• How to remove hair from priests. Why do women have hair on the pope? Causes of hair growth


    It's no secret that women for many decid years do almost all so that there are no extra vegetation on their beautiful and gentle bodies. All sorts of epilation and shave do their job and the female body looks well maintained and attractive. It should be noted that excess vegetation may appear absolutely on any part of the body and beautiful female buttocks are no exception. The girls do not like to talk about it out loud, but many representatives of the beautiful part of mankind complain about unpleasant hair on the pope. As a rule, dark brunettes are complaining about hair, on the pope. However, this problem may also occur in lateral women.

    Much more problems cause hair that grows between the buttocks. In this case, get rid of them with a simple shave will be problematic. It should be noted that the hairs between the buttocks are not only possible, but also need to be removed. Firstly, from aesthetic point of view, they look ugly, and secondly, from a hygienic point of view, they can not bring anything good.

    Causes of hair growth

    The growth of hair on the pope can be explained by the influence of hormones. Of course, more often on the face, the hair grows in men, but still this problem can touch and lovely ladies. The thing is that normal in women in the body has more female hormones (estrogens) than men's (androgens). Sometimes in the body of a woman there is an imbalance and male hormones becomes more. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of hair on the pope and between the buttocks.

    What can lead to hormonal imbalance in women?

    • Mals in the work of the adrenal glands.
    • Problems in the work of the brain.
    • Maltacks in the work of ovaries.
    • The use of drugs containing men's hormones.

    It is very important if there are excessive vegetation on the body in women, do not try to solve the problem independently, but to seek help to the doctor. After all, if excess hair on the body is associated with a hormonal imbalance, then in this case it will be possible to solve the problem only with the help of proper treatment. As a rule, with an excess of male hormones fight with the help of female hormones or adrenal hormones and brain hormones. However, the patient should be ready for the treatment can delay not only for months, but also for years.

    How to get rid of hair on the pope?

    There is nothing surprising that when the hair appears on the pope, every woman is trying to get rid of them. Fortunately, currently there are many ways to help lose this unpleasant problem.

    1. Wax depilation - many girls prefer this method of getting rid of unpleasant hair on the pope. It should be noted that wax depilation can be easily spent independently at home. Benefit for today in stores there is a large selection of funds for such a procedure. The main thing is to determine what type of wax is better to choose. You can buy in the store already ready-made wax strips, with which you can be very easily controlled. With the help of such strips, you can not be afraid of the appearance of hairs for 2 weeks. And with constant use of wax, it can be achieved that the hairs on the pope will become much thinner and in time will begin to grow in fewer.
    2. Shave - from shaving in such an intimate place is better to refuse. The thing is that after shaving the hair on the pope appear after a rather short period of time. Also a razor can be injured a gentle ass or earn irritation.
    3. Laser hair removal - this method is very effective However, it should be noted that it requires the cost of a considerable part of the family budget. During this procedure, with the help of an infrared beam, not only hair, but also its bulb is removed. In this way, you can achieve full hair disappearance on the pope. However, to get rid of all hair on the pope need a lot of time. For example, if you make laser hair removal 1 time per month for several years, then you can forget about the hairs on the pope once and forever.
    4. Depilatory creams - this method cannot be called the most successful. With the help of depilling creams, you can quickly and easily get rid of the hair on the pope, but after this procedure on the skin can remain unpleasant black dots, which will not give the appearance of the ass and attractiveness. In addition, after such creams, hair begins to grow after 4-5 days, which also can not please.
    5. Epilator - hair removal with the epilator - method, of course, is very effective, but very painful. Even after repeated use of such a "wonder-machine" to pain is quite difficult to get used to. You can, of course, purchase an epilator with soft pads, which on the plan of manufacturers make painful sensations during epilation less pronounced, but as practice shows, it is just an advertisement. However, if there is still a desire to get rid of the hair on the pope it is with the help of the epilator, then you should immediately buy a good soothing cream or lotion, which will need to be applied to the skin immediately after the end of the painful procedure.

    How to get rid of hair on the pope with the help of traditional medicine?

    • You can try to get rid of the hair on the ass with the help of a mortar solution. To do this, you need to pour water into a basin and add a little manganese into it. In the basin with a mortar solution, it will be necessary to sit 20-30 minutes. Such a procedure should be repeated 4 times a week for 1 month. Over time, manganese will begin to burn the bulbs of hair, because of which they will begin to fall out on a very long time.
    • You can use the decoction of the grass of Durana. 150 grams should be soaked in 1 liter boiling water. When the broth will be ready in it, you should moisten a cotton disk and wipe the problem spaces. Such a procedure is also repeated several times a week until the hair disappears.
    • In any capacity, pour 1 liter of water, 10 spoons of sugar and juice of half of the lemon. This container must be placed on fire and wait for that moment when its contents thickens well. After the mixture is ready, it must be rolled into small circles and spend them on the problem zone. This method is somehow reminded of home sugar epilation.
    • With the help of a cedar beam, you can try to get rid of the hair between the buttocks. 2 spoons of shells from cedar nuts should be pouring boiling water and put half an hour, on a water bath. After that, the broth will need to be strain and cool. In the resulting tool, you need to moisten a cotton disk and wipe the zone between the buttocks.
    • You can prepare a mixture of dry chopped nettle seeds. To prepare the desired mixture, it is necessary to mix 50 grams of seeds and 100 grams of vegetable oil. In this condition, the mixture should be in glass container at least 2 weeks. After that, the tool must be pregnant and lubricate them a problem zone several times a day, until the hair becomes much smaller.
    • You can get rid of unwanted hair on the pope with the help of juice from wild grape shoots. Such juice must simply rub the skin of the priests and after some time the hair will begin to grow in a smaller volume.
    • Many ladies prefer to fight hairs on the pope with a mixture of lemon juice and honey. To prepare such a mixture, you need to mix 1 spoonful of honey and a bit of lemon juice. After that, the mixture must be warm and put on the ass. The mixture should be removed only after honey cools. For these purposes, cotton wheels will be suitable.

    There are issues that seem to never leave the woman who needs to be resting. The hair on the pope - they do not live quietly, and talk about them unpleasant. It is clear that few people dare to discuss this topic, but after all, the problem is not going anywhere!

    A huge number of girls are very worried about the fact that they grow their hair on the pope. No one argues that thick hair is a decent decoration, but not in this case ...!

    Today we will talk about the safe, most effective and at the same time harmless ways, with the help of which it would be possible to remove the hair on the pope quickly and for a long time.

    Why do girls grow hair on the pee?

    Everyone without exception has always worried about the question "Why do hair grow on the pee and why are they needed there?" This intimate and delicate question about the fifth point has a very simple answer - the main cause of hair growth on the PEE in women are sex hormones or a hormonal failure.

    Most often, the problem of excessive hair growth around the rear pass is precisely men, but recently the problem has become very relevant and among the women's part of the population.

    Increased testosterone Women can cause, except for menstrual dysfunction, is also such a disease as girsutism. Girsutism is an increased sophistication in women on male type, that is, the hair begin to abundantly cover the places on the girl's body, where their growth is not characteristic.

    From increased hairiness, such ladies begin to suffer still as teenagers, when half ripening and hormones are beginning to "play". Moreover, some of them can be present both on the surface of the buttocks and between them, and most often both options are appropriate.

    To date, there are many folk and cosmetic methods of combating unwanted vegetation in the pope, but it is possible to use them strictly after the recommendations of the cosmetologist-dermatologist, in order not to harm health!

    Do I need to remove your hair on the pope and why?

    Most of women and young girls remove hair around the rear hole and in the bikini zone not only on the basis of the aesthetic principles, but also for the purpose of hygienic prophylaxis. This can be explained by the fact that one extra hairs can become an excellent "secluded place" for the reproduction of malicious bacteria and an unpleasant odor, which, together, can in the future can provoke the development of serious inflammatory processes.

    In addition, it is clear that a well-groomed lady, carefully following its intimate places, will always be more popular among male sex, it will be more attractive and more descending, than the one who grows his hair on the pope!

    Do I need to remind you of how it acts on a man gentle, velvet female body, on which there is no extra hair? The same cute owners of the "thick chapels on the fifth point", which do not understand this and even consider such cosmetic and hygienic actions to be excessive, we want to ask: "Or maybe your infective fifth point and there is a response to truly the eternal female question" Well why did the husband threw me And went to the other? What is it better? "

    How to get rid of hair on the pope quickly?

    The fact that hair removal in intimate places is necessary - not discussed. But what is it better to do it?

    Everyone knows that the skin in delicate places is very sensitive and gentle, and the very place of growth of unwanted hair is inaccessible in order to get rid of them.

    Cosmetology Salon

    Of course, the best solution will go to the cosmetic salon and seek help from a specialist for unwanted hair removal. And you do not need to complex and shy, because you are not the only one who draws a similar request. Such a hair removal service in our time has become very popular and in demand.

    The only minus - the procedure for hair removal on the pope is very delicate and understandable, that not every person will feel comfortable while staying in the cabin. In such situations, the most important thing is to remove the constraint of away and overcome the embarrassment, so that the result is worth it!

    Do not stop, worry and fear! The procedure for removing hair around the rear pass is included in the price list of almost every beauty salon, and you simply act as a client in this situation.

    Secondly, you are not the only one on the planet who ever used such a procedure. And remember, for the master-cosmetologist, such a kind of activity is his robot for which he gets money, and not mockery or entertainment!

    Hair removal on the pope razor

    Of course, the razor is a universal device for rapidly removing excess hair. But to use a razor machine to get rid of unwanted hair "there" - this is not the best idea, since you can hit your hair in the pope you can work out, but what will be the result and consequences?

    At first glance, the most affordable way to combat our problem is certainly shaving. Several movements, a couple of minutes and everything is beautiful and smooth. Well, what then?

    To the pluses of shaving, as a way of removing hair on the pope, you can attribute only the speed of solving the problem and its low cost.

    Minuses much more:

    • itching and burning;
    • the possibility of injury;
    • irritated skin;
    • acne may appear.

    The first time shave the hair in the pope will be very scary, but then catching up. First, the hair will grow short and soft. But as soon as you begin to shave them, then tough, dark, spiny and fast-growing hairs are guaranteed.

    One more, if you still decided to remove the hair on the pope with the help of a razor, then you need to know that when the bristles in the area will re-grow, it will be strong and unpleasantly bothering, thereby causing the strongest discomfort, and if you have Also sweating, then in this case there may be inflammation and strong irritation.

    Depilation and epilation

    As already mentioned, the hair removal service around priests, as well as in the bikini area, is provided in almost every cosmetic salon. At the same time, different masters prefer different materials - someone wax, someone phytosmol, and someone practices. The duration of the procedure depends on the method of its holding, as well as from the selection of the material with which the beautician will deliver you from the boning vegetation.

    Laser hair removal as a way to remove the hair on the pope forever

    This method is practiced by the effects of the infrared beam on the hair. The result of laser epilation is not only the removal of the hair itself, but also the destruction of the hair onion, that is, several sessions of such a procedure will allow you to forget about the hair in Pope forever.

    But it is important to know the following - so that the procedure has the best effect, you need to know when to do it. You need to clean your hair at the moment when they are in a certain growth phase.

    The disadvantage of laser hair removal on the pope is only its price and the fact that one session will not help you forget about hated hair to the end of life, that is, it will take 6-10 procedures for the final result.

    Hair removal at home at home

    Since visiting beauty salon and laser hair removal is not a cheap pleasure, let's turn to help in solving our problem to folk recipes and home cosmetology.

    Depilation cream or gel

    The best suite cream is suitable for depilating intimate zones. By purchasing such a cream, you first need to test the skin reaction. To do this, apply a little cream on the wrist and hold for a few minutes. If the skin starts to be hung, burning and redness will appear - you are allergic! In this case, you need to use another way, since this one does not fit.

    But if the above-described allergic symptoms are missing and your skin is well transferred to depilation cream, then follow these steps:

    1. apply a small amount of cream on unwanted hair, avoiding the mucous;
    2. leave for a few minutes (the desired time of cream extracts is indicated on the package);
    3. remove the cream from the skin surface together with hair;
    4. thoroughly rinse the treated zone with warm running water.

    Rock cream is needed very carefully and efficiently, because even the slightest remnants of the cream on the skin can cause strong irritation!

    Baths with adding manganese

    In this way, our ancestors fought with undesirable hair on the body. Baths with manganese must be taken regularly. "How will the manganese affect the hair in the pope?", - You ask. The answer is obvious - as a result of swimming in a manganese bath, hair will be burned, and over time and will disappear. But it is necessary to be in such water at least 20 minutes, while mangartean in no way should fall on the scalp!


      And from my nature, the hair is absent around the anal hole and on the buttocks. I bought the epilator only to remove the hair on the legs, which was very and very little.

      Bought? Oo
      Interesting girls dance.

      I bought and what now? Beat alarm Yes, men also remove the hair from the body. What are your stereotypes?

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    • 1. Why do hair grow on the pope and should they clean them?
    • 2. Methods of depilation near Anus
    • 2.1. Shaving
    • 2.2. Cream for depilation
    • 2.3. Waxing
    • 2.4. Shugaring
    • 2.5. Epilator
    • 3. Salon Methods
    • 3.1. Laser hair removal
    • 3.2. Photoepilation
    • 4. Folk Methods
    • 5. Care of purified skin of buttocks
    • 6. Precautions and what methods are better not to resort?
    • 7. Common contraindications

    Why do hair grow on the pope and should they clean them?

    Nature took care of the most vulnerable places of our body. Hair protect the intimate zone from infection penetration, cold. But all this was relevant millennium back. Now our body does not need such protection, but the genes still keep information about the need for hair growth in delicate places.

    Some women face enhanced vegetation on their own body. Violation is called hypertrichosis. Its reason can be:

    • excess male hormone testosterone;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • adrenal diseases;
    • reception of hormonal drugs;
    • oncology;
    • diseases of female genital organs;
    • stress, shocks, psychological disorders;
    • genetic predisposition.

    Methods of depilation near Anus

    Hair between buttocks in small quantities are considered the norm. But if they cause discomfort, they definitely be removed. You can make an epilation in different ways, today the choice is very large.


    Everything is familiar with the razor machine. Tool cheap and easy to use. Remove the hair with hair in the pope can be quickly. Smooth skin is enough for 2 days.

    Shaving the ass is only in the most extreme cases when there is no time or possibility for a different way of depilation. To avoid irritation and scratches, when the skin shave, use auxiliary tools for shaving (cream, foam, gel). The hairs are correctly shaved by their growth, and not against. So, the risk of irritation is significantly reduced.

    Cream for depilation

    Epilation of the berries with chemical cream - the method is more delicate in comparison with shave. The product is available for price and easy to use. The cream is applied on the hair cover, it is withstanding the time specified in the instruction, then washed off with warm water. The hairs are destroyed and disappear. The substance penetrates the hair deep, burning it. The root is not destroyed, but the hair grows slower, become thinner after the regular application of the depilator cream. The skin remains smooth up to 5-6 days.

    It is important to be careful and apply a means around the rear passage, not the assuming area of \u200b\u200bthe anus, otherwise, perhaps strong irritation.

    Before use, it is necessary to make a test for sensitivity to avoid allergies.


    Some girls doubt whether it is possible to make hair removal with wax between the buttocks. There are no restrictions in this. Wax epilation of a deep bikini zone includes cleaning of interstitial space. You can make a pope and separately, in the cabin or at home.

    Self removal of hair on the priest wax is done like this: preheated (there are waxes that do not need to warm) The wax is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe inter-fodder space, the strip is glued on top, tightly pressed against the skin, then with a sharp movement removed, the growth of hair growth.

    The procedure is painful and not to all women will be convenient to make it alone in such a place. The result is saved on average for 3 weeks.


    Shugaring is similar to Vaxing. The procedure uses plastic sugar paste. It is distributed in the hairs, then with a sharp movement, remove hair with the root. Depilation of the zone of the buttocks with shigaring is less painful compared to the vaxing, since the paste almost does not stick to the skin and does not pull it during the separation.

    After shugaring in women, skin irritations and other unpleasant consequences arise. The effect is enough for 3-4 weeks.


    You can get rid of hair in such a delicate zone using a mechanical epilator machine. Tweacs cling to hairs and pull them with the root. The method causes pain, not every girl can shave vegetation on the pope in this way. If the pain threshold allows you to withstand the procedure, then comfort from smooth skin will last long - up to 3 weeks.

    To make a high-quality shugaring, vaxing or remove the vegetation with the epilator, the length of the hair should be at least 1 cm.

    Salon Methods

    Forever to remove unwanted hair in the priorities area with the help of salon hardware.

    Laser hair removal

    The laser flash is headed on the hair, absorbed by melanin (pigment of the hair) and destroys its structure together with the follicle. The process is painless, only a slight burning, tingling. The risk of irritation is very low.

    Laser epilation of the entire inter-line region occurs in several sessions (5-8) with a frequency of 1.5-2 months. Only passing the full course, you can count on smooth skin for many years.

    But the laser has one feature - it acts only on dark hair.


    The technique is similar to the laser, only instead of infrared radiation uses xenon. Among the apparatuses for photoepilation there are those that act on blond hair.

    To permanently remove unwanted vegetation between the buttocks, it is also necessary to pass 5-8 procedures. For 1 session, only the part of the hair is removed, which is in the growth stage. Sleeping follicles remain unharmed.

    Folk Methods

    1. The solution of manganese. In 100 ml of warm water, the match head of the manganese is breed. Watch tampon is wetted with a solution with a solution. Repeat 5-7 times, waiting for drying after each application. Wash hairs do not need. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week. After 20-25 days, the hair will begin to die and fall out. The result can hold a month and longer.
    2. Shell cedar nuts. Purify 10 cedar nuts, the shell is crushed and 50 ml of alcohol 70% is poured. Insist 2 weeks, then mixed with 2 h. Castor oil. The solution is smeared with an area of \u200b\u200bunwanted hair 1 time per day (better at night) for 15 days. It is necessary to abide care and smear only around the anus, otherwise it will be very pinching. A few days after the course, the hair will begin to fall out. The skin will be smooth about 2 months.
    3. Soap and ash. Take the shell of 3-4 walnuts and burn it to the ashes. The resulting ash is bred with liquid soap to the state of the casis and apply to the hair area. Hold 20 minutes, then wash off. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times per day. After 3-4 days, the hairs will be dying. The result is enough for a month and more.

    Care of purified skin buttocks

    Shugaring, wax and machine epilation cause irritation. Immediately after the procedure, the skin is recommended to be treated with an antiseptic, and in an hour or two, we have a soothing cream (you can children). And these methods provoke the rustling of hairs. After 5-6 days, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub and do it regularly 2 times a week to avoid the problem of increasing hair.

    Girls with sensitive skin should be held at hand over the ointment of Bepanten or Dr. Panthenol. Preparations help to quickly remove redness, irritation, inflammation.

    Regardless of the epilation method, the first days the skin is better protected from thermal impact (not to take hot baths, do not attend saunas, do not sunbathe).

    Most techniques dried the skin, it must be moistened with creams, lotions, but only 2-3 days after a session.

    Precautions and what methods are better not to resort?

    The skin around the anal opening is very sensitive, gentle. Break the hair on the pope only in the most extreme cases, but better do not do it at all. The blade only cuts off the top of the hair. Feel the knife and itching from the bristles in an anal location is completely unpleasant, but it is precisely such consequences that the razor threatens.

    If in the field of priests is already shaved, you can grow hairs and go to another way of depilation.

    The epilation of the delicate zone by folk methods should be done very carefully, since all of them are fraught with allergic reactions and unexpected results.

    Common contraindications

    • diabetes;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • any damage to the skin in the attilored zone;
    • inflammatory processes in the body;
    • infectious diseases;
    • oncology.

    Hair removal in an inter-fodder fold is a completely normal action for modern women. The main thing is to find your own, optimal epilation option that will enjoy smooth, beautiful skin.

    Some people face a problem of very intimate character: they have thick hair between the buttocks. This situation can touch both women and men.

    In an attempt, you can shave it very much, and the cream for depilation can cause allergies. However, go to the salon, especially men, is ashamed and awkward.

    Photos from www.shutterstock.com

    Everyone has all the hair between the buttocks grow and what role they play

    The vegetation on the buttocks is an interesting and ticky question, because in such a situation there are absolutely everything: both men and women. Nevertheless, only pretty brave personalities are capable of looking for help from professionals.

    But there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed here - this is a completely normal location of the cover, which performs its specific functions.

    First of all, it should be mentioned that the destination that most does not take into account - friction when moving the buttocks.

    If completely smooth skin comes to contact with each other for a certain time, it will cause decent irritation, which will change surface damage - erosions.

    Also, the hairs of this zone carry out surface ventilation. In the absence of it, all the "aromas" will be locked, which will entail additional discomfort, and sweat will accumulate by stimulating wetting. In other words, nature did not create anything.

    Yes, completely smooth leather of the jagium zone gives pleasant feelings of purity and freshness, but, moreover, like partners.

    Unfortunately, the density, color and length of this cover differs in virtue of various reasons: gender, age, hormonal status, heredity, medicinal therapy and other factors.

    Consequently, having decided to remove the cover, it is very important to more actively comply with hygiene to replenish lost "workers".

    How to remove your hair in this area of \u200b\u200bthe house and in the cabin

    Of the advantages, you can note the speed and relative simplicity. In the minuses, the possibility of the aforementioned cuts, infection, ingrown elements, is listed. And, of course, the subsequent bristle will be responsible for serious discomfort.

    Depilatory cream

    In efficiency is equal to the previous item, that is, the result will hold only one day. Technically is still easier. And yet, with the development of reactions of intolerance, people will pass through extremely painful experience.

    To prevent this, it makes sense to carry out a test on the bending of the elbow to assess the skin reactivity.


    Painful and time-consuming reception. It will only suit the owners of single instances.

    These methods are able to combine good performance (several weeks), hygienic and speed.

    However, on the other hand, these options are pretty painful. Although the procedure becomes less sensitive with regular sessions. You can catch and remove sprouts yourself, but, by virtue of anatomical features, it is quite difficult even for professionals.

    Therefore, you do not need to be shy to turn to the master of your business. Believe me, he looked at his professional career enough, and reaches respect and tact to your feelings. Before entering the cabin for mutual comfort, it is worth using a napkin for intimate hygiene.

    This technique already refers to long-term types of epilation.

    As a rule, the epidermis of the spot under discussion is light, and the vegetation is dark. This is a fairly successful combination to use optical ways.

    Remember that this method can be sensitive in terms of pain. In addition, you will have to visit the clinic from time to time to maintain the effect.

    Suitable if you want to cope with the problem once and forever.

    The finest probe is introduced into each hole of the follicle, then electricity is supplied, thermally and chemically burning the entire structure with the subsequent formation of the scicure.

    This method is costly, long and unpleasant. But it is worth it: once making, more to this question will never return.

    As you can see ways to get rid of quite a lot. But remember that it is absolutely normal to take yourself and your body in natural form. Good luck!

    Many women and even some modern men are very worried about the issue of hair growth on the "fifth point", or rather, in the area between the buttocks. In principle, hair removal from the gap between the buttocks is justified both from the point of view of aesthetics and in terms of hygiene. But why do hair grow on the pope? In fact, the answer to this question is very simple: the human skin is covered with hair onions, and in some places, the reinforced hair growth is caused by hormones. Of course, the hair on the nest in men grow stronger, however, many women face such, and for them this is a real problem. In the article, I will give you some very effective ways, how to remove your hair on the pope without unnecessary problems.

    Folk remedies

    • A good recipe is a solution of manganese (not too strong). To do this, a warm water is first poured into the basin, in which potassium permanangat (manganese) is divorced. After that, it is necessary to sit in this basin for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a week. After about a month, mangalls will begin to burn the hair onions and the hair will fall out if not forever, it is very long.
    • The liter of water should be pouring into some heat resistant capacity. Then add the juice of the meal of lemon and 10 tablespoons of sugar. We put the container on weak fire and wait until the mass thickens. Then she needs to roll into small balls and roll out the problem areas.
    • If you have cedar nuts, do not throw out the shell. Fill two (you can three) tablespoons of cedar shell shell glass boiling water and put half an hour to a water bath, then cool down and strain. Intensively rub the solution into the area between the buttocks with a cotton swab.

    Hair on the pope - how to get rid of other ways

    • Well helps from this and blend of walnuts with water. Only a pre-shell must be burned, but with boiled water mixed already ash. You need to rub such a mixture in problem areas from 3 to 5 times a day. You can also use the juice of raw walnuts, rubbing it into the skin in those places where the hair grows.
    • But the radical method of getting rid of unpleasant hair between the buttocks. Mix 30 grams of medical alcohol with 6 grams of castor oil and 2 grams of iodine. These solid need to smear the skin between the buttocks (where the hair grows) 2-3 times a day. The result you will notice already on the second day, however, there may be a little inflammation on the skin, which should go the day after the termination of the procedure. This way you can get rid of vegetation on the Pope for a long time.
    • 50 g of chopped nettle seeds, naturally dry, fill 100 g of vegetable oil. Now insist this mixture for 2 weeks in a glass container, and then strain it and proceed to the procedures: Lubricate the problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day until the result is reached.

    And how to remove the hair on the pope with the help of a cosmetologist? To do this, go to the salon and choose one of several procedures there. If you have enough thick hair on the priest, such events such as wax epilation, sugar and caramel epilation (although the home version with lemon juice is no worse) and various enzyme epilations are helpful. Specific results gives electrocipions, though, it must be recognized that these results are temporary and then still have to get rid of hair again. Best of all definitely helps wax and sugar with caramel, as they significantly slow the hair growth.

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