• How New Year is celebrated in France. New Year and Christmas in France. The most interesting traditions and customs. See what "New Year in France" is in other dictionaries


    All of Europe on December 31 is preparing for the New Year, and celebrates the day of St. Sylvester. On this day, the French, like all other people in Europe, prefer to have fun and walk. They take to the streets of their cities in various carnival costumes which is why they are called Sylvester Claus.

    The French prefer to celebrate the New Year in restaurants by putting on merry caps and sprinkling each other with New Year's sweets. In restaurants in new year's eve a special weft lottery is held in which the main prize is a turkey.

    It was in France that the first New Year tree appeared. It was in Alsace forty thousand years ago that the first christmas tree... Seeing the decorated tree, the French began to decorate it every year, thanks to which this tradition has now taken root in all European countries.

    Decorated Christmas trees in France are not only in homes, but also on the streets and even in cathedrals. Around the trees, a lot of competitions and concerts are held annually. Also, besides the Christmas tree, the French decorate their homes and tables with rich bouquets of flowers for the New Year. According to them, flowers will bring good luck and good health next year.

    Santa Claus in France was nicknamed Père Noel. On this night he comes to the kids on his donkey and gives them gifts. He gets into the house through the fireplace smoke shaft. But he brings gifts only to those children who behaved well throughout the year.

    If the child behaved badly, then Pierre Fouetard goes to them, who will punish them for their bad behavior. Since children are very afraid of this character, they try to behave well all year.

    As for the New Year's table, it is dominated by dishes that include goose or turkey. The French table is always rich and varied. On this day, they prepare a wide variety of delicacies. For dessert, New Year's Eve relies on various gingerbread cookies and fruits. But instead of champagne, they drink wine in the new year. The hosts always try to surprise their guests with various expensive types of wine.

    The main French New Year tradition is burning the Christmas log. This log is bought for Christmas and stored until the New Year. This tradition especially attracts children. The whole family goes outside and gathers around the log. The father moistens the log with cognac, after which he lets the children set it on fire. After that, all family members, looking at the fire, wait until the flame goes out. After the log burns out, they collect the ashes in a bag and store until the next New Year. According to legend, these coals will protect the whole family throughout the new year.

    An equally interesting New Year tradition is popular among winemakers. So a real winemaker on New Year's Eve congratulates his largest wine barrel on the holiday and wishes everyone a good harvest in the New Year. This tradition is explained by the fact that wine plays a special role in France. On New Year's Eve, a separate variety of wine is served, specially selected for each dish. On this day, like all Europeans, the French drink wine and have fun.

    Since childhood, the New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited celebration for every person. This is a holiday of a Christmas tree, sparkle of lights, home comfort, pleasant memories, hopes and magic. It is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, the New Year in France, Germany, Denmark and other countries is slightly different from our celebration. It is massive and is accompanied by street processions, masquerades, songs and dances.

    Curious about how the New Year is celebrated in France?

    The French call this holiday the day of St. Sylvester, all because his day falls just on December 31. Residents of France celebrate the New Year with the whole family, but not at home. It is customary to celebrate a holiday somewhere in a nightclub. The windows of these establishments must be painted with thematic drawings, patterns. During the New Year's dinner, the inhabitants of France put on bright pointed caps, dance, throw confetti or streamers at each other and joke.

    On a solemn night, it is especially crowded in the center of Paris, in Montmartre and Citizens take to the streets of their city, and, raising a glass of champagne to the "new happiness", go for a walk along the smart night streets. Boulevards and avenues this night are filled with people who hug each other in a friendly way and congratulate you on the holiday.

    No one in France can do without the lottery. This is a favorite game of the French, thanks to which you can win a chicken, turkey and even a pig.

    The festive table is traditionally decorated with mistletoe. It is believed that this plant is capable of bringing good luck. From the dishes, the French cook turkey or baked pork head, beans, peas, chestnuts, nuts, lentils, sweets and tortillas made from milk. But the most important New Year's dish for the French is goose liver.

    Traditionally, the housewives prepare a cake for dessert and put one bean in it. The person who gets a piece of cake with a baked bean in it is called the “bean king” and on a festive night everyone should obey only him.

    For the New Year in France, just like in our country, it is customary to give small gifts to your friends and family. It can be any graceful, stylish, funny, original or just nice little things. For example, in 2002, after the introduction of the euro, the French presented their friends and family with packaging and new pan-European coins, the value of which was equal to 100 francs.

    New Year in France is unthinkable without Santa Claus, but here he bears the name of Père Noel. On a festive night, this wizard comes into every house and leaves gifts for children in shoes.

    Christmas trees, shining with colorful lights, stand in every home and on the streets. Clay or wooden figurines called santons are usually displayed near them. In addition, the French decorate their homes with flowers on New Years. They place them one at a time and in huge bouquets, and be sure to put flowers on festive table... Every French family has a model describing the scene of the birth of Christ, it is also an element new Year's decor.

    All over the world it is believed that the French are a loving nation. However, on New Year's holiday, they prefer not to kiss at all. Instead, they gorge themselves and get drunk. Traditionally, all winemakers must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the upcoming celebration and drink to the next harvest. And since the production of wine in France is not only lazy, one can imagine what fun reigns in this country.

    The French stop celebrating the New Year only on January 6 in connection with the onset of the next holiday - Epiphany.

    Now you will know how the New Year is celebrated in France: noisy, fun, bright and friendly.

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    404 Errors After Clicking WordPress Links

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    To Edit the .htaccess File

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    6. Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

    In France, winter holidays begin with the celebration of St. Nicholas's Day, which is usually celebrated on December 6th. Friendly Frenchmen in masquerade costumes, which will cheer up anyone and give unforgettable memories and pleasant emotions, give a truly sense of celebration. And New Year in France, as elsewhere, is one of the brightest, interesting and funniest holidays in the country.
    The French celebrate the New Year on December 31st. On the eve of the holiday, the city acquires an unsurpassed festive look, thanks to bright and unusual decorations, bright illumination, which covers all entertainment venues and most houses. And New Year's Eve in France is unforgettable and filled with enchanting mood. It is customary to sprinkle each other with sweets and confetti.
    Christmas and New Year in France is unforgettable! For 3 weeks, a festive atmosphere reigns on the streets of cities. Decorated Christmas trees, bouquets of flowers, various compositions, decorations give a festive mood.
    The French prefer to celebrate this holiday in a cheerful atmosphere of cafes or restaurants with close people and friends.
    Many performances and concerts are held these days.

    New Year in France: history

    The history of the New Year in France dates back to the 12th century, when traditionally the whole family burned a Christmas log of Bouches de Noel. The log was placed in the fireplace, the head of the family poured oil and cognac over it, and other family members, usually children, brought the splinter. It was believed that the ashes should be kept for the entire following year, it was a talisman for the family, protected the house from losses and hardships and brought the family good luck. In our time, this tradition has been preserved, only the log is not burned now, but a cake in the shape of a log is baked and put on the table as a symbol of prosperity and comfort in the house.

    New Year in France: traditions

    France's New Year traditions are many and varied. Some of the most interesting traditions are the Christmas manger - the nursery of the little Jesus - "kresh", the nativity scene, as well as the mistletoe - a symbol of prosperity and reliability.
    Instead of our Santa Claus, Per Noel comes to the children, who arrives on a donkey, in wooden shoes and with various gifts in a basket behind him. It enters the house through the chimney, so diligent children who obeyed their parents throughout the year leave their shoes just by the fireplace, where gifts and sweets are laid out for them.

    Also one of the traditions is the preparation of festive New Year's dishes. Different regions of France have their own unspoken traditions of food. In some, it is obligatory homemade aromatic pastries, in others - gourmet game dishes, and in the third - dishes with the addition of beans (lentils, peas, beans). It is interesting to sort the dishes for the New Year in France, they try to spread them in the form of a Christmas log.

    New Year's fairy tale in Romantic style. Let's fantasize: Europe. Glowing garlands of retro light bulbs, decorated shop windows with gifts, animators entertaining people, romantic music, oysters on the New Year's table (this is something new! But what about Olivier?), Champagne and faces happy peopleshouting congratulations in the "language of love". This is France ...

    I will tell you about the features of New Year's Eve celebrations in Paris, Strasbourg, Provence, and I will give you some recommendations on how to make New Year's Eve unforgettable.


    As in any country, France has its own traditions. Christmas and New Years are celebrated differently in different regions. First of all, it would be nice to decide where we want to go.

    So how is New Years celebrated in France? Just want to draw your attention to the fact that in many respects our customs are similar to French ones. They celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. It is not customary to arrange noisy discos and folk festivals in France on New Year's Eve, but in Paris you will have fun from the heart. It's still a tourist town. On the eve of the celebration, it is customary to walk on the streets of Paris, like on Halloween, in eccentric outfits of fairy-tale characters. You will be mistaken for “your own” if you simply put on a high cap, which personifies the symbol of freedom in France.

    I really like the tradition that it is customary to visit guests and give gifts, as well as just relax until the end of January. The French in general, I noticed, love weekends and holidays. Preparation for the New Year begins in late autumn, with the first cold weather. City venues host various performances, Christmas markets, shops are open until late.

    There is another funny tradition that you may have already heard about - playful kisses under a mystical plant - mistletoe. He is often mentioned in magic rituals... So make wishes and kiss your health!

    Traditionally on new Year's table it is customary to put a roasted goose, foie gras (this is a traditional New Year's dish) and, of course, seafood. There is always a lot of food and drinks too: wine, good French champagne and even hot mulled wine.

    Another interesting New Year's tradition for wine farmers: the owners of the vineyards pour a glass of red wine and ... clink glasses with a barrel! This is believed to bring an abundance of crops and a good income.

    Log cake (reminiscent of the top view of a hemp) must have a festive feast in France. An edible king figurine or a bean kernel is placed there or in any other pie. If any of the guests present comes across this "secret", then they call him the "king" all night long and, for fun, follow any instructions.

    On the first day of the new year, the French unpack gifts with their families, send greeting Cards to those who are far away.

    © wirdefalks / pixabay.com / CC BY 2.0


    There is a story about the New Year in France. The people greatly respect Pope XXXIII (St. Sylvester), who died on December 31 in the 335th year. He, according to the legend, saved the world from a terrible serpent who wanted to devour this world. Under him, the Roman Empire adopted Christianity.

    As noted

    If you want something unusual, without unnecessary pomp, sunny Provence will come in handy. The weather is ideal here both in winter and in summer. There are many tourists here at this time of the year. Provence is replete with ancient buildings that have survived to this day, vine and lavender fields.

    For active tourists in the snow-capped mountains of France there are many tourist centers and ski resorts. What fresh air there is! I think this is one hundred percent hit - to celebrate the New Year in a wooden house with a fireplace, and there are only mountains around ... I will not focus on the famous one, you have probably already heard a lot of good things about him. I will only say that popular resorts in France are booked for the New Year at least six months or a year in advance. Be aware that Paris is very expensive. A hotel room at a ski resort can cost from $ 300 per night. Ski resorts also organize New Year's feasts in their chic restaurants, invite hosts of show programs, and organize fireworks.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the New Year in France seems amazing to me. Just imagine - romance is everywhere ... Desires made there will certainly come true! The good news is that it's not too late to start booking hotels and flights to France. To the country of fireworks and fancy dress, high-quality service and good-natured citizens.

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