• Finger gymnastics “Squirrel. Squirrel, summary of a lesson on acquaintance with nature Finger gymnastics squirrel was not lazy to work


    (early age)

    Software content:

    1. Teach children to recognize and name animals.

    2. Fasten the main body parts of the animals.

    3. Develop fine motor skills hands.

    4. Foster good feelings for animals.


    Toys - bunny, bear, squirrel, walnuts, models of trees.


    Educator:Children sit on the chairs. (after the children have sat down). Take a look at what I found. ( shows the box)

    Educator: Box. Someone lost her. Let's see what is in the box?

    The teacher opens the box.

    Educator: Guys, these are nuts. Here's a poem.

    My nut has rolled

    Straight along the path

    Spun, spun

    On my palm.

    In the fist nut - jump!

    There is a mischievous man!

    Where is the nut to show

    Open up our cam! (S. Eliseeva)

    Educator: Children, let us go to the forest and find the one who lost these nuts.

    They are coming. A hare is sitting under a tree.

    Educator: Look, who is this?

    Children: Bunny.

    Educator: What does a bunny have?

    Children: Ears, paws, tail, eyes.

    Educator: Bunny, tell us, haven't you lost your nuts?

    Hare: No. It's not me. I love carrots.

    Educator: Guys, let's treat a bunny with a carrot.

    An outdoor game "Little White Bunny Sits" is being held.

    Children say goodbye to the hare.

    Educator: Look, who is sleeping under the tree in a snowdrift?

    Children: Bear.

    Educator: Let's wake up the bear:

    Bear, bear

    Stop sleeping.

    Come play with us!

    There are many of us here

    You are alone, we won't let you sleep! (E. Kolesova)

    (children look at the bear, imitate its movements)

    Educator: Guys, let's have some fun with the bear. Here I have magic sleeves.

    (children are spinning, having fun, delighting the bear)

    Educator: Bear, did you lose your nuts?

    Bear: No, not me. Here is a squirrel sitting on a tree. She loves to gnaw nuts.

    Educator: Squirrel, haven't you lost your nuts?

    Squirrel: Yes, I lost my nuts.

    Educator: Don't be sad squirrel, we found your nuts.

    Squirrel: Thank you children.

    Educator:Squirrel, listen to the nursery rhyme we know about you.

    A squirrel is sitting in a cart

    She sells nuts:

    Little fox sister,

    Sparrow, titmouse,

    To the fat-headed bear,

    Zainke mustache.

    To some in a handkerchief, to someone in a mouth,

    To whom in the honey.

    (children alternately bend their fingers from the little finger to the big one).

    Squirrel: Guys, I have a lot of nuts and I want to treat you to them. They are delicious and healthy.

    Children help themselves, thank the squirrel.

    Educator: Thank you, but it's time for us to return. Goodbye, squirrel.

    One of the hands is a twig. We pull it forward, fingers are spread out. The second handle is a spider walking on a branch.

    A spider walked on a branch

    And the kids followed him.

    The "spider" runs along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.

    Rain from the sky suddenly poured

    The brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking motion (rain).

    I washed the spiders to the ground.

    Clap your knees.

    The sun began to warm

    The palms are pressed with their sides to each other, the fingers are spread out, we swing our hands (the sun is shining).

    The spider is crawling again

    And all the children crawl after him,

    To walk on a branch.

    "Spiders" crawl over the head.

    "Two monkeys".

    Two monkeys (show 2 fingers, then monkey ears)

    Without wasting words (swing your right hand in front of you)

    Once we had a fight on the bed ("Cams")

    One after another (connect index fingers)

    In this fight (fists)

    Knocked out the remnants of mind (finger to the temple)

    The doctor came (cross)

    He sat down in a chair ( hands with a shelf)

    And he said (index finger) to monkeys (ears) “If, (index finger)

    You will fight (fists) monkeys (ears)

    I'll kick you out of this book! " (right hand sharply forward)

    "The beetle is crawling."

    A beetle crawls along the path They depict a beetle with their fingers.

    His mustache flies.

    The beetle is big and businesslike, Show the dimensions of the beetle with your fingers.

    He looks angry. Get angry

    Drags a sprig of rakita Move the "mustache" - fingers.

    And he moves his mustache.

    It's not easy to guess Are surprised

    What will he do to her then?

    Maybe build a bridge Connect the index fingers

    Or even a whole house?

    We're in a hurry to get off the path, Hiding their hands behind their back

    Wish him good luck They wave their right hand.

    And happy journey.

    "Grandma cooked jelly"

    Grandma cooked jelly

    (The right hand is stirring the jelly)

    On a little pea

    (The fingertips of the hands are connected ("mountain")

    In the skull

    (Rounded palms, closing to form a "pot")

    For Alyonushka, for Andryushechka.

    (The palms of the hands rest on the chest)

    The falcon flew, flew through the grandmother's threshold.

    (Palms crossed, thumbs are fixed to each other)

    So he scored with his wings, (Hands hit the sides several times)

    Grandma's jelly poured

    (Stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers)

    At the old lady (Repeat movements)

    On a little pea in a skull.

    Granny cries: "Ay, ay, ay!" (Hands "wipe away tears")

    “Don't cry, granny, don't cry! (The index finger of the right hand "threatens granny")

    So that you become cheerful (Smile)

    We will cook jelly ("Stir jelly")

    So much! " (Hands spread wide apart)

    "We will buy a chicken for grandmother"

    We will buy a chicken for grandma

    Chicken by the grains -

    Where, tah, tah! (children knocking on their knees)

    We will buy a duck for grandma

    Duck - that, that, that, that! (wavy hand movement)

    We will buy a turkey for grandma

    Turkey: shawls are balts! (any movement of the hands)

    We will buy a cow for grandmother

    Korovenka: flour, flour! (showing "horns")

    We will buy a pig for grandmother

    Piglet: grunts-grunts (showing "heel")

    We will buy a TV for grandma

    TV: time - facts (palms of hands in front of face)

    Announcer la-la-la-la! (showing the "tongue").


    Hands are intertwined in a lock.

    There is such a lock on the door, such a lock, such a lock!

    And whoever could open it, could open it!

    We twist with the hands ("showing the lock").

    We knocked, knocked like that!

    We hit with our palms (without undoing the fingers).

    We rocked, we rocked!

    Without untwisting our fingers, we take turns raising our hands up.

    We circled, circled like this!

    Rotate with brushes.

    And the lock was opened!

    We spread our arms to the sides ("opened the lock")

    Exercise "Tree".

    Press your hands with the back of your palms to each other. The fingers are spread and raised up. Move your hands and fingers.

    Exercise "Beetle".

    Fingers in the fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.

    The beetle flies, buzzes, buzzes

    And he moves his mustache.

    Exercise "Bunny".

    Fingers in the fist. Raise your index and middle fingers up. Wiggle them.

    The bunny has long ears

    They stick out of the bushes.

    He jumps and jumps

    Cheers his bunnies.

    Exercise "Chicks in the nest."

    Grasp all the fingers of your right hand with your left palm and wiggle them.

    The bird flaps its wings

    And flies to her nest.

    He will tell his chicks

    Where did she get the grain.

    Exercise "Owl".

    Hands are pressed into a fist. Thumbs up (ears), index fingers together. By this time, the chicks have grown up at the starling. Here comes the wolf and the fox to the hare's burrow. Then the starlings flew out of the birdhouse, flew into the wolf and the fox, and began to peck at them. The wolf and the fox had no choice but to run back with nothing.

    Exercise "Starlings".

    The palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are straightened away from themselves and intertwined (intertwined with each other) - this is the head, the rest of the fingers are wings, waved them.

    Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

    A squirrel is sitting in a cart

    Sells for nuts.

    Chanterelle-sister, (Children alternately bend their fingers)

    Sparrow, titmouse, (From little finger to large).

    To the fat-headed bear,

    Zainke mustache,

    To some in a handkerchief, to someone in a mouth,

    To whom in the honey.

    Software content:

    Consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes; the ability to recognize geometric shapes by touch: a circle, a square, a triangle. Reinforce knowledge of the basic colors: green, red, blue, yellow. Pin the count to five. Continue teaching to distinguish the number of objects and relate them to the number. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills in children. Foster responsiveness, a desire to help others.


    A model of a tree with 5-6 bright bags with colored bows on it. Cat mask, soft toy bear, kitten, nesting dolls, counting sticks, threads, cards with numbers, pot, geometric shapes, nuts, snowman cutaway.

    Course of the lesson

    Today we will visit a fairy tale. Everything will be fabulous.

    (There is a tree near the wall, on which there are bright bags with colored bows).

    And at ours, at the gates
    The miracle tree is growing.
    Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle

    Not leaves on it
    And the bags on it
    And the bags on it
    Like apples!

    Look guys, here it is, what a wonderful tree. Let's see what has grown on it. (bags).
    Quest pouches. For each completed task, the tree will give a surprise - a piece of the picture.

    1. The teacher removes one of the bags from the branch.

    What color is the bow?

    Who is it? Teddy bear. What does a bear like? (honey)

    The teacher takes out a pot.

    He left the pot (shakes him, there is a noise). There is definitely no honey. Now I'll see what's there? (looks into the pot)

    Oh, how interesting! There are geometric shapes. But you yourself must guess which figures the bear hid in the pot. To do this, you must lower your hand and feel this figure.

    He walks up to the children in turn, they feel the figure in the pot by touch. The rest of the children observe and help the child who cannot cope with the task.

    2.- Remove the next bag.

    What color is the bow? Let's see what's there. Let's count the nuts.
    - What animal loves nuts? Whom she treated, remember.

    Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sits on a cart"

    A squirrel is sitting on a cart
    She sells nuts.

    (Children clap their hands and hit fist on fist alternately)

    Little fox sister,
    Sparrow, titmouse,
    To the fat-headed bear,
    Zainke mustache.

    (Children bend their fingers).

    3. - There is still a bag. What color is the bow?
    - There are counting sticks and threads. Make a square, a triangle from sticks, and a circle from threads.

    Children come to the table and carry out the task.

    4. - Guys, did you hear anything? I thought someone was meowing.
    Looks into the bag. Who is there? Cat!
    The teacher takes out a cat mask. Wears for one of the children.
    - ... we will have a cat, and you - mice. Hide from the cat.

    Children are squatting. The cat "sleeps" on a chair opposite the mice.
    “Mice in holes sit and look at the cat, scratching the floor with their claws.
    Oh, how many mice are there!
    - Hush the mouse, the cat is coming. He will lie in wait for you all! "
    The cat comes out, goes around the mink, meows loudly.
    “The cat didn’t find mice, he took a walk and went to sleep!
    As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice start dancing! "
    Dance music sounds, mice dance.
    “Hush, mice, the cat is coming! He will lie in wait for you all! "
    - How many mice? (a lot of). Kotikov? (one).

    5. - This is how we played interestingly.
    Everyone approaches the tree and the teacher takes off another bag.
    - What color is the bow?
    - In a bag of cards with numbers. (children call numbers)
    - More nesting dolls - girlfriends.
    You need to count and show the card with the desired number.


    6. Completed all tasks. Now let's put together the parts and see what picture we get. (snowman).
    - Why a snowman? What time of year is it? That's right, we can only make a snowman in winter. Let's make our snowman a friend for a walk. To do this, we need to return from a fairy tale to kindergarten (music sounds).

    Open your eyes, smile at each other. Did you like the fairy tale? Well done! All tasks were completed.

    About everything in the world:

    In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

    Section materials

    Lessons for the younger group:

    Classes for the middle group.


    Expand and clarify children's knowledge of proteins. Replenish the knowledge that children have with new information. To acquaint with the riddle about the squirrel and the proverbs: "If you put it further, you will take it closer," "A cat has a kitten, too." Dictionary: nimble, cocky, businesslike, scandalous. Continue learning to guess riddles and pretend answers. To foster interest in the nature of the native land.


    Pictures and photos of squirrels, equipment for application.



    Course of the lesson:

    There are many animal and bird pantries in the autumn in the forest. What birds and animals that house pantries for the winter do you know? (Children's answers). Today we will talk about just such an animal. Hear a riddle about him:

    Squirrel riddle

    From branch to branch
    Fast as a ball
    Rides through the forest
    Redhead circus performer.
    Here on the fly he
    I plucked a bump
    Jumped on the trunk
    And he ran away into the hollow.

    What in the riddle made you think of a squirrel? (Children's answers).

    Protein reserves for the winter are substantial - in different places, different reserves, in large quantities. He collects nuts very cunningly. He will swing a branch, jump to the side and look. Which branch sways longer, that one is heavier, which means there are more nuts on it. A squirrel climbs on this branch and bites nuts. An empty or spoiled nut will immediately recognize and will never take it. Protein also stores a lot of mushrooms for the winter. And he chooses the very best. Dries protein and fly agaric, presumably for medicinal purposes. Dried mushrooms are hidden in hollows or under bark that has lagged behind trees. In mushrooms, then the squirrel will only eat the cap, and discard the leg. In addition to mushrooms and nuts, protein stores acorns for the winter. Acorns are from which tree? (Children's answers). From oak.

    But this is how a squirrel hides its prey: it digs a hole, carefully puts the prey in it. He will drive it in deeper, and on top of it he will scoop up more earth and dry leaves so that someone does not smell it. You never know, beggar animals wander in the winter forest. "If you put it further, you will take it closer." How do you understand this proverb? (Children's answers).

    It happens that strangers eat squirrel supplies. But the squirrel itself, if it stumbles upon other people's reserves in winter, will not hesitate and eat them. Some of the supplies will remain uneaten. This will benefit the forest: after all, in the spring they will sprout roots and sprout.

    This is how M. Prishvin wrote about the squirrel in his story "Squirrel memory".

    “Today, looking at the tracks of animals and birds in the snow, this is what I read from these tracks: a squirrel made its way through the snow into the moss. I took out two hidden nuts there since autumn, and ate them right away - I found the shells. Then she ran off ten meters, dived again, again left a shell in the snow, and after a few meters made the third climb. What a miracle? You can't think of her smelling nuts through a thick layer of snow and ice. This means that she remembered from the fall about her nuts and the exact location between them. But the most amazing thing is that she could not measure, as we do, in centimeters, but directly by eye determined it with precision, dived and got out. Well, how could one not envy the squirrel memory and ingenuity! "

    Let's play a little with our fingers.

    Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

    The squirrel jumped, jumped,
    (Children spread their fingers)

    By winter, the pantries were filled with:
    (Begin to bend all fingers in turn, touching the pads of the corresponding palm).

    Here - nuts, here - mushroom
    For sons and daughters.

    At the end of autumn, the squirrel will change its coat from red to gray. Why do you think? Who else changes their fur coat for winter? (Children's answers).
    When severe frosts come, you will not see the squirrel. She, curled up in a ball, can sleep for several days.

    In addition to protein reserves, he likes to feast on winter pine cones... Having plucked a cone, the squirrel settles down somewhere in a fork among the branches. He holds the lump in its front paws, bites the scales of the cone with his teeth and takes out fat seeds with his lips.

    If the winter is harsh and long, the squirrel eats bark, young shoots, and buds. He cuts off a twig with his teeth and, holding it in his paws, bites off the bark and kidneys from it. Obeste, throw down and start a new one. But this food is not satisfying, proteins starve with such a diet.

    But in summer, the squirrel's nutrition is diversified by the larvae of various insects, ant and bird eggs, and on occasion chicks, as well as berries, fruits, willow and aspen catkins.

    It's time to play. Children represent animals, forest dwellers.

    Game "Show the answer"

    The poor have no den,
    He does not need a hole.
    Legs save from enemies
    And from hunger - bark.

    Will get into the habit of -
    Wait for trouble.
    Red tail
    Covers his tracks.

    Who deftly jumps on the trees
    And flies up the oak trees?
    Who hides nuts in a hollow,
    Dries mushrooms for the winter?

    Not a beast or a bird
    Afraid of everything.
    Catching flies -
    And splash into the water.

    Like a royal crown
    He wears his horns.
    Eats lichen, green moss,
    Loves snowy meadows.

    The rope is twisted
    At the end there is a head.
    Creeps, wriggles,
    It rushes at the enemy.

    A ball is rolling in the forest
    It has a spiky side.
    He hunts at night
    Beetles and mice.

    This gray baby
    I'm glad even for a bread crumb
    Because it's dark
    She hides in a mink.

    Lies the dirty trick
    In a bristly shirt.
    Pretzel tail,
    Snout snout.

    For housing, the squirrel builds one main nest for the winter and 2-3 summer, spare ones. These spare nests are like summer cottages, in them the squirrel rests, hides from predators, waits out the summer heat. If suddenly the squirrels are in danger, then drags them into these spare nests. Summer nests are light, wind-blown. But the winter nest is woven and built skillfully, insulated. There are, however, not very hardworking squirrels that adapt magpies and crows nests for a nest, chasing the hostesses out of them.

    By nature, the squirrel is nimble, cocky, businesslike and scandalous. Let's understand the meanings of these words. What does "nimble" mean? Snooty? Businesswoman? Scandalous? (Children's answers).

    Squirrels have weddings twice a year - in late winter and late spring. Belchata also appear twice a year. Squirrels are born tiny, naked, blind and ugly. But this is in our opinion. For every mother, be it a crow or a squirrel, her baby is the most beautiful of all. About that and the proverb: "A cat has a kitten - also a child." Already a month later, the eyes of the squirrels open, the body is covered with delicate hair. And very soon they will become such mischievous people and bore their mother so much with their antics that she goes to a spare nest and rests there from her restless children. But by nightfall, having rested, she returns to the children. After all, a squirrel is a caring mother.

    In the event of an enemy attack, the squirrel tries to take it away from the nest, running away along tree trunks. Sometimes pretends to be dead, falls to the ground. It so happens that, saving babies, a squirrel dies.

    As soon as the squirrel sons grow up, they leave their parents. Belchata daughters will leave for an independent life a little later. Old squirrels live in the same place, and young ones settle in a new one.

    Unfortunately, the main enemy of the squirrel is man. And it got to the point that they shot all the squirrels in the Crimea. They realized it, but it's too late. I had to catch squirrels where there are many of them and bring them to our peninsula. Fortunately, we liked these squirrels, they took root well and multiplied.

    But all people need to remember: we are big and strong, but we must still be kind and wise so as not to harm the small and defenseless.

    Now I suggest you fulfill application "Squirrel".


    1. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?
    2. What does it store in its "closets"?
    3. What trick does he use when collecting nuts?
    4. Why does protein dry fly agarics?
    5. What tree cones like to feast on in winter?
    6. What does a squirrel eat in hungry winters?
    7. What is added to the squirrel menu in the summer?
    8. How do squirrels arrange at home?
    9. Whose houses do some proteins occupy?
    10. What is the character of a squirrel?
    11. What kind of squirrels are born?
    12. How does a squirrel care for squirrels?


    Surprise moment

    According to the description, guess who will come to visit today. Then a squirrel appears, accompanied by a verse.

    I am a little squirrel

    Jump-jump, jump-jump,

    I'm jumping on twigs

    Jump-jump, jump-jump

    I will not freeze in winter

    Jump-jump, jump-jump,

    I collect nuts

    Jump-jump, jump-jump.


    Didactic literature

    1. SHSG 2-3 years. "In a forest clearing".


    See Attachment.



    1. http: // www .youtube .com / watch? v \u003d ODBmuBlgreI - forest travel



    Audio stories

    http://sovmult.ru/index/0-3877 - forest tales

    http://sovmult.ru/index/0-3150 - skillful squirrel

    Demo material

    Cards and photos with the image of a squirrel.



    1. Collect puzzles
    2. Guess by the shadow game what the squirrel is eating
    3. Arrange in ascending order (nuts, mushrooms)
    4. Assemble by abrasive using Gyenysh blocks or figures cut out of cardboard / tile squirrel.


    Squirrel treats friends. Distribute according to the assignment to friends animals (fox, bear, hedgehog). Counting up to 3.


    1. Sort nuts by size
    2. i show a bunny and a squirrel, I say that they live in the forest and love to play together: hide and seek, catch-up, blind man's buff, etc. Once they decided to jump over the stumps. In a forest clearing, friends placed stumps, and agreed that the bunny would have blue stumps, and the squirrel would have red ones.

    Option 1:

    Everyone can jump to a stick of their own color.

    Option 2:

    10 cubes and arrange them in a circle, alternating in color: red - blue - red - blue. Items are located at the same distance from each other. I put the bunny on the blue cube, and the squirrel next to it on the red one and agree: "You will be a bunny, and I will be a squirrel." The figures turn their backs to each other and begin to "jump" over the stumps, falling only on their own color, finally, they meet on the opposite side of the circle, facing each other with their muzzles. I play up this moment emotionally: the animals greet, talk and scatter in the opposite direction, meeting again on the same side of the circle. The scene of the meeting is repeated. When repeating the game, I ask you to independently arrange cubes - "stumps", alternating them in color, shape or size.


    1. Hide the hedgehog and squirrel figurines under the cups and guess.
    2. Compare two pictures and find differences.


    1. Consider carefully one picture, then remove and show two pictures that are different from each other and ask which one you saw.
    2. Show two animal figures, then hide one and ask who ran into the forest.



    1. Coloring squirrel

    2. Coloring with pencils

    3. Coloring "Rogue Cat"


    1. Make squirrel nuts, mushrooms (roll balls)


    1. Torn paper squirrel tail
    2. Applique squirrel on a branch
    3. Protein reserves
    4. EMVM 1-3 years Geometric application
    5. Onion husk protein
    6. Squirrel from dyed semolina
    7. Make a tail out of dyed cotton wool
    8. Ginger lion cub
    9. Geometric applique
    10. Little dreamers. Application "Squirrel"

    Speech development

    Consider the squirrel picture and answer the questions.


    1. Learn to do the "Nut" exercise.

    Squirrel clicks nuts

    without haste. We push the tongue

    Left-right, sideways.

    With your mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue then in the left, then in the right cheek. We carry out 6-8 times. Then we givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

    The squirrel is lost "(Squirrel mom calls the squirrel:" Ay! "Doesn't hear the squirrel. changing the strength and pitch of the voice).

    Motor skills

    1. Help the squirrel dry the mushrooms by threading the rope
    2. Help squirrel dry mushrooms by hanging with clothespins
    3. Feed the squirrel (beans)
    4. Collect mushrooms in a basket. And sort edible and inedible
    5. Paths: help find food, get to the cones.

    Finger gymnastics

    A squirrel is sitting on a cart

    The clapping of the palms and the gifts of the fists against each other alternately.

    She sells nuts.

    Little fox sister,

    Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

    Sparrow, titmouse,

    To the fat-headed bear,

    Zainke mustache.

    To whom in a scarf,

    Rhythmic claps and bangs of fists against each other

    To whom in the goiter,

    To whom in the honey.

    Physical education

    The bear has a big house (Raise your hands up, rise on tiptoes.)

    And the squirrel has a small one. (Squatting with arms extended in front of you.)

    Our bear went home, (Shifting from foot to foot.)

    And behind him is the squirrel. (Jumping.)

    We see the little animals off (Farewell hand movements.) And we continue the lesson.

    Charging the squirrel is not lazy
    Exercise all day.
    Jumping from one branch to the left,
    She sat down on a bitch (jump to the left and squat).
    Then I jumped to the right,
    Spun over the hollow (jump right and spin).
    Left-right all day
    The squirrel is not too lazy to jump (we jump to the sides).

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