• Housewives cleaning tips. Useful tips for housewives: we reveal the secrets of fast kitchen cleaning. Why and how often a general cleaning is needed


    It is known that the health of the people living in it depends on the cleanliness in the house. This is a proven truth. After all, dangerous microbes and bacteria, mold and fungus, various viruses will never start in a clean house. All this proves once again that every owner should clean the house.

    Cleaning tools

    Everyone will agree that cleaning with just your hands is very difficult. If you decide to clean your home of accumulated dirt with a bucket of water and a rag, then all this work will take you several hours. Therefore, we recommend that you first visit a home goods store and purchase useful tools there. that will help you make cleaning your apartment much easier:

    • mops and buckets for cleaning floors;
    • window cleaners;
    • napkins and brooms to remove dust from surfaces;
    • brushes to help remove dirt from the narrowest and most difficult to reach places.

    It would also not hurt to go to the household chemicals department, where you will be presented with a wide selection of means for washing and cleaning different materials... If you are a supporter of everything natural, then we advise you to acquire:

    Be forward-thinking and always keep a supply of cleaning supplies around the house so that you don't have to rush to the store for an unexpectedly ended remedy.

    You should not neglect the achievements of the chemical industry, which will help you perform general cleaning in the house quickly and efficiently. In stores, you can find a large list of products for quick cleaning of surfaces from rust, limescale, grease and stains. They will let you without special labor clean carpets and wallpaper, put plumbing fixtures and gas stove in proper condition.

    And don't worry about possible harmthe harm these drugs can cause to you and to the health of your family members and pets. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions before use and strictly follow all the manufacturer's instructions. And even if you do not know how to quickly clean the apartment, then this will already be enough to achieve a positive result with minimal effort.

    There are tons of cleaning tips, but many of them are often useless. Indeed, sometimes there are situations when the owner unexpectedly finds out about the imminent arrival of guests. If you have very little time, but you need to clean the apartment as soon as possible, then the following tips will help you:

    The main recommendation that I would like to give for quick cleaning of the apartment is not to run stupidly from one room to another. Clean sequentially - first in one room, then in another, but thoroughly, and not just a little. And don't try to shove things into the first places you see. When you need them again, you will be looking for them for a very long time.

    Choosing a detergent for cleaning

    Every housewife knows that cleaning an apartment requires a lot of time and effort. But fortunately, today a lot of modern means can come to her aid. Due to their wide variety, you can choose the most suitable means, taking into account not only personal preferences, but also financial capabilities. With their help, she will be able to clean the house. much faster and with less effort.

    Modern solutions

    Experienced housewives for sure the home arsenal has a full set of time-tested tools that allow you to quickly and efficiently clean an apartment. All other women should take care of this, because it is unwise to spend several hours cleaning the apartment. And so that this process does not turn into torture for you, it will not hurt you to get acquainted with the secrets of cleaning professionals:

    You are unlikely to have problems with the choice of suitable products for cleaning the house, because in addition to store solutions, which are presented in large quantities today, you can also contact folk remedies... If the result of the remedythat you constantly use, you are no longer satisfied, you can try something new. And according to the test results you will be able to choose among them those who will "settle" in your apartment forever.

    Using folk remedies

    The main difficulties during cleaning associated with the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, where the most complex pollution is formed. Cleaning the cabinets from dust will take a couple of minutes. But we must not forget that small particles of fat are constantly deposited on kitchen furniture, which is not so easy to get rid of. We advise you to prepare a composition for which you need to take 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and wipe the cabinets and mezzanines thoroughly with it.

    You can easily remove salt build-up from your plumbing using table vinegar. Acid is simply poured into the toilet and sink, but you will have to tinker with devices of complex shape - they need to be wrapped with a cloth previously soaked in vinegar. Take a break for about 30 minutes for the remedy to take effect - during this time you can do other things. After the specified time has elapsed, it will be enough for you to wipe everything with a wet rag.

    Do not be very afraid of dirt that has strongly eaten into the surface of the stove. Apply a thick layer of cleanser and let it sit for half an hour and then wash. To clean the oven, spray the surfaces with baking soda, and then spray with vinegar from a spray bottle. After 30 minutes, wipe off any foam formed with a damp cloth.

    To finally cope with the most stubborn dirt, you can prepare the following composition: take equal amounts of washing powder, silicate glue and water. Treat all external surfaces with it. The next time you clean the kitchen, all you need to do is wipe the stove with a damp cloth, and the dirt will be easily washed off.

    You can clean windows and other glass surfaces with a solution prepared on the basis of chalk and water. After processing, let the glasses dry, and then carefully remove the rest of the composition with toilet paper... Be very careful with oil-painted frames and doors. In no case should they be cleaned with soapy water. It is better to prepare a composition of one liter of water and one tablespoon of ammonia, which will refresh and help restore a shiny look.

    If the carpet is difficult to take outside, then you can clean it in the room. Its surfaces can be treated with wet tea leaves or soda solution, for the preparation of which it is necessary to dilute 4 teaspoons of the substance in one liter of water. Vacuum well after 30 minutes. Sometimes, after such cleaning, the product may fade. In this case, you can wipe the pile with a cloth pre-moistened with cabbage brine. The following composition will help get rid of stains: take 8 tablespoons of water, add 3 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid to them, ¼ cup of ammonia and vinegar.

    Each housewife has her own opinion on how to properly clean an apartment. And yet, among the entire list of possible recommendations, it is possible to highlight the key rules that must be followed.

    The main thing that needs to be understood is that it is necessary to approach cleaning the house with all seriousness and rationality. Without a certain amount of knowledge and skills, you are unlikely to be able to quickly achieve purity:

    Cleaning seems to be a fairly simple task to many, but in practice, everything is different. One has to be convinced of this when the owner finds out that in 2-3 hours guests will come to him. And if the owner did not clean his apartment for weeks, then it will be incredibly difficult for him to put things in order in the time remaining at his disposal.

    Of course, all this can be avoided if you train yourself to do the weekly cleaning. When things are always in their places, and in the home arsenal there are proven means for cleaning the most stubborn dirt, nothing can catch the owner by surprise and make them blush for their slovenliness.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Useful Tips cleaning the kitchen will help make housework easier for housewives and devote more time to yourself and your loved ones. The experience of generations will help you get the job done faster and easier.

    As folk wisdom says: each kitchen has its own mistress who lives according to her own established principles and rules. But even if a woman has colossal life experiences, it is never too late to learn something new, to adopt everything that is significant in order to make her life even simpler, richer and more colorful.

    Useful tips for housewives in cleaning will help not only solve large and small everyday troubles, but also save precious time that can be devoted to your beloved family.

    Clean kitchen - clean house

    It's no secret that the kitchen space is a kind of "holy of holies" of every home, and not only for its mistress, but also for every family member. Maintaining perfect cleanliness in this room can be difficult, but still possible, given some advice based on the wise experience of generations.

    1. The first and most important rule applies to washing dishes and stoves. It is advisable to clean these items with special means immediately after cooking, write - it will take about five minutes of time, but then you will not have to vainly remove frozen fats and dried stains.
    2. To get rid of stains on the kitchen stove without unnecessary difficulties, it is better to fill them with regular table salt. Plaque on the cups will help to defeat table vinegar, and in the absence of special products, the peel from apples, which you just need to boil in a dish, will do an excellent job with scale.
    3. Sponges and brooms, rags and towels, brushes and scrapers - all these kitchen accessories should be regularly renewed, and in the case of towels, disinfected and washed. It is better to keep such things in the kitchen stock with new ones.
    4. One of the most annoying problems in every kitchen is unpleasant odors. To avoid them, you need not only to get rid of unnecessary garbage that has accumulated in the room during the endless cooking, but also to carefully monitor the trash can and wash it with disinfection. The table below provides tips for getting rid of foreign odors.

    Smell - no!

    Most importantly ... cleaning the house?

    No one knows a house better than its rightful owner. However, small nuances and tips aimed at noticeably facilitating the process itself will never be superfluous when it comes to cleaning. It is better to start from the distant rooms, gradually moving towards the hallway in cleaning. Bathroom and toilet are usually cleaned up last. Below are the nuances for each piece of furniture.

    • window glass they will not freeze in winter and fog up in summer thanks to glycerin, and potassium permanganate will give the mirror shine of the glass surface;
    • with a touch in flower vase a copper coin will handle;
    • great way to deal with accumulated fat in the sink - several liters of boiling water;
    • perfect wiping cloth furniture- cloth or flannel, scratches on the furniture surface can be successfully masked with iodine;
    • when cleaning the floor, it is advisable not to use hot water and soda; when it comes to parquet covering, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth;

    Bathroom: finishing cleaning

    When giving advice, we said that the main thing in cleaning is sequence, so you need to complete it with a bathroom, because it is in this room that it is important to prevent the growth of fungi and harmful bacteria, therefore, to take care of your own health. The table below outlines the basic principles that an ideal washroom cleaning should follow.

    The main component Tips for keeping clean
    Disinfection You need to regularly wash not only plumbing fixtures, but also tiles and shelves, soap dishes and taps, mirrors and door handles
    Fighting mold and mildew Lubricate tile joints with special antibacterial agents
    Bath cleanliness Clean without harsh brushes or powders to prevent damage to enamel and scratches
    Toilet bowl cleanliness It is better to treat with special means aimed at getting rid of lime deposits and unpleasant odors, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places

    Summing up, it should be noted that being an excellent hostess, while maintaining good spirits and excellent mood in any circumstances, is not as difficult as it might seem. All that is needed for this is just a little desire and knowledge of the special secrets of home economics, thanks to which the most difficult tasks will be completed in as soon as possible... Saving time, effort and material resources - these are the main components of successful and effective housework.

    Before starting to clean up, it is necessary to assess the scale of the work. You need to inspect all the rooms in the apartment, especially looking at hard-to-reach places. It is also required to inspect closets and closets. Based on the results of the check, it is necessary to decide: to carry out regular cleaning or general cleaning. Do not forget to use modern housewife helpers - mops with special attachments, microfiber cloths and good detergents and cleaning agents. This will make it much faster and easier.

    There are only two types of cleaning - regular and general. They differ in the frequency of implementation and the cost of time and effort. The process itself also has its own characteristics.


    Typically, this cleaning is done weekly or daily. Here are some helpful tips to help you keep your apartment looking clean.

    Start your weekly cleaning by dusting the surfaces. This requires the allocation of two separate rags that will not be used anywhere else. Before, clean water is poured into a small container or bucket. One of the rags sinks into it. The other must be left dry. The most dirty places are wiped with a damp cloth: window sills, doors, switches, windows between frames. Dry cloth - all other surfaces. Mirrors and glasses are treated with a special liquid.

    After the dust has been removed, you can start cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets. Sofas and armchairs are thoroughly vacuumed and, if necessary, treated with special agents. They will help remove dirt, odors and freshen up the color of the upholstery. If there is a pet in the house, before using the vacuum cleaner, you need to sweep the surface of the sofa or chair with a damp palm. This is done to remove the fur.

    Carpets also need to be thoroughly vacuumed. Once a month, it is required to wet the carpets with shampoo and a stiff brush. After vacuuming all available carpets, shake out the collected dust from the vacuum cleaner and wash the waste container, thereby preparing it for the next use.

    After cleaning the vacuum cleaner, you can start wet cleaning. To do this, you need to collect clean water in a bucket and immerse a floor rag in it. Add a special agent or ordinary washing powder to the water. Both the bucket and the rag should only be used for cleaning floors. For these purposes, it is better to choose a fabric of medium weight and cotton. Microfiber works well.

    It is necessary to start washing from the most visited room - the hall. The floor is washed from the window to the entrance to the premises. Then the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and hallway follow. The final stage is cleaning the bathtub and toilet.

    With daily cleaning, all these steps can be alternated.


    This type of home cleaning is rarely done - once every 3-4 months. It is done much more thoroughly than usual.

    In addition to those actions that are performed during regular cleaning, the following points must be added:

    What can be useful for cleaning

    For cleaning the apartment to be effective, it is necessary to use cleaning products and accessories. Cleaning agents can be used either chemical, purchased in the store, or those that are always on hand. These include: vinegar, soda, lemon juice, ammonia. To clean laminate and wooden floors, you will need to purchase special compounds that do not damage the surface.

    As additional devices can be used:

    • mop with microfiber nozzle - makes cleaning large spaces easier;
    • various sponges and brushes - suitable for cleaning different types of surfaces;
    • toothbrush (old) - will help remove dirt from hard-to-reach places;
    • microfiber wipes - suitable for cleaning and washing any surfaces;
    • dust brush - needed for dry cleaning.

    In order to make cleaning easier, and tidiness and order have always reigned in the house, there are several tips for effective cleaning of an apartment. If you apply these guidelines on a weekly basis, your apartment will always shine clean:

    1. The dust accumulated on the wallpaper must first be wiped off with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner, and then wiped with a woolen cloth sprinkled with oatmeal.
    2. It is good to clean the stains on the wallpaper with bread. You need to roll a ball out of the crumb and hold over the spot. Grease stains can be rubbed off with gasoline.
    3. To make the washed windows shine, it is necessary to add starch to the water (one tablespoon of the product is put per liter of water).
    4. You can clean glass surfaces with tooth powder. They need to sprinkle the surface and rub with a damp sponge for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
    5. In order for the glasses to shine and not to perspire on them in winter, they must be wiped with a cloth dipped in glycerin.
    6. Frosted glass should be washed with water and a little vinegar.
    7. In order to prevent flies from landing on the mirrors, they must be wiped with lemon juice.
    8. Surfaces painted with oil paint are not recommended to be washed with soapy water. The paint collapses and fades from this. It is better to use a solution with the addition of ammonia per liter of water, one spoon of ammonia.

    So that housewives do not need to clean up the apartment too often, household members should be taught to clean up scattered things, wash dishes, and put clothes in their places. Then much less effort will be spent on cleaning.

    Although house cleaning not my favorite activity, but I probably like the results like you. This sense of accomplishment, when everything shines with purity, justifies the effort.

    But if you really want your home to shine, then you need to thoroughly clean it. It can be a grueling exercise, but there are ways to make this job easier. Perhaps these tips will be useful to you, in any case, it is worth checking and trying.

    Kitchen cabinets

    Kitchen cabinets pick up dirt and it's not pretty, but you can fix this problem with a simple remedy. Mix one part vegetable oil and 2 parts baking soda and use a sponge or cloth to clean the cabinet.

    How to clean your iron

    Cleaning your iron can be very easy if you follow this advice. First put salt on the ironing board, turn on the iron so it is very hot, and just hold the iron over the salt with the steam option turned on. Dirt sticks to the salt and the surface of the iron will be clean and shiny.

    Removing the wool

    If you have a cat or dog, then I am sure that fighting with hair is normal. In detail, we have already written, now there is only one small recommendation. All you need is a pair of rubber gloves. Wool adheres well to gloves ..

    How nice it is when things are new and white, and how annoying it is when there are pillowcases or other things that used to be white and now have a yellow tint. But you can fix it.

    Mix the following ingredients: 1 cup detergent, 1 cup ground dishwasher detergent, 1 cup bleach, ½ cup borax, and very hot water.

    Clear table

    But if you have an old wooden table with a scratched and ugly surface, do not throw it away, because it may still look beautiful. Mix ½ cup of vinegar with ½ cup of olive oil, soak a rag in the mixture and rub into the wood. The scratches disappear completely and the table surface looks like new.

    We clean the taps

    Water very often spoils appearance our cranes. But you can fix it easily. If it's a flat surface, pour in vinegar and let sit for 20 minutes. For the tap, you can use paper towels dipped in vinegar.

    Removing stains on furniture

    If there is a nuisance and stains from a hot object remain on the furniture, then this is also fixable. More heat and moisture will need to be used to remove them. Take several layers of cloth and spray with water, dampening it. Place the fabric over the stain and then iron with a hot iron for about 15 seconds.

    Your microfiber sofa also needs maintenance and stains getting rid of. To do this, you need a white sponge and alcohol. Sponge the stain with rubbing alcohol. Let this area dry. Then take a brush and scrub the area.

    Instead of using all sorts of cleaning products that are probably toxic, try the natural approach. For example, you can clean the bathroom faucet with regular lemon. Cut the lemon in half and clean tough water stains from the taps.

    You can also make your shower head like new using vinegar and a plastic bag. Pour into a bag and clip it onto the shower head. Let this mixture help the attachment for about an hour, then wipe it off with a damp towel.

    Cleaning the stove

    Gas stove burners are a special conversation. Burners and grate require separate maintenance. What can you do with them? How to make it look good? It's actually simple. Clean with ammonia. Take a ¼ cup of ammonia and seal it from one of the burners in plastic bag... Let it sit overnight and then wipe it off with a sponge.

    You can make your own kitchen sink cleaner using the following ingredients: liquid soap, vinegar, baking soda, salt, lemon or lime, and ice. You will also need old rag, toothbrush and soft sponge. Rinse the sink and sprinkle baking soda on the surface. Make a paste and rinse. Use a toothbrush dipped in a paste of baking soda or soap to run down the drain.

    Then wipe down the entire sink with paper towels dipped in vinegar and let sit for 20 minutes. Dampen a sponge with soapy water and wipe down the sink. Fill a sink with 2 cups of ice and a cup of salt. Then turn on cold water until the ice disappears. Then, cut the lemon in half and wipe down the kitchen sink.

    How to clean a wood cutting board?

    You may have noticed that wooden cutting boards retain dirt, so to clean them you need 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 glass of water, ½ lemon, sea salt, vegetable oil and a towel.

    Wipe the cutting board with a mixture of vinegar and water. Divide the lemon in half, dip it in sea \u200b\u200bsalt... Wipe the board with water, then dip a towel in vegetable oil and rub it into a cutting board .. A wooden board will serve you for years to come!

    Clean the oven

    To clean the oven, you can mix baking soda and vinegar. You will also need a bowl with a spatula. Clean the trash in the oven, sprinkle the entire surface baking soda... Pour into a spray bottle and spray with baking soda to make a paste. Let this paste sit in the oven for 10-20 minutes. Then remove it in a circular motion.

    Putting the blinds in order is also not so difficult. Is there an easy way to do this. Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water in a bowl. Dress old sock hand and wipe the blinds until they are clean.

    If your child left their art with marker on the floor or furniture, don't worry, they can be removed. First, apply a dab of white toothpaste to the drawing, and wipe with a damp cloth or paper towel.

    Kitchen sponges allow germs to accumulate, so you can use them to get rid of them. It is very easy. Just put the sponge in the microwave for 5 minutes. This will kill almost all germs.

    Natural freshener

    And finally, a few homemade recipes. If you prefer natural scents, you can easily make your own air freshener. You can use lemon, vanilla, and rosemary.

    Combine two cups of water, a teaspoon of vanilla, chopped lemon and 2 sprigs of rosemary in a saucepan and simmer.

    Fruit air freshener is another good recipe... You need apples, orange, lemon, cranberries, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and vanilla extract. Put everything in a saucepan and add some water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer.

    You can make a natural cleaner that smells great using citrus peels and vinegar. Take citrus peels and put them in a jar, cover with vinegar and leave for 2 weeks. Peel off and pour into a spray bottle diluted with water (1: 1).

    And if you want your house to smell in spring, then you need a small saucepan in which you need to pour a little water, put a lemon and a few sprigs of rosemary. Add 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla and let the mixture simmer all day.

    I think, thanks to these simple dressing recipes, it won't be too difficult, and your home will always shine with cleanliness and smell of the freshness of spring!

    Each of us has our own methods and secrets for cleaning the house. And it doesn't matter what we do and how much free time we have. For both a working woman and a woman sitting at home, it is important that cleaning the house takes as little time as possible.

    With age and increasing experience in housekeeping, each housewife accumulates her secrets on housekeeping and cleaning the house. But for young housewives, often, these secrets are still ahead.

    This article will be devoted to a selection of tips from experienced housewives for quick and, most importantly, high-quality house cleaning.

    What is house cleaning

    Therefore, it is necessary to use modern tools for cleaning the house. Fortunately, their choice is now huge. It is enough to choose for yourself the most optimal product in terms of price and quality. This will both simplify and speed up the cleaning process.

    6. Use of modern disinfectants for cleaning

    One of important tips housewives to clean the house, is the use of disinfectants to clean the house. That is, products containing chlorine or another substance that kills microbes. This is especially important if you have small children and animals in your home.

    7. Cleaning floors and other surfaces with special rags and mops

    Of course, you can clean the floor in the old fashioned way by making a floor rag out of old pants or towels. At the same time, modern rags and mops for cleaning floors will allow us not only to save cleaning time, but also to wash the floor surface much more efficiently, regardless of its material.

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