• It's cool about myself in a nutshell. Cool statuses about yourself beloved. Artists love professionally


    A woman never takes off her T-shirt by grabbing it on her back.

    Women do not scratch their heads. Firstly, they do not like to show their confusion, and secondly, it spoils the hairstyle.

    A woman often winds locks of hair, even short ones, on her finger or tickles her cheek with a hairbrush. Men rarely do this.

    A woman will never really understand why football players, lining up on a wall, make such a funny slide with their palms. Therefore, she does not flinch when, in the movie, the hero is hit by a boot in the crotch.

    The woman does not bite the cigarette with her teeth. She does not leave it in her mouth, but always holds it in her hand.

    Yawning, the woman covers her mouth with her palm, not her fist.

    After taking a bath, a woman - no matter if she is long-haired, with a haircut, or who has had typhoid fever - must reel a self-made turban out of a towel around her head, at least for one minute. The reasons for this oriental ritual are unknown.

    The woman is practically not annoyed when the underwear gets stuck between the buttocks. The fair sex is happy to wear all these torture devices called "bikinis". In addition, usually a woman does not try to unnoticeably straighten her underwear from behind, getting up from a chair.

    Swinging in order to throw something, the woman takes her hand back, not to the side. That is why ladies are never sent to blow up tanks.

    Women love these tattered brooms that have so much rubbish. They call them "dried flower arrangements."

    When shaking hands, a woman hardly shakes it. The poet Voloshin said about a woman's handshake that it was like “tossing a dead baby”.

    Turning around at the call, a woman usually turns only her head. The man also unfolds the body, since his neck is much less flexible.

    Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also dislike caterpillars, even very pretty ones.

    The overwhelming majority of women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful (What exactly do they wash with - look in the bathroom).

    When asked to show their hands, men honestly stretch out their open palms. The women stretch out their hands, palms down, apparently in order to demonstrate the impeccable manicure and the size of the diamonds.

    The words that a woman utters, hitting her finger with a hammer, can be skipped uncensored on the air of "Good night, kids." What a man says in such cases cannot be broadcast.

    Women open beer bottles with beer bottle openers.

    In women, chest breathing prevails. In men, the abdominal muscles are actively involved in the process of breathing.

    Women don't like it when their hands are free. Therefore, they always carry a purse with them - in order to pull it by the strap, hold it by the edge and dig endlessly in it. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do - a fan, gloves, a book, a flower.

    Women try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Men just spread their legs wider.

    Women prefer to look at their heels, turning around behind their backs. Men just turn the raised foot.

    On hot pebbles or sand, a woman walks on tiptoe. The man only steps on the heels.

    When sitting down, women squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore, it is preferable to have a lady neighbor in public transport.

    Stretching, men spread or raise their arms, and women bend them at the elbows, pressing them to their sides.

    The desire for compromise, inherent in the female sex, is reflected in the way they tell obscene anecdotes. They may dare to publicly tell even the most greasy anecdote. But the key word will be muttered so indistinctly that no one will understand anything. Even more often, they try to convey an indecent flavor with facial expressions, gestures and desperate facial expressions.

    Women tie the belt on the dressing gown above the navel, and men - below.

    If a woman has her fly unbuttoned on the street, she will be rather indifferent to this circumstance and calmly button up her pants.

    A woman’s ears are plugged with her fingers, and a man’s with her palms.

    When you ask a woman to hand you a lighter, she hands you the lighter, rather than testing your jumping ability and reaction.

    If a man, from the point of view of women, has left very little in the process of development from a monkey, then, for our part, we can also note some atavisms that our ladies inherited from their four-armed ancestors. For example, spend hours looking for insects in your male's fur. In the absence of small arthropods, women are satisfied with acne and pimples.

    When dressing, a woman will first put on a shirt, and then trousers. Men usually do the opposite.

    The woman puts on gloves before going outside.

    When lifting a heavy object, the woman will try to move it to her side. A man carries a load in front of him.

    Women prefer to wear small change and large bills in the same place. Their pockets rarely ring.

    When hitting with a fist, the woman puts her thumb forward.

    To wring out wet linen by hand, a woman takes it with her palms up, and a man - palms down.

    Here are some interesting facts about us women ...

    I'm tired of all these victories. So you want to lose - to meet your love.

    A real victory is when you have a man at your feet who recently swore allegiance to another woman.

    I do not need someone who will be all day long serenading and confessing his love. I only need one who will accept me for who I am ...

    Too often this happens: a declaration of love breaks off the tongue, but all that remains is to say: "You are a great couple" ...

    Best status:
    I never felt enthusiasm for this life - I just took what I needed from it.

    Eyes are like two flickering fires, and lips are ice and fire ... Will she ever love me?

    A man puts an end to any dispute, and his last words: "That's right, ma'am!"

    I adore people who are crazy about me - you can trust their tastes ...

    If they ask me: "Where are our knights?", I give an honest answer: "They perform feats for true princesses."

    It's not that important at all - my harm, recklessness ... Gaiety, bordering on inadequacy. The character is not easy, but real. And I love - with all my heart.

    Let him suffer: I just broke up with my unfaithful lover, and he forever lost the woman who truly loved him.

    i am always very worried when a friend does not pick up the phone, suddenly she was kidnapped and raped. I am not here, I am out.

    I want a guy! With the car! Without a boyfriend!

    I'm a riddle girl. I can stain your whole life.

    If a guy wants to write to you, he will write. If he wants to call, he will call. He does not do this, not because he is busy, but simply because he does not need you. If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will be with her. And if not, then forget it and live on ...

    With every man there is a woman he deserves next to him ... so if you are exchanged for a fool, do not be discouraged ...

    Serious girls are like serious sites. Registration is required for additional functions

    He has a mind and a tough character! I have stockings, a lace bra! He is ready to take a chance and there is strength in sight! I have breasts ... That's it, I won !!!

    He says we are friends. I'm talking about this too. But, the 6th attempt to get me into bed is clearly not friendship.

    “- You are very beautiful, gentle, kind ... And your eyes! What eyes! Who are you going to get? I want to be with you all my life!

    “Women are undeniably smarter than men. There is hardly a woman who would be crazy about a man just because of his beautiful legs ”

    With girls it's always like this: you pester - you are impudent, you do not pester - you moron!

    Only a girl can put her mobile phone on silent mode, so as not to be distracted, and then every 15 minutes check if an SMS has come ...

    The Real Woman has three ages: Youth, Second Youth and Eternal Youth !!!

    I never know what I want ... but I won't rest until I get it ... :-)

    I love people with good taste. For example, those who like me!

    an inimitable feeling of being someone's happiness ...

    A man should say only 3 words to a woman: love, buy, let's go!

    I'm not a bitch, but just a person with a difficult character. I am not rude, but I can say too much ... I do not believe in miracles, but I wait for them ... every day and every minute ...

    Today I am in a very useful mood - you can send me alone to the war ... I will smash everyone!

    It was just a wonderful morning today. Extremely magical, light and inspiring. And then I woke up.

    A woman needs only one thing to be happy, but every day a new one!

    You're a guy, you have to act. I'm a girl, I have to fuck

    A woman should belong to the man who will solve all problems, and not create new ones

    I am a girl and that means I am beautiful!

    The blonde thought ... the hair turned black ...

    A woman is pleased when she is compared to a cat. Tell a woman this and she will immediately present herself as an independent, graceful and free predator. And not at all primitive, hairy, hysterical in the corners.

    Who is in charge of the family, each woman decides in her own way.

    I'm not a princess - but for some, just a gift.

    I can be delightful ... I can be disgusting ... I am bitter ... I can be sweet ... I can be hysterical ... I can be calm ... After all, I am a woman, it is peculiar to me ...!

    I am hard to dress, easy to excite and impossible to drive away ..

    There is a mystery in my eyes, They are like a mirror in them you see yourself, Although sometimes life is not sweet at all, But only I become stronger in it ...

    You can fall in love with a girl, you can love a girl, but for a girl to love, you need to earn it ...

    I went to the store for a bag, and I liked the boots, and I bought a blouse ...

    Do not rush until you understand that I am alone, and there is no more dear to me ... When you have passed a hundred roads of fate, and you cannot be one hundred and first without me ...

    I am a girl with whom it is difficult, but without whom it is a hundred times more difficult. Harboring good and evil. In whose genus are Cats, Lions and Snakes. I am a girl who knows how to wait and hates expectations. Giving you a masculine become. Reward-I and I-punishment !!!

    I am not harmful ... I am useful. It all depends on the dose ...

    This time I'll ask the Snow Maiden for a present ... she really should understand me, as a woman should understand a woman!

    I'm not a bitch, but just a person with a complex character. I am not rude, but I can say too much ... I do not believe in miracles, but I wait for them. Every day and every minute ...

    - Daughter, move away from the mirror. "

    Guys even say about ex-girls: “Mine !!!”. And girls about ex-boyfriends: "Ex!"

    I bought us two chocolate bars - myself and me

    While painting in front of the mirror this morning, I fainted five times from her beauty.

    I don't give a fuck what you think of me, but my grandmother says I'm a sunshine.

    To be born a woman is not a great merit ... it is much more important to be a woman ... not one who is for easy leisure ... but one who cannot be forgotten!

    Why are accountants mostly women? - Because there is nothing to hang them for ..

    Women are divided into 2 types: “good” and “ideal”. The good ones have a large F, a small P and hold X well in their hands ... where W is the living space, P is the need, X is the household. But what you think is “perfect”!

    While some are waiting for fate to put a prince in their bed, I have long been sleeping with the king.

    It is difficult to achieve balance with a woman, a woman is woven all of the nuances ...

    Stats about myself - I don't know my own worth - I never mentioned it!

    10 kg of chocolate is a lethal dose for humans. If I choose to commit suicide, this is how I die

    So beautiful. Inaccessible. She smiles, but at heart she is sad. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just vague. There is always someone on the phone, with whom it seems possible, but not hunting ...

    Every woman must: destroy a house, cut down a tree and raise a daughter!

    No consistency. Either I'm hysterical. Or in the clouds. Air-seizure !!!)

    Women are outrageously good! And also during the outrage and after the outrage!

    Bitchiness is not a gift, but the immunity of a beautiful woman !!!

    I'm not a coward - I just know that it will end with an ass

    The woman, perhaps, has not yet created a single great invention, but she has created all the great inventors.

    I love not blindly, but squinting with happiness ...

    Girls don't think at first, and then they think, why didn't they think when they had to think?

    Tell me that I cannot and I will.

    After six I decided not to eat ... I'll go and have some borscht !!!

    Looking at the ex-girls of your boyfriend, you understand that he is fine with a sense of humor))

    Men are surprisingly illogical: they insist that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another.

    No matter how good they say about me, I always have something to add.

    I love good words when they are all about me!

    The fate of women is not easy, there is no answer to two paradoxes: then there is no man in life, that is, there is no man, but there is no life

    My character is not the best, but the priest is cool.

    Girls for the sake of love are even ready to make love, and guys, in order to make love, are even ready to love ...

    It is very easy to drive a girl crazy: let her smell the cologne of a young man who is not indifferent to her

    I'm not smarter than you - you're just dumber

    Who is proud ??? I am proud ??? No ... we queens are simple women!

    The man said - the man did. The woman said - the man did. The woman did - well what can I say

    it's you, weak nerves

    Just think, I sobbed for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of me ... She was leaving beautifully, with her head held high.

    Once your friend, seeing me, will say: - Wait, that girl over there, your ex ??? - Yes. - Well, you mudaaak!

    He just kisses so much that you want to lie down and go crazy

    All women are like women, and I am the Queen! And even though I am not at all of a model growth, Character is sometimes not for the faint of heart But still there is so much chic and gloss in me! All women are like women, and I am a Super Bitch!

    Never ask me why I love you, because if you think about it, then there is nothing to love you!

    A good man and a good woman will never be together, because a good man does not offer twice, and a good woman does not agree the first time.

    The only man I will run after is the one who will shout to me "Maa-aam, catch me!"

    God created a woman ... looked and said ... "Yes laaadno ... make up."

    How a woman wants love! First she tells herself that she loves; then inspires himself that he is loved; and then inspires all this to his beloved.

    Memo for women: "Never argue with a man - cry immediately." Memo for men: "Never argue with a woman - kiss right away"

    You came up and asked for my phone number? - I gave it. Did you want me to be your girlfriend? - I became her! Want to leave? - We parted ... Do you want to make up ?! - Everything, dear, your three wishes have come true, free!

    Girls are always late - the guy has already fallen in love, the girl hasn't noticed yet - the guy already loves, the girl just started to fall in love - the guy has already stopped loving, and the girl just realized that she loves!

    I will call you Boeing. Because I have you 747.

    i don't have a bad temper

    I want a boyfriend, love, romance ... And my husband won't let me?

    Blondes are not stupid, but cute; brunettes are not bitches, but strong; brown-haired women are not strange, but unusual!

    If a guy treats a girl like a princess, then he was raised by the queen ...

    DEDICATED TO THE SELF-CONFIDENTIAL MALES, who write that, if necessary, they will take my boyfriend away without make-up and in a tracksuit. So, if necessary, I will fill your face with make-up and on high heels :))

    sometimes I pretend that I am normal, but it gets boring and I become myself again.

    The most beautiful makeup of a woman is her passion.

    No matter how happy a married woman is, she always notes with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

    A girl is like a child in a kindergarten, you can't pick it up in time, she will run away to play in another sandbox ...

    Women who are conspicuous never throw themselves on the neck ...

    I have myself. We can handle it.

    A well-mannered and decent girl will never call first! ... but sms-kami will get the dead!

    I'm good, I don't have a boyfriend, and I also like you and I love to hint!

    Kind, sometimes harmful, selfish, capricious, sweet, maybe a bitch at times, I change over the years, I am cheerful, I am friends with those who are friends, I hate lies and lies, I always get my way ... I don’t touch anyone, but if you touch me I’m not responsible for yourself.

    All women are the same - each is unique.

    What I want, I write about that! I don't ask for stuffy advice! I'm not an angel and I'm not a cheat, I'm just a Bad Devil! If you don't like it - we pass by! No sex offer!

    The woman everyone thinks is cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her.

    Women have amazing intuition. They notice everything except the obvious.

    No matter how happy a married woman is, she always notes with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried

    Have you not noticed that when a guy and a girl quarrel, then in contact they start to correspond with the help of statuses ...

    It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with the attitude towards herself, and only then with a man.

    A woman wants to go to restaurants first in order to understand whether it is worth having a relationship with a man. And the man wants to have a relationship rather, in order to understand - is it worth taking her to restaurants ...

    Give a woman unlimited freedom and she will immediately limit yours.

    Delete the "love him" file? - Yes - Are you sure? - Yes - The file is in use. Please, first stop loving, then delete ...

    Here is life! Before 30 you prove that you are already an adult, after 30 - that you are still young ...

    Sometimes a nightmare is seen in a dream, purer than the mother-in-law; suddenly the prince gallops on a horse, and my eyebrows are not split

    Women, remember, we are responsible for those who were once tamed, dragged, watered, accused, betrothed and we live now we suffer

    I am your bad mood.

    I'm good, I don't have a boyfriend, and I also like you and I love to hint!

    It is impossible for a woman to give too many flowers, as it is impossible for a child to have too many toys.

    Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen man.

    It is always better to observe the process than to do something yourself.

    "Homer Simpson"

    An especially difficult task is entrusted to a lazy person - he will find an easier solution.

    "Hladi's Law"

    Do not feed the idler with bread, but let him speculate, and you will not deny him the ability to denigrate others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own worthlessness.

    "Leonardo da Vinci"

    The lazy are always going to do something.

    Luc Vovenargue

    This world is not a place for rest from work. Don't try to make it that way - it is not made for rest. Don't be lazy!

    "Charlotte Bronte"

    Boredom comes from idleness, dissatisfaction comes from everyday, sometimes monotonous work. Treating work as a responsibility rather than as a creative process makes work a burden.

    “G. Titov "

    Passivity is the most hated of all vices.

    "R. Rolland "

    Laziness makes everything difficult.

    "Benjamin Franklin"

    You can work several jobs at the same time and still be lazy.

    "Homer Simpson"

    Nothing depletes or destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity.


    Lazy people are always mediocre people.


    You can only hate life as a result of apathy and laziness.


    The more lazy you are, the more boring your life is.

    "Aishek Noram"

    There is more laziness in our mind than in our body.

    "Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

    There is the same difference between doing nothing and laziness as between gourmet and gluttony.

    "David Mitchell"

    Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - say the sloths.

    "L. Weiss "

    Laziness is the mother of ingenuity. Man is tired of walking - he invented the wheel. And off we go ...

    "Vladimir Levy"

    The lazy man is afraid of the work, and the idle one does not tolerate the work itself.

    “D. Fonvizin "

    Laziness is so slow that poverty catches up with it quickly.

    "Benjamin Franklin"

    The easier our life is, the lazier we are. So do not complain about her, but thank for her.

    Irene Oginski

    If a person has learned the habit of work from an early age, work is pleasant to him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hateful.

    "TO. Helvetius "

    Laziness very often turns into mental impassability: lack of or loss of direction in life, when a person does not know for what and what to strive for, where to live and why to do what seems to be necessary.

    "Vladimir Levy"

    Those who are lazy, looking for simple ways to solve difficult issues, do not become real professionals.

    Boris Akunin

    The tall bummer seems even lazier.

    "Tristan Bernard"

    The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness.

    Michel Montaigne

    By helping lazy people, you help them sit on your neck.

    "Han Xiang Tzu"

    Everything has been given to me to live an exalted life. And I am dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming.

    "Daniil Ivanovich Kharms"

    When doing business, they speak only when there is something to say; but in idleness is the need to speak incessantly.

    “J. Russo "

    Human laziness often causes irreparable tragedies.

    "Max Fry"

    Laziness, love for women, poor health, fear of parting with the motherland, self-satisfaction, as well as cowardice - these are six barriers to greatness.


    To justify myself in my own eyes, it is enough for me to remember your endless laziness.

    "Theodore Dreiser"

    Laziness and misunderstanding make them incomparably more evil in the world than malice and deceit.

    "Johann Goethe"

    For our laziness, we are punished not only by our failures, but also by the successes of others.

    “J. Renard "

    You feels bad? Don't want to live? Sit down a hundred times! Already a little wanted? If not, run two kilometers at a fast pace until your heart jumps in your mouth, or, if you are a practical person, go to the market, buy 50 kg of potatoes and bring home one potato each. If you don't want to run to the scrap and squat, then there is no global melancholy, but there is only a foul-smelling heap of laziness.

    "Dmitry Emets"

    Laziness is fear stretched out over time.

    "Yaroslav Brin"

    From a lazy, immobile person, the most favorable fate, like the most diligent potter without a machine, will create nothing but marriage.

    "Thomas Carlyle"

    A lazy person, no matter what inclinations he possesses, dooms himself to second-rate thoughts and second-rate friends.

    Cyril Connolly

    If you bask in bed for another five minutes after the alarm clock rings, you train laziness, if you got up right away, then you train your will.

    Unfortunately, a person does not hear the best words about himself, these are speeches over the grave.

    What is so disgusting to tell you about yourself that makes you sick of me?

    My grandmother comes to visit right now after her birthday ... on the doorstep she says: "Katya, never drink. After that, it's soooo bad ..." Well, I laughed, and thought to myself, "I don't fucking know" \u003d) )

    Every morning I say to myself, "Well, he nafig", but I think to myself, "He probably woke up too"

    I don't know what I was doing before the Internet came along.

    She was such a fool that heaven did not know ... but she had a figure and amazing eyes!

    I have no shame, no conscience. Nothing extra.

    If someone has offended you, don’t sulk, don’t get angry. Come, crack in the face, step back and smile!

    I'm not arrogant - I'm squeamish.

    If life is fucking you, it means - she gets up, then she likes you - so why are you soaring?

    You are the guy, you have to act. I’m a girl, I’m vying.

    Better to be smart and sometimes blunt than to be dumb and be smart all the time!

    I am a little plump, but I also want a beautiful man of love so that I can lose weight right away.

    Having achieved the hand of your beloved, you will constantly feel it in your pocket.

    Parents taught me from childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end ... so I can endure the brain with high quality and with love)))))

    No matter how happy a married woman is, she always notes with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

    Do you have a boyfriend? - No. - How does such a sweet, beautiful, charming girl have no boyfriend? - He died of happiness.

    Girl, are you studying? - No, I can already. Cool statuses about yourself, cool about yourself

    They say that if you can't sleep, you need to count the sheep - Anton, Vanya, Kirill, Zhenya ...

    I can be ruined, but I cannot be bought.

    "HERE I AM!!!" No more good news for today!

    - end of the world?? - I'll put some make up on.

    Searching for myself. Who found me, please return!

    They call me a sheep for this, I don't even take offense! After all, they are now rams with horns!

    I have myself. We can handle it.

    Maybe she has become smarter, maybe she has become more cynical, but I don't care about many people now ...

    No need to reeducate me! I've raised myself for too long.

    Sometimes my roof also goes down. Like a convertible.

    I scream to myself, I can't hear.

    I like it when they discuss me. I'm a fan of gossip about myself. Black PR is super !! Better to be the subject of ENVY than Pity! You are wasting time on this, I'm flattered !!

    Anyway, each of us seeing VK "Photos (1)" thinks to himself - fucking, even if I was not in the photo, or at least I was sober ...

    As real as reality itself.

    Yes, I'm a bitch. If you know me different - you are incredibly lucky ...

    I bought us two chocolate bars - myself and me!

    They say that only when drunk, you understand who you really love .. Bullshit! When I'm drunk, I love everyone!

    You think that I am strange because I am not like everyone else ... And I think that you are strange because you are the same ...

    I was kind until I was 2 years old. They haven't taught me how to talk yet.

    I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, at the word “ASS” I faint.

    The only man I will run after is the one who will shout to me: "Ma-a-a-am, catch me!"

    Something the weather is not flying today .., I wouldn't fall from a broom!

    Cool statuses about yourself, cool about yourself

    Quotes about myself beloved - I gave birth to a son, there is a house. Tomorrow I'll buy a shovel, plant a tree and that's it - I'm a man!

    What can be added to my unwritten beauty ... Is that monstrous modesty!

    No one is like me and I am no one, therefore it is pointless to advise me this or that. Marina Tsvetaeva

    Character is the most important component of beauty. Sophia Loren

    Of course, I have bad days, but then I remember what a sweet smile I have.

    I am a gentle nature and react painfully to nerds. Can't imagine what to do with them if they are going to be more than one. Larisa Bocharova

    I have nothing to say, except that I am a genius.

    I feel happy ... I threw everything that was in the way. I forgot what hurt. Let go of those I don't need.

    I don't care what they say about me, as long as the name is correct. Madonna.

    I forgive everyone and build my life the way I want. Nothing threatens me. Louise Hay

    To the question that bored me: "Why are you still not married?" I calmly answer: "Because I wear a ring" Save and preserve! "

    And here I am - one of a kind! Who is able to admire - admire, the rest can gnaw their elbows with envy and faint!

    I appreciate those who cannot live without me and do not interfere with those who are happy without me !!

    And I am not the one with whom you can ... I am the one without which you cannot ...

    I'm smart, although I don't look alike.

    Let them breathe poison on my back. Action formula is one:
    "She turned around. Smiled. And walk from the hip!"

    I here accidentally noticed: if the blouse is not fastened with three top buttons, then the eyes can not be painted.

    Perhaps you will find better than me, you will find worse than me, and you will never find someone like me!

    I have no time to mope and cry, I need to go to my cherished goal and enjoy my life!

    Everyone sees me as I seem, few people feel me as I am.

    Who said that I am far from ideal? This poor ideal is far from ME

    Unfortunately, life experience, intuition and inner voice are my swan, cancer and pike ...

    Yes, you can escape reality. But can you hide from the consequences of your escape from reality?

    I'm so blonde! Even when I disguise myself as a brunette!

    Yes, I have a difficult character, but everyone chooses for himself: to have a kitten or to tame a lioness.

    I decided not to eat after six ... I'll go and have some borscht !!!

    I wanted to be sad, as it should be ... the window sill, the blanket, the coffee ... I turned into a blanket, it's uncomfortable, poured over coffee, and even the ass on the windowsill does not fit! In short, I don't know how to be sad !!!

    My only fault is that I'm beautiful

    God knew exactly who was honored,
    I only have one - not a lot and not a little:
    I will always abide only with what is,
    Until I become what ... that is not ... Bella Akhmadulina

    It is better to enjoy delusions of grandeur than to suffer from an inferiority complex. S. Yankovsky

    It is not my responsibility to adapt to other people's opinions. So go for waltz, gentlemen!

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      As soon as the sun slightly warms up, freckles appear on the skin of some girls and women. They delight some with their appearance, and some, on the contrary, upset. But, of course, you shouldn't be sad about this at all. First, from them you can ...

    • Affordable luxury - how to look expensive

      If a person is handsome, well-groomed, presentable, then he is able to evoke the disposition of others. Therefore, it is important to take care of always looking stylish and beautiful. And for this you absolutely do not need to be the daughter of an oligarch or a mistress ...

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