head.
    As you can see, all exercises are based on our brain's love for new situations. Based on this, you can come up with your own workouts (share your exercises for memory and brain in the comments).

    It is also important to remember about the influence on memory of the daily routine and lifestyle: learn to get enough sleep, exercise a lot, be outdoors often. Do not be afraid of change: even rearranging furniture or a change of image will favorably affect the state of memory. And don't forget about healthy eating. And what everyday things harmful to memory should be avoided, we wrote in this material.
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    The system for the development of memory and intelligence helps keep the brain functioning at a high level. If you do not conduct training, then over time many problems arise, for example, a person begins to forget a lot, loses the ability to analyze and think. Experts believe that there are no limits in the development of memory and that you can constantly reach new heights.

    To get your brain working, you don't need to go to the gym, because everything is quite simple, the main thing is to follow some rules.

    Ways to Improve Memory, Intelligence and Thinking:

    1. The simplest, but at the same time effective advice - write down all your tasks for the day. It is recommended to have a notebook where it is worth registering each step. Thanks to this, a person visually perceives information, and, therefore, involves certain parts of the brain.
    2. Games and various puzzles are excellent for developing intelligence and memory. Chess, a game in which many brain centers are involved, has proven itself well. When it comes to puzzles, there is a huge selection, from the available crosswords to various spatial puzzles.
    3. Experts recommend making some changes to your usual actions to develop memory and intelligence, for example, try to walk from the room to the kitchen with your eyes closed or eat with your left hand. Such deviations from the norm will make the brain work.
    4. Of course, speaking about the development of intelligence, it is impossible not to say about learning, since to come up with something more effective for the development of one that has potential, like assimilation new information, impossible. You can choose any direction, for example, languages, different graphics programs, etc.

    It is important to say that in any task, including in the development of memory and intelligence, you need to know when to stop, so give yourself time to rest. It's important not to be lazy, but just to take a break.

    Exercise to boost intelligence and develop memory

    Brain training is like a game or a certain challenge, which is a motive for a person at any age, which will allow you to remember as much as possible more information... You can have a separate notebook where you should write down your results and, if necessary, make different notes.

    Scientists have calculated that the amount of information that an ordinary person encounters in his life doubles every 4 years. Every day we receive a lot of information: TV programs, radio, the latest newspaper issues, materials from the Internet - we process "tons" of information. Constantly wondering how to read quickly with a high level of memorization? How to quickly perceive and assimilate information? To help you cope with such a flow of information and to analyze it will help a special Comprehensive program of intellectual development, developed by specialists from the Research Institute of Psychology.

    Our course of speed reading and personality development helps to improve the informative capabilities of a person, increasing them tenfold, it will help to actively use the available knowledge in everyday life, process hundreds and thousands of information materials every day and analyze them at a high intellectual level. The program is designed for children and adults.

    When developing a fast reading program, the scientists of the Research Institute of Psychology were faced with the task of developing memory, managing attention, increasing the effectiveness of logical and imaginative thinking. We own scientifically substantiated data of hardware tests and tests, which confirm the effectiveness of the method.

    The students of our speed reading school note that during the learning process there is a significant development of memory, efficiency increases and attention management improves. Our clients also note an increase in psychological stability, receive unlimited opportunities for further personal and career growth.

    The main results of classes on intellectual development:

    • Increase in the speed of assimilation of information.
    • Improving the quality of assimilation of information.
    • General development mental abilities.
    • Increasing the amount of information perceived without a break for rest and relaxation of attention. an increase in the volume of simultaneously perceived information.
    • Improvement and development of the main parameters of attention: volume, stability, concentration, distribution, switching.
    • Memory development (short-term and long-term).
    • Deepening of analytical skills, development of abstract logical thinking, intelligence.
    • Development of perception, imaginative thinking, intuition, increasing emotional and psychological stability.
    • Increased interest in learning.
    • Mastering an effective methodology for preparing for exams.

    Distance learning via skype (skype) online for children and adults is also possible, which is especially convenient for those living in St. Petersburg (SPB) and Moscow.

    Our guarantees:

    1. We guarantee the achievement of all the stated results in the event that the conditions of the program are met (ensuring the required intensity of classes and the implementation of all exercises for independent work). Our fast reading technique itself guarantees a high result.
    2. Among the main results of the program is the development of memory.
    3. The ability to quickly memorize and assimilate information is one of the main advantages of a modern person. It doesn't matter if you work or study: the development of memory is necessary in any area and at any age. The development of memory will allow you to work truly productively, quickly cope with the tasks set, which means it will help increase your competitive ability, because a really good specialist, and especially a manager, must certainly freely memorize and operate with huge amounts of information.
    4. Visitors who were interested in courses in rapid reading (quick reading), the development of memory, intelligence and thinking were also interested in the method of intensive accelerated learning of English and other languages, developed at the Research Institute of Psychology.

    Learning stages

    The comprehensive intellectual development program is a multi-level program and is divided into stages. Each stage of the program is a complete set of exercises, a logically completed part of one whole - the "Complex program".

    Stage 1, main topics and results:

    • The speed of assimilation of information is on average from 700 to 1200 bytes * per minute.
    • The quality of assimilation of information is not less than 0.6 (60%) with a volume of 1000 bytes.
    • The ability to work with any kind of information, highlight the main thing, make quick conclusions, the ability to analyze, synthesize the information received, process it at a qualitatively new, higher level, the development of logical thinking.
    • Development of memory, attention.
    • Foundations of logic.
    • Basics of psychophysical self-regulation.

    Stage 2, main topics and results:

    • The speed of assimilation of information is on average from 1500 to 3000 bytes *, but not less than 1000 bytes per minute.
    • The quality of assimilation of information is not less than 0.6 (60%) with a volume of 2500 bytes.
    • Increase in the volume of simultaneously perceived information.
    • Further development of logical thinking.
    • Development of memory, attention.
    • Psychophysical self-regulation.

    Stage 3, main topics and results:

    • The speed of assimilation of information is on average from 3000 to 5000 bytes *, but not less than 2000 bytes * per minute.
    • The quality of assimilation of information is not less than 0.6 (60%) with a volume of 25,000 bytes.
    • Psychophysical self-regulation skills.

    Stage 4, main topics and results:

    • The development of creative thinking, the development of non-standard thinking, the ability to foresee, simulate a situation, and manage emotions.
    • The quality of assimilation of information is not less than 0.8 (80%) - 0.95 (95%) with a volume of 50,000 bytes *.

    Stage 5 ( theoretical)

    • The principles of the development of paradoxical and extraordinary thinking in the concept of the possibility of changing the worldview and scientific paradigms, without the use of mathematical calculations, but using logical laws are considered.

    Stage duration is 20 hours.


    * - calculated from the amount of text information.

    Intelligence, memory and attention are qualities that a person needs throughout life. Without development, mental ones gradually begin to degrade, therefore it is very important to train the brain from an early age. It is at a young age that we are able to absorb the greatest amount of information, the development of memory and intelligence is stimulated in us, and therefore we are improving more rapidly than in adulthood.

    What is intelligence?

    This is a general concept rather than a specific one. Intelligence is a global cognitive system that includes all methods of cognition of the surrounding world. But this is only part of its definition. Mental activity can also be interpreted as the ability for adequate behavior. Moreover, intelligence training is the ability to receive and use knowledge in practice, analyze and try to comprehend both abstract and concrete categories.

    It is thanks to mental activity that a person is able to:

    • analyze the information received, compare it, compare and isolate the logical and semantic parts from it;
    • critically evaluate the data obtained and thus find where the lie and where the truth is;
    • think and reason based on the laws of logic, and draw appropriate conclusions;
    • use deduction - to generalize, find patterns and seek out the right thought from the big picture;
    • figurative perception - bringing together completely different, at first glance, things into one category;
    • thinking abstractly - creating and memorizing complex ideas and systems;
    • concentrate on a specific matter;
    • predict the possible course of events and decide how to deal with potential problems.

    That is, as we see, intelligence is what we usually improve, starting from birth.

    How to train a child's mental abilities?

    Anyone can develop intelligence and memory. Below is a set of rules, observing which, you can quickly achieve your goal.

    1. Oxygen is necessary for the beneficial work of the brain, therefore the child must be in the fresh air.
    2. At a very early age, children learn about the world through toys. They wonder what will happen if they gnaw, throw or hit a ball or a rattle. Therefore, do not interfere with the child's research - better help. Buy construction sets with large parts instead of ready-made toys. And children over 3 years old, who no longer try to try every new object on the tooth, can buy "Lego", puzzles and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory.
    3. Read with your child, so he will develop, in addition to intelligence, also imagination.
    4. With children who will soon go to school, you can start learning nursery rhymes and discussing who he wants to become when he grows up. By the way, memorizing poetry helps to develop intelligence in an adult.
    5. Teach your child to read quickly and capture most of the information while doing so.
    6. Solve math problems, gradually increasing the level of difficulty.
    7. Do not prohibit playing computer games. Nowadays, many of them are created for the purpose of training intellect and logic. If you are worried about your health, then just work out a daily routine for your child with a dedicated computer time.

    What is memory?

    Memory is an indispensable ability for normal life. Without her, we would not be able not only to give our name, but also to speak or think. Basically, memory is the part of the intellect that stores and reproduces information. More and more data has been accumulating over the years. The memory consists of the following parts:

    • Recording memories. This allows us to obtain information about new objects encountered on the path of life, organize it and save it. And although memorization is the main function of memory, it is far from the only one.
    • Storage - our consciousness automatically archives the received information in its "library". If the data were not stored in the head, then it would be impossible to develop intelligence.
    • Reproduction of information - when the brain recognizes and finds the desired memory in its library. It can be either arbitrary, at will, or involuntary. For example, when some external factor reminds us of an event in the past.
    • Forgetting information is also an integral process of memory. The thing is that the more we learn, the more "books" appear in our library, and, of course, it becomes more difficult to find the one you need.

    Ways to train memory in children

    There are quite a few types of such activities, but they are all characterized by the development of the brain as a whole. That is why the following will list the main methods aimed at developing intelligence and memory:

    1. Best of all, any of us learns what we are interested in. But what about the rest of the information? It is enough to let the child say it out loud. Then the information will be recorded in the subconscious on several levels.
    2. Building associations. This perception helps both children and adults. True, thanks to the developed work of the imagination at a young age, only the association itself is easier to remember. But there is a way out. You just need to pronounce both the concept itself and the association with it several times.
    3. Games or educational cartoons that are built on memorization can help develop this ability in a child and not let him get bored.
    4. Grouping - that is, dividing information into groups. Even an adult can find it difficult to remember everything in one stream, so it is very important to divide information into separate sections. You can even combine this method with an associative one.

    The concept and purpose of attention

    The easiest way to describe the essence of attention is the ability of consciousness to select a certain object and concentrate on it. It stimulates the development of memory and intelligence in children. That is, the brain focuses on something specific and neglects everything else. This is a process associated with the activity of consciousness, and with the interests and character of the individual.

    In children, attention dissipates very quickly, because it is based on hobby, and as soon as interest disappears, concentration also disappears. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach the child to remain attentive to perform specific tasks.

    How to teach a child to focus?

    The first step is to fully schedule your daily routine. Thus, you can make sure that the child devotes a certain amount of time to a specific action. At the same time, one must not forget to alternate activities so that the baby does not become too bored. And do not forget to bring things to the end, because only then will your child develop discipline.

    You can also use gestures and words that will return the child's attention to you and the subject being studied. For example, "listen", "look", "pay attention" and so on.

    And most importantly: keep in mind that it is important to use both the first and the second in training.

    How to improve concentration later in life?

    There are quite a few exercises that stimulate the development of intelligence and memory (and attention) in adults. Is it difficult for you to concentrate on something long enough and does it interfere? So use the methods below.

    1. "The second hand against the film". Find and play a very interesting movie for yourself, it can be either new or just your favorite. After that, put a watch in front of you, which has a second hand, and watch it for 2 minutes. Your task is not to break away from her for the film during this time.
    2. "Countdown". When you walk down the street or ride in public transport and look out the window, choose a non-circular number for yourself, for example, 143, and count to 0. Over time, you can complicate the task by increasing the number, and also subtract not 1, but 2 or 3.
    3. "Book - best friend". Take some book and open it on any page. Choose a paragraph for yourself and count the words in it, and do not use your fingers or improvised means, but only your eyes.

    How to become more decisive?

    Many people find it difficult to make decisions quickly, we are often overcome by doubts. But this is fixable. You only need practice. It consists in thinking, weighing all the pros and cons. That is, this ability and the development of intelligence and memory are directly related to each other. Do you want your child to be able to make quick decisions too? First you need to choose an area in which you or your son or daughter will act quickly, and only after that you start to train with logic puzzles. Only then will the development of memory, intelligence, attention be effective.

    Developing any one ability, we usually train the intellect in general, but we must not forget that the child needs to improve in a variety of ways. You don't have to force him to just read, solve math problems, or play the piano. Give your child the freedom to choose their favorite activity. Even simple drawing, thanks to the development of imagination, can improve his creative skills and mental abilities. In addition, it is important that the baby was interested, therefore, when performing any exercises to develop memory and intelligence, monitor the child's reaction and look for ways to intrigue him.

    Everything is quite possible, you just want to!

    For some reason, it is generally accepted that "Knowledge Day" is equal to "school", no more, no less. It's as if a high school diploma is our limit, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain responsible for learning starts to shrink rapidly from the moment it is received.
    Yes, practical observations confirm that it becomes more difficult to study with age, and remembering the names of new acquaintances is not always possible the first time. But it seems that in most cases this is a matter of skill, ingenuity, training, and not at all irreversible age-related changes. So that at the finish line in August the kids would not be lonely in anticipation of everything that will follow the bouquets of gladioli and white bows, we have selected ten books "for brain training." Adult brains.
    Dedicated to those who want to easily divide restaurant bills into the number of participants in a friendly get-together, without hesitation to select suitable synonyms for situations and forever get rid of the repetition of the painful “somewhere I saw him, but I don’t know where” and “he’s on the tongue, I can’t sleep, until I remember! "
    This one contains only the most interesting and useful 10 books for the development of memory and intelligence... Enjoy reading!

    Charles Phillips is called, no more, no less, "puzzle guru", and he collected in one book almost a hundred intellectual problems for the development and training of intelligence. By analogy with training the body for a lively mind, strong memory and a perfect mechanism of remembering, regular exercises are required. And the structure of the book itself is formed by the example of fitness training: first, simple exercises for "warm-up", then advanced "trainers for intelligence" and in the final - a real "Running with obstacles." And as supportive remarks of the trainer - fascinating facts from the life of a smart brain ...

    The book from the series “How What Works” will explain to the reader why he falls in love or gets out of bed early in the morning, how and why to eat right, how to “recharge the brain” when it is required and how to improve his memory. The author summarizes and simplifies the latest advances in neurobiology, psychology and nutritional science for broad masses. An excellent reference book with tips, without sky-high goals.

    And here is our gift to dear cultural readers. So that you can appreciate the effectiveness of the unique methodology, tomorrow we will play this book. And some of you in the library will have a unique 60-day program of the outstanding Japanese neurologist, Professor Ryuta Kawashima, on which more than 2,000,000 people around the world are already training.

    Yet we have heard that mere mortals usually use only a tiny fraction of the limitless capabilities of our brain. For those who want more, this book was invented. The author promises to teach you how to memorize huge amounts of numbers, texts, events, solve super-difficult problems, and easily find a way out of the most confusing situation. So, for information - this is the fifteenth edition of the training on the development of intelligence, memory, creativity, intuition - improved and supplemented.

    A thousand little things in one collection: practical exercises, puzzles, games, tests, dietary and lifestyle tips - with at least some of the tips presented here, you can immediately get real results that are traditional for our today's review: improving memory, expanding the capabilities of the intellect, quick operations in the mind.
    Just 15 minutes a day of light gymnastics for the mind and subconscious, created on the basis of the systems of two masters of working with the subconscious, Joseph Murphy and John Kehoe, will give you the opportunity to access a source of energy on a truly cosmic scale - energy that can change your whole life!

    You have a brain - why don't you use it? They are smart people, but you are acting illogical and reckless. You load yourself up with unnecessary work, waste your energy on trifles, and for the main thing there is neither time nor opportunity. Conflict with superiors, argue with subordinates, live day after day, like that Sisyphus with his stone. But Sisyphus was cursed by the gods, and you simply do not know how to use the wealth at your disposal. The brain is called. And it turns out that the features of its structure sometimes directly interfere with our life. And we can’t do anything about it. But we can take into account in our actions and work, organization of time and planning of affairs. Thus, we will save a lot of nerve cells for ourselves and those around us, and at the same time we will reduce the number of conflicts and become happier.

    The author of the book, Marylou Henner, is one of only twelve people in the world with a Supernatural Autobiographical Memory - and this fact is scientifically proven. She remembers the smallest details of her life, starting from early childhood. And we are not suggesting that you follow her example, but only provides a set of tools and recommendations that will allow you to take a fresh look at how the brain works and how it creates and stores memories. Simple, practical and fun exercises can help improve memory, increase brain efficiency and change your life for the better.

    This book is the culmination of 25 years of accelerated learning research. It describes techniques, methods, technologies that will help readers identify mental, psychological, creative abilities and use them to their fullest potential.

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