• Children's script for the birthday of 9 years. Birthday script for a girl, or how to arrange a real holiday. What props are needed for contests


    The contests for children 9 years old collected in this article are very popular with guests. We are sure that you can use some of the suggested below in the scenario of the child's birthday.

    "One to one"

    Everyone knows the popular One-to-One program. Let's follow the example at the children's party.

    We distribute cards to children with the inscriptions of popular songwriters. The guys need to get used to the role and sing a song, or rather make a parody of the artist. For simplicity, write the lyrics on the cards and prepare backing tracks with the accompaniment.

    "Who is stronger ?!"

    We offer to measure light. Yes! It didn't seem to you. You need to inflate the balloons in the allotted time without hands! The one who coped is a strong man.

    Pick up the key

    For this competition you will need 2 locks and two cupboards, on which you will hang the locks. We divide the guys into groups and distribute a bunch of keys to each. At a signal, the children try to open the lock in turn, who did it faster - well done. Prepare small sweet prizes in the lockers, it will be pleasant for everyone.

    Blow off the ball

    There is a balloon on the edge of the table. We blindfold the player, turn away from the table, ask to take 5 steps forward, turn in place 2-3 times and return back to the table.

    Please blow the balloon off the table. Most likely, the child will not be quite near the table, and therefore he will blow by. From the side it looks very funny.

    Call first

    For the competition, you need chairs and bells. We put the chairs at a distance of 7-9 steps between ourselves. We blindfold the players, put them near the chairs. On command, you need to go around your chair to the right of the opponent, return to your own and ring the bell first. Victory for the quickest.

    Draw the tail

    To play you need a sketchbook, pencils and a blindfold. The presenter draws any animal, but without a tail. For those who want to try their hand, we blindfold and offer to finish the missing element. Everyone participates. Winning to the one who completed the ponytail most accurately.

    Cut yourself a gift

    Looking for: a long thread or string, candies and gifts. We hang the candies on a rope. Inside the candy on a wrapper, write what gift you will receive from this cut candy, and just below the condition that you need to fulfill. For example: tell a rhyme - get a horn.

    Watch your step

    We draw a wavy line on the floor - our path. We give the children a task: to walk along the path to the end and back without stumbling, looking at their feet through binoculars. Turn the binoculars over.

    Fingers - fingers

    The number of players is not limited. We give the players a long sock or knee-highs, you need to put them on the leg, you can help with the toes of the other foot.

    Ariadne's thread

    It is desirable that the players do not know this game, then it will turn out to be more interesting.

    To play you need a rope and a room. With the help of this rope we lay a maze, the more difficult it is, the more interesting the game will be. We call the participant into the room, explain the essence of the game: he needs to memorize the moves in the maze in as much detail as possible.

    We take out of the room, blindfold, now he needs to go through the maze. The secret of the game is that when he is blindfolded, we remove the rope. Spectators can suggest how to pass the obstacle, where it is better to bend down, and where to step over the rope, which does not exist.

    Catch my ponytail

    You need ropes to play. We tie ourselves with ropes at the waist, turn on the music and dance. While dancing, children need to catch a neighbor by his tail, and do not forget to dodge those who hunt for their tail.

    Competition program "Funny starts"

    1. The guys are divided into teams of the same number of people. The first task will be for acquaintance and ingenuity. It will be built in the order of the first letters of the names. By age, from the youngest to the oldest.
    2. Hit the jar. We distribute pencils or other stationery to the children. You need to get to the bank as often as possible. Whoever has the most hits is the winner. The office itself can serve as prizes.
    3. An apple on a string. The guys share a couple within their team. One participant needs to hold an apple on a rope, and the second to eat it, without hands. The one who bit the most wins.

    "Cool banana"

    The guys stand up in a circle. One stands in a circle, the rest take turns asking a question. All questions need to be answered with only one phrase "cool banana". You can think of any other expression. We play until the child in the center laughs. The leader is the one who asked the question last. Play until your stomachs get tired of laughing.

    The game, for which you do not need to prepare for a long time, with it develops attentiveness, observation, sophistication of the mind, will direct you to better look at each other.

    The rules of the game are as follows:

    1. Make a shadow screen: we hang a sheet and place the lamp so that it casts a shadow from those passing on the wall.
    2. With the help of a counting rhyme (choose yourself) we choose the leader. We put him on a chair. The rest of the guys take turns walking between the screen, or a light bulb so that their shadow falls on the wall.
    3. The driver carefully examines the shadows and tries to guess who it belongs to.
    4. Players can be cunning, distort their shadow by any means: change posture, posture, hairstyle, gait, here you can show your imagination.
    5. Whom they learned, change places with the presenter.

    "I do not see"

    The game is simple in content, but fun to play. We close our eyes or blindfold and do…. whatever: decorate the cake; draw, write congratulations; find a button on the guest's clothes. Laughter and enthusiasm is guaranteed, because when you can't see what to do, it always turns out funny and unusual.

    Dressing for speed

    Dressing up competition. Little guests are divided into teams. We put a box or basket with things in the room. At the command of the participant, they run to the basket, choose any clothes or its element, turn and say: “I am handsome!”, Girls: “I am beautiful!”, Quickly take them off and return to the team. The next one runs and does the same.

    Prepare different things: hats, socks, buttons, handkerchiefs, wide dresses. You can add something else to the condition to depict, sit down, uhnut and everything like that.

    On a fabulous meadow.

    The holiday is held by two heroes - the Cat the Scientist and Kikimora. Children are met by a cat.

    Track number 1 "Visiting a fairy tale"

    They say Cats and Cats
    They love to bask in the window
    They love cream and cookies
    But they don't like adventure.
    I'm quite the opposite
    I am not in vain - the Scientist Cat!
    I can do without milk
    And curd cheese.
    But I will say without conceit -
    I love adventure!
    The rumor goes about me:
    Like, the Cat did not study in vain!
    I'm an adventurer at heart
    But - I emphasize! - personally
    I studied perfectly!
    And that's why that's why
    I am quite a Scientist Cat!

    Mrrr meow! Hi guys! Did you recognize me? I'm a Cat - a scientist, remember? Goes to the left - the song starts, to the right - says fairy tales ... It's about me. I mean everything - everything
    in the world I know, don't you believe? And I know that you are gathered here because it is …… - Birthday, right? Well, I say that I know everything, it's not for nothing that I
    scientist! Guys, do you know how fun you can say hello? Want to teach?

    Game "If you love hello ..." Track number 2

    Oh, and I like this game! When I get tired of reading books, I must play it with everyone who passes my oak tree. Oh guys, we are with you
    forgot to meet. We need to fix this, otherwise, only I introduced myself to you.

    The game is an acquaintance. Track number 3

    We will now go to the left ONE-TWO-THREE
    And then let's go right ONE-TWO-THREE
    We will quietly sit down ONE-TWO-THREE
    And quietly stand up ONE-TWO-THREE
    Together, we will all gather in a circle ONE-TWO-THREE
    And from the circle we will all return ONE-TWO-THREE
    Now on the count of three, let's shout our names

    Well, here we are!
    Happy everyone today
    And we have light on our faces
    After all, you are seven today!
    Your seven wonderful years!
    Birthday girl forward
    Let the honest people pass!
    Birthday is glorious
    It's weird and funny:
    Congratulations to accept
    And receive gifts!

    Invites children to give gifts to the birthday girl. Gifts are put into a magic chest and left until the end of the holiday. When giving gifts
    music sounds.

    Track number 4 "Happy Birthday"

    Cat: Congratulations! Oh, and I also have a gift for the birthday girl. But where is he?

    Looking for.

    What a bad luck! Guys, fairy-tale heroes sent congratulatory telegrams for ... ... but they disappeared somewhere. I realized this was Kikimora's trick, for sure, only
    she could do it. She really doesn't like holidays, because no one invites her to them. What do we do? I have one thought, it's not for nothing that I
    scientist. Look, what I have - a magic book of fairy tales, it will help us.

    Opens the book, pretends to read.

    The book told me that you and I need to get to the Glade of fairy tales, it will help us with this - it will give us hints. Do you like fairy tales? Want to get on
    Glade of fairy tales? Well, then we are not afraid of any obstacles, right guys? Maybe we will find telegrams there, or maybe we will meet Kikimora ...

    Opens the book.

    The book just told me that one can get to the Fairy Glade only in the form of some fairytale hero. Let's turn into such heroes.

    Wear hats and masks. Magic bag.

    1 task: Along an unknown path.

    Fabulous shoes. Running in bast shoes.

    2nd task:
    Guys, the book told me that Kikimora mixed up all the characters in my tales, and we need to unravel this confusion. Will you help me?

    Children should stomp if the cat is wrong.

    A fabulous confusion.

    “Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood ... No? And what, Blue? ... Sorry. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Somehow her mother cooked up
    dumplings ... Ah, pies! Once my mother baked some pies and asked Yellow Riding Hood ... That is, to take Little Red Riding Hood to grandfather ... And to whom? ... That's right, grandmother.

    There is a Purple Riding Hood ... Sorry, goes red A hat, sings songs, collects flowers, and towards her a crocodile ... That is, a hippopotamus ... Who? Right, wolf!
    The Wolf speaks to the Red Beret ... That is, to the Little Cap and says: “Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie” ... No? What does he say to her? Oh yes. “Where are you going, White
    Panama "... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.

    I recognized the elephant ... Right, the wolf, where is the Red kerchief going ... Cap, and ran the short way. I ran as far as I could to the hut where Baba Yaga lives ... That is
    grandmother, and knocks on the door. And the kikimora ... No, grandmother, he answers: "Who is there?" - “It's me, postman Pechkin!” ... That's right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And hears in
    answer: "Pull the string, my child, the door and it will open."

    The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed ... And where did he hide? ... Did he change into a grandmother? ... And then what
    happened? ... And did you eat Little Red Riding Hood too? ... What a glutton!

    Then the police came ... That's right, the hunters. They ripped open the wolf's belly and seven kids jumped out from there ... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. It's all over
    well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood ... And who, grandmother or what? ... In general, the fairy tale is over, and who listened - a cucumber ... And who listened - well done!

    3 task:
    Guys, an obstacle appeared on our way - the Milk River - the banks of the jelly. We won't drink it - we'll burst, how can we get to the other side? After all
    as soon as we cross to the other side, we are almost there. Let's ask the book. She says there is a way out.

    The game "Crossing"

    Well done! We'll be there soon. Only it seems to me that after a long journey it would be nice to have a snack. Call …… your guests to the table. The tablecloth is already ready for you
    - self-assembly.

    1st table.

    While the children are eating, a Fairy Glade is being prepared in the hall (flowers are laid out and a stump is placed. Kikimora is sitting on the stump. The cat and the children enter the hall.

    So we came, guys, to the Glade of fairy tales. And here is the harmful Kikimora. Why did you steal the telegrams? Give it back now!

    No matter how it is! Have you invited me to the holiday? No! And in general: why do you scare the children with me? You don't know me at all. I am very kind and I am beautiful, but
    only very, very unhappy!

    So we believed you! Say what you want and send your telegrams!

    Play with me, otherwise no one is playing with me. And I really want to have fun. Green longing all around.

    Well, guys, let's play with Kikimora? So be it. Let's dance with her.

    Game "Lavata"


    Bring the kolobok

    Pass the thermometer

    Slingshot shooting

    Catch the mouse


    He walked boldly through the forest,
    But the fox ate the hero.
    The poor thing sang goodbye.
    His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)
    He hits and torments the poor dolls,
    He is looking for a magic key.
    He looks awful
    This is a doctor ... (Aybolit - Karabas)
    He finds out everything, peeps
    It hinders and harms everyone.
    She only cares about a rat
    And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak)

    All right, Kikikmora! We played with you? We danced with you? Give me the telegrams.

    No, I won't! What holiday do you have today? That's exactly the birthday, although I have never been to it, but from the Brownie I heard about some Loaf. What's with
    I know they do it, they probably eat it.

    But no. Guys, what is a Loaf? That's right - it's a birthday song. Shall we show Kikimora?


    Get up quickly in the circle, mom light the candles,

    how on ... ... we will bake a loaf!

    2nd table. Reading telegrams.


    Let the sneaks disappear, you know-it-alls! Hello and congratulations from ...

    Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings ...

    May people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you every success! Tom and ..

    I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs! ..

    Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you! ..

    Eat more fruits, vegetables! Iron health to you! ..

    Kikimora performs the Swamp Concert dance.

    - How many ... ... years now?

    Children answer:

    - We stamp our feet 7 times! More fun!

    We clap our hands 7 times! Make friends!

    Well, ……, smile!

    Well, ... ..., spin!

    And once again we all stamp!

    And clap your hands again!

    Guys, did you like our adventure?

    Oh, and they made me laugh. So I became kinder, I even want to give presents to the guys.

    Gives gifts. Parting.

    The host divides the children into several teams, depending on the number of guests. Each of the teams is dealt a card with the same task - you need to figure out the name of this character. The team that deciphers the task the fastest is the winner. Example: 2nd letter of the alphabet + 21st letter of the alphabet + 18th letter of the alphabet + 1st letter of the alphabet + 20th letter of the alphabet + 10th letter of the alphabet + 15th letter of the alphabet + 16th letter of the alphabet. The result is BURATINO.

    Give me the right answer

    The presenter must prepare a series of questions for children for this competition, the questions contain a small but trick, what if someone gets caught. Example questions: 1. A sleepwalker is a) a person who lives on the moon, b) a person who walks at night; 2. A Martian is a) a fictional alien who lives on Mars, b) a person who constantly eats a Mars bar, and so on. The question is answered by the child who raised his hand first. If the answer is correct, the participant is presented with a tasty reward, for example, candy.

    Who are you?

    The presenter writes all the months of the year on a large piece of paper, and opposite them - adjectives, for example, funny, interesting, beautiful, kind, evil, and so on. Below he writes numbers from 1 to 31, and opposite them are the names of various animals, for example, a frog, a bear, a hare, a mouse, a snake, and so on. Each of the guests in turn goes to this sheet and names the date and month of their birthday, and the host compares to him who he is, for example, a cheerful bear or an angry mouse. The task of the participants is to show their hero-beast best of all.

    A foam party

    Bubbles are a favorite activity for children of all ages, sometimes adults will not refuse to have fun in bubbles. So, each participant receives a plate of soapy liquid and a straw. At the start command, the guys start to make their foam party. Whoever can make more foam in a minute will win.

    Jar forfeits

    All guests are divided into two teams with the same number of people. Teams stand in separate ranks. The first team members are awarded a jar of forfeits. On the command "start", the guys begin to pass the jar to the next participants, until the last. The latter must open a jar of forfeits. The winner is the team with the least amount of foam in the can. After that, you can make the second round by running the open jar of forfeits in the opposite direction. Now each participant takes a sip and passes the bottle to the next participant. The winner is the team with the empty jar faster in the hands of the first participant.

    Give the button to the birthday boy

    The guys are divided into two teams with the same number of people. One team is at one side of the table and the other is opposite. The first members of both teams receive a button and place it on their index fingers. At the start command, the first team members, without the help of hands and other participants, pass the button to the index finger of the next participant with their index finger, and they, in turn, pass the button to the next participant with their index finger. The team that is faster than the rivals using only the index fingers will pass the button to the birthday boy, will be the winner.

    We ride with the ball like a ball

    Participants are divided into pairs. A ball is placed between the participants of each pair (between the bellies). Couples stand at the start and, at the command of the leader, begin to jump, as if a ball is jumping, to the mark and return back. The couple who gallops back without losing their ball will be the winner.

    Cheerful colander

    Each participant receives a colander and the same number of straws (cocktail tubes) according to the number of holes in the colander. At the start command, participants must insert a straw tube into each hole of their colander. Whoever copes faster will win.

    Solving ridiculous riddles together will be a good start to the games.

    "Deceiving rhymes"

    Print riddles.
    Rules of the game:
    Now I will read riddle rhymes, your task is to shout the answer as loudly and quickly as possible. Whoever answers correctly the fastest will receive a prize.
    Oranges and bananas are very fond of…. MONKEY.
    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again deftly jumps ... MONKEY.
    Usually everyone shouts: "cow". You say that it will be difficult for her to do it. But nothing is impossible. But, can they solve the following riddles:
    1. Birthday on the nose
    We will bake ... sausage. (Actually CAKE).

    2. She has already turned two hundred years old
    To the beautiful Petina ... the bride. (Oh, no, no, TURTLE).

    3. All wheezes, sneezes Vlada
    I ate a lot ... chocolate. (But I got a cold from ICE CREAM).

    4. Let's pick up a bunch of flowers
    And now we will weave…. hat. (We will knit the hat, but we will nevertheless weave the WREATH).

    5. For lunch for little son Vanya
    Mom will cook borscht in ... a glass. (I thought in the PAN).

    6. To my little sisters
    Let's give it to summer ... boots. (Better SANDALS).

    7. Sliders are always dressed
    Sleeping in a crib dear ... grandfather. (KID).

    8. So capricious and stubborn
    IN kindergarten doesn't want ... mom. (DAUGHTER).

    9. Old women walk to the market
    Buy yourself ... toys / pillows. (CAN PRODUCTS).

    10. We welcome guests
    Let's give them sweet ... tea. (Of course we have TEA, but what did you think?)

    "Who is behind the wall?"

    Preparing a blanket or an opaque fabric is a "wall". Two assistants hold the blanket between the two teams of players so that the squatting children do not see the one behind the “wall”! This is a good game of naming and reaction. Suitable even for guests who know each other well.
    The rules of the game: first, let's each say their name. Now we are divided into two teams and diverge in opposite directions from the "wall". One person at a time, you sit at the "wall" - one from one team, the other - from the second. At my command, the "wall" falls and you must loudly and quickly call the name of the player in front of you. The one who was the first to name correctly - takes the loser to his team. The team that draws more friends wins. We play for 5 minutes.


    Bedspread rolled into a cushion. Inflated balloons - 20 pieces (can be taken from the decor). Funny music.
    Game rules: We are divided into two new teams. The room is divided by a blanket into two fields. I throw ten balls on each field. When the music is playing, you need to throw the balls to the opposite field. As soon as the music stops, you all freeze in place. The team with the fewest balls wins.
    Repeat 3-5 times. But see that the children are not too tired.


    On A4 format, print out the word "abracadabra" on one side and the correct version on the other, or make a PowerPoint presentation.
    The rules of the game: Words on the theme "Birthday" are hidden in the "abracadabra". Whoever reads the correct word faster will get a point. The winner is the one with the most points.
    1. Coradop \\ Gift
    2. Great Dane \\ Year
    3. Sogit \\ Guests
    4. Rashik \\ Sharik
    5. Fetanok \\ Candy
    6. Kinsdrap \\ Holiday
    7. Nelazhepio \\ Wish
    8. Nininekim \\ Birthday boy
    9. Duryaz \\ Friends
    10. Rott \\ Cake
    11. Sichev \\ Candles
    12. Stodar \\ Joy
    13. Pissing / Sweetness
    14. Foolishness \\ Wisdom
    15. Chassiet \\ Happiness

    "Hand of a friend"

    Prepare scrapbook sheets, pencils, markers and pens, scissors. Play children's songs about friendship and friends in the background.
    Rules of the game: each circle his own hand and cut it along the contour. Make a face out of her, a little man, a sun, an octopus - whoever you want and let your hero write one quality of the Birthday Boy that he likes about him. We have 10 minutes.
    As the children donate their work, attach them in a designated, visible place. For example, around one of the central photographs of the Birthday Man.

    "Dancing until you drop"

    Prepare either your favorite Birthday music, or just groovy and fun (for example, like "Music from the Benny Hill Show." You can easily find it for download on the Internet). Check your speakers. Place a rug or thick blanket to delineate and soften the “dance floor” that children will have to fall on.
    Rules of the game:
    Everyone is on the "dance floor". While the music is playing, you must move in the dance. As soon as I stop the music, you should fall so that your fifth point touches the floor. Who sat down last is out of the game We play up to the remaining two (if there are no more than five guests, then you can play up to one remaining). The winners will receive a prize. Our guests really liked this game, played six rounds.


    Find online karaoke on the Internet, but it would be better to download it so that there are no surprises in the form of not accessing the network. Prepare a list of songs.
    Rules of the game:
    Game in two rounds. In the first round, everyone chooses a song from the list. We unite you in the "one song" groups. It may happen that you all choose the same song. No problem. You will sing one verse and one chorus at a time. Whoever sang all the words correctly goes to the second round.
    In the second round, the song is chosen by the Birthday Man. There should be as many songs as needed so that each player gets a new verse and chorus. Whoever sang all the words and did not falsify the melody gets a prize.

    "Birthday cake"

    It turns out that you all sing so well! Real stars! Let our star band sing a super-mega popular hit for our birthday boy: “Happy birthday to you! And at this time, Mom will bring the cake! And the birthday boy will blow out his candles!
    ! Recommendation: You can sing in the original language, or in Russian translation. I offer two of my own options, maybe they will become yours too:
    Happy Birthday to you
    Friends congratulate!
    And they want you (or And they want you)
    Peace, Happiness in the family! (Lucky everywhere!)

    Happy Birthday!!!

    9 year old boy birthday script

    Round dance of acquaintances.
    "We walk in circles, we walk,
    We want to get acquainted
    Only those who are called are standing ...
    (some name is called, for example, "Seryozha"),
    Well, and we are sitting with you. "

    Game "Who?"
    - Whoever had breakfast in the morning, pat yourself on the stomach.
    - Whoever has a brother or sister, hide behind a neighbor.
    - For whom it is hard to wake up to school in the morning, sit down.
    - Whom your parents forced to come here, stomp your feet.
    - Who has a bike, lie on your back and pedal

    Who didn't comb their hair today - pat your neighbor on the head
    - Who knows how to meow - grunt
    - Who else does not go to school - jump up
    - Who has brown eyes - stamp our feet
    - Who has blue eyes - clap our hands

    We will open the holiday now,
    Games, dancing here.
    Turn all to each other
    And shake hands with a friend

    Put your hands up all over
    And move at the top
    Let's shout fun Hurray !!!
    It's time for Tim to congratulate!

    Tim is an old-old grandfather? (No!)
    Timosha turned a hundred years old? (No!)
    Is your birthday a fun day? (Yes!)
    Is the birthday boy a bully? (No!)

    Are we going to have a fight now? (No!)
    Are we doing exercises now? (No!)
    Are we all right with humor? (Yes!)
    Will we sit in sorrow? (No!)

    Is there a cake with candles waiting for us? (Yes!)
    Let's congratulate the birthday boy? (Yes!)
    Or maybe we'll send you to the doctor? (No!)

    Let's now congratulate Timosha.
    Our dear guests, take your places of honor. We baked a cake for you. Let's welcome him with applause! (Some time passes, they can't stand the cake.)

    Let's not get upset. We will definitely find him with the guys. Where do we start looking for the missing cake? I made it up! Let's go to the kitchen. Let's start examining the entire room.

    The letter lies in the envelope, a blank sheet - we heat up - the letter of the thieves of the cake: "Map". Where to look for this card, let's drink lemonade and think it over calmly.

    1. Dry wind dries my mom's curls. (Hair dryer)
    2. Steam let the dragon tailed
    And smoothed the crumpled scarf. (Iron)

    3. Even in the July heat
    It is as cold as in winter. (Refrigerator)
    4. From the carpet, a clean robot
    Pulls dust and dirt into its trunk. (Vacuum cleaner)

    5. This automatic washerwoman
    We wash everything in a row. (Washing machine)
    6. Boils from the inside
    And blows bubbles. (Kettle)

    7. Looking at the screen in the apartment,
    We see what's going on in the world. (TV)
    8. Neither boat nor sea,but you swim in it
    rather run and find a note (bath)

    9. White wardrobe, and in it winter,
    take a look there (refrigerator)
    10. The pirate is asleep and wants to sleep, then he will lie on ... (bed)
    11. You will drink a lot of water and then go there (toilet)
    12. It looks very much like a bed, you can sleep on it too.
    You look under it and find a note (sofa)

    13. There is a blanket on the floor, I go into the house and rub my feet (carpet)
    14. To play the computer, you need to press the buttons, you do not press the buttons now, just lift it (keyboard)

    The last note indicates where the crossword puzzle is hidden.


    Chips card to play

    - To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm. You need to quickly walk along the rope and not fall (do not get off it). Put your feet - strictly heel to toe!
    - Pirates must be accurate. Shoot down at least one of three pins in a row
    - Dancing in a swamp with islets. Everyone dances to the music, when the music ends, you have to have time to jump onto an island (sheet of paper), which is 1 less than the participants.
    - Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. You need to quickly and correctly answer riddles:

    Fastest of all from fear Rushing ... (not a turtle, but a hare).
    - Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... (not a wolf, but a bear)
    - In his warm puddle he croaked loudly ... (not a sparrow, but a frog).
    - On the steepest mountain walked overgrown with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).
    - In the thicket his head lifted, Howls with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).
    - As in the bus salon Mama jumped into a bag ... (not an elephant, but a kangaroo).

    Above the forest of the sun, the ray is extinguished The king of beasts steals ...
    - Having overcome all the obstacles, Beats the faithful hoof ... (not a lion, but a horse).
    - Thick-skinned takes hay with his trunk ... (elephant, not hippopotamus).
    - The tail is a fan, on the head is a crown. There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock).
    - Who likes to run around the branches? Of course, red ... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

    9. Fold the word "Balloons"
    10. Fants
    Props: balls, pieces of paper with wishes, small prizes

    For each completed task - prizes are given.

    Game: who will get closer to the treasure. Glue the pirate sticker on the card, whose sticker will be closer to the chest, with your eyes closed, then you won.
    Masquerade. Pirates dress up out of the box with wigs, hats, and funny outfits.

    Feast and birthday cake.


    "Domashny volcano":
    To make a volcano, quite safe and, nevertheless, very effective, you will need:a plate, plasticine, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), table vinegar, acetic acid (you can use a 3-9% solution of acetic acid), dye (you can take red food coloring or beetroot juice), any dishwashing liquid.

    Divide the plasticine into two parts and roll one of them into a flat pancake - the base of the “volcano”, and from the second mold a hollow cone with a hole at the top (the slopes of the “volcano”). Having pinched both parts along the edges, you need to pour water inside and make sure that the “volcano” does not let it through from below. Volume inner cavity "Volcano" should not be very large (100-200 ml is best, this is equal to the volume of a teacup or a regular glass).

    Place the plate with the “volcano” on the tray. To “charge the volcano with lava,” prepare a mixture of dishwashing liquid (1 tablespoon), dry baking soda (1 tablespoon) and dye (a few drops are enough). Pour this mixture into the "volcano", and then add vinegar (about 40-50 ml, or a quarter cup) there. A violent reaction begins with the release of carbon dioxide. A brightly colored foam appears from the "vent" of the volcano ... After the experiment, do not forget to thoroughly wash the plate!

    Making the "Potion of Luck".
    We take all sorts of jars with stickers and then mix strictly according to the instructions:

    Mandrake root (stick, stir the potion),
    - Basilisk venom (red cabbage juice),
    - crushed dragon eggs (washing powder) - the color of the liquid turns green,
    - leech juice (vinegar) - the color changes to pink,
    - crushed vampire teeth (soda) - blue,
    - scorpion sting (wheat germ).

    All this is placed in a black dish (pot), mixed and then rubbed into the hand for good luck (the main thing here is to replace this mixture with a face mask in time, which, when it dries, turns into a film): whoever succeeds in tearing off the potion, all luck awaits day.

    2. Making "Dragon Slime".
    We mix starch (400 g), cold water (1 1/2 cups) and food paint (green). We make balls, give to each and wait until it flows between the fingers.

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