• What kind of girls do you like externally. What kind of girls do guys like? How does one need to be to please a guy? Psychologists' advice. Girl personality that guys like



    Any girl wants to feel attractive. The assessment of one's own beauty is based on personal feelings, depending on self-esteem, and on the degree of interest of the opposite sex. Therefore, the question of what kind of girls do guys like always remains relevant. Knowing the opinion of the stronger half helps you draw useful conclusions and determine ways to improve your appearance and behavior.

    What type of girls do guys like? (Photo)

    Sympathy between a man and a woman arises even before the first communication. Guys determine the attractiveness of girls, first of all, by their appearance. The assessment takes into account both the general appearance and individual parameters of appearance. Almost all men say that they have pleasant feelings when they see a beautiful, harmonious, blooming, radiant girl. Let's take a closer look at what is meant by these characteristics.

    What should be the appearance?

    Men like beautiful women. Almost all guys in love say that their girlfriend has an attractive appearance. Others may consider her only cute or generally having an ordinary appearance. This suggests that every man has his own beauty parameters. Some people like green-eyed blondes, others like dark-eyed brown-haired women. There are several parameters of appearance that do not leave indifferent any man. Here are some of them:

    • Shining eyes. Guys attach great importance to women's eyes. In this case, the color fades into the background. Most men remember beautiful shape, warmth and radiance. Achieving a shining look is possible through external and internal transformations.
    • Well-groomed skin. Clean skin exudes freshness and health, which does not leave indifferent representatives of the stronger sex. Anyone who wants to look attractive should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body, regularly visit a beautician and use suitable care products.
    • Well-groomed hands and nails. Cases when a woman attracted the attention of her future husband with a beautiful manicure are not uncommon. Modern men pay great attention to the little things. It is important to always have the perfect manicure and pedicure. Even something as subtle as cracked heels can completely ruin your first impression.
    • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. A thick layer of makeup creates an unnatural effect, creates a suspicion: if you don't put on makeup, what will it look like? It is not at all necessary to completely abandon cosmetics, it is important to use it carefully and create a "makeup without makeup" effect.

    The listed parameters of appearance play an important role, but there is one more detail that is not visible in the mirror - the smell. An unpleasant scent will turn any beauty into an unpleasant person, so it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is permissible to use perfumed products, but only in moderation.

    Figure: thin or plump?

    In the assessment female appearance men give a big role to the figure. This is due to the reproductive instinct. The guy subconsciously evaluates every girl he likes as the future mother of his children. A girl should have a figure that testifies to health, and painful thinness or excessive looseness of the body just speaks of the opposite. As a result, most of the stronger sex like moderately well-fed girls. Fullness can also attract fans, but only if it is characterized by attractive rounded shapes: large breasts, buttocks.

    Height: tall or short?

    Growth assessment is always conditional. The concept of "high" and "low" depends not only on the average growth of residents in a certain area, but also on the height of the person conducting the assessment. So, for a man with a height of 170 cm, a girl with a height of 156 cm will not seem small at all. And for a guy over 2 meters tall, a 175 cm tall model may seem like a fragile inch. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm lower than them. A considerable percentage of the stronger sex considers it normal if the chosen one is taller.

    Body type

    The attractiveness of the physique is determined by its proportionality. A girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous with thinness. Rather, it means harmonious proportions, correct posture and an even gait, which is achieved with the regular implementation of certain sets of exercises. Slightly amenable to changes in the proportions of the figure, but a slight disharmony is corrected by a competent selection of clothing and accessories. Here are a couple of tips for improving your silhouette:

    • With short legs and a long torso, skirts and dresses with a high waistline, shoes with high heels are shown.
    • Long arms will be visually shortened by a stylish jacket or pullover with three-quarter sleeves.

    What does the statistics say about this?

    There are no official statistics that study what kind of girls men like. Many magazines and websites regularly conduct such surveys. According to their results, men unanimously agree only on the ideal height of a woman - 170 cm. Otherwise, the views differ. The majority of respondents find it difficult to name the ideal weight, but note that a woman should have the correct body proportions and a fit figure. The most popular breast size is the 3rd, and the attractive body type is the hourglass.

    As for hair color, there are almost always equal numbers of fans of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired and redheads among the respondents. Most of the respondents prefer natural hair color, length below the shoulder blades and natural hairstyles. The same situation applies to eye color. One, the only attractive, from a male point of view, eye color does not exist. Many respondents note the importance of a warm eye.

    What character and behavior do guys like best for a girl?

    An attractive appearance can arouse male interest, but in order to continue a long and strong relationship, it is necessary to have character traits that the guy considers important. Harmony in a couple, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts depend on them. All guys want to feel spiritual comfort next to their chosen one, and this will not provide a beautiful appearance. What kind of girls do guys like? Here are the main character traits that most men are attracted to:

    • Caring. Any guy likes it when a woman is attentive not only to herself, but also to her chosen one. Selfish bitches who want to use guys only to solve their problems are always repulsive.
    • Self-confidence. People with adequate self-esteem do not focus on their shortcomings, do not humiliate other people, do not annoy them with constant whining about their appearance. It's nice to joke with a confident girl on various topics, without fear of sudden resentment.
    • Calmness. Most guys get pissed off by girls being overly emotional. Guys like calm girls who are not prone to hysterics, unreasonable tears. A classic example of male misconduct is the scandal of smashing dishes and throwing things out of the window.

    What kind of girls do guys like by their zodiac sign?

    • Men of water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - like feminine girls who can sincerely love and care for their partner. Representatives of the water element appreciate the economy, the ability to create comfort in the house. Appearance is not particularly important, the presence of a riddle is of great importance. According to the horoscope of these signs, a girl should have something special, bewitching.
    • Guys of the earthly signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like the practical, combining the features of an ideal mistress and mistress. Representatives of the earth element like it when a girl appreciates traditions, knows how to improve her life, and skillfully manages finances. Outwardly, men of the earth signs of the zodiac are attracted by classic beauty, elegant ladies who know how to behave in society.
    • Guys of the air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - like cheerful, full of life, easy-going girls. It is important for men in the air that their chosen one shares their hobbies, is ready for frequent trips, adventures, and walks. A girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance is capable of attracting representatives of the air.
    • The guys of the fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - like stately girls with sleek looks. For representatives of the element of fire, it is important that the second half be successful, have many hobbies, and know how to stand up for themselves. Guys of these zodiac signs appreciate when a girl stands out from the crowd, arouses the admiration of others.

    Video: What do guys and men like about girls?

    The fair sex is constantly puzzled over what kind of girls do guys like? Everyone tries to be well-groomed, sweet, humble and caring. These are just some of the characteristics of the ideal woman. To find out what else guys like about girls, the video below will help you.

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    Why do girls literally go crazy with some men, while others do not notice at all? This question intrigues most men, namely, what kind of men do women love, by what criteria they choose their life partner. In order to find answers to such questions, you need to understand female psychology and, in general, female nature. Knowing this, even the most inexperienced and insecure men will be able to cultivate the qualities of an ideal.

    The notion that women like pumped-up, strong and successful men the most is actually only partially true. To be in great demand among the beautiful half of society, a man will need to work on his appearance, character, behavior in society, inner qualities and self-esteem. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the measure so that the man does not lose his zest and individuality.

    How girls choose guys: the psychology of women

    To understand the main criteria for how a guy can like a girl, you should look into female psychology. Experts note that most of the points are laid down on a subconscious and instinctive level, as well as in men themselves. Most of the girls select partners for themselves who can give healthy offspring, ensure family well-being, and most importantly, will be a reliable rear.

    So, female psychology names several main criteria by which a life partner is selected:

    1. Appearance. The first thing to understand is what kind of appearance girls like. Most girls look primarily at the cleanliness, tidiness of a man, his haircut, skin condition, choice of clothes. It is clear that you will like more a toned relief figure than a beer tummy and wide hips. Some girls look at the hands of a man, others like gray hair, and still others - tall and strong muscles.
    2. Health status. This criterion is laid down on an instinctive level, only with a healthy man will a woman give the same healthy offspring. Therefore, she will evaluate a man by his appearance, condition of his skin, hair, nails, teeth, psycho-emotional background, etc.
    3. No bad habits. And if many girls are indulgent to the problem of smoking, then no healthy adequate person will tolerate the propensity to drunkenness and binges. Well, it's not worth talking about addiction to drugs at all, here everything is clear. Many girls are sickened by the addiction to computer games, a modern bad habit of millions of men.
    4. Internal rod. If a girl sees in a man a solid moral foundation, a clear understanding of goals in life, and her point of view, with such a man she will feel like behind a stone wall.
    5. Similarity to the girl's father. It is the father who acts as the first standard of a man, then after growing up she will look for a similar man to create a family. In addition, people who are similar in appearance are better suited to each other in a genetic aspect.
    6. Social status. If a man is promising and successful, he behaves competently in society, has good connections, respectively, he will command respect in the eyes of a woman. But most importantly, he will become a reliable breadwinner for the family, and with such a man you can afford a large family.
    7. Smell. Many men are concerned about how to start to like girls, but at the same time they have a repulsive body odor and fail one after another. Experts say that many girls instinctively determine by smell who has an excellent quality of immunity genes.
    8. Optimism. A woman needs a companion who will support her emotional connection, for this you need to be a positive and cheerful person. If a man regards the future as a test and a tragedy, he will never give a woman confidence in the future.
    9. Adequate self-esteem. Women are irritated by the bragging and posturing of men, they like modesty in tandem with self-confidence.
    10. Non-standard. The highlight in every man is talent, each one is different. It can be a great sense of humor, creative inclinations, an analytical mind, or something else.

    Expert opinion

    Elena Druzhnikova

    Sexologist. An expert in family relations. Family psychologist.

    Statistics confirm that most women first look at the outer shell of a man, then assess his inner qualities and character, and only after that pay attention to the other selection criteria.

    What kind of men do girls like?

    The two most important questions, what kind of guys do girls like in appearance, what kind of guys like girls in character, determine the choice of a woman. It is the character and appearance that first of all form the impression of a person, but if men initially look at the appearance, and only then at the character of the companion, then for women everything is in the reverse order.

    What kind of guys do girls like by nature?

    If young girls, due to inexperience, are led to the outer shell, then mature ladies, including women over 40, are important about the character of a man and his inner qualities. Even with an unprepossessing appearance, but with a set of main masculine qualities, you can be in demand among women more than a handsome man with a perfect body, but without inner filling.

    Most of all, girls like the following set of character traits and the type of men:

    • generous - gifts and surprises show attention to the girl and aspiration for relationships;
    • responsible - you can rely on such a partner in matters of family and relationships;
    • self-sufficient - a versatile person with his own views and interests;
    • right - no lady will tolerate a traitor and a traitor next to her;
    • kind - only a kind person has inner beauty and wealth;
    • intellectually developed - an intelligent and educated guy will be interesting, successful and useful to society;
    • educated - girls appreciate gallantry and knowledge of the rules of etiquette.

    Thus, in order to enjoy success with girls, guys need to cultivate this list of qualities and character traits. In addition, one should always maintain composure in different situations, demonstrating self-confidence and calmness.

    What kind of guys do girls like?

    The stereotype that pretty girls choose handsome guys, only works for young girls. For the rest, girls are demanding on appearance, but within reason. Statistics say that only 28% of girls look at the outer shell, choosing a partner for themselves. So, there are several criteria for what appearance girls like:

    • face - in the face of the girl seeks out traits of high intelligence and strong character;
    • hands - according to them, a girl is looking for strength, reliability, efficiency in a man, as a rule, they are determined in long fingers and wide palms;
    • growth - it is difficult to say exactly how tall girls like men, but more often girls are attracted to guys who are taller than themselves (for example, a short partner is not suitable for tall girls);
    • body - the figure should demonstrate the strength of a man, which means that it should be fit and muscular.

    In fact, these criteria are not always fully included in the image of an ideal man, and girls choose a completely different type of husband. This proves that inner beauty is much more important to the fair sex.

    What should be the ideal man?

    Some men are concerned about the question of which girls like modest guys, others do not understand why, with such high self-esteem, they remain unnoticed by the beautiful half of society. And only psychologists are ready to name the type of the ideal man. So, the ideal man is:

    • outwardly well-groomed and attractive person who takes care of his appearance;
    • a man with good taste and sense of style (if a man does not know how to dress to please a girl, he has already lost on many fronts);
    • a man with an optimal set of character traits, self-confident, strong and with a core, with a sense of humor, kind and positive;
    • promising with regards to self-development and financial situation;
    • aimed at creating a family and having children;
    • passionate and ardent in intimate life;
    • able to make compromises in a relationship.

    In addition, in modern society, a man must have communication skills, have clear goals for the near future and for years to come. A woman will always appreciate a man who knows how to extinguish conflict situations, shows respect for her and the people around her, is able to take care and pay attention.

    Do you consider yourself an ideal man?


    What kind of men do women like according to their zodiac sign?

    Many young people pay special attention to horoscopes and predictions of astrologers. Therefore, when choosing a life partner, girls often turn to the stars for advice and recommendations. According to the signs of the zodiac, you can choose a pair as follows:

    • aries woman impudent and impetuous men with fire in their eyes and assertiveness are more suitable;
    • taurus woman a soft, loving and sensitive young man will do;
    • gemini woman stars advise an enterprising man, sociable and sociable;
    • cancer woman need a modest and home man with a gentle and sensitive attitude towards his chosen one;
    • woman Leo you need a powerful, independent and proud partner with leadership inclinations;
    • virgo woman like patriots, military and hard-working men;
    • libra woman like shocking and handsome guys, masters of flirting and gallant suitors;
    • scorpio woman a headstrong, courageous, punchy partner and ideal lover will do;
    • sagittarius woman you need a man who is not limited to everyday life with large-scale idealistic plans;
    • capricorn woman a man who is firmly on his feet with career prospects is suitable;
    • woman Aquarius stars advise versatile men with a wide range of acquaintances;
    • pisces woman an emotional partner is required to prove its uniqueness in practice.

    All of these qualities are present in many men, and it will not be difficult to educate them in oneself if a man is aimed at conquering a certain girl. Astrology only suggests what criteria can be used to attract her attention from the perspective of a relationship.

    What kind of men do women over 40 like?

    As practice shows, many women over 40 like young men. If you look at this from the point of view of psychology, there are several explanations for this:

    • maternal instinctif he is not wasted on children, a woman selects a young guy for herself in order to raise a successful man in him;
    • age crisis, next to a young guy, a woman will rejuvenate herself, feeling young and attractive again;
    • desire to dominatewhen it is not possible with an equal partner, but with a young, morally fragile guy, you can play a teacher;
    • emotional recharge, when a lady tired of the realities of life is inspired by life energy, positive and spontaneity from a young partner.

    For the rest, mature women select for themselves reliable, independent and successful men who are not chasing ambitions and a fun life, but are aimed at a quiet family nest.

    What kind of guys do athletic girls like?

    It is difficult to say unequivocally which guys are liked by athletic girls who are fond of physical activity and proper nutrition. But the ideal tandem will be formed by their young people with similar outlooks on life. It is unlikely that a phyto-baby will pay attention to a man with excess weight and addictions. And here is a pumped-up guy who eats and leads healthy image life, will become an excellent conversationalist, friend and partner in relationships.


    You can like a young girl thanks to external data, older girls - by inner beauty and courageous character, a mature lady - by her spontaneity and youth, an athlete - by similar interests and a pumped body. It remains only to cultivate in yourself all those qualities that will help you arrange your personal life.

    The natural desire of every girl is to please the opposite sex. A woman was created in order to attract the stronger sex and beautify the whole world around herself. After all, men love with their eyes and an attractive appearance for them undoubtedly matters. The purpose of a woman is to decorate the world, enchant, delight and inspire a strong half to great deeds and actions.

    The main signs of girls that guys like

    To understand which girls guys like, consider main criteria, to which a man turns his gaze first of all:

    1. Attractive appearance. The first thing the guy will pay attention to is the girl's grooming. It doesn't matter what her physique is. The fact that all guys prefer only beauties with model looks is a myth.

    Everyone is looking for their own type that they like. They like tall, short, and thin, and a woman with appetizing forms, the main thing is that she looks after herself and loves herself as she is, emphasizing the advantages of her appearance.

    If you have beautiful legs - emphasize them with a short skirt, thin waist - wear dresses or skirts with a belt, a beautiful shoulder line - emphasize its sophistication with an open dress.

    Many guys prefer naturalness and naturalness in clothes, make-up, hair. You shouldn't wear flashy makeup or create super fashionable hairstyles, give preference to natural tones in your makeup and any man will definitely be interested in you.

    2. Gait. A graceful, feminine gait, especially if a woman is wearing heels, will not leave her unattended. Do not overdo it and wag your hips too much, this will give the gait a vulgarity.

    3. Behavior. Any guy, when asked what kind of girls he likes, will answer like this: "Funny, kind, gentle", that is, they give sympathy to the feminine representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

    4. Manners of communication also attracts male attention. Rudeness, aggression, excessive gesticulation, the use of slang in conversation is repulsive. Also, sadness, a sad and worried expression on your face will not make you attractive in his eyes. Be cheerful, feminine and any guy will fall in love with you.

    5. Mindset. A man would rather prefer a girl with an average mindset in order to appear smarter and more confident against her background. A smart woman who loves to argue and defend her opinion at any opportunity, a woman causes irritation, with her he will feel uncomfortable and tense.

    You shouldn't be a silly person who only talks about her appearance and fashion - not all men want to see a dummy with them, they need an interesting companion who knows how to listen.

    Girls that guys like statistics

    According to statistics, then what the guy is paying attention to at the first meeting it is:

    1. Vegetation on the body... Remove excess hair on legs and armpits.

    2. Hair... It doesn't matter if you are a brunette or a blonde, the length of your hair doesn't matter either. Your hair should be well-groomed, shiny, and radiate health and beauty. The guy must want to touch them.

    3. Female hands... Well-groomed hands, beautiful neat manicure attract attention

    4. Pleasant aroma... Always use antiperspirant deodorants, perfume with a pleasant sweet scent.

    5. Neat clothes... You don't have to wear fancy outfits. Every woman should find her own unique style of dress. Clothing is a way of self-expression, with the help of a well-chosen image, a woman can emphasize her individuality.

    6. Gait... A woman in heels is an object of close attention of absolutely all men.

    7. Figure... A girl's toned body and delicate skin are important to guys. Eat right, exercise and take care of your body.

    8. Guys do not like smokers and drinking young ladies.

    What kind of women do men like: fat or thin?

    All men have different tastes. Some love thin, petite and fragile young ladies, others are athletic, fit slender, and still others are soft-bodied, with rounded shapes.

    But, absolutely everyone prefers harmoniously and proportionally folded. What kind of girls do they like according to the signs of the zodiac? Consider the most prominent representatives below.

    Favorite women of men of scorpions

    Scorpio is a passionate nature who must conquer his chosen one and love only her. For him, appearance is the main selection criterion. His chosen one should be spectacular, bright, attractive. A woman should be passionate, sexy and devoted only to him.

    Who suits an Aries man

    Aries is a hunter and conqueror, he must achieve his lady himself. Easily accessible girls will not interest him. Loves a bright feminine appearance and an independent character. An excellent option is Libra.

    How a Capricorn man will like

    Capricorns are the most reliable, practical representatives of the zodiac signs. They are attracted not by the appearance and the picture, but by the inner world of the girl, what kind of person she is, is she able to understand and accept him as he is. Pisces and Taurus are great for him.

    What type of appearance do guys like poll

    What kind of women and what type of appearance do guys like? according to the survey:

    • slender, athletic ladies with smooth lines of the hips, waist, chest, the ideal of many is the "hourglass" figure;
    • breast for them is preferable to 2-3rd size;
    • the body should not be flat and angular - the bulges should be noticeable;
    • height is above average or average, but it is imperative that the guy be taller than his lady of the heart;
    • long and slender legs and a feminine gait;
    • men prefer blondes, more than dark and redheads, as well as girls with long curls.

    What guys love most about girls

    Statistics and polls of men show that they prefer natural, feminine girls who know how and love to take care of themselves. Eye color, hair color, body type do not matter.

    The eyes should shine with happiness, there should be a smile on the face that exudes positive and openness. Communication with such a girl brings joy, comfort, the desire to spend time with her and establish further relationships.

    This is what men like the most about a woman's appearance.


    Have different men different standards female beauty, but they all agree that a girl must be well-groomed.

    If you think a man can't see whether you are caring for yourself or not, you are wrong. Men may not see anything specific, but they are good at comparing. So just being attractive is not enough. A man should understand that in 20 years you will look good. Remember firmly - it is necessary.

    It means:

    • Clothes are clean, fresh and ironed.
    • Clean hair.
    • Regular epilation.
    • White teeth, pleasant breath.
    • Nice smell.
    • Slim figure.


    In second place, in terms of popularity among male responses. Unfortunately, none of the men interviewed could really explain what he means by naturalness. But a lot of people said that they definitely did not fit this definition and made a repulsive impression:

    • Too long, bright manicure... Almost all of the interviewed by us said that the girl must watch her nails. But at the same time, the majority spoke out strongly against too long, false nails. In addition, if you want to please a man, we do not recommend choosing a nail polish of too bright colors.
    • Too much makeup. In general, men are not against cosmetics, but they argue that the rule applies here: "the less the better." Too much makeup makes a sharply negative impression on the male sex.
    • Too strong or cloying smell. Perfume should also be used wisely. The majority spoke out against too harsh and sugary-sugary scents.
    • Overkill with tattoos and piercings. Modern men like tattoos on a woman's body, but only non-aggressive ones: birds, butterflies, flowers, calligraphic inscriptions. But skulls, bright patterns, multi-colored stars, and so on in the same spirit, most likely, they will not like them. It's the same with piercings. One extra hole will only go into the "offset". But if you have pierced everything that is possible, it starts to worry.


    Most of the guys admitted that they are not attracted to "boys" at all. If this is your type, we advise you to slightly change the style and add femininity to the image. This means that you need:
    • Diversify your wardrobe: add skirts and dresses to jeans and shorts and alternate them regularly.
    • Give up obscene expressions... It repels men. Everyone.
    • Less alcohol and cigarettes. This not only produces a repulsive effect, but also seriously damages your health.
    • Give up aggressive behavior... If you are used to going ahead in any situation, you need to change your tactics. Young people are more likely to fall in love with modest and feminine girls than with active and courageous ones.

    What men like the most in a female character

    Let's move on to the main positive character traits that attract a man to a girl.

    1. Ability to understand, accept and empathize. It's not about caring or custody. It's about listening, asking the right questions, showing a man that you are on his side and will always support him.
    2. Having your own interests. Independence. Borders. A woman should have her own territory from which she takes emotions and brings them to the family. A man draws emotions from a woman and spends them outside the family. Such a law of nature. If you completely stick to a man, his business, life, interests, your relationship will suffocate very quickly.
    3. Sense of humor. Self-irony. A girl who cannot laugh at herself will soon turn into a notorious hysterical woman. Men know and feel it.
    4. Self-esteem. Don't value yourself - you won't be appreciated. The man feels the inner core. This is what we often call a breed, what you pass on to your children. For most guys, this is important.
    5. Culinary talents. The Internet claims that "whatever you marry, it will still be hungry." Nobody forces you to be chained to the stove, but it is your duty to be able to feed him and his friends. Men really love to eat delicious food, trust me.
    6. Fantasy. In leisure, sex, communication, judgment, ideas, solutions. Do you get bored with yourself? If so, trust him, too. Pump this skill as much as possible, it is possible. Dream, set creative tasks, buy thematic literature, experiment ...
    7. Optimism. There is a very small category of men who love sufferers. Others don't want to wipe your nose every minute because of stupidity. Either look for your unique specimen from the minstrel Middle Ages, or learn to look at the world with a smile and good expectations.

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    What guys don't like about girls


    There is probably nothing worse than that. Even if your appearance allows you to make you cry with envy and wipe each other's tears Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie and Miss Universe, obsession practically deprives you of the chances of a long and serious relationship. There are too many of you. Your things, girlfriends, relatives, conversations, SMS, questions, gossip, conversations again, and the worst thing - questions. Where have you been? Who did you sleep with? What to wear? When you come? Where are you going? Basically, obsession comes in several forms:
    A) Excessive talkativeness. We talk just to show that we are there, to get attention, reaction. The man is trying to find a use for our chatter and, of course, he rarely succeeds. Therefore, over time, there are complaints akin to "he does not hear me!" Naturally! You are already white noise for him, no more. If you want what you say to be of value to a man, keep silent more, weigh the words, leave gossip to your friends, and empty complaints to mom.

    B) Excessive custody. At some point, a woman's maternal instinct arises in relation to a man. This happens for several reasons:

    • the first passion begins to fade slowly, and the woman compensates for the decrease in sexual intensity with care. There is a smooth replacement of one role for another;
    • the woman deliberately takes on the role of mother, wanting to control the man as much as possible through hyper custody;
    • the girl compensates for the absence of children in a relationship with a man when she is ready for them. This is the most sane reason, but it is also dangerous. Children will appear, and the scheme of relations between a man and a woman may remain the same, already broken.

    Remember! The man does not sleep with moms. This is unnatural. Learn to feel fine line between caring and unnecessary, stifling care. Even if the man ultimately “fell for it” - why do you need a son instead of a husband?

    C) Total control. There are a lot of paranoid personalities among my acquaintances. First of all, this is the result of a relationship “in control”. Some do not allow their partner to take a step without a report or even warning in advance, others password-protect all attendances, phones, computers and cover up their tracks even after going for milk. Out of habit. In the article "" we have already figured out that you really do not have the ability to fully control your partner. Therefore, we remember that a hole that is jumped 90% is still not considered a jumped over and we let men breathe freely, rest and so on. Of course, there should be comfortable borders for both of you, but without the barbed wire under the electricity.

    Dependent and helpless

    At the stage of the beginning of a relationship, your confusion is sweet, forgetfulness is funny, fearfulness is exciting. The candy-bouquet period is very adorned with the moment when you run in the rain, in a light dress, of course, without an umbrella. And then he gives you mulled wine, feeds you from a spoon, wraps you in a blanket and is moved by how charmingly you wrinkle your nose when you sneeze.

    For real family life this scenario will not work. A man, of course, is your protection and support, but you must behave appropriately. A man should see you as a partner on whom you can rely in a difficult moment, and not as a beautiful and sweet fool whom the grave will correct. Sometimes a man needs help, advice and shelter. If it is not you, it will be someone else. One friend of mine claims that the most annoying thing about a woman is the exclamation "oh!"


    I don't know what kind of comments are needed here. Men do not want to marry hysterical girls, even very beautiful ones. "If she's doing this now, what will happen after the wedding?"

    Useful video on the topic:

    Works are endless. Good luck everyone! Listen, I've already given you so much advice, who will have a bachelorette party, invite, or what?

    The first impression about a person is always formed by his appearance. Getting acquainted with male representatives, young ladies initially evaluate their external data, comparing them with the invented image of an ideal man. What kind of guys do girls like by their looks? What features do young ladies pay attention to first of all?

    The standard of male beauty

    Girls are quite demanding on the appearance of the chosen one. Some people think that the sexiest men are a little more beautiful than a monkey, while others give handsome men with model data. How many ladies exist in the world, there are so many opinions, because everyone has individual preferences. What kind of guys do all girls like? According to sociological research, general criteria for female choice were determined.


    What kind of guys do girls like? Most believe that a man should be at least half a head taller than his partner. Too tall gentlemen do not particularly attract female attention, but representatives of the stronger sex of average height and stocky build are subconsciously defined as excellent partners for procreation.


    What kind of guys do girls like? First of all, slim and fit. Overweight men, flabby and having a beer belly are by no means a standard of beauty and an object of desire. A modern young lady is unlikely to want to continue acquaintance with a fat guy, and if a relationship starts, she will constantly hint and insist on losing weight.


    What do girls want from the chosen one? Ladies dream of a physically strong man who can carry them in his arms. Women are attracted to gentlemen with a broad back, pumped up arms, abs, and prominent gluteal muscles. Therefore, even before meeting a potential wife, guys should sign up for the gym or walk to the nearest horizontal bar. Power and strength should be felt in every movement of the male.

    Eye color

    What looks do girls like? According to statistics, a larger percentage of respondents prefer blue-eyed guys, slightly fewer women choose brown-eyed, and the rest like men with gray or green eyes. However, many young ladies argue that the main thing is not the color of the eyes, but their shape, gaze and the radiance that they emit during a conversation.


    What does a girl want from a guy? Hair color rarely matters, but hairstyle and cleanliness matter a lot. What kind of guys do girls prefer? Young ladies like stylish young men. The popularity of bald gentlemen should be noted separately. For some women, a noble bald head is a sign of masculinity and sexuality.

    Women love men with beards. A neat beard adorns the stronger sex, but it must be carefully monitored so that it does not become the subject of ridicule and a place for storing food leftovers.

    Special requirements

    What kind of guys do girls choose? External neatness and cleanliness play an important role in choosing a partner for a long-term relationship.

    • Girls do not tolerate men with dirty or bitten nails. Dirt under the nail plate causes complete disgust.
    • It is important that a man has beautiful skin. Representatives of the sterner sex are adorned with scars, and not acne and blackheads.
    • Clothes should be clean and ironed, not necessarily fabulously expensive, but fashionable and carefully chosen. What kind of guys do women want? Dressed neatly, but slightly casually.
    • The ideal man's shoes are always polished and match the overall style of dressing.
    • Who do girls love? Guys who smell good. The odor of sweat will repel any young lady, so men should not neglect the rules of hygiene, regularly use antiperspirant and eau de toilette.

    What kind of guys do girls like for their looks? A cute handsome man may well charm a young lady with external beauty, however, if a person does not have a sense of humor, he is narcissistic and boring, then there will be no serious relationship with a self-respecting woman. Men are attracted externally only by a short time, the representatives of the stronger sex value the inner qualities of the chosen one much more: masculinity, honesty, generosity.

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