• The child is very hysterical. Children's tantrum: what does the child want to say? Who is prone to tantrums


    The child is hysterical: he stomps his feet, screams, cries and does not want to hear anything. Or monotonously whines, whines and moans. Every parent at least once faced such behavior of his child. But usually the problem is bigger than it seems, and affects 9 out of 10 families who have to raise a hysterical child. And the hysterics themselves are not a one-time phenomenon, as they occur systematically. Moms and dads are at a loss, they are angry, worried, do not know how to stop it all. What should adults do if a child is hysterical?

    What is a childish tantrum?

    Tantrum is a special emotional state of extreme excitement.The child screams, sobs, falls to the floor, can bang against walls or scratch his face. He is completely insensitive to the words and actions of others and practically does not feel pain. It is extremely difficult to stop this. This behavior scares and puzzles parents, especially if, in their opinion, the baby did not have any special reasons for this behavior. What did the adults do wrong?

    Hysteria, as a rule, although it develops rapidly, but like any process in our body, it proceeds in several stages. Even if it seems that everything started suddenly, believe me, there were symptoms of the beginning “concert”, and you need to learn to recognize them. Often the baby begins to sniff, whimper, and becomes silent. This is the calm before the storm. If you react in time, tantrums can be avoided. Sometimes for this it is enough to tenderly hug a kid who is offended by the whole world, ask what upset him so. If it's a broken toy, offer to fix it together.

    For the prevention of hysteria, some children just need to switch to another occupation.Can't build a constructor? Don't cry, we will now draw, and then we will definitely assemble a house or a steam locomotive from stubborn parts. If the precursors could not be discerned or the adults did not attach due importance to them, the hysteria itself begins.

    The symptoms noticed in time will help to cope with the upcoming hysteria.

    • The first stage is vocal. The child, trying to draw attention to himself, begins to whimper or immediately scream.
    • The second stage is motor.It is characterized by the agitated active movements of the baby. He can start throwing toys, stomping, rolling on the floor. This is the most dangerous stage - the child can be injured.
    • The third stage is residual.This is a kind of way out of the "peak" - a physically and mentally tired child bursts into tears, looks around those present with an unhappy look and sobs convulsively. The stage can last up to several hours.

    Why does the child do this?

    I must say that children are not always hysterical "out of harm." And advice like "Less attention - he will calm down faster" or "Good belt for him!" not only useless, but also harmful.

    Tantrums in children are of two types - voluntary and involuntary. In the first case, the baby really shows character, wants to get something and simply does not see another way. He screams, knocks his feet and hands, shakes his head, while being perfectly aware of what exactly he is doing. If a once a child has achieved his way through such a hysteria, he will take it into service, and will manipulate his parents more and more often. What to do in this situation? Give the little one the right to choose. Calmly explain that you do not like his behavior, warn about possible punishment (for example, depriving him of the opportunity to watch cartoons or go to the park), and then, if the kid has not calmed down, carry out the punishment. Thus, the child has a choice - to shout further and lose something pleasant or pull himself together and resolve the conflict peacefully.

    Physically, in this situation, you cannot punish!This will make the baby even more aggressive. Having become convinced of the ineffectiveness of hysteria as a tool for personal gain, the child will gradually stop being capricious.

    It is easier to stop an arbitrary tantrum than the one that depends on the release of the hormone, because in the first case, the child is able to control his emotions

    Involuntary tantrums are a hormonal process. The kid is not able to control his behavior and his body due to the sharp release of stress hormones. It is useless to persuade in this situation, since the child simply does not hear you. What to do? Again, calm down. And only then get down to business.

    In a state of uncontrollable hysteria tactile contact is important for the child. Try to take him in your arms, hug, pat on the head. Talk to him in a low, soothing voice, describe something unrelated to what is happening: “The birds sat on the window”, “Look what the sun is today, maybe we’ll take a walk?”. It is not so important what exactly you say. The main thing is tactile contact. When the child calms down, you should definitely try to find out what happened. Use leading questions for this: "Did something upset you?", "Are you scared?" etc.

    In the case of involuntary tantrums, it is important to have patience and the ability to emotionally calm the baby, with this behavior, the child will quickly begin to cope with attacks

    Who is subject to tantrums?

    The tendency to hysterics is a congenital feature. It all depends on the type of organization of the baby's nervous system:

    • Weak type. These are shy, insecure children. They are subject to frequent mood swings. They have an unstable appetite and poor sleep. They are excitable and often raise their voices. They are very prone to hysterics, being in which they behave unpredictably. They calm down relatively quickly.
    • Strong type. Guys with this type of nervous system are more likely to be in a complacent mood, easily get carried away, and often do not finish what they started. In a severe stressful situation, they may throw a tantrum, but this is unlikely. And it will be quite simple to "extinguish" such a tantrum.
    • Unbalanced type.They are anxious children. They are often tormented by fears and doubts. They sleep "superficial" sleep, they can wake up several times during the night. They can be noisy in society, as they like to be in the spotlight, but they are sensitive to any criticism. Tantrums in these guys can start suddenly and is accompanied by manifestations of aggression. It is difficult to calm them down.
    • Slow type.They are very calm, reasonable children. They love to do something alone. It's hard to stir them up. Due to the slowed down processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, hysterics are practically not satisfied. They could, but until it reaches their brain, the need for screaming is no longer necessary.

    Thus, the parents of children with weak and unbalanced types of nervous system most often complain about children's tantrums.

    Night tantrums

    Night tantrums stand apart. They are always involuntary and can be caused by a number of reasons: fears, nightmares, daytime overexcitation and an abundance of impressions. The kid just wakes up and immediately starts screaming. It is difficult to calm him down, he arches his back, knocks with his feet and hands, tries to escape.

    If the baby is left unattended, he may be crippled. Here it is important to provide tactile contact, eliminate the cause of fears - turn on the night light, remove a frightening object from the room.

    I once faced night tantrums with my two-year-old son. Nothing helped. Then there was non-standard solutionwhich I now recommend to many moms. We discussed with the baby “scary shadows and ghosts” that prevent him from sleeping, and then went and bought a small bright yellow plush very funny cat in the store. We gave him a name - Brave.

    According to the legend I have told, a brave sunny cat at night protects boys and girls from shadows and other villains. The son began to fall asleep more calmly, because he trusted me and the Brave. After a couple of weeks, he stopped waking up at night altogether. But the Brave Man (already pretty shabby) and now, a year and a half later, without fail takes him to bed. Make such a friend for your baby. Let it be a kind, very bright character with big eyes or a wide smile. Write a fairy tale about him. Your child will believe in it too.

    Age tantrums

    Age-related tantrums are a consequence of the "tuning" of the children's nervous system. At different stages of his life, the baby, as he learns new things, must adapt to this new one. It is not always painless and not for everyone.

    • Up to 1 year old babies are rarely hysterical.Their hysteria always has its own reason: wet pants, fatigue between periods of sleep, hunger, boredom, etc. At this age, increased intracranial pressure can also serve as a reason for frequent and demanding crying. A consultation with a neurologist will help to confirm or exclude such a problem. Mental abnormalities at this age are almost impossible to diagnose.
    • If the child is already 1.5 years old, his hysterics are not yet a method of manipulation, but only a consequence of the overstrain of an unsettled psyche. Calming your baby is pretty easy. It is enough to take him in your arms and switch his attention.

    • At 2 years old, children's hysteria caused, as a rule, by the desire of the child to receive more attention from adults. He already knows how to differentiate himself as a separate person. And often, with the help of hysteria, he tries to explain that he does not like something. Two-year-old children can be capricious from an excess of impressions, from fatigue, due to illness. At this age, the birth of another child in the family can become a reason for systematic tantrums. And very often tantrums happen because of the need to go to kindergarten... How to calm your baby? The method depends on the cause of the tantrum. If tired - provide him with rest. If he is “jealous” of a brother or sister, pay more attention.
    • At 3 years old the so-called "crisis of three years" begins. "I myself!" - this is what parents of three-year-olds hear most often. The kid persistently demands respect for his beliefs, protests violently, hysterics with or without reason. Three-year-olds are incredibly stubborn. They still don't know how to compromise. It is difficult to calm them down. In some cases, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist. Guys are big individuals, and an individual approach to their tantrums is required.
    • Usually by the age of 4, children's tantrums come to naught, but if at the age of 4-5 years they still happen, this may indicate, alas, gaps in education. If a child does not know the word "no" or does not feel the boundaries of what is permitted, you cannot blame him for this. This is the work of adults. Tantrums are already completely controlled, the baby is mastering ways of manipulation: if mom prohibits something, then you can ask dad, if he does not give what you want, grandmother and grandfather certainly will not resist loud hysteria. If the baby has no neurological or mental diseases by the age of 4-5, then Dr. Komarovsky advises, if possible, to leave the hysterical child alone. There are no spectators in isolation, which means that it is not interesting to arrange a performance.

    • At 6 years old the time is coming for increased requirements and rather severe restrictions. The child has responsibilities. He understands the need to behave decently. It is paradoxical, but true - at this age, tantrums again become involuntary. This is due to the fact that during the day the baby is forced to behave well in kindergarten. But in the evening he gets tired. And after kindergarten he throws tantrums. This is a protest and inability to "release" nervous tension. You can help him by organizing interesting evening entertainment.
    • Seven Years Crisis - this is the second significant age crisis in a person's life. At the age of 7, the child moves from early age to school age. He painfully perceives abrupt changes in life (the need to study, follow the daily routine). Tantrums at this age are spontaneous. You need to fight them together with adults, mastering such a concept as "cooperation".

    Sometimes children's tantrums are singled out into a certain separate group and qualify them as a sophisticated way of children's manipulations, which must be dealt with (sometimes by rather cruel methods). However, I must say that everyone has hysterics. Regardless of age. Small children cope worse with their emotional reactions, so it is easier to blame them for incontinence and a desire to manipulate, forgetting that in a state of hysteria, a person cannot control himself, he is really bad, he is not able to change reality in the usual way and copes with the awareness of what is happening.

    When a child is hysterical, first of all he needs help. Emotions cannot be contained. They are reflexive. Therefore, if you do not just want to crush the child by instilling in him the fear of expressing your emotions, you should stop taking tantrums as a way of manipulation and treat them humanly. Those. with an understanding of what is happening and a desire to help. Below are the specific steps that parents should take in case of child tantrum:

    1. First, show empathy (empathy). In Russian it is called to be sorry. It's okay to feel sorry for someone who is feeling bad.

    2. Tell your child about it. It is very important to hear that they feel sorry for you. We need to inform the person that we see, we understand that he is feeling bad, they noticed that he is terribly upset. It is desirable to calmly, even better embracing, so that the child hears, sees and feels that you sincerely empathize with him.

    3. Next, offer help. First of all, ask what the person needs to cope with this difficult condition. You can offer to drink, or say: "breathe, dear, breathe my good. Let's breathe in and out three times" ( breathing techniques some of the most effective ways emotional regulation). Don't get tired of helping. The child should see that you are not leaving him alone with his hard feelings and want to help him.

    4. If the child pushes you away, walk away rather than resentfully walking away. Move as far as the child needs in order not to feel your intrusion and at the same time not to be abandoned by the mother. It is important to understand that in a state of hysteria, a child in despair shouts at the same time: "Go away!" and "don't leave me ...". Therefore, those parents who, in response to the hysterical cry "go away!" really get up and defiantly leave the room - they show an inability to contain children's experiences: thus they cannot teach him how to handle their emotional reactions, because they themselves act at this moment from a very childish position.

    You should also not tell the child: "since you ask me to leave, I will go to another room, when you calm down, then you will come." Don't throw your child hysterically. He needs you. You need to move away to the distance where the child will allow you to stay with him. If he pushes you away, sit down on your outstretched arm. If he shouts, "get out of my room!" - do as he asks, but stay in his field of vision. If he slams the door in front of you, then you don't need to rush back. You have to wait. Until the peak of the emotional reaction passes.

    Do not panic. Just step back - let the child be with himself. Let the person have the opportunity to test their own mechanisms of transition to another state. The picture below shows the emotional background in a state of hysteria. Hysteria is characterized by peak experiences (at these moments it is useless to talk and explain - the child is not able to hear, you just have to wait it out), which are replaced by recessions - because exhaustion sets in. The child needs to at least take a breath, catch his breath - in order to go "to a new circle" - and in this state you need to "catch" the child - in a state of emotional decline, he is able to hear, capable of some constructive dialogue. Parents need to watch carefully, being as close as possible - and when the hysteria has subsided - at this moment you can begin to regret and try to explain something.

    5. And you need to explain the following. Clarify your position. That in general, parents are also real people, that you do not know how, are not ready to communicate now in this way (and you have the right to do so). It may sound something like this: "you know, I am very sorry for you, I am worried about you, I want to help you, I will be happy to help you as much as I can, but I will not talk in this form, because I do not know how (it is unpleasant for me, we will not achieve anything, I'm nervous, I can't talk like that, etc.) "

    It is important to understand that in a state of emotional peak in hysterics, conversation is essentially impossible now. You shouldn't be angry at this: there is simply nothing to be angry about. Hysteria in the vast majority of cases has nothing to do with the original subject of the dispute.

    And even children understand this. If they then explain and learn to cope with their feelings. It is important to separate - and for ourselves too - the state of hysteria and the subject of conversation. And here your position should be firm. Don't get affected yourself.

    6. If you feel that you also cannot cope with your emotions in response and feel anger, resentment, rage, helplessness, offer help to yourself as well. Drink water, breathe deeply. Don't fall into childish stance and primitive acting out. Try to remain an adult and reliable parent for your child at such a difficult time.

    Constructive conversation about the subject of hysteria is possible only after some time after the person calms down. A child cannot hear anyone or anything outside - while inside he is filled with rage, grief and a sense of injustice.

    Until a certain age, children do not have brain regions in the frontal lobes that are responsible for self-control and choice of behavior strategy. The child lacks his own experience to change his emotional state - and this indicates his vulnerability and that he needs the help of his parents. Reacting to external stimuli, the child forms many new neural connections that have not yet been consolidated. Which behavioral strategies will be positively reinforced and how the child learns to cope with their affects is up to you.

    Good luck and patience, dear parents on our not always easy path!

    The age of three is a special period in the life of a child and parents. It is at this time that many adults are especially often faced with hysterical seizures.

    The child screams, falls to the ground, bangs its head against a wall or floor, refuses to fulfill the request of mom or dad. Parents, of course, are lost and do not always understand how to deal with children's tantrums. In some children, sudden attacks of bad mood quickly pass, while others can hysteria for years.

    What to do? Psychologist's advice will help you to correctly respond to whims and find an approach to a crying child.

    Experts advise to distinguish between hysterical attacks and moods. The child most often resorts to the latter on purpose, wanting to get the right object, the attention of an adult, or something forbidden or inaccessible.

    1. You cannot panic, demonstrate that such an ugly behavior offends you in some way. Often the mother's tantrum joins the child's tantrum, which only intensifies the emotional outburst and inflames passions.
    2. Be sure to try to figure out what exactly served as the "provocateur" of the hysterical attack. Sometimes it is enough to save the child from the tedious trips to the guests, less to include various computer toys or cartoons. If the reason is unwell, you need to see a doctor.
    3. It's best to simply ignore the emotional outburst. Of course, a child should not be left alone or in a public place at the age of three, but be in the child's field of vision, while remaining indifferent. Usually, the attack quickly comes to an end if there are no grateful spectators.
    4. Do not give in to the child if hysterical fits are necessary to get anything. Babies quickly understand how to benefit from the situation, so they begin to manipulate tears and screams, especially if the mother is embarrassed by such attacks.
    5. In the initial stage, when the child can still hear you, you can try to talk, explain, distract with any action or bright object. Sometimes such distracting maneuvers work.
    6. If the child is sensitive to tactile contact, during an attack, you can hug him, hug him, whisper gentle words in a quiet voice. This will help prevent self-injury, as some children tend to self-harm.

    Punishing during hysterical seizures will not improve the situation. All educational conversations and disciplinary methods should be started only after everything is settled.

    What to do after a tantrum?

    Many parents have no idea what to do with a child after a past hysterical attack. If emotional outbursts happen all the time, they happen both at home and in kindergarten, then you will have to teach your child the correct ways to express their mood.

    Immediately after the tantrum, you need to explain to the child how upset you were by his behavior. It is the behavior, not the baby itself. Demonstrate that you still adore him, but you want to be proud of him every minute, and not just when he behaves well.

    The child needs to real example explain exactly how to show different emotional manifestations - anger, anger, irritation, happiness or ecstasy. The kid must understand that it is possible to achieve the desired thing not only by roaring and jerking legs.

    Perhaps, such a "science" will take a week or two or three months. The length of the training will depend on the child's temperament. Little choleric people are more prone to hysterical attacks due to the mobile nervous system than sanguine people and phlegmatic children. Melancholic people can also go into hysteria, but it will pass without excessively violent displays of emotion.

    When should you contact a specialist?

    Most often, parents independently cope with attacks of hysteria in a 3-year-old child. However, in some situations, the support of a psychologist or even a doctor cannot be dispensed with.

    • during seizures, the child loses consciousness or stops breathing;
    • after hysterics, the baby begins to have shortness of breath, vomiting, he becomes lethargic, he tends to sleep;
    • attacks become more frequent and worse;
    • the child injures himself or his relatives (kindergarten teachers);
    • tantrums are combined with other psychological disorders (phobias, mood swings, nighttime fears);
    • the child goes on hysteria at four or five years old.

    If there are no such symptoms, but children's actions continue to bother you, the best way out is to consult and advise a psychologist.

    That is why you should contact a psychological center to discuss a possible way out of the situation.

    Preventive measures

    Hysterical attacks are common in children as young as three years old. And they are easier to prevent than to fight with them later. The main tips relate to streamlining the daily routine, bringing the requirements of parents and grandmother to the child to uniformity and work on themselves.

    When a child reaches the age of 3 years, many parents are faced with a problem that they did not know about before - frequent. Ignorance and misunderstanding of the reasons for the hysterical behavior of children, as well as the dead end of how to behave in such moments and stop the frightening behavior of the baby - becomes the cause of panic for many moms and dads. The advice of a psychologist will help you figure out what is the reason for this behavior in children of 3 years old, how to deal with tantrums and prevent them in the future.

    In raising such a child, parents need to be patient, constantly praise him, hug and caress him, communicate on an equal footing, listen to and involve him in household chores.


    The processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain of such children are balanced. A child with a strong type of nervous system is almost always cheerful and cheerful, easily communicates with others, and for the appearance of hysterical behavior he needs a weighty reason.

    Conflict situations with parents and peers for such children are extremely rare, they sleep well and eat well, willingly study in various circles, but often change their hobbies, because having figured out something, they immediately lose interest in their old hobby. Negative moments in the character of such children are inconsistency, frequent violations of their promises, difficulties in following the daily routine.


    The processes of excitation of the nervous system of such a child in the brain prevail over the processes of inhibition, therefore he is quick-tempered, easily excitable and emotionally unstable. The child can be put into a state of excitement new toy or a bright event. Therefore, such children sleep poorly and poorly, often wake up and cry at night.

    In the circle of peers, an unbalanced child tries to seize leadership, to be in the center of attention and events. Such kids do not know how to finish what they started. Being engaged in any business, they cannot stand even the slightest criticism, they can flare up, drop everything and leave, while being angry and showing aggression. Parents of such children can be advised to be more flexible and patient, to teach the kid to follow through, to be restrained and obligatory.


    This type of nervous system is characterized by delayed excitation and the predominance of the inhibition process. Children with a slow type of nervous system from birth eat well and sleep well, they are calm, can be alone for a long time and not suffer from this, finding entertainment for themselves.

    Parents of such children are often surprised at their restraint, prudence and predictability. The child is slow, brings any business started to completion and does not like a sharp change in scenery. He is reserved in emotions, so it is often difficult for parents to understand his mood. Council - to encourage the child to take active actions that develop motor and speech activity.

    Children with weak and unbalanced types of the nervous system are most prone to tantrums at the age of 3 years. To exclude pathologies and congenital diseases of the nervous system, parents are advised to show their baby to a pediatric neurologist.

    The reasons

    The older the child becomes, the more needs and desires appear, which are not always supported by parents. It is at the age of 3 that the child begins to violently show emotions and respond to prohibitions with tantrums.

    You need to know about the main factors causing violent, hysterical protest in children:

    Even if parents establish the true cause of frequent tantrums in their child at the age of 3 years, they should understand that the emotional sphere of the baby is not sufficiently developed to stop in time and suppress the storm of unrest. The child cannot control his emotions, he is not capricious on purpose, but any misunderstanding or provoking factor can cause whims that develop into hysterical fits.

    The main difference between hysterics and whims in a child is that the baby begins to act up consciously. With the help of whims, a small manipulator tries to achieve his goal, he can stomp his feet, shout and throw objects, but he controls himself, continuing the manipulation until he gets what he wants or is punished.

    Hysteria occurs involuntarily in a child, emotions cause a whole storm of indignation, in a seizure state, the child bangs his head against the walls and floor, screams, sobs, many children are prone to the appearance of convulsive syndrome during hysteria. Such convulsions have acquired their name "hysterical bridge" because of the child's posture - during hysterics, he bends in an arc.

    Stages of hysterics

    Children's hysterical seizures are characterized by the following stages:

    1. Screams. This is the initial stage of hysterics, the child stops hearing anyone, he screams loudly, frightening the parents, and does not put forward any demands.
    2. Motor excitement. It manifests itself by falling to the floor, banging your head on objects, pulling out hair, etc. The kid does not feel painful sensations at the moment of this stage of hysteria.
    3. Sobbing - the child cries loudly, sobbing and without stopping for a long time. His whole appearance expresses resentment and discontent. Since it is difficult for a child to cope with emotions, after the sobbing stage, he will sob for a long time, and the emotional state can be described as emptiness. After a tantrum, the baby may fall asleep in the daytime, the night sleep will be shallow and intermittent.

    You can fight hysteria at the initial stage - the stage of screaming. If the child has passed the 2nd or 3rd stage, conversations and attempts to calm down usually do not bring results.

    How to stop an attack

    Many inexperienced parents who are faced with a similar situation for the first time are interested in how to quickly end a hysteria in a child at the age of 3 years. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that the tactics of behavior during a seizure should be as follows:

    Do not slap on the bottom, yell at the child and scold him for bad behavior during a tantrum. He still won't understand anything, it will only intensify the explosion of emotions. Talking tactics will only work after the seizure is over. If a child is hysterical during the period of admission to kindergarten, and does not want to part with his mother, you do not need to hold him in your arms for a long time and say goodbye, it is recommended to leave the child with the teacher and leave faster. So the time of childish tantrum will be shortened.

    Tantrums at night

    Many parents notice that the baby began to arrange night tantrums at the age of 3 years, which had not been observed before. The baby wakes up at night, screams, refuses to drink or go to the potty, and often the mother cannot even understand whether the child is sleeping while screaming or is awake.

    There may be several reasons:

    To establish a night's sleep and prevent tantrums, you need to deal with the reasons that provoke them. It will not be superfluous to show the baby to a child psychologist.


    Now it remains to figure out how to deal with tantrums in a 3-year-old child in order to reduce their frequency and level of emotions during attacks. The following measures are recommended:

    Immediately after the end of the hysterical attack, you need to hug the child and try to explain to him that the mother is upset by this behavior (but not by the child himself!). The kid should understand that parents want to be proud of their child, and it is impossible to be proud of such ugly behavior. It is important that the child understands that his mother loves him anyway, despite his bad behavior and strives to reduce whims to a minimum.

    It is impossible to completely prevent the development of tantrums in a baby at the age of 3 years; every child must go through this stage of emotional maturation. But you can reduce the frequency of attacks by giving him due attention, reckoning with his opinion and teaching him patience and self-control.

    Much depends on the behavior of the parents - they should be attentive to the child, and at the slightest deviation from the norm (severe attacks, cessation of breathing during hysteria, convulsive syndrome), contact a child neurologist and psychologist.

    There is not a single child on earth who has never thrown tantrums, and if one of your friends claims that his baby is so unique, then do not believe it - perhaps they are cunning! However, we will talk about how to properly respond to a sudden childish tantrum in order to as soon as possible reduce it to zero and quickly bring the child to its previous adequate state.

    First of all, mom and dad need to understand that there is nothing wrong with hysteria itself, it is important to just think about how to correctly build your own line of upbringing and behavior in order to reduce the appearance of hysterics and their very duration to a minimum.

    A child, like an adult, has the right to desire this very moment to purchase a toy, treats he likes or watch an additional cartoon. And if an adult does not cost anything to satisfy his own desire, then the baby, apart from tears and demands, cannot influence the course of events. Often fumbling on the floor, howling in public places is done precisely because the child wants to attract the maximum attention of the parents, because if the child behaves in this way at home, then it will be much easier for adults to respond.

    In order to understand how to stop a particular tantrum, you must first find out what is the reason behind it. Follow these simple guidelines to understand and quickly address the causes of negative childhood behaviors:

    1) Learn to anticipate.

    Most tantrums can be predicted in advance, if you see that the baby is currently overworked from going to visit, upset about something, hungry or just in a disgusting mood, then try to be more loyal to him. Do not provoke the child, if he is upset or annoyed, then any mother's sharp remark will be an excellent "impetus" to start crying and screaming. You see that the crumb starts to whimper, and it is far away from home and you need to warm up your lunch, go better to the nearest supermarket and buy a small bun and juice for the baby. Such a light snack will not kill your appetite, but will satisfy your hunger, and you can safely get home.

    If the baby starts rubbing her eyes, whimpers and is listlessly interested in what is happening around, these are the first signs of an approaching storm, think what is wrong. There are not so many options - tired or hungry, sick or wants to sleep, any mother can quickly understand the reason and prevent unnecessary tears.

    2) Switching children's attention!

    At the moment of hysterics, you do not need to repeat like a mantra the words that the baby should stop roaring, your hiss in the ear with threats of punishment will also not give the child the mood. First of all, mom or dad needs to pull themselves together, in fact, many adults at such moments cannot cope not only with the child, but also with their own state. Therefore, realize that in this situation you are a wise adult with a certain life experience, and your son or daughter is still a baby, and any shouts, slaps and threats towards him are, first of all, your inability to control yourself in a difficult situation.

    Instead of shouting, do something unexpected for the child, for example, exclaim that a super beautiful car with huge wheels is passing very close by. You can sprinkle something on the floor, and exclaiming about your own clumsiness, ask the child to help put everything back together. And how do you have an option - to lie down next to the baby right on the ground and offer to look at the clouds instead of yelling at the whole street?

    At the moment when a hysteria occurs, you should not care about the opinion of others, stop any advice from outside people, do not be embarrassed by the extraordinary method of switching children's attention, the main thing is your relationship with the child, and not what others will say now! In order not to disturb others and not to attract attention from the outside, the best option would be to pick up the baby from the ground and take it to a secluded place.

    3) Parental solidarity.

    There can be arguments between mom and dad about the child, and of course, men and women may have different points of view on how to react to a child's tantrum. However, all disputes and disagreements should be resolved between spouses, as well as grandmothers and other relatives, not in the presence of the child.

    All adults who are involved in raising a child should act as a united front and behave the same way during a child's tantrum. It should not be such that the mother forbids the child to eat sweets because of allergies, and the compassionate grandmother allows it. Show solidarity to each other and learn to negotiate, then it will be much easier for the baby to live in your family.

    4) Be consistent and don't follow the lead.

    If you see that the child begins to manipulate you in a given situation with tears, review the rules of conduct in your family. Be clear about what you allow your child to do and what not. It is not necessary to buy a child every time a toy or a treat just because he has a bad day, otherwise he will soon have a "bad" every day.

    If it is strictly forbidden to turn on the TV after 9 pm or it is unacceptable to eat sweets between main meals, then this should always be observed. In the case when you sometimes give "slack", then do not be surprised that the baby also wants to deviate from the rules and demand what he wants when he wants.

    5) Learn to communicate with your child.

    A kid is as individual as an adult, he may want something and does not have to be perfect. Learn to communicate with the child, sometimes a simple explanation that you cannot buy this toy for him because it is expensive and it is permissible to ask for it for the holiday will be enough for the child to calm down.

    Calm speech, balanced state of mom and dad at the time of childish tantrum are able to return the child to a normal state in a matter of minutes. Then, throughout the day, you do not need to remind the child about his behavior, having said this incident once, forget this episode, it is better to focus the attention of the crumbs on good events!

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