• How to get an even tan quickly. How to sunbathe to get a beautiful skin tone? We go to the sea for a beautiful chocolate tan


    Hello! In this article we will tell you about sun tanning. Gone are the days when pale white skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Now successful and happy ladies stand out with a beautiful even tan.

    Tanning: is it useful

    “It is harmful to sunbathe in the sun!”, “The sun ages the skin!”, “Lying on the beach, you can earn cancer!”, “Sunburn only burns!” - we have all heard such sayings at least once. But are they as fair as is commonly believed?

    Indeed, the scorching sun can cause great harm to the skin and the body. If you sunbathe in moderation and follow certain rules, then sunbathing becomes a useful and pleasant experience.

    A proper tan helps in the fight against skin diseases. So, sunbathing with psoriasis is not only possible, but even necessary. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the condition of the patient's skin, reduce itching and discomfort. In combination with the treatment, tanning helps to get rid of diseases such as fungus, eczema, acne, etc.

    In addition, sunburn becomes the prevention of rickets, since during sunbathing, vitamin D is actively formed in the body, which helps to strengthen bone tissue and muscles.

    Ultraviolet light also stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Helps improve blood circulation and endocrine activity.

    Melanin - what is it

    Why do people get different tanning under the same conditions? Why doesn't the skin tan in the sun? Why can't I get tanned in the sun before? It's all about melanin. It is he who is responsible for our color of eyes, hair and skin. In addition, melanin plays a protective role in protecting the skin from sun damage. Accordingly, the more melanin, the darker the skin and the richer the tan. In the body, special cells are responsible for the production of melanin - melanocytes.

    The tanning process is as follows:

    1. You find yourself in the sun.
    2. Ultraviolet rays start the process of DNA destruction in the body.
    3. The body begins to produce melanin to prevent further damage.

    Sunbathing and tanning beds increase the amount of melanin. This can explain why already tanned people are less susceptible to burns and the harmful effects of the sun. For the same reason, it is recommended to sunbathe gradually.

    There are people whose skin practically does not tan in the sun, and any attempts to acquire a beautiful tan end with burns and disorders. In such people, melanin is produced in small amounts or not at all.

    Owners of such sensitive skin are not recommended to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time. It is worth noting that the number of melanocytes is approximately the same for everyone, but the amount of melanin released is different, and not everyone has enough of it to get a tan.

    What diseases can not sunbathe in the sun

    Not everyone benefits from tanning. Contraindications for sunburn are:

    • Oncological diseases
    • All precancerous diseases
    • Eye diseases
    • Phlebeurysm
    • Tuberculosis
    • A large number of birthmarks
    • A large number of
    • A large number of age spots
    • Some medications
    • Age up to 5 years
    • Large moles (more than 1.5 cm)
    • Some female diseases
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • Small amount of melanin (fair skin and hair)
    • Relatives with melanoma
    • Freckles
    • Hypertension
    • Thyroid disorders
    • Diabetes
    • Elevated temperature
    • Infectious diseases
    • Psychoneurological diseases
    • You can not sunbathe with mastopathy and polycystic ovary.

    Sometimes the question arises: “ At what temperature can you sunbathe in the sun?". You can sunbathe in the sun at any temperature typical of a healthy person. If there is an inflammatory process in the body, and the body temperature is elevated, trips to the beach should be canceled until recovery.

    Pregnant women are prohibited from sunbathing and being in the sun. Nursing mothers can sunbathe, but be very careful to avoid overheating and burns. Young mothers need to adhere to the following rules:

    1. You can sunbathe only from 9 to 10 o'clock or from 16 to 17.
    2. Drink water with lemon on the beach.
    3. Tanning sessions start from 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 hour.
    4. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its possible effect on the child.
    5. Tanning without protective equipment is prohibited.
    6. Avoid direct sunlight and stay in the shade.

    In addition to all of the above, some cosmetic procedures can negatively affect the condition of your skin and become a contraindication for tanning. These procedures include:

    • Peeling
    • Hardware skin cleaning
    • Epilation
    • Botox injections
    • Permanent makeup
    • Essential oil wrap
    • Removal of moles and warts.

    Baby tan

    Children over 3 years old can already go to the beach, but under close maternal supervision. Do not allow the baby to stay in the sun and water for a long time. If the child loves to swim and cannot be pulled away from the water, put on a light shirt to cover his shoulders. Keep your child out of the sun without clothes. Give your child water often.

    For sun protection, use only products made specifically for children. Even a good adult sunscreen can irritate your little one.

    If the child does not sunbathe at all, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps the child lacks melanin and sunbathing is best avoided altogether.

    How to sunbathe in the sun

    Before you start sunbathing, you need to decide on the degree of protection and the type of your skin. The easiest way to find out your type is to look at your appearance. The table provides brief recommendations, taking into account the type of appearance: how much to sunbathe in the sun, what sunscreen should be, and what is the reaction to tanning.

    Appearance type Tanning reaction Time of continuous tanning in one session (before 12.00 and after 16.00) Recommended SPF for sunscreens
    Dark hair and eyes, dark skinThey do not burn out even after the first long tanning sessions.1,5 hour15-20
    Dark blond, brown or blonde hair, fair skinBurn out quickly and get burned. The tan sticks quickly.1 hour20-25
    Blond or red hair, brown or gray eyesAre susceptible to burns.45 minutes30 and higher
    Blond hair and blue or green eyes; red hair, pale skin, freckles,Burn instantly, burns heal for a long time.30 minutes50 and higher

    Tanning preparation

    When it comes to a beautiful tan, preparation is key. Take care of your skin before heading to the beach:

    1. Exfoliate or scrub... Dead cells prevent an even tan, which means they need to get rid of. To do this, you can use any scrubber or stiff brush. After the procedure, it is advisable to wait 2-3 days for the skin to finally recover. The tan lays flat on clean, renewed skin.
    2. Use the rule of gradualism... Start sunbathing at 5 minutes, gradually increasing the interval. This rule also works in clothing. In the early days, try to cover your body, gradually exposing it to the swimsuit.
    3. If you are going to relax in hot countries, it is useful to prepare your skin for the sultry sun. For this visit the solarium twice a week for five minutes.
    4. Buy a special vitamin complex for the skin at the pharmacy.
    5. Review your diet for summer time... Skip alcoholic beverages on the beach. Include bright vegetables and fruits in your diet such as carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, peaches, apricots, peppers, etc. They are high in beta-carotene. And he, in turn, activates the process of melanin production. So that the skin does not age and is protected from the harmful effects of sunlight, nuts, corn or olive oil should be added to the diet. These foods provide the body with vitamins E and selenium. Greens will help protect the skin from free radicals: spinach, cabbage, onions.
    6. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach, but you should not sunbathe immediately after a meal... The best option: sunbathe 30-40 minutes after eating.
    7. Choose the right time and place in advance. Remember that there are hours when sunbathing in the sun is very dangerous.
    8. Collect the bag... You must have a hat, a bottle of water, a blanket or a blanket, a towel, sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm with you.
    9. Apply sunscreen 10 minutes before leaving home.

    What time can you sunbathe in the sun

    No matter how quickly you want to sunbathe, you should not go to the beach during the peak hours of sun activity. The time of day and the degree of danger of sunburn are presented in the table:

    Choosing a place for tanning

    In the summer, the issue of tanning in the sun is solved easily and quickly. It is enough to prepare the skin and go swimming and relaxing on the nearest beach.

    The problem with tanning is more difficult in the cold season. Many people ask the question: “ Is it possible to tan in the sun in winter? ". The answer is simple: it is possible, but difficult. The sun is at a different angle from the Earth, which means that ultraviolet rays have to make a difficult path through other layers of the atmosphere. Consequently, tanning takes longer.

    But even if you risk undressing for a tan in winter, this procedure is unlikely to give you pleasure because of the cold. Therefore, the best way to tan in winter is to travel to warm countries.

    How to get a bronze tan in the sun

    The place of your vacation depends not only on your impressions and places that you can visit, but also on the color of your skin after returning home. Sunburns vary from country to country.

    Desired tan color Where to go Notes
    GoldenFrance, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey
    BronzeGreece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania, BulgariaIt is recommended to sunbathe in the morning, or after 16.00, use moderate protection.
    ChocolateCongo, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Indonesian islands, Ecuador, Brazil, ColombiaUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute.
    Dark coffeeIndia, MaldivesUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute. Burn symptoms appear slowly.
    Shade of cinnamonEgypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, BahrainUse maximum SPF.

    However, if possible, it is best to soak up the local beach first so that the skin becomes less sensitive to the sun. Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a tanning bed? Not only is it possible, but even necessary. A five-minute trip to the solarium will prepare your skin for the warm foreign sun.

    How to sunbathe exactly on the beach

    For an even tan, a number of recommendations must be followed:

    1. The basic rule of even tanning is movement. Just lying down and turning around from time to time is not enough. You need to move on the beach: swim, play, run, walk, etc.
    2. Do not use perfume or alcohol on your skin. This can cause sun spots.
    3. To avoid being in the sun for more than 2 hours.
    4. Do not neglect hats, otherwise your hair will turn into straw.
    5. Use sunscreen.
    6. Moisturize your skin.
    7. Relax. Better not to read or watch videos on the beach. The eyes are already under strain. But you shouldn't sleep on the beach, otherwise you will definitely get burns and tan unevenly.

    How to speed up your tan

    If tanning is necessary, the following rules must be followed:

    1. Apply protection. You can't do without it.
    2. During rush hours, sunbathe in the shade instead of in the open sun.
    3. Move.
    4. Sunbathe near the pond. The water reflects the sun's rays and the skin tans faster. For the same reason, after bathing, you do not need to wipe your skin. The water droplets will work like lenses.
    5. Use and.
    6. A quick tan will help you to get funds with a "crucible" effect. They increase blood circulation.
    7. Renew your layer of sunscreen every half hour to hour.

    Why does not the face tan

    If your face does not tan, pay attention to the position of your body while tanning. Apply sunscreen to your face every time you go to the beach. After returning home, wash off the cream and apply a moisturizer: lotion or milk. Burns quickly develop on the face, so do not overuse tanning for this part of the body.

    Home remedies for tanning

    In getting a beautiful tan, folk remedies can give a head start to purchased creams and oils.

    Home remedy for sun protection

    You will need:

    • Walnut oil - 1 bottle
    • Jojoba oil - 2 tsp
    • Wheat germ oil - 2 tsp
    • Lang ylang oil - 5 ml.
    • Shea butter - 1 tsp
    • Avocado oil - 2 tsp

    Mix all components and place in an airtight container. You need to apply the mixture 3-4 hours before leaving the house. This tool will be enough for you for a long time.

    How to maintain a tan with folk remedies

    You can also make your own after-sun lotion. To do this, you only need apricot kernel oil (50 ml) and sea buckthorn oil (3 drops). Apply gently after tanning as it can stain your skin.

    In order for your tan to remain beautiful and rich as long as possible, you will need:

    • Carrots 10-15 cm long - 1 pc.
    • Honey - 1 tsp
    • Olive oil - 2 tsp
    • Buckwheat flour - 1 tsp.

    Grate the carrots and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply and leave on the skin for 30 minutes. Wash off. The mask can be used every three days, with a course of five to six times.

    Complications after sunburn

    Tanning does not always go away without a trace of health. Failure to comply with safety rules often leads to changes in the body. Many people notice the appearance of new moles and freckles. Sometimes skin conditions can worsen. This often happens with herpes on the lips.

    In addition, vascular streaks and "mesh", areas of light skin, a large number of small moles may appear. The latter can lead to cancer if sunbathing is abused.

    Where to buy sun tanning products

    Especially for the readers of our site, we have selected tanning products, as well as after-sun creams of various brands and brands. Choose the one that will best suit your skin in composition.

    Yves rocher

    For Tan:

    • Set "Perfect tan" with SPF 30 - the set includes: Spray for preparing the skin of the face and body for sunburn + Regenerating milk for the face and body after sunbathing + Sun Protection Milk-Spray for the Body SPF 30 and Transparent cosmetic bag - AS A GIFT
    • Sunscreen Milk for Face and Body SPF 50+
    • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 30
    • Sunscreen Anti-Aging Face Cream SPF 30
    • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 15

    After sunburn:

    • After-Sun Regenerating Milk for Face and Body - This light melting milk instantly refreshes and soothes the skin after sun exposure thanks to Primorsky's Einegolovnik extract. This unique polyactive plant component protects the skin from photoaging and stimulates cell renewal.
    • Revitalizing Anti-Aging After Sun Cream - Protects the skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
    • Moisturizing After Sun Milk 3in1 - soothes skin overheated in the sun, moisturizes it and prolongs tanning.


    For Tan:

    • Capital Vichy Ideal Soleil Set matting emulsion SPF50 and mineralizing thermal water VICHY

    After sunburn:

      Thermal water VICHY Strengthens, restores the skin, normalizes pH, enhances the barrier-protective functions of the skin.

      Vichy capital ideal soleil moisturizing set spray veil body tanning activator SPF30 and a beach bag as a gift.

      Anti-age spots toning treatment SPF50 + Instantly evens out the complexion and corrects age spots day after day.

    La roche posey

    For Tan:

    • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS XL FLUID 50+ - face fluid.
    • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS MILK FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN 50+ - milk for babies.
    • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS SPRAY FOR CHILDREN 50+ - spray for children with sun protection.

    Garnier - Amber Solaire

    For Tan:

      GARNIER coconut intensive tanning oil

      GARNIER sunscreen body spray SPF30 pure protection +

    After sunburn:

    • GARNIER moisturizing and soothing after-sun milk
    • GARNIER Intense Golden Sun Spray, Waterproof, SPF 15

    Other tanning products:

    • Avene SPF 50 - Solaires Mineral Cream. The cream with a natural base, not only protects, but also restores after damage to the skin of the face, contains spf and ppd filters.
    • NIVEA SUN 30 or Sun Care spf 50 Has a soft texture with nurturing ingredients.

    Other after sun products:

    • NIVEA after-sun cooling spray

    Differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium

    Finding outward differences between tanning in the sun and in a tanning bed is difficult.

    However, the main advantage of a solarium is the ability to dose the radiation. Natural conditions will not allow this. In addition, hard waves are filtered, which have a bad effect on the human body.

    Another advantage of the solarium is its availability for urban residents.

    How to tan quickly / 8 rules for a perfect tan

    Hello, friends. It's already outside all summer, but the weather is a capricious girl. While we are at work, the sun is full. As soon as the weekend - clouds in the sky. So the question arises - how to tan quickly, while the weather is outstanding, so that the tan is even, and not burn out.

    About the Goltis system

    The principles of proper tanning, outlined in the Goltis scheme, will allow you to tan quickly, without burns, in one to three days. Follow this tip for an even, long-lasting tan.

    As soon as the sun begins to delight us with its warmth and light, we substitute our own for tanning. As soon as we take off our annoying warm clothes, we immediately begin to dream of beautiful dark skin.

    We are in a hurry to sunbathe under the bright sunlight, not noticing how they burn the skin that is not yet ready for such treatment. We are accustomed to the fact that after the first sunburn the skin often peels off. We kind of know that you can't get a tan in one day.

    But here is a survival specialist Goltis, one of the most mysterious people on the planet, who knows how to learn the secrets of living matter, knows how to get tanned quickly, without torturing the body.

    Simple rules

    1. It is recommended to exclude tanning time from 12 to 15 hours
    2. can
    3. You can swim, but in the shade - or quickly plunge into the shade for cooling.

    And now, in fact, about this very secret of living matter, thanks to which you can tan in 1 day.


    After a strong load on the biochemical, bioenergetic potential of the cell and complete recovery, a short period occurs when the potential grows by 20-30%!

    This huge increase is called "Supercompensation", the use of which is the secret of proper tanning.

    If during this period the cell resource is again removed (not over the edge, of course), then recovery will occur not only to the "added" level, but also another 20-30% from above!

    This means that if you repeat correctly the load-recovery-supercompensation cycles, you can greatly increase the body's capabilities.

    We apply knowledge to increase the level of melanin in skin cells. We get a way of superfast tanning.

    Melanin - Your UV protector from the sun's rays. He also determines the degree of tanning. So you can understand firsthand how this incredible principle works. There is little to do - to find out the duration of the cycles of exposure to the sun and in the shade, the periods of supercompensation.

    Second part of the secret: Goltis tanning scheme.

    Supercompensation table for tanning (time in minutes):

    Sunbathe line by line, from left to right. First, 1.5 minutes facing the sun, then 1.5 minutes with your back, then the right side and left side for 1 minute and finish the cycle with 3 minutes in the shade.

    3 tanning according to the scheme

    1. Super extreme

    That is - Superfast. When you go through all the cycles in 1 day. From morning to evening.

    Don't burn out. The tan will be. Use when very, very necessary and only if skin and worldview permit.

    2. Extreme

    Or just Express. When you are in a hurry, but you miss the hours of active sun. All steps (cycles) go through in a couple of days.

    For example, 1 day finished sunbathing at step 6 (aka cycle number 6), and on day 2 you start from step 4 (from cycle number 4). That is, with last cycle of last day minus 2.

    3. Normal

    When you sunbathe for a week, but according to the scheme.

    Start each subsequent day with a cycle according to the formula: last day's initial cycle plus 2. The first day began with the first cycle, and the second day with the third cycle.

    Congratulations again, you have gained useful, practically applicable knowledge. As a result, you can enjoy the sun at the resort from day one. Unwind to the fullest. Save precious vacation days from the "white skin syndrome", from the procedures of smearing with protective creams "before" and sour cream "after".

    If your vacation is only at the end of summer, then you can easily get a tan, indistinguishable from a resort one. Literally over the weekend.

    You will find an amazingly simple thing: nature has provided the body with all the means of protecting and turning the energy of the sun for good. A proper tan enhances. So you are lucky from birth.

    Many girls dream of a natural tan, because it hides many skin imperfections and makes them almost invisible. A woman feels more confident and attractive as her figure appears slimmer when her skin is tanned. In the summer, getting a gorgeous tan is much easier and more affordable, because during vacation there is an opportunity to relax outside the city and many have a vacation at this time.

    Unfortunately, not everyone has enough time to achieve the desired tan without harming the skin. However, it is possible to speed up this process, and you do not need to buy expensive creams at all, but you should follow simple measures and use the available ingredients. Next, we will look at what and how to use in order to have an even tan without using an activator cream at all.

    What and how should you do to get a tan better and faster?

    The skin gets a golden tan, as you probably already know, thanks to the production of a pigment such as melanin, which is activated by the sun. It will take some time for its production, so it is impossible to tan in one day, and if melanin is produced in insufficient quantities, then the risk of burns increases. Pigment production can be accelerated by adding foods that contain vitamins, enzymes, and certain amino acids to your diet. These food products are:

    • apricots;
    • carrot;
    • rbuz;
    • bananas;
    • green tea;
    • nuts;
    • peaches;
    • tomatoes;
    • seafood;
    • liver, etc.

    In order for the skin to tan faster, you need to introduce all these products into your menu in advance, and also consume them in sufficient quantities. You should also avoid foods that reduce melanin levels. These include:

    • alcohol;
    • salting;
    • citrus;
    • smoked meats;
    • chocolate;
    • coffee.

    How should the skin be prepared ?!

    To get a gorgeous tan, you need to prepare your skin well, and this should be done in advance. It is necessary to cleanse it well and get rid of keratinized cells, because this interferes with the penetration of sunlight. Preparation of the skin begins a few days before you are going to sunbathe, approximately 2-3 days. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities and peel using available and inexpensive ingredients such as coffee, salt, apricot seeds, sugar, and the like. Be sure to moisturize the skin with a cream after peeling.

    In the first days of being on the beach, you should strictly monitor the time spent in the sun, so that all efforts to get an even tan are not in vain. It is enough to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes a day and add a little bit of the time of stay daily. Tanning lays much better when you are on the move, so beach volleyball is the best choice for those looking to get a gorgeous tan. But keep in mind that certain rules must also be followed here, for example:

    • do not use cosmetics on the beach;
    • from 11 to 16 do not be in the sun;
    • constantly drink water in sufficient quantity (purified water without gas is best suited).

    After sunbathing, take a cool shower and moisturize your skin with a cream.

    And in conclusion, we will share folk recipes that will help you get a good and natural tan:

    Ground coffee (chilled) - twice a day, wipe the skin with cotton wool.

    Iodine and olive oil (add 5 drops of iodine per 100 ml of olive oil) - before going to the sun, lubricate the body with this mixture.

    Carrot Juice + Olive Oil - Apply these ingredients to the body before bed to intensify the tan.

    Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in the upper strata of society, tanning was considered a sign of the lower classes, although in 1903 Niels Finsen, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine, proved that the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the metabolism of not only phosphorus, but also calcium in the blood. ... Lack of this vitamin can cause osteomalacia. Especially the bones of the pelvis, spine. Seasonal depression also often occurs from a lack of vitamin D. So, sunbathing, we improve our health. In addition, many people think that tanning is beautiful. Especially dark, chocolate color. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly tan in the sun so as to get the desired effect.

    How tanning forms on the skin

    In the lower layers of the skin are cells that synthesize a mixture of various compounds called melanin. It is he who neutralizes the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body. The reaction mechanism is simple. The longer a person spends in the sun, the more this natural pigment is produced in the skin, obeying an alarming signal from the brain about danger. As a protector, it protects the body from harmful carcinogenic factors. And a chocolate tan is formed precisely because this pigment is produced in large quantities. The more melanin, the more intense the tan.

    You may also be interested in the spf 50 face creams that are described.

    Skin types that can get a chocolate body tan

    Why is it that some people have an even, beautiful, golden, light brown or even chocolate skin color after sunbathing, while others have a temperature rise at night after a day on the beach, their skin is red. After a few days, blisters appear on her, and the place is desperately itchy. And no longer to the sea and sunburn. But you really want to usefully live every day of such a long-awaited vacation. The point is not only in non-observance of the simple rules of being in direct sunlight, but also in the type of skin that nature has awarded us:

    • Celtic... This type of skin is predominantly found in people with light or red hair. Freckles can be seen on the skin. It is quite difficult for these people to get a beautiful tan and very often they suffer from sunburn. Melanin is hardly produced in the skin. Therefore, you can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes daily. Be sure to use sunscreen for the face with SPF 40-60 and 20-40 for the body.

    Sun cream is contraindicated for people with this type of skin. Only sunscreens with a level of 30 and above.

    But all other types of skin, with due observance of the rules of exposure to the sun and the use of appropriate products that promote tanning, can please their owner with a beautiful chocolate tan:

    • Dark European. The skin has a natural, slightly dark color. Freckles are mostly absent, but pimples may appear on the face or body. But the tan is always smooth and beautiful. You can stay under the sun up to thirty minutes;
    • Mediterranean... Dark brown or black hair, dark skin tone. The tan lays down evenly, and the skin turns out to be a beautiful slightly bronze tint. They light up instantly. You can stay in direct sunlight for up to forty minutes.
    • African American, Indonesian. Nature itself has long been concerned about people living in hot climates. She endowed them with the already initially needed dark pigmentation. They can stay under the sun for a long time without suffering from burns.

    To get an even and beautiful tan, you need to determine your skin type.

    Where is the best place to sunbathe to get chocolate color

    To get a beautiful tan color, you need to decide on a destination. After all, you can sunbathe not only near the river, sea or ocean, but also in mountainous areas. There the tan is more intense and the process is much faster. But it must be remembered that in the mountains the air is thinner, its pressure is lower. Not every organism is able to tolerate adaptation well. Therefore, the desire to go to the sea, and not to the mountains in the summer is quite natural.

    UV protection in the mountains is less than at sea level. The relative and absolute height of the territory affects. Therefore, girls with a light skin phototype are not recommended to tan in such an area.

    At the same time, depending on the geographic location of the body of water, different salinity of water, the height of the sun and the transparency of the atmosphere, you can get a different tan. The most common vacation spots:

    • Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, Malta and others). People of almost all types of skin can sunbathe and get skin of a beautiful golden hue.
    • Black Sea and Aegean (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine and others). Holidays in these regions will delight people with a Mediterranean phototype skin with a bronze-colored tan.
    • The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, closer to the equatorial part of Africa, will give chocolate-colored tan to people with Mediterranean, Indonesian and dark European skin phototypes. But you need to be prepared for the fact that without using sunscreens with powerful filters, you can quickly "burn out". A beautiful dark coffee shade can be obtained while relaxing in the Maldives.

    Sun tanning rules

    You can get burned rather than sunburned on any southern coast, if you do not adhere to very simple rules:

    • on the first day, do not expose your body to direct sunlight for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough. Let the skin adapt a little during this time;
    • it is recommended to take sun baths up to 10-11 hours (depending on the climatic zone). Take a break until 16-17 hours, and then you can lie back in the sun.

    You can also sunbathe in the shade, not just in direct sunlight.

    • so that the tan is even, you should turn after the sun;
    • balance the water regime. At this time, the fluid intake should be more by about a liter per day;
    • before going to bed after a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the skin;
    • to protect your skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, as well as to form a beautiful and even tan, special cosmetics are used.

    For girls with fair skin, if they feel that they are a little burnt, it is necessary to apply cosmetics with panthenol (Pantoderm, Bepanten, etc.). The drugs will not only help relieve pain a little, but also fix the already acquired tan.

    And, of course, outdoor games and frequent, well, at least not swimming, but simply staying in sea water contribute to uniform tanning.

    Tanning-promoting products

    Each person has their own level of melanin. It is this pigment that protects our skin from sunburn and gives it a slightly dark complexion. Therefore, before relaxing at sea, it is advisable to increase its amount in the body. Some foods "push" the production of melanin:

    1. Carrot. A glass of freshly squeezed juice every day before going to the beach will saturate the body with vitamin A and give the skin a golden hue.
    2. Apricots. Extremely healthy orange fruit. And the heart will strengthen and the skin will help to find velvety and elasticity.
    3. Tomatoes. They regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Protect it from sunburn.
    4. Peaches and gourds (melons and watermelons) maintain the water-salt balance and the skin does not dry out in the sun.
    5. Animal products (meat, fish, cheese, eggs, seafood) are actively involved in the production of melanin by the body.

    With the onset of the summer season, the desire to look attractive increases, and a beautiful tan gives the skin a special appeal. It is not difficult to get it if you start preparing the skin from the beginning of the season, or even better a month before that.

    A tan lays down better on even, healthy skin, so it is important to be serious about cleansing and nourishing it. You can moisturize and cleanse the epidermis at home.


    Tonics and lotions are considered one of the most effective means for cleansing and moisturizing the skin in summer.

    Cucumber lotion

    Making your own cucumber lotion or green tea is easy. The product will cleanse the skin of impurities and refresh.


    Finely chop the cucumber. Add 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cucumbers to a glass of milk and boil for 5 minutes. The broth is removed from the heat, the cucumbers are crushed and the mass is filtered. The lotion improves complexion and moisturizes the skin. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

    Green Tea Lotion Composition

    Before applying green tea lotion, it is advisable to know your skin type. The lotion is prepared for dry and oily skin with minor modifications.


    Mix two tablespoons of dry green tea and the same amount of 3% vinegar. Pour the mixture into a dark glass vessel.

    For oily skin, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the lotion.

    For dry, the same amount of any vegetable oil, olive.

    Close the vessel tightly and shake thoroughly. Store green tea lotion in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.


    In order for the tan to lie flat on the skin and look beautiful, dead skin cells are removed before sunbathing. Peeling and scrub do the job well.

    • Peeling is the exfoliation of dead cells with fruit acids. It is used for any skin type, there are practically no contraindications.
    • Scrub is a mechanical cleaning and contains small solid particles of fruits. Before using this remedy, ask your beautician your skin type.

    Dry or sensitive skin is easily injured by mechanical cleaning. It is better for owners of such an epidermis to use peeling to exfoliate dead cells.

    Skin cleansing recipes

    • Squeeze lemon juice. Mix 2 tablespoons of juice with the same amount of sugar (preferably cane sugar), add a teaspoon of sour cream to the mixture. The mass is applied to the face or body, trying to make the layer as thick as possible. After fifteen minutes, wash off.
    • Dilute blue clay with a small amount of water to the state of gruel, add a tablespoon of sea salt. The product is applied to the skin and massaged in a circular motion. Wash off after 15 minutes.
    • Grind three aspirin tablets, pour a teaspoon of water, at the end add 3 tsp. honey, mix. The product is applied to the face in a circular motion, gently massaging the skin. Wash off the composition after 15 minutes.
    • Cut the grape in half and massage your face and body. Wash off after 10 minutes.
    • Squeeze juice from lemon, dip cotton wool in it and carry out along massage lines, wash off after 10 minutes.

    After cleansing, you cannot immediately sunbathe, so carry out the cleansing procedure a few days before the beach.

    Hydration and nutrition

    After the winter period, the skin requires nourishment and moisture, this is manifested by peeling or dryness. Sunburn on such skin lays down an uneven layer with spots.

    When buying a cream in a store, they are guided by its composition. Before the summer period, they choose products that contain: white grapes, green tea, cucumber or tea tree extract.

    Quick Tan Recipes

    • Remove the peel from the tomato, grind the pulp through a sieve. Add 10 drops of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of starch to this puree, mix thoroughly. Apply the mass to the skin and let stand for 20 minutes, rinse with water.
    • Mix the egg yolk with one finely grated carrot. Apply to skin. Wash off after half an hour.

    So that, before the summer season, the skin gets used to ultraviolet light, 3-4 times, visit the solarium (4-5 minutes). Beta-carotene strengthens the tan, so a glass of carrot juice is drunk after or in front of a tanning bed.

    Buy vitamins for tanning at the pharmacy. Drops with beta-carotene are called "Vetoron", they contain vitamins C, E. Before use, you need to consult a doctor.

    Skin protection

    The sun and other unfavorable environmental conditions do not affect the skin in the best way, in order to avoid these consequences, use protective equipment. For example: in cosmetics "Nivea" there is a sunscreen for the face, which helps to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, while it moisturizes the skin and helps to get a beautiful tan.

    Get a sunscreen cream or lotion from a pharmacy. Such products will protect the skin from unwanted burns and help it tan evenly. When choosing a protective agent against ultraviolet radiation, they are guided by the type of epidermis. For dark and normal skin, sunscreen products with a USF filter of 20 - 35 are suitable, for pale skin the USF filter should be above 50.

    When buying tanning oils in the store, pay attention to their protective factor. For example: Garnier Intense Tanning Oil has a very low protective factor, it does not exceed SPF-2. Owners of fair skin should use oils with caution. They are used after the skin gets used to the sun. The oil is applied first to the legs, and after several sunbathing on the whole body. It is undesirable to use it for delicate facial skin.

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