• When weighing a newborn, the scales are processed. Scales for a newborn and weighing a baby: how to do it right. Disadvantages of checkweighing


    How to weigh a newborn at home. We make a rating!

    If you are reading these lines, then the weight of a newborn, weight gain, weight norm are not empty words for you. After reading the article, you will find out how and how you can weigh babies at home, compare and choose the best option for yourself.

    Sometimes in my environment, sometimes on the forums of mothers, I come across the opinion that scales for newborns are not an essential item, or even cooler - generally superfluous, in the variety of children's products. Like, there are alternative ways to find out the child's weight, track the dynamics of weight gain and not miss important changes. And besides children's, there are enough other weights in the house. So why spend money on special electronic baby scales for newborns?

    What is this alternative? Probably those who have gone through the milk-diaper period have thought about it at least once. Scales, which are quite common and are found in almost every home: electronic floor and kitchen scales. Let's look at three types of scales as projected for weighing your newborn baby. And we will evaluate them on a 10-point system, taking into account the most important criteria:

    For the assessment, we use the following characteristics:

    • accuracy
    • the ability to fix the weight
    • measurement framework
    • convenience and safety
    • price / duration of use

    Of course, these are approximate, averaged data, nevertheless, they are quite sufficient for us to understand the essence of the issue. We took the standards of the World Health Organization as a basis.

    Bidder No. 1 Electronic floor scales

    Accuracy. 100g. The first, most important parameter and immediately a fiasco! Provided that the child eats less than 100 grams at a time, we will not be able to track any dynamics with such an accuracy of the scales.

    For accuracy - 0 points

    The ability to fix the weight ... There is. Most bathroom scales have a fixed weight after 3-5 seconds of immobility. Not perfect, but not bad either - 8 points.

    Measurement frames up to 150 kg. Even taking into account the fact that the mother takes the baby in her arms during weighing, this is enough. 10 points.

    Convenience and safety ... Certainly, a more comfortable and safer scale bowl than mother's hands cannot be imagined. 10 points

    ... We will assume that you already have a scale. Since the whole family can be weighed on the bathroom scale, the period of use is limited only by the quality of the scales themselves. No expenses - 10 points.

    The total amount is 38 points.

    Applicant # 2. Kitchen scales.

    Accuracy - 1 gr. Sumptuously. An excellent indicator, however, it also has a downside. More on this in the next paragraph, and now - 10 points.

    Weight fixation ... Is absent. For cereals or sugar, no fixation is needed, they already lie quietly in the cup, unlike our toddlers. Plus, high sensitivity will show you dancing numbers and all the accuracy down the drain. You will have to guess some average values, there will be absolutely no confidence in such results. 0 points.

    Measurement frames ... From 1 gr. Up to 5 kg. Another bottleneck. For a newborn, in most cases, this range is sufficient, but after a few weeks this may already be insufficient. And the dynamics has not yet been completely unambiguously defined, questions remain ... We give no more than 5 points.

    Convenience and safety ... The kitchen scale bowl is small, definitely small, there is nothing to discuss here. We'll have to create some kind of pot-bowl designs, the convenience and safety of which, for the baby, will be extremely low. Who needs extra worries? 3 points.

    Price / Duration of use ... As in the case of bathroom scales, kitchen scales will work for your family as long as the manufacturer has measured them. Therefore, 10 points.

    Total: 28 points.

    Applicant # 3 Electronic scales for newborns.

    Accuracy - 5 grams. Taking into account the amount eaten by the baby, the discreteness of 5 grams is quite sufficient for everyday control of the child's weight. There are medical scales "Sasha" which have an accuracy of 1 gram, so we would give them ten points, and ours, we put a fair assessment - 8 points.

    Weight fixation ... There is. At the same time, in some models of children's scales, you do not need to distract and calm your baby even for a second, there is a special button, by pressing which you get an accurate result. We boldly put 10 points to such weights for newborns.

    Measurement frames. From 0 to 20 kg. The baby scale is designed to last a long time. Even in front of school, you can weigh the child. And of course, in the most crucial period of infancy, there will be no weight restrictions. 10 points.

    Convenience and safety. Weighing pan for newborns was created especially for their beloved ones, our babies. Size, depth, ergonomics are all made for maximum comfort and safety. The scale pan is securely attached to the scale and is quite comfortable. However, these are not my mother's hands, so it's fair - 8 points.

    Price / Duration of use ... There are nuances in this issue. Baby scales are baby scales because you won't be using them for a very long time. And if we are talking about weighing a newborn, then more than six months are used very rarely. The price of baby scales is not small. Therefore, if you decide to buy a scale for newborns, you can put 3 points for this indicator. But if you don't buy! Rent baby scales , that is, rent for the period that you need - a month, two, three. For rent for this time, you will give a completely adequate amount, then the score on this criterion will be higher - 8 points.

    Total purchase price for baby scales: 39 points

    The total amount for renting baby scales:44 points

    I suppose you yourself can put our members in their places and determine important priorities for yourself.

    In summary, you can ask yourself test questions:

    • Are the dynamics of weight gain under control?
    • Do we know how much our baby eats?
    • Will we have time to make the right changes in the child's diet?

    Answer these questions for yourself and make your choice.

    The choice is obvious to us. And your decision is your decision. We will be glad if this review helped you make a choice that you will be happy with.

    Nine months of waiting for parents and now the baby was born. With the birth of a child, parents' anxiety does not diminish. Does the baby have enough milk, is he gaining weight normally? Checkweighing will help you find answers to these questions.

    Why check weighing

    For full development, the baby must eat a certain amount of food per day. When the baby is on, parents clearly control how much food is given in the form of a mixture. The prepared food is poured into a bottle with marked milliliters. After feeding, it is enough to look at what mark with milliliters the level of the remaining mixture was established in order to subtract how much the baby ate.

    But how to determine how much milk a baby eats in one latch to the breast? To do this, resort to such a method as check weighing... For this, the baby is placed on a scale, his weight is recorded. Then the mother feeds the baby, after which the baby is again placed on the scales and weighed. The difference between the two figures obtained will indicate the amount of milk eaten.

    However, a check weighing once carried out in a day will tell you little. The bottom line is that with each latch to the breast, the mother produces a different amount of milk. In addition, the baby may also eat less or more milk in different feedings.

    Check weighing it is imperative to carry out premature, weakened, lagging children. After all, the reason for the delay in development may be an insufficient amount of food eaten.

    Checkweighing - algorithm of carrying out

    To carry out the check weighing, you will need baby scales, electronic or mechanical. Checkweighing is not necessary frequently. It is enough, for example, to do a check weighing once a week or a month. Children's scales are not cheap, you need to spend money on them or not, it's up to the parents to decide. You can always ask your friends for a baby scale for one day.

    How to carry out control weighing?

    Checkweighing Results

    So, the daily checkweighing is completed. Now you need to add up the data recorded in the fourth column "Difference in weight". This will be the volume of milk that the baby ate in a day. Now you need to evaluate the results obtained in order to understand whether this amount of food is enough for the baby.

    The approximate daily amount of milk for children under ten days old can be calculated using the Zaitseva formula:

    Milk volume \u003d 2% of body weight * number of days of life

    Example: a baby weighing 3600 g at the age of 4 days should receive: V \u003d 0.02 * 3600 * 4 \u003d 288 ml of milk per day.

    For children two weeks and older, the Heubner-Czerny volumetric calculation method is used, according to which the baby should consume so much food (in milliliters) per day:

    • At the age of 2-4 weeks - 1/5 of body weight;
    • At the age of 6 weeks-4 months - 1/6 of body weight;
    • At the age of 4-6 months - 1/7 of body weight;
    • At the age of 6-9 months - 1/8 of body weight;
    • At the age of 9-12 months - 1/9 of body weight.

    At the same time, the volume of food for a baby in the first year of life should not exceed one liter.

    Example: the daily amount of food for a baby of three months with a body weight of 5600 is 930 ml (based on 5600: 6 \u003d 930).

    A more accurate method of calculating the amount of food for children of the first year of life is considered high-calorie Maslov method , according to which the baby's weight, body weight and energy requirement at a certain age are taken into account. According to this method, a child, per 1 kg of body weight, needs:

    • Under the age of three months - 120 kcal / day;
    • At the age of 3-6 months - 115 kcal / day;
    • At the age of 6-9 months - 110 kcal / day;
    • At the age of 9-12 months - 100 kcal / day.

    In 1 l breast milk contains 700 kcal.

    Example : a child of four months weighing 5700 g. The calorie requirement per day is 115 * 5.7 \u003d 655.5 kcal.

    Remembering that 1000 ml of breast milk contains 700 kcal, and the baby needs 655.5 kcal, you need to calculate required amount milk.

    So, using the proportion, we consider:

    1000 ml of breast milk - 700 kcal

    In X ml of breast milk - 655.5 kcal

    X \u003d 1000 * 655.5 / 700 \u003d 936.4 ml.

    Thus, the daily food volume for this baby is 936 ml.

    Manipulation - Technique for weighing children of different ages

    Measurement of body weight for children under 2 years old.

    Purpose: to obtain objective data from the patient's examination.
    Indications: Assessment of the adequacy of the child's nutrition.
    Assessment physical development.
    Equipment: pan scales, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution, rags.
    Procedure execution:
    1. Explain the purpose of the study to mom.

    5. Wash and dry hands, wear gloves.
    6. Process the tray des. r-rum.
    7. Place the diaper folded several times on the tray (make sure that it does not cover the scale and does not interfere with the movement of the balance bar).
    9. Open the shutter.
    10. Balance the balance by rotating the counterweight, close the shutter.
    11. Place the child on the scales with his head towards the wider part (or sit down).
    12. Open the shutter.
    13. Move the "kilogram" weight located on the bottom of the scale until the barbell falls down, then move the weight one division to the left.
    14. Smoothly move the weight, which determines the grams and located on the upper shaft, to the position
    establishing balance.
    15. Close the slide and remove the child from the scale.
    16. Zapist mass indicators.
    Infection control:
    1. Remove the diaper from the scales, wipe the working surface of the scales des. r-rum.
    2. Remove gloves, wash your hands.

    Measurement of body weight for children over 2 years old.

    Indication: Assessment of the adequacy of the child's nutrition
    Assessment of physical development.
    Equipment: honey. scales, rubber gloves, disposable paper napkin, container with disinfectant. solution, rags.
    Prerequisite: weigh the child on an empty stomach, at the same time, after the act of defecation.
    Procedure execution:
    1. Explain the purpose of the study to the child.
    2. Place the balance on a level, stable surface.
    3. Prepare the necessary equipment.
    4. Check if the balance gate is closed.
    5. Wash your hands and put on gloves.
    6. Process the platform of the scales of disinfection. r-rum.
    7. Place a napkin on the weighing plate.
    8. Set the weights to zero divisions.
    9. Open the shutter.
    10. Balance the balance by rotating the counterweight (the level of the rocker must be at the same level as the reference point).
    11. Close the shutter.
    12. Help the child stand (without shoes) on the center of the weighing plate.
    13. Open the shutter.
    14. Move the "kilogram" weight located on the lower part of the scale until the barbell falls down, then move the weight one division to the left.
    15. Smoothly move the weight that determines the grams and located on the upper shaft until the balance is established.
    16. Batch closed, help the child off the scale.
    17. Record body weight indicators.
    18. Remove the napkin from the balance.
    Infection control:
    1. Wipe the working surface of the balance with 1% chloramine solution twice with an interval of 15 minutes.
    2. Remove gloves, soak in 3% chloramine solution.
    3. Wash your hands at a hygienic level.

    Scales for newborns is the device that will allow a mother to control the diet of her child. Weighing the baby before and after feeding will allow you to determine whether he ate the norm, is undernourished or overeat. And regular weighing will determine the weight gain.

    Since newborn scales have a fairly high sensitivity, a number of conditions must be met for correct and accurate weighing.

    1. The balance must be placed on a level and solid surface.; a table is best.

    2. Moreover there should be no foreign objects aroundthat the scales touch - this may well distort the indicators.

    3. It is best to weigh the child by laying a diaper or oilcloth before this; after placing on the scales, it should not hang on the table surface or touch nearby objects.

    4. The newborn scale must be turned on after the diaper is placed on it.: This will allow the diaper to be zeroed in advance. If the diaper was put on after switching on the balance, its weight can be subtracted using the TARA function.

    5. The child should be placed in the center of the cradle, while its arms and legs should not come into contact with foreign objects. Holding at the time of weighing is also not recommended - this will distort the readings.

    Some additional tips

    On modern models of scales for newborns, there is a function of fixing the weight while moving; that is, when weighing, they record several indicators and give an average total.

    If it moves too actively, you can try to swaddle it. However, you can simply put the baby on his tummy, which will limit his excessively intense movements.

    For weight gain control to be most effective, weighing conditions should always be the same - it is recommended to weigh the baby without clothes, before feeding and at the same time of day.
    What should be the correct weight?

    The child is weighed immediately after birth, with a weight in the range from 2600 to 4000 grams considered normal; children weighing more than 4 kilograms are considered large.

    It is important to know that weight loss in the first days after the baby is born is considered normal, and in the first 3-5 days, the maximum weight loss can be from 6 to 8% of the child's body weight... Such a decrease is due to the fact that the child's body loses water through the skin, as well as through the lungs when breathing; in addition, meconium and urine are excreted and the umbilical cord remains dry. On days 7-10, the weight is restored.

    The average weight gain in the first three months of a child's life is 750 g, and in the period 4-6 months - 700 g.

    For the next three months, the child on average adds 550 grams per month, and from 10 months until the end of the first year of life, the child's weight increases every month by 350 grams... In this case, the weight of the child should correspond to his height, based on the average indicators. For example, at the age of six months, the average weight of children is 8200 grams, and the average height is 66 centimeters.

    If your child's height is less than the average, subtract 300 grams from the average weight for children of this age for every centimeter of the difference.... If the baby's height exceeds average, then 250 grams should be added to each additional centimeter to compare with the norm.

    The discrepancy between the weight of the child and his height may serve as a signal for his mother to slightly adjust his nutrition.... Of course, all children are individual, but you should not completely rely on this.

    What determines weight loss in the first days after birth

    Although ultrasound has worked wonders for a long time and parents very quickly find out the sex of the unborn child, the first question they ask a mother who has given birth is: "Do you have a boy or a girl?"

    And secondly, of course, those around them are interested in the weight and height of the baby. The average weight of newborns is 3500 g, and their height is 50 cm. It seems to be obvious that the weight of the child should increase immediately after birth. But no. It first decreases, and only then does the baby begin to gain weight.

    Why does a newborn lose weight?

    The baby is so arranged that in the first 2-3 days, very small amounts of colostrum are enough for him, which is secreted from the mother's breast until milk comes. The main task of these first days, according to the plan of nature, is not to feed the child, but to help him adapt to the new environment, which colostrum is excellent for.

    In addition, a slight decrease in weight in the first days after birth is due to the fact that the baby excretes the original feces - meconium. It should be borne in mind that the baby spent all his previous life in water, and therefore after birth his skin actively evaporates liquid and dries up, and the thick umbilical cord dries up, which in total also leads to weight loss.

    The total weight loss of the baby in the first days is 6-8% of its birth weight... For example, if a child was born with a weight of 3650 g, then the maximum allowable loss will be from 220 to 290 g. You can also calculate approximately: let's say, at birth, the baby weighed 4000 g, 10% is 400 g, and 6-8% is a little less, about 300 g. It is believed that by the 10th day the baby's weight should at least be the same as at birth.

    For the first month, the baby must dial minimum 600 g... This means that from the 10th day to the 30th day (30 days - 10 days \u003d 20 days), the average increase in its weight per day will be 30 g (600 g: 20 days \u003d 30 g), per week - 210 g.

    Such a good rate of weight gain indicates that everything is fine with the newborn. There are indirect signs of weight gain: the child is satisfied with the act of sucking; the mother hears and feels how the baby swallows fully after several sucking movements; observes that the baby pees on average 18 times a day (the diaper is always wet and heavy) and has regular, not scanty bowel movements; the baby noticeably, even by eye, gains weight, rounds, grows, and very quickly the first sliders become small for him.

    But not every mother, especially a primiparous one, will be able to notice all these signs. Yes, and by the way, with this method, in order to track the amount of urination, you will not be able to use disposable diapers.

    How to weigh a newborn

    The safest way to track the baby's weight gain is using baby scales. Particularly careful monitoring of the child's weight gain is required in the first month of his life, during the newborn period.

    Weigh the newborn sufficiently once a week, preferably at the same time of the day. It is convenient to time this procedure with bathing.

    Place the scale on a firm, level surface - a table or even the floor. Place a neatly folded diaper on them and then turn them on. They will not show the weight of the diaper. You will see zeros on the scoreboard.

    Calmly and slowly enough so as not to trigger the Moro reflex, place the naked baby on the scale and try not to let him cry. If the child on the scales waving his arms and jerking his legs, then the numbers on the scales will also start jumping. Therefore, it is worth buying (or renting) children's electronic scales with a button that helps to fix the average weight.

    I know that some parents manage to keep track of the weight of their child using kitchen scales or a balance wheel, for which they wrap the baby in a diaper, as if a stork is carrying it in its beak. Some parents weigh their baby on an adult floor scale and calculate the difference between the weight of a mother with a baby in her arms and without it. But these are very rough measurements and are not suitable for newborns.

    Why checkweighing is bad

    Quite often, mothers, worried that the baby does not have enough breast milk, begin at first once, and then more and more often carry out the so-called control weighing. They measure the weight of a clothed baby before and after latching on to the breast and thus find out how much milk he sucked from the breast in one feeding. Doctors in children's clinics used to do this, but then it was proved that the method was not informative - on breastfeeding, unlike an artificial one, a child receives very different amounts of milk in different feedings.

    Besides, checkweighing makes mom nervous. Literally after a couple of days of such careful measurements, the mother "gets hooked" on such "accounting", and it is very difficult for her to refuse it. Mothers take regular scrupulous measurements throughout the day, how much the baby eats for each feed, and I often see notebooks covered with columns of numbers. It takes a lot of effort on the part of both the doctor and the woman herself, so that she calms down, believes in herself and makes sure that everything is fine with her, the baby has enough milk and there is no need to constantly monitor this process.

    Therefore, I want to immediately advise parents not to cross the reasonable line in the frequency of weighing the baby. Do not irritate yourself and the little one by constant monitoring of his weight. After all, it often happens that for several days it does not change, and then there is a sharp jump, and the baby gains weight in a day, which he should have gained in three days.

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