• What is eyebrow waxing. How is eyebrow waxing performed? Eyebrow wax


    Perhaps there is no measure that measures the desire of every woman to look perfect. Even having naturally beautiful facial features, we strive to improve them more and more. This trend does not bypass the eyebrows. Agree, a woman who has not experienced what eyebrow correction is is almost impossible to find. But if earlier this procedure was more like torture, then today's technologies will allow you to get the perfect look almost painlessly. Therefore, before running to the salon or arming yourself with tools at home, it is worth understanding in more detail all the innovations that stylists have brought to the correction process.

    The good old method

    From childhood, we are accustomed to watching how mothers fiddled with tweezers at the mirror for a long time, groaning and painfully grimacing. This method has not lost its relevance today, however, thanks to the advice of cosmetologists and stylists, it has become much less painful.

    If you decide that eyebrow correction at home is right for you, then this method is just right. It is quite simple and does not require any professional skills to master it. All you need is tweezers, a pencil, good lighting and some free time.

    It is advisable to carry out the procedure after lunch. There is an opinion that at this time the pain is felt with the least intensity. Another important reason may be that then the most successful light, and all the hairs that need to be removed are visible. If you decide to take care of yourself at any other time, to relieve pain, attach a cotton pad dipped in hot water to your eyebrows. It warms up the skin and thereby prepares it for the adjustment process.

    As for the plucking method itself, everything is extremely simple here: the hairs must be grabbed at the very root and plucked along the line of their growth. Otherwise, you risk making them tough and rebellious. Another nuance - try to pluck one hair at a time, because by grabbing a bundle, you will not only increase the pain, but you can also significantly spoil the shape by accidentally catching an extra one. After completing the procedure, the skin should be wiped with any disinfectant to prevent irritation and rashes.

    Wax correction

    This procedure is from the standard salon list, so any master should cope with it. However, without having the necessary skills, you should not take risks and do eyebrow correction with wax on your own. The consequences of such an experiment can be deplorable, and it will not be possible to correct them soon enough.

    Turning to a specialist, you will certainly receive high-quality advice on the selection of the form you need, and on further care. The correction itself will not take you much time, as it is extremely simple. Modeling the shape, the stylist will apply warm wax to the areas that require correction. After applying the fabric on top, you will need to wait for 10-15 minutes. Then, with a gentle movement, the fabric is removed, and with it all excess hairs are removed. To soothe the skin, a special cooling and soothing cream is applied, which includes herbal ingredients.

    Eyebrow waxing at home

    Having learned the price of eyebrow correction, many try to master this process on their own. This is quite risky, however, if your eyebrow line is formed, then you can muster up the courage to experiment.

    The first mistake that, according to reviews, beginners most often make during eyebrow correction is the purchase of ready-made strips designed to remove facial hair. Of course, using these is much easier, but you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that they can cause severe irritation or even inflammation of the skin. In addition, they do not remove hairs very well, and often you have to “clean up” them with tweezers. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to warm wax, because it is it that is used in salons.

    The fear of waxing the wrong way can be easily overcome by using a regular cuticle stick. With its help, you can apply the mixture along the very contour of the eyebrow, thereby getting rid of all the interfering hair. Such a homemade eyebrow correction will look like in the photo.

    The process itself will seem simple to you if you have ever dealt with waxing. At the first stage, the skin is degreased and sprinkled with talc. Then directly apply a warm wax mixture and press it down a little so that it can fully come into contact with the hairline. When applying, try not to overdo it with the amount of wax on a stick, as there is a high risk of dropping it on places that do not need correction. As soon as you feel that the mass has ceased to stick, immediately remove it with twitching movements. Regular talc will help relieve irritation.

    Method of "thread" correction

    Despite the fact that Eastern women have been fluent in this technique since ancient times, eyebrow correction with a thread is still a novelty for us. This method has become quite common in salons only quite recently, and only a few are able to carry it out at home. But he won his popularity due to a number of advantages: it does not cause hyperemia, is not accompanied by pain shock, and is convenient for removing bundles.

    Preparation for removal is also considered an important stage, since the presence or absence of pain syndrome will depend on its result. Therefore, it is worth preparing cotton swabs soaked in hot water in advance, with which you can thoroughly steam the skin and reduce its sensitivity. The second way is cooling. To do this, a decoction of chamomile or sage is first frozen, and the resulting healing ice cubes are applied to the correction zone.

    The very same technique is to remove hairs with a silk or cotton thread, twisted in a special way. As a result of twisting, a knot is formed that securely covers the hairs and gently pulls them out. The salon master has been learning for a long time how to correctly correct the eyebrows with this method.

    Correction with makeup

    Even after getting rid of excess hairs, not everyone is satisfied with their eyebrows. Color, density - all this cannot be corrected using the above methods. Here, an eyebrow corrector can come to the rescue, in all its manifestations: a contour pencil, shadows, modeling gel. All of them are designed to help bring the result to the ideal.

    The simplest and most popular tool is still a pencil. It will help to give the necessary shade or finish the lost contour. Very easy to use, which made it a top product. However, there are shortcomings that he still cannot cope with, for example, gray hair or lightening of the eyebrows.

    In such a situation, it is better to purchase shadows. Having a light texture, they fit perfectly and paint over the eyebrow in the desired tone. However, their ability to crumble makes makeup rather short-lived.

    A more advanced and new product is the eyebrow modeling gel. it will not only color the hairs in the desired shade, but also firmly fix their shape.

    The most optimal acquisition will still be a set for eyebrow correction, which will include all of the above tools plus brushes for applying them. With such an arsenal, you are sure to have a stunning look in any situation.

    The shape of the eyebrows can radically change the image of a woman, make her look more vivid and expressive. Eyebrow correction is a mandatory procedure in the arsenal of a fashionista.

    Recently, eyebrow waxing has become popular. The procedure effectively removes hairs invisible to the naked eye, less painful than when removed with tweezers. Thanks to wax depilation of the eyebrows, new hairs grow back no earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

    Pros and cons of waxing

    The procedure has many advantages:

    Eyebrow waxing only seems to be a simple procedure for removing unwanted hairs.

    • rapidity. Even with preparation for manipulation, heating the wax, the session goes faster than when working with tweezers;
    • efficiency. It is difficult to remove short fluffy hairs with tweezers, which violate the overall harmony. And wax for depilation easily copes with the task. Therefore, after the procedure, the face looks perfect, and the eyes shine.

    But, despite all the benefits, waxing is not always safe. It is better to refuse a session:

    • with individual intolerance to bee products;
    • purulent rashes, inflammation on the face, cuts, abrasions;
    • a large number of moles, papillomas, warts in the manipulation area;
    • fever, exacerbation of dermatological ailments;
    • rosacea and other forms of circulatory disorders.

    Eyebrow waxing consists in removing hairs from the root under and above the eyebrows.

    If you have identified contraindications, then choose another safe method of correction. If not, then feel free to conquer waxing.

    The procedure can be carried out by an experienced master in a beauty salon, and you can also learn how to do it yourself.

    Types of funds

    Eyebrow waxing is carried out:

    1. Hot wax. This product is used to fight unwanted hair all over the body. The face product is produced in small jars or cassettes. It is convenient to work with such volumes. To remove hairs, a soft option is needed. The facial hair is not rigid, the follicles do not penetrate deep, as in the armpits or in the bikini area.
    2. Cold wax. It is available in the form of ready-made paper or fabric strips. For the session, they are heated by hand or with a jet of hot water, disconnected and attached to the place of manipulation. A couple of precise movements and there is no trace of unwanted vegetation.

    Modeling eyebrow wax has become another popular tool that allows you to keep your eyebrows in perfect condition.

    How is the procedure done

    Eyebrow depilation is a simple manipulation that requires some skill. Detailed tips will tell you how to achieve the perfect eyebrow shape at home:

    • comb the eyebrow with a special brush. If not, then use an old mascara brush;
    • melt the wax for the session in a water bath, in a microwave or wax maker;
    • clean the skin from sweat, dust, dirt. To do this, use any dermatological antiseptic;
    • apply the composition with a spatula according to hair growth in those areas where you want to remove unwanted vegetation;
    • cover the top with paper or a fabric strip;
    • when jerking, pull the skin with your fingers. This will help minimize pain when removing the remedy. Eyebrow wax is torn off against hair growth;

    Eyebrow depilation is a simple manipulation that requires some skill.
    • the same is done with the second eyebrow;
    • after the session, apply a soothing gel or growth blocker. It will relieve inflammation, redness, irritation.

    After several attempts, eyebrow depilation will seem like a simple manipulation. Masters shared their professional tricks. With them, a beauty session is doomed to success:

    • If you are not satisfied with the shape or want to change the bend of the eyebrow, then use ready-made stencils. They are bought on special sites or in cosmetic stores.
    • With increased sensitivity of the dermis, it is better to use warm wax for the procedure. Cold wax in the wrong hands will cause irritation, ingrown hairs and redness.
    • To save time and money, you can purchase ready-made sets for a beauty session. They contain everything you need and detailed instructions.

    • Use several mirrors: regular and magnified.
    • If you are very intolerant of pain, then apply an anesthetic lotion to the skin before manipulation. You can pre-wipe the surface with cosmetic ice.
    • If there are no special wipes in the kit, then the eyebrow wax removes ordinary petroleum jelly or baby oil. It is better not to remove the remnants of the product with a washcloth, hot water, hard brushes.

    Eyebrow waxing (waxing) is one of the simplest, fastest and most convenient methods of correction. It allows you to easily, even at home, give the desired shape to the eyebrow arches and save the result for a long time.

    To carry out the eyebrow waxing procedure, you need to choose the right product, follow the rules for its use and the recommendations of cosmetologists.

    Eyebrow Wax Types

    There are 3 main types of wax used for eyebrow depilation:

    Name Release form Preparation for use Result Unwanted Consequences
    cold wax Two wax strips glued together. To activate the effect of wax on the plates, it is enough to hold them in your hands for a while. Removes hard-to-reach individual hairs and slightly noticeable fluff. Strong pain sensations. High risk of complications, especially on sensitive skin.
    warm wax Removable cartridge applicator with wax inside. Requires heating to medium temperature. Suitable for depilation of thick eyebrows. Virtually no negative effects. The skin does not suffer from its use.
    Hot wax In the form of geometric shapes. Has a dense texture. Before use, it must be heated until a viscous mass is obtained. Easily pulls out even thick hairs with a deep-seated follicle. Failure to comply with the rules of use may cause redness of the skin.

    To carry out the procedure at home, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of the depilatory product. You need to choose it individually, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

    A large selection of products for home hair removal is offered by Veet (Vit). Products of this brand not only effectively remove unwanted hairs, but also take care of the skin.

    Veet stripes are especially popular. They are easy to use, practically do not cause side effects.

    Another wax-based cosmetic product is eyebrow modeling wax. It maintains the beauty of the eyebrows throughout the day, fixes each hair, gives a beautiful shade.

    Modeling wax is easy to apply and stays on. In the evening, it is easily washed off with water.

    How to properly wax your eyebrows

    It is not difficult to conduct a correction session on your own.

    Using eyebrow wax strips when waxing, you must strictly follow the instructions that come with them.

    To properly remove eyebrows with hot or warm wax, you must follow the following recommendations:

    1. When the shape of the eyebrows is selected, you can mark its contour with a pencil to separate those hairs that need to be removed. If necessary, you can use ready-made stencils for eyebrow arches.
    2. Prepare the skin in the area to be depilated. Wipe it with a tonic or any dermatological antiseptic to degrease it. Powder with talc or baby powder.
    3. To reduce the pain of the procedure, the surrounding skin can be cooled with pieces of ice.
    4. Heat the wax to the desired temperature: hot up to +60°C, warm - no more than +45°C.
    5. Apply a small amount of product with a special spatula or stick. Spread it with light strokes in the direction of hair growth.
    6. Without waiting for the wax to harden, special fabric strips must be glued on top of it. After complete solidification, they need to be torn off with a jerk in the direction against hair growth. Repeat the procedure several times until all excess hairs are removed.
    7. Remove the remaining funds. For this, baby moisturizing oil or regular petroleum jelly is suitable.
    8. If necessary, correct the eyebrow with tweezers.
    9. "Calm" the skin with a special gel, cream or lotion.

    The correction procedure, even for a beginner, usually takes no more than 25 minutes.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    Compared to other methods, waxing has several advantages:

    1. Eyebrow waxing is easy to do at home. It does not require special skills, it takes a little time.
    2. The result is stored for at least 3 weeks. Regular correction noticeably slows down the growth of unwanted hairs, making them light and thin.
    3. Correcting eyebrows with wax, you can remove even thin hairs that tweezers are not able to capture.

    The disadvantages of eyebrow depilation in this way include:

    1. Unpleasant, painful sensations during the procedure and some time after. You can reduce them by applying cold.
    2. In rare cases, wax causes itching, skin irritation and even burns. Undesirable effects usually disappear 1-2 days after the procedure.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    The use of wax for eyebrow depilation has a number of contraindications. These include:

    • skin hypersensitivity;
    • intolerance to the components of the depilatory agent;
    • damage or skin diseases in the eyebrow area;
    • heart diseases;
    • epilepsy;
    • diabetes (regardless of degree);
    • pregnancy, lactation.

    Do not conduct an epilation session if the length of the hairs to be removed is less than 4-5 mm.

    Waxing is a relatively new method of eyebrow correction. It is simple and affordable, but experts recommend that the first procedure be carried out under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist. It will help you choose the right eyebrow shape, minimize pain and unwanted side effects.

    Eyebrow wax plays a different role in caring for this important part of a woman's appearance. Wax will help to shape the desired configuration and ensure normal hair growth. This material has different properties depending on its composition.

    Eyebrow wax has long been an important element of women's cosmetics. It is included in the most popular and fashionable sets and is widely used, incl. movie stars and catwalks. In addition to the use of brands, quite effective wax formulations can be made at home and eyebrow care can be done independently with your own means.

    Wax Features

    In a broad sense, waxes include certain chemicals of both natural and artificial origin. Natural substances include vegetable (carnauba wax, pine resin, latex, etc.) and animal (beeswax, lanolin, etc.) varieties; and to industrial - fossils (ozocerite) and oil compositions. Currently, the vast majority of waxes are made from oil. Many of these substances are used in cosmetics, as independent agents or as additives to other substances.

    A variety of natural and artificial formulations are used as eyebrow wax, which causes their differences in properties. Their main purpose in terms of eyebrow cosmetics:

    • epilation (depilation);
    • coloring, modulation and;
    • healing and strengthening functions.

    Many cosmetics include carnauba, beeswax, and lanolin as minor additives to enhance properties.


    Eyebrow waxing is based on hair removal due to the solidification of a preheated composition. Such formulations have two main varieties: soft and hard products. The soft look is made on the basis of pine resin with the addition of plasticizers and is heated up to 30°C for use. The solid type basically contains the same resin, but with the addition of a rubber ingredient, heated to high temperatures (40-45°C).

    The principle of epilation is based on the fact that hot wax penetrates well into the hairline and covers the entire volume to the skin; at the same time, the root area is also heated, expanding the pores and facilitating the exit of the hair follicle to the outside. A paper strip is applied over the wax. With the rapid solidification of the melt, the substance grabs the hairs and adheres to the paper strip. When the paper is torn off sharply, the wax is removed, taking the hairs with it.

    How to do eyebrow waxing

    In order to shape the eyebrows, their waxing is widely used, i.e. removing excess hair with wax. Eyebrow wax designed for waxing comes in three types: cold, hot and low temperature.

    The cold (soft variety) composition is produced in the form of layered plates, in the center of which there is a viscous consistency. Hot (hard variety) wax is sold in the form of solid cubes or balls and requires considerable heating. Finally, the low-temperature material is produced in the form of a cartridge with an applicator and does not require heating.

    The waxing process is carried out in the following order. First, the skin around the eyebrow is degreased with a tonic. Then powder or talc is applied to the hairline. After that, heated wax is carefully applied to the hair to be removed using a special spatula. The material is applied in the direction of hair growth. The melt should not get on the areas of the eyebrow that are not intended for epilation.

    A paper tape is placed on top of the composition and pressed tightly against the eyebrow. After the substance hardens, a sharp jerk of the paper strip is made over the free edge. Excess hair should be removed along with the paper. If traces of wax remain on the face, then cleaning is carried out using petroleum jelly or a special tool designed for this purpose.

    Skin irritations should be relieved with an aloe-based lotion or infusion.

    Eyebrow waxes

    Eyebrow wax is produced by many domestic and foreign companies. Among the preparations for hot (hard) hair removal stand out: Tessiltaglio, Daen, Hot Wax, Depiflax and some others. Velour can be attributed to cold (soft) formulations. At home, an effective wax is recommended, made according to the following recipe: granulated sugar (200 ml); honey (200 ml); lemon juice (100 ml), which is applied as a hot composition.

    Low-temperature waxes in the form of cartridges are widely used. Their use is very convenient, as it allows you to apply the composition in a thin line with a dosed consumption of material. The market leaders are: Depiflax, Depilia, Norma de Durville, Skin Sistem, etc.

    Modern eyebrow wax is also sold in the form of strips with a wax composition applied to them. Before applying to the eyebrow, the strip is heated by hand. A pattern is applied on the hand itself, which allows you to correctly act with your fingers when applying the plate. Such elements are produced separately for the lower sections and for the upper zones of the eyebrows. Brands of such cosmetics are: Surgi-Max, Depileve, Cristaline.

    Eyebrow modeling wax

    The modeling composition is made on the basis of silicone and paraffins and allows you to maintain eyebrows in a state close to ideal. This wax fixes the hair, provides a natural shine and rich color tone. Cosmetics are sold in the form of a tube and are completed with a special brush. Wax is applied similarly to eyebrow mascara. The most common shade is brown. Wax maintains the desired shape of the eyebrows throughout the day, and in the evening it is easily washed off with plain water.

    A modeling composition is applied to combed eyebrows laid in the right direction. Wax well fills the entire volume and colors each hair along its entire length without changing the color of the skin. When buying, you should not choose a completely transparent composition.

    The leading manufacturer of modeling cosmetics is Lumene, waxes such as Blueberry Shaping Wax, Blueberry Eyebrow Wax, etc. are popular. They are based on stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, candepil wax, blueberry extract and other ingredients. Cosmetics of different saturated shades are realized. For example, light brown wax is great for light-colored eyebrows.

    home cosmetics

    A fairly effective eyebrow wax for various purposes can be made by hand at home. We can recommend such a composition for a modeling agent with a healing effect: beeswax (0.5 tsp), activated charcoal (2 tablets), solid cocoa butter (1/4 tsp), jojoba oil, peach (1 drop each) , vitamin E (1 capsule). You can add 3-4 drops of castor oil to the mixture. Coal must be carefully ground, for example, in a coffee grinder, and sieved through a fine sieve. The mixture is stirred and placed in a water bath, heated until completely melted.

    Therapeutic effect on the eyebrows can be achieved by using natural beeswax. It perfectly provides a restorative effect and optimizes hair growth. Rub your eyebrows with this composition in the evening every day for 5-6 minutes. Silkiness and healthy growth will provide eyebrows with beeswax with the addition of sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil can be replaced with almond oil. It stimulates hair growth with a rare structure. Apply in the evening for 15-20 days. Castor oil is not inferior in positive effects, but the composition with its addition must be applied within 25-30 days. If there is hair loss from the eyebrows, then adding garlic juice to the wax can help (the duration of the procedures is up to 15 days). Finally, vitamin E is very useful in a homemade cosmetic mixture, which ensures hair growth, as well as the health of their cells and bulbs.

    Eyebrow correction for many women is an almost daily procedure along with makeup. Traditionally, tweezers are used for this, but plucking is quite painful and uncomfortable. A more comfortable alternative is wax depilation technology. Professionals call this method of modeling waxing.

    Depending on the desired effect, choose one of three compositions:

    • Low temperature warm mix. There is a bee product, pine resin. It passes into a liquid form after heating to 45 ° C. Once on the skin, the liquid cools quickly, which prevents damage to small vessels.
    • Hot cubes or balls based on resins, petroleum products, olive or lemon oils. Before use, it is heated to 60 ° C, adhering to a special technology. During the procedure, the temperature is constantly monitored. Therefore, it is advisable to apply corrective cosmetics only in a salon under the guidance of an experienced master.
    • Cold wax used both in salons and at home. A tool in the form of linen or paper ribbons provides easy removal of excess hair. The effect is similar to the use of a conventional patch, but the result is not long-lasting due to the removal of hairs without a root.

    Before choosing, you need to individually assess the condition of the skin, its type.

    Positive and negative sides

    The demand and popularity of waxing is due to such advantages:

    • The speed and availability of the method. Any cosmetic department has several wax options for eyebrow correction and modeling. By choosing the right remedy, it is possible to carry out the procedure at home, spending no more than 20 minutes on it.
    • Persistent result. The effect persists for at least three weeks. If carried out regularly for several years, there is a noticeable thinning of the hairs at the treatment site and a slowdown in their growth.
    • According to the before and after photos, the use of wax is not accompanied by the appearance of side symptoms. Subject to the technology, peeling, itching or redness do not become obligatory modeling companions.

    The only drawback of hot wax eyebrow correction is pain, but judging by the reviews of women who regularly conduct such sessions, in most cases the pain is tolerable. Another negative point concerns the conditions for modeling the shape - the minimum length of the hairs is 4 mm, so their preliminary growth is required.

    Contraindications for wax correction

    Eyebrow care using wax in any form is not possible in such cases:

    • the presence of individual hypersensitivity;
    • insufficient length of hairs;
    • symptoms of pathologies of the heart or blood vessels;
    • with diabetes;
    • recurrent signs of epilepsy;
    • the period of breastfeeding or bearing a child;
    • the appearance of dermatological rashes on the skin;
    • damage to the integrity of the skin in the areas to be treated;
    • increased sensitivity of the cover to the action of stimuli.

    Ignoring the above contraindications is fraught not only with harm to the skin, but also with a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

    Step-by-step correction at home

    The use of eyebrow wax is carried out according to the technology:

    • Preparation. The procedure begins with heating the mixture. If a cold variety is used for shaping, it is brought to the required temperature by hand. With a warm type of product, work using a water bath, avoiding overheating. To maximize the modeling effect, the eyebrows are pre-combed and the protruding hairs that have fallen out of the line are trimmed.
    • Before applying wax for depilation, the areas to be treated are cleaned of dirt, wiped with a disinfectant liquid, and then sprinkled with a thin layer of talc.
    • Correction itself consists in applying the mixture to the skin. If a warm or hot form is used, a cosmetic wooden spatula is used. Frozen strips are removed from the skin, making sharp movements against hair growth. To achieve the desired result, the procedure is repeated, achieving high-quality cleansing of the eyebrow arches. Use wet wipes to remove residue.

    To consolidate the effect and quickly restore tissues, special care rules are followed.

    Important Tips

    In order for independent wax modeling to be successful and only useful, you should first familiarize yourself with a number of nuances that allow you to minimize pain and improve the visual effect:

    • The period of menstruation is critical for a woman due to the lowering of the pain threshold and the most negative reaction to stimuli. In view of this feature, it is desirable to carry out the correction at the end of the cycle.
    • The shape of the eyebrows is selected well in advance of the procedure. In order not to be mistaken with the final result, it is advisable to use purchased or self-made stencils during a home modeling session.
    • To reduce discomfort, the skin is wiped with an ice cube before waxing, or the opposite treatment is carried out using a cotton pad soaked in hot water.

    If possible, it is worth using a mirror with magnification so that the boundaries are observed as accurately as possible.

    Proper post-treatment care

    Properly caring for your eyebrows is no less important than strictly following the technology. Having received the desired shape of the arcs, they plan to leave:

    • A burning sensation may occur immediately after the procedure. A special cream with an antibacterial and cooling effect helps to relieve discomfort. Its use minimizes the risk of ingrowth and eliminates the development of the inflammatory process.
    • To make the eyebrows look spectacular after correction, you can additionally fix their shape with the help of a colorless transparent wax applied over the arches. The result is the styling of each individual hair in the right direction. If necessary, a composition with a tint is selected, it helps to enhance the intensity of the color of the arcs.

    When choosing a tint, they are guided by the type of appearance. For brunettes, the best option is the composition is lighter than the main hairs by 2-3 tones. It is better for blondes to choose a wax that darkens the hairs by at least 3 positions. Experts advise to dwell on a shade that is the golden mean between the color of curls and eyelashes.

    The use of wax is always a worthy long-term result. Following all the recommendations for carrying out and care, it is possible immediately after the procedure to look as if the created shape of the eyebrows is given by nature.

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