• What is the minimum age pension? What is the minimum and maximum amount of old-age pension in Russia. How is the minimum labor pension calculated?


    The legislation of the Russian Federation does not define the size of the minimum pension. This indicator is set independently by regional authorities and depends on the cost of living of citizens. If the pension is below the limit, the state will help with money.

    How are pension savings formed?

    The most common in Russia is the old-age pension, assigned upon reaching the age specified by law. Its size is completely dependent on length of service, which is why it is also called “labor”.

    In Russia, the following age limit for retirement is established on general grounds:

    • for women – 55 years;
    • for men – 60 years.

    In addition, there are many benefits that allow you to obtain this status earlier than the established period. However, there are categories of citizens who can start receiving social pensions later. They will be discussed below.

    Statistics do not keep track of the maximum pension amount, since it is influenced by many factors. But the minimum old-age pension is a relatively constant value and can change depending on the decisions of the Russian authorities. Official data on its value are published at least once a year.

    Components of a pension

    The labor pension consists of two components – insurance and funded.

    The amount of the insurance part is deducted by the employer in addition to wages to the Pension Fund of Russia. The transferred money serves as a kind of insurance for workers; it is used by the state to pay current pensioners. The size of the portion is determined by law as a percentage of money earned. This is a kind of solidarity between generations.

    The storage part has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is accrued only to those employees who were born after 1967. Secondly, it is transferred not to the general “pot”, but to the citizen’s individual savings account in various non-state pension funds. These organizations promise to charge interest on the amounts received. After retirement, even if a citizen is assigned the minimum amount of age benefits, everything accumulated must be added to it.

    Social pension

    In addition to labor, the country has a social pension.

    It is paid to those persons who have not completed the work experience required to receive a labor pension, and it is less than five years.

    The purpose of the social pension is to financially support citizens who do not have sources of guaranteed income. The size of the minimum pension here is different for each category of recipient.

    There are three types of social pensions in Russia.

    1. In old age, the following have the right to receive it:

    • women upon reaching 55 and men – 60 years old;
    • citizens belonging to the group of small northern peoples (age according to labor pension).

    2. Due to disability, the following are entitled to receive it:

    • disabled people of any group, if they do not have work experience;
    • disabled children.

    3. Upon the loss of a breadwinner, the following are entitled to receive it:

    • children under the age of majority;
    • students under 23 years of age studying full-time.

    It should be borne in mind that if a disabled person or deceased breadwinner has any length of work, you can use a regular labor pension. It is necessary to compare what the minimum and maximum pensions will be in both cases, and only after analysis make a choice.

    When are labor pensions indexed?

    The size of the pension is an unstable indicator. The state periodically increases it due to the following factors:

    • the components of the pension are indexed;
    • the pensioner turns 80 years old;
    • the pensioner acquires dependents;
    • the pensioner continues to work and thereby increases the insurance portion.

    The indexation mentioned in the first paragraph is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with inflationary processes. Thus, the state tries to prevent the impoverishment of the most vulnerable category of citizens. Accordingly, the size of the minimum pension increases.

    Social is also indexed, but this has been done for several years in a row two months later – on April 1 of this year. The annual increase is usually at least 5 percent.

    Living wage

    Russian legislation establishes three types of this indicator: for children, for the population capable of working, and for pensioners.

    The minimum age pension is, naturally, tied to the minimum subsistence level for this category of citizens. By the way, it has the smallest size in all territorial entities. Next in ascending order are minors, and the maximum is fixed for the working population.

    The size of the subsistence minimum is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. For example, in the fourth quarter of last year it was 6,785 rubles for pensioners, 7,899 for children and 8,885 rubles for able-bodied citizens. However, local authorities are given the right to set pension minimums in both larger and smaller amounts.

    How is the minimum labor pension calculated?

    The minimum old-age pension is determined in accordance with the subsistence level of pensioners. This indicator very much depends on the region of Russia in which a particular citizen lives. The authorities of each republic, territory or region of the Russian Federation have established their own framework, focusing on the average indicator described in the previous section.

    This was done not only for social support of the working part of the population (employers have no right to pay wages below the established level), but also for pensioners. If it turns out that the pension is less than the minimum subsistence level, then the difference will be paid from the federal budget until the indicators are equalized.

    In order for the minimum pension to become equal to the subsistence level, the social supplement is issued only at the request of the pensioner. However, it should be borne in mind that a working pensioner does not have the right to such unique compensation.

    How much do indicators vary by region?

    Depending on the region of residence, the size of the minimum pension in Russia varies very widely. Thus, its lowest level was recorded in the Stavropol Territory - 5,323 rubles. And the highest is in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 13,540 rubles.

    In most regions, it does not go beyond 5700-6700 rubles. In the middle zone, only the capital stands out: the minimum pension in Moscow cannot be less than 8,528 rubles. However, this value is determined by the level of wages and consumer prices in the metropolis.

    How does the state help pensioners?

    The vast majority of older people are not actively working and for this reason do not have additional income. They only have a minimum pension. However, the state has provided many benefits and benefits for them, such as:

    • In the field of taxation. Pensioners do not pay property tax, personal income tax is not charged on pension payments, they can receive a property deduction for the purchase of real estate, etc.
    • In the healthcare sector. All pensioners enjoy the right to free medical care; medical insurance policies are issued to them free of charge. In addition, citizens who have a minimum old-age pension can purchase medicines at a 50 percent discount.
    • In the housing and communal services sector. The authorities of most regions establish compensation for utility bills and some other benefits for pensioners receiving the minimum labor pension.
    • In the field of public transport. In many regions, pensioners are exempt from paying for public transport.

    What is the average pension?

    If we compare the national average, we can see that the minimum pension differs quite significantly from the average, which is currently 13,900 rubles.

    The current pension is about 40 percent of the average salary, and has remained at this level for a long time. Based on the data presented, we can conclude that Russia, among the republics of the former USSR, is one of the leaders in the quality of pension provision for citizens. The minimum pension is higher only in the Baltic states, but the costs of housing and utilities are very high there, so the net income of older people is still higher in our country.

    In favor of Russian pensions, it should also be said that their average value, due to indexation, until 2015 was always ahead of inflation, and only now, due to geopolitical processes, it began to lag behind. Only social benefits can be kept within the permitted fluctuations.

    In recent decades, there has been a trend around the world to improve the quality of life of retirees. In Western Europe you can see respectable-looking older people.

    Often these are tourists who decide to visit other countries. They walk in pairs along the streets and embankments and look quite happy with life. In our country, unfortunately, the image of grandmothers with string bags, briskly jumping on a bus to travel through the whole city for cheap potatoes, is relevant.

    The concept of “old-age labor pension” does not exist.

    The amount of cash charges depends on many factors. The procedure is described in the law “On State Pension Provision in Russia”, adopted in 2015. The minimum pension that every citizen can count on is called. It is equal to the subsistence level and varies in each region. The smallest payments at the beginning of 2017 in the Republic of Mordovia (6,483 rubles)

    The unfavorable economic situation has a negative impact on the least protected segments of the population. In Russia, many entrepreneurs issue pensions to their employees, which means they do not contribute money to the pension fund. There is also a high percentage of people working informally, and the projected inflation rate is 10%.

    These factors lead to forced measures: pensions are not increased, various benefits are cancelled.

    The problem of cash payments to pensioners is acute in our country.

    Over the past few years, the government has made several major strides towards improving the quality of life of senior citizens. The dynamics of pension increases are significant.

    Of course, we shouldn’t forget about inflation. But even if we take it into account, over the past ten years the increase in cash payments has been significant. Let's look at the table:

    Year Minimum pension, rubles Minimum pension, dollars
    2006 2726 103,7
    2007 3115 126,8
    2008 4198 148,8
    2009 4581 152,9
    2010 4780 155,0
    2011 4938 156,8
    2012 5564 181,1
    2013 6131 186,5
    2014 6462 139,2
    2015 7161 118,05
    2016 7951 122,3
    2016 8500 142

    The table presents average statistical data for the country and for the year.

    In these statistics, in addition to data on the minimum pension (in recent years it equal to the cost of living in each region), figures are also given in dollars. The data is presented relative to the dollar exchange rate for each individual year.

    Thus, one can see that, despite the constant increase in payments in rubles to elderly citizens, these same figures begin to fall after the jump in 2006-2013.

    Compared to the indicators of Western countries, Russian pensions began to decrease.

    How does the labor pension differ depending on the region?

    If his work experience does not allow him to receive an insurance pension (today, to receive it you need to have 7 years of work experience), then the citizen will receive a social pension.

    Its size is strictly regulated by law and cannot be lower than the subsistence level of each individual subject of the Federation. If the amount of the required accruals is less, then a social supplement is made from the Federal budget.

    According to data at the beginning of 2017, the minimum social pension will be for residents of the Republic of Mordovia (6,483 rubles). The maximum payments will be in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (21,076 rubles). The difference is quite significant.

    The national average is about 8000-8500 rubles. In Moscow you can count on 13,198 rubles of the minimum pension, and in St. Petersburg 9,932.60 rubles. The bulk of pensioners who do not have what they need will receive from 7,000 to 8,500 rubles, depending on the region.

    How can the size of the labor pension be increased?

    Until relatively recently in Russia there was a principle in force according to which, the working population provided for the elderly. Due to the sharply worsening demographic situation (previously there were about 10 workers per pensioner, now only 2), the government carried out a reform.

    Now every worker earns his own living in a dignified old age. This system is called a system of conditional savings accounts.

    It is necessary to understand that now the pension amount will consist of the following parts:

    • basic;

    The state guarantees basic and insurance payments to every pensioner. In this case, the basic part remains unchanged. On average, its amount will be about 2,500 rubles.

    The insurance part depends on the length of service and the date of retirement. To increase the size of the insurance portion, it is better to think about your pension as early as possible. Here are the factors influencing its size:

    1. Your amount. Only the official part of it is taken into account. Consequently, receiving a salary “in envelopes” may turn out to be very unprofitable in the long term.
    2. Yours. The longer you work (officially, of course), the more points will be added to the pension fund.
    3. Retirement age. If you continue to work after reaching the minimum retirement age, you will receive a bonus. Note that by working an extra 10 years, you will more than double your pension.

    In Western countries, it is very popular to transfer money to non-state pension funds. In our country they are also gaining popularity. Those who do not want to rely only on the state can invest money in non-state Pension Funds. By starting such investments at a young age (for example, from 30 years old, 300-400 rubles monthly), you can ensure a comfortable old age.

    Every conscientious citizen worries about his future. The sooner you think about how to provide yourself with a decent retirement, the more effective your actions will be. The main advice for increasing cash payments in old age is mandatory official employment. Various pension funds can also help. But there are no guarantees that the laws will not change, or that the fund will not go bankrupt. Therefore, now and at all times, the only guarantee of a comfortable old age will be your own source of income.

    Topic of today's article: “Who has the largest pension in Russia?”

    The pension provision of the Soviet Union was rightfully considered one of the most worthy in the world. The Soviet pensioner did not worry about whether his pension would be enough to pay for utilities and food; he was able to give gifts to his children and grandchildren, sometimes quite substantial ones.

    The population of Russia has experienced a change in social formation, and today’s Russian pensioners already live under capitalism, the identifying phrase of which is “Nothing personal, it’s just business”. It contains, in addition to a dry statement of this fact, a certain hint of an apology: they say, I have nothing to do with you personally, but I will have to rob you - due to circumstances beyond my control.

    Likewise, when it comes to pensions, officials of the Russian Federation hear words about the crisis, sanctions, unfavorable economic circumstances, and so on. This is all true, of course, but not all: There is no longer a huge country in the world that demonstrated a high level of social protection of the population, including in the field of pensions. And the deterioration of the situation of pensioners is happening all over the world, and not just in Russia.

    In Russia, due to the fact that not all citizens have forgotten about their former life, the authorities are still trying to support the process of constantly increasing the size of pensions, either by indexation, or by revising the level of the cost of living, or by other measures that are taken annually.

    Along with those citizens whose pensions are minimal, there are other pensioners in the country who do not experience any financial problems. Moreover, their life in retirement can generally be called luxurious, especially from the point of view of the average Russian pensioner.

    This fact was brought to the attention of the ONF in 2015, a social movement created in 2011 and uniting several separate political organizations.

    The ONF working group visited the leaders and government officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as a result of which they provided the public with information about how they take care of their own well-being in their upcoming retirement, not forgetting to keep their salaries at an appropriate level.

    Thus, municipal officials are trying to bring their pensions to the level 100-300 thousand rubles, and they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that in the regions entrusted to them the average pension does not exceed 20 thousand.

    Here are a few of these cities, the heads of which tried to ensure their personal retirement well-being:

    CityOfficial positionEstimated pension of an official (thousand rubles)Average pension in the region (RUB)
    Khanty-MansiyskMayor127-213 18200
    -«- 149-248
    EkaterinburgMayor107-156 13600
    -«- Head of the city administration121-176
    VoronezhMayor190-320 11000
    NovosibirskMayor142-245 11690
    Ulan-UdeMayor190-260 12700
    Rostov-on-DonMayor122-166 11630
    -«- Head of the city administration135-184

    Former governors of the regions of Penza, Chelyabinsk, Rostov, Leningrad, and Astrakhan were also mentioned.

    It should be noted that, according to regional legislation, rights to such a high pension are granted to municipal employees after 6 years of work in a given position, or after 3, or even after one year of work - wherever.

    Pension supplements are also calculated in different ways, but almost everywhere the basis is not salary, as is done for federal officials, but average earnings, with all bonuses, financial assistance, and various types of allowances.

    As a result, the pensions that the heads of cities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation receive in due course turn out to be significantly higher than the pensions of major officials at the federal level.

    Thus, the ONF report notes that persons who worked in high government positions receive significantly lower pensions, namely:

    • retired former deputy prime minister - 50-88 thousand rubles;
    • ministers of the federal level - 44-78 thousand rubles.

    The fact is that their pensions are assigned on the basis of presidential decrees, and in the regions all additional payments and specific indicators regulating them are established by local authorities, and costs fall on municipal or regional budgets.

    That is why there is no reaction from the Pension Fund on this matter - it does not spend its funds on paying astronomical bonuses.

    Theoretically, the former president should have the largest pension in the country, about 530 thousand rubles, this is exactly what Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev could claim, since both were presidents of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law adopted in 2001, the former president is entitled to a lifelong allowance at the level of 75% of what the current president receives.

    Deputies can receive a pension that is based on the income of current officials - 55-75% of this amount. The pension of both ministers and parliamentarians is calculated on the basis of the basic salary, which is 81.5 thousand rubles, so the pension will be at the level of 18 thousand rubles.

    But the additional payment, ministerial or deputy, will be slightly more, 44-77 thousand rubles, depending on how long the person occupied the corresponding chair, deputy or ministerial.

    This means that the pension of a former deputy or minister will not exceed 90 thousand rubles. Regional bosses beat them!

    In Moscow, the standard of living is traditionally higher, because everything costs more. Therefore, pensions must be larger than in the country as a whole. Otherwise, local pensioners would feel very uncomfortable, they would have to limit themselves in everything.

    Thus, the average Moscow pension was 13.5 thousand rubles in 2015, 14 thousand rubles in 2016, and already about 15 thousand in 2017.

    Moscow has its own difficulties with pension financing. There, the city's territory has increased significantly, new pensioners have been added, who need to be given a capital supplement, bringing their pension to the minimum value. But, given that relatively few pensioners live in the annexed territories, the capital’s budget will survive.

    As for high pensions in Moscow, they are received by the same categories as throughout the country.

    Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who once found his way to the hearts of the capital's residents, does not remember the exact size of his pension, but claims that it is approximately half that of his regional colleagues.

    He believes that the size of pensions of heads of regions and cities, including in Moscow, should be linked to the following indicators:

    1. With the average pension of the facility that the official was in charge of.
    2. With his achievements in the leadership process.
    3. With experience and other technical indicators.

    So, who receives the largest pensions in Russia?

    These lucky ones - personal pensioners. State pensions of a fairly large size are received by civil servants from the administrative apparatus of the Russian Federation. They are awarded not in a standard way, but in a special order.

    We will not know about their pension; it is a commercial secret.

    Personal pensions are also provided to Participants in military operations, Participants in the liquidation of man-made accidents, Heroes of socialist labor, WWII veterans, and heroes of labor.

    Military pensioners receive a pension through the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Grid Company, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service from the Ministry of Defense, it is one and a half to two times higher than the pensions of public sector employees.

    In addition to the listed categories of citizens who receive high pensions, there are others who are well provided for after finishing their working career. For example, retired military judges, former...

    According to unofficial data, these citizens receive pensions in the region of 100 thousand rubles. Approximately half of this amount, about 50 thousand rubles, is received by war invalids who have a solid work history behind them. Large pensions for former prosecutors, deputies and municipal officials.

    As for ordinary pensioners, those who served in the army as a midshipman or officer have a chance for an increased pension.

    And for other Russian citizens, in order to receive a good pension, they need to work longer, receive a decent salary and honestly pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

    Judging by the information provided by the Pension Fund, in Russia it amounted to 9,227 rubles.

    However, the spread of pension amounts is actually very large. Those can be 4 thousand rubles, or they can reach 40 thousand rubles. Is it true, no one in Russia receives a pension below the subsistence level, but the fact remains a fact.

    And some citizens have difficulty reconciling this fact. They have nothing against the tenfold difference in wages, but they consider such a difference in pensions unacceptable.

    The bad thing is that the inequality of pensions is very difficult to detect; it is not for nothing that only the ONF was able to publicize the enormous imbalances of regional leaders in terms of providing pensions for themselves and their loved ones.

    Statistics on the actual amounts of pensions are not published; all data is limited to indicating the size of the subsistence minimum adopted for pensioners by region, the corresponding values ​​of the minimum pension and the average - for the country and for the regions.

    The due bonuses and measures to increase pensions are also described in detail in the press. But, when the question arises about what is the real value of the pension of a former teacher, or a medical worker, or some other profession, then information on the merits, other than the average for a country or region, simply no. And the one that exists is given without reference to categories of pensioners.

    It all comes down to the phrase that there is no maximum pension in Russia, since it depends on many factors. This is understandable; we are talking about the fact that there is no limit on the amount of the pension.

    But what are pensions really like, exactly those that are obscured by the average value “temperatures in the hospital”? So far, they can only be identified through a household survey, but how accurate is that?

    For some reason, since 2007, the publication carried out by Rosstat on the size and number of new pensions established in a given period has ceased. This indicator would be very useful to understand the first results more clearly.

    Apparently, the corresponding statistics will appear later, when the difficulties with pension provision are overcome. In any case, it is of great interest to specialists, retirees, and the general public.

    For example, minimum pension in 2017 possible in the Kursk region, where the PMP is equal to – RUB 7,460. (8,540 rubles in the whole of the Russian Federation). If we assume that the applicant for the payment decided to apply for it in March 2017 with a monthly salary of 20,000 rubles, his pension will be calculated according to the following formula:

    RP = NB * SB, Where:

    RP– pension amount;

    NB– accumulated points;

    SB– point value.

    With such a salary in 2017, 2.74 is accrued. Required experience is 8 years. Given the same salary in past periods, the number of accumulated coefficients will be 21.92.

    In 2017, from February, the cost of a point is 78.28 rubles. Since April it has been raised to 78.58 RUR. At the time of payment, the calculation will take place using the following calculator: 21.92 * 78.58 = RUB 1,722.47.

    The total pension amount includes fixed part: 1 715.90 + 4 805.11 = 6,521 rubles monthly.

    The calculated amount may be smaller, but this will not affect the actual amount of the benefit. According to the law, the minimum payment amount cannot be less than the minimum wage established in the region of residence of the applicant. That is, if the pension together with its fixed part is less than this indicator, it is assigned.

    What will the minimum pension be from January 2018?

    The beginning of 2018 will be marked by several changes in the pension sector. Firstly, there will be pension increase from January 1, and not February 1, as stated in the law. The date shift is related to the indexation level, which was based on the forecast inflation - 3.7%. However, at the end of the year it slowed down until 3%. The government decided not to make changes and to index benefits to a predetermined amount.

    After indexation of pensions, the cost of one pension point will be equal to 81.49 rubles, and the fixed payment is 4982.9 rubles.

    Secondly, minimum pension from January 1 2018 will also increase. The cost of living for a pensioner will increase by 200 rubles and amount to 8703 rubles.

    Minimum pension from January 1, 2019

    The minimum amount of an old-age pension depends on the cost of living in the region where the pensioner lives and in the country as a whole. The cost of living of a pensioner is the size of the minimum pension, since in any case additional payments will be made to him up to this level.

    The cost of living for pensioners in 2019 is set at 8846 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension from January 1, 2019 will also be equal to 8846 rubles. Compared to the previous year, the size of the PMP will increase by 120 rubles.

    For Moscow, the minimum pension in 2019 is determined at the level 12,115 rubles(plus 299 rubles).

    Social supplement

    If the calculated pension amount is lower than the PMP determined in general in Russia, the citizen is entitled to an additional payment. It depends on regional subsistence level paid to the Pension Fund or the social protection department.

    The value of the considered indicator for the Russian Federation is RUB 8,540. If a smaller value is obtained during the calculation, the increase occurs in the pension fund. In Moscow - RUB 11,561. The resulting difference between federal and regional PMP will be paid by social security authorities.

    For example, if a citizen for whom the minimum pension was calculated lives in Moscow, he is entitled to two social supplements. One is at the federal level, the second is at the regional level.

    Social supplement is provided only to unemployed citizens. According to (as amended on December 19, 2016), the bonus in question is not provided during the period of employment.

    The additional payment is assigned upon submission of the relevant application. If a working pensioner quits and receives a bonus, and then gets a job again, he will not retain the bonus.

    Increasing the minimum pension

    An increase in payments occurs in cases specified by law and as a result of the annual indexing. List of circumstances for recalculation:

    • Increasing the cost of living.
    • Reaching age.
    • Availability for disabled citizens.
    • Moving to or leaving a region with special climatic conditions.
    • Assignment or change of her group.
    • Increasing the value of a pension point.

    Indexation is carried out at least twice a year. The first in February on the level of established inflation, the second in April on the growth index of PMP values.

    In 2017, insurance payments were indexed to 5.8% , in April - social benefits for 1.5 %.

    Minimum pension in the regions

    Region Living wage for a pensioner, rub

    Adygea Republic

    Altai Republic

    Altai region

    Amur region

    Arhangelsk region

    Astrakhan region

    Bashkortostan Republic

    Belgorod region

    Bryansk region

    Buryatia Republic

    Vladimir region

    Volgograd region

    Vologda Region

    Voronezh region

    Dagestan Republic

    Jewish Autonomous Region

    Transbaikal region

    Ivanovo region

    Ingushetia Republic

    Irkutsk region

    Kaliningrad region

    Kalmykia Republic

    Kaluga region

    Kamchatka Krai

    Karachay-Cherkess Republic

    Karelia Republic

    Kemerovo region

    Kirov region

    Komi Republic

    Kostroma region

    Krasnodar region

    Krasnoyarsk region

    Crimea Republic

    Kursk region

    Leningrad region

    Lipetsk region

    Magadan Region

    Mari El Republic

    Mordovia Republic

    Murmansk region

    Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    Nizhny Novgorod Region

    Novgorod region

    Novosibirsk region

    Omsk region

    Orenburg region

    Oryol Region

    Penza region

    Perm region

    Primorsky Krai

    Pskov region

    Rostov region

    Ryazan Oblast

    Samara Region

    Saint Petersburg

    Saratov region

    Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

    13492 (overall), 13807 (in the first zone), 16406 (in the second zone)

    Sakhalin region

    Sverdlovsk region


    North Ossetia-Alania Republic

    Smolensk region

    Stavropol region

    Tambov Region

    Tatarstan Republic

    Tver region

    Tomsk region

    Tula region

    Tyva Republic

    Tyumen region

    Udmurt republic

    Ulyanovsk region

    Khabarovsk region

    Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra

    Chelyabinsk region

    Chechen Republic

    Chuvash Republic

    Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    Yaroslavl region

    Minimum pension in foreign countries

    In Russia, the amount of the assigned minimum pension cannot be less than the PMP. What are the minimum pension amounts for other countries:

    • Ukraine. Since January 2017, the minimum pension is 1,247 hryvnia = RUB 2,680(at the Central Bank exchange rate as of May 17, 2017).
    • Belarus. From February 2017 – 197.40 Belarusian rubles = RUB 6,046.95.
    • Kazakhstan. Until July 2017 – 37,789 tenge (including the base part) = RUB 6,833.46.
    • Germany. Basic benefit for a single pensioner – 404 euros = RUB 25,071.23.
    • Bulgaria. From July 2017 – 155 leva = RUB 4,917.02.
    • Lithuania. Average old-age pension – 241.97 euros = RUB 15,014.84.

    Based on the information provided, the highest level of pension provision was recorded in the founding countries of the European Union, the lowest in the former Soviet republics, with the exception of countries participating in the customs union. In the latter: Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, approximately the same level of support is established.

    Example on minimum pension

    Citizen Petrova Maria has 10 years. Lives in the Moscow region. In 2017, she turned 55 and decided to take out a pension. The application was submitted in March. The average salary of a citizen is 18,000 rubles. The number of accumulated points is 24.7.

    Petrova gave birth to and raised two children. For this she receives an additional bonus of 1.8 + 3.6 = 5.4 points.

    The pension calculation in March 2017 will be based on the formula:

    VP = (NB+DB) * SB + FV, Where:

    VP– calculated pension amount;

    NB– the number of accumulated points for work activity;

    DB– added points for circumstances specified by law;

    SB– the value of the point at the time of registration;

    FV– a fixed part determined by the government.

    (24.7+5.4)* 78.58 + 4 805.11 = 30.1 * 78.58 + 4 805.11 = RUB 7,170.37.

    The received pension amount is lower than the established PMP. Therefore, an additional payment is assigned according to the formula:

    VD = PMP – RP, Where:

    VD– amount of additional payment;

    PMP– living wage for a federal pensioner;

    RP– calculated pension amount.

    8 540 - 7 170,37 = RUB 1,369.63.

    As a result of living in the Moscow region, where the PMP is set at a larger size in comparison with its federal value, Petrova is entitled to a regional surcharge, calculated as the difference between the cost of living in the region and in Russia

    9 161 – 8 540 = 621 RUR.

    Total the citizen will be paid every month, starting in April 2017: RUB 7,170.37 pensions, RUB 1,369.63– social supplement, 621 RUR. – regional.

    The most popular questions and answers to them regarding the minimum pension

    Question: Hello. My name is Andrew. I live in the Magadan region. I want to register old age insurance pension. What is the minimum possible payment amount?

    Answer: Hello Andrei. According to current legislation, the minimum pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level of the subject of the Federation where you live.

    Defined for the Magadan region multiplying factor 1.7. This means that the PMP will be increased by this figure.

    The MRP in your region is – 15,460 rubles. That is, the pension cannot be lower than this amount.

    Issues related to the financial security of pensioners have worried many Russians in recent years. Currently, government subsidies to citizens who are unable to earn money on their own are not the same. But a minimum pension has been officially established, from which further accrual is made.

    Let's consider how much the minimum pension is, who is entitled to it, whether we should hope for an increase and other related issues.

    In the Russian pension system, there are three types of benefits:

    • state;
    • non-state;
    • compulsory pension insurance.

    The latter is formed by insurance contributions of enterprises and organizations at the expense of employees to the Russian Pension Fund.

    Insurance benefits may be related to:

    • age;
    • disability;
    • loss of a breadwinner.

    In this situation, the insurer is the Pension Fund.

    If we talk about funded payments, then a similar role is played by non-state funds or management companies. In this situation, payments are made by the insured person.

    Those who, for various reasons, were unable to earn an insurance benefit have the right to apply for social benefits, through funding allocated from the state budget.

    Who receives the minimum pension?

    The very concept of “minimum pension amount” is not provided for by domestic legislation.

    But, according to the concept that defines the long-term development of Russia in socio-economic terms and approved by the government Resolution No. 1662-r in November 2008, the minimum pension in Russia is determined by the subsistence level in the region where the pensioner lives, and should not be lower than this indicator.

    Considering the above, it is important to note that the minimum pension in Russia in 2017 may vary depending on the region.

    The minimum old-age pension in 2017 is assigned to citizens whose length of work experience is insufficient to calculate benefits in full.

    Currently, if the total duration of the insurance period does not exceed an eight-year period, social payments are established for material support for elderly citizens. A minimum social old-age pension may be granted if the following conditions are met:

    • established age limits are maintained: for the male half of the population – 65 years old(sixty-five years old), for women - 60 years(sixty);
    • at the time of provision of this type of assistance, the person does not work or is not engaged in other income-generating activities.


    The legislation provides for higher age limits for recipients of social benefits compared to regular old-age benefits.

    This help is not particularly great. It was indexed from the beginning of April 2018, after which the size was 5180.24 rubles monthly. But if a pensioner receives a total amount less than the regional subsistence minimum, he is entitled to compensation within the local budget up to the specified amount.

    Also, if the cost of living in the region is less than the federal level, the pensioner has the right to apply for additional payment from the federal budget.

    The amount of the minimum pension in 2018

    Many people are concerned with the question of what size of the minimum pension is currently established. The minimum pension in Russia at the end of 2017 and in 2018 was, respectively, 8504 rubles And 8726 rubles monthly. The slight increase is due to the indexation carried out since the beginning of the year.

    But if we consider these indicators for individual regions of the country, we can see that the established mark is significantly higher in the northern, eastern and other hard-to-reach regions of Russia.

    The highest minimum wage is provided for pensioners of the Chukotka (nineteen thousand) and Nenets (seventeen thousand nine hundred fifty-six) autonomous okrugs. This is explained by the high price of food and the corresponding level of the cost of living.

    Minimum pension amounts by region of Russia

    Below you can see the minimum pension amounts by region of Russia:

    Name of the subject of the Russian Federation Minimum old-age pension, rub.
    Overall for the Russian Federation 8 726
    Central Federal District
    Belgorod region 8 016
    Bryansk region 8 441
    Vladimir region 8 452
    Voronezh region 8 620
    Ivanovo region 8 460
    Kaluga region 8 547
    Kostroma region 8 549
    Kursk region 8 600
    Lipetsk region 8 620
    Oryol Region 8 550
    Ryazan Oblast 8 493
    Smolensk region 8 674
    Tambov Region 7 489
    Tver region 8 726
    Tula region 8 622
    Yaroslavl region 8 163
    Moscow 11 816
    Moscow region 9 527
    Northwestern Federal District
    Republic of Karelia 8 726
    Komi Republic 10 192
    Arhangelsk region 10 258
    Nenets Autonomous Okrug 17 956
    Vologda Region 8 726
    Kaliningrad region 8 726
    Saint Petersburg 8 726
    Leningrad region 8 726
    Murmansk region 12 523
    Novgorod region 8 726
    Pskov region 8 726
    North Caucasus Federal District
    The Republic of Dagestan 8 680
    The Republic of Ingushetia 8 726
    Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 8 726
    Karachay-Cherkess Republic 8 618
    Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 8 064
    Chechen Republic 8 719
    Stavropol region 8 135
    Southern Federal District
    Republic of Adygea 8 138
    Republic of Kalmykia 7 755
    Krasnodar region 8 537
    Astrakhan region 7 961
    Volgograd region 8 535
    Rostov region 8 488
    Republic of Crimea 8 530
    Sevastopol 8 722
    Volga Federal District
    Republic of Bashkortostan 8 320
    Mari El Republic 8 036
    The Republic of Mordovia 8 194
    Republic of Tatarstan 8 232
    Udmurt republic 8 502
    Chuvash Republic 7 953
    Kirov region 8 474
    Nizhny Novgorod Region 8 100
    Orenburg region 8 059
    Penza region 7 861
    Perm region 8 503
    Samara Region 8 413
    Saratov region 7 990
    Ulyanovsk region 8 474
    Ural federal district
    Kurgan region 8 630
    Sverdlovsk region 8 726
    Tyumen region 8 726
    Chelyabinsk region 8 586
    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra 11 708
    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 13 425
    Siberian Federal District
    Altai Republic 8 594
    The Republic of Buryatia 8 726
    Tyva Republic 8 726
    The Republic of Khakassia 8 543
    Altai region 8 543
    Krasnoyarsk region 8 726
    Irkutsk region 8 723
    Kemerovo region 8 347
    Novosibirsk region 8 725
    Omsk region 8 480
    Tomsk region 8 561
    Transbaikal region 8 726
    Far Eastern Federal District
    The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 13 951
    Primorsky Krai 9 151
    Khabarovsk region 10 895
    Amur region 8 726
    Kamchatka Krai 16 543
    Magadan Region 15 460
    Sakhalin region 12 333
    Jewish Autonomous Region 9 013
    Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 19 000
    Baikonur 8 726

    When to expect a pension increase

    Many people are interested in whether these payments will be increased in the future. As already noted, the minimum pension in 2017 was slightly lower than currently due to indexation. But should we expect significant changes in the future, since the indicated amount is clearly not enough to maintain the necessary level of life support? A little about the upcoming plans in pension legislation.

    This increase is largely due to indexation in order to compensate for inflationary processes. No other increases in these payments should be expected.

    According to economists' forecasts, inflation this year will not exceed four and a half percent. Therefore, for 2018 and next years, a fixed indexation indicator has been set equal to 4% (four percent).

    In 2018, indexation takes place in three stages to compensate for the inflationary increase in prices for basic products and goods. Indexing has the following features:

    • pensioners who continue to work should not count on an increase, but points will be recalculated starting from the summer months, which guarantees a significant increase in the future;
    • for disabled citizens receiving pension benefits, it is increased by 3,7% percent since the beginning of the year;
    • for persons with disabilities, indexation was carried out in the spring, but the amount of accruals increased slightly more - to 4,1% percent;
    • for military pensioners, the indexation amount was four percent.


    Indexation of pension benefits for persons continuing to work is not provided for this year.

    Such an increase does not guarantee serious relief for pensioners, but it will compensate for the impact of inflationary processes on purchasing power.

    Reforms on the pension front are long overdue and cannot be avoided. Without this, the state will not be able to provide financial support for older people. But many are not satisfied with the existing leveling system, due to which some pensioners, who have worked all their lives in difficult conditions in hazardous production, due to low earnings, have received a pension benefit that is slightly more than the minimum payment.

    The reforms carried out must take into account the need to provide decent benefits to such people, as partial compensation for many years of hard work.

    One of the possible solutions to this situation, which is also related to the unfavorable demographic situation due to a significant increase in the percentage of elderly citizens, is the appointment of a pension benefit. This unpopular measure, according to the government, is the only way to significantly affect the size of the benefit. The program is designed to be implemented in stages over several years.


    As can be seen from the presented material, the state takes care of citizens who have not had time to earn work experience by calculating social benefits. But the size of such minimum payments does not allow ensuring the adequate material level of older people, so you should worry about your earned work experience in advance in order to accrue pension benefits in a decent amount.

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