• The best moisturizing creams of autumn: a must-have! Facial moisturizer: best and reviews The best cheap moisturizer


    Svetlana Markova

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


    How to choose a face cream with moisturizing properties so that it effectively takes care of skin health? Certain components included in the cosmetic product fill and retain life-giving moisture inside the skin cells. Knowing about them and those ingredients that are harmful to the skin will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing a product. It is worth understanding what selection criteria, along with the composition, influence the purchase of the best moisturizer.

    What is moisturizer

    Any cream is essentially an emulsion (a mixture of substances) based on water and lipids (fats). Moisture maintains turgor pressure in skin tissue cells, giving them an elastic shape. When a cosmetic product is applied to the body, part of the liquid contained in it enters the cells of the epidermis, and the rest evaporates over time. Moisturizing cream differs from nourishing cream in that the second is an inverse emulsion (contains more lipids than water).


    To understand how a moisturizer works, you need to understand its composition. The more natural substances in a skin care product, the higher its quality. It has a more positive effect on skin health. One of the main components of cosmetics that enrich the cells of the epidermis and dermis with water are the following moisturizers:

    • NUF – natural moisturizing factor:
    1. hyaluronic acid;
    2. glycerol;
    3. urea;
    4. lipids;
    5. amino acids.
    • natural acids and their derivatives:
    1. dairy;
    2. apple;
    3. spiroglutamine;
    4. glutamine, etc.
    • sugars, polysaccharides:
    1. glucose;
    2. melibiosis;
    3. maltitol;
    4. agarose, etc.
    • other natural and synthetic substances:
    1. seaweed;
    2. collagen;
    3. elastin;
    4. gelatin, etc.

    Film formers found in the best moisturizer act as a kind of barrier that prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body. They protect the human integumentary tissue from aggressive environmental factors, reduce its irritation, and create the impression of a smooth epidermal structure. The cosmetics industry often uses the following film formers:

    • Vaseline oil (useful in low concentration);
    • lanolin;
    • mineral oils;
    • silicones.

    The last two film formers do their job well, but can negatively affect skin health. It is necessary to carefully study the components included in facial care products. The best indicator of the acid-base balance (pH) of the emulsion is from 5 to 9. The packaging of the moisturizer must have a list of ingredients used. At the beginning of the list are those substances that the emulsion contains most. You should refrain from purchasing if the cosmetic product contains toxic synthetic substances:

    • formaldehyde;
    • prohibited preservatives;
    • paraben;
    • ethylene glycols;
    • propylene glycols;
    • phthalates.

    Lipids must be present in a moisturizing emulsion. They penetrate deep into the epidermis and dermis, restore their structure, and maintain integrity. Emollients (lipid analogues) soften and lubricate the scales of the stratum corneum, smoothing the skin. The most effective lipids are vegetable fats, for example, apricot oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, etc. The best moisturizing creams often contain synthesized vitamin complexes that nourish the skin. Thanks to this, it acquires a beautiful, radiant appearance.


    The best moisturizer is suitable for all skin types. With age, any skin loses its ability to maintain the necessary hydrobalance. The use of emulsions with a moisturizing effect is necessary for:

    • saturating cells with moisture;
    • regeneration of epidermal and dermal cells;
    • protection from dirt and bacteria;
    • maintaining youthful skin.

    Manufacturers often produce moisturizing facial care products according to the age of the users. Creams for age groups over 30 years old include substances that promote collagen production. This protein forms the basis of the connective tissue of the skin, providing its elasticity by filling the intercellular matrix of the epidermis. Cosmetic emulsions are also distinguished depending on the area of ​​application:

    • for skin care around the eyes:
    • for face and neck.

    Best face moisturizer

    When choosing cosmetics for the face, a person focuses on many factors. The most significant among them are:

    • Problem. The buyer sets himself the task of correcting skin imperfections through the use of a cosmetic product. The description of the product helps to understand whether it is possible to obtain the expected result.
    • Compound. A person knows which substances he wants to see in the list of ingredients of a cosmetic product, and which, in his opinion, are categorically unacceptable.
    • Manufacturer. The buyer chooses a product of domestic or foreign production. Sometimes a particular brand is preferred.
    • Type of cosmetics. The buyer's priority is professional or mass production.
    • Price. The price-quality ratio depends on the manufacturer, composition, successful advertising campaign, etc. Each buyer makes a choice based on his tastes and financial capabilities.


    The natural base of moisturizing emulsions is much more effective than synthetic ones, so when purchasing a cream, it is better to give preference to organic body care products. The leader in the ranking of the best natural emulsions with a moisturizing effect is:

    • Name, manufacturer: “Careing”, Chanson Cosmetics (Japan).
    • Description: works at the level of a drug, contains oligosaccharides that relieve atopic dermatitis. Minimizes the secretion of histamine, which causes inflammation and redness of the skin. Strengthens the barrier functions of sensitive skin.
    • Features of use: ideal for solving problems of dryness, flaking, itching of the skin in the off-season.
    • Pros: Does not contain parabens, dyes or other dangerous chemicals.
    • Cons: high price.

    Russian cosmetic products are not inferior to foreign ones in their properties. The best domestic creams are of high quality. They are based on extracts and oils of plants growing in the country, so they are more suitable for people adapted to local conditions. Some of the best natural moisturizers are:

    • Name, manufacturer: “Green Tango”, Morning of the Queen (Russia).
    • Description: enriched with grape and Siberian cedar oil. Contains propolis and beeswax extract. Recommended for the age group 25+.
    • Features of application: for daily day use. Deep hydration protects against temperature changes.
    • Pros: quickly absorbed. Can be used for the area around the eyes.
    • Cons: not suitable for people who are allergic to bee products.

    Inexpensive face moisturizer

    The budget group of skin care cosmetics remains popular. Many people are mistaken into thinking that such products are of low quality. Manufacturers are finding ways to make inexpensive moisturizing emulsions to make this product popular. Face cream with optimal price-quality ratio:

    • Name, manufacturer: Nutra effects, Avon (Germany).
    • Description: for sensitive skin. Successfully passed the test for the absence of allergenic components. The composition includes chia seed extract, a complex of microelements that improve the tone of the connective tissue of the epidermis.
    • Features of use: valid for 48 hours. For best results, use every morning.
    • Pros: has a light consistency, absorbs quickly, does not leave greasy marks on the face. Does not contain parabens and dyes. Contains SPF filter.
    • Cons: according to reviews from women who use the cream, no shortcomings were found.

    Those who want to purchase an inexpensive cosmetic product with a moisturizing effect should buy domestically produced products. One of the best options is:

    • Name, manufacturer: “Black pearl intensive bio-moisturizing 24 hours”, JSC Concern “Kalina” (Russia).
    • Description: the composition includes orchid bioextract, passionflower oil and a vitamin complex. The thick consistency of the cosmetic product contributes to its economical use.
    • Features of use: used as a base makeup product and as a night cream.
    • Pros: improves color in 2-3 weeks. Takes into account the age characteristics of the skin.
    • Cons: contains synthetic components.

    Lightweight face moisturizer

    High-quality cosmetics always come to the aid of women with allergen-sensitive, dry skin. Those who are confused by the abundance of cosmetic products offered on the market and cannot make a choice are recommended to buy time-tested brands. These are the best facial moisturizers:

    • Name, manufacturer: Aqualia thermal, Vichy (France).
    • Description: quickly absorbed without leaving visible marks on the body. Relieves the feeling of tightness and flaking of the face for 48 hours.
    • Features of use: suitable for all skin types and age characteristics.
    • Pros: Provides a comfortable feeling all day long. Hypoallergenic.
    • Cons: not noted by buyers.

    There are women who are very demanding when it comes to body care products. They are willing to pay dearly for a super moisturizing face cream with natural ingredients. The best in this series of cosmetic products include:

    • Name, manufacturer: Skin-Lasting Hydrating Moisturizer (UK).
    • Description: contains vegetable glycerin, lactic acid, urea (urea), aloe vera juice, hyaluronic acid, green tea leaf extract, vitamin C, sea salt.
    • Features of use: apply to the skin with patting movements of the fingers until the feeling of stickiness completely disappears.
    • Pros: can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Available in spray form.
    • Cons: high cost.


    Domestic scientists at beauty institutes are using nanotechnology to develop new formulas for “smart” cosmetics that support the functioning of skin cells at the level of a young human body. An example of the best developments is a face cream with a good composition:

    • Name, manufacturer: “Rejuvenating microemulsion for the face for deep hydration”, NNPTSTO.
    • Description: the rejuvenating effect occurs due to multi-stage hydration of all layers of the epidermis, the liposomal property of natural ingredients: jojoba oil, kelp extract, Scutellaria baicalensis flavonoids.
    • Directions for use: Apply with light patting movements to the face, neck, and décolleté area. After 3 months of use, take a break for one month.
    • Pros: has a regenerating effect, tightens facial contours. The skin acquires a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.
    • Cons: none found.

    Russian manufacturers of cosmetics do not forget to fill the market with affordable products. A well-proven skin moisturizing cream:

    Results of the “Test purchase”

    To determine whether a product complies with the characteristics indicated on its packaging, the independent consumer rights protection company Roskontrol conducted a verification exercise, the so-called test purchase of cosmetics. During the inspection, moisturizing creams from six brands that are popular among the country's population were analyzed: “Clean Line”, Clinique, Nivea, Olay, L'Oreal and Garnier. Experimentally and with the help of laboratory studies, data was obtained on the basis of which the following conclusions were drawn:

    • The products of all manufacturers comply with GOST.
    • No prohibited or unlisted components were identified in the cosmetics.
    • The duration of action of the cosmetic product stated on the label was consistent with only two manufacturers - Nivea and Garnier. The moisturizer produced by Clinique had the shortest duration (about 2 hours).

    Professional cosmetics for effective moisturizing

    There are facial care products that cosmetologists use for procedures performed to solve patients' skin problems. Along with medical manipulations, in their professional activities they use cosmetics that have a complex effect on the epidermis:

    • cleansing;
    • hydration;
    • cell regeneration;
    • saturation with useful minerals and vitamins;
    • narrowing of pores;
    • contour tightening.

    The leaders in professional cosmetics in the world are Spain, Germany, and Israel. Products from well-known brands are expensive, but the results of their use quickly appear and have a long-lasting effect. One of the best facial moisturizers:

    • Name, manufacturer: gel-cream with hydromatizing effect 440020, Natura Bisse (Spain).
    • Description: does not contain oils. Contains bioactive substances that prevent the appearance of acne and excessive secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands of the epidermis. Promotes rejuvenation.
    • Application Features: Designed for daily use. Apply morning and evening to clean skin.
    • Pros: has a light texture, absorbs quickly.
    • Cons: cannot be used in winter during frosts.

    Rating of the best face creams

    The cosmetics industry offers a huge selection of products that can satisfy the requirements of a wide range of customers. People's reviews of cosmetics are the basis for determining the best brands and their products. The top 10 face creams include:

    • Aurealux Cream Radiance Moisturizer, Dolce&Gabbana (Italy). Elite anti-aging product for facial moisturizing. The universal product maintains the hydrolipid balance of the epidermis, restores cellular metabolism, and smoothes wrinkles. Vitamin B3, olive oil, golden silk sericin, which are included in its composition, retain life-giving moisture in every cell of the skin for a long time.
    • SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream, Shiseido (Japan). The time-tested brand offers women a product that restores “tired” skin with dull color. Has a rejuvenating effect, reduces the number of wrinkles. Increases the elasticity of the skin and returns a healthy appearance to the face.
    • Eclat du Jour, CLARINS (France). The antioxidants and amino acids of plant origin that are included in the composition nourish the dermis, promoting the metabolic metabolism of cells. The product has an airy consistency and is easily absorbed. Has a delicate perfumed scent. Prevents skin aging. The face takes on a well-groomed appearance.
    • Rose Water Mist, La Sincere (Japan). Rose thermal water belongs to professional cosmetics. It cleanses, nourishes and deeply moisturizes the skin. Has a subtle rose scent. Available in spray form.
    • Hyaluronic moisturizing activator serum, librederm (Russia). The unique composition of the drug promotes maximum synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid in skin tissues and the release of filaggrin, a source of NUF. The product is available in a convenient vacuum dispenser.
    • Active Hydrating, OLAY (Poland). Actively saturates the epidermis with life-giving moisture, protects against external negative factors, and prevents the appearance of age spots on the face. With constant use, it provides the skin with velvety texture and a healthy glow.
    • “Maximum moisture”, Avon (Germany). In addition to the ability to intensively moisturize epidermal cells, the product has a high lifting effect. Regular use will significantly improve the appearance of your face: it will begin to glow from within.
    • Bioeconatura Face Moisturizing, Bema Cosmetici (Italy). Rice grain oil and coconut glycerides contained in the product maintain the hydrolipid balance of the integumentary tissue. Nutrition and hydration of epidermal cells significantly improves the appearance of the skin.
    • "Active oxygen", Oriflame (Sweden). Suitable for day and night use. Saturates dermal cells with oxygen, while simultaneously filling them with moisture. The emulsion has a light consistency and protects skin tissue from free radicals and UV rays.
    • “Moisturizing cream for normal and combination skin”, Clean Line (Russia). A budget version of a cosmetic product for everyday care includes an extract from cornflower, which reduces pores. Aloe extract fills the skin tissue with life-giving moisture.

    How to choose

    Experts recommend moisturizing the skin for people over 25 years old. From this age, self-hydration of the epidermis slows down, and factors of an aggressive external environment - changes in air temperature, environmental pollution, lack of oxygen in heated rooms - aggravate the problem. All skin types require hydration. Additional components of the cosmetic emulsion will contribute to a beneficial effect, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human skin:

    • Combination and normal skin responds well to chamomile, green tea, and licorice extract.
    • Dry - it will become softer if, along with moisture, it receives camellia oil, salmon milt extract, black caviar and other lipids.
    • The oily type needs to be supplemented with plant extracts, which will prevent the active secretion of sebum. Aloe juice and pomegranate are ideal for this.


    The necessary cream can be ordered and purchased in the online store, having previously selected a cosmetic product in the catalog. Comparative table of the cost of goods in the Moscow region.



    Price, rub.

    Hyaluronic moisturizing activator serum, Librederm



    The beauty and youth of the skin is preserved through proper care. For this case, it is worth considering a facial moisturizer ranking the 10 best products in this category. You should also study the properties of these cosmetic preparations depending on the age category of women.

    The cosmetics industry provides a wide selection of moisturizing creams from a wide variety of brands. The selection of effective products is based on real reviews of women who have used these cosmetics. Below are the main preparations with a high moisturizing effect.

    Clarins Eclat du jour

    A good moisturizer that has a special skin glowing effect. Constant use of a cosmetic product guarantees proper skin care and maintenance of its elasticity and tenderness. The structure of the cream is very light and does not leave greasy marks on the body. The composition of the drug is based on the content of natural components that nourish cell membranes and increase metabolic processes in the body.

    Women who have used the cream leave only positive reviews about it, which confirm the high effectiveness of the cosmetic product. And there is also high skin hydration when applying the cream, which stays on the body for quite a long time. The average price is 1000–1300 rubles.


    An effective product for dry and sensitive skin prone to flaking. A unique composition based on natural ingredients allows you to maximally moisturize the skin without clogging pores and preventing the development of allergic manifestations and redness. The overall structure of the mixture is airy, pleasant to the touch and has a light aroma.

    The cream is applied to the skin with light movements in a thin layer. After use, you feel a refreshing effect and a slight pleasant feeling of cold. Many girls write about the high quality of the cosmetic product and its relatively inexpensive cost compared to other analogues. The average price is 250–300 rubles.


    This cosmetic product allows you to care for skin in different age categories and effectively fights the first wrinkles, circles under the eyes, and general facial fatigue. The cream provides maximum hydration and nutrition of skin cells, which are restored and ensure the beauty and youth of the face!

    Most girls appreciate the cream for its light texture, which can be applied to the face within a few minutes. The product remains on the face throughout the day and does not cause the feeling of a mask. Extracts of natural components in the composition actively regenerate metabolic processes at the cellular level, which contributes to the formation of beautiful, healthy facial skin. The average price is 1500–2000 rubles.


    Cosmetic cream for combination skin with a moisturizing effect. Natural components rose extract and jojoba provide valuable properties of the product. The drug gives the skin velvety and natural radiance.

    The cream is best applied in the morning, but you should first cleanse your face. The texture of the product is light and delicate, which makes it easy to apply the cosmetic product. The aroma of the component has a light floral aftertaste with notes of musk. The average price is 1000–1200 rubles.

    Librederm based on chamomile extract

    A new improved cream based on natural chamomile, which significantly moisturizes and restores facial skin. The cosmetic product has a very pleasant texture that can be applied to the body without much effort. At the same time, the drug has the ability to heal and regenerate damage to the face.

    Reviews about the cream once again confirm the effectiveness and high quality of the cosmetic product. The product is in great demand among consumers and is especially effective as a daily skin care component. The average price is 350–400 rubles.

    Oriflame "Active oxygen"

    High-quality budget cream with high performance, having a moisturizing effect. The drug is effective for dry, problem skin and provides intensive, high-quality care. The peculiarity of the action of the cosmetic product is its unique effect directly instead of localizing skin damage.

    The texture of the cream makes it easy to apply without causing excessive oiliness or dullness on the skin. The face remains fresh throughout the day and there is no feeling of fatigue and shine on it. The vitamin complex in the composition provides the necessary nutrition to the cells. The average price is 200–300 rubles.

    Shiseido "SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream"

    A proven cosmetic product for aged skin that provides her with the necessary care and recovery. The active components of the composition fight premature aging of the skin, eliminate dark spots, wrinkles and provide cell nutrition processes.

    The pricing policy of the cosmetic product is quite high, but is confirmed by the high effectiveness of the product. Most women speak positively about the effectiveness and ability to renew the drug. The average price is 2500–3000 rubles.


    This cream is quite effective, but in the range of appropriate cosmetic products are a little behind in terms of technology of influence. The texture of the drug is very airy and with constant use for two weeks, positive changes are clearly visible. The skin becomes soft, elastic and radiant, and wrinkles are smoothed out and significantly reduces a woman’s age!

    The composition of natural ingredients affects skin cells through internal metabolic processes, which ensures a long-lasting effect of the cosmetic product. The cream is popular due to the effectiveness and celebrity of the brand. The average price is 2000–2500 rubles.

    Avon "Maximum hydration"

    The cosmetic product has moisturizing properties m and a high lifting effect. After application, the skin is left with a distinctive radiance and velvety feel. The texture is pleasant to the touch and easily applied to the skin. At the same time, the drug significantly smoothes out wrinkles on the face.

    The use of cream ensures proper facial skin care and prevents the development of peeling. Reviews of the product from women and girls who have used the product indicate the high effectiveness of the face cream. The average price is 400–420 rubles.

    Eot Librederm with vitamins

    An effective moisturizer containing a complex of vitamins necessary for normal functioning and restoration of facial skin. The cream has a light texture and leaves a pleasant feeling on the skin when applied. The drug is from the budget line and has a low cost.

    The cream is in great demand among girls and women, and most consumers note the high effectiveness of the cosmetic product. When using the drug for a short time, positive changes are noticeable on the face. The average price is 150–200 rubles.

    Reasons for moisturizing facial skin in different age categories

    Proper facial skin care at any age will prolong youth and prevent its natural aging processes. But in certain age periods, women have various nuances and possible reasons for the mandatory moisturizing of the skin.

    • Skin hydration after 25 years is a prerequisite, since metabolic processes in cells slow down and to replenish them, high-quality moisturizers should be used. In addition, you need to control exposure to sunlight, facial movements, use cosmetics within a given age and choose the right set of cleansers.
    • After 30 years the skin of the face begins to gradually lose its properties of elasticity and tenderness and the first wrinkles appear in the area of ​​the eyes and chin. At this age, proper care and maximum hydration, nutrition and saturation of the skin with necessary substances that are not sufficiently produced by the body are very important. It is advisable to choose a high-quality series of cosmetics that care for individual parts of the face.

    Using a variety of masks will help restore metabolic processes in skin cells and renew facial skin. You should choose a specific set of measures aimed at proper and supportive facial skin care!

    At this age, the use of special innovative methods in the form of the introduction of serum or hyaluronic acid is effective. You should use products containing collagen, nutrients and sunscreen filters. It is best to discuss all proposed procedures with a qualified specialist who will select an individual recovery course!

    • In old age after 60 years the aging process becomes noticeable and visible to the naked eye. The skin has lost its elasticity and become flabby with characteristic wrinkles and pigmentation spots. During this period, you also need to maintain proper facial care as maintenance therapy.

    In this age category, the use of natural cleansers, peeling scrubs and restorative masks is effective. There is a large selection of a wide variety of methods and preparations, but it is best to carefully select an effective scheme for skin restoration without additional aggravating effects!

    When summing up, it is worth saying that a woman’s beauty depends entirely on her and the choice and use of the right moisturizing facial skin care products is an auxiliary procedure on the path to harmony of external and internal states!

    Interesting video:

    Did you apply your mother's cream as a little girl and get reprimanded? Mom felt sorry not for cosmetics, but for your skin. Today, when it would seem that every woman should understand cosmetics, like Perelman did in mathematics, many continue to make gross mistakes when choosing and using cosmetics. A good cream is not expensive, but one that “works” with your skin. How to choose it?

    What does the skin need?

    Some face creams solve the problem of acne, others fight wrinkles. There is rosacea, enlarged pores, swelling. Which one do you want? When choosing a cream, it is important to understand the problem that the product is supposed to solve. In addition, you should know what you need from the cream. And you can dream about many things - about lifting, rejuvenation, nutrition, whitening, UV protection. Mark your skin problem and desired effect in the “Use” and “Purpose Against” filters.

    Individual approach

    When solving a problem, the cream must match your skin type and age. Inconsistency will have the most detrimental effect on your appearance. Professional creams for oily skin contain components that tighten pores and reduce sebum secretion. Working on the surface of dry skin, such a product will degrease it, aggravating the problem of tightness and flaking. And, on the contrary, it is absolutely not suitable for oily people. Emollients (fatty substances) in the product will clog pores and cause acne and pimples. Age is an equally important selection criterion. Young skin needs light and natural care with antioxidants. Mature or fading requires “heavy artillery” - the presence of acids, collagen, coenzyme Q10 and other anti-age ingredients. When choosing “your” cream, be sure to use the “Skin Type” and “Age of Use” filters.

    To the place and time!

    Frankly speaking about the secret of her attractiveness, Brigitte Bardot recommended never to be confused with nightlife. Cosmetologists agree with this opinion. The key task of day cream is to protect against environmental aggression. Night – saturates the skin with nourishing components and stimulates renewal processes. There is also a difference between winter and summer cream. In summer, the skin needs protection from ultraviolet radiation and intensive hydration. Winter dictates its own rules: protection and nutrition! A light moisturizing summer cream not only does not “work” in winter, but also causes harm, leaving the skin to be torn apart by frost and wind. Use the “Time of application” filter to select the cream “to the place and time”.

    Rules for applying creams

    A cream that is ideal for your skin may worsen its condition. It's all about the application technique. By carelessly rubbing and smearing, you will eventually get early wrinkles and sagging skin.

    Apply the cream with fingertips using massage and patting movements, warming the skin and improving microcirculation.

    All movements are directed from the center to the sides along massage lines. Professional eye creams are applied from the outer corner to the inner (under the eyes), in the upper eyelid area - from the inner corner to the outer.

    Don't forget about your neck. In the neck area, the cream is applied from bottom to top, towards the chin, and the lower part of the chin is massaged with vigorous patting movements.

    Where can I buy? To the "Cosmetics Gallery"!

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    At a young age, representatives of the fair sex do not think about the need for proper facial skin care. However, it is very thin and sensitive, and the sooner you start using quality cosmetic products, the longer you will shine, remaining young and attractive. 30 years is perhaps the most suitable age for using cosmetics, creams and serums for the face. We present the top 10 best cosmetics for the face after 30 in 2019.

    How to choose the right face cream, and what to consider when purchasing it?

    • Manufacturing company. It must be tested and use only high-quality ingredients,
    • Expiration date and composition of the cosmetic product,
    • Selecting a cream that suits your skin type
    • Advice from cosmetologists and dermatologists,
    • Customer reviews.

    The best restorative creams after 30

    Outside the category - “Luxury Food” - L’Oreal

    Nutrients, collagen, vitamins, essential oils - the result is an even complexion, glowing skin, softness and velvety. And also soothing skin - white jasmine, rosemary and lavender. The cosmetic instantly saturates and nourishes the skin with moisture, increases elasticity and fights signs of fatigue. As a result of using this cosmetic product, the skin tone is significantly evened out, it becomes richer, redness on the face also disappears, and freckles become much lighter.


    • Conveniently and evenly distributed over the skin;
    • Doesn't clog pores;
    • Economical consumption;
    • Light, melting texture;
    • Nice smell;
    • Whitening effect;
    • Elimination of swelling.


    • Frequent counterfeits;
    • Price.

    A super nourishing cream suitable for extreme hydration of facial skin over 30 based on natural ingredients not only eliminates the first signs of aging, but also prevents their reappearance. The cream effectively combats skin problems, and evenly distributed nourishing and moisturizing elements instantly eliminate tightness. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of this cosmetic product, retains moisture for 24 hours, improves the tone and elasticity of facial skin, and maintains mobility and flexibility of joints. The product is also suitable under makeup.


    • Corrects facial skin tone;
    • No film effect;
    • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
    • Well absorbed;
    • Pleasant smell and texture;
    • Super moisturizing effect.


    • Frequent counterfeits;
    • Price;
    • No dispenser.

    The Vichy company was one of the first to combine the medicinal and decorative functions of cosmetic products. The cream for girls in the “30+” category is created on the basis of thermal water, which softens skin cells; products marked Aqualia Thermal indicate moisturizing properties. The cream smoothes out all the unevenness, and the skin gains healthy elasticity, the feeling of tightness and fatigue disappears. In winter, in frosty and dry conditions, the cosmetic product effectively protects the skin from hypothermia.


    • Helium consistency;
    • Affordable price;
    • Natural composition;
    • Economical consumption;
    • No parabens;
    • Hypoallergenic;
    • Control by dermatologists.


    • Not found.

    This cosmetic product “Face Microsculptor” belongs to the anti-aging series and fights early signs of aging, keeping the skin in good condition and restoring its youth and elasticity. The effectiveness of the effect on facial skin lies in the increased concentration of amino peptides, which stimulates the production of collagen, as well as precious marine peptides. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for strengthening intercellular structures, and a complex of antioxidants promotes complete and continuous hydration of the skin.


    • Suitable for all skin types;
    • Thick consistency;
    • Nice smell;
    • Long shelf life.


    • Price.

    7. Biotherm face cream Age Fitness Elastic

    Cosmetic serum-cream is intended for mixed and normal facial skin, and also has the properties of intensive care for mature facial skin after thirty years. More suitable as a preventive remedy, it also fights early signs of aging and unwanted premature wrinkles. The composition of the cosmetic product contains an active formula that successfully inhibits the loss of elasticity, wrinkles and dehydration.


    • Nice smell;
    • Separate double dispenser;
    • Economical consumption;
    • Instantly absorbed;
    • Light lifting;
    • Acceptable price.


    • Not found

    6. Clinique Youth Surge Cream with SPF 15 protection

    An exclusive cream that activates the renewal of body cells during periods of rest, it recreates the youth of the epidermis in the evening and at night. This anti-aging product, by increasing collagen and proteins necessary for the full functioning of cells, eliminates the first early signs of aging - wrinkles. Due to their composition and the ability to prolong the youth of the epidermis, they are called “longevity genes.”


    • Excellent nutrition and hydration;
    • Economical due to density;
    • Does not weigh down the skin;
    • Hypoallergenic;


    • White cream;
    • Too greasy;
    • Price.

    5. Lancome Cream - Primordiale

    Anti-aging serum, the main ingredient of which is an exclusively developed Cell Defense filter, containing four components that can freeze free radicals by 99%. The appearance of premature wrinkles and skin aging is significantly slowed down. A powerful mineral complex restores a healthy complexion, restoring a vibrant tone to the skin, and also promotes cell renewal.


    • Light texture;
    • Elimination of unwanted redness;
    • Clears pigment spots;
    • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
    • Easily absorbed.


    • Makeup does not apply well after applying the cream;
    • The appearance of fragrance;
    • Price.

    An effective, multifunctional cosmetic product from a Korean manufacturer, with a high content (92%) of Mizon snail extract, has gained popularity all over the world due to its restorative and rejuvenating function. Mizon all one snall, saturating the epidermis with essential minerals and trace elements, will solve skin problems after thirty in a short time and ensure its elasticity, restoration and necessary care.

    The effective effect of the cosmetic cream extends not only to wrinkles, but also to age spots, redness, and scars. The optimal composition rejuvenates the facial skin and restores its functions. It is rightfully considered the best cream with a lifting effect.


    • Not addictive;
    • Multifunctional cosmetic product;
    • Anti-aging;
    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Brightening;
    • Affordable price.


    • Slightly pharmaceutical smell;
    • Contains silicone.

    This multifunctional cosmetic product is ideal at any time of the year; it counteracts temperature changes, dust, wind, burns, etc., and also normalizes the skin's hydro balance. The cream is also suitable as a soothing agent for skin that has undergone deep chemical cleansing or other cosmetic procedures.

    The cream contains vitamin C and UV filters and polysaccharides, which is suitable for irritated and sensitive skin and provides comprehensive and systematic restoration of damaged skin, strengthening and protecting it from external factors, and also reduces the effect of free radicals, improving its texture. The cream effectively prevents early aging of the facial skin, the formation of unwanted wrinkles, and loss of elasticity.


    • Can be used as a base for makeup;
    • Acceptable price;
    • Nice smell;
    • Relieves redness and irritation;
    • Economical consumption;
    • Doesn't clog pores;
    • Normalizes microflora;
    • Light texture.
    • Efficiency;


    • Not suitable for all skin types.

    2. Organic Linden Face Cream – Logona

    Rich in a vitamin complex, the intensive moisturizing cream protects your facial skin for 24 hours. Contains vitamins and moisturizing oils necessary to maintain skin elasticity, which can restore elasticity to the skin and protect it from external factors. Organic Linden from Logona is suitable for any face type and can also be used on the neck and décolleté.


    • Acceptable price;
    • Well absorbed;
    • Convenient application;
    • Excellent moisturizing;
    • Organic composition.


    • Texture too dense;
    • Not suitable for all skin types.

    1. Beauty Skin Cream – Mulsan Cosmetic

    Skin moisturizers help maintain youth: creams help nourish the skin and prevent moisture from evaporating so quickly, retaining it with the help of certain substances. This makes the stratum corneum softer and more elastic.

    Skin is a barrier against the negative influence of the environment. It is this that helps retain moisture in the body, which is why it is so important to protect it.

    Facial moisturizers from the pharmacy shelf

    With a lack of moisture, cells shrink and become fragile, so their protective function and elasticity are lost, microcracks appear, inflammation becomes more frequent - the appearance deteriorates and the first signs of aging appear.

    What is it and what are they?

    1. Cream delivers moisture, thereby restoring the normal level of moisture. The day cream must have protection against ultraviolet radiation (in winter too) and aggressive environmental factors. If possible, choose a gentle and weightless product. Night cream stimulates regeneration at a deep level and contains a higher concentration of nutritional components, such as oils. This product is denser and richer than the usual daytime product.
    2. Humidifier absorbs and retains moisture in the skin. Glycerin is a popular moisturizer, but it must be treated with caution: at high levels in the cream and insufficient air humidity, it draws moisture from the skin itself, dehydrating it. Included in many creams. These components must be treated carefully; in excess quantities they are harmful and do not bring any benefit.
    3. Sedative makes the skin soft and elastic, for example, aloe. Also often present in creams. Suitable for combating redness and irritation.

    Why do we need products for different skin types?

    In youth, dry skin eliminates typical teenage problems: acne and blackheads. But with age, wrinkles, sensitivity and irritation appear earlier. Good care and hydration are important.

    Creams for dry type should contain:

    Vitamin D Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, prolongs skin youth.
    Collagen Is a powerful moisturizer. One of its molecules can hold a mass of water 1000 times its own.
    Retinol Used to treat acne, reduce wrinkles and other signs of skin aging caused by sun exposure.
    Hyaluronic acid Protects skin from negative environmental influences, fills and smoothes wrinkles, treats dry skin, heals wounds and scars.
    Panthenol Moisturizes and eliminates flaking.
    Vitamin E Restores skin color, protects it and slows down aging.

    At night you need to choose a thicker cream (regardless of the season), and during the day give preference to lighter textures, especially in the hot season.

    Normal skin is traditionally considered the most problem-free and easy to care for, but even it needs nourishment, especially in the cold season. Unlike dry skin, it does not need constant deep hydration. A light day cream and night cream if desired is enough.

    Moisturizers for normal type should not contain:

    Propylene glycol Causes irritation to eyes and skin, is a derivative of petroleum products.
    Formaldehyde Is a toxic preservative.
    Hydroquinone Causes a decrease in UV protection.
    Aluminum acetate Causes peeling.
    Bithionol Increases sensitivity to the sun, causing irritation.
    Glycerin and Vaseline Dehydrates the skin.
    Fluorocarbon Toxic to the respiratory tract.
    Phenoxyethalone Causes allergic reactions.

    Oily skin is often considered problematic due to enlarged pores, acne-prone skin, oily skin, unevenness, and, with age, sagging. But it is she who often suffers from dehydration, as aggressive cleansing is used.

    Moisturizing oily skin is as important as cleansing and toning it.

    What should be included in creams for oily skin:

    Cane sugar Excellent exfoliation and does not clog pores, helps eliminate blemishes.
    Hydroxy acids Makes complexion and skin texture better and more beautiful.
    Hibiscus Moisturizes and helps cell renewal.
    Aloe vera Has a calming effect and reduces acne symptoms.
    Green tea Evens out complexion tone and protects from the sun.
    Rose oil Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone.

    Top 10 facial moisturizers from the pharmacy

    The moisturizers on this list are designed for different skin types, so we can't say one product is better than the rest. It is worth choosing a cream based on your skin type and its needs. Oily skin will not be suitable for dry skin because it has better moisturizing properties, which will clog pores and worsen the overall appearance.

    You cannot choose a product for dry skin that was originally intended for oily skin: cosmetics for problem skin often add components that dry out the skin.

    Avene Hydrance Optimale UV legere SPF 20

    Skin moisturizers from this French brand are loved by many women. They do not cause an allergic reaction and do not cause rashes. The manufacturer keeps its promises: the skin is well hydrated and remains matte for 4-5 hours after application. Apply to cleansed skin morning and evening.


    1. Thermal water with soothing properties.
    2. Polymethyl methacrylate mattifies and hides small wrinkles.

    A nice bonus is the presence of ultraviolet protection, but due to the nature of the filters, the cream must be applied at least 30 minutes before going out. The cream has a light and weightless consistency, is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Great for applying makeup. Sold in a 40 ml tube. Price about 1300 rubles.

    Vichy Normaderm

    Vichy skin moisturizers are high-quality cosmetics from one of the most popular French skincare brands that you can trust; they are ideal for problematic and oily skin. Normaderm is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition.


    1. Thanks to salicylic acid in the composition, it dries out pimples and prevents recurrence of breakouts.
    2. PhE-Resorcinol helps regenerate skin cells.
    3. AirLicium mattifies.

    Suitable for teenagers, people with high levels of stress, living in polluted areas. But there is no UV protection, this is an acid treatment. Those who decide to use this product must remember to protect themselves from the sun to avoid the appearance of age spots.

    The cream has a slightly greenish tint, medium consistency, light texture and a pleasant refreshing aroma. You can purchase a pump version or a regular 50 ml tube. A full-size package on the website costs a little more than 1,100 rubles. Apply after cleansing and toning, avoiding the eye area.

    La Roche-Posay Effaclar K+

    One of the most popular products of this brand:

    1. SEBULYSE regulates sebum production,
    2. AIRLICIUM absorbs 150 times its weight, resulting in a matte finish after application within 8 hours of application.
    3. The composition contains vitamin E and carnosine, which prevents loss of elasticity, which cannot but please girls over 25 years old.

    The cream is suitable as a treatment for problematic and oily skin. In winter, you may need a product with a greater moisturizing effect. No sun protection. Tightens pores and gets rid of blackheads. The texture is quite light, rather gel-like, similar to an emulsion. Easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving no unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

    The cream has been clinically tested and is recommended by many dermatologists. A tube of 40 ml without discounts costs about 1,100 rubles. You can order either online or buy it at a pharmacy. Contraindicated in case of allergies to individual components of the composition. Apply only to problem areas. For oily and problem skin, application to the entire face is acceptable.

    La Roche-Posay Hydraphase Intense Legere SPF 20

    Suitable for girls with sensitive and dehydrated skin. The cream actively moisturizes and retains moisture in the skin, protects from the sun, and gives a feeling of freshness and comfort. This is a day cream. Among the advantages are economical consumption and a convenient, hygienic pump. Volume – 50 ml.

    The cream has a light consistency, does not cause acne, is quickly absorbed, has an unobtrusive odor, mattifies without leaving an oily sheen.


    • thermal water;
    • hyaluronic acid;

    Disadvantages include the overpriced product and the presence of glycerin in the chemical composition. It moisturizes the skin while the cream is being used, but later it dries it even more than before using the product. This is true if you apply the cream in conditions of low air humidity.

    Directions for use: twice a day after washing, apply a small amount of cream to the face and neck. Costs about 1700 rubles. Contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the composition.

    Vichy Aqualia Thermal Riche

    Smoothes dehydrated skin, nourishes for up to 48 hours. Thermal water soothes and restores the epidermis, saturates it with minerals. Hyaluronic acid prevents moisture from evaporating and smoothes out lines of dehydration. The cream restores the protective layer of the skin and makes it look rested and healthy, has a hypoallergenic formula.


    1. Plant sugar mannose.
    2. Thermal water.
    3. Hyaluronic acid.
    4. SODIUM PCA (natural anti-aging humectant).
    5. Does not contain parabens.

    One of the disadvantages is the glycerin content in the first positions; when there is a lack of moisture in the air, this substance draws water from the skin, making it even drier. There is no protective filter against solar radiation. 97% natural composition. Sold in a 50 ml jar. Price: about 1600 rub. Use as regular cream morning and evening.

    Nuxe Prodigiense Enrichie

    This cream visually eliminates the effects of stress and fatigue on the skin. It smooths out wrinkles and slightly rejuvenates. It has a denser texture than Avene, but is absorbed just as quickly and has a slightly matte finish. It has a rather pronounced rose aroma, which evaporates immediately after application. It nourishes well, so it is more suitable for dry and normal skin.


    1. No dyes or ingredients of animal origin
    2. Sweet almond oil is an excellent moisturizer.

    Ideal for the cold season for girls with oilier skin types. Not tested on animals. Has a standard 40 ml package. The price is 1399 rubles. on the official site. Apply twice a day to cleansed skin of the face and neck.

    Cream for problem and oily skin from Kora

    The cream is aimed at combating imperfections. Pleasant appearance of the packaging and large volume - 50 ml. At a discount, wildberries can often be purchased at a deep discount for 300-400 rubles. Apply after cleansing and toning. Detailed instructions can also be found on the packaging.


    1. There is a sebocomplex designed to combat skin imperfections.
    2. Active components isolated from sugar beet and chicory have a calming effect. There is a weak anti-aging effect.
    3. Also contains calendula, arnica, plantain, shea butter, corn oil.

    The color of the cream is slightly yellow, medium consistency, you need a little product for application, economical consumption. Has a natural scent similar to calendula. Suitable for subsequent makeup application. After prolonged use, the skin becomes noticeably fresher. The cream mattifies and perfectly moisturizes.

    Lierac Hydragenist Moisturizing Cream

    Moisturizing oxygen cream. In this case, oxygen prevents aging, the skin becomes fresher, and the complexion evens out. Hyaluronic acid provides enhanced hydration and enhances the effect of the cream. Gardenia, jasmine and rose extracts lock in moisture and prevent dryness and wrinkles.

    Smells like a rose. Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. Rice powder in the composition mattifies. Among the shortcomings, one can identify the high price - more than 3,000 rubles.


    1. Aqua/Water/Eau.
    2. Glycerin.
    3. Alcohol Denat.
    4. Cyclopentasiloxane.
    5. Polyamide-5.
    6. Squalane.
    7. The manufacturer adds a patented hydra complex to the product, which makes the cream so effective.

    Indications for use: recommended for very dry and sensitive skin. Suitable for combination and normal types. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product. Directions for use: apply the cream twice a day: morning and evening on the face and neck, suitable for use after serum.

    Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream

    This cream will help fight some skin diseases: rosacea, dermatitis, eczema. Moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates redness.

    Does not cause allergic reactions, has a calming effect. Suitable for sensitive or dry skin.

    Of the minuses: lack of ultraviolet protection and glycerin and mineral oil in the first lines of the composition. The cream is used sparingly, one tube is enough for 4 months of use twice a day, it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Costs about 1100 rubles. per tube of 40 ml.


    1. Avocado oil and ginkgo biloba extract restore elasticity.
    2. Canola oil retains moisture.
    3. Glycerol.
    4. Tocopherol protects.

    Avene Cleanance Hydra

    Sold in a neat tube with a convenient 40 ml dispenser. Doesn't leave a filmy feeling on the face. Suitable for oily and problem skin. It is quickly absorbed and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to its special composition, it prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms.


    1. Bisabolol makes the skin elastic and visually younger.
    2. Zinc dries out inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones.

    It has an unobtrusive cosmetic aroma that quickly disappears after application. In terms of consistency, consumption is quite economical. Use as standard morning and evening on clean skin. Costs about 900 rubles.

    For the moisturizer to work, it is recommended to apply it along massage lines or with light tapping or patting movements. In order for the cream to penetrate the skin, it is necessary to wash off the makeup, wash with foam or gel, then tone the skin. And only after these 3 steps can you start applying the cream. For a visible effect, you need to use the product regularly.

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