• What a child feels. What feels a newborn. Emotional Communication between the Child and Mom


    His height is 50 cm, body weight 3.3 kg, he has rare hair and wrinkled skin - so externally looks newborn. But what is his feeling that he sees, appearing on the light, what does it feel? Does he react to the many irritants acting on him?

    For centuries, the answer was categorically for the majority: the newborn does not see and do not hear. It was the famous theory "child - digestive tract", which argued that the child at least within a few weeks reacts only to the requirements of the stomach; Basically it should only feed and disguise.

    It is like a pure wax on which an adult can engrave everything, like a white sheet of paper on which you can write anything. In addition, they said: "Appearing on the light, the child is so attacked, which is in full confusion." In a word, the intoleral adult turned out to be completely unarmed and not reacting newborns.

    But maybe these theories put forward in most men (doctors and scientists), while the opposite opinion, which emanated from women, had little chance to be heard.

    Nowadays, there was a complete coup in views on the newborn: he hears, sees, has a sense of smell and tie! This is a new theory adopted by many. You can continue a long list of perceptions attributed to the child from birth.

    Discovery is not done in one day (except in exceptionally rare cases). In any field of discovery, the fruit of long-term surveys taken by numerous researchers simultaneously in many countries.

    In the last 20 or even 30 years, a research boom has been celebrated worldwide; Studies are aimed at finding out the possibilities of the newborn. So that you can imagine the scope of work, I will say: at the last World Congress dedicated to breasties, which was convened to summarize the results of modern knowledge about the child (before birth, during him and after birth), there were 1500 specialists from 20 nationalities from different countries; 500 posts were made.

    So, the newborn is more developed and susceptible than it was previously thought, and this in many areas starting with sensory perception.

    Vision. The child sees from birth, but his vision is 20 times worse than adults; It is still fuzzy, blurry. The child only sees the outlines of objects (moving and stationary), located at a distance of only 25-30 cm from his eye. But this is enough so that the newborn reacted into different lighting: if the light is too bright, it is inconvenient, blinking or closes his eyes.

    The kid distinguishes shiny and red items; He can monitor the movement of a shiny red ball. It was observed that from the first days of the newborn attract an oval form, a moving subject with red and shiny spots. It is not at all the rest, just such an oval corresponds to the human face. The child can follow the movements of such a "face", and if at the same time talking to him, he blinks.

    But although the child also draws attention to the shape of a human face, it does not mean that he learns someone from people surrounding him. It will take a long time for it.

    If we summarize the research data (when and how the child begins to distinguish between a mother or a person caring for him, as well as other people), then we can conclude that the child recognizes the mother by smell at the age of 10 days, in voting - after 5 weeks, eyes - at the age of 3-5 months (data varies depending on the methods of research). Of course, it is difficult to differentiate various sensations and perceptions (visual, hearing or olfactory); It came to the point that one of the researchers to identify a visual perception, put the mother behind the mirror without Amalgam.

    But back to our newborn. It was noted that it is more interested in complex drawings than simple. In the first days, if it is shown two sheets of paper - one gray, and the other is in a black and white cage, it will look at the second sheet. This was determined by watching the child through the hole on the screen - it can be seen that the checkered sheet is reflected in its cornea. So he looks at him.

    The vision of the newborn is not enough, because it was not possible to take advantage of it (however, some scientists believe that already in the womb, the child reacts to bright light; see chapter 5). But the vision of the child will quickly develop. The baby is trying to watch even at night; In the dark, it opens and closes his eyes, looks around (such observation was carried out with the help of infrared rays).

    Children differ significantly from each other in terms of visual activity; It seems that some children spend time looking at, and others - to sleep.

    The pace of development of the child in all areas is different throughout the entire period of childhood.

    A few words in conclusion. It often seems that the eyes of a newborn kost, as its eye muscles are not developed enough to coordinate the movements of the eyes (but in most cases it really seems).

    Hearing. In a child, it is developed more than vision, and this is normal, since heard a lot more during its intrauterine life (in any case, in the last 2 months). Consequently, there is nothing surprising that the baby does not shudder when the door chloins or strong noise is heard; Since his ear is already trained, it can distinguish close and distant noises. Even when the baby sleeps with compressed cams, and next to him whisper, it begins to swear and blink. If a quiet conversation continues, the child begins to mess and wake up.

    Of course, he recognizes human speech, as it has already heard her before birth; In this opinion, all researchers agree, but in the question of whom he hears better - father or mother, opinions are disagree. Most doctors believe that, while in the uterus, the child better hears the voice of the Father, since it easier to perceives low sounds, and at the light, the newborn becomes more sensitive to higher sounds, i.e. the voice of the mother.

    Finally, it was noted that when around the child is very noisy, it literally boils the ears and thus isolates itself from the environment. One researchers noted that the child, with whom the test difficult for him, began to scream, then suddenly fell silent and fell asleep; When the test was completed and the equipment is turned off, the newborn immediately woke up and began to scream again.

    Taste. Newborn 12 h from the family; If you drop on the lips of the sweet water, then it looks very satisfied, and if it is lemon juice, he will make a grimace. A child from birth distinguishes sweet, salty, sour, bitter. Sugar soothes him, bitterness and acid excite.

    For a long time, it is known that children appear very early feelings. Kormilitsa always knew that some products such as Tmin, dill, green anise, improve the taste of milk. A child with pleasure sucks such milk, and the secretion of milk is intensified. Other products are characteristic of the fact that they give the milk an unpleasant taste: this garlic, asparagus, onions, cabbage. A child who is fed by milk industrial production, gets fresh food without any "surprises."

    Smell. An example that has become classic: If the newborn gives to sniff two napkins, one of which was in contact with the maternal breast, and the other - no, then the child will turn to the first napkin. This experiment was done by the American explorer with a 10-day baby. But the record was broken by a group of researchers who conducted the same experiment with a 3-day newborn. And not surprising, because thanks to the sense of smell, the child learns about the proximity of the mother's breast.

    Touch. The newborn is very sensitive to how they appeal. Some gestures calm it, others - excite. Parents detect it very early. However, the sensitivity of the skin and the reaction to contact go into the depth of the intrauterine life of the child: in his mother's belly, he felt his fluid surrounding him, sanking the walls of the uterus, during the birth, he felt the strong periodic cuts in the uterus, thanks to which it was born.

    How did you manage to establish a newborn sensitivity level with such accuracy? Sometimes very simple ways, in other cases - with the help of complex devices.

    TO simple ways There is direct observation of the direct reaction of the child to the causative agent; He turns his head, reacts to a deaf, distant or light noise, and sometimes on the contrary, ceases to respond to all these sounds; He screams or stop screaming, blinks, moves his legs, strains the limbs shudders. Any barely caught gesture, every grimace or cry have meaning for it.

    Since it is immediately difficult to see everything and note, the researchers removed kilometers of films about babies in various situations - on the hands of the father, mother, pediatrician; in front of the items of all kinds of forms and colors; With different lighting, etc. Then these films are viewed in slow motion; Start the image is returned to the film back and write down all the reactions of the child, thanks to such films no detail eludes the eye of the observer.

    The recording of the child's heartbeat has also made many observations; Thanks to them, it was concluded that the newborn reacts more to a female voice than on male. In the first case, the heartbeat slowed down, in the second - remained unchanged.

    In order to figure out exactly what sounds the baby reacts, the following experiment is carried out: it gives a pacifier, in which a miniature radio is placed, registering the rhythm of sucking movements. Then the child is given to listen to various sounds; The rhythm of his sucking movements changes, which makes it possible to conclude a toddler sensitivity to various sounds.

    Miniaturization of electronic devices made it possible to conduct more complex studies. For example, with the help of a very small microphone introduced under the amniotic shell after it burst during labor fruit bubble, I managed to find out what sounds the child is surrounded before birth.

    So, the newborn, which previously considered deprived of any perception, "closed" towards the surrounding world, turned out to be ready for reaction to numerous irritants surrounding it, biologically programmed for many feelings.

    So what has ever changed in relation to the newborn, as a result of these studies? Essentially, the look of an adult to the child has changed, as well as the attitude towards him, which will certainly have a certain influence on the kid.

    From a long time, it was believed that the newborn feels nothing, does not see and do not hear, despite the fact that the child has all the senses. Currently, this hypothesis is refuted as a result of numerous scientific research, which proved.

    That's what abilities have a newborn:
    1. Selication. The smell of a newborn baby operates at the subconscious level and with the country of sharp odors, for example, the ammonia alcohol - it will immediately give an adequate reaction.

    2. Touch. The newborn child feels like they are treated, as parents talk to each other. If my mother strokes him head, he calms down and falls asleep. But if parents swear, he strains and refuses to sleep. Children whose parents often swear are more susceptible to diseases. Studies have shown that the newborn reacts more to Mom's voice than the voice of the father. In the first case, his heartbeat slowed down, and in the second - remained unchanged. By touching the kid can feel gentle touch of mom, warmth, cold and pain. Therefore, the newborn child is very important intensive body contact with his parents, do not be afraid to take it on hand. Stroking, wearing hands are especially important at first, as they contribute to the healthy development of the child. Studies have shown that children who parents were constantly taken to their hands, intellectually more developed and ahead of their peers in growth. It turned out that the gentle touch of parents contribute to the formation of hormones that affect growth and mental development Child.

    3. Vision. The kid sees from birth, just his vision is 20 times worse than adults. He sees only the outlines of items located at a distance from his eye by 25-30 cm. The child clearly reacts to too bright light, and it is inconvenience, blinking or closes his eyes. It also distinguishes shiny and red items, can follow the movement of red rattle. The research results showed that the kid more attract objects with an oval form, as they most correspond to the human face. However, the newborn still does not recognize people surrounding it. Also, scientists found out that the newborn is more interested in complex drawings than simple. To do this, the newborn child has shown two sheets of paper - one in a black and white cage, and the other is gray. The kid looked at a sheet with a black and white pattern.

    4. Rumor. The child has a rumor more than vision. Already in the womb, the baby hears and gets used to noise. That is why he does not shudder when a strong noise is heard or the door is chosen. He was already in the womb learned to distinguish from where there is noise. If the noise is close and quiet, then even when sleeps, it begins to grind and blink. If a quiet conversation continues, he wakes up. The newborn baby learns human speech, it is more sensitive to higher sounds, so the mother's voice hears better. Studies of scientists revealed an interesting feature when there is noisy around the child, the child isolates itself from the environment, as if "stuck her ears."

    5. Taste. The newborn baby distinguishes sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Sweet taste soothes him, and sour and bitter annoying. If you drop the newborn on the lips of sweet water, then the baby remains pleased and makes his lips sucking movements, and if you wet the lips lemon juice, then he makes a grimace. Nursing mom should take into account the taste preferences of the baby and try to improve the quality of milk. So if you add dill, green anise or cumin, then the child sucks such milk with pleasure.

    Despite the fact that she has breast milk There will be a taste of these substances, the newborn child will consume with an appetite what he is accustomed to in the mob of mom.

    Sometimes there is an urgent need to understand the emotional state of the child, to understand his feelings. But how to do it, if he is either silent, or is still in gentle age and is not able to describe what he worries him? You can apply elementary diagnostic techniquesWith which even a non-specialist will cope.

    How to find out what troubles worries without contacting the specialists

    All life is a game

    Yes, life is a game. Especially if you are not more than 6-7 years old. In the game of children before school age You can find everything. Offer the baby to play in the mother's daughter and you will see not only his fears and anxiety. The child will show you even your own style of upbringing. This will give an opportunity not only to laugh at yourself, but also to correct the problem points.

    Method of unfinished sentences

    Unfinished proposals - a great way to learn about the problems of the child. Especially good, he works with children of preschool, junior and middle school age. Play with him to the game where you need to finish different offers. Take some humorous phrases: "In our city, purple ..." and dilute their suggestions of the type "Vanya was very afraid ...", "Katya does not like most ...". You can use someone else's name or even the name of animals or fabulous heroes. So you will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most unpleasant things, disturbing your child. Learn about his preferences and interests. Maybe even coming to secret desires.

    "And let's come up with a fairy tale!"

    Excellent offer for preschool and junior schoolchildren. Come up with some uncomplicated plot with your favorite heroes and see what happens. If you are interested in a specific situation, duplicate it in a fairy tale and leave the end to the discretion of the child. So you will receive all the necessary information without specifying a single specific question.

    Drawing of a tree

    Very simple test. It is not so difficult to deal with his interpretation. Just ask the baby on a piece of paper to draw a tree. Instructions and recommendations how to draw not let it. See the result:

    • If you see a large splashing tree with a well-developed crown, this is a good signal.
    • Little branches and leaves - look at the child's communication: does his friends have enough?
    • Little drawing on a large sheet - uncertainty in their abilities.
    • Dumpy tree requires special attention. Wood is a sign of mental injury.

    In this case, it is not worth guessing further. Better rebuild and contact children's psychologist. The psychologist will understand whether there is a reason for anxiety or we are dealing with false alarm. But if the son or daughter really survived some nervous shock, the help of a psychologist will be very by the way.

    Drawing cactus

    The task is given by the same scheme as with a tree, just ask you to draw a cactus. What will this give us?

    Beautiful, with good barns, a rather large plant in a artistically performed pot, will show us that the child knows how to defend his borders. He is not afraid of conflicts and knows how to cope with any problem situations.

    Small cactus with tiny barns - it is necessary to work on self-confidence and to learn to various output strategies from quarrels and misunderstandings.

    Figure Mandala

    Pretty complex technique, but it is possible to use and simplified scheme. We take a plate, put on a sheet of paper and get around the perimeter. We give paint, markers or pencils with lots of colors and shades and please fill the circle from the center. Carefully observe, in which direction the child draws.

    • The direction clockwise signals a good psychological and physical well-being.
    • The opposite direction is something seriously worried.

    We pay attention to the colors used.

    • Many black - mood leaves much to be desired.
    • Brown - quite good color.
    • Light green testifies to overwork. Maybe the child needs high-quality vacation.
    • Lilac and purple prevails - it seems that you have a new Wolf Messing. These are colors of intuition and foresight.

    It is very important to seriously refer to the feelings and emotions of the child, as well as respect his opinion. Use your example for the correct expression of external feelings, structurally coping with negative and irritants.

    Try not to understand the emotional state of the child, but also to experience his feelings with him - divide the joy and happiness, mess around for him, showing that he should not cope with problems alone.
    A strong emotional bond between parents and children will lead to full and trustful communication in the future, minimizes, will bring confidence in the child, self-esteem and facilitates social communication in more mature age.

    Many mothers are confident that their recently born baby knows nothing except to sleep, eat and make her "little things" in a pantice. What does a newborn baby feel? It turns out that the development of sense organs in newborns makes their world much more interesting than we imagine it.

    What feels a newborn baby


    The vision of newborn children was formed not to the end, so they can clearly see objects only at a distance of 18-25 cm. And all that is not included in these limits in the eyes of the baby begins to break out.

    With bright light, they turn in the direction of the source and begin to burst into this. However, too much light acts irritably on the crumb, because of which it can praise.

    In addition, many moms can notice that their kid mows a little, but it is quite normal, since the newborn children move the movement of the eye muscles is not yet coordinated.

    Also, the world in the eyes of kids appears in wide-flat form with dark and light contrasts. But the shades they are still not distinguished yet, which is why they need to show bright and rich toys.

    Vision begins to radically change closer to 3-monthly age, and then the child begins to see the world in a three-dimensional image. He also begins to distinguish new colors such as green, red, blue. But after 3 months, the kid already sees other shades, and also begins to recognize the faces of people close to him.


    After the birth of rumor, newborn children are slightly reduced due to the fact that there is a liquid in the inner ear. However, after a few days later, the baby begins to clearly hear the voices and various sounds. He can react to sharp sounds to shuddering, faithful, a change in breathing and cry, and Mother's voice contributes to his soothing.


    The tastes of the baby begins to feel from birth, and in particular he likes sweet. Breast milk For him, this is the best delicacy that he eats with pleasure. But bitterness, salinity and acids are able to cause indignation from crumbs. And he may even give up his beloved milk if the mother herses garlic, onions and other spices.


    The kid has an innate sense of smell, thanks to which he easily finds her mother's mother's chest to drink a milk. It is the same on sharp smells the reaction is the same - it will be frowning, burst, can sneeze or even cry. Over time, the crumb will learn to bind various odors with specific actions.


    The very first sensation that appears in a newborn baby is a touch of mouth. That is why all toys children first prefer to taste, determining in this way their shape, the nature of the surface and hardness.

    The appearance of a new person's light is the biggest miracle. Parents are ready to infinity to consider each person's screpery of their baby, rejoice, if he smiled in response. But does this infant be consciously? How to find out what happens in a tiny head? When does a child begins to recognize mom? Many parents spend a parallel between this ability and vision. But it is not limited to to know the world.

    The newborn child will not immediately recognize his mother, but it is very quickly studying.

    It has been scientifically proven that, being still in the abdomen of Mom, children already have a fairly developed nervous system. They can hear, but the sounds will be somewhat muted. Mom's voice is a fruit during her pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with a little man even before his birth. Already at this stage there is an emotional connection.

    First, the baby begins to learn mom only by voice.

    How many months will he allocate native intonation from the world of other people's sounds? When does a child know mom in voice? Depends on individual Development. Most often - in three months. But there may be deviations from the norm.

    If the child reacts poorly to sounds, after three months old Does not turn the head when his name is Mom - you need to consult with your doctor. Perhaps the cause is a hearing impairment.

    How tasty and nice

    In the first minutes of life, when the baby touches his mother, new sensations are added. Its smell soft skin, Warm milk make it happy. A little man recognizes mom due to tactile and taste experience. Until one month, he can look for a chest, being in his hands at the grandmother. Then, when the newborn begins to recognize Mom, he already will not confuse her smell with anyone. Some pediatricians say that the smell of him develops very early. The baby begins to feel the closest person in the smell on the third day of life.

    You can use this feature in order to calm it. It will come up with a handkerchief moistened in mom's milk. It must be put on the pillow next to the newborn.

    Early developed sense of smell allows the baby to recognize his mother.

    The world is wonderful

    Most important moment Then comes when a small person is already watching her mother. No parents doubt that the baby began to recognize him. Although vision is formed during pregnancy, the newborn has limited capabilities that develop gradually.

    Showing the child items, it is necessary to keep them at a distance of 25 cm, not closer, right in face. Otherwise, the squint is beginning to develop.

    Many concerns the question: "How many months should go before the beginning of the visual recognition of mom?". To do this, you can compare some data. Age is given in months.

    • First second . The ability to focus on large close objects for a while. The world is seen in the black and white gamma.
    • The third . The look focuses on the neighbors, and on distant objects. The features of the face in humans are distinguished, bright colors (especially red and yellow). Binocular vision is finally formed - two eyes see at the same time.
    • Third fourth. Recognition of parents on persons.
    • Fourth fifth. Interest in moving subjects. Tracking them.
    • Fifth - Sixth. The ability to distinguish between the main colors and shapes, emotions and mood of others.
    • Seventh - ninth. Allocation of signs of objects in form, color, magnitude.
    • The eighth is the tenth. Learning people who are often in the house.

    After this age threshold, children clearly spend the border of "its own - someone else's". And a smile of unfamiliar uncle can answer loudly.


    Now it's very easy to understand when the baby can start knowing the mother. This, as a rule, occurs closer to the fourth month. And after a week three - four of her image becomes holistic. Smiling, the baby sends hello to the whole world, but the only thing his closest man. He does it consciously. Although many women are confident that the very first smile of the newborn has its addresse. Who knows…

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