• Weighing children. Control weighing of a child: algorithm, norms. How to weigh your baby correctly


    10 ways to find out your baby's weight

    As mentioned earlier, this is to find out his increase in the last days.

    Consultants often hear in response that it is too expensive to buy scales, and it is not known when they will bring it, but you need to know if everything is in order now.

    Weighing on "adult" scales is not always reliable. After all, they most often have a division price of 50-100 grams. And this is quite a lot for a baby with a total weight of, for example, 3 kg. And the error of such scales can be up to 200 grams. And for a baby, this is a decent weekly increase.

    We invite you to get acquainted with several ways to find out the weight of the child more accurately.

    1. Buy new scales.

    Many cities have delivery services or even pickup. Decide what will be faster for you and act.

    2. Buy scales "from hands" on bulletin boards, local forums, chat rooms and other communities in your city.

    Often in this case it is necessary to check the performance of the scales with some kind of load, and after purchase - change the battery to a new one.

    3. Rent a scale

    Now this service is gaining more and more popularity, and in more and more cities it becomes available.

    After all, in reality, if the scales are needed, then literally for the first month or two. Then they just gather dust under the bed, until their mother accidentally touches them with a mop.

    4. Ask friends and acquaintances who have scales for a while

    Most often, those friends have scales whose children are between the ages of 3-4 months and about a year. Usually by 3-4 months, parents already gain some confidence and stop using weights regularly. However, often up to 1-1.5 years old, the scales are still stored before young parents are ready to say goodbye to them by putting them up for sale.

    You can ask friends for a scale for a while, or you can ask to visit them for 5 minutes, explaining the situation. And after the exact information about the weight, make a decision about purchasing your own scales.

    5. Buy an electronic steelyard

    Today, there are electronic balance scales on sale with an accuracy of 1 gram. Placing the baby in a sling or a large diaper and hanging

    a diaper on a steelyard to a height from the bed literally 3-5 cm (for safety reasons, you should not lift the baby very

    high) - You can find out the weight of the baby. There are steelyards with the function of deducting "tare", although you can do this yourself, first weighing the weight of the diaper, and then simply subtracting the smaller from the larger number.

    Of course, this is no longer a fairly accurate measurement, but provided that you are in the area where it will be more realistic to buy a balance wheel, this option is quite suitable.

    6. Weigh on a kitchen scale

    Today, many housewives in the kitchen have scales for making delicious and simple recipes. Examine your scale. If they have a maximum weight of 5 kg, then they are perfect. These scales are usually small enough to fit a child on. Therefore, parents put on the scales any large dish, a basin, a large cutting board (all this can be used with a diaper, if necessary), and the baby is already placed on them.

    The weight will also not be perfectly accurate, right up to 10 grams, but this method gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe baby's weight quite accurately.

    7. Buy commercial scales

    Sometimes it happens that there is no way to buy baby scales, but there are commercial scales in electronics stores. Electronic commodity scales measure weight quite accurately.

    Their only difference from children's ones is the absence of a motion stabilizer. Those. when the baby moves, the weight will change instantly. This means that parents will have to independently calculate the arithmetic mean of all the indicators that they saw on the scales.

    Baby scales calculate this figure automatically.

    8. Weigh in the clinic

    If the clinic is located very close to the house, and the parents do not have the opportunity to buy the scales, then the mother can always go to the clinic during a walk and weigh the baby in the office without waiting in line healthy child... If there is no such office in your polyclinic, then you can go to any pediatrician without a queue, explaining that you only need to weigh the baby.

    9. Go to your hospital

    If the clinic is far away, and the maternity hospital is much closer, you can call and inquire about the opportunity to go to them for weighing. Usually babies in the first year of life are not denied in maternity hospitals. But it is worth remembering that each hospital has its own rules of safety, quarantine and other features of hospital conditions.

    10. Weigh at the market or shop

    If there are no options to get or reach the scales, then the most desperate ways are used J

    This is especially true for the cities of the Far North, where the delivery of purchased scales can take up to 3-5 weeks from the nearest store, and parents need to understand now whether their child is getting enough milk.

    In any case, no matter how you weigh the baby, it is the weight gain that will show you whether the baby has enough nutrition. But if, even after weighing the baby, you did not manage to tune in to a calm mood - read other articles on our website or call a consultant on breastfeeding.

    Poegle Hera KST-therapist, breastfeeding consultant

    Weighing your baby at home is easy!

    The glorious times are over when you had to go to the clinic, where a nurse was conjuring with weights in order to see the coveted figure on a mechanical scale with an error of plus or minus two elephants.

    Today, electronic baby scales can be bought or rented, and in a calm home environment, they will show you the exact weight of the baby with an accuracy of 5g.

    And Sasha's medical scales will be counted up to a gram.

    But still, in order to weigh the child correctly, certain conditions must be observed.

    • Place the baby scale on a hard, hard surface: table or floor.
    • The balance must not come into contact with any objects.

    Even the tulle that is touched by the scale can affect the measurement accuracy.

    • A little trick: if there is an object on the scale when you turn it on, the scale will zero its weight and show 0.

    Therefore, it is better to put the diaper on which you will weigh the baby on the switched off scales, so you do not have to tare them.

    • The diaper should not hang from the bed so as not to distort the weight.
    • When weighing each time, place the child in the middle of the scale with the head to one side. This must be done because the baby's head is heavy enough, and in this case the weight will be evenly distributed.
    • The scales are very sensitive to the movements of the child, the numbers "run" when weighing. In order for the weight to be fixed, it is necessary that the child froze for at least 2-3 seconds.

    How can this be achieved? Lure with your favorite rattle, clap your hands, shine a flashlight. In general, perform any action that makes your child lie still for a couple of seconds. This time is usually enough for the balance to fix the reading and the display will show “hold”. Some scales have automatic weight fixing, and in such as Gamma, for example, you need to press a button to fix the weight.

    Well, that's all.

    At the next weighing, you will see on the display either the previous weight, or, as in the Momert 6475 scale, immediately the difference with the previous weight.

    How not to weigh a child at home? Top 5 worst mistakes

    X Weigh the baby on the canter. I will not even explain why not. In my opinion, this is obvious. But, probably, not all of them.

    X Weigh yourself with your child on a floor scale, then subtract your weight. Honestly, it's better not to weigh the child at all. Because it's like weighing an adult on a weight scale that shows weight in centners.

    X Weighing on a kitchen scale. Yes, the weight here is accurate enough. But they are designed for stationary objects, and due to the fact that it is impossible to fix the weight, the result will be the same as on the floor scales.

    X Cheap Chinese scales, which sometimes cost less than a month's rent. Believe me, this is exactly the case when the miser pays twice.

    X Even the highest quality good scales will show the wrong result if you put them on a wobbly stool, pile a mountain of blankets under them.

    As you can see, everything is quite simple, subject to the simplest and most understandable rules. The only thing left is to buy baby scales, or even better - to rent them.

    Lesya Taranenko

    Baby Service in Kropyvnytskyi

    Parents of a baby in the first year of life are very often concerned about the question of whether the baby is getting enough milk and whether his weight gain is normal. To assess the degree physical development the child in the children's clinic is weighed monthly and his height is measured. Baby scales are used to measure weight. There are two types of baby scales - mechanical and electronic. Of course, electronic scales are more convenient to use and more accurate. But mechanical ones should not be taken categorically, with correct weighing, they are also informative.

    Weighs correctly

    Weighing on electronic scales

    • Make sure the scale is on a level, solid surface;
    • Turn on the balance and set the value of the balance to the o mark;
    • Place the diaper on the scale, and in order to calculate the baby's weight excluding the diaper, press the TARA function;
    • Carefully place the child on the scales, while holding him by the head and butt;
    • If possible, try not to move the baby (for this you can weigh him half asleep or let him get used to it, you can attract attention with a bright toy);
    • Wait for the scale to fix the baby's weight and then remove it from the scale.

    Weighing on a mechanical scale

    For children of the first three years of life, use a special scale with a bowl, with a permitted maximum load of up to 20 kg. Such scales consist of a rocker, a tray and two scales - the lower one shows kilograms, the upper one shows grams. The precision of the mechanical balance is up to 10 grams.

    • Balance the balance before weighing;
    • Then the diaper is placed on the bowl (tray) and weighed, while making sure that its edges do not hang from the tray, the weight of the diaper is subtracted;
    • Before weighing, the child must be undressed and laid on a diaper (a diaper is allowed, the weight of which should also be subtracted). The balance beam must be closed. The head and shoulders should be placed on the widest part of the tray, and the bottom and legs on the narrow one;
    • After the rocker is opened and weighing is carried out by moving the slider. From the result obtained, it is necessary to subtract the weight of the previously weighed diaper and diaper.

    General points

    It is better to weigh the baby at the same time, after having a bowel movement and bladder and preferably on an empty stomach. Of course, it is difficult to follow these rules with babies, but still it is worth trying, then the result will be more accurate. True, this does not apply to control weighing to determine the amount of milk eaten. In this case, the baby should be weighed before feeding and after feeding, and in the same clothes (even if he peed and pooped).

    Regular weighing will help determine the physical development of the child and, if necessary, make timely adjustments to the baby's diet for its normal development.


    10 ways to find out your baby's weight

    As mentioned earlier, the most reliable way to find out if a baby is getting enough milk is to find out his increase in the last days.

    Consultants often hear in response that it is too expensive to buy scales, and it is not known when they will bring it, but you need to know if everything is in order now.

    Weighing on "adult" scales is not always reliable. After all, they most often have a division price of 50-100 grams. And this is quite a lot for a baby with a total weight of, for example, 3 kg. And the error of such scales can be up to 200 grams. And for a baby, this is a decent weekly increase.

    We invite you to get acquainted with several ways to find out the weight of the child more accurately.

    1. Buy new scales.

    Many cities have delivery services or even pickup. Decide what will be faster for you and act.

    2. Buy scales "hand-held" on message boards, local forums, chat rooms and other communities in your city.

    Often in this case it is necessary to check the performance of the scales with some kind of load, and after purchase - change the battery to a new one.

    3. Rent a scale

    Now this service is gaining more and more popularity, and in more and more cities it becomes available.

    After all, in reality, if the scales are needed, then literally for the first month or two. Then they just gather dust under the bed, until their mother accidentally touches them with a mop.

    4. Ask friends and acquaintances who have scales for a while

    Most often, those friends have scales whose children are between the ages of 3-4 months and about a year. Usually by 3-4 months, parents already gain some confidence and stop using weights regularly. However, often up to 1-1.5 years old, the scales are still stored before young parents are ready to say goodbye to them by putting them up for sale.

    You can ask friends for a scale for a while, or you can ask to visit them for 5 minutes, explaining the situation. And after the exact information about the weight, make a decision about purchasing your own scales.

    5. Buy an electronic steelyard

    Today, there are electronic balance scales on sale with an accuracy of 1 gram. Placing the baby in a sling or a large diaper and hanging

    a diaper on a steelyard to a height from the bed literally 3-5 cm (for safety reasons, you should not lift the baby very

    high) - You can find out the weight of the baby. There are steelyards with the function of deducting "tare", although you can do this yourself, first weighing the weight of the diaper, and then simply subtracting the smaller from the larger number.

    Of course, this is no longer a fairly accurate measurement, but provided that you are in the area where it will be more realistic to buy a balance wheel, this option is quite suitable.

    6. Weigh on a kitchen scale

    Today, many housewives in the kitchen have scales for making delicious and simple recipes. Examine your scale. If they have a maximum weight of 5 kg, then they are perfect. These scales are usually small enough to fit a child on. Therefore, parents put on the scales any large dish, a basin, a large cutting board (all this can be used with a diaper, if necessary), and the baby is already placed on them.

    The weight will also not be perfectly accurate, right up to 10 grams, but this method gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe baby's weight quite accurately.

    7. Buy commercial scales

    Sometimes it happens that there is no way to buy baby scales, but there are commercial scales in electronics stores. Electronic commodity scales measure weight quite accurately.

    Their only difference from children's ones is the absence of a motion stabilizer. Those. when the baby moves, the weight will change instantly. This means that parents will have to independently calculate the arithmetic mean of all the indicators that they saw on the scales.

    Baby scales calculate this figure automatically.

    8. Weigh in the clinic

    If the clinic is located very close to the house, and parents do not have the opportunity to buy scales, then the mother can always go to the clinic during a walk and weigh the baby in the office of a healthy child without waiting in line. If there is no such office in your polyclinic, then you can go to any pediatrician without a queue, explaining that you only need to weigh the baby.

    9. Go to your hospital

    If the clinic is far away, and the maternity hospital is much closer, you can call and inquire about the opportunity to go to them for weighing. Usually babies in the first year of life are not denied in maternity hospitals. But it is worth remembering that each hospital has its own rules of safety, quarantine and other features of hospital conditions.

    10. Weigh at the market or shop

    If there are no options to get or reach the scales, then the most desperate ways are used J

    This is especially true for the cities of the Far North, where the delivery of purchased scales can take up to 3-5 weeks from the nearest store, and parents need to understand now whether their child is getting enough milk.

    In any case, no matter how you weigh the baby, it is the weight gain that will show you whether the baby has enough nutrition. But if, after weighing the baby, you did not manage to tune in to a calm mood, read other articles on our website or call a breastfeeding consultant.

    Poegle Gera Consultant Psychologist, Breastfeeding Consultant

    View Gera's contacts

    Last revised 12/27/2016


    How much does a newborn gain in weight

    Every mommy worries about the correct physical development of her baby from the moment the baby is born. And one of the important factors indicating the normal development of the baby is weight gain in newborns (then there will be a table of newborn weight, which shows the indicators of weight gain in babies in grams by month). From this material, you will find out which newborn scales are best when used at home, what is the norm for a newborn's weight and how a healthy baby gains weight from the moment of birth. A healthy full-term baby is born with a body weight of 2.6 to 4. 5 kilograms. Weigh the baby as soon as labor is over (below we will tell you how to choose a good newborn scale for weighing your baby at home). Within a few days, the baby will lose weight (up to 10%). That is due to adaptation processes, when changing the sphere of life. Also, a newborn baby loses excess fluid. A newborn baby is just learning to eat, and mother's colostrum is not very nutritious. Milk from a nursing woman will appear only on the third day after childbirth.

    So, how much does a newborn baby gain by months? In most cases, newborns lose 6-8% of their original weight, which is considered a physiological norm. During the first 6 months of life, babies become 800 grams heavier every month. From 7 to 12 months, the monthly increase is 400 grams. In the first 4.5 weeks, the newborn will gain 600 grams (taking into account the weight loss after birth).
    Newborn weight and height chart.

    The weight of a child of 12 months may differ from the norm by one kilogram (more or less). If

    the child's body weight exceeds these limits, there is a possibility of obesity, an underestimated indicator indicates a lack of weight.

    Any indicators of body weight

    The newborn baby is averaged and the newborn's weight norm is very conditional, so you should not panic if you notice deviations from the table values. Each organism develops in a special way and is not like the others, this is natural and there is nothing to be afraid of.

    The baby's weight table readings made me happy and reassured. The child is gaining weight just like most of his peers. Excellent! But when the district pediatrician does not like the rate of increase in the mass of the child, he will recommend

    Use the mixture as additional food for the crumbs. For mothers who are afraid that the newborn is very thin and his body weight is below normal, we advise you to pay attention to relatives - perhaps harmony is at the genetic level.


    It is difficult for a mother to breastfeed to determine how much the baby ate. It is necessary to purchase a special newborn scale that allows parents to monitor changes in the child's body weight.

    Differences in newborn weights:

    The division step (precision) varies from 1 to 10 grams. The smaller it is, the more accurate the scales. The power supply in the mechanisms is carried out in different ways. The platform can be removable or monolithic. At home, it is more convenient to use a device with a removable platform. Another important parameter is the maximum possible weight. It determines how long you can use the scale. Scales for newborn babies can withstand 13 to 20 kilograms, which corresponds to the body weight of a child 2-4 years old.

    From the moment the baby is born, any mom is worried and very worried about how much a newborn baby is gaining in weight and what

    the norm of the newborn's weight exists. Once again, we want to remind you that all tabular indicators and calculations of specialists are only averaged data. An important role in the formation of the baby's weight from the moment of birth is played by heredity and the weight gain in newborns can differ significantly from the data that are placed in the table of the weight of newborn babies (see below) Now you know which scales for newborn babies can be purchased for weight control toddler at home. The weight of the baby, which differs from the table indicators up or down, does not in any way indicate that the child has health problems. And the weight gain in newborns will not always change upward within six months from the moment of birth. But if you doubt that your baby's weight is correct, consult a pediatrician and he, if necessary, will prescribe an examination.

    NEXT POST: First Bathing of a Newborn

    Manipulation - Technique for weighing children of different ages

    Measurement of body weight for children under 2 years old.

    Purpose: to obtain objective data from the patient's examination.
    Indications: Assessment of the adequacy of the child's nutrition.
    Assessment of physical development.
    Equipment: pan scales, rubber gloves, container with disinfectant solution, rags.
    Procedure execution:
    1. Explain the purpose of the study to mom.

    5. Wash and dry hands, wear gloves.
    6. Process the tray des. r-rum.
    7. Place the diaper folded several times on the tray (make sure that it does not cover the scale and does not interfere with the movement of the balance bar).
    9. Open the shutter.
    10. Balance the balance by rotating the counterweight, close the shutter.
    11. Place the child on the scales with his head towards the wider part (or sit down).
    12. Open the shutter.
    13. Move the "kilogram" weight located on the bottom of the scale until the barbell falls down, then move the weight one division to the left.
    14. Smoothly move the weight that determines the grams and located on the upper shaft to the position
    establishing balance.
    15. Close the slide and remove the child from the scale.
    16. Zapist mass indicators.
    Infection control:
    1. Remove the diaper from the scales, wipe the working surface of the scales des. r-rum.
    2. Remove gloves, wash your hands.

    Measurement of body weight for children over 2 years old.

    Indication: Assessment of the adequacy of the child's nutrition
    Assessment of physical development.
    Equipment: honey. scales, rubber gloves, disposable paper napkin, container with disinfectant. solution, rags.
    Prerequisite: weigh the child on an empty stomach, at the same time, after the act of defecation.
    Procedure execution:
    1. Explain the purpose of the study to the child.
    2. Place the balance on a level, stable surface.
    3. Prepare the necessary equipment.
    4. Check if the balance gate is closed.
    5. Wash your hands, put on gloves.
    6. Process the platform of the scales of disinfection. r-rum.
    7. Place a napkin on the weighing plate.
    8. Set the weights to zero divisions.
    9. Open the shutter.
    10. Balance the balance by rotating the counterweight (the level of the rocker must be at the same level as the reference point).
    11. Close the shutter.
    12. Help the child stand (without shoes) on the center of the weighing plate.
    13. Open the shutter.
    14. Move the "kilogram" weight located on the lower part of the scale until the barbell falls down, then shift the weight one division to the left.
    15. Smoothly move the weight that determines the grams and located on the upper shaft until the balance is established.
    16. Batch closed, help the child off the scale.
    17. Record body weight indicators.
    18. Remove the napkin from the balance.
    Infection control:
    1. Wipe the working surface of the balance with 1% chloramine solution twice with an interval of 15 minutes.
    2. Remove gloves, soak in 3% chloramine solution.
    3. Wash your hands at a hygienic level.

    How to weigh a newborn at home. We make a rating!

    If you are reading these lines, then the weight of a newborn, weight gain, weight norm are not empty words for you. After reading the article, you will find out how and how you can weigh babies at home, compare and choose the best option for yourself.

    Sometimes in my environment, sometimes on the forums of mothers, I come across the opinion that scales for newborns are not an essential item, or even cooler - generally superfluous, in the variety of children's products. Like, there are alternative ways to find out the child's weight, track the dynamics of weight gain and not miss important changes. And besides children's, there are enough other weights in the house. So why spend money on special electronic baby scales for newborns?

    What is this alternative? Probably those who have gone through the milk-diaper period have thought about it at least once. Scales, which are quite common and are found in almost every home: electronic floor and kitchen scales. Let's look at three types of scales as projected for weighing your newborn baby. And we will evaluate them on a 10-point system, taking into account the most important criteria:

    For the assessment, we use the following characteristics:

    • accuracy
    • the ability to fix the weight
    • measurement framework
    • convenience and safety
    • price / duration of use

    Of course, these are approximate, averaged data, nevertheless, they are quite sufficient for us to understand the essence of the issue. We took the standards of the World Health Organization as a basis.

    Bidder No. 1 Electronic floor scales

    Accuracy. 100g. The first, most important parameter and immediately a fiasco! Provided that the child eats less than 100 grams at a time, we will not be able to track any dynamics with such an accuracy of the scales.

    For accuracy - 0 points

    The ability to fix the weight ... There is. Most bathroom scales have a fixed weight after 3-5 seconds of immobility. Not perfect, but not bad either - 8 points.

    Measurement frames up to 150 kg. Even taking into account the fact that the mother takes the baby in her arms during weighing, this is enough. 10 points.

    Convenience and safety ... Certainly, a more comfortable and safer scale bowl than mother's hands cannot be imagined. 10 points

    ... We will assume that you already have a scale. Since the whole family can be weighed on the bathroom scale, the period of use is limited only by the quality of the scales themselves. No expenses - 10 points.

    The total amount is 38 points.

    Applicant # 2. Kitchen scales.

    Accuracy - 1 gr. Sumptuously. An excellent indicator, however, it also has a downside. More on this in the next paragraph, and now - 10 points.

    Weight fixation ... Absent. For cereals or sugar, no fixation is needed, they already lie quietly in the cup, unlike our toddlers. Plus, high sensitivity will show you dancing numbers and all the accuracy down the drain. You will have to guess some average values, there will be absolutely no confidence in such results. 0 points.

    Measurement frames ... From 1 gr. Up to 5 kg. Another bottleneck. For a newborn, in most cases, this range is sufficient, but after a few weeks this may already be insufficient. And the dynamics have not yet been clearly defined, the questions remain ... We give no more than 5 points.

    Convenience and safety ... The kitchen scale bowl is small, definitely small, there is nothing to discuss here. We'll have to create some kind of pot-bowl designs, the convenience and safety of which, for the baby, will be extremely low. Who needs extra worries? 3 points.

    Price / Duration of use ... As in the case of bathroom scales, kitchen scales will work for your family as long as the manufacturer has measured them. Therefore, 10 points.

    Total: 28 points.

    Applicant # 3 Electronic scales for newborns.

    Accuracy - 5 grams. Taking into account the amount eaten by the baby, the discreteness of 5 grams is quite sufficient for the daily weight control of the child. There are medical scales "Sasha" which have an accuracy of 1 gram, so we would give them ten points, and ours, we put a fair assessment - 8 points.

    Weight fixation ... There is. At the same time, in some models of children's scales, you do not need to distract and calm your baby even for a second, there is a special button, by pressing which you get an accurate result. We boldly put 10 points to such weights for newborns.

    Measurement frames. 0 to 20 kg. The baby scale is designed to last a long time. Even in front of school, you can weigh the child. And of course, in the most crucial period of infancy, there will be no weight restrictions. 10 points.

    Convenience and safety. The scales for newborns were created especially for their beloved ones, our babies. Size, depth, ergonomics are all made for maximum comfort and safety. The scale pan is securely attached to the scale and is quite comfortable. However, these are not my mother's hands, so it's fair - 8 points.

    Price / Duration of use ... There are nuances in this issue. Baby scales are baby scales because you won't be using them for a very long time. And if we are talking about weighing a newborn, then more than six months are used very rarely. The price of baby scales is not small. Therefore, if you decide to buy a scale for newborns, you can put 3 points for this indicator. But if you don't buy! Rent baby scales , that is, rent for the period that you need - a month, two, three. For rent for this time, you will give a completely adequate amount, then the score on this criterion will be higher - 8 points.

    Total purchase price for baby scales: 39 points

    The total amount for renting baby scales:44 points

    I suppose you yourself can put our members in their places and determine important priorities for yourself.

    In summary, you can ask yourself test questions:

    • Are the dynamics of weight gain under control?
    • Do we know how much our baby eats?
    • Will we have time to make the right changes to the child's diet?

    Answer these questions for yourself and make your choice.

    For us, the choice is obvious. And your decision is your decision. We will be glad if this review helped you make a choice that you will be happy with.

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