• How to properly rock a baby. Here are some tips for getting your baby to sleep. Do I need to rock my child before bed


    Being a mom is happiness and at the same time a huge responsibility. And if the mother is newly made, and she has no experience of communicating with the baby as such, then the level of anxiety she sometimes reaches the limit. Do not worry in vain, trust your feelings, listen to your inner voice - and then you will not have any questions about how to put your newborn to bed. It is also worth consulting with grandmothers and girlfriends who already have experience.

    How much should a newborn sleep

    This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because every baby, like yours, is unique. In addition, the nature of the baby and the duration of sleep is influenced by the fact how the pregnant woman spent her time, waiting for replenishment:

    • If the expectant mother led an active lifestyle, and her favorite pastime was walking in the fresh air, then there is a high probability that the baby that appears will exhibit similar activity. It will not be so easy to lay it, mom will have to work hard.
    • If the mother liked to spend her leisure time lying on the couch, then the son or the little girl will probably also like to sleep. Most new parents think that this is luck for the mom, but some are worried about the length of the baby's sleep.

    Newborns who are not yet a month old sleep almost 20-22 hours a day, waking up only in case of discomfort caused by hunger and a dirty diaper. It is not difficult to lay them down, but remember that this figure is approximate, and the cases are different. If your baby has a good appetite and well-being, but sleep lasts 16-17 hours a day, this is not a reason for mom to panic.

    If mom's little happiness cries incessantly and does not sleep for a long time, and the whole family is going to put him to bed, then it will be quite appropriate to see a doctor. The pediatrician will be able to correctly diagnose the cause of the lack of sleep, but in some cases it is necessary to visit a neurologist. Cramps or headaches caused by intracranial pressure can be causes of concern. You shouldn't wait and think that everything will pass by itself. It would be prudent to get the advice of a specialist whom the mother chooses by advice or by accident.

    Like adults, children have their own personal preferences for sleeping positions. To put a newborn in the wrong way is a guarantee of getting a sleepless night at the exit. By observing your little man from time to time (day and night) for several weeks, you can easily determine which sleeping position your baby has chosen for himself:

    • some babies like to sleep on their backs,
    • someone prefers to rest on their side,
    • there are some children who prefer the position on the stomach.

    In any case, do not deny your little one comfort and do not try to influence children's preferences. The chosen position will be the key to a quick bedtime, which means it will help to lay the newborn as soon as possible.

    So, sleeping positions are as follows:

    • On the back. Absolutely safe posture in which the baby and mother will feel comfortable. You can put the baby on the back both during the day and at night. Many newborns happily sleep in this position, arms and legs spread wide.

    • On the side. Lay the baby in a position on the side during the daytime sleep. To prevent the baby from turning over, you can put a diaper, towel or blanket rolled into a tight roller under the barrel. This posture is good because in case of regurgitation after feeding, the baby does not risk drowning. Remember to alternate the sides on which you are placing the baby. For example, this night it may be the left side, and tomorrow it may be the right side.

    • On the stomach. This sleeping position still causes a lot of discussion among pediatricians and experienced mothers. Some believe that there is nothing wrong with the baby sleeping on his stomach, while others - that the risk of sudden death syndrome increases. It is noted that children sleeping on their stomachs suffer less from colic, since during sleep a kind of tummy massage takes place, which helps easier escape of gases from the intestines.

    Ways to lay babies

    There are actually a huge number of ways to lay a newborn, but they all boil down to three common points, used from case to case:

    1. Motion sickness.
    2. Joint sleep.
    3. Falling asleep on your own.

    Motion sickness is effective and quick way put the baby to bed, but very soon you will realize that this is not an option. Newborns have a very weak vestibular apparatus, so it is easy to rock them, but the baby will quickly get used to this way of going to bed and will demand it constantly. You will have to walk around the house for hours with your baby in your arms. As a result, the baby will be cheerful and cheerful, and the mother runs the risk of being sleepy and irritated, so use this method of putting the newborn to bed less often.

    Sleeping together is good for both mom and baby. It is believed that in this case, the lactation process is activated in the nursing mother, and the child's sleep becomes deeper and more calm. The only negative is that the father of the family eventually has to move from the marital bed to the sofa.

    Falling asleep on its own is also common in infants. Some mothers sometimes make titanic efforts to put the baby to bed, using all possible methods and advice from grandmothers. Therefore, when they hear that a newborn baby falls asleep on its own, they are even surprised at this fact. In fact, it is easy to develop the habit of falling asleep on your own only when you repeat the same bedtime ritual every day, that is, observing the regime.

    Over time, the baby will understand that after an evening walk, a warm bath and a bottle of warm milk (or mother's breast) will wait for him, after which his mother will put him in the crib and he will fall asleep. At first, not everything will be so smooth, but if you repeat this ritual at the same time, the child will get used to it. Be firm, gently and persistently repeat your actions over and over again - and then the result will not be long in coming.

    How to put a child to bed at night without motion sickness

    1. Make sure it's bedtime for your baby. A sure sign of fatigue is when a child yawns, rubs his eyes, and is capricious for no reason. At this age, babies get tired quickly, so do not delay - go to bed.
    2. Prepare a herbal infusion bath or use baby bubble bath: pharmacies have a large selection of ready-made herbal mixtures for bathing babies. Many babies love to swim, you can also purchase a baby bathing circle that allows your baby to swim on its own while staying afloat. However, in no case leave the baby in the water without supervision, it is life-threatening.
    3. Before going to bed, feed your baby with a breast or a mixture, the feeling of hunger will not let the baby sleep soundly, he will periodically wake up crying and being capricious. It is not at all necessary to resort to motion sickness of a newborn if he suddenly wakes up at night. Check his diaper, try giving him a breast or a nipple. Pat it on the back or head, take it in your hands and press it to you. Talk to him quietly and affectionately, your actions should be confident and calm.

    Helping your baby fall asleep in your favorite position is not a problem, you just need to find your own recipe for calming. Mothers sing lullabies, turn on soft music imitating the noises of nature, and give them a drink of warm water. Each family has its own secrets. yours is also on the list.

    How to teach to sleep in your crib

    In fact, teaching a newborn to sleep in its own bed is not particularly difficult for a mother. The main thing is to understand that you really want it. If before that you practiced sleeping together, then you should first move the child's bed to yours. Then, having fed at night, you can shift the baby. Gradually, as the baby gets used to its place, you can move the bed a distance. In this matter, it is better not to rush, do everything gradually and in stages, letting the child and mother get used to the situation.

    How to quickly rock a baby

    It is easy to rock a newborn baby if the mother, swaddling and shaking, takes the baby in her arms. Some babies sleep for a long time in a stroller that their parents rocked. The use of a bassinet or a special swing for children is also intended to ease the efforts of adults to lay down. A modern alternative to strollers and long walking around the room is to use a fitball. Taking the baby in her arms and sitting on the fitball, the mother will feel sick very easily, and then she will lay the baby down.

    • Make sure that the temperature and humidity in the room are at the appropriate level. For a newborn optimum temperature air varies between 18-22 degrees. The case with 25-27 degrees is not good, unless it is rare.
    • Bathe your baby before going to bed, put on clean, warm, comfortable clothes.
    • Make sure the baby is full.
    • Turn off the light in the room, leaving only the night light on, put the child to bed.
    • Sing the baby a lullaby. Let the child not yet understand the meaning of the song, lying in a comfortable position, but he will clearly understand one thing: mom is here, she loves him.

    Nature has laid down a maternal instinct in every woman, which instantly turns on as soon as the mother takes the newborn in her arms. Remember that your baby really needs a calm, confident mother.

    Video: the rules of children's sleep - Dr. Komarovsky

    Healthy sleep is essential not only for children, but also for their parents. Motherhood is happiness, not heroism. In order not to make a feat out of the daily ritual, but to find out simple tips, following which it will not be difficult for a newborn to sleep, and his sleep will be calm and deep, you should watch the video.

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    How to properly put a baby to bed

    Even on the eve of the appearance of the crumbs into the world, each mother thinks about how their nights will go. Will the baby calmly lay down and sleep peacefully all night, or will it take a lot of effort to get the baby to sleep? Deep down, young mothers hope that sleepless nights will pass them by, but in the end they face incredible problems even at the stage of laying the baby, even during the day. And this process becomes a real test for them. Many factors can affect the baby's sleep, these are tummy problems, teething, and intracranial pressure, etc. First of all, it is worth being examined by a neurologist and pediatrician in order to exclude possible pathologies... And if they are not installed, then the mother can choose for herself the most suitable option for laying the crumbs to sleep.

    Motion sickness

    This method is the most popular. A newborn baby can be rocked not only on the arms or in the crib, but also on a fitball or in a sling. Motion sickness is great for babies because it reminds them of life inside mom's tummy. The pleasant swaying and warmth of the mother's body usually quickly does their job, and the baby falls asleep well, feeling completely safe. The only drawback of this method is that motion sickness can take a very long time. After all, the newborn baby will have to swing until it falls asleep completely and soundly, until all the muscles of the limbs relax in the child. You can notice "time X" by the baby's limply hanging legs and arms.

    Falling asleep at the breast

    Most children in breastfeeding, you do not need anything to be at the "source" of power. Mom's breast is an irreplaceable sedative and sleeping pill. Surely, you noticed how your baby begins to snore peacefully while eating. Therefore, if your child does not fall asleep well during motion sickness, then let him fall asleep under the breast. There are only two downsides to this method. Firstly, the baby may wake up when you remove your chest (if you are not fast asleep). Secondly, every month this method will work worse and worse. And putting the baby to bed in this way will eventually become almost impossible.

    Sleep with mom

    This method can be considered an opportunity to perfect the first two options. The baby, sleeping with his mother in the same bed, constantly feels her warmth and smell, he does not have to be constantly taken out of the crib and put into it, and the breast is always nearby. For the mother, there is one huge plus here - the opportunity to spend the whole night in bed without jumping up at the first cry to the cradle with the baby.

    Many moms will call this method ideal. But this is a delusion. Cons of this method:

    1. Danger to crumbs. If a mother falls asleep after a hard day, then in a dream she can put her legs and arms on the baby. And there is information that a woman can simply crush a child in a dream.
    2. It will be very difficult to wean a child from sleeping together. Accustomed to the comfort in the form of a mother at the side of a crumb, he will use all sorts of methods to resist a separate sleeping place.
    3. Daddy's psyche gets a real trauma. Many women believe that since they are inconvenient, then dads should do their bit too. But in some families, a separate marital dream can lead to divorce. Although, how to do the right thing is up to you.

    If it is more convenient for you to lay the baby, lying next to him, then give preference to such a trick - move his crib to the matrimonial bed, having previously removed one wall from the crib. So the child will be close by and the husband. And then you can safely begin the procedure for weaning from joint sleep.


    This method can rightfully be considered the most effective, but only if all the rules are followed. Every day, a mother must develop a certain ritual of going to bed in a newborn baby. Try to bathe and feed your newborn baby at the same time of day every day. This ritual can take several weeks to vaccinate. But the end result is worth it.

    The disadvantage of this method is the constant lack of time and the insane rhythm of everyday life. And not every mother may have enough patience to put the baby to bed like this.

    Method for moms with strong nerves

    Putting a newborn to sleep during the day is somehow always easier than at night. Sometimes you get the impression that the child in spite of everyone does not want to sleep when the whole family is falling off its feet. In fact, of course, this is not the case. But there are also mothers who can defend their point of view almost all night, just like babies who refuse to fall asleep at the right time. The endurance and perseverance of such mothers can only be envied, because in just a month and a half, their children are able to fall asleep on their own. So, if there is enough valerian in your house, and you want to achieve the desired result by all means, then two methods are immediately for your attention.

    1. As soon as you notice that the baby wants to sleep (rubs his eyes and scratches his nose), immediately put him in the crib. You do not need to rock it. If a newborn is crying, you can shake the bed slightly, but only until he calms down. The main thing is not to take the baby in your arms and not look into his eyes. If the baby has a hysteria, then you can take him in your arms for a short time just to calm him down. If all goes well, all you have to do is stand next to the crib, hum a song or tell a story. Such laying can take quite a long time, about 40 minutes during the day, and an hour at night.
    2. When you notice the first signs of sleep, put your newborn baby in the crib. Look at his reaction, if necessary, pump up a little and talk to the baby. After the child has calmed down, you will need to leave the room. There are two possible scenarios for the development of events: the baby will fall asleep peacefully; you will have to repeat your actions several times, returning to the room in order to calm the little rebel. If you manage to behave correctly in this situation, then the child will learn to fall asleep alone.

    After reading these tips, many moms will call it barbarism in relation to own child... But, believe me, developing a sleep routine is vital for every baby. One has only to say that these two methods can be applied in practice only after the baby is 5 months old, and provided that he is healthy.

    Warm bath

    Many mothers follow the advice of their parents and bathe their newborn babies in special herbs. Today every parent can make infusions of soothing herbs, because now everything can be bought at the pharmacy, and not go at a certain time of the year for the desired flower and root.

    So, if your child does not have allergies, and warm water soothes him, then this method is for you. Bathe the baby in water with the addition of chamomile or string, quickly dress and feed. The main thing is not to let the baby roam and "cool down" after the bath. The disadvantage of this method is that some soothing herbs have an exciting effect on children. Therefore, you will first have to find the herb you need exactly for your child.

    Careful with valerian. It is not worth using this herb for up to a year, since it has certain contraindications.

    A little noise

    Surely, you noticed that your quiet conversations or the unobtrusive noise of cars outside the window have a calming effect on your baby, and he falls asleep peacefully. This technique can be used daily when putting your baby to bed during the day or at night. Find what fascinates your baby the most (some babies like the sound of a vacuum cleaner, the mumbling of the radio, etc.), and turn on the sound immediately after the baby is in his crib.

    Coziness and comfort

    Newborn babies suffer a lot because of the change of scenery - they lived in their mother's tummy in warmth and cramped space, but here a huge space is cold and not comfortable. Therefore, mom needs to try one way, which is to recreate the atmosphere to which the baby is accustomed. Swaddle your baby and place in a blanket or blanket shaped like a cocoon. Every mother can make it correctly.

    The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the baby does not bury its nose in the blanket.

    Just a little patience and love, a little experimentation and imagination, and you will probably find exactly the way of laying that will become irreplaceable for you. Remember, all children are different, so you should not rely on the assurances of friends and acquaintances. Someone's child sleeps only swaddled, while someone else requires complete freedom of legs and arms, and there is nothing for which he will not fall asleep bound.


    Rocking the baby to sleep

    Rocking of babies before bedtime is a question around which there are many disputes and doubts. On the one hand, many mothers know that this method helps to quickly and easily put the child to bed, on the other hand, everyone frightens young parents by getting crumbs used to this method. And if in the first month it is not difficult to rock a three-kilogram baby, then every week it will become more and more difficult, and the process of motion sickness is more difficult.

    But there are situations when the baby categorically refuses to sleep in another way, then mom and dad are worried about how to rock the child so that he quickly and soundly falls asleep. There are quite a few such ways, and how best to do this is up to each parent to decide for himself. At the same time, it is important to understand why children fall asleep so easily with motion sickness, and what consequences can occur as a result.

    Pros and cons of motion sickness

    The main reason why children fall asleep quickly when motion sickness is the main advantage of this process.
    After all, being in the womb for a long 9 months, the baby is accustomed to movement inside the amniotic fluid. Mom walked - he rocked. And if a mother rocks the baby in her arms, especially holding it near her heart, the child feels the usual comfort and safety. At the same time, there is no problem of how to quickly get the child to sleep, because he falls asleep easily and easily.

    On the other hand, there are several nuances that can be attributed to the disadvantages of this method of putting the baby to bed. First of all, with intense and prolonged rocking, it can get seasick. The mechanism of the children's vestibular apparatus consists in a deep shutdown during rhythmic fluctuations. That is why children fall asleep quickly in the car. However, the usefulness of this is in doubt.

    The second nuance is more psychological and consists in the baby's getting used to the hands. After motion sickness, it will be more and more difficult to put him in bed alone, he will immediately wake up and be capricious. This can last up to a year or even longer, and it is not so easy to rock a child weighing 11-13 kg.

    Therefore, before figuring out how to get your child to sleep, you should carefully consider whether you need to do this.

    Methods for rocking children before bedtime

    Asking the question of how to quickly rock a child, many parents understand that this can be used not only own handsbut also a stroller, a cradle and even special sleep devices. Other options are a large fitness ball or even a rocking chair. Their use greatly simplifies the process and eases the task of parents.

    Almost all young parents know how to rock a newborn baby so that he falls asleep soundly and sweetly. After all, finding himself in the arms of mom or dad, the baby quickly closes his eyes, feeling warmth and comfort. Especially if before that he walked, bathed or ate, he feels good and is completely healthy.

    In the process of motion sickness, you can sing lullabies to your baby or turn on calm quiet music. Some parents tell fairy tales or just stories, because for a newborn, just the voice of an adult is a calming and soothing factor. Songs or fairy tales will become a habit in the future that will help wean the baby from motion sickness, for example, just lie down next to him or sit next to him, singing his favorite tunes.

    When and how to wean a child from motion sickness

    As they grow older, the baby will show more and more independence, which should also affect the process of falling asleep. Closer to the year, you can start teaching your child to go to bed himself. Especially if the feeding regime has already been established, and the baby sleeps all night without waking up.

    An important element self-putting to bed are evening rituals and habitual repetitive actions, after which a small organism will fall asleep easily and quickly. These include:

    • quiet and passive time two hours before bedtime, turning off the TV, reading and quiet games;
    • bathing and relaxing massage after the bath;
    • feeding;
    • lullabies, fairy tales, the presence of a mother nearby and the child falling asleep on his own with a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

    The daily repetition of the usual rituals will send a signal to the child's body that it is time to sleep. And then it will be easy to lay him down, even without the tiresome motion sickness in his arms.


    Methods for quickly falling asleep a child

    Immediately after birth, the baby sleeps most of the day, and wakes up only to eat, and then usually falls asleep under the mother's breast. But, the more the child grows up, the more mobile and restless he becomes. At times, putting a newborn to bed becomes a whole problem. And search queries on the Internet are so full of questions: how to quickly put the child to bed? Consider a few simple and not-so-so ways to lay your babies down.

    The usual motion sickness of the baby in the arms is the most common way of putting a newborn to sleep. In addition to hands, parents often use beds with pendulums, slings, sun loungers on springs, many mothers have got used to rocking a large fitball, because in the womb the baby is used to such movements, this makes him remember how good his mother was in the tummy, he calms down and quickly falls asleep ...

    But in this method, there are several disadvantages:

    • you need to have sufficient strength, because every day the child is gaining weight, and it is difficult to constantly hold him in his arms;
    • you need to have patience, you will have to rock the baby until he falls asleep deeply, if it is not enough to rock the baby, he will wake up again screaming;
    • you can teach a newborn to hands, and then he will constantly worry and ask for hands.

    Falling asleep under mom's breast

    Naturally, this method is only suitable for breastfed babies, very often the crumbs fall asleep, monotonously sucking on their mother's breast. A bottle of mixture may, of course, work, but it's still less efficient way.

    True, it happens that when the mother removes the breast and tries to put the baby back in bed, he wakes up, and the procedure has to be repeated again. This method is also suitable only for newborns, the older the child becomes, the less often he falls asleep under the breast.

    Sleep with mom

    Very often, mothers resort to sleeping together with the baby, this is done in order not to take the crumbs from their breasts and not to disturb him by transferring them to the cradle. For many women, this method is the most ideal: she does not have to jump to the bed at night, and the baby sleeps peacefully, feeling the presence of her beloved mother nearby.

    Some mothers do not use this method of laying because they are afraid to ask their child in a dream. And often daddy has to look for another bed, because a crumb takes its place. This method is also not suitable for sensitive babies, as soon as the mother turns awkwardly, he immediately wakes up.

    But, if the parents are ready for all the difficulties, then a joint sleep will allow you not to jump at night from every cry of the baby.

    Permanent ritual

    If you turn every laying of the newborn into a permanent ritual, then in the future it will fall asleep very quickly. Children get used to certain sequential actions, and are already getting ready for bed when they realize that the "night" ritual has begun. For example, at the same time undress the baby, give him a massage, bathe him and feed him. The main thing is to adhere to the same time and actions, a strict schedule will help you quickly put any baby to bed.

    However, this method is rather complicated, in our modern rhythm of life it is rather difficult to adhere to such a ritual, and the habit is not developed immediately, you will have to wait at least a month.

    Sleep in the car

    Some parents resort to one of the most extreme ways of placing their baby. They put their baby in the car and roll it until it falls asleep. This method is quite effective for very restless children and for those who often suffer from intestinal colic. Road shaking quickly rocking the newborn, and he falls fast asleep.

    The disadvantages include:

    • constant lack of fresh air;
    • exhaust gases can enter the vehicle interior;
    • gasoline consumption, which is now quite expensive.

    However, if the newborn cries from colic, this method will work as well.

    Alarm method

    Do not worry, you do not need to start an alarm clock for the crumbs. It will be needed just for the mother, if she wants the child's sleep to be strong and long. Firstly, you will have to keep a diary to calculate the time at which the baby wakes up, usually it is the same every day.

    Now, having learned the time of night awakening of the child, you need to start waking him up half an hour before he wakes up himself. Thus, the mother breaks the habit, and increasing the intervals between awakenings can make the newborn wake up when it is convenient for the parents.

    The method is quite complicated, but effective, but it is worth remembering that if you do not complete it, then the dream will become chaotic, and it will be quite problematic to put the baby to bed.

    Method for moms with strong nerves

    The method is quite extreme, and before using it, mom needs to understand if she has enough patience for it. The essence of the method is as follows: when parents see that their child wants to sleep, yawns, worries. If before this the baby was very active, it must be reassured, however, it is forbidden to pick it up and feed it. Then the baby needs to be put in the crib, you can swing the cradle, you can sing a quiet lullaby, but it is strictly forbidden to take the newborn in your arms, even if he started crying. If after 15-20 minutes the crying has not stopped, you can take him in your arms, but do not let the child fall asleep on them, put him back in the crib and start swinging or singing. At first, it will take about an hour or more for the baby to lay down, but then he will fall asleep almost immediately, as soon as his mother puts him in bed.

    But it is worth remembering that it is forbidden for nervous mothers to experiment in this way, since she can bring not only the baby to hysteria, but also herself.

    Sleep alone

    This method is similar to the previous one: as soon as mom sees that the child wants to sleep, you need to put him in the crib and immediately leave the room. Most likely, after a few seconds you will hear displeased crying, but do not immediately rush into the room. You need to wait at least 2-3 minutes, and if crying is already turning into hysterics, you can go in, but it is not recommended to pick up your hands, you can shake the crib or sing a lullaby. As soon as the baby calms down, leave the room again. Again, at the beginning, the time for laying the newborn can take up to an hour, but after a week the child will calmly and quickly fall asleep alone.

    However, this method again requires a lot of patience for the parents. Maybe he is too strict, but healthy sleep is worth it.

    It must be remembered that this method and the 2 previous ones can be used only when the child is at least 5-6 months old.

    The way by Tracy Hogg

    Here you can set an alarm clock, it must be set so that it rings in 20-30 minutes. Start feeding your baby as soon as the timer rang, you need to wean the baby and put it in the crib. Perhaps the child will cry, demanding mom's breast, but you should be patient.

    Every day it is necessary to reduce the time of the alarm clock, after a few days the baby no longer needs mother's breast to fall asleep quickly, he instantly plunges into sleep when the alarm clock rings. Using this method, you can read books while feeding or sing a lullaby to switch the baby's attention away from the breast to something else.

    Bathing in warm water before bed

    The baby will fall asleep quickly if, before laying down, bathe in warm water with the addition of a decoction of various soothing herbs. True, there are cases that such a procedure, on the contrary, is extremely exciting. But, if the baby relaxes and calms down in warm water, then all that remains is to feed him well and put the sleepy one in the bed.

    To increase the relaxing effect, you can add decoctions of a string or chamomile, but you should be careful with valerian, its children under one year old are not allowed to be added to water.

    Monotone sounds

    Many children fall asleep very quickly to various monotonous sounds, such as a mother's lullaby without words, soft, gentle whispering, and sometimes even to the sound of pouring water or the operation of household appliances.

    Mom can pick up some monotonous melody, turn it on quietly and start swinging the baby in the crib, after a while he will fall asleep as soon as he hears the familiar monotonous sound.

    Warm cozy nest

    To make the baby fall asleep quickly, mom can build a warm "mink" in his crib, for this a duvet or blanket is perfect. Before going to bed, you can lightly swaddle your baby so that your hands do not interfere with falling asleep. The child will quickly warm up and fall asleep.

    But it is necessary to clearly control that the baby's nose is open. Remember that babies have a breath holding reflex if something prevents them from breathing in and out freely.

    Sleep with your favorite toy

    To do this, you need to purchase a soft toy with delicate fur, so that the child is pleased to snuggle against it. Mom only needs to put a toy next to the baby, and sit next to the baby and stroke the baby on the back or sing, over time he will fall asleep as soon as his skin touches his favorite toy.

    However, this method is more suitable for children closer to 9-12 months, newborns do not yet understand the importance of various toys and rarely get used to them. Also, this method is not suitable for a child and mother who practice joint sleep.

    Here are the basic methods on how to quickly put a small child to bed, usually parents choose 2-3 methods that are convenient for them, and periodically alternate them.

    Since ancient times, mothers have put babies to bed, rocking them in their arms or in cradles. With the development of scientific knowledge, motion sickness began to cause numerous controversies, especially in the medical environment. Today this method has both adherents and opponents. In this article, we will try to shed light on the problem and tell you how to rock your child to sleep correctly, without harming him at the same time.

    Rocking the child: "FOR" and "AGAINST"

    Being in the stomach for nine months, the baby swam in amniotic fluid, gently swaying to the beat of my mother's steps. Therefore, according to supporters of motion sickness, this method is natural for calming the baby and putting him to bed. In the process of motion sickness, the vestibular apparatus of the crumbs is strengthened, the work is synchronized internal organs... Being in close contact with the mother, the little one feels comfortable and safe, which is vital in early infancy.

    Answering the question: "Is it possible to rock a child?", opponents this method categorical ... In their opinion, the active rocking of the baby often leads to fainting, mistaken by the parents for deep sleep. The child gets used to this method of falling asleep, and it is quite difficult to retrain him to fall asleep in a different way in the future. (when the child sleeps only in his arms, and you start shifting to the crib)... There is an assumption ( not yet scientifically proven) that motion sickness can become a platform for the formation of such addictions in the future as cravings for extreme entertainment, alcoholism, smoking.

    From the first weeks of a baby's life, young parents need to determine their position on the question: "To rock or not to rock?"focusing on the behavior and inclinations of the baby. If a parental instinct tells you that motion sickness can harm your child, try other ways to lay the child down. If your toddler is troubled, excitable, perhaps mild motion sickness is the perfect way to go to bed.

    Is it possible to rock a child (opinions)

    How to properly rock a baby

    The baby can be rocked in his arms while sitting or walking at a calm pace around the room. Special strollers and equipped with shock absorbers are excellent for motion sickness. If you have a fitball or rocking chair at home, you can use these devices.

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

    While rocking the little one, lull him to sleep, sing a lullaby or turn on calm music. Music can be a good alternative when it comes time to wean your toddler from motion sickness. Parents should move smoothly. It is unacceptable to violently shake the child in the stroller or on the hands, this can lead to fainting and even to spinal injury.

    Separately, it should be said about the sling, a special sling for carrying children. For newborns the best option there will be a sling on the rings. In this device, the baby, like in a cradle, is tied to his mother. When doing household chores, many mothers do not even notice at what moment the child fell asleep to the calm rhythm of steps ().

    How old can you be rocked?

    The optimal age for weaning to sleep with motion sickness is considered to be one year, the time when the child has already developed a feeding and sleeping regimen because, according to pediatricians, children under one year old do not need to strictly observe the regimen.

    At the age of 5-6 months, it is worth trying with a little other methods of falling asleep, which are described in detail in the article "", so that motion sickness does not become the only way to fall asleep. The article describes in detail the ways how to stop rocking the baby and teach him to fall asleep without tears and tantrums. Daily performance of "sleepy rituals", which include an evening bath and light, massage reading fairy tales, singing a lullaby, "farewell to the sun", will gradually teach the baby to fall asleep on his own.

    On the advice of a friend, I began to read your book ("Child Health and common sense relatives "), watch your programs. In fact, by and large I agree with your position and I plan to follow your recommendations in everything (we are expected to add them in September this year). But in the book I came across one interesting point and began to look for additional information on this topic. I quote and explain: DOWNLOAD:
    “Children have a very weak vestibular apparatus (organ of balance). When swinging, a feeling of dizziness quickly arises, and in some cases the child simply loses consciousness. In the vernacular it is called "rocked". It is extremely difficult to wean a kid accustomed to swinging. Therefore, it is very important not to start, because motion sickness, to put it mildly, is not very good for the child and not very pleasant for the parents. "
    And one more thing: “It is quite possible that the habit of dizziness developed in early childhood contributes to the emergence of addictions. Indeed, in essence, motion sickness is as harmful as smoking or alcoholism. "

    I reacted to this statement with a certain degree of skepticism, since everyone always rocks everyone and it seems like it even calms down children. At the expense of additional information - in many sources they write that motion sickness of children is useful because: 1) during pregnancy, when a woman moves or does something, the child has something like sea rolling, which calms him down, and to which he gets used to it. 2) motion sickness (precisely on the hands) is also close contact with the mother, which is simply necessary, especially in the first days of the child's life.
    (I'll make a reservation right away that I don't mean the hourly mother jumping up and grabbing the baby in her arms as soon as he doesn't like something.) And nowhere else is it said about the child's vestibular apparatus (again, I do not want to put under doubt your competence).

    But even this is not the main thing. Again, on the Internet, I came across a video in some Ukrainian program (unfortunately, I cannot name it), in which you say that motion sickness is not at all harmful to children (but rather to their mothers and fathers). This is where the main questions arise: IS ANYTHING, HARMFUL OR NOT HARMFUL? WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC OPINION? MAYBE I JUST DO NOT INTERPRET YOUR ADVICE FULLY CORRECTLY? Help me figure it out, please. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Komarovsky E.O.

    It is not at all difficult to understand. To do this, you need to set priorities now, during pregnancy. And to understand that the words "harmful-harmless", "useful-not useful" should never be considered only from the perspective of a child. Whenever we talk about benefits, we must consider the interests of the family as a whole - the health of the family, which has always been in the hands of a woman.
    Of course, there is no particular harm to the health of the child in motion sickness. All assumptions (including mine) about some kind of health risk are purely theoretical. The main danger is that a woman, instead of paying attention to herself, her husband, family, can swing a child from morning to night. Because if our woman is told that it is useful, then she will pump from morning to night.
    Unfortunately, the ideology of maternal masochism is very seriously and densely present on the territory of the former USSR, and any pedagogical advice trying to turn a woman into a hostage of her motherhood (for example, sleeping together, feeding on every peep, recommendations about the benefits of swinging, about the need for constant close contact with a child, etc.) - all these tips, without in any way improving the health of the child, have a very serious effect on the health of the family, worsening the climate in the family and having a negative impact on the relationship between mom and dad.
    Therefore, if you begin to interpret my words through the prism of family health, then everything will fall into place.

    Indeed, individual parents are lucky - their babies fall asleep almost instantly without additional admission. However, many babies do not want to fall asleep, and mothers have other concerns besides being at the cradle for a long time.

    Rocking a child is enough effective method putting children in a crib, known since ancient times. However, some modern scientists are convinced that this method can harm the child's body. Is it so? And how to rock a child correctly? Let's talk about this further.

    Sleep is a natural requirement of the human body. Night rest is of particular importance for babies, since they gain a lot during wakefulness. new information, as a result of which their psyche can be "overloaded".

    During the day and night rest, the brain processes the information received and rests. Also, the strength and functions of all other organs and systems are restored. If the child does not get enough sleep, he will be lethargic, irritable and capricious.

    Thus, putting the baby to bed is the most important process that has a direct impact on child development. But the need for sleep is obvious to the mother, but newborn babies can react differently to the importance of this phenomenon. Someone falls asleep at night instantly, while others are capricious, cry, lie in bed for a long time with open eyes.

    In this case, many mothers resort to the old proven method of putting the child to sleep - motion sickness. It allows you to quickly lay the newborn and relax yourself. In addition, being in mother's arms allows the baby to feel completely safe.

    But how necessary is motion sickness? The question is ambiguous, because if a child falls asleep calmly without monotonous movements, then such actions on the part of the parents are not needed. Another thing is if the baby cannot fall asleep without "rolling". But in this case, such a habit may have negative aspects.

    Arguments for and against motion sickness

    Doctors and psychologists still have not come to a consensus regarding the need to lay newborns, rocking them on the arms. In various sources, you can find information that indicates the benefits and harms of this ritual. It is important to consider the arguments of each side.


    Recently, the first 12 weeks of a child's life have been called the fourth trimester of pregnancy. And this name is quite justified, since a baby who got into this world after the usual mother's womb needs to adapt in it.

    The monotonous swaying of mother's hands or the cradle helps the child to experience the same sensations that he felt in his mother's tummy. As a result, the baby subconsciously calms down, feeling safe.

    Experts cite others arguments for motion sickness:

    1. Rocking a baby is a traditional practice that many mothers have used for thousands of years. Many centuries of experience have not revealed the negative impact of this method of laying on children's health.
    2. To rock a child before bed means to satisfy his need to be close to his mother, in body contact. It is extremely important for a newborn baby to smell the mother's body, milk, this develops a basic trust in the world.
    3. Mothers, rocking babies, help them distract from unpleasant sensationswhich are caused by teething colic. That is, putting to sleep in this way can be called a kind of natural analgesic.
    4. Swaying movements help to calm down a naughty or over-aroused child in a short period of time. This often happens if active games took place before falling asleep.
    5. It is believed that uniform motion sickness contributes to the development of the children's vestibular apparatus. And this helps children to quickly learn to maintain balance, crawl, and then, accordingly, walk.
    6. Measured movements can calm not only the child, but also the mother. And if a nursing woman is in optimal psychological state, then feeding and other procedures will take place without much trouble.

    If the father wants to rock the baby, his request must be satisfied. Men are less sensitive to the needs of a newborn baby than women, so motion sickness will help strengthen emotional connections... And when the baby gets used to the father, the mother will be able to delegate some of her "powers" to the stronger sex.


    Opponents of motion sickness give their own arguments that point to the undoubted harm of this way of laying children down. First of all, the researchers point out that motion sickness interferes with full sleep.

    As a result, children's sleep can become restless, superficial, intermittent. Naturally, in this case, the child will not be able to get enough sleep and rest. Why can't you lull your baby with motion sickness?

    • the vestibular apparatus of newborns is imperfect, so any unwanted interventions can negatively affect children's health. Dizziness and even fainting may occur in children, which adults mistake for sound sleep;
    • if motion sickness has become a habit, then negative consequences are formed. A child cannot fall asleep for a long time, sometimes you have to rock the cradle or carry it in your arms for an hour. At the same time, the baby wakes up quickly as soon as he is put in the crib;
    • one more negative point - it is extremely difficult then to give up motion sickness, since the baby refuses to fall asleep without many hours of mother's "shaking". The transition to other methods of laying is significantly delayed;
    • the child grows up, therefore, it becomes more difficult. If mom pumps the butuza for 60 minutes every evening, then she will face problems with the spine, pain in her arms. Overwork of the mother cannot but affect the well-being of the baby.

    The well-known teledoctor E. Komarovsky has a negative attitude towards the motion sickness of infants. He is convinced that even if such a habit does not affect children's health, it will turn the very process of falling asleep into a stressful situation for parents and the baby.

    Many children independently outgrow the habit of falling asleep on their mother's arms by the beginning of the second year of life. However, some doctors believe that the child should be laid in a different way already at about 3 to 4 months of age.

    The opinion that every child must be rocked to fall asleep is wrong. If the child is absolutely healthy, his teeth are not teething, he is not hungry or wet, then the mother will be able to put him to bed quickly and without any problems.

    And yet, some circumstances can be identified that prevent falling asleep... Doctor Komarovsky calls several similar factors:

    1. Disrupted daily routine. If the parents have not worked out, have not taken care of discipline, then the child will fall asleep in different time... An infant who is accustomed to a certain routine falls asleep without problems.
    2. Low activity. A waking child must actively study the surrounding reality. He needs to be encouraged in every possible way to move, crawl, and turn over. A slightly tired (but not overworked) baby will fall asleep quickly and will sleep soundly.
    3. Improper feeding. Malfunctions in the digestive system force the baby to wake up at night. A woman needs to track her own diet, excluding the use of harmful products. The introduction of complementary foods should be treated with the same care.
    4. Uncomfortable conditions. The inability to put the baby to bed can be caused by an uncomfortable diaper, wet diaper, loud noises, excessively bright light or stuffiness in the room. It is important to follow all the rules of healthy sleep.

    In addition, as we have already said, the child who is in the mother's arms feels completely safe. Hugs are a kind of reminder of those glorious days when he was in my mother's belly.

    Thus, one should not go to extremes - rocking the baby for several hours or even ignoring the natural childish desire to receive mother's love and affection altogether.

    Some parents, not wanting to accustom their child to motion sickness, try to take him on the arms as little as possible. In this case, the baby will really learn to fall asleep on its own, however, delayed negative consequences are possible - low self-esteem and violation of parent-child relationships.

    How to rock a child in your arms?

    If the mother answered yes to the question whether it is possible to rock the baby, now it is important to observe the basic conditions for the correct motion sickness. First of all, you cannot swing the baby up and down or at a very fast pace.

    Failure to comply with safety precautions can end very badly: an increase or even rupture of blood vessels in the brain. It is necessary to swing the child slowly, smoothly, from side to side, avoiding swinging.

    How to properly rock a child in your arms? To answer this question will help description of the main ways of motion sickness:

    • cradle. Take the baby in your arms, lay him on your forearm, while the baby's neck should be above the elbow bend. Turn the child with his stomach towards you and support his ass with the other hand. Squeeze the baby a little to you and gently rock, turning left and right. The second option is to just walk around the apartment;
    • back to you. Place the baby on your forearm with your belly so that the cheek is in the bend of the elbow. Turn the baby's back to you, pass the other hand between the legs and press the open palm against the baby's tummy. This position is especially useful during the period;
    • lying down. What if the parent is tired of standing and walking with the child in her arms? You can also rock your baby in a lying position. Place the baby with its tummy on your body, and then begin to sway from side to side.

    If the child cries even after 15 minutes of motion sickness, it is necessary to check whether everything is in order with him. Perhaps the baby is worried about a dirty diaper, folds in the diaper, hunger, stuffiness or teething.

    If the mother is tired of rocking the child on the arms, then you can purchase one of the many devices for this process. Stores offer a wide selection of such devices: cribs, strollers, rocking chairs and other "miracles of technology". Let's talk about them in more detail.

    Such a device is a hanging cradle, which has many settings.

    Mom can adjust the back angle, swing mode, musical accompaniment that entertains the little child. Additionally, the child is secured with safety straps.

    What is such a product for? With its help, parents can take a break from motion sickness, set aside a few minutes for household chores or personal affairs. It is only important to choose a device suitable for newborn babies.

    The center has many advantages. The only drawback of such a rocking device is the high cost.

    Chaise lounge

    This device is not as expensive as a motion sickness center. However, its functionality is somewhat limited. The chaise lounge is equipped with vibration, musical accompaniment and hanging toys.

    Such a product is usually used from birth to 9 months of age. To make it comfortable for the newborn to lie down, a special anatomical insert is placed in the chaise longue.

    These chairs are very mobile. Parents note that the device can be folded and taken with you on a long journey. However, among the minuses, one can single out a short service life.

    Swing chair

    Such devices are also called rockers. They work thanks to the rounded metal runners on which the baby cradle is installed. The swing sets in motion the movements of the baby or the efforts of an adult.

    You can block the swing movement with the help of special legs located in front and behind. Such devices are equipped with various functions: vibration, toys on the arc, music, lighting effects.

    It is also possible to rock a newborn with a car carrier, although this restraint is intended primarily for transporting babies in a car.

    Qualitative models of carriers have a rocking function thanks to a rounded base.

    That is why many mothers adapt such devices for motion sickness of a child, however, some effort will have to be made.

    In general, a mother just needs to swing a chair with one hand, while she can read a book, listen to her favorite music or enjoy a delicious drink.


    Despite the fact that not all experts are positive about the idea of \u200b\u200bmotion sickness in strollers, babies usually fall asleep very well in these vehicles.

    Fresh air helps to sleep fast and sound, soft movement. It makes no sense to talk in detail about this device, but it is important to clarify that not all strollers have the function of motion sickness. It is worth choosing exactly the cradles intended directly for newborns.


    Cloth carrier bandage - great option for rocking a baby without interrupting an important job. This device provides uniform support for all parts of the spinal column and the baby's head, assumes close contact between the baby and the mother, and also frees the hands.

    The only drawback is that mom needs to get used to wearing a sling and being heavy in the form of a baby. In addition, it is necessary to find the optimal device for a newborn baby, since not all dressings are suitable for the smallest children.

    Ergo backpack

    Another version of the sling, only looking more like a backpack, and not a bandage. Such a device is used for carrying and rocking babies, who can already hold the head and sit confidently enough.

    The baby sits behind the mother's back or facing her, which is also useful for building strong parent-child relationships. The very process of motion sickness occurs due to the uniform movement of the parent with this very backpack.


    The big bouncy ball is a great companion for the whole family as it allows you to exercise, exercise with your toddler, and rock the little man.

    Allocate There are 2 main ways to rock a child on an inflatable ball:

    1. Mom sits on the ball, takes the child on the handles, slowly jumps on the fitball.
    2. A small blanket or diaper is placed on the ball, and only then the child is placed on the device. The fitball is gently swayed from side to side.

    Choose your fitball very carefully. To prevent motion sickness from causing any inconvenience to you and your child, you must choose a device based on your height.


    The hanging net is a great outdoor tool. However, some mothers successfully use a hammock to rock their baby. Naturally, one child cannot be put on it. First, the mother lays down in the net, and only then puts the baby on herself.

    To avoid injury, pay attention to the attachment of the suspension device. Also, do not forget about the soft mat, which is placed directly under the hammock.

    If before going to bed, the mother has to rock the baby for an hour, it is important to reverse the situation. What to do in this case? Experienced parents recommend using certain tricks.

    Of course, you won't be able to put the child to bed in 40 seconds right away, but it is still possible to gradually move away from motion sickness.

    1. How to wean a small child from swaying? One must pay attention to him while he is awake. Caress the baby more often, lift it on the arms, do a massage. You can use the sling for a contact, which we talked about above.
    2. Place the baby next to you. Of course, it is not necessary to sleep in the same bed with a baby. It is enough to move the child's bed with the side removed to your bed. This will help create a sense of security and safety in your baby.
    3. You can think of a “substitute” for the mother. For example, put your mother's T-shirt in the baby's crib, which keeps the scent that is familiar and pleasant to the baby. An older child will be able to fall asleep with his favorite teddy bear.
    4. You should not leave your baby in complete darkness. It is best to turn on the night light, sit next to the crib and hum a lullaby. In this case, you do not need to rock the baby.
    5. It is necessary to do a certain ritual that the child associates with falling asleep. For example, feeding, massage, bathing, reading a fairy tale, and singing a lullaby.

    Whether to rock the child or choose another way of laying is a conscious choice of every mother. Smooth wiggle has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to listen to the baby, who will prompt the right decision.

    If you are wondering how to put a small child to sleep without motion sickness, therefore, the child is already grown up, heavy and ready for a certain independence. In this case, you need to try other methods of laying, which will teach the baby to fall asleep without tears and whims.

    Arguments for and against motion sickness. How to rock a child and how to wean him later.

    Putting a child to bed can be difficult at times. Many moms complain about sleepless nights. What parents and grandparents do not invent in order to finally put their precious child to bed: fairy tales, lullabies, cartoons before bed, sleeping in an embrace with a toy, motion sickness. Let's dwell on the last option - motion sickness. There are so many myths and warnings around this method. Let's try to figure it out, based on the opinions of doctors.

    Do I need to rock my child before bed?

    Arguments for motion sickness:

    • A centuries-old experience of ancestor motion sickness
    • Reproduction of movements similar to the intrauterine life of an infant, he is so calmer
    • Mom's body odor, intimacy, baby calms down, feeling safe
    • Rocking helps to establish a sense of balance in the child and control of his own body
    • In Bobat's gymnastics, motion sickness is used to solve some neurological problems.

    Arguments against:

    • The most important argument against is the statement of the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky that motion sickness causes dizziness, the child may lose consciousness.
    • It is very difficult to wean a child from motion sickness.
    • Harmful for mom, because the baby is growing and gaining weight. The load on the woman's back and arms increases every month
    Mom with baby

    How to properly rock an infant?

    Motion sickness can harm your baby if you swing it up and down or too fast. In the first case, intracranial pressure may increase. If the child is shaken vigorously, the blood vessels in the brain may rupture.

    Therefore, you need to rock the child slowly, smoothly, not swinging much to the sides. Swing the baby only from side to side, support your head with your hand.

    How to get a child to sleep in a minute?

    In order for the baby to fall asleep faster, he needs to walk enough and want to sleep. A tired child falls asleep very quickly, just a few minutes is enough for him. Before bed, provide an appropriate atmosphere: draw the curtains, turn off the lights, play a slow, quiet melody, or sing a lullaby.

    Baby sleeping with toy

    How to rock a child on a fitball?

    Fitball is a great ball for sports. With the help of a fitball, you can put your baby to bed, with the benefit of yourself.

    Two options for motion sickness crumbs on a fitball:

    1. Sit on the fitball, take the child in your arms, slowly jump on the ball. During this time, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are pumped up
    2. You can put a small blanket or diaper on the fitball, then put your baby on it. Slowly swing from side to side

    Child on fitball

    How to rock a baby in a crib?

    A baby cot can be placed next to your bed. In this case, you do not need to stand for hours at the crib to rock the baby. You can hang a mobile with a soothing melody, funny rattles on the crib. The baby's motion sickness in the crib should not be too sharp, intense. Only soft, flowing movements.

    When should you wean a child from motion sickness?

    Most children by the first year of life have already weaned from motion sickness and fall asleep on their own. If by the year the child has not learned to fall asleep on his own, you need to gradually accustom him to this. Every month the baby's weight becomes more and more, the load increases, motion sickness can lead to health problems in a woman. It is also necessary to teach the child to sleep on their own for the reason that the mother may be absent, and at this time the baby should not suffer because of her absence.

    Baby sleeping in the crib

    How to properly wean a child from motion sickness?

    If you feel that it is hard for you to swing the baby in your arms, start gradually weaning it off. First, try to rock the baby in the crib, try to take it less in your arms. Do not leave the baby himself in the crib, stay next to him, stroke him, give him a massage, sing a lullaby.

    One cannot do without tears and hysterics in this matter, but you have to patiently endure this moment, otherwise the process may be delayed.

    How to wean a child from motion sickness on fitball?

    Motion sickness on fitball should also be abandoned gradually. Try to relax your child as much as possible before bed.

    Walk for a long time during the day, give your child a herbal bath in the evening, play before bed should not be too active.

    From a fitball, try switching to a crib, the load on your muscles will be much less. After a while, teach your baby to fall asleep without your presence.

    How to teach a child to fall asleep himself?

    At first, teaching a child to fall asleep on their own can cause suffering for both mother and child. The kid is accustomed to a certain regime, for example, motion sickness on a fitball. He knows in what sequence this happens. Everything new causes fear in him, he does not yet understand what they want from him. If you have firmly decided that it is time for your baby to fall asleep on his own, follow these principles:

    • Calmness
    • Confidence
    • Patience
    • Repetition of the same evening procedures at the same time: bathing, fairy tale, sleep

    If you follow a routine and repeat the same steps every night, your child will get used to it. He will know what comes next. Therefore, he will be confident and calm, and will get used to falling asleep on his own.

    If the baby does not want to get used to independent life at all, try to calm him down with his favorite toy (many children calmly fall asleep with soft toys), pacifier, tell him a story, do a massage.

    The child falls asleep on its own

    Kristina: “I didn't teach my daughter to be sick. It came out by itself. When she was already 10 months old, my lower back hurt a lot. I decided it was time to wean. At first there were hysterics, screams. My strength was gone. To begin with, I taught her to rock her in the crib, then I got tired of it, tired of sitting by the crib for half an hour. Once I decided that everything - let her sleep herself. We walked well during the day, took a bath, played before going to bed, then left her alone. She, of course, turned and whimpered, but fell asleep. So gradually we got used to it. "

    Maria: “My son's bed is in my bedroom. Initially, I did not accustom him to motion sickness, I fell asleep under the breast, then I just put him in my crib. When she weaned him off, she began to turn on an audio tale for him. I fell asleep with a bang. Now he is already 2, he falls asleep himself without my active participation. "

    To be seasick or not is an independent choice of each parent. Listen to yourself, your child, and you can make the right decision.

    Video: How to wean a child from motion sickness?

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