• Orthodox holidays in April. Calendar of great church holidays in April


    The Orthodox calendar for April 2018 is rich in fasting dates and holidays. Since Easter is early this year, the month begins with Holy Week, during and followed by three major church holidays: Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem), Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and Easter.

    Church Orthodox Calendar for April 2018: Palm Sunday

    The church name of the holiday is the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Usually this event is celebrated 7 days before the arrival of Easter. In 2018, it's April 1st.

    The holiday is timed to coincide with the day when Jesus Christ and his followers entered Jerusalem, hostile to his teachings. The Savior voluntarily chose this path, knowing where it would lead. The entrance to the city marked the consent of Christ to torment in atonement for the sins of the human race.

    According to the description in the Gospel, the Messiah entered the city on a donkey (traditionally, entry on a horse meant war, and on a donkey - peace). The followers of Christ's teachings greeted him with palm branches, as it was at that time when honored guests and winners were met. Since palm trees do not grow in Russia, in the Orthodox tradition they were replaced by willow branches - the only plant blooming at that time. The willow is used to consecrate and decorate temples during the festive service, which led to the name of the holiday.

    Believers endow the willow branches consecrated in the church with miraculous properties, and some even prepare medicinal decoctions from their buds.

    This day is strict Great post not so strictly enforced. It is allowed to eat fish, vegetable oil and drink Cahors.

    Church Orthodox Calendar for April 2018: Annunciation

    The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is always celebrated on April 7th. The holiday date never changes. The celebration is associated with the day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the Mother of God the news of her election for the birth of the savior of all mankind.

    On this day, charity work is encouraged, you need to give alms and release birds. It is believed that on this day they can fly to the angels and tell them about the good deeds done by a person in a year. On this day, before sunrise, it is customary to prepare the Annunciation salt. To do this, it is placed in a linen bag and calcined in an oven or oven. After which it is used for a year. It is believed that this salt has a beneficial and even healing effect on the human body.

    In honor of the great holiday, the Church allows on this day to ease the fast and eat boiled or baked fish without oil.

    When is Easter in 2018 for Orthodox Christians in Russia

    Easter in 2018 is quite early. All holidays associated with Easter calendar (and these are Palm Sunday, Easter, Ascension and Trinity) also change their date and are called rolling or moving.

    Easter is preceded by Holy Week, dedicated to various religious activities preceding the holiday. The main preparation for Easter begins on Maundy Thursday, on this day it is customary to put things in order everywhere, including in the shower, as well as bathe. This day is dedicated to mundane, ordinary household work, so that on Good Friday and Saturday we prepare to celebrate the holiday with with a pure heart and soul.

    Ascension - The Ascension of the Lord, the twelve feast day celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, falls on Thursday. In its meaning, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord is great, as it certifies us in the fulfillment of the Divine economy of the salvation of man and the whole world and of the highest glorification of human nature, which in the person of Jesus Christ is exalted above the luminous spirits and placed on the throne of Divine glory; and this assures all of us that henceforth the entrance to heaven is open for the earthly, where Jesus entered as the Forerunner for us (Heb. VI, 20) and where all his true followers ascend in His heavenly path.

    In the church tradition, Easter is called the Bright Sunday of Christ. This is one of the main christian holidays worldwide. In 2018, it is celebrated on April 8th. The holiday is timed to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death after the crucifixion. This day is a symbol of God's forgiveness of human sins and the trampling of death by the power of faith.

    The festive service in churches begins even before midnight and ends with a solemn Procession of the Cross accompanied by the ringing of bells. Believers on this day consecrate Easter cakes, painted eggs and any products that will become a treat on the festive table. All day long it is pleasant to greet each other with the words: "Christ is risen!", And to answer in the traditional way: "He has risen in truth!" Celebrations on this day are especially noisy, and feasts are plentiful, since with the onset of Easter, a forty-day strict fast ends.

    On the eve of Easter in Jerusalem, a miraculous descent of the Holy Fire takes place, which means that this year the Lord has forgiven the sins of mankind. There is a legend that on the day when the fire does not appear, Armageddon will come and the end of all human civilization will come. Therefore, believers of various religions are waiting for a wonderful event with bated breath. From Jerusalem, the Holy Fire is transmitted by parishioners all over the world, and the candles burned with it are endowed with miraculous properties.

    Church Orthodox Calendar for April 2018: Radonitsa

    Radonitsa (or parental day) is a day of special commemoration of the dead. The holiday is celebrated nine days after Easter. This year this date falls on April 17th. During Radonitsa, it is customary to remember the dead and their good deeds. Believers commemorate their relatives by visiting their graves, where they bring consecrated Easter cakes and other treats. The meaning of the holiday is in connection of a person with the church and faith, even after his death.

    It is strictly forbidden to mourn or scold the deceased on this day. You need to remember them with prayer and kind words... It is not customary to talk loudly or swear near graves. It is forbidden to remember loved ones with strong alcoholic drinks. On this day, it is recommended to distribute as many treats as possible as a token of memory to deceased relatives.

    Church calendar of Orthodox holidays for April 2018

    • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday.
    • Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, and with them the martyrs Claudius the tribune, Ilaria, his wife, Jason and Moor, their sons, Diodorus the presbyter and Marian the deacon.
    • Icons of the Mother of God, called "Tenderness", Smolensk.
    • Holy Week (Week of the Sorrows of the Lord) : April 2-7, 2018

    Holy Week is the last week before Easter. In the Orthodox Church, this is the most important week of the whole year, dedicated to the last days of Christ's earthly life, about His suffering, crucifixion, death on the cross, and burial. Holy Week is no longer Great Lent, although fasting is especially strict these days. In the first three days of Holy Week, the Church prepares believers for heartfelt participation in the Savior's sufferings on the Cross.

    • Holy Week, Great Monday.
    • Saints John, Sergius, Patrick and others, slain at the monastery of Saint Sava.
    • Saint Euphrosynus of Sinozersk, Novgorod.
    • Martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan, her sons martyrs Victor, named Photin, and Josiah, martyrs of Anatolia, Photo, Photida, Paraskeva, Kyriakia, Domnina and the martyr Sebastian.
    • Holy Week, Great Tuesday.
    • Saint James, bishop, confessor.
    • Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky.
    • Holy Week, Great Wednesday.
    • "Izborsk" icon of the Mother of God.
    • PriestMartyr Basil, Presbyter of Ankyra.
    • Martyr Drosis of Antioch, daughter of King Trajan.
    • Passion Week. Maundy Thursday, remembrance of the Last Supper.
    • MonkMartyr Nikon, Bishop and 200 of his disciples.
    • Martyrs Philetus, Lydia, his wife, Macedon, Theoprepius, Kronis and Amphilochius.
    • Good Friday. Good Friday, remembrance of the Passion of the Lord.
    • Forefeast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.
    • Monk Zechariah, a monk of his ilk in Latra.
    • Saint Artemon (Artemia), Bishop of Selivka of Pisidia, also called Selunsky.
    • Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.
    • Great Saturday, Descent into Hell.
    • Icons "Annunciation" of the Mother of God.
    • Easter. Light Christ's Resurrection.
    • End of Lent, permission for all food.
    • Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel.
    • Icons of the Meletin Mother of God.
    • Bright week.
    • Martyr Matrona Thessalonica.
    • Martyrs Manuel and Theodosius.
    • Bright week.
    • Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Monastic Martyrs of the Fathers of David-Gareja.
    • Shuya Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Bright week.
    • Cathedral of the Venerable Fathers who asceticised on the Divine Mount Sinai.
    • Kasperovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.
    • MonkMartyr Mark, Bishop of Arefussia, Martyr Cyril the Deacon, and many others who suffered under Julian.
    • Bright week.
    • Saint John Climacus, Abbot of Sinai.
    • Saint Sophronius, Archbishop of Irkutsk.
    • Bright week.
    • Icons of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source".
    • Commemoration of the renewal (consecration) of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Life-Giving Spring in Constantinople.
    • Icons of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya".
    • Bright week.
    • Venerable Mary of Egypt.
    • Saint Euthymius, Archimandrite of Suzdal, miracle worker.
    • Saint Titus, the miracle worker.
    • Icons "Key of Understanding", "Sweet Kiss", of the Mother of God.
    • The Monk Nikita the Confessor, Abbot of the monastery of Midicia.
    • Icons of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color".
    • Radonitsa. Commemoration of the departed.
    • Saint George, like in Malei.
    • Saint Joseph the Hymnographer.
    • Transfer of the relics of St. Job, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
    • Martyrs Agathopod the Deacon, Theodulus the Reader and others like them.
    • Fasting day.
    • Saint Eutykhios, Archbishop of Constantinople.
    • Saint Equal-to-the-Apostle Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia, the first teacher of the Slavs.
    • Venerable Platonida of Syria.
    • Saint George the Confessor, Metropolitan of Meletinsky.
    • The Byzantine Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Fasting day.
    • Apostles from 70: Herodion, Agabus, Asincritus, Rufus, Phlegont, Hermas and others like them.
    • Spanish, St. George icons of the Mother of God.
    • Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women.
    • Martyr Epsychius of Caesarea.
    • Of the Caesar Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Martyrs Terenty, Pompius, Africanus, Maximus, Zinon, Alexander, Theodore and other 33.
    • PriestMartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum of Asia.
    • Saint Jacob of Zheleznoborovsky and Jacob, his companion.
    • Monks Euthymius and Khariton of Syanzhemsk.
    • Saint Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Pari.
    • Transfer of the venerable belt of the Mother of God to Constantinople.
    • Murom-Ryazan and Belynichskaya icons of the Mother of God.
    • Fasting day.
    • Hieromartyr Artemon, Presbyter of Laodicea.
    • Saint Martin the Confessor, Bishop of Rome.
    • Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius of Lithuania.
    • The Vilna Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Blessed Grand Duke of Kiev Mstislav-Theodore.
    • Martyrs Vasilissa and Anastasia.
    • Apostles from 70 Aristarchus, Pudai Trofim.
    • Transfer of the relics of the Martyr Abraham the Bulgarian.
    • Righteous Tabitha.
    • Martyrs Agapia, Irina and Chionia.
    • Ilyinsko-Chernigov, Tambov and Shuya icons of the Mother of God.
    • Hieromartyr Simeon, Bishop of Persia, and with him the martyrs Abdelai and Ananias of the presbyters, Khusdazat (Usphazan) the eunuch, Fusik, Azat, the martyr Askitreya and many others.
    • Icons of the Mother of God: “Redeemer.

    Church Fasts in April 2018,

    • Fasting for many days in April 2018 - Lent continues from April 1 to April 7.
    • One-day fasts - April 18, April 20 April 25.
    • A continuous week in which there is no fasting - Bright week from April 9 to 15, 2018.

    In the spring, Orthodox believers celebrate several ancient and important holidays. There are only 67 different significant dates in April. As a rule, these are days dedicated to various saints, as well as holidays in honor of important events and deeds of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Besides, church calendar contains information on the order of abstinence for those who hold Great Lent.

    Each religious event has its own characteristics, which is why they are so important for believers. In order not to miss any of them, use the calendar orthodox holidays.

    During the long history of Christianity, many important events have happened. It is with them that most Orthodox holidays are associated. Believers have always respected religious celebrations and treated them in a special way. Visiting temples and reading prayers are not the only traditions associated with these days. To find out when and how to celebrate these holidays, consult the Orthodox calendar for help.

    Orthodox calendar for April 2018

    In April, several important Orthodox events await us at once, which simply cannot be forgotten ..

    April 1st. On this day, people traditionally exchange congratulations and decorate their home with willow twigs. On the first day of April, we are to celebrate Palm Sunday, or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. On April 1, believers will be able to attend a service, attend the liturgy, and then gather guests in the house and celebrate a religious holiday and the day of the awakening of nature.

    April 7. The end of Lent, or the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, we can celebrate already on April 7. On this day, believers are actively preparing for the coming of Easter: they attend church, consecrate Easter cakes and painted eggs, and also say prayers to the Lord God and the Mother of God.

    April 8. Easter is the most anticipated holiday in the Christian world. On this day, believers remember the torment of our Savior Jesus Christ and how after death he was resurrected and proved to people that true faith can work miracles. On this day, people visit churches, exchange Easter greetings, eat eggs, cottage cheese Easter and Easter cakes, and also attend divine services and divine liturgies.

    17 aprilbelievers will celebrate Radonitsa - the day of remembrance of the dead. Traditionally, on this day, relatives visit the graves of deceased loved ones, say memorial prayers, and then arrange a dinner at home, where all family members remember their relatives and say only good things about them. Orthodox believers will also be able to honor the memory of the great martyrs and say prayers in their honor. After all, once it was they who stood up for the defense of the Christian faith and gave their lives for it.

    Bright Easter is the most anticipated holiday in April. However, many people are unaware of the amazing things associated with it. You can find out about them on our website. We wish you happiness and have a good mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    Every believer honors the traditions of his religion by celebrating holidays and following fasts. But modern life became so rich and hectic that sometimes it is not so easy to remember all the necessary dates and adjust your rhythm to them. We will help you keep abreast of all the necessary orthodox holidays and fasts in April 2018 so that you don't miss any significant events (see the holiday calendar below).

    Orthodox church holidays in April 2018

    April 1, 2018 (Sun) - The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Based on the Holy Scriptures, on this holiday, many centuries ago, Jesus Christ appeared in Jerusalem on a donkey (so only kings were allowed to enter the settlements), where he was greeted by the applauding crowd, who learned about the recent miracle he had done - the resurrection of Lazarus. The people call this holiday.

    April 7, 2018 (Sat) - Holy Mother of God. On this day, the Virgin Mary learned the good news from an angel that appeared to her, that she would soon become the mother of Jesus Christ.

    April 8, 2018 (Sun) - Bright Resurrection of Christ. The central event of the entire Christian doctrine, dedicated to the resurrection of the Savior and the opening of the gates of paradise.

    April 17, 2018 (Tue) -. On Thomas week, all Orthodox people celebrate Radunitsa (Radonitsa), going to the graves of deceased relatives and friends, remembering their lives and paying tribute.

    Church Holidays Calendar for April 2018

    Multi-day and one-day church fasts in April 2018

    Lent will last until 7.04 inclusive, and it is on these days before Easter, a particularly strict fast is observed, which is also called. Holy Week, and at the same time every day of this week is called "Great".

    April 2, 2018 (Mon) - Great Monday. On this day, one remembers the temptation of the Lord with a barren dried fig tree, which has become the personification of the callousness and immorality of the soul of unbelievers who are unable to bear any fruit.

    April 3, 2018 (Tue) - Good Tuesday. On this day, the churches remember the conversations of Jesus with the elders in the temples of Jerusalem.

    April 4, 2018 (Wed) - Great Wednesday. On this day, Judas decided to sell his teacher and the Messiah to the elders of the temple for 30 pieces of silver.

    5.04 (Thu.) - Maundy Thursday. Remembrance of the Last Supper. One of the most significant events in the life of Jesus Christ, which influenced the entire subsequent history.

    6.04 (Fri) - Good Friday. Remembrance of the Passion of the Lord. During this date, it is customary to remember the torment and suffering of the Savior, which he experienced when he was crucified on the cross.

    From 9.04 to 14.04 (Mon - Sat) - Bright week. Canceling the post.

    In addition, one-day fasting will take place during the month on Wednesdays and Fridays: 18, 20, 25 and 27.

    Also find out the 2018 calendar of church names.

    April is an amazing month. During this period, spring begins to bloom and blossom, all nature takes on bright colors, it becomes cozy and fresh. In Orthodoxy, the month of April also refers to the significant seasons of the year. In particular, believers at this moment celebrate Easter, one of the most significant and important celebrations of religion. You can find out what church holidays Christians still celebrate in April 2019 in Russia if you study the religious calendar.

    Calendar of great church holidays in April

    Every day, believers celebrate Orthodox holidays in April 2019 in Russia, the list of important dates is replenished with the name days of saints, one-day fasts and celebrations dedicated to sacred icons. Each significant date has its own meeting customs, as a rule, at this moment, believers visit a church church, pray, light church candles. Let's designate the most important and significant holidays in April.


    On April 7, an Orthodox celebration of great importance falls - the Annunciation. The holiday personifies the receipt of the news of the Virgin Mary soon birth a baby who will become the savior of sinful souls.

    The solemn number venerated by every Christian is celebrated on April 21. The festive event does not have a specific date, that is, it occurs annually in different time... Believers celebrate Palm Sunday on Sunday, a week before Easter. The history of the celebration "goes back" to the distant biblical years. When Christ visited Jerusalem, and people greeted him, because the Messiah entered the city. In honor of this, the people covered the road in front of Christ with palm branches. Palm trees do not grow in Russia, so the Christians replaced them with willow branches. On a festive date, it is customary to consecrate willow branches; for this, believers bring them to a church church, where the priest sprinkles the plant with holy water. A prayer service is necessarily held, because this festive date marks the joy of the meeting of the people with Christ. After the service, believers take the branches of the willow home and keep them for a full year, namely until the next solemn Palm Sunday. In the house, the plant serves as a talisman against evil forces, misfortunes and grief. To calendar church holidays In April 2019, in Russia, the sacred Palm Sunday is included as an important date, therefore, during a festive moment, believers should not engage in heavy physical labor, tedious work. It is forbidden to be upset, sad and offend others. The whole day should be devoted to the joy, goodness and remembrance and good deeds of Christ.

    Maundy Thursday before Easter

    3 days before the start of the Orthodox Easter, believers meet important date - Maundy Thursday. In 2019, the celebration falls on April 25th. In Orthodoxy, until the day of the celebration of Easter, the principles of Great and the strictest fast are in force. And the last week before a significant celebration is the most severe and severe. On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to pray a lot and attend prayer services. The hostess' houses are beginning to actively prepare for the main celebration of the month - they spend general cleaning, get rid of unnecessary trash and decorate the home with beautiful attributes. There is a true tradition on Maundy Thursday. Before sunrise on this holiday, believers are advised to take a dip. Clean water will bring health, happiness and success. From this day, the preparation of Easter dishes begins. In particular, housewives begin to prepare cakes and other festive pastries.

    Good Friday before Easter

    In Orthodoxy, Good Friday, which falls on the 26th of April, is considered a sad and sad day. During this period, believers remember all the hardships that Christ had to experience on the day of the crucifixion. In the calendar of Orthodox holidays in April 2019, Good Friday is included as a mournful day. Believers meet the last day, they completely refuse to eat food. On Friday, the hostesses begin to paint Easter eggs and continue to bake cakes. On Holy Friday, it is strictly forbidden to work, all important matters must be postponed and completely surrendered to prayers and sorrow for the torment of Christ.

    Bright Easter

    This date is included in the big church holidays in April 2019, the calendar indicates that Easter falls on Sunday - April 28. Believers at this moment celebrate the resurrection of Christ, they pray, rejoice and rejoice. It is forbidden to be sad and upset on Easter. All business and worries are transferred to another time, the day should be completely devoted to the celebration. The holiday begins with a visit to a church church, where a prayer service is held. After that, the believers go home and continue to celebrate a significant event in the circle of their relatives and very close people. On the festive table traditional dishes are exhibited - colored eggs, Easter cakes, pastries.
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