• Should I use the entrance to the child? Master class on the manufacture of cam head for a mobile game "Horses What is a children's leash and what types there are



    Who knows a few hours walk with a child in the slope? And there is a device invented by tired craftsmen. You did not know? And I'm not, until I took the kuma sewing leash for driving a child. How makes it easier for this subject of the adult!

    Some, however, manage to drive a child, slipping a long towel under the breast and under the mouses. But it's not right! After all, then the child moves in the slope, hanging on this towel. He does not feel the right center of gravity.

    You can drive firmly clay toddler under the mouse in the chest. Not for handles, not under the handle, namely for the Taurus! Then you will feel any kid lunges. But the pose of an adult constantly reminds pain in the back, which you need to change something!

    Here insurance for 8-10. monthly child - just right. And the equilibrium will feel, and the legs will have to put properly (all the foot to the floor), and will not count on the hands of an adult. Leash will make a walk more pleasant and safer. He picks up the baby, if that lacaround will start falling.

    Consider how to make a children's leash-to-enthrall with your own hands for driving a child

    So, the material.
    It will suit any strong braid with treated edges, 4-6 cm wide. You can use a dark cowboat, parachute lines or braids for bags and backpacks.

    The length of the tape for sewing insurance is calculated by those who sew. This is the length of the long handle of the leash x 4 (their 2pcs) + girth of the baby's breast in clothing + stock to overlap the clashes. If, for example, the length of the handle is 0.75m, then the length in the finished form is 1.5m. 1,5m x 2 + 0.50m (chest girth) + 0.25m (on the smell) \u003d 3 + 0.50 + 0.25 \u003d 3.75m. You can safely buy a 4 meter.

    It is important to take into account the time of year when the baby starts walking. For the winter, sew wider taking into account the winter jackets or overalls. And they think over the mount for use in the house and on the street. You can insert a tight wide gum for a more flexible sewing option for a child.

    How to sew a leash for driving kid:
    1. Cut the braid on the part-part. These are 2 long handles, with a length of 1.5 m and one item, 1m length.

    2. Process the edges of these parts. You can cover, deceive with glue, and then manually spend. If there is a doubt such a way, then shelter the edges of the braid. Since the tape is rigid, then the beyalty is not subject to.
    3. Place on the details with a length of 1m chalk of the arrangement of the handles. Do not forget to find the center of the product.
    4. Snack and sew manually or machine line handle to the main part.
    5. Process the clasm.

    Breast clasp fastening options :
    . Velcro. It is possible, but it is not desirable, since it may not withstand the weight of the child and unbutton. If still decided to do, then the length of the overlap should be large, for a stronger gearing.
    . Buttons. Require establishment without your participation, and these are extra spending.
    . Soft ribbons. Can crush a child or unleached. But refer to a rapid solution to the issue of the clasm.
    . Buttons. They need a few pieces for different positions (for the street or for the house). Require the skills to handle loops. They can be made manually. The most reliable method of fastening.
    . Hooks. Also several pieces for different positions. This is a fast and pretty strong option to fasten the clashes.


    Log entrance for driving a child still used as insurance, because he is just starting to walk.

    Walking with the child is preferably in quiet, light and not tanned places, since they are very tired by the baby and he begins to cry and capricious.
    Make friends with peers, and you will walk together.

    Create for your children with love! Good luck!
    Elena Semidelukha

    P.S. Idea: Nіkіtіna O.І. For Skin Materia: Prshibnik.- K.: Abris, 1997. - 96 p.

    Modern manufacturers of children's devices offer the consumer a lot of colorful devices. They are intended for the proper physical development of children and meet all safety rules. Bright, attractive, with additional playing panels, children's simulators and adaptations are very popular in the domestic market. All of them have weighty and convincing advantages. But along with the pros, these items have a negative impact on the physical development of the child.

    Jumpers - the enemy of the children's spine

    Parents start using this children's sports simulator even until the baby starts to move independently. It is believed that jumpers bring a lot of pleasure to a child. But enjoyment they only deliver the mammy, which can take home affairs for a while.

    The child, being in jumpers and remaining without parental attention, quickly loses interest in jumping. In addition, the adaptation limits the freedom to move the child and can harm its natural development. Stripping from the floor with two legs, the kid gets used to these movements, and without walkers will try to resume the same movements. As a result, regular drops will affect independent walking.

    Do not forget about the fragile spine of the child. During jumps in jumpers, the main load falls on the back. Therefore, frequent jumps in the device will lead to the curvature of the spine.

    Extremely undesirable jumpers for children having skin damage in touch area with fittings. The jumpers squeeze the crotch of the baby quite strongly and can cause allergic reactions.

    Walkers: Hercuage and useless

    Many parents believe that walkers accelerate the development of the baby. And very mistakes. This device only affects the muscle group, which is responsible for the formation of gait. Of course, it is very convenient to put a child in the walkers and distracting the conversation with your favorite girlfriend, knowing that nothing happens to the baby. But walkers have many shortcomings.

    With this device, the child will not learn to walk on their own long, as the design itself will be able to convey it to any place of the room. In addition, he will not develop a vestibular apparatus. And due to the improper distribution of the load and circulatory disorders, not only the spine can be deformed, and the feet.

    Walkers reliably protect the baby from falling, and outside this device the child will not be able to avoid injuries. In favor of this, they interfere with the development of a protective reaction, because it hugging the barrier, the child will not see dangers.

    Little children will know the world around the touch and taste receptors. Being in the walkers, it becomes impossible to reach many items.

    Leash (entrance) for children: you exactly wanted a child, not a dog?

    This device is invented for restless and inquisitive children who are trying to show independence and escape from adults every time. Moreover, they help keep equilibrium and control the fall of the kid. This innocuous invention provokes a mass of indignations from the surrounding, as it causes the association of "walking of a dog."

    The harm of children's lead lies in the fact that they slow down the psychological development of the kid. Being constantly on a leash, a child cannot worry about his security. Consequently, he will not learn to independently make decisions, will not receive elementary development skills and will not develop a sense of responsibility for his life.

    Moreover, the leash makes it possible to understand the child who dominates many relations without the possibility of changing the situation. Thus, children do not assimilate many lessons, miss the opportunity to learn and do not understand when they need to cooperate or listen to adults.

    Backpack Kangaroo: Conveniently, but dangerous

    The new-fashioned Kangaroo backpack was already able to appreciate many parents, because he greatly facilitates the carrying of young children. It is adjustable under any adult, type of clothing (summer and winter) and can easily change the position of the child. Backpacks perfectly support the lower back, thereby preventing the appearance pain sensations. While in such a "bag", the child feels complete safety, and the hands of mom or dad at this time are completely free.

    Despite these advantages, the kangaroo backpack has some negative sides. Since the baby has long been in a hanging position for a long time, the whole load goes to the rapid spine and the crotch area. Subsequently, this leads to the deformation of the spinal column and damage to the skin on the inner surface of the legs. A big minus will have a chatting head, if it is not pressed to adult. A narrow seat can break the bloodstream in a small pelvis and the legs of the baby. These negative sides more refer to the design of the backpack. But do not forget that even in a properly chosen blowing bag Kangaroo, the baby must be no more than two hours.

    Pay attention to the harmless alternative to Kangarushka -.

    Manege: Psychologists warn

    A very useful and practical playpen for children causes an ambiguous reaction from psychologists. On the one hand, Manege's safety allows you to leave a child one for a while, and on the other hand, it limits the movement and freedom of a small little man. Limitations prevents normal physical Development And it deprives the opportunity to actively move.

    Ground, the child seeks to know the world around. The first of his independent movement is crawling. Unfortunately, the playpen misses this opportunity. He just allows the baby to get up on the legs (or sit down), hold on to the support and move along the edge.

    In Manege, the baby often feels helpless, as it does not have the opportunity to reach the point that it attracts. The obstacle becomes insurmountable, and the first insolvency experience can consolidate for a long time on the subconscious level. Moreover, being for a long time In a manneva, the child loses close contact with adults, which affects his psychological development.

    Many parents raised healthy and happy children without resorting to the use of these funds with dubious benefits. Try and you!

    The first timid children's steps are always joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful drops, manufacturers create all new accessories protecting from such failures.

    A special children's leash falls into their list. What it is and how to use them correctly, so as not to harm your crumb, discuss in this article.

    What is a children's leash and what types there are

    Children's entries are a pretty simple invention, the main function of which is the control of the baby, only the beginning to learn to walk. This is a soft, but durable tape, which gently worst a child, and for a free end, his mother or dad is taken.

    This design is especially convenient for the parents of twins or triples, as well as for those moms and dads who have problems with their backs and cannot lead children by hand, and also constantly lean to them.

    Also such peculiar walkers are convenient for training walking in public places.

    Exist different kinds Baby leashes. Which one to choose for your crumbs, parents decide depending on personal preferences, the age of the child and financial opportunities.

    Experts believe that the safest option is to entrust with a dense rigid handle, which is attached on the body with the help of special panties, and not armpits. It avoids excessive load on the spine.

    Also comfortable and leash, which is attached on the shoulders, chest and crumbs armpits. To prevent rubbing, it usually has a soft tissue lining on the chest.

    The main advantage is that the straps of such entry can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing and on winter and summer clothes.

    And the simplest model consists of only durable sling and fasteners, which can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best to use it only for more adult children who are already able to resist legs, but not too confidently stepping. After all, such entries are not able to support the child, they only slightly control its balance.

    There is one more original modelwhich consists of their backpack, to which the leash is mounted. it excellent option For independent babies who do not like to keep parents by hand.

    What age is calculated

    It is difficult to accurately answer the question, from what age you can use the discussed accessory. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child's development.

    A model that is attached as panties is allowed to use immediately as soon as the child starts trying to do the first steps on their own. In it, the crumb will hang like a swing. And moreover simple models Without durable fasteners, it is better to leave for older age.

    Overview of popular lead-walker

    When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all, attention should be paid to its comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to abandon models with velcro, since their crumb may unzip on their own. Also, the product should not rub or transmit child skin.

    Leash canpol babies.

    Convenient children's entrust with a bright spectacular design. Bard model with blue finish. With their manufacture, a durable strong fabric was used, which for a long time does not break down and won't wipe.

    With this design, parents will be able to help the baby independently make their first steps and at the same time do not fall and not damage.

    Their main feature is that such enthusiasm can easily transform security time for a carriage or chairs at lunch. Therefore, we can say that this is a two-in-one accessory.

    Link Chicco First Steps

    Chicco company produces a variety of comfortable accessories for children. There are in their assortment and entrance. Many of them have a non-standard design, so they will enjoy both parents and children. For example, on breasts, some models are located portrait of a bear panda.

    The design has very comfortable clasp. It allows mom to save his back from excessive loads at that time when Kroch makes his first steps.

    With her, the child does not have to constantly hold on hand. They are equally convenient to use both at home and on the street. Product parameters are easily adjustable, so they will suit the most different clothes.

    Best Baby.

    This entrance is a special soft, but strong belt from light fabric with non-sturgeon straps on shoulders. Behind them have an extra tape for which mom or dad will hold.

    Behind the product has a durable plastic fastening that the child cannot unbutton. It will be possible to wear it with comfort and on winter and summer clothes.

    Can I make with your own hands

    If there is time and desire, such entries for a child can be done with their own hands.

    You will need:

    • 4 semi-automatic plastic clasp;
    • 4 meters of special material - textile slings.

    First of all, the parameters of the child are measured - chest girth (main thing, leave the stock for the fastener), the distance from the middle to the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the growth of parents.

    At first, pieces of slings of the desired size are cut off, then the handle and straps are sewn to the accessory for fastening on the chest, and then plastic fasteners are attached to the ends of the material.

    Ready! In order to improve your product, you can sew a small pad in the chest area, as well as decorate the slings.

    The first steps of the child are the long-awaited joy for parents, however, such joy can be overshadowed by a large number of drops and related injuries. Provide full security for beginners to walk may entrust for children.

    This is a fairly simple device will be useful to control the child, which is still only learning to walk and is uncertain on legs. Link or leash for teaching a child walking in order to those parents who physically can not drive a baby for hands (for example, with back pains), which are often with the baby in places of cluster of people (train station, shopping centers), and for those who want Eliminate the period of rapid growth of the physical activity of the child. Convenient to enthusiasm and for those who have children's weather or twins.

    Manufacturers offer several models of children's leads for walking depending on the age and personal preferences of the parents.

    What should be remembered by choosing the burden for the baby?

    1. Safety. Choosing the entrance, check how durable slings and clamps. During walks, do not let the child play on their own leash or drive with the help of an entrance of other children. Do not choose the entrances that are fixed with the help of lipochki, their child will be able to dissemble independently.
    2. Comfort. When buying a lead, consider the degree of comfort to the device: Materials should not rub the skin to the skin or transfer it during displacement.

    Some parents who consider the entrance to a successful and useful device, from buying a leader stops the price. In this case, many moms are wondering how to make entry for a child on their own. We offer you a master class on tailoring the simplest model of children's leads. For this you do not need to be a professional seamstress, and you can even do without a sewing machine.

    Loading for children with their own hands

    For the manufacture of a leash, you will need 4 meters of textile sling and 4 fattens (semi-automatic plastic clasp). To correctly calculate the length of the sling, you should measure the child and add a few centimeters for clothes and smell.

    The entrance is a simple device, allowing parents to control the baby, which has just making their first steps. Durable and soft tapes clasp the child, and parents hold for a special handle. This is a very useful device for high mothers and dads who cannot bend and keep the child for the handle. In this article, we will tell how to make a faithful selection of the scent and how to construct them with your own hands, but also show with the help of video, how to wear a child.

    How to make the entrance to your own hands?

    How to choose to choose the entrance to the child

    To make the right choice of children's leash, when buying, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    1) Security. It is worth ensiting that the product tapes have increased strength. Parents should not let the belt when used to warn the accident. And the kids should not play with the windows and "drive" each other - when a child plays with other kids, the device must be removed.

    2) Comfort. The child must be comfortable. It is better to acquire a children's leash with carbines, and not velcro, so that the baby cannot dissemble himself. The product must be made of durable but not rubbering the baby's materials. It is necessary to select the entrances that are regulated in size.

    3) design. Manufacturers offer several options for children's leashes. The greatest convenience and safety is the device, fixing with armpits, on the chest and shoulders. The leash must be from the back of the baby.

    Some parents oppose the use of such devices by comparing them with leashes for dogs. But there are those who believe that sometimes the entrance can save a little life (for example, a child will not lose in a crowded place, it will not be able to steal it). Therefore, to use a children's leash or not - to solve parents. If the use of the scent is conveniently small and adults, then there is nothing wrong with that.

    Loading for a child with their own hands

    In the presence of free time, you can make such an adaptation personally. The design will require plastic fasteners (4 pieces) and textile strings (4 meters).

    Work on the manufacture of an accessory begins with measuring the girth of a nursery breast (leave the allowance for a fastener) and length from the middle of the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is determined taking into account the growth of an adult.

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